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  • Big Bad Sven
    Senior Member
    • Jan 2009
    • 1528

    I don’t really believe anything that comes from Macedonian news, especially from that website.

    But if this is true, which I think most probably is, its very disappointing. The obvious reason for selling out for money, but the fact that it was done for a measly $5 Million. I would of thought it would have been something a lot higher. For a ‘elite’ and ‘high class’ person in Macedonia 5 Million is not that much.

    It just goes to show how cheap Macedonians are today and how easily they can be bought out. The politicians are just village people/peasants in suits.


    • Risto the Great
      Senior Member
      • Sep 2008
      • 15660

      Originally posted by Big Bad Sven View Post
      It just goes to show how cheap Macedonians are today and how easily they can be bought out. The politicians are just village people/peasants in suits.
      If we enter the mind of (some of) these people, we might see someone like Ivanov saying "I am educated. I have lectured around the world. I have been president of a country and I still have nothing to really show for it" .... then slimy USA/EU/Greek throws him a $5 million bone and he says to himself "I deserve this". Human nature at force here. I am not making excuses for him but trying to understand the mentality that sells a nation.
      Risto the Great
      "Holding my breath for the revolution."

      Hey, I wrote a bestseller. Check it out:


      • Gocka
        Senior Member
        • Dec 2012
        • 2306

        Or he is just an ineffective and clueless moron like practically everyone else int he country he presides over.


        • Phoenix
          Senior Member
          • Dec 2008
          • 4671

          I'm thinking Ivanov never had the confidence to fully utilise his presidential powers, to bring in the army as has been previously suggested would require a total allegiance to his office which he may not can bet your nuts that no shiptar in ARM would follow a presidential order to round up SDS and DUI ( and the entire shiptar bloc) members of parliament and any such scenario would give the shiptari another reason to take up arms against the state in a final push to carve it up...perhaps he was avoiding such a scenario?

          On the other hand he hasn't signed any of the laws around the shiptar language and the name change, that in itself is interesting in regard to this allegation, I find it odd that in such circumstances somebody would've given him $5 mil, considering those laws are today considered unconstitutional and might be challenged at some stage in the future by legal experts.

          Five million dollars seems to be a lot of money for a job half done...especially when Ivanov doesn't appear to have skin in the game like the 81 pricks who raised their hands to vote those laws in...

          I see that article as the typical beat up that comes from that website, if anything, my view is that it acts as a provocation to enrage the common people into taking matters into their own hands...good luck with that.
          Last edited by Phoenix; 02-21-2019, 11:59 PM.


          • Risto the Great
            Senior Member
            • Sep 2008
            • 15660

            He's not clueless. He hit the nail on the head in his recent speeches but did nothing about it. I'd be more inclined to think he's informed but corrupt.
            Risto the Great
            "Holding my breath for the revolution."

            Hey, I wrote a bestseller. Check it out:


            • Rogi
              Senior Member
              • Sep 2008
              • 2343

              I don't buy this "corrupt" and "he was paid off" story.

              All of his actions show someone who was strong and proud enough to hold firm with his words and hold firm in many actions, in a normal world where a Constitution and Laws are respected, his actions and speeches would have made most of us proud and would have stopped all of this by simply not signing it into Law, but he's not couragious or radical enough to take more radical action in an unlawful landscape that Macedonia now finds itself in.

              It's the difference between the character and approach of a peacetime leader vs a wartime leader, I dont think it's a question of corruption or a lack of patriotism.

              DPMNE is about to make, or rather already has, the mistake of going with another peacetime leader in the upcoming election thinking that will return things to 'normality' - it might make for a better political move in terms of electioneering, but certainly makes for the wrong move in terms of national interest.
              Last edited by Rogi; 02-22-2019, 04:12 AM.


              • Soldier of Macedon
                Senior Member
                • Sep 2008
                • 13675

                Originally posted by Rogi View Post
                It's the difference between the character and approach of a peacetime leader vs a wartime leader.....
                video, sharing, camera phone, video phone, free, upload
                In the name of the blood and the sun, the dagger and the gun, Christ protect this soldier, a lion and a Macedonian.


                • Soldier of Macedon
                  Senior Member
                  • Sep 2008
                  • 13675

                  So these two Macedonian individuals who were involved in the storming of the Macedonian parliament in 2017 were thrown in prison. The next day they were beat up by a member or members of the ethnic Albanian terrorist group involved in the Kumanovo incident in 2015, according to the below reports.

                  Одреден притвор за Спиро Ристовски и Миле Јанакиески

                  Одреден притвор за Спиро Ристовски и Миле Јанакиески, 20.02.2019

                  Вечерва, по приведување на Трајко Вељановски, Спиро Ристовски и Миле Јанакиески за настаните од „27 април“, за последните двајца е одреден притвор под сомнеж дека учествувале во организирање на влегувањето на масата народ во Собранието по што се случија познатите настани на кои им претходеше нелегалниот избор на Талат Џафери за претседател на Собранието.
                  Во Шутка нападнат и Спиро Ристовски, завршил со напукната аркада, Јанакиески префрлен на Клинички

                  Во Шутка нападнат и Спиро Ристовски, завршил со напукната аркада, Јанакиески префрлен на Клинички, 21.02.2019

                  Двајцата екс-министри кои биле приведени синоќа, Миле Јанакиески и Спиро Ристовски, денеска биле нападнати во затворот во Шутка, пишува скопски Курир. Јанакиески се здобил со скршеница на раката, додека Ристовски завршил со пукната аркада. Јанакиески е префрлен во Клиничкиот центар „Мајка Тереза“ во Скопје. Подетални информации за нивната здравствена состојба се очекуваат за кратко.

                  Лајм: Миле Јанакиески нападнат во истражниот затвор во Шутка, 21.02.2019

                  Извори на весникот Лајм, информираат дека денеска во затворот Шутка се случил инцидент. Според нив, член на Кумановската група со иницијали Е.К. го претепал поранешниот министер за транспорт и врски Миле Јанакиевски. Благодарение на интервенцијата на затворските власти, била спречена поголема несреќа. Засега нема детали за тоа како дошло до контакт меѓу Е.К. и Миле Јанакиевски, но велат дека инцидентот се случил во дворот на затворот. Официјално сč уште нема ниту потврда ниту демант за оваа информација.
                  In the name of the blood and the sun, the dagger and the gun, Christ protect this soldier, a lion and a Macedonian.


                  • Tomche Makedonche
                    Senior Member
                    • Oct 2011
                    • 1123

                    A heated battle has erupted between North Macedonia's ruling parties over the immunity of the former speaker of parliament – who prosecutors suspect helped to organised the April 2017 mob attack on parliament.

                    North Macedonia Parties Battle Over Former Speaker’s Fate

                    A heated battle has erupted between North Macedonia's ruling parties over the immunity of the former speaker of parliament – who prosecutors suspect helped to organised the April 2017 mob attack on parliament.

                    Macedonia’s ruling coalition has been hit by a bitter dispute between coalition partners over the fate of the former speaker.

                    On Monday, the main ruling Social Democratic Party, SDSM, accused parliament speaker Talat Xhaferi – who comes from the ranks of the Democratic Union for Integration, DUI – of conspiring with the opposition to save his predecessor from detention and prosecution.

                    Xhaferi responded that he would not succumb to SDSM pressures.

                    Xhaferi on Sunday night outraged the Social Democrats when he abruptly ended a parliamentary session at which MPs were due to strip former speaker Trajko Veljanoski of his immunity.

                    He denied any conspiracy and quoted procedural reasons. At a press conference, he said he ended the plenary session without a vote because on Friday the parliamentary commission in charge of MPs’ immunity had failed to “submit any draft conclusion, and as such, there was nothing to decide” concerning Veljanoski’s immunity.

                    Last week, the country’s Prosecution for Organized Crime said it suspected Veljanovski – who was speaker from 2008 to 2017 from the ranks of the now opposition VMRO DPMNE party – had played a role in the April 2017 mob attack on parliament.

                    A pro-VMRO DPMNE mob broke into the parliament and caused mayhem partly to stop the now ruling parties from electing Xhaferi as speaker.

                    Xhaferi’s election was the next step towards the formation of a new Social Democrat-led government, marking the end of VMRO DPMNE’s 11 years in power.

                    About 100 people, including journalists and MPs, as well as current Prime Minister Zoran Zaev, were injured in the violence.

                    Prosecutor Vilma Ruskovska has demanded detention for Veljanoski due to the risk of his escape, or influencing witnesses. But for that to happen, parliament has to remove his immunity as an MP.

                    The vote in the parliamentary commission in charge of this ended in a draw – thanks to the absence of the DUI MP.

                    When the matter reached a parliamentary session on Sunday, which Xhaferi interrupted before a vote could take place, the Social Democrats raised suspicions of a conspiracy between the DUI and VMRO DPMNE, designed to protect their own MPs from further investigations.

                    Before joining the current Social Democrat-led government, the DUI was a longstanding coalition partner in various VMRO DPMNE-led governments.

                    Senior officials from both parties are now either under investigation or charged with various crimes.

                    “April 27 [2017] was a bloody event and its organizers must be held accountable. The public demands answers about whether last night there were calculations or not – and Xhaferi should answer them,” the head of SDSM parliamentary group, Jovan Mitrevski, said on Monday.

                    His parliamentary group boycotted the day’s regular consultation with the speaker.

                    Asked how this dispute might affect the ruling alliance, Mitrevski said they would wait for Xhaferi’s answers before making any decisions.

                    The row between the coalition partners comes less than two months ahead of presidential elections and may undermine their efforts to present a joint candidate.

                    Apart from a group of people who are now on trial for their involvement in the April 2018 attack, the prosecution last week launched another investigation, focusing on possible organizers.

                    Besides Veljanoski, the prosecution said it suspected former prime minister and former VMRO DPMNE leader Nikola Gruevski, two former ministers, Mile Janakieski and Spiro Ristovski, as well as a former secret police employee, Nikola Boskoski.

                    Janakieski and Ristovski were already in detention – but after a physical attack on them on Thursday in the Shutka detention prison, near Skopje, Janakieski was sent to house arrest. The warden of the prison has resigned over the incident.

                    Gruevski, who fled to Hungary in November to avoid serving a two-year jail sentence in another unrelated case, is still unavailable for the authorities in Skopje. So is Boskoski who has fled to neighbouring Greece.
                    “There’s a time when the operation of the machine becomes so odious, makes you so sick at heart, that you can’t take part, you can’t even passively take part, and you’ve got to put your bodies upon the gears and upon the wheels, upon the levers, upon all the apparatus and you’ve got to make it stop, and you’ve got to indicate to the people who run it, to the people who own it, that unless you’re free, the machine will be prevented from working at all” - Mario Savio


                    • Carlin
                      Senior Member
                      • Dec 2011
                      • 3332

                      From 21.01.2019.

                      Alliance of Albanians accuses top DUI official of running a fake university in Struga


                      The Alliance of Albanians, which is the leading challenger of the ruling DUI party, accused Struga mayor Ramiz Merko of running a fake university. According to Sela, the International private university in Struga, which he claims is run by Merko, is responsible for a series of violations.

                      A year ago the university forcibly chased out inspectors from the Education Ministry who were there to examine its work. This is allowed because it is run by Ramiz Merko, who is a top DUI official, and is always using his proximity to power to violate the law. The latest examples reported in Albanian media show that the Merko University is issuing fake diplomas and degrees, Ziadin Sela’s Alliance of Albanians said in a press release.

                      Officially the university is run by Armend Kadriovski, but AA claims that he is a close friend to Merko and is his figurehead.
                      Last edited by Carlin; 02-27-2019, 11:28 AM.


                      • Carlin
                        Senior Member
                        • Dec 2011
                        • 3332

                        Само странци можат да го спасат бракот на СДСМ со ДУИ


                        Да се “испеглаат” разликите и да се одредат насоките за да преживее владината коалиција беше главната причина за нова средба меѓу владините партнери Зоран Заев и Али Ахмети. Темите за опстанок на истата гарнитура на “Илинденска” не се едноствани и без многу детали за разговорите, партиски извори брифираат дека на маса се отворaат сите прашања меѓу владиниот двоец, а за претседателски кандидат ќе се решава најверојатно во петок.

                        Првата рунда разговори со коалициските партнери за консензуален кандидат од минатата недела не го донесе конкретното име, а според информациите интензивните разговори деновиве ќе го дефинират кандидатот непосредно пред закажаниот конгрес за в недела.

                        И покрај впечатокот дека владината криза се продлабочува и дека се заострува реториката меѓу СДСМ и ДУИ и премиерот Зоран Заев и лидерот на ДУИ Али Ахмети се оптимисти дека ќе се постигне договор за заеднички кандидат за претседател.

                        Измените во законот за Јавно обвинителство во делот за истрагите на СЈО, јавните несогласувања меѓу коалициските партнери СДСМ и ДУИ за процедурата за одземање на имунитетот на пратеникот од ВМРО-ДПМНЕ Трајко Вељаноски, скандалот со пензиската афера, и уште неколку ситуации ја зголемија недовербата во релациите меѓу Заев и Ахмети.

                        И покрај тоа, ценат познавачите на политичките прилики, коалиционите партнери ќе го продолжат бракот од интерес, и заеднички ќе настапат на претстојните избори. За СДСМ тоа би значело поголема сигурност и гаранции за цензусот и во вториот круг претседателски избори, а за ДУИ тоа би значело добар пазар и претседател по нивни вкус. За да успее пазарот меѓу Ахмети и Заев, цени поранешниот министер Џевдет Хајредини, на Заев му треба помош и од странците.

                        -Дојде моментот да го повторам тоа што сум пишувал и кажувал повеќе пати досега: ДУИ жестоко ќе се спротивстави на реформите во правосудството. Ќе стори се, само СЈО да не ги заврши отворените истражни постапки. Заев нема сила, без помош на странците, да се справи со Али Амети, кој многу добро знае дека, заедно со своите најблиски соработници, ако реформите успеат, ќе се најдат таму каде што се наоѓаат тие со кои осум години во заедничка власт ја заробија државата и ја втурнаа во длабока криза, од која нема излез без директна интервенција на ЕУ и САД, вели Хајредини.

                        По консултациите со ДУИ кои финишираат, ако има договор, следува поширок круг консултации со другите партнери, со цел претседателските избори да поминат лесно и цензусот да не се доведува во прашање. Доколку во вториот изборен круг не се обезбеди потребниот цензус и не биде избран нов претседател на државата, по Уставот претседателот на Собранието ја врши должноста во период од најмногу шест месеци. Во меѓувреме, појаснува собранискиот спикер Талат Џафери, се повторува постапката за избор на претседател на државата, односно се распишуваат нови избори. Овој случај, потенцира претседателот на Собранието, е предвиден во Уставот, како што е предвидено и што се случува доколку по било кој основ претседателот на државата да е спречен да ја извршува функцијата. Двата случаи, рече Џафери, се регулирани со членовите 81 и 82 од Уставот.

                        Неофицијално во игра и понатаму остануваат истите имиња како можни кандидати. Покрај Оливер Спасовски, кого го кандидираа од општинската организација на Куманово, се споменуваат и министрите Радмила Шекеринска, Никола Димитров и координаторот за НАТО, Стево Пендаровски.
                        Last edited by Carlin; 02-27-2019, 11:28 AM.


                        • Carlin
                          Senior Member
                          • Dec 2011
                          • 3332

                          It looks like this is fake news. The Serbian Interior Ministry announced that the police were not notified any group of armed men entering the territory of central Serbia from the territory of Kosovo.

                          Report: Armed Albanians storm village in central Serbia

                          Armed Albanians stormed the village of Rastelica on Wednesday morning, Prva TV is reporting.


                          The village is located in central Serbia, near the town of Kursumlija, and close to the administrative line with Kosovo

                          A correspondent of the Belgrade-based television says that there was shooting, and that "all houses in that village have been ransacked."

                          The reporter added that strong police forces have been deployed there

                          According to this, another village has attacked, where one local has had his tractor stolen.

                          Over the past years, local media have been warning about similar incidents, mostly involving ethnic Albanians crossing from Kosovo to steal timber.

                          They were also reporting the locals' testimonies, who claimed they had been left without protection and that the Serbian police unit, Gendarmerie, had been withdrawn - asking the authorities at the same time to redeploy the security forces.

                          The Serbian Interior Ministry announced that the police were not notified any group of armed men entering the territory of central Serbia from the territory of Kosovo:
                          Полицији није пријављен било какав упад групе наоружаних људи на територију централне Србије са простора АП Косово и Метохија, саопштило је Министарство унутрашњих послова.
                          Last edited by Carlin; 02-27-2019, 01:26 PM.


                          • Liberator of Makedonija
                            Senior Member
                            • Apr 2014
                            • 1597

                            Supposedly Macedonians in Lerin and Ser have issued a declaration of autonomy?

                            I know of two tragic histories in the world- that of Ireland, and that of Macedonia. Both of them have been deprived and tormented.


                            • YuriB
                              Junior Member
                              • Jan 2019
                              • 54

                              Originally posted by Liberator of Makedonija View Post
                              Supposedly Macedonians in Lerin and Ser have issued a declaration of autonomy?

                              Isn't the letter C in Macedonian pronounced like the letter C in the word "nice" in English? The Greek version writes it with a Tse sound, and I know there is an explicit letter that looks like a 4 in Macedonian for that sound.

                              My point: unless this is a regional accent thing, it might have been written by non-Macedonians, perhaps to provoke the general Greek public against them or the deal, etc.
                              A Greek supporting self-determination of Macedonians!


                              • Niko777
                                Senior Member
                                • Oct 2010
                                • 1895

                                I also suspect that this was done by a non-Macedonian in order to provoke and cause a stir in the media. This leaflet itself is very unprofessional, and I question how many were actually distributed.

                                Isn't the letter C in Macedonian pronounced like the letter C in the word "nice" in English?
                                According to the Yugoslav/Serbian rules of latinizing the Cyrillic alphabet, latin "C" is used to represent "tse".

