Macedonia & Greece: Name Issue

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  • Risto the Great
    Senior Member
    • Sep 2008
    • 15660

    Greeks will pass this. They are the same shit people that can bought off. And this is an easy sell, nobody in the world has ever controlled another country in the same way. Those Dumbadonians don't even know what they have given away yet. But they will.
    Risto the Great
    "Holding my breath for the revolution."

    Hey, I wrote a bestseller. Check it out:


    • Risto the Great
      Senior Member
      • Sep 2008
      • 15660

      Breaking news: Macedonian unrest escalates dramatically after VMRO's despicable act

      Cats are always the top story on the internet news, but occasionally cats do things so amazing their news headlines are way too perfect.

      Apparently a couple of people couldn't get their coffees in a reasonable time frame in Skopje and all hell broke loose.

      Risto the Great
      "Holding my breath for the revolution."

      Hey, I wrote a bestseller. Check it out:


      • Risto the Great
        Senior Member
        • Sep 2008
        • 15660

        To all the "optimists" who thought it could never get this far, please do not come here posting abut how difficult it will be to pass the various constitutional amendments through.
        Risto the Great
        "Holding my breath for the revolution."

        Hey, I wrote a bestseller. Check it out:


        • Karposh
          • Aug 2015
          • 863

          The more I look at the situation in, let's just call it that geographic region, the more underhanded, slimy and manipulative the systems that govern those people seem to appear. When the time came, in 1991, to stand tall and say to the old Yugoslav authorities “we find the current situation is no longer viable for Macedonia and we have to part ways now”, the best the Macedonian authorities could do was pose a deliberately vague and convoluted referendum question - “Are you for a sovereign and independent state of Macedonia, with a right to enter into any alliance with sovereign states of Yugoslavia?“ 96.4% of those who voted were all in favour for the proposal, which, if we're being honest, was interpreted by most as a vote for a future union with Yugoslavia.

          Just a few years later, in 1995, they gave up the adopted flag and, if I'm not mistaken, made a couple of edits in the constitution which referred to the Macedonians in neighbouring countries to placate Greece.

          In 2001, they made a further 15 amendments to the constitiution as part of the Ohrid Agreement which has continued the path of eroding the premise of the republic as the nation-state of the Macedonians. What we have now is a multinational state where the Macedonian people are slowly being conditioned to behave as citizens of a modern and multicultural European state rather than simply as Macedonians from Macedonia.

          A quarter of a century later we have this latest betrayal – the renaming of the the country, more constitutional changes and a pledge to review it's own History that a foreign country must sign off on - thereby further watering down what's left of the Macedonian identity.

          Again, events leading up to the betrayal begin with another deliberately vague and convoluted referendum question - “Are you in favor of membership in NATO and European Union by accepting the deal between (the) Republic of Macedonia and Republic of Greece?”...Not a word about the name change but a promise of wealth, security and prosperity as the opening theme of the question.

          It doesn't take a genius to see that Greece will reject the deal, continue to block that geographic region's entry into world organisations and North Macedonians will have to live with their short nearsightedness and lack of self respect. I have no doubt they'll pen a letter of protest or two to the EU, NATO and the UN's Court of Arbitration at the injustice of it all and life will continue for the complete and utter losers of the Balkans.


          • Risto the Great
            Senior Member
            • Sep 2008
            • 15660

            You forgot about the Yugo's taking all of Macedonia's weapons as part of the 1991 deal to be allowed to leave quietly. Macedonia is like a fat little dog that rolls on its back every time you go near it.
            Risto the Great
            "Holding my breath for the revolution."

            Hey, I wrote a bestseller. Check it out:


            • Pelagonija
              • Mar 2017
              • 533

              Originally posted by vicsinad View Post

              Hold on to our Macedonian identity and pass down our Macedonian language, culture and history. Preserve the truth now for future generations to make the most out of. Whether we're in the Diaspora or in Macedonia (which, especially if North Macedonia gets cemented in RoM's constitution, should exclusively refer to all three major occupied parts of Macedonia and not just RoM) we must dig in.
              Its over mate, we’ve always had traitors.. but we also always had people that were willing to fight for the homeland. Now we don’t, that’s the difference. In history cultures/countries have come and gone we are one of them, and on top of emigrating we are culturally and statistically dying, call it national euthanasia. We have to accept the fact that this was the chosen path of the people in NMK. These are not our people nor would I encourage people to teach their kids to affiliate with this mob. NMK would rather cannibalise themselves rather than fight or stand up against others. Look at VMRO vs SDSM pathetic. Imagine we had 100 mps as one party in parliament working together for the cause?

              How many times have I farking gone to that place and was told, ti si stranec or Avstralec, they farking hate us.

              If they can change their identity so can we..


              • Karposh
                • Aug 2015
                • 863

                Originally posted by Risto the Great View Post
                You forgot about the Yugo's taking all of Macedonia's weapons as part of the 1991 deal to be allowed to leave quietly. Macedonia is like a fat little dog that rolls on its back every time you go near it.
                Don't you mean a fat little girl dog - i.e. a little Bitch!


                • Spirit
                  • May 2015
                  • 154

                  Russian embassy has just apparently tweeted that it would not recognise the new name and will continue to refer Macedonia as the Republic Of Macedonia.
                  Apparently Russia will block any move to rename the country at the UN


                  • Risto the Great
                    Senior Member
                    • Sep 2008
                    • 15660

                    Originally posted by Spirit View Post
                    Russian embassy has just apparently tweeted that it would not recognise the new name and will continue to refer Macedonia as the Republic Of Macedonia.
                    Apparently Russia will block any move to rename the country at the UN
                    Thanks Russia, but the people have spoken.
                    Risto the Great
                    "Holding my breath for the revolution."

                    Hey, I wrote a bestseller. Check it out:


                    • Karposh
                      • Aug 2015
                      • 863

                      As predicted on this very forum, the opposition have their scapegoat over the decision - it's not the people's fault (2/3 of the population was against it according to Mickoski) but solely Zaev's and a few treacherous DPNE members of parliament - all of which will have their party membership cancelled...That's showing them. So, to re-cap, the name change went ahead and it's not the people's fault nor the opposition's. They can all hold their heads high over this national betrayal. The blame goes out solely to Zoran Zaev. And, now that they have all been vindicated, they can watch the money and good times pour into North Macedonia.


                      • Risto the Great
                        Senior Member
                        • Sep 2008
                        • 15660

                        So what do the hysterically ridiculous Macedonian diaspora political party organisations do with themselves now? I mean they have never been any use whatsoever in the diaspora, but now they simply represent the enemy of Macedonians.
                        Risto the Great
                        "Holding my breath for the revolution."

                        Hey, I wrote a bestseller. Check it out:


                        • Carlin
                          Senior Member
                          • Dec 2011
                          • 3332

                          Golden Dawn tried to stop a traditional Macedonian event in northern Greece


                          Members of the Greek neo-fascist Golden Dawn party today tried to stop the traditional dance that the House of Macedonian Culture organizes every year in the Greek village of Patele.

                          Tonight at 19:00 in the village of Patele (Agios Panteleimonas), Lerin region, the dance was to begin in the organization of the House of Macedonian Culture.

                          Members of Golden Dawn threatened not to allow it and would organize a protest outside the hotel where the dance was to be held.

                          After threats, the Vinozhito party sent a letter to the police in Lerin seeking protection.

                          Police blocked the road, but previously released four buses of Golden Dawn, so now no one can enter the village, and witnesses from the site say that the police said: "Feel free to enter, but at your own risk."

                          A small number of Macedonians managed to enter the village.
                          Last edited by Carlin; 10-21-2018, 12:04 AM. Reason: Article translated into English


                          • Pelagonija
                            • Mar 2017
                            • 533

                            Originally posted by Spirit View Post
                            Russian embassy has just apparently tweeted that it would not recognise the new name and will continue to refer Macedonia as the Republic Of Macedonia.
                            Apparently Russia will block any move to rename the country at the UN
                            The Greeks will force NMK to sign a another treaty, thus this time with the Russia begging them to recognize NMK. Zaev will package it and sell it off of to the people as a part of the zivot za site program. He will also remind the people that Gruo mu iskrade parite in order to incite the public and divert their attention from the level of homosexuality taking place during the treaty process.


                            • Pelagonija
                              • Mar 2017
                              • 533

                              Originally posted by Carlin15 View Post
                              Golden Dawn tried to stop a traditional Macedonian event in northern Greece

                              Златна зора проба да спречи традиционален настан во северна Грција

                              Припадници на грчката неофашистичка партија Златна зора денеска се обиделе да го спречат традиционалното оро што Домот на македонска култура го организира секоја година во грчкото село Пателе.

                              Вечерва во 19 часот во селото Пателе (Агиос Пантелејмонас), Леринско, требало да почне орото во организацијата на Домот на македонска култура.

                              Припадниците на Златна зора се заканувале дека нема да го дозволат тоа и дека ќе организираат протест пред хотелот каде што требало да се одржи орото.

                              По заканите, партијата Виножито испратила писмо до полицијата во Лерин барајќи заштита.

                              Полицијата го блокирала патот, меѓутоа претходно пуштила четири автобуси на Златна зора, па сега никој не може да влезе во селото, а сведоци од местото велат дека полицијата им рекла: „Слободно влезете, но на своја одговорност“.

                              Мал број Македонци успеале да влезат во селото.
                              Geez Carlin don’t be a party pooper.. we just changed our name and joined NATO and your worried about fascists, ethnic cleansing and moral values.


                              • Carlin
                                Senior Member
                                • Dec 2011
                                • 3332

                                Originally posted by Spirit View Post
                                Russian embassy has just apparently tweeted that it would not recognise the new name and will continue to refer Macedonia as the Republic Of Macedonia.
                                Apparently Russia will block any move to rename the country at the UN
                                If this is true, the Russians have gone off the deep end as well. At the UN, the member state is The former Yugoslav Republic of Macedonia (found under the letter T).

                                So any clever moves Russia might make will be to preserve The former Yugoslav Republic of Macedonia.

