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  • Pelagonija
    • Mar 2017
    • 533

    I’m rather enjoying the whole Gruo fiasco.

    Apparently the colour revolutionaries are organising a protest against Gruos escape. Good to see people protesting about something they care about. Welcome to the European Severna Macedonia, they have to maintain the fake democracy show when more than likely a back door deal was made with Zaev and co.

    Последниот настан отвори мноштво предизвици за домашниот но и меѓународниот правен поредок. Во делот на правната регулатива се поставува прашањето какви мерки ќе превземат институциите внатре во земјата, а како ќе одговорат институциите во Унгарија, односно во Европската Унија. ПОЛИТИЧКАТА И СТРУЧНАТА ЈАВНОСТ СЀ УШТЕ ВО ШОК ПО БЕГСТВОТО НА БИВШИОТ ПРЕМИЕР ВО УНГАРИЈА Иако […]
    Last edited by Pelagonija; 11-15-2018, 05:45 AM.


    • Phoenix
      Senior Member
      • Dec 2008
      • 4671

      Originally posted by Pelagonija View Post
      I’m rather enjoying the whole Gruo fiasco.

      Apparently the colour revolutionaries are organising a protest against Gruos escape. Good to see people protesting about something they care about. Welcome to the European Severna Macedonia, they have to maintain the fake democracy show when more than likely a back door deal was made with Zaev and co.
      It seems that the condom revolutionaries vandalised Macedonia in vain, they replaced one tyrant with a far bigger monster...exactly what those stupid cunts deserve...


      • Gocka
        Senior Member
        • Dec 2012
        • 2306

        I don't think they view it as suffering in any way shape or form. In fact I think the vast majority of them are quite pleased with themselves. I've said it dozens of times on the forum, a majority of those maggots are supportive of what is happening. The only difference between them is how ashamed or not they are to admit it publicly. Lead the conversation the right way and you will find that even the people you thought were against a name change, are willing to accept it as long as it fulfills some wild fantasies of theirs. I have yet to meet or hear of anyone who was willing to oppose a name change at any cost, no matter the risk, or sacrifice.

        The same way Nazism and all its atrocities didn't just happen out of the blue; and can''t be blamed solely on a single man. We can't just look at Zaev and say he did it, it's all his fault. Much of Hitler''s armies chose to commit atrocities on their own, much of Germany chose to turn a blind eye so log as they lived well. Most of Macedonia is more than happy to sit by and watch, as long as they can still tell themselves that riches lie ahead.

        They are all nothing more than peasants and opportunists. Watch the pendulum swing if in a few years the status quo remains and no EU entry has been achieved. It will be Zaev who is on the run next, and it won't be because he changed our name, it will be because they didn't get their money.

        Originally posted by Phoenix View Post
        It seems that the condom revolutionaries vandalised Macedonia in vain, they replaced one tyrant with a far bigger monster...exactly what those stupid cunts deserve...


        • Phoenix
          Senior Member
          • Dec 2008
          • 4671

          Originally posted by Gocka View Post
          I don't think they view it as suffering in any way shape or form. In fact I think the vast majority of them are quite pleased with themselves. I've said it dozens of times on the forum, a majority of those maggots are supportive of what is happening. The only difference between them is how ashamed or not they are to admit it publicly. Lead the conversation the right way and you will find that even the people you thought were against a name change, are willing to accept it as long as it fulfills some wild fantasies of theirs. I have yet to meet or hear of anyone who was willing to oppose a name change at any cost, no matter the risk, or sacrifice.

          The same way Nazism and all its atrocities didn't just happen out of the blue; and can''t be blamed solely on a single man. We can't just look at Zaev and say he did it, it's all his fault. Much of Hitler''s armies chose to commit atrocities on their own, much of Germany chose to turn a blind eye so log as they lived well. Most of Macedonia is more than happy to sit by and watch, as long as they can still tell themselves that riches lie ahead.

          They are all nothing more than peasants and opportunists. Watch the pendulum swing if in a few years the status quo remap ins and no EU entry has been achieved. It will be Zaev who is on the run next, and it won't be because he changed our name, it will be because they didn't get their money.
          The condom revolutionaries can sit with their thumbs stuck up their arse and wearing the stupid grins of carnival clowns thinking that there's now a pot of gold at the end of the rainbow...they can even believe in unicorns that shit diamond encrusted turds for all I care...but they won't be getting fast tracked into the EU anytime soon...or ever...I think the only inevitability and comfort for us is the big dose of schadenfreude on the horizon...


          • Carlin
            Senior Member
            • Dec 2011
            • 3332

            Border Police of Albania officially confirmed that Nikola Gruevski left the territory of the Republic of Albania through the border crossing Hani Hoti to Montenegro on November 11, 2018 at 19:11, as a passenger in a vehicle owned by the Hungarian Embassy in Tirana.


            Граничната полиција на Албанија, официјално потврди дека лицето Никола Груевски, на 11.11.2018 година во 19:11 часот, ја напуштило територијата на Република Албанија преку граничниот премин Хани Хоти кон Црна Гора, како патник во возилото со регистарски таблички CD1013A, сопственост на Унгарската амбасада во Тирана.

            На 11.11.2018 г. за лицето Никола Груевски немало никаква потерница, ниту информација дека треба да биде задржано, соопштуваат од граничната полиција во Албанија.

            Ова значи дека Груевски заминал кон Црна Гора во неделата вечерта, два дена пред за него да биде објавена меѓународна потерница преку Интерпол.

            Каде екс премиерот Груевски престојувал од 9 ноември кога според МВР ја напуштил Македонија до 11 ноември кога ја напуштил Албанија не е познато. Во соопштението од граничната полиција не е наведено кога и на кој начин Груевски влегол во Албанија.
            Last edited by Carlin; 11-15-2018, 05:52 PM.


            • Gocka
              Senior Member
              • Dec 2012
              • 2306

              So either someone tipped him off, or they agreed to let him leave before issuing the warrant.

              Freaking banana republic.

              Originally posted by Carlin15 View Post

              Граничната полиција на Албанија, официјално потврди дека лицето Никола Груевски, на 11.11.2018 година во 19:11 часот, ја напуштило територијата на Република Албанија преку граничниот премин Хани Хоти кон Црна Гора, како патник во возилото со регистарски таблички CD1013A, сопственост на Унгарската амбасада во Тирана.

              На 11.11.2018 г. за лицето Никола Груевски немало никаква потерница, ниту информација дека треба да биде задржано, соопштуваат од граничната полиција во Албанија.

              Ова значи дека Груевски заминал кон Црна Гора во неделата вечерта, два дена пред за него да биде објавена меѓународна потерница преку Интерпол.

              Каде екс премиерот Груевски престојувал од 9 ноември кога според МВР ја напуштил Македонија до 11 ноември кога ја напуштил Албанија не е познато. Во соопштението од граничната полиција не е наведено кога и на кој начин Груевски влегол во Албанија.


              • Phoenix
                Senior Member
                • Dec 2008
                • 4671

                Originally posted by Gocka View Post
                So either someone tipped him off, or they agreed to let him leave before issuing the warrant.

                Freaking banana republic.
                Now there are allegations that the presidential residence and offices have been wiretapped...banana republic indeed.

                It is amazing how quickly Macedonia is imploding...and all orchestrated by a power hungry few who are determined to destroy all opposition forces at any cost to the state itself...what were the condom revolutionaries fighting for, Macedonia is still a lawless, police state and getting worse.
                Last edited by Phoenix; 11-16-2018, 12:43 AM.


                • Pelagonija
                  • Mar 2017
                  • 533

                  I wonder what NATO’s opinion is on the severnis Security capabilities? there new member the severnis couldn’t stop the most famous middle aged convict in the country from escaping in broad daylight. Russia must be crapping themselves.


                  • Carlin
                    Senior Member
                    • Dec 2011
                    • 3332

                    The plot thickens.

                    The private plane of Viktor Orban, although half a month parked in Vienna, flew to Budapest, then to Belgrade and back, a day after Gruevski announced he was seeking asylum in Hungary, according to the Hungarian portal "Atlatso".

                    The luxury private flight used by the Hungarian ruling and business elite has been parked in Vienna since early October. The aircraft registered as OEM-LEM, after several months of rest in one place, departed from Vienna early Tuesday and landed in Budapest. Shortly thereafter it flew again, this time to Belgrade, and then returned to Budapest. The flight to Belgrade happened the day after Macedonia's former Prime Minister Nikola Gruevski announced he would seek asylum in Hungary.

                    (From Serbia there is still no answer when and how Gruevski left for Hungary, and the Serbian Ministry of Interior refuses to answer two more information requests from Deutsche Welle.)



                    • Pelagonija
                      • Mar 2017
                      • 533

                      Originally posted by Carlin15 View Post
                      The plot thickens.

                      The private plane of Viktor Orban, although half a month parked in Vienna, flew to Budapest, then to Belgrade and back, a day after Gruevski announced he was seeking asylum in Hungary, according to the Hungarian portal "Atlatso".

                      The luxury private flight used by the Hungarian ruling and business elite has been parked in Vienna since early October. The aircraft registered as OEM-LEM, after several months of rest in one place, departed from Vienna early Tuesday and landed in Budapest. Shortly thereafter it flew again, this time to Belgrade, and then returned to Budapest. The flight to Belgrade happened the day after Macedonia's former Prime Minister Nikola Gruevski announced he would seek asylum in Hungary.

                      (From Serbia there is still no answer when and how Gruevski left for Hungary, and the Serbian Ministry of Interior refuses to answer two more information requests from Deutsche Welle.)

                      If true you got to love Good old Victor.. the man that took a stand against cultural suicide. The man who who said no to soros.. god bless him hehe


                      • TrueMacedonian
                        • Jan 2009
                        • 3823

                        Originally posted by Pelagonija View Post
                        If true you got to love Good old Victor.. the man that took a stand against cultural suicide. The man who who said no to soros.. god bless him hehe
                        If only Macedonia had a pm like him as well as the party he’s in.


                        • Spirit
                          • May 2015
                          • 154

                          Look at what this traitorous fuckwit Zajko is apparently claiming


                          • sydney
                            • Sep 2008
                            • 390

                            They’re all in cahoots. Nothing happens organically in that joint.


                            • Karposh
                              • Aug 2015
                              • 863

                              Just listen to this Boris Georgievski bloke. Writing for Deutsche Welle, he has taken to ridiculing Orban and Hungary for taking in Nikola Gruevski and granting him asylum. However, what upsets him most, it seems, is how Orban is going against “everything the EU stands for” by assisting Gruevski to escape justice. He goes on to draw parallels between both leaders turning their backs on “Liberal Democracies” and their mutual dislike of US billionaire George Soros. I guess it's not too hard to see where this EU fan boy's heart lies. With EU stars in his eyes, and with a head on him that only a mother could love, this EU-loving fudge packer speaks of the EU as though it was the Justice League Hall of Justice rather than the corrupted, God-less and utterly hypocritical institution that it is.

                              By giving refuge to former Macedonian Prime Minister Nikola Gruevski, Orban is making a mockery of his government's position. More importantly, he's ridiculing everything the EU stands for, writes Boris Georgievski.


                              • Karposh
                                • Aug 2015
                                • 863

                                From the same DW article above,

                                Gruevski was sentenced last week after he was found guilty of illegally purchasing a Mercedes worth €570,000 ($645,000). He was supposed to start his two-year prison sentence this week and many Macedonians who suffered under his regime eagerly anticipated the scene of Gruevski finally entering prison in the capital, Skopje.
                                A two year jail sentence for the misappropriation of public money...Fair enough. So does this mean the precedent has now been set and we can expect the same measure of justice for Zaev's own unscrupulous business dealings with various Strumica businessmen of the past - the €164,000 bribe with the Strumica businessman Ivan Nikolov comes to mind.

                                And what is the price for treachery in this new "Liberal" Northern Macedonian Utopia. Will there be a prison sentence for all those who have betrayed Macedonia since they came into office?

