The Macedonian Minority in Albania and Kosovo

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  • Soldier of Macedon
    Originally posted by Liberator of Makedonija View Post
    Spasovski only visits Macedonians in the one municipality they are recognised in.
    So, he abides by Albanian requirements in both Macedonia and Albania? Great.

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  • Liberator of Makedonija
    Spasovski only visits Macedonians in the one municipality they are recognised in.

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  • Soldier of Macedon
    Perhaps Oliver Spasovski should've dug a few bunari in Golo Brdo after dropping off some toys in Mala Prespa, so he can pretend a little more about how he cares for the Macedonians in that area. These people have been neglected for years by the Albanian government. The token support of successive Macedonian governments has been limited at best. But both governments will continue to act like they're improving the lives of these people with agreements which will see a further erosion of Macedonia's sovereignty and identity.

    No drinking water, poor road infrastructure Residents of the village Ladomerica area Golo Brdo are irritated by the state

    (Translation) Macedonians in the village of Ladomerica, the Ostren administrative unit in the Golo Brdo area, are facing a shortage of drinking water in these hot July days. The residents themselves say that for 30 years no one has invested in this area, leaving it the most backward in the entire Municipality of Bulqiza. The Golo Brdo area is composed of 22 villages, the problem for the Macedonians in the Golo Brdo area is worrying, the lack of road infrastructure is a big problem for the Golo Brdo area. Macedonians in the Golo Brdo area are seeking help from the state to solve this long-standing problem. The appeals are even louder because there is no reaction from the state institutions to the problem of the residents who openly speak in front of the cameras.

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  • Soldier of Macedon
    Originally posted by Liberator of Makedonija View Post
    Groups like MAEI also appeal to "European values" as an argument and despite the treatment of the Republic of Macedonia in EU negotiations, continue to support the ascension of that state into the Union.
    Likewise for their counterparts in Greece and Bulgaria (and probably Serbia). As minorities with limited capabilities, they have a marginal voice in their respective countries and their influence on foreign policy is inconsequential, so they probably just toe the line in the hope of obtaining some sort of benefit. They most certainly shouldn't be supporting EU membership for Macedonia, but it's not like they can look to Skopje for ideological leadership on such issues when not a single government in the country has articulated an alternative.

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  • Liberator of Makedonija
    All valid points. I have read MAEI condemning Bulgaria and its attempts to Bulgarise the Macedonian population of Mala Prespa and beyond, but I have not read of any similar condemnations for the negotiations between Macedonia and Bulgaria. Groups like MAEI also appeal to "European values" as an argument and despite the treatment of the Republic of Macedonia in EU negotiations, continue to support the ascension of that state into the Union..

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  • Soldier of Macedon
    Originally posted by Liberator of Makedonija View Post
    A little off topic but what are the views of MAEI towards the regime in Skopje? When UMD met with them they were condemned across the board, how will people react to this now?
    As a minority living in an area that borders on a country in which their brethren are a majority, they're right to expect a level of official support. The fact that they're so thankful for a simple donation of toys, however, says a bit about their situation. I'd like to think their relationship with the regime in Macedonia is cautious and based on desperation and limited options more than misguided faith, but as they don't wield much power, they're susceptible to the wrong type of influence.
    Representatives of the Macedonian community in Albania and Mayor Pali Kolefski at the working meeting once again expressed exceptional satisfaction with the openness for cooperation with the Government in the past few years, which is taking place continuously, as they have not had in the past with any previous government, and the successful building of friendly relations will continue in the realization of many other projects of common interest.
    Is that entirely true or is Kolevski pandering to the regime? If they start using the artificial moniker for the country or a different emblem for their community, that will be a sure sign their integrity is on the way out. They've held firm up until now, let's hope that can continue. That they may be used as pawns to facilitate an Albanian agenda is also a concern. Take the concurrent developments in Albania and Kosovo, for example.
    "At the meeting we discussed the possibilities for realization of new infrastructure and communal projects of interest to the citizens of Pustec. My full support, the support of the entire Government in order to continuously improve the quality of life of the Macedonians in Pustec continues. For that purpose, in twenty days it is planned to put into operation the Border Crossing Dzepiste - Trebiste, with 24-hour working hours. The realization of this issue, which has been pointed out for years by the inhabitants of Golo Brdo, will be of exceptional importance from both economic, cultural and political aspects ", emphasized Minister Spasovski during today's visit to Pustec.

    A delegation led by the President of the United Gorani Party, and Member of the Kosovo Assembly, Adem Hoxha, met today at the Macedonian Embassy in Pristina with the Macedonian Ambassador to Pristina, Spreza Jusufi. Issues important for the Gora area were discussed at the meeting, strengthening the infrastructural ties with the Republic of Macedonia is of particular importance for bringing people together and strengthening the economy, said the chairman of the United Gorani Party, and member of the Kosovo Assembly, Adem Hoxha. In the Gora area, on the slopes of Shar Planina, there are 18 villages, inhabited by Macedonians of Muslim faith.
    In normal circumstances, this might be a good thing. But these aren't normal circumstances. Albanian politicians in Macedonia, Albania and Kosovo don't respect Macedonian sovereignty. Couple that with the whoredom of northadonian tyrants and it isn't hard to understand why these developments may be viewed with skepticism. If it benefits the Macedonian minority in those regions, that's great. But the real question is, what's in it for the Albanian politicians.

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  • Liberator of Makedonija
    A little off topic but what are the views of MAEI towards the regime in Skopje? When UMD met with them they were condemned across the board, how will people react to this now?

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  • Soldier of Macedon
    The Macedonian sun symbol of the Macedonian minority in Albania must get under the skin of the northadonian minister who visited them. Anyway, a bit surprising that the northadonian government bothered to make the effort, I guess this is something, too bad they aren't prepared to offer up a similar courtesy to the Macedonians in Bulgaria, as it would spoil their ambitions of self-imposed slavery.

    (Translation) The Minister of Interior Oliver Spasovski and the Ambassador of the Republic of Macedonia in Tirana, Danco Markovski, today, during the visit to the Municipality of Pustec, Mala Prespa in Albania, together with their hosts Vasil Sterjoski, Member of the Albanian Parliament from the Macedonian Alliance for European Integration (MAEI) ) and the Mayor of the Municipality, Pali Kolefski, visited the kindergarten within the joint primary and secondary school "Miter Kolefski and Trajan Gjorgijovski", where the donation of toys, props and gifts for the youngest residents of the municipality of Pustec was handed over.

    This donation intended for the youngest, with the commitment of Minister Spasovski, was provided through the General Manager of the socially responsible company "Vitaminka", Saso Naumovski from Prilep. Last year, the renovation of the school, which included renovation of the classrooms and infrastructural arrangement of the school yard and the yard of the kindergarten, was completed thanks to the personal engagement of the Prime Ministers of the Republic of Macedonia, Zoran Zaev and the Republic of Albania, Edi Rama.

    With today's donation, this project is completely completed, which is of great importance for the municipality of Pustec. After the presentation of the donation, Minister Spasovski held a working meeting with Mayor Kolefski, MP Sterjovski and members of the Macedonian Alliance for European Integration. At the meeting, the support of Minister Spasovski and the Government in general for further improvement of the life of the Macedonians living in Albania was confirmed.

    "At the meeting we discussed the possibilities for realization of new infrastructure and communal projects of interest to the citizens of Pustec. My full support, the support of the entire Government in order to continuously improve the quality of life of the Macedonians in Pustec continues. For that purpose, in twenty days it is planned to put into operation the Border Crossing Dzepiste - Trebiste, with 24-hour working hours. The realization of this issue, which has been pointed out for years by the inhabitants of Golo Brdo, will be of exceptional importance from both economic, cultural and political aspects ", emphasized Minister Spasovski during today's visit to Pustec.

    Representatives of the Macedonian community in Albania and Mayor Pali Kolefski at the working meeting once again expressed exceptional satisfaction with the openness for cooperation with the Government in the past few years, which is taking place continuously, as they have not had in the past with any previous government, and the successful building of friendly relations will continue in the realization of many other projects of common interest.

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  • Soldier of Macedon
    Originally posted by Stevce View Post
    Has any Macedonian government past or present supported or at the very least in dialogue with the Democratic Party of Macedonians in Kosovo. Funny how Macedonia political parties bends over backwards but do not even speak out for the most basic or rights for our people in other countries.
    There may have been some outreach to Macedonians in Albania and Serbia/Kosovo by DPNE under Gruevski. I wouldn't expect much effort at strengthening ties and providing support by the current northadonian government, who see Macedonians outside of the republic as an inconvenience. The Macedonians in Greece were politically forsaken in the treacherous Prespa agreement. The Macedonians in Bulgaria will likely suffer a similar fate if Zaev and his Bulgar ventriloquists have their way. As for the DPM in Kosovo, I am not sure if they're active yet. The Macedonian wikipedia page suggests the party is still in the process of being formed.

    Демократска партија на Македонците во Косово е планирана македонска политичка партија во автономната покраина Косово и Метохија или делумно признатата Република Косово. Партијата ќе има цел да се признат Македонците кои живеат во Косово и Метохија (над 3000) кои претежно живеат во областа Гора (во која според тврдењата на „Здружението на Македонците од Гора“ живеат 82% Македонци). За водач на партијата се смета дека ќе стои претседателот на „Здружението на Македонци со муслиманска вероисповед“ Исамил Бојда. Регистрацијата на партијата е во тек.

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  • Stevce
    Has any Macedonian government past or present supported or at the very least in dialogue with the Democratic Party of Macedonians in Kosovo. Funny how Macedonia political parties bends over backwards but do not even speak out for the most basic or rights for our people in other countries.

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  • Soldier of Macedon
    Documentary about the Macedonian Muslims in the Gora area of Kosovo, with Ismail Bojda, leader of the Democratic Party of the Macedonians in Kosovo.

    Приказната е снимена за време на истражувањето нараните обредни-театарски форми кај Македонците со исламска вериосповед со професорите од ФДУ, Скопје, Макед...

    The Democratic Party of the Macedonians in Kosovo (Macedonian: Демократска партија на Македонците во Косово Albanian: Partia Demokratike e maqedonasve të Kosovës Serbian: Демократска странка Македонаца у Косову) - also known as DPM - is a Macedonian Gorani political party in the disputed territory of Kosovo that represents the Muslim Macedonian-speakers of the Gora region. The president of the party is Ismail Boyda who is also the president of the Macedonian Muslim Society. The goal of the party is more rights for the Macedonians in Gora where, according to the claims of the Association of Macedonians in Gora, Macedonians constitute 82%, and rights for Macedonians in the entire region of Kosovo.

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  • Carlin
    The Torbeshes of Macedonia: Religious and National Identity Questions of Macedonian-Speaking Muslims

    Ali Dikici
    Published online: 13 May 2008


    - "Although religion and religion-based tradition appeared to be decisive ethnicity components for many other Muslim minorities in the Balkans, the Torbeshes of Macedonia have not developed their collective identity solely on religious grounds. The ethnic identity question of the Torbesh community is still under dispute although a majority declare themselves as Turks. A minor Torbesh group, for whom language is a much more important identity criterion, feels much closer to the orthodox Macedonians. Some of the Torbeshes declare themselves as Muslim Albanians for pragmatic or ideological reasons."

    - "Current mayors of two Torbesh towns Dzupa and Plasnitsa, Dr. Nuzi Şahin and Dr. Fidail Salifoski respectively, are members of TDP (Turkish Democratic Party = Демократска партија на Турците). Before parliamentary elections of July 2006 a new party was formed by a Torbesh businessman, Fiat Canovski, and he was elected as a parliamentarian."


    Plasnica Municipality

    - "Според пописот од 2002 година во општина Пласница живеат 4.545 жители во 1.125 домаќинства и 1.225 станови. Густината на населеност во оваа општина е 84,2 жит./км2. Според националната припадност во општината живеат 4.446 Турци, 34 Македонци, 20 Албанци и 45 жители кои се изјасниле како припадници на други заедници."

    - "Месното население тврди дека се етнички Турци кои зборуваат на македонски јазик."
    Last edited by Carlin; 02-06-2021, 01:16 PM.

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  • Liberator of Makedonija
    Originally posted by Carlin15 View Post
    I wonder to what extent they actually self-identify as Macedonians these days. The extent of assimilation is rather advanced. You have Macedonian Muslims in Macedonia itself that actually identify as Turks, Albanians or Bosniaks.

    In the Republic of Macedonia, there are two Gorani inhabited villages within Bogovinje Municipality: Jelovjane and Urvich located in the Polog region that neighbours the Gora region. During the Macedonian census of 2001, the population of Jelovjane self declared as Turks (90%) while Urvich self declared as Turks (85%) and Albanians (15%)! (.. And this is within the present borders of Macedonia)

    Vidoeski, Božidar (1998). Dijalektite na makedonskiot jazik. Vol. 1. Makedonska akademija na naukite i umetnostite. ISBN 9789989649509.

    - p. 309: "Во западна Македонија исламизирано македонско население живее во неколку географски региони на македонско-албанската пограничје:... во Полог (Јеловјане, Урвич)."

    - p. 315. "Автентичниот горански говор добро го чуваат и жителите во муслиманските оази Урвич и Јеловјане во Тетовско иако тие подолго време живеат во друго дијалектно окружување."

    2001 census not exactly reliable. A lot of people in Gora (under Kosovo) identify with Macedonia, this is evidenced from the existence of the "Macedonian-Gorani Community of Kosovo" organisation and anthropological work conducted in the region by Nick Anastasovski; as well as just documentaries and other forms of media showing people in villages there declaring themselves as Macedonians. Assimilation or threat of it is a massive issue for Macedonians of the Islamic faith: the complete lack of support from Skopje for Macedonians of non-Orthodox backgrounds has allowed for their assimilation into other ethnic groups. Macedonians in Kosovska Gora are berated by all sides to declare themselves as Albanians, Serbs or even Bosnians. Macedonian Muslims in the Republic have historically identified as Turks and are under threat of complete Albanianisation these days

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  • Carlin
    I wonder to what extent they actually self-identify as Macedonians these days. The extent of assimilation is rather advanced. You have Macedonian Muslims in Macedonia itself that actually identify as Turks, Albanians or Bosniaks.

    In the Republic of Macedonia, there are two Gorani inhabited villages within Bogovinje Municipality: Jelovjane and Urvich located in the Polog region that neighbours the Gora region. During the Macedonian census of 2001, the population of Jelovjane self declared as Turks (90%) while Urvich self declared as Turks (85%) and Albanians (15%)! (.. And this is within the present borders of Macedonia)

    Vidoeski, Božidar (1998). Dijalektite na makedonskiot jazik. Vol. 1. Makedonska akademija na naukite i umetnostite. ISBN 9789989649509.

    - p. 309: "Во западна Македонија исламизирано македонско население живее во неколку географски региони на македонско-албанската пограничје:... во Полог (Јеловјане, Урвич)."

    - p. 315. "Автентичниот горански говор добро го чуваат и жителите во муслиманските оази Урвич и Јеловјане во Тетовско иако тие подолго време живеат во друго дијалектно окружување."

    Last edited by Carlin; 02-01-2021, 06:56 PM.

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  • Liberator of Makedonija
    What do we know of this "Unique Gorani Party" and its leader Adem Hodža?

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