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  • Karposh
    • Aug 2015
    • 863

    Originally posted by Niko777 View Post
    A squabble between Gruevski and Xhaferi in parliament today over the Law of Languages.

    Funny how they got along just fine when they were both in the same government and Xhaferi was Albanianizing the army as Minister of Defence
    Macedonia is being redefined before their very eyes and the best that anybody can do is tap on the little hotel reception bell? Thank you Nikola “The Lion Heart” Gruevski...That took a lot of guts. Your contribution in defence of Macedonian national interests has not gone unnoticed. Soon they will build a statue to you as well - “A Warrior with a Bell”.

    I guess this is how it's done these days. Now let's wind the clock back, say, 60 years ago to the 1940's when Chento and others were alive. Can anyone guess what would have been the consequences for all those treacherous dogs that voted this law in today? Instead of statues in Skopje, there would have been hanging corpses around the place to serve as a reminder to the rest of them.

    But, hey, they were the bad old days and our people is more civilised, rational and progressive these days. “Razum” and “Mudrost” are the order of the day.


    • Karposh
      • Aug 2015
      • 863

      Originally posted by Risto the Great View Post
      Bill Shorten and Labor candidate for Batman Ged Kearney have apologised over a mistake on a campaign flyer.

      Find the GREEK responsible for this and sack him instantly.
      I found this video fascinating and, oddly, a little eye-opening too with regards to my own attitude about matters of national interest.

      Watching Labor’s candidate for the Batman bi-election deliver, what seemed like a heartfelt and sincere apology regarding a campaign flyer that used Greek text under the subheading 'Macedonian’, I accepted it in good faith. We’re all human and we make mistakes, I thought to myself. And, she has taken personal responsibility for the “systemic error”, as she put it, which was good of her so I instinctively accepted it. What more could she do or could we ask for?

      However, after first, Andon Doncevski rudely interrupts her with his five cents worth, and then others follow on in a similar fashion, I quickly realized they’re right – It isn’t good enough and this was not a “systemic error”. This was clearly done on purpose by some Greek maggot or Greek sympathizer to get under the skin of Macedonians in Australia. So fuck it, I’m with the crowd on this (and you too Risto). If she’s really sorry then she should find the Greek or Greeks responsible and sack them.


      • Bill77
        Senior Member
        • Oct 2009
        • 4545

        This from twitter

        "Reports that two #Macedonia army soldiers were shot & badly wounded in Tetovo, the site of the 2001 Albanian insurgency. Defense Ministry says they were wounded by accident"

        Cant find any solid news reports at the moment, but im sure it would come out soon.

        And for the shooting being an accident...... I find it hard to believe at the moment.


        • Albo
          • May 2014
          • 304

          Dancing Nymphs and Pirate Ships: Notes from a Capital of Kitsch

          An ambitious building project that started in Skopje, Macedonia’s capital, in 2008, was meant to evoke an ancient past. It has created a wild present.


          • Phoenix
            Senior Member
            • Dec 2008
            • 4671

            Originally posted by Albo View Post
            Dancing Nymphs and Pirate Ships: Notes from a Capital of Kitsch

            This story is getting really boring now, the same report has been on constant loop for years, you’re posting it here like it’s the first time that you’ve seen it.

            Putting aside all allegations of corruption or poor workmanship in elements of the Skopje2014 project, it still has merit, in that it flys in the face of many western trends and political correctness, that we all should feel guilty of our past histories or avoid their celebration(s)...(eg Australia Day) and if we decide to erect statues, monuments or works of art that they be abstract in design so that everyone can be entitled to their own interpretation, thereby not offending anybody...worse still, your capital and country be adorned with a shameless homage to war Clinton.


            • Karposh
              • Aug 2015
              • 863

              Originally posted by Phoenix View Post
              This story is getting really boring now, the same report has been on constant loop for years, you’re posting it here like it’s the first time that you’ve seen it.

              Putting aside all allegations of corruption or poor workmanship in elements of the Skopje2014 project, it still has merit, in that it flys in the face of many western trends and political correctness, that we all should feel guilty of our past histories or avoid their celebration(s)...(eg Australia Day) and if we decide to erect statues, monuments or works of art that they be abstract in design so that everyone can be entitled to their own interpretation, thereby not offending anybody...worse still, your capital and country be adorned with a shameless homage to war Clinton.
              Well said Phoenix. God forbid nations take pride in their history, culture and faith. It's quite clear what the west sees as ideal societies of the 21st Century. Western/European core values would prefer people be gender fluid, nation-less and, ideally, Godless individuals living for themselves only and not concerned about the collective unit...That's what Governments are for – to look after the collective unit. Societies that are based on kinship, tradition, history and a collective sense of identity are anathema to them and regarded as relics of the past.

              That's one of the reasons why the west hates Russia and, to a certain extent, Serbia so much. Russia, in particular has explicitly told the Europeans, to go and fuck themselves and that they will not be lectured by the west on how they should run their society. For better or for worse, they have a unique Russian sense of pride and a quintessential Russian psyche and soul that is the product of many hundreds of years of ingrained Russian Orthodox values and traditions. Mother Russia is not just a meaningless piece of land to them but a part of them which they would gladly give their lives for. But it's not just one thing that makes them Russians. It is a whole combination of factors that, all together, make them the Russian people. Important national factors such as: national pride/patriotism, traditions, history and, most importantly, the Russian Orthodox faith.

              Macedonia can learn a thing or two from Russia. The sooner we stop grovelling for European acceptance and recognition, the better off we will be.


              • Pelagonija
                • Mar 2017
                • 533

                Originally posted by Karposh View Post
                Well said Phoenix. God forbid nations take pride in their history, culture and faith. It's quite clear what the west sees as ideal societies of the 21st Century. Western/European core values would prefer people be gender fluid, nation-less and, ideally, Godless individuals living for themselves only and not concerned about the collective unit...That's what Governments are for – to look after the collective unit. Societies that are based on kinship, tradition, history and a collective sense of identity are anathema to them and regarded as relics of the past.

                That's one of the reasons why the west hates Russia and, to a certain extent, Serbia so much. Russia, in particular has explicitly told the Europeans, to go and fuck themselves and that they will not be lectured by the west on how they should run their society. For better or for worse, they have a unique Russian sense of pride and a quintessential Russian psyche and soul that is the product of many hundreds of years of ingrained Russian Orthodox values and traditions. Mother Russia is not just a meaningless piece of land to them but a part of them which they would gladly give their lives for. But it's not just one thing that makes them Russians. It is a whole combination of factors that, all together, make them the Russian people. Important national factors such as: national pride/patriotism, traditions, history and, most importantly, the Russian Orthodox faith.

                Macedonia can learn a thing or two from Russia. The sooner we stop grovelling for European acceptance and recognition, the better off we will be.
                Fark the gay west.. I'm sick and tired of the anti russia hysteria spewed out in the western media.. little farked up fyrom expelled the Russian ambassador.. they too can fark themselves the little ass lickers.


                • Pelagonija
                  • Mar 2017
                  • 533

                  Originally posted by Albo View Post
                  Dancing Nymphs and Pirate Ships: Notes from a Capital of Kitsch

                  I'd be more worried about Albanias moral decline than a few pirate ships in Skopje if I were you..

                  Директорката во Министерството за здравство, социјална заштита и млади, Етлева Шеши, гостувајќи во телевизиска емисија рече дека во Албанија треба да има околу 300.000 хомосексуалци.


                  • Phoenix
                    Senior Member
                    • Dec 2008
                    • 4671

                    Originally posted by Karposh View Post
                    Well said Phoenix. God forbid nations take pride in their history, culture and faith. It's quite clear what the west sees as ideal societies of the 21st Century. Western/European core values would prefer people be gender fluid, nation-less and, ideally, Godless individuals living for themselves only and not concerned about the collective unit...That's what Governments are for – to look after the collective unit. Societies that are based on kinship, tradition, history and a collective sense of identity are anathema to them and regarded as relics of the past.

                    That's one of the reasons why the west hates Russia and, to a certain extent, Serbia so much. Russia, in particular has explicitly told the Europeans, to go and fuck themselves and that they will not be lectured by the west on how they should run their society. For better or for worse, they have a unique Russian sense of pride and a quintessential Russian psyche and soul that is the product of many hundreds of years of ingrained Russian Orthodox values and traditions. Mother Russia is not just a meaningless piece of land to them but a part of them which they would gladly give their lives for. But it's not just one thing that makes them Russians. It is a whole combination of factors that, all together, make them the Russian people. Important national factors such as: national pride/patriotism, traditions, history and, most importantly, the Russian Orthodox faith.

                    Macedonia can learn a thing or two from Russia. The sooner we stop grovelling for European acceptance and recognition, the better off we will be.
                    If push came to shove in any confrontation between the US and Russia, which is what the hawks in the American administration want, I can easily imagine the yanks being undone due to their hubris...if the confrontation remained nuclear free I'd put my money on the Russian's fighting to the last man standing, while the yanks would quickly lose stomach for such a fight as the body bags quickly's a fuckin disgrace to watch the pathetic west with lapdogs like Macedonia (and Australia) lining up to support American lies...


                    • Karposh
                      • Aug 2015
                      • 863

                      Originally posted by Pelagonija View Post
                      Fark the gay west.. I'm sick and tired of the anti russia hysteria spewed out in the western media.. little farked up fyrom expelled the Russian ambassador.. they too can fark themselves the little ass lickers.
                      First I heard of Macedonia expelling Russian diplomats was from you Pelagonija. I had to find out for myself to believe it. The Washington Post has a full list of countries that have done the same.

                      Totally agree with you, what a bunch of little ass lickers. It's the small dog syndrome. They think if they go with the flow they will establish some sort of equal footing with the big players and win some respect from the EU...Fools!


                      • Risto the Great
                        Senior Member
                        • Sep 2008
                        • 15660

                        Fyromians are willing to change the name of Macedonia, of course they're willing to kick out the odd Russian.
                        Risto the Great
                        "Holding my breath for the revolution."

                        Hey, I wrote a bestseller. Check it out:


                        • Karposh
                          • Aug 2015
                          • 863

                          I used Google Translate to translate the following article “Proteruvanje ili Preteruvanje” by Professor Dimche Donevski regarding the expulsion of the Russian Ambassador from Macedonia. I had to make some of my own edits to correct many of the grammatical errors Google makes when making literal translations. It's a really interesting read that gives a good perspective of where those imbeciles that are currently in power are pushing Macedonia with their messed up policies which are so detrimental to Macedonia – i.e. both domestic and international policies.

                          At first we threatened North Korea to withdraw and abolish nuclear weapons. We have recently expelled the Russian diplomat to tell Putin that we are not partners with the Russians. That we do not care that the Russians recognized us under the constitutional name. They can withdraw it, we're going to be called something else anyway, something completely different. Even if we don't yet know what name our new Godfathers, the “new-believers”, the Europeans, will give us.

                          How pathetic are those in authority who don't know where they are heading and, in this madness, have no idea who they are expelling and why. Well actually, they do know why – so they can suck on their mentors and advisers. Clearly, they do not care, nor fear, Russia and Russian power and influence.

                          So there is no evidence, but there is a position for solidarity to publicly "punish" Russia for alleged Russian involvement in the case of poisoning Sergey Skripal, a Russian or British agent in the UK. Macedonia has no evidence, but she does have allies who not only historically did not think well of Macedonia, but, on the contrary, were directly guilty of dropping napalm bombs on Macedonians in order to expel hundreds of thousands of them from Aegean Macedonia. And these, our pathetic diplomats, these fools of ours, declare that they hope that this shameful act will not affect the Macedonian-Russian relations.

                          What madness! Man, it's like they don't even know where they have poked the bear. Well, they have poked it right in its balls! And they still hope that Putin's proud Russia will not return serve in her own way!? (what political naivety, what losers!) They are even proudly boasting, these morons and imbeciles, in front of their mentors, under whose consultation they took this, for them normal, but for the Macedonian people abnormal, state decision.

                          I say an abnormal and unprecedented decision, that most countries of the Union did not accept, however, we, as the "more superior pope than the pope himself” are acting like madmen. To make the irony of the whole situation even greater, we are supporting and in solidarity with a country which is on its way out of the Union, a country that opposes all of Europe for its poor organisation and the bad management of Brussels. We also neglected that fact. We, the "Great Charmers of Diplomacy!"

                          And finally, what do we get with this expulsion?! We get Britain as an ally, and the Great Russia as a political enemy and not only political, but with such behavior, a war enemy. We have become the target for the Russian military and not just their military. From now on, we should know that Russia will block our market: the placement of the apple, and the placement of the Ohrid cherry and God knows what else . Enough to "bury" us. If she so desires to block us. And of course she will.

                          Perhaps, the the act of expelling a Russian diplomat, is not a very serious act for Macedonia, however, there is no doubt, this expulsion, or any expulsion of a Russian diplomat, is seen 200% seriously by Russia, and for any expulsion that occurs, she will respond accordingly. Such a response will occur at the right time, as Oleg Shcherbik says, at a time when Russia will think of and only Russia herself will decide that it is a top time for a return blow. In such a case, and this is inevitable now, the consequences for Macedonia will be much more painful than some Nikola Dimitrov, or Prime Minister Zoran Zaev, for example, would have imagined.

                          Let's not forget: the Russian Federation, the great Russia, is one of the five permanent members of the UN Security Council, where in the decision-making to come about Macedonia, she will always be reminded of this shameful act and will have a veto for each, for us essential, unanimous decision making from the UN. This latter scenario is not difficult to imagine, or to avoid, especially now that we need to seriously hang onto our our identity through our constitutional name, the Republic of Macedonia.

                          Was this possibility even considered by any of our "charming-diplomats" or was the goal just to suck on the West, the West that has been twisting us around their little finger and encouraging us to become nameless, to convert ourselves into something that does not resemble Macedonia. In Gornamakedonidga, or Dgornamakedonidga, for example! Pathetic losers - to the bone!

                          Playing this kind of game against Russia, this Macedonian expulsion of a Russian diplomat, this Macedonian exaggeration, especially today, when the Cold War is already heating up and is about to spark up, is a dangerous game in which the small, always the small, and much smaller, and in this case, as Zaev would say: "Our dear Macedonia" will be an easily burning material that risks, not through any fault of her own, "burning" from the line of fire and converted into ash and dust. At least, political and historical, and not just metaphorical.

                          This proves Macedonia is not in control of her own destiny. There is no doubt that we are a vassal state of the EU and governed by suck-hole politicians that are only just beginning to repay their debts to their masters. Putting Russia offside is just one of those debts.


                          • Pelagonija
                            • Mar 2017
                            • 533

                            I personally don't believe the Russians poisoned them, its just too convenient for the west and not so convenient for Russia especially when the World Cup is around the corner. But I do hope the Russians punish the FYROM dogs severely. Zaev and co have placed all their eggs in the soulles anti Macedonian basket. As long as the gay west backs zz and co nothing is impossible.

                            You know, we've heard all about chemical weapons in the past. The west are masters of propaganda.


                            • Pelagonija
                              • Mar 2017
                              • 533

                              Also not sure if people know, the previous FYROM gov didn't place sanctions on Russia when all the relevant countries did so re Ukraine..


                              • Phoenix
                                Senior Member
                                • Dec 2008
                                • 4671

                                Originally posted by Pelagonija View Post
                                I personally don't believe the Russians poisoned them, its just too convenient for the west and not so convenient for Russia especially when the World Cup is around the corner. But I do hope the Russians punish the FYROM dogs severely. Zaev and co have placed all their eggs in the soulles anti Macedonian basket. As long as the gay west backs zz and co nothing is impossible.

                                You know, we've heard all about chemical weapons in the past. The west are masters of propaganda.
                                It certainly smells very fishy on so many different levels -

                                ...why would the Russians poison this bloke and his daughter, when they could've left him to rot in Russia before they traded him to the British in a spy swap?

                                ...why would they want to kill his daughter as well when she was living freely in Russia?

                                ...why would they use a nerve agent that could be easily traced back to one that was produced by Russia/USSR, when they could have just shot the bloke minus the obvious blowback to the Russian's?

                                ...Why do this so close to the WC and risk the entire tournament, knowing the Wests love for sanctions and boycotts?

                                ...Why is it only the Western 'club' or America's lapdogs that have expelled Russian diplomats?

                                ...Why won't the British cough up the evidence?

