Macedonia & Greece: Name Issue

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  • vicsinad
    Senior Member
    • May 2011
    • 2337

    Let's hope that some of these people turn words into resistance:

    With 81 votes in favor, the constitutional changes were passed in the Macedonian Parliament yesterday, under which the Republic of Macedonia, according to the Prespa Agreement, will become the Republic of Northern Macedonia. The two-thirds majority of the ruling coalition means a trampling of the will of the people from the September 30th referendum when the vast majority of Macedonian citizens with the act of not attending voting showed that they did not give legitimacy to change their constitutional name.

    Already by signing the controversial and Macedonian side, an extremely blackmailing agreement, it became clear that as a state we agreed that somebody else should dictate our internal order, as one of the essential elements under which a state can be called sovereign and independent. History does not know an example where in peaceful conditions, in the 21st century, an independent state agrees to a series of ultimatums on the other, which will bring catastrophic consequences for its existence and will bring the state itself into a state of subjugation to another.

    Why does the existence of Northern Macedonia "in the spirit of the Prespa Agreement" mean the actual existence of an Orwellian state? The main features of this country, described in detail in the cult novel "1984" by author George Orwell, include: state propaganda through the fabrication of facts and falsification of history, the rule through terror, and the control of thought through the conversation.

    With the very act of amending the constitutional amendments, which among other things is changing, the Preamble of the Constitution is grossly forgery of history by erasing the decisions of ASNOM as the foundation of modern Macedonia and the referendum of September 8, 1991 as a referendum for the Republic of North Macedonia (this is the most punctual example of a forgery on the highest legal act). At the same time, the new state is mincing the contribution of thousands of fighters, knowledgeable and ignorant, who have laid down their lives for an independent and free Macedonian state, without foreign dictates and interferences in the internal affairs. In the spirit, but also according to the word of the Prespa Agreement, the state is obliged to organize a brutal propaganda, with which the term "Macedonia" or "Republic of Macedonia" will be expressly forbidden when it is used by the official state organs.

    Governance through terror as one of the foundations of Orwellian state proved even in the process of violent pushing the anti-constitutional and illegitimate Prespa agreement. From the irresponsible, non-transparent and incongruous process in which the president and the opposition were completely excluded for the key concessions, the unauthorized signature of the Minister of Foreign Affairs (only the Macedonian president, under the power of the Constitution, is obliged to do so), through a gross fraud called consular, a mandatory referendum, the failure to recognize the catastrophically low response from the same and unprecedented blackmail of MPs to vote on changing the constitutional name are examples showing the basis on which the new state is created imposed name - Northern Macedonia.

    We are talking about a process in which the agreement has not yet entered into force yet, and the government has already applied tyrannical methods to achieve its goal by suppressing any popular resistance and maximum abuse of its position.

    Probably one of the most archaic features of the rule in Northern Macedonia will be word manipulation, according to which the betrayal of state interests will be called patriotism, tyranny against its own people will be a democracy, political rape of justice will be called justice, and all three of these words will be jointly called European values.

    The above examples illustrate why the artificial bent and forced change in the name in Northern Macedonia will lead to the creation of an Orwellian state, in which the rule of fear, state propaganda and control will become an everyday thing.

    Whether and how much we allow the functioning of this artificial creation depends on us all, but it should be remembered that all tyrannical states and projects had a limited shelf life; Thus ended both the USSR and Fascist Italy and Nazi Germany as the most notorious examples of "dungeons for the peoples" despite the fact that "their longevity was guaranteed in the next thousand years".

    Our Macedonia, as a pure opposite of their "North" is above all: the ideal of freedom, justice and dignity and as such an ideal it is not subject to compromises and bargains, even less of pressures and blackmails, because against our temporary existence, the ideals are eternal !

    Pavel Doneski
    (The author is a Master in Public Relations)


    • Pelagonija
      • Mar 2017
      • 533

      Interesting article from the leader of the Greek communist party. At the very least they call out the Prespa agreement for what it is.. RAPE

      During a interview on ERT earlier on Saturday, the General Secretary of the CC of the Communist Party of Greece Dimitris Koutsoumbas repeated the firm stance of the KKE against the Prespes Agreement (between the governments of Greece and FYR of Macedonia)


      • Solun
        • Sep 2012
        • 166

        Originally posted by Karposh View Post
        I love this guy. If only more people in the republic were more like him. He got absolutely crucified in the media recently when he walked off in protest (and in disgust) at a recent sports presentation ceremony after one of the awarded recipients opened his acceptance speech in the Albanian language.
        MRT National Television refuses to refer to Stoilov by name

        Срамно изживување на државна телевизија врз македонски репрезентативец во моментите на спортско славје по првата победа на Македонија на Светското ракометно првенство во Германија и во Данска.

        За време на директниот ТВ пренос од натпреварот меѓу Македонија и Јапонија во Минхен на вториот канал на Македонската радио телевизија, уредникот на спортската редакција на албански јазик во МТВ, Мустафа Адеми се дрзна крајно непрофесионално да се изживува врз македонскиот репрезентативец Стојанче Стоилов не изговарајќи го во ниту еден момент за време на својот коментар неговото име. Но, постојано нарекувајќи го „играчот со број пет“.

        Како што пренесува „Инфоспорт“ причина за ваквата реакција на Адеми било заминувањето на Стоилов од неодмнешниот избор на „Спортист на Македонија 2018“ поради обраќање на албански јазик на еден од наградените.

        Но, повеќе е од јасно е дека еден таков чин на телевизија водена од државни пари, за време на пренос на репрезентација на сопствената земја, е во најмала рака скандалозен чин, без разлика дали самоволен или со колективна одлука, кој секако до крај се очекува да го испитаат челниците на МРТ. Затоа што ниту има ниту може да постои, без разлика на причините, било какво оправдување за една таква реакција кон македонски претставник на интернационалната сцена.

        Срамно изживување на државна телевизија врз македонски репрезентативец во моментите на спортско славје по првата победа на...

        Stoilov is representing his nation at the World Cup and is awarded man of the match following his team's victory. National Television of the nation he represents simply refers to him as 'player wearing number 5'. Let me repeat, this is a national sporting hero winning man of the match at the World Cup and he is not referred to by name by the National Television of the nation he represents.


        • Vangelovski
          Senior Member
          • Sep 2008
          • 8533

          Thanks Vic, appreciated.
          If my people who are called by my name will humble themselves and pray and seek my face and turn from their wicked ways, I will hear from heaven and will forgive their sins and restore their land. 2 Chronicles 7:14

          The Revolution was in the minds and hearts of the people; a change in their religious sentiments, of their duties and obligations...This radical change in the principles, opinions, sentiments, and affections of the people was the real American Revolution. John Adams


          • Soldier of Macedon
            Senior Member
            • Sep 2008
            • 13675

            Originally posted by Solun View Post
            MRT National Television refuses to refer to Stoilov by name.
            In a few weeks it will not be MRT, it will be SMRT - quite fitting given the despicable predicament.
            In the name of the blood and the sun, the dagger and the gun, Christ protect this soldier, a lion and a Macedonian.


            • Soldier of Macedon
              Senior Member
              • Sep 2008
              • 13675

              Originally posted by Pelagonija View Post
              Interesting article from the leader of the Greek communist party. At the very least they call out the Prespa agreement for what it is.. RAPE

              Just about the only thing good about that article is that he is against the agreement. Almost everything else is typical Greek racism. Funny how this fat commie scumbag thinks about our people today yet about 70 years ago many of his supposed ideological predecessors were Macedonians and Greeks who supported Macedonians.
              In the name of the blood and the sun, the dagger and the gun, Christ protect this soldier, a lion and a Macedonian.


              • Amphipolis
                • Aug 2014
                • 1328

                Originally posted by Soldier of Macedon View Post
                Just about the only thing good about that article is that he is against the agreement. Almost everything else is typical Greek racism. Funny how this fat commie scumbag thinks about our people today yet about 70 years ago many of his supposed ideological predecessors were Macedonians and Greeks who supported Macedonians.
                Yes, one probably needs deep scientific research in order to find exactly when the Communist Party changed its' views. They just have to say something to avoid voting YES for the Prespa Agreement and avoid political cost.

                Right now it's 9:30am in Greece, Tsipras meets Kamenos at 10:30 and Kamenos gives press conference at 12:30pm. Nobody bets on their decisions at the moment. Kamenos and his Party are about to disappear anyway, the first obvious political victims of the Agreement. Stavros Theodorakis and his party (The River) are following.


                • Pelagonija
                  • Mar 2017
                  • 533

                  Yasou migalo gifto..

                  These commi vlakas hold 15 seats.. what’s the likelihood of the pousties in parliament getting this over the line?


                  • Phoenix
                    Senior Member
                    • Dec 2008
                    • 4671

                    Originally posted by Pelagonija View Post
                    Yasou migalo gifto..

                    These commi vlakas hold 15 seats.. what’s the likelihood of the pousties in parliament getting this over the line?
                    The greeks have shit for brains if they vote for this illegal debacle...nothing that Zaev has done since coming to power has been legal or constitutional nor without foreign meddling and dirty tricks.


                    • Phoenix
                      Senior Member
                      • Dec 2008
                      • 4671

                      Originally posted by Amphipolis View Post
                      Yes, one probably needs deep scientific research in order to find exactly when the Communist Party changed its' views. They just have to say something to avoid voting YES for the Prespa Agreement and avoid political cost.

                      Right now it's 9:30am in Greece, Tsipras meets Kamenos at 10:30 and Kamenos gives press conference at 12:30pm. Nobody bets on their decisions at the moment. Kamenos and his Party are about to disappear anyway, the first obvious political victims of the Agreement. Stavros Theodorakis and his party (The River) are following.
                      I hear Kamenos has resigned...
                      Last edited by Phoenix; 01-13-2019, 06:12 AM.


                      • maco2envy
                        • Jan 2015
                        • 288

                        Originally posted by Phoenix View Post
                        I hear Kamenos has resigned...
                        Seems like that will have little effect


                        • Soldier of Macedon
                          Senior Member
                          • Sep 2008
                          • 13675

                          Originally posted by vicsinad View Post
                          Let's hope that some of these people turn words into resistance:

                          Vic, is there a list of names of the 81 maggots who voted for this betrayal?
                          In the name of the blood and the sun, the dagger and the gun, Christ protect this soldier, a lion and a Macedonian.


                          • vicsinad
                            Senior Member
                            • May 2011
                            • 2337

                            Originally posted by Vangelovski View Post
                            Thanks Vic, appreciated.
                            No problem.

                            Other news, Bulgaria's turn to get Macedonians to accept that they're Bulgarians.

                            From BG's Foreign Minister Zaharieva:

                            "One of the main conditions in the pre-accession process is to have good neighborly relations, not to pursue an isolationist and nationalist policy, not to steal the history of the neighbors and not to deny the general historical past. Bulgaria clearly sets out these conditions, "Zaharieva added.
                            Национален интерес на Бугарија е во Република Македонија да има стабилен, сигурен и безбеден сосед. Тоа ќе биде така кога земјата ќе стане сојузник на


                            • vicsinad
                              Senior Member
                              • May 2011
                              • 2337

                              Originally posted by Soldier of Macedon View Post
                              Vic, is there a list of names of the 81 maggots who voted for this betrayal?
                              Yes, see this link with how everyone voted:


                              • Soldier of Macedon
                                Senior Member
                                • Sep 2008
                                • 13675

                                Originally posted by vicsinad View Post
                                Yes, see this link with how everyone voted:

                                Thanks Vic.
                                In the name of the blood and the sun, the dagger and the gun, Christ protect this soldier, a lion and a Macedonian.

