Macedonia & Greece: Name Issue

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  • Truth Bearer
    • Sep 2008
    • 120

    It's a hotch potch of Hebrewnised words into slavic words.......It's more a slang type of oral language.


    • Risto the Great
      Senior Member
      • Sep 2008
      • 15660

      Could've been if it was given a chance.
      Risto the Great
      "Holding my breath for the revolution."

      Hey, I wrote a bestseller. Check it out:


      • Truth Bearer
        • Sep 2008
        • 120

        They still speak Yiddish the European Jews.....


        • El Bre
          • Sep 2008
          • 713

          Originally posted by Truth Bearer View Post
          It's a hotch potch of Hebrewnised words into slavic words.......It's more a slang type of oral language.
          Actually it's a Germanic language.


          • Truth Bearer
            • Sep 2008
            • 120

            I was under the impression it was Polish/Russian??You may be right...


            • El Bre
              • Sep 2008
              • 713

              Originally posted by Truth Bearer View Post
              Yiddish isn't a written language either RTG.
              Who told you that?
              Last edited by El Bre; 09-07-2008, 07:39 PM.


              • Truth Bearer
                • Sep 2008
                • 120

                Yes yr spot on my mistake......

                Yiddish (ייִדיש yidish or אידיש idish, literally "Jewish") is a nonterritorial High German language, spoken throughout the world but, unlike other such languages, is written with the Hebrew alphabet.

                The language originated in the Ashkenazi culture that developed from about the 10th century in the Rhineland and then spread to central and eastern Europe and eventually to other continents. In the earliest surviving references to it, the language is called לשון־אַשכּנז (loshn-ashkenaz = "language of Ashkenaz") and טײַטש (taytsh, a variant of tiutsch, the contemporary name for the language otherwise spoken in the region of origin, now called Middle High German; compare the modern New High German Deutsch). In common usage, the language is called מאַמע־לשון (mame-loshn, literally "mother tongue"), distinguishing it from biblical Hebrew and Aramaic, which are collectively termed לשון־קודש (loshn-koydesh, "holy tongue").

                The term "Yiddish" did not become the most frequently used designation in the literature of the language until the 18th century. For a significant portion of its history, Yiddish was the primary spoken language of the Ashkenazi Jews and once spanned a broad dialect continuum from "Western Yiddish" to three major groups within "Eastern Yiddish." Eastern and Western Yiddish are most markedly distinguished by the extensive inclusion of words of Slavic origin in the Eastern dialects. While Western Yiddish has few remaining speakers, Eastern dialects remain in wide use. Yiddish is written and spoken as a living language in many Orthodox Jewish communities around the world. It is most notably used as a first language in most Hasidic communities, where it is the first language learned in childhood and used in home, schooling, and many social settings.

                The general history and status of the Yiddish language are discussed below, with further detail provided in a series of separate articles on:


                • osiris
                  Senior Member
                  • Sep 2008
                  • 1969

                  truth bearer the greek language did not survive as a majority peoples language in greece it was ressurected and imposed on the albanian valch and slav speaking populations.

                  it survived as a language because it was the church language and spoken by a very small albeit wealthy and influential minority of christian people within the ottoman empire, and in tiny insignificnat pockets in calabria and sicily.

                  you are perpetuating a neo greek myth that doesnt reflect the reality on the ground in greece and the majority christian population in the ottoman empire pre the establishment of the neo greek state in 1824. now if for some personal psychological need to have to believe that bullshit, thats ok , but stop posting such crap as historical truth on this forum, maybe you can get away with that shit in neo greek cyberland but not here.


                  • Truth Bearer
                    • Sep 2008
                    • 120

                    Originally posted by osiris View Post
                    truth bearer the greek language did not survive as a majority peoples language in greece it was ressurected and imposed on the albanian valch and slav speaking populations.

                    it survived as a language because it was the church language and spoken by a very small albeit wealthy and influential minority of christian people within the ottoman empire, and in tiny insignificnat pockets in calabria and sicily.

                    you are perpetuating a neo greek myth that doesnt reflect the reality on the ground in greece and the majority christian population in the ottoman empire pre the establishment of the neo greek state in 1824. now if for some personal psychological need to have to believe that bullshit, thats ok , but stop posting such crap as historical truth on this forum, maybe you can get away with that shit in neo greek cyberland but not here.

                    So then I ask you how come you people today don't speak GREEK???


                    • El Bre
                      • Sep 2008
                      • 713

                      Originally posted by Truth Bearer View Post
                      So then I ask you how come you people today don't speak GREEK???
                      Many of us do, and many of us have also adopted a Greek conciousness and have become the the erstwhile descendants of Atalanta.
                      Last edited by El Bre; 09-07-2008, 07:47 PM.


                      • Truth Bearer
                        • Sep 2008
                        • 120

                        According to yr theories since the Greek language dissapeared and only a few elite spoke it how come I speak it and you don't?Yes you may as you must be from Florina region but why hasn't the language survived in the north central Balkans?


                        • osiris
                          Senior Member
                          • Sep 2008
                          • 1969

                          truth bearer many macedoniasn speak greek but apart from the ones in egei in the past 50 years , none of them learned it as their native language learned form the mothers as you put it, they learned it because they were forced too. now stop this nonsense.


                          • Truth Bearer
                            • Sep 2008
                            • 120

                            Really?/Ok lets see how many from the Republic speak Greek??Why don't we find out and I bet you noone ever did unless yr referring to the Vlachs that stayed behind after the Balkan Wars........


                            • osiris
                              Senior Member
                              • Sep 2008
                              • 1969

                              believe what you want.


                              • Struja
                                • Sep 2008
                                • 206

                                Originally posted by Truth Bearer View Post
                                Really?/Ok lets see how many from the Republic speak Greek??Why don't we find out and I bet you noone ever did unless yr referring to the Vlachs that stayed behind after the Balkan Wars........
                                tell me TB, how many greeks were there in the republic after the balkan wars? with facts and links please.

