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  • Bill77
    Senior Member
    • Oct 2009
    • 4545

    Pres Ivanov "what the Greek state used to do to Macedonians in Greece Now with the Prespa agreement, the Greek state wants to do the same to the Macedonians in the Republic of Macedonia"

    Does anyone have a link to a video of his speech at the UN? there has to be one somewhere (assuming its where he said this) would muchly appreciate it.

    Update: Found it...
    UN Web TV is available 24 hours a day with selected LIVE programming of United Nations meetings and events as well as with pre-recorded video features and documentaries on various global issues.
    Last edited by Bill77; 09-28-2018, 06:08 AM.


    • JPMKD
      • Mar 2016
      • 101

      Originally posted by Bill77 View Post
      Pres Ivanov "what the Greek state used to do to Macedonians in Greece Now with the Prespa agreement, the Greek state wants to do the same to the Macedonians in the Republic of Macedonia"

      Does anyone have a link to a video of his speech at the UN? there has to be one somewhere (assuming its where he said this) would muchly appreciate it.

      Update: Found it...
      Friggin' awesome if he said that.(So, did he really say it)

      EDIT: I didn't have time to watch the whole thing, but did you notice the intro said from ""The former Republic of Macedonia" sadly, accurate.....
      Last edited by JPMKD; 09-28-2018, 04:29 PM.
      Not a Northadonian


      • DirtyCodingHabitz
        • Sep 2010
        • 835

        Originally posted by JPMKD View Post
        Friggin' awesome if he said that.(So, did he really say it)

        7:40 into the video


        • Risto the Great
          Senior Member
          • Sep 2008
          • 15660

          Ivanov's speech at the UN was ABSOLUTELY FLAWLESS.
          I fear it may be his swansong after this treachery is relentlessly pursued by Macedonia's and Macedonian enemies. But it will be remembered.
          Risto the Great
          "Holding my breath for the revolution."

          Hey, I wrote a bestseller. Check it out:


          • Bill77
            Senior Member
            • Oct 2009
            • 4545

            Originally posted by Risto the Great View Post
            Ivanov's speech at the UN was ABSOLUTELY FLAWLESS.
            I fear it may be his swansong after this treachery is relentlessly pursued by Macedonia's and Macedonian enemies. But it will be remembered.
            Apart from Cento, Is there a more patriot in this last 100 years, than Ivanov?

            By the way, who is that Delegate of Macedonia at 2:35 into the video?
            looking at his body language (fiddling his pen and about to snap it) and pissed off facial expression..... it would be understandable if you would mistake him to be part of the Greek delegation.
            Last edited by Bill77; 09-28-2018, 07:23 PM.


            • Rogi
              Senior Member
              • Sep 2008
              • 2343


              That's the Deputy Foreign Minister Andrej Zernovski, who walked out during Ivanov's speech, together with the Greek Foreign Minister Kotsias.

              He seems to have found it to be inappropriate that there be a speech given, in the United Nations, about the inaliable right to self-determination.

              The Prespa Agreement is like cutting out the roots of a flower, leaving it without roots. To be blown away in the wind.

              Beyond that though, with ignoring what is right, walking out on speeches about what is right, the leadership in Macedonia is creating a culture of degenerates, where what is Good, what is Right and what is Virtuous, are of no importance. High stakes Gambling on your future by betting or selling your entire inheritance, which is what is being proposed with this agreement, will lead to a cycle of generations of degenerates, where name, language, culture, history, family, will mean nothing.

              It is not just the end of the name. It is the end of who we are and who we could have been in the world.
              Last edited by Rogi; 09-28-2018, 07:53 PM.


              • kompir
                • Jan 2015
                • 537

                Originally posted by Bill77 View Post
                Pres Ivanov "what the Greek state used to do to Macedonians in Greece Now with the Prespa agreement, the Greek state wants to do the same to the Macedonians in the Republic of Macedonia"

                Does anyone have a link to a video of his speech at the UN? there has to be one somewhere (assuming its where he said this) would muchly appreciate it.

                Update: Found it...
                Does the original version without the English voiceover exist?
                Доста бе Вегето една, во секоја манџа се мешаш


                • Risto the Great
                  Senior Member
                  • Sep 2008
                  • 15660

                  Originally posted by Bill77 View Post
                  Apart from Cento, Is there a more patriot in this last 100 years, than Ivanov?
                  Possibly not. He has stood up for our identity every time.

                  His only failing is any connection to the disgusting Bulgarian "friendship" treaty.
                  Risto the Great
                  "Holding my breath for the revolution."

                  Hey, I wrote a bestseller. Check it out:


                  • Bill77
                    Senior Member
                    • Oct 2009
                    • 4545

                    Originally posted by Rogi View Post

                    That's the Deputy Foreign Minister Andrej Zernovski, who walked out during Ivanov's speech, together with the Greek Foreign Minister Kotsias.

                    He seems to have found it to be inappropriate that there be a speech given, in the United Nations, about the inaliable right of self-determination.

                    What a flaming scum

                    In my previous post, i challenged anyone to come up with a more patriot than Ivanov...... i bet on the other end of the scale, its no challenge to name a traitor as we a full of these assholes.


                    • Gocka
                      Senior Member
                      • Dec 2012
                      • 2306

                      A mere few decades ago, that would have probably earned him a bullet in the forehand before he got to his car.

                      There are no words to describe how low, how disgustingly and shamelessly vile some of our people are.

                      I do not know of another people today that can have leadership that is so in your face traitorous. The simple fact that he did something so public and yet does not fear for his life, says it all.

                      Originally posted by Bill77 View Post

                      What a flaming scum

                      In my previous post, i challenged anyone to come up with a more patriot than Ivanov...... i bet on the other end of the scale, its no challenge to name a traitor as we a full of these assholes.


                      • Bill77
                        Senior Member
                        • Oct 2009
                        • 4545

                        on another developing story.....

                        Rapid cyclogenesis in Mediterranean Sea: Medicane “Zorbas” is forming, threatening Greece and Turkey

                        nachi ima bog
                        Nah only joking, of course, i don't wish it.


                        • Carlin
                          Senior Member
                          • Dec 2011
                          • 3332

                          Serbia puts military on high alert over incident involving ‘Kosovo special forces’

                          Serbian armed forces were put on the highest combat readiness after Kosovo’s Special Forces made their way into a Serbian enclave in the self-proclaimed state on Saturday.

                          Serbian armed forces were put on the highest combat readiness after Kosovo’s Special Forces made their way into a Serbian enclave in the self-proclaimed state on Saturday.
                          Some 60 ROSU troops arrived on the territory of a Serbian autonomous region in the northwestern part of the area claimed by Kosovo, in violation of the agreements between Belgrade and Pristina.

                          The Kosovar special forces positioned itself around the dam on Gazivoda Lake and took control of the local hydroelectric power station, detaining several Serbian citizens. They also entered the Center for Ecology and Sport Development in Zubin Potok, Marco Duric, director of the Office for Kosovo and Metohija in the Serbian government, said.

                          The Kosovar troops were sent to the Serb-populated area in order to provide security during a boat trip to northern Kosovo by the self-proclaimed state’s leader, Hashim Thaci.

                          Thaci, who is facing protests in Pristina over the possible land swap with Belgrade, made a visit to Gazivoda on Saturday that was labeled a “PR-stunt” by Boris Malagurski, a film director and political commentator.

                          “The reason why he went there on Saturday was because the movement, called Self-Determination (Vetevendosje), had huge protest in Pristina and he tried to drag away attention from that and show that he is very powerful and can go wherever he wants,” he said.

                          Tens of thousands of people from across Kosovo flocked to Pristina on Saturday to say ‘no’ to the land swap proposed by Thaci. They gathered at the city’s Skanderbeg Square, chanting slogans and carrying Albanian national flags.

                          The leader of the Vetevendosje movement, Albin Kurti, told the crowd that the Kosovars won’t accept “new pain and new compromises” and blamed Thaci for “poverty and corruption,” plaguing the self-proclaimed state, the Balkan Insight reported.

                          The EU insists that Belgrade and Pristina must “normalize relations” if they want to join the bloc, with Thaci earlier saying that “border corrections” could be part of that process. No formalized plan for the swap has been worked out so far, but one of the proposals is to exchange the predominantly ethnic Albanian Presevo Valley in southern Serbia for Kosovo’s north, which is populated by the Serbs.

                          Serbia’s President, Aleksandar Vucic, has ordered the country’s armed forces to be on the highest combat alert in response to the incursion by Kosovo's special forces, with the measure still being in place. Serbian Interior Minister, Nebojsa Stefanovic, described the incident as an “Albanian attack” in the country’s Kosovo and Metohija.

                          Pristina dismissed the claims of occupying the area and said there were no arrests carried out, according to the local deputy police commander, Besim Hoti. The troops were at Gazivoda for a “single visit,” he told RTS.

                          ROSU servicemen withdrew from the dam at around 16:10 local time (14:10 GMT) as soon as Thaci’s visit concluded, Duric confirmed.

                          The official said the situation was “very dangerous” and compared to state of things to the start of the Arab-Israeli conflict. The ROSU troops “were armed to teeth and looked more like terrorists than security forces,” he added.

                          Malagurski believes that the repeat of such provocative incidents between Kosovo and Serbia is unlikely. “They’ve finished their PR stunt and, I think, this is where it ends,” especially, after Belgrade sent a strong message to Pristina by putting its military on high alert, he explained.

                          The control over the Gazivoda and its facilities has been a matter of dispute between Belgrade and Pristina for years. The lake is the major drinking water supplier for several municipalities of the region and a local power station also uses the water from it.

                          Gazivoda is a very disputed and a very important lake,” which is essential for Kosovo, Malagurski said. “The local power plant gets its water from it. If Gazivode is taken away from Pristina, Kosovo would essentially lose electricity.”

                          Self-proclaimed Kosovo unilaterally declared independence from Serbia in 2008 and the recognition of the region is matter of a major international dispute. Kosovo has been recognized by the US and a number of its allies, yet, a number of countries, including Spain, China and Russia opposed the controversial move. In fact, over half of the UN states did not support Kosovo’s independence.

                          UN Secretary General Antonio Guterres said on Friday that “Kosovo is not a state” for the international organization.


                          • kompir
                            • Jan 2015
                            • 537

                            Melbourne daily "The Age"' take on the referendum:

                            Results from nearly half of polling stations show 90.8 per cent voted in favour of Macedonia name change but turnout was below the threshold needed.

                            Turnout below 50%... keep the agreement Zaev, you'll need toilet paper when you're on permanent holiday in Idrizovo.
                            Доста бе Вегето една, во секоја манџа се мешаш


                            • vicsinad
                              Senior Member
                              • May 2011
                              • 2337

                              Macedonians and Bulgarians had a joint history meeting, where they talked about medieval and ancient history. They are saving Ilinden for another day. They will consider having Macedonia and Bulgaria celebrating Sts. Cyril/Methodija and Czar Samuel together.

                              Самоиловата држава прва за ревизија во учебниците по историја во Македонија и Бугарија. Според информациите на Сител, за ова дискутирале членовите на мешовитата македонско бугарска комисија, каде на Бугарите им пречи што државата на Самоил е претставена како мекедонска, а на нашите историчари, пак, бугаризацијата на самоиловото царство. Предложиле да бидат додадени извори и аргументи за да нема различно толкување. Сител дознава дека од македонска страна е побарано Македонија да биде отстранета од поимот бугарски земји во учебниците во делот за праисторија кај источниот сосед.

                              Професорот Драган Ѓорѓиев кој е член на македонската група, од своја страна, пак вели дека има и простор и потреба за подобрување на наставните содржини во учебниците.

                              -Прецизно користење на перцепција за другиот, на пример како македонскиот народ е употребен во бугарските учебницви а како бугарите кај нас. Забелешки околу глорифицирање, националистички содржини. Значи има конкретни забелешки и од двете страни и има голем простор за подобрување за да имаме педагогија за градење на мир и избегнување на конфликти, вели проф. Драган Ѓорѓиев

                              Праисторија, антика и среден век биле темите за дискусија на мешовитата комисија, а за илинденците ќе расправаат на некоја следна средба. Разгледувале и неколку историски имиња кои би требало да ги слават како заеднички празници.

                              -Заедничка прослава за Кирил и Методија како и заеднички да го славиле Самоил, но не секоја година туку кога ќе има некои позначајни настани, вели Ѓорѓиев.

                              Наредните два месеци членовите на комисијата и од двете земји треба писмено да ги подготват сите забелешки што ги имаат за што од македонската страна велат дека ќе консултираат и стручни лица. Кон крајот на ноември повторно ќе заседаваат во Софија каде ќе ги соочат пишаните аргументи. Во комисијата од македонија има 7 претставници од кои само еден е антрополог а останатите се историчари.


                              • Carlin
                                Senior Member
                                • Dec 2011
                                • 3332

                                Thousands march in Edinburgh for Scottish independence

                                A mass rally at Holyrood Park at the end of the march went ahead despite an earlier ban.

                                Tens of thousands of people have marched through Edinburgh in support of Scottish independence.

                                A mass rally at Holyrood Park at the end of the march went ahead despite a ban from the body responsible for the park.

                                Historic Environment Scotland said on Saturday its priority was to "facilitate the march safely".

                                They had earlier said a rally could not be held as events of a "political nature" are not allowed.

                                Gary J Kelly, of organiser All Under One Banner, said he believed around 100,000 took part in the march.

                                It is the latest in a series of events across the country which have been organised by the political pressure group which campaigns for Scottish independence.

                                Mr Kelly said the turnout proved there was desire for constitutional change.

                                "The passion is there for definite at the end of the day," he said.

                                "The people have spoken. The SNP asked us to speak, well the people have spoken. We've done it all year round."

                                He criticised a statement from Historic Environment Scotland, which said it did not permit "political events of any nature" within its properties.

                                Mr Kelly said: "They refused our application on political grounds.

                                "If you look at every castle around Scotland, it has a Union Jack above it - that's a political statement on its own."

                                Independence supporters began gathering in the capital on Saturday morning with the march setting off from Johnston Terrace at 13:00.

                                Stalls and a stage were erected in Holyrood Park.

                                The park, which sits next to the Scottish Parliament building, is managed by public body Historic Environment Scotland.

                                On Friday All Under One Banner claimed that they had been "victorious" in their campaign to have the ban on the rally overturned.

                                But Historic Environment Scotland told BBC Scotland on Friday that the police had not overturned the ban, and that All Under One Banner still did not have permission "for the set-up of stalls, staging, branding and other static presence within Holyrood Park".

                                On Saturday, a Historic Environment Scotland spokeswoman said: "Our priority for today is to work with our partners including Police Scotland to facilitate the march safely through Holyrood Park.

                                "We will review the situation after the march."

                                Police said the City of Edinburgh Council estimated that about 20,000 people took part in the march.

                                Insp Murray Starkey of Police Scotland said: "Disruption to the city centre was as expected and all roads reopened as planned. Queen's Drive was temporarily closed to ensure public safety.

                                "One arrest was made in connection with a minor offence.

                                "Both the participants and the wider public are thanked for their patience and cooperation during today's event."

                                Autumn conference
                                All Under One Banner said they were legally entitled to use Holyrood Park under the country's "freedom to roam" laws.

                                They say the Land Reform Scotland Act allows them to remain in the park for recreational and educational purposes.

                                However, the rules say that the rights of others must also be respected.

                                The march was held the day before the SNP's autumn conference opens in Glasgow.

