Macedonia & Greece: Name Issue

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  • Carlin
    Senior Member
    • Dec 2011
    • 3332

    Богданов: Договорот од Преспа е вистинскиот правец за Македонија

    За време на гостувањето во емисијата „360 степени“ на АЛСАТ-М, членот на ВМРО-ДПМНЕ, Костадин Богданов, неодамна разрешен од позицијата член на Извршниот комитет на партијата, изрази очекување дека уставните измени, предвидени со Преспанскиот договор ќе поминат во Собранието на Република Македонија и оти патот во тој правец веќе е соодветно трасиран.

    Патот е трасиран, лично мене тоа многу ме радува. Сметам дека со Договорот од Преспа, со влезот во ЕУ и НАТО, ќе претставува една катарза за државата, на сите полиња и во правосудството и во образованието и во здравството и дека не очекува многу напорна работа, но она што е добро е дека го фативме вистинскиот правец, а кога ќе стигнеме на целта зависи само од нас“, вели Богданов.



    • Carlin
      Senior Member
      • Dec 2011
      • 3332

      The Constitutional Commission adopted the fourth (last) amendment guaranteeing the protection of Macedonian identity.

      The government claims that the Macedonian identity is cemented, DPMNE says - Greece will never accept it.

      Со девет гласа „за“ и пет „против“ Комисијата за уставни прашања даде зелено свтело и за поледниот нацрт амандман со кој се гарантира заштита и негување на македонскиот идентитет, како и заштита на правата и интересите на државјаните кои живеат или престојуваат во странство, но без мешање во внатрешните работи на другите земји. Според пратениците од ВМРО-ДПМНЕ оснатнува опасноста од блокирање на земјава на евроинтегративниот пат, бидејќи според нив Грција никогаш нема да го признае националниот идентитет. Независната пратеничка група на ВМРО – ДПМНЕ пак со став дека со Амандманот се потенцира обврската за заштита на историското и културното наследство на македонскиот народ, но и со порака дека власта дека треба да се обиде да постигне консензус по прашањето на промена на Уставот.

      Со усвојувањето и на последниот четврти нацрт-амандмандман завршува и работата на Комисијата за уставни прашања. Пактот амандмани сега се сели во законодавно-правната комисија, која може да зеседава најмногу 12 дена, по што амандманите ќе се најдат пред пратениците на пелнарната седнциа, веќе закажана за 1ви декември.

      Source: Kanal 5.
      Last edited by Carlin; 11-11-2018, 09:15 PM.


      • Niko777
        Senior Member
        • Oct 2010
        • 1895

        The Albanian minority's response to "Macedonian / Citizen of North Macedonia"

        2. 'Citizenship', as formulated by the Prespa Agreement, as "Macedonian / Citizen of the Republic of Northern Macedonia" is unacceptable. Macedonia is established as a multi-ethnic country where citizens of different national backgrounds, including Macedonians, Albanians, Turks, Roma, Aromanians and others have "Citizenship of the Republic of Macedonia" under the current constitution. Zaev's attempts to link citizenship to the Macedonian nation are offensive to the Albanians, who are not and will never be Macedonians. If the current definition of citizenship is altered, Albanians too will request the right to use their nationality next to citizenship in the form "Albanian / Citizen of the Republic of Northern Macedonia".


        • Risto the Great
          Senior Member
          • Sep 2008
          • 15660

          Fair enough if you ask me. If they want to go down the path of absurdity with NMK it will inevitably sprout this kind of lunacy.
          Risto the Great
          "Holding my breath for the revolution."

          Hey, I wrote a bestseller. Check it out:


          • Soldier of Macedon
            Senior Member
            • Sep 2008
            • 13675

            Originally posted by Risto the Great View Post
            Fair enough if you ask me. If they want to go down the path of absurdity with NMK it will inevitably sprout this kind of lunacy.
            Absurd and pathetic, yet apparently normal in the Zaev fiefdom.
            In the name of the blood and the sun, the dagger and the gun, Christ protect this soldier, a lion and a Macedonian.


            • Gocka
              Senior Member
              • Dec 2012
              • 2306

              Its painful to watch it all unravel.

              This is also a big F U, to all the communists in Macedonia that were convincing me that Albanians want to be Macedonians in some sense as long as we reach out with open arms and make a few concessions to make them feel more included in everyday life.

              Originally posted by Niko777 View Post
              The Albanian minority's response to "Macedonian / Citizen of North Macedonia"


              • Carlin
                Senior Member
                • Dec 2011
                • 3332


                With the exception of several extremist votes from Greece and Bulgaria, the vast majority of MEPs last night before the vote for the report on Macedonia called for the start of EU membership talks in June, but reiterated that the country must continue at the same reform pace.

                Со исклучок на неколку екстремистички гласови од Грција и Бугарија, огромното мнозинство европратеници синоќа на дебатата…


                • Spirit
                  • May 2015
                  • 154

                  More Zaev bullshit

                  SKOPJE – “At the moment, we have adapted our legislature and completed much of the work. There are chapters which we are going to open and then immediately close. Nonetheless, everything depends on us and if we push through everything according to plan, I believe Macedonia can join the EU...

                  And he keeps on spinning the same shit about the identity being protected.
                  How dumb can this fuck get? Nationality is different from ethnicity. My nationality is Australian but my ethnicity is Macedonian. And he keeps on harping on about being identity being protected, nothing is being protected Zaev you neanderthal inbred fuckwit


                  • Carlin
                    Senior Member
                    • Dec 2011
                    • 3332

                    Republic of North Macedonia voted for the second time

                    „Република Северна Македонија“ изгласана по вторпат


                    Наместо законски дозволените три дена, на пратениците им беше доволно двојно помалку за расправа по првиот амандман на уставот, со кој државата се преименува во Република Северна Македонија. Повеќето од пријавените за збор се откажаа за дискусиите, а останатите не ја искористија до крај дозволената минутажа. Со 67 гласа „за„, беше изгласан амандманот со кој државата се преименува во сите членови на уставот, освен во членот 36, каде се спомнува во историски контекст. ВМРО ДПМНЕ гласаа против, а четворица пратеници беа воздржани. Најмногу бура предизвика репликата на министерот за надворешни работи, кој коментирајќи ги дискусиите на пратениците од опозицијата, рече дека сме нација со комплекси.

                    Од ВМРО ДПМНЕ побараа извинување од министерот, но не го добија.

                    Во расправата по вториот амандман со кој, во Преамбулата на уставот се додава и Рамковниот договор, а одлуките на АСНОМ се заменуваат со прогласот од заседанието, Димитров остави простор за измени. Можно е, во преамбулата да влезат и дел од барањата на опозициските пратеници, но тоа ќе се знае по јавната расправа и мислењето на правните експерти.


                    • Carlin
                      Senior Member
                      • Dec 2011
                      • 3332

                      Zaev remarks puts name deal on rocks

                      Athens said it expects the Former Yugoslav Republic of Macedonia to fully respect the “letter and spirit” of the name deal it signed with Greece last summer after reports that the Balkan country’s Prime Minister Zoran Zaev said that “Macedonians” in Greece will have the right to be taught the “Macedonian” language.

                      Athens said it expects the Republic of Macedonia to fully respect the “letter and spirit” of the name deal it signed with Greece last summer after reports that the Balkan country’s Prime Minister Zoran Zaev said that “Macedonians” in Greece will have the right to be taught the “Macedonian” language.

                      According to news sites and, Zaev’s remarks were made to a lawmaker of the nationalist VMRO party who asked about the fate of so-called “Aegean Macedonians” under the deal – also known as the Prespes agreement.

                      In response to questions posed by Kathimerini – whether Zaev did indeed refer to “Aegean Macedonians” and their right to be taught “Macedonian,” and if his comments imply the existence of a “Macedonian” minority in Greece – government spokesman Mile Bosnjakovski said that under the Prespes deal his country’s language belongs to the group of southern Slavic languages and that it will become an official language of the European Union when Macedonia joins the bloc.

                      He also said there are no articles in the deal specifying language use in Macedonia and Greece. He didn’t say whether Zaev referred to “Aegean Macedonians.”

                      Earlier, Greece’s Alternate Foreign Minister Giorgos Katrougalos said that Athens expects Macedonia to fully respect the name deal it signed with Greece last summer “in letter and spirit” but added that Athens must first see the exact text of Zaev’s remarks.

                      Greece insists that Macedonia’s insistence on describing the Slavic language of Macedonia as “Macedonian” is tantamount to an attempt to appropriate the heritage of the Greek culture of the ancient Macedonians.

                      Under the agreement, Macedonia must erase references in its constitution that could lead to irredentist claims to Greece’s northern province of Macedonia.

                      For its part, opposition New Democracy slammed what it described as Prime Minister Alexis Tsipras’s “provocative” silence on the issue.

                      The conservatives said in a statement that the Prespes name deal “encourages instead of erasing Skopje’s irredentism.”

                      “The statement by Zaev about the capability of teaching the so-called Macedonian language in our country is a provocation to all Greeks,” it said.

                      On Sunday, Macedonia’s Parliament cleared another hurdle on the path leading to deal’s final ratification. The constitutional amendments may be finalized with a two-thirds majority of 80 MPs by the end of January.


                      • Phoenix
                        Senior Member
                        • Dec 2008
                        • 4671

                        Originally posted by Carlin15 View Post
                        Zaev remarks puts name deal on rocks
                        Zaev's total capitulation on this matter, in the form of the agreement he has so enthusiastically handed to the greeks will ensure that this sort of thing will be the millstone around the neck of the Macedonian people into perpetuity.

                        The 'agreement' hasn't even been enacted by either government and already teams of greeks are scouring for every single breach of the 'contract'...and it will get worse.


                        • Spirit
                          • May 2015
                          • 154

                          Originally posted by Carlin15 View Post
                          Zaev remarks puts name deal on rocks

                          Athens said it expects the Former Yugoslav Republic of Macedonia to fully respect the “letter and spirit” of the name deal it signed with Greece last summer after reports that the Balkan country’s Prime Minister Zoran Zaev said that “Macedonians” in Greece will have the right to be taught the “Macedonian” language.

                          Athens said it expects the Republic of Macedonia to fully respect the “letter and spirit” of the name deal it signed with Greece last summer after reports that the Balkan country’s Prime Minister Zoran Zaev said that “Macedonians” in Greece will have the right to be taught the “Macedonian” language.

                          According to news sites and, Zaev’s remarks were made to a lawmaker of the nationalist VMRO party who asked about the fate of so-called “Aegean Macedonians” under the deal – also known as the Prespes agreement.

                          In response to questions posed by Kathimerini – whether Zaev did indeed refer to “Aegean Macedonians” and their right to be taught “Macedonian,” and if his comments imply the existence of a “Macedonian” minority in Greece – government spokesman Mile Bosnjakovski said that under the Prespes deal his country’s language belongs to the group of southern Slavic languages and that it will become an official language of the European Union when Macedonia joins the bloc.

                          He also said there are no articles in the deal specifying language use in Macedonia and Greece. He didn’t say whether Zaev referred to “Aegean Macedonians.”

                          Earlier, Greece’s Alternate Foreign Minister Giorgos Katrougalos said that Athens expects Macedonia to fully respect the name deal it signed with Greece last summer “in letter and spirit” but added that Athens must first see the exact text of Zaev’s remarks.

                          Greece insists that Macedonia’s insistence on describing the Slavic language of Macedonia as “Macedonian” is tantamount to an attempt to appropriate the heritage of the Greek culture of the ancient Macedonians.

                          Under the agreement, Macedonia must erase references in its constitution that could lead to irredentist claims to Greece’s northern province of Macedonia.

                          For its part, opposition New Democracy slammed what it described as Prime Minister Alexis Tsipras’s “provocative” silence on the issue.

                          The conservatives said in a statement that the Prespes name deal “encourages instead of erasing Skopje’s irredentism.”

                          “The statement by Zaev about the capability of teaching the so-called Macedonian language in our country is a provocation to all Greeks,” it said.

                          On Sunday, Macedonia’s Parliament cleared another hurdle on the path leading to deal’s final ratification. The constitutional amendments may be finalized with a two-thirds majority of 80 MPs by the end of January.
                          The traitorous fuckwit keeps getting bitch slapped so hard by the Greeks. Here’s a link to virtually the same article which goes into a little bit more detail


                          • Phoenix
                            Senior Member
                            • Dec 2008
                            • 4671

                            Originally posted by Spirit View Post
                            The traitorous fuckwit keeps getting bitch slapped so hard by the Greeks. Here’s a link to virtually the same article which goes into a little bit more detail

                            That’s what he signed up for...he and every other Macedonian leader after him will be straight jacketed by this agreement...the bitch slapping has only just started, these are the things that the Greeks will use against us in the future to veto our NATO and EU

                            The history of our ‘negotiations’ with the Greeks has been our side making real (and humiliating concessions) and the Greeks making hollow promises to end their veto...and each time our side has given up a little more of our sovereignty and a larger piece of our soul, for ZERO net return...I expect the Greeks to continue with this strategy until they have totally stripped us of our name, identity and dignity...the Greeks have now seen that the fyromians have a price and that they are easily bought...a little more cash to the right people and anything is possible...


                            • Niko777
                              Senior Member
                              • Oct 2010
                              • 1895

                              Zoran Zaev - Is he a threat to his own agreement? LOL
                              Video emerges of what he said in Parliament



                              • Phoenix
                                Senior Member
                                • Dec 2008
                                • 4671

                                Originally posted by Niko777 View Post
                                Zoran Zaev - Is he a threat to his own agreement? LOL
                                Video emerges of what he said in Parliament

                                I think Zaev has a totally different interpretation of the agreement than how the Greeks view things, this is the result of trying too hard to be all things to all people, rather than to focus on Macedonia’s priorities...

