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  • Carlin
    Senior Member
    • Dec 2011
    • 3332

    ND surges to power, promising change


    Center-right New Democracy surged to a decisive victory in general elections on Sunday, paving the way for leader Kyriakos Mitsotakis to form a comfortable majority government this week.

    With 86.4 percent of votes counted late last night, ND had secured 39.77 percent, over SYRIZA’s 31.55 – a more resilient performance than had been expected. This translates to 158 seats for ND and 86 for SYRIZA.

    Center-left Movement for Change (KINAL) came in third with 7.94 percent (22 seats) and the Greek Communist Party (KKE) with 5.35 percent (15 seats).

    In one of the most significant developments of the evening, neo-Nazi Golden Dawn was out of Greece’s Parliament after failing to reach the 3 percent threshold with 2.96 percent.

    However, the nationalist, pro-Russian Greek Solution, which drew a significant proportion of GD’s voters, made it into the House with 3.74 percent (10 seats) and MeRA25, the party of former finance minister Yanis Varoufakis, secured 3.48 percent (9 seats).


    • vicsinad
      Senior Member
      • May 2011
      • 2337

      Zaev gets pranked by Russians pretending to be European leaders. Listening to the video/audio, it gives me even less hope for Macedonia.

      Zoran Zaev got pranked by the Russian comedians Vova and Lexus, famous for their portrayal of world leaders before gullible politicians. They posted three conversations with Zaev, in which they comedians pretend they are Ukrainian Prime Minister Petro Porosenko and NATO Secretary General Jens Stoltenberg.

      The conversations seem to have been recorded over a longer period of time, as Zaev discusses the 2018 referendum and the 2019 Ukrainian presidential elections. The hour long discussion raises questions whether Zaev really believed to have developed a close and friendly rapport with Porosenko, and how is it possible he got pranked several times by “Porosenko”, as if there was no follow up on what was discussed between the two countries.

      During the conversations, Zaev keeps going to the theme of Russian meddling in the Balkans and attempts to bond with “Porosenko” over this issue, frequently blaming his political opponents in Macedonia of Russian ties. But, Zaev is also visibly worried over the danger of territorial swaps between Serbia and Kosovo, and attempts to drive the conversation with “Stoltenberg” in that direction. There is clear worry that such a move could reflect badly on Macedonia.

      “Porosenko” advises Zaev to give full autonomy to Albanians, citing the example he says he set with Crimean Tatars, a proposal which Zaev seems open to. At times, “Porosenko” pushes his luck and explains a theory about the Sumerian heritage of Ukrainians and asks Zaev to call him “Peter of Macedonia” and offers to rename Ukraine into “Eastern Macedonia”, but Zaev fails to get the joke.

      Vova and Lexus have similarly pranked a number of American politicians, French President Emmanuel Macron, Venezueal hopeful Juan Guaido and others.


      • VMRO
        Senior Member
        • Sep 2008
        • 1462

        Originally posted by vicsinad View Post
        Zaev gets pranked by Russians pretending to be European leaders. Listening to the video/audio, it gives me even less hope for Macedonia.
        Was willing to do some illegal activity in order to bring in the fake chocolate factory.
        Verata vo Mislite, VMRO vo dushata, Makedonia vo Srceto.

        Vnatreshna Makedonska Revolucionerna Organizacija.


        • vicsinad
          Senior Member
          • May 2011
          • 2337

          Originally posted by VMRO View Post
          Was willing to do some illegal activity in order to bring in the fake chocolate factory.
          The prank conversations between Zoran Zaev and Russian comedians Vova and Lexus include a moment when Zaev agrees to the request to pay a bribe to the Ecumenical Patriarch Bartholomew of 100.000 EUR.

          The two Russian jokers called Zaev pretending to be Ukrainian President Petro Porosenko and NATO Secretary General Jens Stoltenberg, and managed to establish a relationship with him. Over months, Zaev had a number of conversations with “Porosenko”, and at one point he agrees to a proposal from the Russian comedians to pay 100.000 EUR in bribes.

          During one of the conversations, “Porosenko” inquires about the recognition of the Macedonian Orthodox Church, and explains how he was able to receive the recognition of the Ukrainian Orthodox Church from Patriarch Bartholomew. “Porosenko” tells Zaev that he had to pay 150.000 EUR for the recognition, and tells him that he should do the same, but for a discounted price.

          It’s no problem, it’s ok. There will be a donation in cash, normally. We’ll do it, Zaev replies to the Russian comedian.

          “Porosenko” tells him that he can get him a discount with Bartholomew and he only needs to pay 100.000 EUR for the recognition of the Macedonian church by the Patriarch.

          Zaev insists that he was promised help from Alexis Tsipras to secure the recognition, and frequently cites that the Patriarch is Greek and therefore the then Greek Prime Minister will help in the matter. But, “Porosenko” names a number of American diplomats he says helped Ukraine receive its recognition, advises Zaev to go to them, but also to not forget the “donation”.


          • Soldier of Macedon
            Senior Member
            • Sep 2008
            • 13675

            How about them tapes! What an idiot this guy is.
            In the name of the blood and the sun, the dagger and the gun, Christ protect this soldier, a lion and a Macedonian.


            • vicsinad
              Senior Member
              • May 2011
              • 2337

              Originally posted by Soldier of Macedon View Post
              How about them tapes! What an idiot this guy is.
              In prank call, Zaev was advised to rig the 2018 name change referendum, replies “for sure”


              • Spirit
                • May 2015
                • 154

                Originally posted by Soldier of Macedon View Post
                How about them tapes! What an idiot this guy is.
                I think you’re being to kind to idiots SoM
                I would put Zaev below idiots on the evolutionary ladder


                • Risto the Great
                  Senior Member
                  • Sep 2008
                  • 15660

                  Isn't Zaev being recommended for a Nobel peace prize?
                  Clearly he is a statesman of grandeur and nobody will ever be able to combine sleaze, stupidity and gullibility in quite the same way ever again.
                  Risto the Great
                  "Holding my breath for the revolution."

                  Hey, I wrote a bestseller. Check it out:


                  • Gocka
                    Senior Member
                    • Dec 2012
                    • 2306

                    This reaffirms my view that fake it until you make it is so much more common place than most would assume.

                    We tend to give people in the public sphere way to much respect and credit. Most of the time they don't know much more than the average person does especially politicians.

                    Macedonian politicians are not pedigreed they are not the Kennedy's. The are a bunch of village idiots like the populace they come from. They are not these brilliant sinister tacticians, They are petty thieves who have risen to the top of the Ghetto they reside in. They are inept and insecure, they are flying by the seat of their pants and just want to be accepted by their more distinguished peers abroad. That and their inclination to commit petty theft explains the virtually all of their actions.

                    We need to bring these politicians down to the level they are really on, maybe then the average citizen will be less afraid and insecure about taking them on. Elites, give me a freaking break, most of us could run circles around these baboons.


                    • maco2envy
                      • Jan 2015
                      • 288

                      I must admit, Zaev's reaction to the joke about Albanians and Bosnians is pretty funny


                      • Phoenix
                        Senior Member
                        • Dec 2008
                        • 4671

                        Originally posted by Gocka View Post
                        This reaffirms my view that fake it until you make it is so much more common place than most would assume.

                        We tend to give people in the public sphere way to much respect and credit. Most of the time they don't know much more than the average person does especially politicians.

                        Macedonian politicians are not pedigreed they are not the Kennedy's. The are a bunch of village idiots like the populace they come from. They are not these brilliant sinister tacticians, They are petty thieves who have risen to the top of the Ghetto they reside in. They are inept and insecure, they are flying by the seat of their pants and just want to be accepted by their more distinguished peers abroad. That and their inclination to commit petty theft explains the virtually all of their actions.

                        We need to bring these politicians down to the level they are really on, maybe then the average citizen will be less afraid and insecure about taking them on. Elites, give me a freaking break, most of us could run circles around these baboons.
                        ...there's a really good reason why that village idiot is the darling of the EU and US...which other moron would've sold off the nation like this clown has...


                        • Gocka
                          Senior Member
                          • Dec 2012
                          • 2306

                          Originally posted by Phoenix View Post
                          ...there's a really good reason why that village idiot is the darling of the EU and US...which other moron would've sold off the nation like this clown has...
                          Exactly. The West gets their stooge, and the stooge can feel all proud of himself that he is the first Macedonian PM to get into the "elite" circle.

                          Humans are such simple creatures.


                          • Spirit
                            • May 2015
                            • 154

                            Zaev’s IQ must be below zero, look at his excuse is now

                            I must admit I had a good laugh whilst reading the article at his claims to be an honest man. Sad thing is a lot of the northern sheeple in Macedonia will believe him. God this guy is really dumber than dumb if that makes sense. He is below amoebas on the evolutionary ladder
                            Last edited by Spirit; 07-12-2019, 05:58 AM.


                            • Carlin
                              Senior Member
                              • Dec 2011
                              • 3332

                              Македонската гранична полиција далеку поефикасна од грчката

                              Целосно различна слика за влез и излез од земјава на граничниот премин Богородица.

                              14 јули 2019

                              Додека нервозни туристи од сите земји на евзони со часови чекаат да ја поминат грчката граница, н...

                              Додека нервозни туристи од сите земји на евзони со часови чекаат да ја поминат грчката граница, на наша страна нема застој, возилата се пропуштаат за 2 до десет минути.

                              Гледачи кои се јавија во Канал 5, се фрапирани од непрофесионалноста на грчката полиција која креира колона долга и еден километар.

                              Повеќемина револтирани граѓани, кои попладнево се јавија во Канал 5 за да се пожалат на долгите колони од грчка страна и неажурноста на грчките цариници тврдат дека на Евзони се чека повеќе од еден час, додека од македонска страна цариниците и полицајците тековно и без непотребен застој ги пропуштаат возилата.


                              • Carlin
                                Senior Member
                                • Dec 2011
                                • 3332

                                Aracinovo Mayor publicly thanks Zaev for releasing two men sentenced for the shocking murder of three youngsters in 2006



                                Two men, sentenced to life in prison for a shocking triple murder of youngsters they perpetrated in 2006, were released from serving their sentences.

                                The news broke after Milikije Halimi, the Mayor of the town of Aracinovo east of Skopje, posted a comment publicly expressing her gratitude and the gratitude of the Aracinovo branch of her SDSM party to Prime Minister Zoran Zaev for releasing the two murderers. It is not immediately clear on what grounds were the releases made.

                                Naim Asani and Ramiz Asani shot up a gaming place in the Cair district of Skopje in 2006, killing 14 year old Engin Ismail, 17 year old Enis Ismaili and 18 year old Rametula Ibisi. The attack was reportedly carried out as revenge after the owner of the place killed one of their relatives several months before.

                                The two killers fled and were only arrested a year later. The murders shocked the country, prompting protests against violence and the practice of blood feuds in the Albanian community.

                                Mayor Halimi wrote that the two are now “released from serving their sentences”, thanks to Zaev, and that justice has been done.

