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  • Phoenix
    Senior Member
    • Dec 2008
    • 4671

    Originally posted by Albo View Post
    That's why you shouldn't be on Facebook...

    Albo, one day a very big black man will have his way with you on your front lawn, in broad daylight, probably on a Sunday, just as your neighbours are finishing their lunch and are drawn to the commotion outside...


    • Albo
      • May 2014
      • 304

      Trouble in Macedonia as ethnic tensions run high

      If the western Balkan countries can’t join the EU, their complicated ethnic politics might boil over once again.


      • Albo
        • May 2014
        • 304

        Some pretty nteresting commentsmade by Zaev here...

        Zaev - Macedonia will become NATO's 30th member

        Zaev told the Podgorica-based daily Pobjeda that membership in NATO was important for Macedonia "because the military alliance, in particular for us in the Balkans, means stability, security and inviolability of borders."

        "In addition, NATO is a guarantee of economic growth, economic development, an inflow of foreign investments. Finally, if Macedonia were a member of NATO, the dictatorial regime of Nikola Gruevski, together with his sponsors, would not have dared to cause the crises and the unrest that we unfortunately had a chance to witness in the last few years," said Zaev.

        Speaking about ways in which Macedonia intends to solve the name dispute with Greece - which has blocked its NATO integration - Zaev said he believes that dialogue between the two governments, which will take into account the Macedonian identity, dignity and pride, would result in a solution to the decades-long problem.

        "In that, I hope, the opposition will help, but also citizens of Macedonia whom we will, if necessary, invite to decide in a referendum, on the name of the country they live in. As you know, Greece has set changing the name of the Republic of Macedonia as a condition of our entry NATO," said Zaev, and added:

        "I honestly don't understand what's expected of us. To declare ourselves to be Martians?! We are Macedonians and we cannot be anything else. By the way, I will remind you that our country has been recognized by 123 states under the name the Republic of Macedonia."

        That is why, Zaev said, he is certain that Macedonia will soon, "with the help of citizens, the opposition and the international community," resolve the dispute with Greece. This will allow it to "follow the example of Montenegro and become the 30th full member of NATO," he added.


        • Phoenix
          Senior Member
          • Dec 2008
          • 4671

          Originally posted by Albo View Post
          Some pretty nteresting commentsmade by Zaev here...

          Zaev - Macedonia will become NATO's 30th member

          Zaev told the Podgorica-based daily Pobjeda that membership in NATO was important for Macedonia "because the military alliance, in particular for us in the Balkans, means stability, security and inviolability of borders."

          "In addition, NATO is a guarantee of economic growth, economic development, an inflow of foreign investments. Finally, if Macedonia were a member of NATO, the dictatorial regime of Nikola Gruevski, together with his sponsors, would not have dared to cause the crises and the unrest that we unfortunately had a chance to witness in the last few years," said Zaev.

          Speaking about ways in which Macedonia intends to solve the name dispute with Greece - which has blocked its NATO integration - Zaev said he believes that dialogue between the two governments, which will take into account the Macedonian identity, dignity and pride, would result in a solution to the decades-long problem.

          "In that, I hope, the opposition will help, but also citizens of Macedonia whom we will, if necessary, invite to decide in a referendum, on the name of the country they live in. As you know, Greece has set changing the name of the Republic of Macedonia as a condition of our entry NATO," said Zaev, and added:

          "I honestly don't understand what's expected of us. To declare ourselves to be Martians?! We are Macedonians and we cannot be anything else. By the way, I will remind you that our country has been recognized by 123 states under the name the Republic of Macedonia."

          That is why, Zaev said, he is certain that Macedonia will soon, "with the help of citizens, the opposition and the international community," resolve the dispute with Greece. This will allow it to "follow the example of Montenegro and become the 30th full member of NATO," he added.

          Fark me...further proof that Zaev is an imbecile of the highest order...


          • vicsinad
            Senior Member
            • May 2011
            • 2337

            Originally posted by Phoenix View Post
            Fark me...further proof that Zaev is an imbecile of the highest order...
            He seems to throw the kitchen sink in his interviews, hoping that there is something for everyone there:

            1. For the Greeks/NATO -- we will continue a dialogue to arrive at a solution.

            2. For all Macedonian citizens-- and we will hold a referendum so it is your choice.

            3. Again for NATO/EU -- but we will only hold a referendum if it is necessary.

            4. For ethnic Macedonians -- the name dispute is silly, how can we be anything but Macedonians?

            In other interviews, he tells the Bulgarians that Macedonians and Bulgarians are the same people; in Serbian interviews he tells them that Serbians and Macedonians are the same people and the Macedonia will be neutral on Kosovo, but that Serbia's current leaders are nationalists; and etc.

            He will say anything.


            • Phoenix
              Senior Member
              • Dec 2008
              • 4671

              Originally posted by vicsinad View Post
              He seems to throw the kitchen sink in his interviews, hoping that there is something for everyone there:

              1. For the Greeks/NATO -- we will continue a dialogue to arrive at a solution.

              2. For all Macedonian citizens-- and we will hold a referendum so it is your choice.

              3. Again for NATO/EU -- but we will only hold a referendum if it is necessary.

              4. For ethnic Macedonians -- the name dispute is silly, how can we be anything but Macedonians?

              In other interviews, he tells the Bulgarians that Macedonians and Bulgarians are the same people; in Serbian interviews he tells them that Serbians and Macedonians are the same people and the Macedonia will be neutral on Kosovo, but that Serbia's current leaders are nationalists; and etc.

              He will say anything.
              Maybe he's still concussed...


              • Albo
                • May 2014
                • 304

                Harsher Charges Urged for Macedonia Parliament Attack The Macedonian Public Prosecution is trying to downplay the recent violence in parliament by charging the alleged attackers with the mildest possible criminal offences, observers fear.

                - See more at:


                • Bill77
                  Senior Member
                  • Oct 2009
                  • 4545


                  Just trying to put things into perspective. EU/USA meddling is the biggest issue we face and have faced since independence. There is no doubt about it, Macedonia is an engineered state courtesy of the above mentioned fascist policies towards Macedonia. This engineering is a rape on democracy in the Republic of Macedonia. If there is any worthy cause for the country to unite and protest about, it's definitely this.

                  THOUSANDS protested outside the EU delegation embassy in Macedonia, amid allegations that the Brussels bloc has 'chosen their leaders'.

                  And on other news.......
                  The irony! Greek governments consistently for decades worked to break Macedonia apart....are now worried about the outcome.

                  "Greece Worried about Albanian Nationalism in Macedonia"
                  Last edited by Bill77; 05-12-2017, 05:18 AM.


                  • Tomche Makedonche
                    Senior Member
                    • Oct 2011
                    • 1123

                    Lol Greeks hard at work on their alibi...
                    “There’s a time when the operation of the machine becomes so odious, makes you so sick at heart, that you can’t take part, you can’t even passively take part, and you’ve got to put your bodies upon the gears and upon the wheels, upon the levers, upon all the apparatus and you’ve got to make it stop, and you’ve got to indicate to the people who run it, to the people who own it, that unless you’re free, the machine will be prevented from working at all” - Mario Savio


                    • Albo
                      • May 2014
                      • 304

                      Macedonia Nationalists Accused VMRO DPMNE of Betrayal

                      Hard-line supporters of the VMRO DPMNE party that ran Macedonia for 11 years say they are outraged that the party has broken its promise not to allow the opposition take power.

                      Sinisa Jakov Marusic

                      As formation of a new government in Macedonia under the Social Democrats, SDSM, looms ever closer, supporters of the once unassailable VMRO DPMNE party - which governed the country for 11 years - say they feel betrayed by their own leadership.

                      Like many of his co-protesters in the "For United Macedonia" movement, which has been taking to the streets in Skopje for over 70 days, protesting against the announced election of a new government, Sotir, aged 34, says he is frustrated that his party is now passively awaiting the prospect of an SDSM-led administration.

                      "They are now holding press conferences instead of taking action and arresting those [MPs] who committed a coup [by electing a new speaker in parliament]," he complained.
                      "They have been calling on us, the people, to take matters into our own hands and defend the country but when we did that, they retreated and called us bullies! This is the ultimate betrayal and they should be ashamed of themselves!" Sotir told BIRN on Thursday.

                      Party diehards say they are angry that VMRO DPMNE failed to prevent the election of a new speaker of parliament, Talat Xaferi, on April 27, which paves the way for the election of the new government.
                      They say the party has failed to protect its own supporters who stormed the parliament building that night, and now face criminal prosecution.

                      "You either react or it is time for new people. It is enough talking, it is time for action," Pance Dibranov wrote on VMRO DPMNE's Facebook page. "If you [VMRO DPMNE] defend us like this, I ask you to stop doing it," he added.

                      Many supporters have turned to Facebook to demand that the party, which still controls the interim government, start arresting opposition MPs for attempting what they call the "coup" over the speaker, and not idly watch the the new speaker take up his post.

                      Ratko Mirkovski told party leaders that they should either "lead the people or [submit] collective resignations. There are other brave people inside VMRO!"

                      Vlado Georgiev, who has been identified by police as one of those who stormed the parliament on April 27 on Facebook accused VMRO DPMNE MPs of betraying them.

                      He accused the VMRO DPMNE MPs of "sitting like sissies while the Albanian anthem was being sung" in parliament - the new apeaker is an ethnic Albanian - continuing with other expletives.
                      "You have ... denounced us as bullies! I am ... denouncing you as traitors!!! We are VMRO-members!!! You are [an unprintable term] and communists, disguised as 'Komiti' [Macedonian Ottoman-Era revolutionaries]," Georgiev wrote.

                      Macedonian police have pinpointed some 30 alleged attackers of MPs and the prosecution has filed criminal charges against 11 of them, two of whom will stand trial for attempted murder.
                      Despite what its frustrated supporters say, VMRO DPMNE condemned the arrests of those who stormed parliament as a “politically motivated” act and as an attempt to intimidate and hunt down “innocent patriots”.

                      Party rubbishes speculation about resignations:

                      The party has so far refrained from directly commenting on the dissatisfaction expressed by some of its supporters.

                      However, in press statements, it has rejected speculation that party leader Nikola Gruevski may step down soon.

                      "Gruevski remains by far the most popular politician in the country," it said, adding: "VMRO DPMNE won the December 11 elections".

                      However, calls for his resignation keep on coming. In an open letter to Gruevski published on Wednesday, one of the VMRO DPMNE party's founders, Vladimir Zmejkovski, wrote: "The time when you should have submitted your resignation and left VMRO DPMNE to honest Macedonian activists has long passed".

                      Zmejkovski accused Gruevski of ordering the violent attack on parliament but of later distancing himself from those who took part, "thus cowardly running away from your great responsibility to your own people".

                      A former VMRO DPMNE MP close to the leadership told BIRN under condition of anonymity that he was not surprised by the supporters' feeling of outrage.

                      "The leadership called on its supporters to mobilize, hinting that they would stand firmly by them and not allow the destruction of Macedonia. Now ... people are right to feel betrayed and duped," the source said.

                      The party lost its chance to form a new government after it failed to renew its former alliance with the ethnic Albanian Democratic Union for Integration, DUI, following the December 11 election.
                      Since then, VMRO DPMNE has been calling for another general election, urging its supporters to meanwhile mobilize in defence of the country.

                      The party has insisted that if the Social Democrats take power in alliance with ethnic Albanian parties, they will sacrifice Macedonia's integrity as a country by conceding too much to Albanians who make up about a quarter of the population.

                      But, with the new speaker now in place, and after President Ivanov seemed to soften his opposition to the SDSM following the April 27 violence, most observers now expect the new government to be formed by the end of this month.

                      - See more at:


                      • Bill77
                        Senior Member
                        • Oct 2009
                        • 4545

                        Rofl........The irony

                        UK "Dear Macedonia, We stand ready to support Macedonia in its EU ambition........ The EU that we find to be bollocks and no longer want part of "



                        • DraganOfStip
                          Senior Member
                          • Aug 2011
                          • 1253

                          Gruevski and other high-profile DPMNE members suspected for money laundering

                          The Special Prosecutors revealed today at a press conference that Nikola Gruevski and 10 other high-ranking DPMNE members are being suspected for money laundering and illegal funding of political campaign.
                          He's suspected of organizing a criminal group that abused personal data of party members to enter "donations" on the party's bank account in their behalf, while entering wrong data on the remittance forms.
                          The remittance forms were filled in with the same handwriting and payments were made every 20-30 seconds. Using this method, almost 5 million euros were "donated" to the party in the period between 2009 and 2015.
                          Part of the money were used for party expenses but other part was used for buying real estate on the party's behalf. Some of the real estate hasn't been used for party purposes nor does it have party insignia.
                          The SJO will ask for "freezing" all party estate that was obtained with this money, including the party's new extravagant HQ in Skopje.
                          Just as a reminder, Brat Ljube spent several years in prison when convicted for illegal campaign funding. Let's see if same standards will be applied this time around.

                          Претседателот на ВМРО-ДПМНЕ и други високи партиски функционери се осомничени за перење пари и нелегално финансирање на партијата во истрагата Талир, која денеска ја објави СЈО. Специјалната јавна обвинителка Катица Јанева рече дека предмет на истрагата не е политичката партија, туку поединци...
                          ”A people that elect corrupt politicians, imposters, thieves and traitors are not victims... but accomplices”
                          ― George Orwell


                          • Risto the Great
                            Senior Member
                            • Sep 2008
                            • 15660

                            I'm positive some of this money was used for party expenses. Cocaine and vodka I'd imagine.
                            Risto the Great
                            "Holding my breath for the revolution."

                            Hey, I wrote a bestseller. Check it out:


                            • Albo
                              • May 2014
                              • 304

                              We Asked: What’s Next for Macedonia

