Australian Macedonian Human Rights Committee (AMHRC)

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  • Soldier of Macedon
    Senior Member
    • Sep 2008
    • 13675

    Originally posted by lavce pelagonski View Post
    None of them we need someone who actually has a brain.
    Hear hear.
    In the name of the blood and the sun, the dagger and the gun, Christ protect this soldier, a lion and a Macedonian.


    • Brian
      • Oct 2011
      • 1130

      Originally posted by Phoenix View Post
      I'm a bit confused, are you impressed that Gillard won the 'breast feeding case' or not...and how exactly is she a "bogan"...?
      I thought this part of my post would have made it clear.
      Gillard should never have been elected for anything - ever! We have a Bogan in the Office representing us.
      No, I do not support people breast feeding in any restaurant. Do you?

      For Gillard to take on such a case says she has absolutely no sense of class (ie a bogan) and is a mercenary bitch who would rather get her '30 pieces of silver' and damn the consequences to others in society.

      Is she your hero/preferred Prime Minister?

      Do you think that Abbott, the man without a single policy or reform would be a better alternative PM...?
      As to Abbot, don't even get me started on him. He is much like Howard - lost in time in the 1950's. He really has no idea. He is just an idiot with no vision for advancing the country in any way, and just bent on fulfilling his one agenda - how to help 'big business' to keep squeezing bigger profits from everyone without any extra benefits, nothing more.

      lavce pelagonski...
      None of them we need someone who actually has a brain.
      Couldn't agree more.


      • George S.
        Senior Member
        • Aug 2009
        • 10116

        You know they aren't going to change their mind on macedonia Whil'st the truth is on our side it comes down to votes the greek vote in melbourne is approximately 1 million votes.That is the main reason why they side with the greeks.We need to make julia & her party see our side but what votes can we offer them?? coupled with that the greek lobby in australia is more powerfull & has more resources financial or otherwise.THey are at the ready to counteract anything we might do.I'm not being a defeatist but that's the reality you would think that australia is detached from all the politics no it's not.It needs to be prodded along & reminded that a majorityof the community in the world recognizes macedonia.
        "Ido not want an uprising of people that would leave me at the first failure, I want revolution with citizens able to bear all the temptations to a prolonged struggle, what, because of the fierce political conditions, will be our guide or cattle to the slaughterhouse"


        • Brian
          • Oct 2011
          • 1130

          Originally posted by George S. View Post
          You know they aren't going to change their mind on macedonia Whil'st the truth is on our side it comes down to votes the greek vote in melbourne is approximately 1 million votes.That is the main reason why they side with the greeks.
          Your absolutely right George S. The Greek lobby is hugely more powerful but even a million lies cannot beat 1 truth. Australia has often hid behind the UN saying they will call us by whatever name is used in the UN. With the Euro looking like it is dying Macedonia should abandon trying to get into the EU and rip up the IA and tell the UN to call us Macedonia. Then let's see Australia squirm their way out of not calling us Macedonia to appease the Greek lobby.


          • Onur
            Senior Member
            • Apr 2010
            • 2389

            The power of Greek lobby comes from the Greeks who previously lived in Turkey. First wave of Greek migrants was from Izmir and Istanbul in 1910s, then Greeks from Istanbul added to them in 1950-1960s. Most of these people were wealthy by inheritance, they had lots of real estates in the most valuable places in Istanbul. I gotta remind you that the real estate values in Istanbul was always among highest ones in the world throughout history. For example, just one residence by the bosphorus who previously owned by these Greeks can be bought today for no less than 6-7 million dollars, some up to 18-20 million dollars and it`s value was no less than that 100 years ago. These people immigrated to US, Australia etc. after selling all those assets. Greeks of Istanbul was mostly rich by inheritance and Greeks from Izmir was rich mostly because of trade business like tobacco and textiles. For example, most widely known Greek billionaire Onassis family was originally from Izmir too.

            If you look at the Greek lobby all around the world, you will see the almost all the rich and powerful ones are originally from Turkey but the ones from Greece mainland are mostly poor, middle to lower class citizens in their new countries. So, they are nowhere near effective as Greeks from Turkey. Maybe mainland Greeks are working in propaganda field but the ones who deals with politicians, lawmakers and economics are almost exclusively originated from Turkey.

            Ofc no need to mention about Greek Cypriot diaspora in England, USA, Australia etc. as a separate community.

            2nd most important factor is; they always work together with Armenian diaspora organizations. Armenians are the second most powerful diaspora community in the world after Jews. You can observe Greco-Armenian diaspora alliance in every country in the world. Greek causes always becomes Armenian and vice versa.

            I know, most of you here doesn't approve them but i guess UMD is doing the right thing by forming an alliance with the Turkish coalition of America just as Greeks does with Armenians all over the world. I believe that Macedonian diaspora organizations can also ally with Albanian ones, why not??. I think this is the only way to overcome the Greco-Armenian coalition both for Macedonian and Turkish diaspora.
            Last edited by Onur; 11-12-2011, 07:54 PM.


            • Phoenix
              Senior Member
              • Dec 2008
              • 4671

              Originally posted by Brian View Post
              No, I do not support people breast feeding in any restaurant. Do you?
              You sound a little sensitive there Brian.
              I've never been offended by a mother feeding her child with the goodness of her own milk, you make it sound like some sort of crime Brian.

              Originally posted by Brian View Post
              For Gillard to take on such a case says she has absolutely no sense of class (ie a bogan) and is a mercenary bitch who would rather get her '30 pieces of silver' and damn the consequences to others in society..
              I'm not familiar with the case that you have mentioned nor do I have a legal background but I'm sure Gillard worked within the boundaries of the legal system.

              Brian what exactly do you know about the woman breastfeeding her child and the circumstances around her eviction from the restaurant, my guess would be that you know jack why don't we just leave it at that...

              ...and by the way, what do you define as a "sense of class" and who exactly determines this...?

              "Mercenary bitch"...c'mon mate.

              Originally posted by Brian View Post
              Is she your hero/preferred Prime Minister?


              • Soldier of Macedon
                Senior Member
                • Sep 2008
                • 13675

                Originally posted by Onur View Post
                I believe that Macedonian diaspora organizations can also ally with Albanian ones, why not??
                If you even have to ask 'why not' then you clearly haven't paid enough attention to what Albanian extremists in Macedonia have done and how their diaspora have supported them. Your suggestion is rather unrealistic and naive, and sort of akin to the Turkish diaspora becoming an ally of their Kurdish equivalents. Their (Albanian) aspirations must first move away from the current extremist trend of making unreasonable demands of what is supposed to be a sovereign state before there is any discussion concerning 'alliances'.
                In the name of the blood and the sun, the dagger and the gun, Christ protect this soldier, a lion and a Macedonian.


                • Voltron
                  • Jan 2011
                  • 1362

                  Originally posted by Onur View Post
                  The power of Greek lobby comes from the Greeks who previously lived in Turkey. First wave of Greek migrants was from Izmir and Istanbul in 1910s, then Greeks from Istanbul added to them in 1950-1960s. Most of these people were wealthy by inheritance, they had lots of real estates in the most valuable places in Istanbul. I gotta remind you that the real estate values in Istanbul was always among highest ones in the world throughout history. For example, just one residence by the bosphorus who previously owned by these Greeks can be bought today for no less than 6-7 million dollars, some up to 18-20 million dollars and it`s value was no less than that 100 years ago. These people immigrated to US, Australia etc. after selling all those assets. Greeks of Istanbul was mostly rich by inheritance and Greeks from Izmir was rich mostly because of trade business like tobacco and textiles. For example, most widely known Greek billionaire Onassis family was originally from Izmir too.

                  If you look at the Greek lobby all around the world, you will see the almost all the rich and powerful ones are originally from Turkey but the ones from Greece mainland are mostly poor, middle to lower class citizens in their new countries. So, they are nowhere near effective as Greeks from Turkey. Maybe mainland Greeks are working in propaganda field but the ones who deals with politicians, lawmakers and economics are almost exclusively originated from Turkey.

                  Ofc no need to mention about Greek Cypriot diaspora in England, USA, Australia etc. as a separate community.

                  2nd most important factor is; they always work together with Armenian diaspora organizations. Armenians are the second most powerful diaspora community in the world after Jews. You can observe Greco-Armenian diaspora alliance in every country in the world. Greek causes always becomes Armenian and vice versa.

                  I know, most of you here doesn't approve them but i guess UMD is doing the right thing by forming an alliance with the Turkish coalition of America just as Greeks does with Armenians all over the world. I believe that Macedonian diaspora organizations can also ally with Albanian ones, why not??. I think this is the only way to overcome the Greco-Armenian coalition both for Macedonian and Turkish diaspora.
                  Can you for once stop talking out of your ass ? No doubt the Greeks from Turkey were more wealthy and no doubt their property's were worth a lot of money. All the more reason why the Turkish government confiscated them. We didnt make money off of them as you would like to mislead people here. I should know since I am a descendent of family that had property there.

                  The Greeks in the US are what they are due to hard work and many years of diligence, not from inheritance. It is true the Greek lobby work with the Armenians and now thanks to Erdogan and his brilliant FM Davotoglue we are now working with the Jewish Lobby. Seems like you really shot yourself in the foot on that one. It was about time Turkey paid for its arrogance, and paying for it they are. Cyprus is going to make money off Gas explorations without Turkey able to do squat. And now Greece will declare its EEZ soon. Im starting to like this zero problems policy Davotoglue devised day by day


                  • Brian
                    • Oct 2011
                    • 1130

                    Originally posted by Phoenix View Post
                    I'm not familiar with the case...but I'm sure Gillard worked within the boundaries of the legal system.
                    Just because you asked...
                    From what I have heard of the case, Julia Gillard was a then layer for Slater and Gordon and it was a watershed case. Without a doubt, as an officer of the law, she would have had to conduct herself within the law - but have you heard of the distinction between the 'letter of the law' and the 'spirit of the law'. To accept a case like this, one can only be described as mercenary (ie even if you legally can win the case, would you want to? but for having no conscious and only in it for the prestige/money.)

                    I've never been offended by a mother feeding her child with the goodness of her own milk, you make it sound like some sort of crime Brian.

                    ...and by the way, what do you define as a "sense of class" and who exactly determines this...?
                    The fact you need to ask, explains a lot about why you don't see her as a bogan.

                    This thread is not just about her, and she has done a lot of other bad things since then to disqualify her as a decent person, let alone PM, so she doesn't deserve even this much comment.


                    • Onur
                      Senior Member
                      • Apr 2010
                      • 2389

                      Originally posted by Soldier of Macedon View Post
                      If you even have to ask 'why not' then you clearly haven't paid enough attention to what Albanian extremists in Macedonia have done and how their diaspora have supported them. Your suggestion is rather unrealistic and naive, and sort of akin to the Turkish diaspora becoming an ally of their Kurdish equivalents.
                      Well, i didn't know much about the Albanian diaspora`s actions for Macedonia. Sorry, that was just a naive suggestion as you said but most of the Kurds works with Turkish diaspora organizations but ofc except the separatists ones. They work with Greek diaspora instead of Turkish ones. But are all Albanian diaspora members extremists and separatists??? There should be reasonable ones among them.

                      Originally posted by Voltron View Post
                      All the more reason why the Turkish government confiscated them. We didnt make money off of them as you would like to mislead people here. I should know since I am a descendent of family that had property there.
                      You are lying Voltron. If any confiscation issue occurred in 1950s, then why not you are going to the European court of human rights??? Turkey is a member of it since it`s foundation. Ask for help from your diaspora organizations, file a case in the court and you surely get back what was yours.

                      You should know that yourself but you dont talk about that because you are lying.

                      Greece is obviously a member of EU court of human rights too. Thats why i was telling you Macedonians to go there and file cases for your lost properties in Aegean Macedonia.
                      The Greeks in the US are what they are due to hard work and many years of diligence, not from inheritance. It is true the Greek lobby work with the Armenians and now thanks to Erdogan and his brilliant FM Davotoglue we are now working with the Jewish Lobby. Im starting to like this zero problems policy Davotoglue devised day by day
                      LOL, yes we know how "DILIGENT" people you Greeks are. Sometimes it`s good to read your posts for daily dose of amusement.

                      Your current corporation with Jewish lobby is only for the issues about Turkey otherwise they know how anti-semite you are and they perfectly know what happened in Salonika b4 WW-2. I don't think they help you for anything about Macedonia. Besides that, this is just a temporary situation, it wont take long to be over.

                      Just don't remind me that Erdogan and Davutoglu clowns. You know i don't like them like the other half of Turkish people does not either.
                      Last edited by Onur; 11-13-2011, 09:09 AM.


                      • Voltron
                        • Jan 2011
                        • 1362

                        Originally posted by Onur View Post
                        You are lying Voltron. If any confiscation issue occurred in 1950s, then why not you are going to the European court of human rights??? Turkey is a member of it since it`s foundation. Ask for help from your diaspora organizations, file a case in the court and you surely get back what was yours.
                        I am looking into it already. Hopefully I wont have to wait 24 years to get some type of compensation like Loizidou vs Turkey. Dont insult our intelligence. Turkey is a major offender at the ECHR, you make us look like boy scouts in comparison. Not even too mention the countless UN resolutions placed against Turkey which if Im not mistaken you are a member of also. Needless to say you dont implement them anyway so spare us the bullshit already.To say that Greeks that suffered during the progrom in the 50's made millions and brought their wealth to the US is adding insult to injury.

                        Greece is obviously a member of EU court of human rights too. Thats why i was telling you Macedonians to go there and file cases for your lost properties in Aegean Macedonia.
                        LOL, yes we know how "DILIGENT" people you Greeks are. Sometimes it`s good to read your posts for daily dose of amusement.
                        I dont think they can, if they were able to dont you think they would of tried it already ?

                        Your current corporation with Jewish lobby is only for the issues about Turkey otherwise they know how anti-semite you are and they perfectly know what happened in Salonika b4 WW-2. I don't think they help you for anything about Macedonia. Besides that, this is just a temporary situation, it wont take long to be over.
                        No, its not a temporary situation. Turkey's massive blunder removed an anachronistic policy in regards to Isreal. We have uncovered many possiblities to build on this positive relationship and there is no reason for it to change on the account of Turkey. Espescially now with Energy deals in the mediterrenean. Isreal Greece and Cyprus have now seen enormous potentials to working together.

                        Just don't remind me that Erdogan and Davutoglu clowns. You know i don't like them like the other half of Turkish people does not either
                        Same with how we feel with our politicians. Keep that in mind next time you post similar material in regards to Greece.


                        • Soldier of Macedon
                          Senior Member
                          • Sep 2008
                          • 13675

                          Originally posted by Onur
                          Well, i didn't know much about the Albanian diaspora`s actions for Macedonia. Sorry, that was just a naive suggestion as you said but most of the Kurds works with Turkish diaspora organizations but ofc except the separatists ones. They work with Greek diaspora instead of Turkish ones. But are all Albanian diaspora members extremists and separatists??? There should be reasonable ones among them.
                          I am positive there are good Albanians in both Macedonia and the diaspora, but I don't think any of their organisations would relinquish what has been granted to them as a result of Macedonian political incompetence and treachery. If you can find any Albanians from Macedonia or the diaspora who agree that creating an armed conflict in 2001 was the wrong way to go about pursuing their objectives (and that a number of their objectives were unreasonable to begin with), I would be interested to know.
                          In the name of the blood and the sun, the dagger and the gun, Christ protect this soldier, a lion and a Macedonian.


                          • Pelister
                            Senior Member
                            • Sep 2008
                            • 2742

                            Originally posted by AMHRC View Post
                            Melbourne, 10 November 2011


                            Representatives of the Australian Macedonian Human Rights Committee (AMHRC) yesterday had the opportunity to meet with the Prime Minister of Australia, the Hon Julia Gillard MP and other government Ministers. The meetings took place in the context of the Community Cabinet day held in Werribee, Melbourne.

                            The AMHRC’s engagement with the Prime Minister and Senior Ministers is part of a long running and sustained campaign by the AMHRC to lobby the Australian government on the issue of Australian’s recognition of the official name of the Republic of Macedonia and the recognition of the right of self-identification of the Macedonian community in Australia. A more public “It’s Time” campaign, calling on members of the Macedonian community to lobby their local MPs was also announced in the AMHRC Review earlier this year.

                            During all its meetings yesterday AMHRC representatives took the opportunity to implore members of the current Federal government to demonstrate leadership on these issues and adopt a change in policy on Macedonia. As a modern democracy based on the rule of law, Australia should respect and accept Macedonia’s democratic right to its official state name. Australian policy in relation to Macedonia as well as being unjust is also out-dated and it should be revised to bring it into line with its major allies.

                            In 1994, the ALP-led Australian government recognised Macedonia “using the nomenclature the former Yugoslav Republic of Macedonia in accordance with the terminology used by the United Nations” as claimed by the Australian Department of Foreign Affairs and Trade (DFAT). It seems only appropriate that the current ALP-led government conform with the now well established diplomatic practice employed by a majority of countries. Namely, the decision should be taken, without further delay, to recognise the official name of Macedonia in bilateral relations.

                            The AMHRC has also been pressing the Australian government on other issues of importance to the Macedonian community such as the possibilities to deepen bilateral relations between Australia and Macedonia by opening an Australian Embassy in Skopje; the need for Macedonian catered aged-care facilities in Australia; and possibilities for government support for Macedonian language education in Australia, especially at the secondary and tertiary levels.

                            The AMHRC continues to encourage Macedonians in Australia to write to their local federal MPs – regardless of their political affiliation - demanding a change in Australia’s policy in relation to Macedonia’s name. Contact details for your local representative can be found on the website of the Parliament of Australia:

                            Click this link to our website in order to view a photograph from the AMHRC's meeting with Australian Prime Minister Julia Gillard:

                            Established in 1984 the Australian Macedonian Human Rights Committee (AMHRC) is a non-governmental organisation that informs and advocates before international institutions, governments and broader communities about combating racism and promoting human rights. Our aspiration is to ensure that Macedonian communities and other excluded groups throughout the world, are recognised, respected and afforded equitable treatment. For more information please visit, or [email protected] or via +61 3 9329 8960.
                            I don't know where we would be without the AMHRC and the hard work of George and all of the volunteers there. Great work and thankyou for respresenting our interests in a way that restores some dignity to our heritage.


                            • makedonche
                              Senior Member
                              • Oct 2008
                              • 3242

                              Hear hear!
                              On Delchev's sarcophagus you can read the following inscription: "We swear the future generations to bury these sacred bones in the capital of Independent Macedonia. August 1923 Illinden"


                              • Risto the Great
                                Senior Member
                                • Sep 2008
                                • 15660

                                Originally posted by Pelister View Post
                                I don't know where we would be without the AMHRC and the hard work of George and all of the volunteers there. Great work and thankyou for respresenting our interests in a way that restores some dignity to our heritage.
                                I am happy to pay people for good work. But there is something very noble about volunteering your services (at such a high level of quality) over a very long period of time and I am sure George and his colleagues fit into this category.
                                Risto the Great
                                "Holding my breath for the revolution."

                                Hey, I wrote a bestseller. Check it out:

