Macedonia & Greece: Name Issue

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  • Rogi
    Senior Member
    • Sep 2008
    • 2343

    Actually, I agree with Giorikas, that thing with the passports is stupid, and is something forced onto the Macedonians by the International Community who supported the Albanian terrorists.


    • makedonin
      Senior Member
      • Sep 2008
      • 1668

      It might be enforced by the international community, but it is more likely that it's pattern was taken over by the Yugoslav passport.

      As already said,it was Yugoslav concept. On the passport, all were with Yugoslav citizenship with paragraph on the nationality.

      That's how it was, I have my Yugoslav passport somewhere around here, and everyone who had it, can confirm this.
      To enquire after the impression behind an idea is the way to remove disputes concerning nature and reality.


      • Risto the Great
        Senior Member
        • Sep 2008
        • 15660

        Originally Posted by Risto the Great View Post
        No worries Giorikas.
        Read the following link: Gday lads, I think a few of you may be interested in this....the person who conducted this study is from Lerin and you might be surprised on what he has to say....

        Your people spoke Turkish when they arrived in Macedonia 80 years ago. They went to the Patriarchal church though if that helps you get through the night.

        Funny. Now not excluding the possibility that some refugees indeed did not speak Greek, surely you understand that they were the exception. We went through that. As you cunningly discovered no doubt through your greatness, Greeks ( who were themselves Albanian & Vlach speaking as you tought me) were in the process of sucessfully and at record speed learning Greek themselves, to then reeducate & indoctrinate Slav speaking Macedonians plus the Turkish speaking Greek refugees. Ha ha. Another classic Risto theory

        What have I concretely achieved? I guarantee that I have brought cockroaches like you out of the woodwork who genuinely believes that his points are reasonable. We have hundreds of thousands of people who read this forum and realise that the little game you are playing is filled with deceit and hidden agendas. Reasonable people will understand that Macedonians are not the problem. It is the people who call themselves Greek nowadays who are.
        You're being very rude calling me a cockroach Hopefully when I reach your age I will be serving the cause too calling my oponents cockraches and so on haha. I think banning Greeks for quoting Wikipedia for example is a more accurate description. Or banning Greeks for breaking rules that do not exist is also accurate. Or how about a dual role, Risto who discusses and Risto who moderates, and when Risto who discusses tells Risto who moderates that an unwritten forum rule is broken, Risto the moderates acts. On a more serious note. What have you actually concretely achieved? Did you manage to break off the name negotiations or something like that ?

        Again, you are not from (occupied) Macedonia, you were not educated there. I urge you to read the link above to discuss the purity of Greekness you crave for the region. I simply kept seeing Macedonian, Turks, Vlachs and Albanians. I know where we Macedonians were an overwhelming majority. I am sure they are Greeks now if that helps you sleep better.
        Neither are you. You are an Australian. I always love those guys, born and raised far away having visited a few times saying ' I am Egean Macedonian'.

        What have you achieved for Greece lately?
        Oh. Nothing. But then again, my goals are fairly modest. I'll stick around here for a while trying to understand what makes you guys tick. Nothing more. I am not 24/24 on this or any other forum.

        Good on you, you felt the need to use that rather unnatural descriptor "(Greek)" next to what everyone else understands by Macedonian. You have solved the name dispute my friend. Please tell mother Ellada.
        Hurrah. Open the champaign.
        Thank you so much for your meaningful replies. I looked at them again and thought there might have been something to get my teeth into later on. But the more I read, the more I realised you appear to have an unhealthy fascination with me. Please Giorikas, I am married and not looking for an abusive extra-marital relationship with you. You do not excite me. Your low level dialogue is disappointing and really quite generic. I note you did not bother to comment on the link I gave you above. It shows Macedonians who have learned to play the rules in demented modern Greece. Where waving a red hanky whilst dancing used to get you sent to an Island for torture, but now still guarantees persecution. God forbid they call themselves the real Macedonians. Is this acceptable in a modern nation Giorikas? How do the Sorbs in (your) Germany get along? What sort of persecution do those natives endure in a nation like Germany?

        My people learned to become Greeks in 30 years. One of the people in the above link even murmured something about "which language came first". It is a tragedy that such misinformation exists in Greece. You keep wanting to tell me about the christian turkish nationals who were the best Greeks in the world who are now more entitled to be called Macedonians than the real Macedonians. This is simply offensive. Those christian Turkish nationals who could speak some Greek (consisting of archaisms and Turkish) are still unable to be understood by modern Greeks. Deny all you want. But they learned Macedonian back 80 years ago out of necessity. Not bad for a banned language with no support (and no people according to some blind fools)!

        What a pity you choose not to enter into real dialogue, but are here only to provoke and belittle. Perhaps when you get to my age you might get smarter. But I have to warn you, I have been this good for a long time now.
        Risto the Great
        "Holding my breath for the revolution."

        Hey, I wrote a bestseller. Check it out:


        • Soldier of Macedon
          Senior Member
          • Sep 2008
          • 13675

          He is someone who actually has the Macedonian nationality, actually lived there, and has achieved something politically. Unlike you in all cases.
          Most of my family, extended family and their family are from Macedonia and they do not think like him, nor does the overwhelming (OVERWHELMING) majority of Macedonians, in and out of the Republic.
          Who should I believe, you or him. By default everybody who does not agree with your views is a racist, a sell out, or paid off. The same old record over and over again. That's a very simplistic view.
          Anybody who does not recognize my right to identify as my nation as designated, is a racist. You are a racist. Over and over again. As simplistic as it sounds, that is the bare truth.
          My identity is something that comes from within.
          Was Lord Byron inside one of your ancestors when they started spewing 'Hellene, Hellene' in the 19th century, after centuries of identifying as nothing but Romans?
          I know what I am, and I don't really care what someone else might think of that.
          Is that what are you doing here, if you don't care about what someone else (in this case the Macedonians) think about your identity? Pathetic little liar, you must think everybody is as stupid as you.
          If I would be Greek holding an Albanian passport for example, then I really wouldn't care how the Albanian state considers me. After all there are always choices,I can leave and live somewhere else (like Greece) and give up my Albanian nationality.
          You tip-toe racist, I just love how you dance around hot topics and temporarily disregard any contradictions present in your opinions, again, you must think everybody is as stupid as you are. Clearly this isn't the case. Would you care to explain that same view above to your so-called brethren in Albania today?

          Greek minority in Albania: Seek Official Language
          Would a Greek living in Albania accept the Albanian state recognising his language and identity as 'NorthernRomanoGreek' as opposed to what the people choose themselves? Of course not, but then again, I shouldn't seek the opinion of an idiot who is completely out of touch with the reality of the situation. And there is plenty more. Go and preach your garbage to your so-called 'own kind', you contradicting fool, you don't 'care' what others say yet here you are, sliming around this thread like some leech.
          Haven't you realized that by now? The only relevant question is what the future name is going to be of ROM.
          Silly Greek. Haven't YOU realised by now, the Macedonian identity of the Macedonian people is tied to the people, the state, the language, the culture, everything. Haven't you realised by now, we will never give up our identity, you worthless parasite?

          The Macedonians have achieved enough to demonstrate our resilience, we are not giving up our identity. You idiot-type Greeks are too deep in shit to realise this, but you will, sooner or later, the Macedonian identity will never be erased, and any attack on it, will only make its carriers and defenders all the more reluctant to give up what is rightfully theirs.

          Now, go and state your opinion to the Albanian Greeks, you pathetic little tool. I am interesting to see if a) you have the balls to do it, and b) what their idiot response will be to a fellow idiot (and a Greek).
          In the name of the blood and the sun, the dagger and the gun, Christ protect this soldier, a lion and a Macedonian.


          • Giorikas
            • Sep 2008
            • 316

            At Batman and Robin:

            Looking at today's news: Another traitor discovered eh ? It's Boshkovski now. Ouch a war genuine hero too. So the Greeks are racists you say. France supports Greece: racists. With Boshkovski saying naughty things we now add another 'sell out' to the long list. Gruevski if I understands well is going to play ball with Greece and will be the next sell out. (if not already for talking about a referendum)

            Then there's of course the dreaded Grkomans. Sell outs. We have a long list of PHD's who signed a letter which ridicules your take on history: those would be paid off too. There's a few retired Macedonian politicians and ambassadors who said 'on the record' that you are Macedonians but Slavs, not related to ancient Macedonians. Sell outs.

            Seems to me that the list of sell outs, racists and those who are paid off and the list seems to be getting longer. There seems just to be a handful of brave diaspora Canadians and Australians who stay on track.

            So what have you achieved now Batman and Robin ? Have you influenced your government ? (or any previous) Seems not as more and more it looks like we're going to a name compromise. Have you influenced the poor suppressed Slav speaking Aegean Macedonians ? Not likely. That's measurable through votes. Have you managed to influence the public opinion ? Looking at this letter by those brave PHD's ... quite the opposite... This notwithstanding the fact that poor Risto announced to single handedly create some fireworks, private correspondances with PHD's, PHD's massively withdrawing their support etc. I guess we'll wait a long time for that. The PHD list is meanwhile getting longer and longer ..

            Keep playing the same record over and over again, labelling all who go against your dogma's. It seems to yield ,ehm, great results ....
            Last edited by Giorikas; 07-06-2009, 10:14 AM.


            • Giorikas
              • Sep 2008
              • 316

              Originally posted by Risto the Great View Post
              Thank you so much for your meaningful replies. I looked at them again and thought there might have been something to get my teeth into later on. But the more I read, the more I realised you appear to have an unhealthy fascination with me. Please Giorikas, I am married and not looking for an abusive extra-marital relationship with you. You do not excite me. Your low level dialogue is disappointing and really quite generic. I note you did not bother to comment on the link I gave you above. It shows Macedonians who have learned to play the rules in demented modern Greece. Where waving a red hanky whilst dancing used to get you sent to an Island for torture, but now still guarantees persecution. God forbid they call themselves the real Macedonians. Is this acceptable in a modern nation Giorikas? How do the Sorbs in (your) Germany get along? What sort of persecution do those natives endure in a nation like Germany?

              My people learned to become Greeks in 30 years. One of the people in the above link even murmured something about "which language came first". It is a tragedy that such misinformation exists in Greece. You keep wanting to tell me about the christian turkish nationals who were the best Greeks in the world who are now more entitled to be called Macedonians than the real Macedonians. This is simply offensive. Those christian Turkish nationals who could speak some Greek (consisting of archaisms and Turkish) are still unable to be understood by modern Greeks. Deny all you want. But they learned Macedonian back 80 years ago out of necessity. Not bad for a banned language with no support (and no people according to some blind fools)!

              What a pity you choose not to enter into real dialogue, but are here only to provoke and belittle. Perhaps when you get to my age you might get smarter. But I have to warn you, I have been this good for a long time now.
              Your problem is that you -per definition- consider all who go against your Greatness' great ideas a racist. Not bad hearing this from a self proclaimed expert from the diaspora.


              • Giorikas
                • Sep 2008
                • 316

                Originally posted by Soldier of Macedon View Post
                Most of my family, extended family and their family are from Macedonia and they do not think like him, nor does the overwhelming (OVERWHELMING) majority of Macedonians, in and out of the Republic.

                Anybody who does not recognize my right to identify as my nation as designated, is a racist. You are a racist. Over and over again. As simplistic as it sounds, that is the bare truth.

                Was Lord Byron inside one of your ancestors when they started spewing 'Hellene, Hellene' in the 19th century, after centuries of identifying as nothing but Romans?

                Is that what are you doing here, if you don't care about what someone else (in this case the Macedonians) think about your identity? Pathetic little liar, you must think everybody is as stupid as you.

                You tip-toe racist, I just love how you dance around hot topics and temporarily disregard any contradictions present in your opinions, again, you must think everybody is as stupid as you are. Clearly this isn't the case. Would you care to explain that same view above to your so-called brethren in Albania today?

                Would a Greek living in Albania accept the Albanian state recognising his language and identity as 'NorthernRomanoGreek' as opposed to what the people choose themselves? Of course not, but then again, I shouldn't seek the opinion of an idiot who is completely out of touch with the reality of the situation. And there is plenty more. Go and preach your garbage to your so-called 'own kind', you contradicting fool, you don't 'care' what others say yet here you are, sliming around this thread like some leech.

                Silly Greek. Haven't YOU realised by now, the Macedonian identity of the Macedonian people is tied to the people, the state, the language, the culture, everything. Haven't you realised by now, we will never give up our identity, you worthless parasite?

                The Macedonians have achieved enough to demonstrate our resilience, we are not giving up our identity. You idiot-type Greeks are too deep in shit to realise this, but you will, sooner or later, the Macedonian identity will never be erased, and any attack on it, will only make its carriers and defenders all the more reluctant to give up what is rightfully theirs.

                Now, go and state your opinion to the Albanian Greeks, you pathetic little tool. I am interesting to see if a) you have the balls to do it, and b) what their idiot response will be to a fellow idiot (and a Greek).
                The more I hit the nail on the head that your opinions carry little weight being an Australian, even without a right to vote in ROM, the more you start using bad words. You're banned from discussing with me. Don't bother to reply.


                • Sovius
                  • Apr 2009
                  • 241

                  It’s interesting, after all this time, Giorkas still can’t connect the dots. He doesn’t seem to possess the ability to develop a realistic understanding of the world as a result of the assimilation of his ancestors. He’s somehow able to rationalize the irrational within the context of his perceptual limitations and is quite confident that he is correct in all instances, even though every argument the Republic of Hellas has used against Macedonia has been discredited beyond the shadow of any doubt. Political fabrications only last as long as the political systems that wove them. I’m reminded of the story of “The emperor’s new cloths”.


                  • Soldier of Macedon
                    Senior Member
                    • Sep 2008
                    • 13675

                    The more I hit the nail on the head that your opinions carry little weight being an Australian, even without a right to vote in ROM, the more you start using bad words. You're banned from discussing with me. Don't bother to reply.
                    Mate, the only thing with a nail in its head is you, evident by your persistent idiocy, racism and denials, keep dancing around the questions concerning your own kind that you ask of ours, you're pathetic. The only reason why you have been left as an active member on this forum is purely for amusement, you seem the travelling type, care for another holiday Gorki?
                    In the name of the blood and the sun, the dagger and the gun, Christ protect this soldier, a lion and a Macedonian.


                    • Soldier of Macedon
                      Senior Member
                      • Sep 2008
                      • 13675

                      The Name Negotiations

                      UN mediator Matthew Nimetz said following Monday's meeting with Foreign Minister Antonio Milososki that he would give a statement for the media on Tuesday.

                      "I will not give any statements until tomorrow. We had a good and long talk with the foreign minister. I will speak tomorrow, not today", said Nimetz when asked if a new name proposal is to be tabled.

                      According to the agenda, the mediator in the Macedonia-Greece name row will meet Tuesday with President Gjorge Ivanov and Prime Minister Nikola Gruevski.

                      Afterwards, Nimetz is to leave for Athens, where he is scheduled to meet with Greek FM Dora Bakoyiannis and country negotiator Ademantios Vasilakis.
                      What a joke, this clown must enjoy the free travel up and down Europe. These so-called 'mediators' haven't solved the issue until now, and they wont going forward. The Macedonians across the world will never yield.
                      In the name of the blood and the sun, the dagger and the gun, Christ protect this soldier, a lion and a Macedonian.


                      • Dimko-piperkata
                        Senior Member
                        • Sep 2008
                        • 1876


                        u r right SoM, in reality nimetz dont want or dont care about the nameissue, he´s enjoyning his trips through the world and gets in addition a lot of money for his pseudo negotiations
                        1) Macedonians belong to the "older" Mediterranean substratum...
                        2) Macedonians are not related with geographically close Greeks, who do not belong to the "older" Mediterranenan substratum...


                        • Giorikas
                          • Sep 2008
                          • 316

                          Originally posted by Sovius View Post
                          It’s interesting, after all this time, Giorkas still can’t connect the dots. He doesn’t seem to possess the ability to develop a realistic understanding of the world as a result of the assimilation of his ancestors. He’s somehow able to rationalize the irrational within the context of his perceptual limitations and is quite confident that he is correct in all instances, even though every argument the Republic of Hellas has used against Macedonia has been discredited beyond the shadow of any doubt. Political fabrications only last as long as the political systems that wove them. I’m reminded of the story of “The emperor’s new cloths”.
                          All this time ? Compare my time with most internet warriors here. I like to measure things: count the messages. These guys have been around year after year fighting for the cause with zero result .... Discredited ? Ask 340 PHD's who disagree with you. Not to mention that quite a few politicians in ROM have said the same as I. In fact I see no-one really on the barricades for ROM. Not NATO, not the EU. So, how isolated are my views really ?
                          The emperor's new cloths ? How about Don Quixote ?


                          • The LION will ROAR
                            Senior Member
                            • Jan 2009
                            • 3231

                            EuroBalkan: Macedonia should end negotiations with Greece

                            Immediate stop to all negotiations with Greece, suggested today the 'EuroBalkan' Institute. If for one or another reason Macedonia stays in this 'negotiations' the red line is of technical nature and nothing less than a double formula can be accepted, says 'EuroBalkan'.

                            Nimetz, the Institute says, has gone out of his mandate given to him by the UN.

                            "Macedonia has the legitimate right to leave all negotiations at once, because these 'negotiations' are first - unlawful, they are breaching the UN Charter and Convention, the UN itself has broken its own Charter, and lastly Greece had breached the Interim Agreement", says Jovan Donev of "EuroBalkan".

                            Nimetz's so called proposals are only articulations of Greece's wishes. It is clear, Greece is seeking geographical name for all use. We don't have a partner to negotiate with, says Donev, adding - Macedonia is under a special war.

                            Calling for exclusivity on history, history only known to Greece as a basis to negate the right of self identification of an independent nation can become a very dangerous precedent.

                            For Mr. Donev, an inclusion of the albanian political factor in the name negotiations is a simple political marketing, while calling the scenarios and blackmails for 'destabilization' of the country if the name dispute is not solved quickly as 'ridiculous', a scare tactic used by the opposition for 20 years.

                            'EuroBalkan" does not expect any progress in the name negotiations until the end of the year.
                            The Macedonians originates it, the Bulgarians imitate it and the Greeks exploit it!


                            • Risto the Great
                              Senior Member
                              • Sep 2008
                              • 15660

                              The EuroBalkan institute appears to have the right idea.
                              Risto the Great
                              "Holding my breath for the revolution."

                              Hey, I wrote a bestseller. Check it out:


                              • Risto the Great
                                Senior Member
                                • Sep 2008
                                • 15660

                                Ummm, I asked the Professors. They were embarrassed if you really want to know. Quite apologetic too. And guess what, they HAVE been paid by the Greek State. And guess why they will not take their names off the list .... because they will CONTINUE to be paid by the Greek State.

                                But my dear little cockroach friend, I now know what makes them tick. Watch what happens when we release the pesticide on a large scale. I have already released a little and their legs are now pointing upwards.

                                I note you still have not been able to reply to the thread link I gave you. Don't you agree that it is a little shallow of you to keep your non-consequential banter going on here without assessing the validity of the author's research in the link provided? He actually lives in Macedonia .... and you .... don't. Although I reckon if I find a dark place in Macedonia, I might find you or your friends underneath a pile of rubbish or something.

                                Carry on big guy.
                                Risto the Great
                                "Holding my breath for the revolution."

                                Hey, I wrote a bestseller. Check it out:

