Macedonia & Greece: Name Issue

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  • Solun
    • Sep 2012
    • 166

    So from what Amphipolis is saying there is no chance of the agreement being ratified by the Athens Government


    • Niko777
      Senior Member
      • Oct 2010
      • 1895

      Originally posted by Solun View Post
      So from what Amphipolis is saying there is no chance of the agreement being ratified by the Athens Government
      They will pass it by a simple majority

      Syriza: 145 seats
      To Potami: 6 seats
      =151 / 300
      +Any surprise votes from other parties


      • Carlin
        Senior Member
        • Dec 2011
        • 3332

        ВМРО-ДПМНЕ може и да ја преспие кампањата (DPMNE may sleep through the referendum campaign)


        На десетина дена пред официјалниот старт на референдумската кампања, раководството на ВМРО-ДПМНЕ нема став ниту дали ќе учествува во неа ниту каков повик ќе упати до своите поддржувачи во врска со гласањето на 30 септември.

        Пратеничката група на ВМРО-ДМПНЕ испратила известување до претседателот на Собранието Талат Џафери во кое посочува дека одлуките на Владата за пренамена на средства за финансирање кампањи е своеволна и не е од интерес на граѓаните.

        - Без разлика на тоа каков би бил ставот кој се рекламира, цениме дека тие средства треба да бидат наменети за реализација на проекти од кои има реален интерес.Финансирање на своеволна кампања од власта со буџетски средства на граѓаните е погрешна одлука. Тие средства никој не им одобрил на пратениците од власта или нивните функционери да ги трошат за себерекламирање, се вели во известувањето на пратеничката група на ВМРО-ДПМНЕ.

        Во соопштение, пак, што го испрати претходно до медиумите, ВМРО-ДПМНЕ најави дека ќе ги донира средствата што им следуваат за кампања за референдумот.

        Поради ваквите тактизирања и пролонгирања на одлуките, партиски извори сметаат дека не е исклучено врвот на ВМРО-ДПМНЕ да не излезе со конкретен став сè до последните денови пред одржувањето на референдумот.


        • Niko777
          Senior Member
          • Oct 2010
          • 1895

          Originally posted by Carlin15 View Post
          ВМРО-ДПМНЕ може и да ја преспие кампањата (DPMNE may sleep through the referendum campaign)
          The fact that they still cannot make a decision means that DPMNE must be deeply divided over the issue, who knows, maybe half of their members will vote yes in the referendum.


          • Risto the Great
            Senior Member
            • Sep 2008
            • 15660

            Originally posted by Niko777 View Post
            The fact that they still cannot make a decision means that DPMNE must be deeply divided over the issue, who knows, maybe half of their members will vote yes in the referendum.
            The truth is more likely that they haven't received a sweet enough deal to vote yes at this stage. And they will get a sweet deal soon enough.
            Risto the Great
            "Holding my breath for the revolution."

            Hey, I wrote a bestseller. Check it out:


            • Bill77
              Senior Member
              • Oct 2009
              • 4545

              Some impressive Signatories in this letter.

              Also...... "History teaching is going to be decided by governmental bodies rather than by scholars." This is most troubling.....Orwellian?

              Letter to the Editor: Academics Take Issue With Prespa Agreement

              To The Editor

              As scholars and authors we wish to take issue with the distortion of the Prespa ‘agreement’ in some quarters, and portrayal of opponents as nationalist and extremists.

              The agreement does not serve the needs of Macedonia or Greece. It shows no respect for international law, human rights and democratic principles.

              An agreement trying to define political, historical and cultural boundaries between “classical Macedonia” and (would be) North Macedonia is a bizarre undertaking in the 21st century. The construction of identities is not for governments. Macedonia is subjected to arbitrary international engineering against the will of the people. With little public support a highly polarized atmosphere deepens internal divisions. The asymmetric ‘deal’ will not lessen regional tensions as only the weaker (Macedonian) side was forced to compromise, to force (North) Macedonia into NATO – itself in an identity crisis.

              The deal denies constitutional sovereignty of Macedonia, with final say given to the MPs of a foreign country (Greece). The new name is intended for not only international relations but also internal legal order. The attribute Macedonian is to be erased from all official documents and public use under threat of Orwellian sanctions. History teaching is going to be decided by governmental bodies rather than by scholars.

              International mismanagement continues. While supporting confidence building, conflict resolution, and reconciliation, we argue that the Prespa Agreement is not an accord that promises sustainable peace. NATO membership is unlikely to bring social and economic progress or security to the small Macedonian state; ironically, Greece offers the best proof of what international dictates do on the European periphery.



              • Risto the Great
                Senior Member
                • Sep 2008
                • 15660

                Thank you Bill.

                Biljana Vankovska, Ss. Cyril and Methodius University, Skopje
                James Pettifer, Oxford University
                Venko Andonovski, writer, Cyril and Methodius University, Skopje
                Milan Kundera, writer, Paris
                Richard Falk, Princeton University
                Žarko Puhovski, University of Zagreb
                Lidija R. Basta Fleiner, University of Fribourg
                Darko Mitrevski, film director, Los Angeles
                Georges Banu, President of the Prize of Europe for the Theatre, Paris
                Jan Oberg, director of Transnational Foundation for Peace and Future Research, Lund
                Gorazd Rosoklija, Columbia University
                Josette Baer Hill, University of Zurich
                Gordana Siljanovska-Davkova, Ss. Cyril and Methodius University, Skopje
                Jean Pavleski, Sorbonne University, founder of Éditions Economica, Paris
                Nada Boskovska, University of Zurich
                Jovan Donev, former ambassador to the United Kingdom
                Stefano Bianchini, University of Bologna
                Vladimir Unkovski-Korica, University of Glasgow
                Pepe Escobar, Geopolitical Analyst at Asia Times
                Radmila Nakarada, University of Belgrade
                Igor Janev, University of Belgrade
                Zhidas Daskalovski, Kliment Ohridski University, Bitola
                Nikola Popov, McMaster University, Ontario
                Erol Tufan, poet, Turkey
                Bernd Fischer, Indiana University, Fort Wayne
                Mitko Madzunkov, Macedonian Academy of Sciences and Arts
                Mite Stefoski, Director of Struga Poetry Evenings
                Johan Galtung, founder of Transcend University
                Vitomir Mitevski, Macedonian Academy of Sciences and Arts
                Jean-Patrick Connerade, University of London, former President of EuroScience
                Borislav Pavlovski, University of Zagreb
                Slavko Bogdanov, Columbia University
                Francis D. Raška, Anglo-American University, Prague
                Leonid Grcev, IEEE Fellow, Macedonian Academy of Sciences and Arts
                Mihajlo Popovski, Ss. Cyril and Methodius University, Skopje
                Miranda Vickers, Independent Scholar, UK
                Aleksandar Dimovski, Macedonian Academy of Sciences and Arts
                Jean Pierre Simeon, poet, editor of Gallimard, Paris
                Branko Stavrev, theater director, Skopje
                Emilia Waters, CATS College Cambridge
                Jordan Plevneš, writer and former ambassador to France
                Zhivko Popov, Macedonian Academy of Sciences and Arts
                Marija Risteska, Centre for Research and Policy-Making, Skopje
                Katica Kjulafkova, Macedonian Academy of Sciences and Arts
                Dimitar Apasiev, Goce Delčev University, Štip
                Daniel Weiss, University of Zürich
                Victor Bivell, Publisher, Pollitecon Publications, Sydney
                Marko Pavlovski, writer, University of Zagreb
                Elka Jačeva-Ulčar, Cyril and Methodius University, Skopje
                Dragan Duško Vukotić, media specialist, Podgorica
                Jani Bojadzi, Film and Theater Director, Skopje
                Slave Gjorgjo Dimoski, poet, ex-president of the Board of Struga Poetry Evenings
                Todor Čepreganov, Goce Delčev University, Štip
                Bob Churcher, ex International Crisis Group Country Director, Kosovo
                Bogdan Bogdanov, Ss. Cyril and Methodius University, Skopje
                Blaže Minevski, writer, Skopje
                Solza Grceva, Voice for Macedonia
                Marjan Popov, Delft University of Technology
                Aleksandar Shulevski, University of Amsterdam
                George G. Durtanosky, Latvian Christian Academy, Riga
                Viktor Gjamovski, Ss. Cyril and Methodius University, Skopje
                Antoanela Petkovska, Ss. Cyril and Methodius University, Skopje
                Irena Pavlova de Odorico, poetess, Italy
                Rade Siljan, writer and publisher, Skopje
                Sašo Kalajdžievski, University of Manitoba
                Aldo Kliman, poet and president of the Macedonian Cultural Forum in Croatia
                Milojka Kalkašlieva, judge of the Supreme Court of Macedonia (ret.)
                Paul Filev, Literary Translator, Melbourne
                Ringa Raudola, Department of Innovation and Governance, Tallinn University
                Jovica Tasevski-Eternijan, poet, the Macedonian Writers’ Association
                Marina Mijakovska, writer, Skopje
                Kiril Barbareev, Goce Delčev University, Štip
                Blaže Risteski, Macedonian Academy of Sciences and Arts
                Zlatko Dizdarević, former ambassador, Bosnia and Herzegovina
                Danilo Gligoroski, Norwegian University of Science and Technology
                Sasho Popovski, academic painter, Skopje

                Confirmation of 76 Macedonians (and/or friends of Macedonians).
                Let us pray for the rest!
                Risto the Great
                "Holding my breath for the revolution."

                Hey, I wrote a bestseller. Check it out:


                • Risto the Great
                  Senior Member
                  • Sep 2008
                  • 15660

                  Bob Churcher, ex International Crisis Group Country Director, Kosovo
                  That name (or former affiliation) stood out for some reason.
                  It seems his own voice does not echo that of the International Crisis Group (anymore). And that is coming from someone pro Albanians in Macedonia/Kosovo. As evidenced here:

                  More people (like him) blasting this treachery is a good thing.
                  Risto the Great
                  "Holding my breath for the revolution."

                  Hey, I wrote a bestseller. Check it out:


                  • Tomche Makedonche
                    Senior Member
                    • Oct 2011
                    • 1123

                    Here's only some of the articles (ahem heavy propaganda) I came across on MIA today


                    Macedonia, Greece are Natural Allies, Name Deal will be Accepted, Dimitrov tells IBNA

                    Athens, 1 September 2018 (MIA) - Foreign Minister Nikola Dimitrov is convinced that the citizens of Macedonia will support the agreement with Greece because 'they choose wisely when faced with great historic challenges.'

                    "I am convinced that the agreement will be accepted by our people because, when we are at great historic crossroads, we make wise choices. I am also confident that even the ones, from both sides, opposing the agreement will, from a historical perspective, accept that this is an important step forward because there will be many benefits.

                    We are neighbours, we cannot change this fact, history cannot be changed, but we can influence our future and make it better. It is very easy for a politician to make a living from this dispute, but solving it creates a better life for the citizens of both sides", Minister Dimitrov told the Independent Balkan News Agency (IBNA).

                    Concerning reactions in Greece over the use of the terms "Macedonians" and "Macedonian", Dimitrov said that two countries in Europe in 2018 can agree on this - because in Greece, when one says that someone is Macedonian, they are referring to the old Hellenic culture and the local (northern Greek) region of Macedonia, and when a Macedonian is said to be in their country, they are thinking of something else.

                    "Why is that a problem? The right to self-determination is something that can not be disputed in the 21st century in Europe", Dimitrov said.

                    According to him, the "Macedonian language" is a South Slavic language, and so it is stated in the agreement," Dimitrov said in the interview cited by MIA.

                    "In order to invest our energy into something useful, namely the economic, cross-border and security co-operation, we need to remove and divert this unproductive debate", the Macedonian Minister said after the informal two-day ministerial meeting in Vienna.

                    "Both myself and my friend Nikos Kotzias are convinced that what we are doing is investing in our friendship because we are natural allies.

                    With a proper policy, in several years all dilemmas will fade away and we will all wonder how we had not done this at the beginning of the nineties and why we have put a whole generation undergo this dispute.

                    Our is a concrete achievement that has created a de facto solidarity and a beautiful bridge of friendship," added Dimitrov.

                    He said that the Macedonian government will continue to work hard and persuade the opposition to support the agreement.

                    The opposition has been accusing the government of capitulation, maintaining they would have achieved a better agreement than the signed one.

                    "A better agreement, for one or the other party," Dimitrov responded, "leads to a lack of agreement. Such is the nature of all compromise." ba/13:13

                    FM Dimitrov makes first referendum campaign stop in Tetovo

                    Tetovo, 1 September 2018 (MIA) - On September 30 we have a 'date with history', a major historic turning point, to open the doors for NATO membership, which will reinforce our statehood and security and bring investments as Macedonia becomes more predictable for foreign investors, Nikola Dimitrov said Saturday.

                    As for opening the doors for accession negotiations with the EU, it will help us become more European at home, establish more order, respect justice, and be more efficient, have our salaries increased," the Foreign Minister told reporters in Tetovo where he launched the referendum campaign dubbed "For European Macedonia".

                    He said he would make campaign stops in order to inform as many people as possible ahead of the referendum, to listen to their problems, and to answer questions in relation to the upcoming referendum.

                    "We have missed so many trains while being buried in trenches. The choice is - either we move forward with self-confidence, with a protected and affirmed identity and a compromise between our Macedonia and the region Macedonia in Greece or we move backwards to isolation in a state of powerlessness that nobody likes us and that we have no friends," stressed Minister Dimitrov.

                    When asked to comment on the opposition party VMRO-DPMNE having no official position yet on the upcoming referendum, he said that historic times required everyone to take historic responsibility. ba/16:58

                    PM Zaev: On Sept. 30 let's cement the future as European Macedonia

                    Dojran, 1 September 2018 (MIA) - Ahead of a historic question for the future of the country, I'm confident that together on September 30 we will make the right decision to cement the future as European Macedonia and we will tell the world that we are strongly committed to EU and NATO integration, Prime Minister and SDSM leader Zoran Zaev said Saturday at a rally of the coalition "Come Our For European Macedonia".

                    Dojran, he said, is the very place where Macedonia and Greece reached an agreement on the recognition of the Macedonian language.

                    "In May, it was here in Dojran that (Greek PM) Alexis Tsipras and I reached an agreement recognizing the Macedonian language. It happened before the EU Summit, when it was required of the two sides to make concession. We showed the EU nations that we are ready to make compromises so as to reach a deal," Zaev stated.

                    Macedonia, the Premier said, no longer has problems with the recognition of our country, nation, identity and language after reaching the agreements with Bulgaria and Greece.

                    "We made friends who I'm sure will strongly support us on our path to create European Macedonia. Our integration into the EU and NATO by accepting the deal with Greece is very important for Macedonia. I am confident that on Sept. 30 we will make a brave decision," noted Zaev.
                    Then you have these cheerleaders

                    Svilanovic: Only a successful referendum opens perspectives for Macedonia

                    US official: Macedonian citizens should make the right decision in name referendum
                    Meanwhile in Greece, they are apparently singing another tune


                    Prespa Agreement Concedes Macedonian language, identity to neighbors: opposition leader

                    Athens, 1 September 2018 (MIA) - The Prespa Agreement was reached in secrecy, without any input from the people, from the parliament and from opposition parties, the leader of the largest opposition party in Greece has said.

                    According to Kyriakos Mitsotakis, who is president of New Democracy party, the agreement concedes the Macedonian language and Macedonian identity to Greece's northern neighbor.

                    "There is no chance that New Democracy will ratify the deal either during this parliament's term or the next one. The government is making nationally dangerous moves. They are already producing negative results," stated Mitsotakis, MIA reports from Athens.

                    The Greek opposition leader also accused the government of not reacting to statements of Macedonian top state officials.

                    "Mr Zaev himself has denied Mr Kotzias, and Mr Dimitrov has been telling us 'I'm Macedonian and I speak Macedonian.' Someone in the government has heard it, but has chosen not to react... Their irresponsibility won't be forgotten. Greeks should never be blindsided nationalists, they know they should be honest patriots," said Mitsotakis. ba/13:01
                    Last edited by Tomche Makedonche; 09-02-2018, 09:45 AM.
                    “There’s a time when the operation of the machine becomes so odious, makes you so sick at heart, that you can’t take part, you can’t even passively take part, and you’ve got to put your bodies upon the gears and upon the wheels, upon the levers, upon all the apparatus and you’ve got to make it stop, and you’ve got to indicate to the people who run it, to the people who own it, that unless you’re free, the machine will be prevented from working at all” - Mario Savio


                    • Dove
                      • Aug 2018
                      • 170

                      Courtesy of the Greek Reporter

                      The details:

                      Classified By: DCM THOMAS J. NAVRATIL FOR REASONS 1.4 (B) AND (D).

                      Elements of a Deal

                      1. (C) Embassy Skopje assesses that in the context of an
                      agreement that clears the way for NATO membership and the
                      start of EU accession talks, the Macedonian government would
                      ultimately accept the following terms:

                      -- Name: Republic of Northern Macedonia (or: Republic of
                      North Macedonia)

                      -- Scope: in all international organizations, plus
                      bilaterally by any country that does not want to use the
                      constitutional name. (Although we have not discussed this
                      explicitly, presumably international agreements would follow
                      the same pattern, with multilateral ones using the new name
                      and bilateral ones having the option.) Macedonia would use
                      its constitutional name in referring to itself, on passports,
                      product labels, in the media, etc.

                      -- Identity: The language and nationality would be called
                      Macedonian, but this could be handled tacitly, perhaps as a
                      subsequent annex to a UNSCR, or in some other internal UN
                      document not subject to Greek review/approval. Bottom line
                      is Macedonia needs assurance that their language,
                      nationality, etc. would continue to be called Macedonian, not
                      North Macedonian.

                      2. (C) Today PM Gruevski would take exception to several
                      aspects of this package. He wants the modifier to be in
                      parentheses; he wants recognition of Macedonian language and
                      nationality to be explicit rather than tacit. On scope, he
                      would want to limit usage to IOs in which FYROM is already
                      used. For bilateral use, he would want the UN merely to
                      authorize, rather than encourage or recommend, use of the new
                      name. Similarly, he would seek to limit use of the new name
                      on international agreements. Nevertheless, we anticipate
                      that he would in the end decide to give ground on these
                      issues if it got him the deal. In any case, he has made
                      holding a national referendum part of his governing platform
                      and he will insist on fulfilling that prominent public
                      pledge. An agreement in September would allow time for this
                      referendum and passage of a UNSCR prior to the December NAC.

                      3. (C) Conversations with Prime Minister Gruevski and
                      President Crvenkovski, summarized below, underlie Embassy
                      Skopje,s assessment. This cable, together with Athens 1030,
                      illuminates the substantial gaps between the Macedonian and
                      Greek positions at this time.

                      Amb. Milovanovic ) PM Gruevski July 25

                      4. (C) After discussing concerns about Macedonian
                      developments that may affect NATO perceptions of Macedonia's
                      readiness (election problems, Parliament problems,
                      spectacular arrests, budget rebalance away from MoD), the
                      Ambassador urged that Macedonia take action to ensure that it
                      not only does not slip below NATO criteria, but that it keep
                      up as NATO continues to move ahead. Gruevski asked in turn
                      if we can solve the name issue. The Ambassador replied that
                      we are prepared to help Macedonia on this, and that we are
                      urging that the negotiations focus solely on the key areas of
                      the name and the usage, without inclusion of other bilateral

                      5. (C) Gruevski expressed his view that Greece is determined
                      not to solve this issue, and therefore he decided to open
                      other issues (i.e., ethnic Macedonians in Greece). The
                      Ambassador urged that Macedonia exert maximum efforts to find
                      a solution. Gruevski welcomed the next round of talks with
                      Amb. Nimetz in mid-August, and is prepared to accept
                      Nimetz,s invitation for a meeting among Gruevski,
                      Karamanlis, and Sec. Rice if the August talks go well and
                      produce progress toward a solution.

                      A/S Hill ) PM Gruevski July 26

                      6. (C) A/S Hill asked about lines of communication with
                      Greece, and Gruevski mentioned only the UN process. Gruevski
                      shared his assessment that the Greek side does not have the

                      SKOPJE 00000491 002 OF 003

                      intention to solve the problem. He noted upcoming elections
                      in Greece (early Parliamentary elections sometime between
                      October and April (note: Emb. Athens sees early elections as
                      very unlikely), local elections in April, and European
                      parliamentary elections in June) and cited Greek press
                      reports as indicating lack of intention to solve. Gruevski
                      argued that Karamanlis, position has hardened since last
                      October. No longer seeking just to find a new name to
                      replace FYROM, Karamanlis now seeks to broaden the scope to
                      all usages, and limit the Macedonian identity, history, use
                      of toponyms. Gruevski said he is willing to solve this,
                      based on real, reasonable redlines. Hill said he needs to
                      make sure the Macedonian people don't become frustrated and
                      have a nationalist reaction. Gruevski said this is already
                      happening in Greece.

                      7. (C) Gruevski cited a recent poll that VMRO commissioned
                      which he said showed that only 13 percent of Macedonians
                      would accept the name Republic of North Macedonia.
                      Nevertheless, if there were a proposal to use a name like
                      that, with the new modifier in parentheses, to be used
                      wherever FYROM is now, and recognition that the nationality
                      and language would be called Macedonian, Gruevski expressed
                      confidence that the public would support it in a referendum.
                      He said that he would support it, he would expect President
                      Crvenkovski, the international community, and the media to
                      support it, and that with a two-month campaign the public
                      would approve.

                      Amb. Milovanovic, A/S Hill ) Pres. Crvenkovski July 27
                      --------------------------------------------- ---------

                      8. (C) Crvenkovski said that the current situation with name
                      issue is blocked and he is concerned that this could go from
                      a temporary situation to become permanent. Everyone
                      including the international community is getting used to the
                      situation, which contributes to the threat of it being long
                      lasting/permanent. He is pessimistic for two reasons:
                      Karamanlis and Gruevski.

                      9. (C) Crvenkovski thinks Greece could agree to Northern
                      Macedonia. Hill asked about Macedonian identity and
                      language. Crvenkovski said a possible way out is the Greek
                      position that discussion is on the name of the country, and
                      nationality and language are not part of the talks.
                      Crvenkovski sees as a possible solution that only the name
                      and its scope of use are in the bilateral talks with Greece
                      and in the bilateral agreement Greece would sign. Macedonia
                      needs to keep Macedonian as its language and
                      nationality/identity but this could be in the UNSCR only (as
                      an appendix), not in something Greece has to sign or sign
                      onto, thus saving face for Greece and making agreement on
                      name and scope possible. Crvenkovski says Nimetz understands
                      this approach.

                      10. (C) Crvenkovski thinks Republic of (Northern) Macedonia
                      with a scope of using this wherever FYROM is used would work.
                      Says the scope strikes him as the most problematic element.
                      Pre-Bucharest proposal that Macedonia accepted recommended
                      that nations consider using (or recommended that they use)
                      the agreed name in bilateral relations instead of the
                      constitutional name, but the most recent Nimetz proposal went
                      to requiring bilateral international use and this is too
                      much. Also too much is any formula that requires Macedonia
                      to call itself something other than Republic of Macedonia,
                      for example on passports or products. It is one thing to
                      discuss how others call Macedonia, and under what
                      circumstances, but quite another beyond the scope of the
                      discussions or of the possible/reasonable to talk in terms of
                      dictating that Macedonia call itself something other than its
                      constitutional name.

                      11. (C) Crvenkovski said that Greece,s tactic is to provoke,
                      change goal posts, and prolong negotiations. But this is no
                      reason for Macedonia (PM Gruevski) to adopt the same tactics
                      (e.g. adding the Aegean Macedonian issue to the pot).
                      Macedonia needs a quick resolution and Greece does not so why
                      would they have the same tactics of obstructionism and delay?
                      But PM Gruevski is adopting exactly that delaying tactic.

                      12. (C) Crvenkovski is concerned that with Albania and
                      Croatia en route to NATO/EU and Serbia also, with an OK
                      government and Karadzic arrested, this means Macedonia is in
                      serious danger of winding up among the last of the Balkans to
                      get into NATO and EU (with Bosnia and Kosovo), which is very

                      SKOPJE 00000491 003 OF 003

                      13. (C) Crvenkovski also commented that he does not see any
                      regional issue (now that Kosovo is independent and Serbia is
                      moving in the right direction) that will attract the
                      attention of Brussels and Washington to focus on Macedonia.
                      The window of opportunity is closing fast.

                      14. (C) Crvenkovski is also concerned that even in the
                      unlikely event Karamanlis accepts a reasonable proposal on
                      the name (1) Gruevski will run away from responsibility for
                      concluding the deal and (2) if unsuccessful in avoiding
                      responsibility will go to referendum WITHOUT recommending a
                      yes vote to the public. Result of a referendum would be
                      helped by multi party support in Macedonia but really depends
                      on the question. They will get &yes8 if the question is
                      "do you want us to enter NATO and start negotiations with EU
                      under the name of Republic of (Northern) MK?" It will fail
                      if the question is &do you want us to surrender our
                      constitutional name in favor of..." (3) Gruevski does not see
                      EU and NATO as a sufficiently high priority to risk
                      supporting a decision or a referendum yes.

                      15. (C) Crvenkovski commented that the issue of compensation
                      for Aegean Macedonians and the issue of harassment at the
                      Greek border and denial of entry for these people will only
                      be solved when the name issue is solved and Macedonia is in
                      the EU. Because then Greek shenanigans will be contrary to
                      EU law of which Macedonia is a part. So although Gruevski
                      trots out the Aegean Macedonians as a nationalistic reason to
                      oppose the Greeks, in practice the way to really solve those
                      people,s problems is to compromise with the Greeks (assuming
                      Karamalis will accept a decent compromise).

                      16. (C) Crvenkovski strongly suggested a big push by the U.S.
                      in time for the Nimetz proposal/visit in mid August. He
                      suggested that the proposal fit on one page and only address
                      the name (Republic of Northern Macedonia) and scope (use
                      wherever FYROM is now used) and be a &take it or leave it8
                      offer. This could perhaps be concluded on the margins of
                      UNGA. UNSCR would include annex specifying language
                      Macedonian and nationality Macedonian, and Crvenkovski is
                      convinced Greeks will accept this if not asked directly to do
                      so or asked to sign onto it. Just let it be part of UNSCR


                      • Risto the Great
                        Senior Member
                        • Sep 2008
                        • 15660

                        There we have it. The believers in DPmNE can now see where the notion of "northern" was first established. The fact that Zaev took it and brought it to a new level of rape doesn't make it any different from the initial rape. After all, a rape is a rape.
                        Last edited by Risto the Great; 09-03-2018, 10:59 PM. Reason: stooopid phone
                        Risto the Great
                        "Holding my breath for the revolution."

                        Hey, I wrote a bestseller. Check it out:


                        • Big Bad Sven
                          Senior Member
                          • Jan 2009
                          • 1528

                          SDSM and VMRO are two sides of the rotten anti macedonian coin. Both are willing to change the name and identity, both are in bed with the shiptars, both dont care about macedonia.

                          There are still a lot of brain dead macedonians who see Gruevski as a hero and his party. They still follow what their VMRO masters tell them to do - in this case its to 'boycott' the reffrendum and in the process help make the name change much easier


                          • Tomche Makedonche
                            Senior Member
                            • Oct 2011
                            • 1123

                            Zaev: Yes, Macedonian companies won’t be allowed to use “Made in Macedonia”

                            In the capitulation signed by Zaev, as explained by the SDSM leader at the Economic Chamber of Macedonia, the right to non-exclusion on this issue has been defined. “If we do not agree and do not agree on this issue, it does not mean that the Agreement is invalid” stated Zaev.

                            According to Zaev, we have no problem whether “Made in Macedonia” will write for the region of Macedonia or the state Macedonia. But because of the new name, Macedonian companies won’t have such right, instead the exclusivity of it has been given to the Greek side.

                            – There are no aspirations to take our rights. The final goal is within three years of the verification of the agreement, to discuss the two countries because some Greek producers may want to use “Made in Macedonia” and here we have agreed the right to non-exclusivity. Our right is their right. We have no problem whether “Made in Macedonia” will write for the region of Macedonia or for our Macedonia, as a state.
                            However, a period of three years has been left to give Greece’s businesses the chance to have their own determination. If they decide to have Made in Macedonia their products, we are good with it. Greek producers may have issues with Macedonian companies using “Made in Macedonia” and can block it, but this is after three years – explained Zaev.
                            “There’s a time when the operation of the machine becomes so odious, makes you so sick at heart, that you can’t take part, you can’t even passively take part, and you’ve got to put your bodies upon the gears and upon the wheels, upon the levers, upon all the apparatus and you’ve got to make it stop, and you’ve got to indicate to the people who run it, to the people who own it, that unless you’re free, the machine will be prevented from working at all” - Mario Savio


                            • Tomche Makedonche
                              Senior Member
                              • Oct 2011
                              • 1123

                              Whether its from a pro or anti government source, the reported statements by Zaev (and Dimitrov) boggle the mind. I seriously cannot fathom how any sane person can listen to these two and think "I have confidence in this man, he seems to know what he is talking about"
                              “There’s a time when the operation of the machine becomes so odious, makes you so sick at heart, that you can’t take part, you can’t even passively take part, and you’ve got to put your bodies upon the gears and upon the wheels, upon the levers, upon all the apparatus and you’ve got to make it stop, and you’ve got to indicate to the people who run it, to the people who own it, that unless you’re free, the machine will be prevented from working at all” - Mario Savio


                              • Risto the Great
                                Senior Member
                                • Sep 2008
                                • 15660

                                How any of this can be described as a win is unfathomable. This is the peak of the trough.
                                Risto the Great
                                "Holding my breath for the revolution."

                                Hey, I wrote a bestseller. Check it out:

