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  • Liberator of Makedonija
    Senior Member
    • Apr 2014
    • 1597

    Originally posted by Carlin15 View Post
    Delegates reject push to add “North” to the name of the Ski Federation of Macedonia

    Delegates of the Ski Federation of Macedonia rejected the proposal from its President to rename it into the federation of “North Macedonia”.

    Republika has learnt that the leadership of the federation is pushing on the delegates to accept the name change and made the motion at its annual meeting. Some of the ski clubs that are members of the federation was pressured to have their delegates vote in favor of the name change, Republika was told. But, ultimately the motion was defeated, owing to opposition of delegates from Gostivar, Bitola and Skopje.
    That's good to hear
    I know of two tragic histories in the world- that of Ireland, and that of Macedonia. Both of them have been deprived and tormented.


    • Stojacanec
      • Dec 2009
      • 809

      Good riddens to the useless and corrupt ex leader. His entry as leader was as illegitimate as the Prespa agreement.

      This just ads to his resume of corruption, swindling, misrepresentation and fraud.

      From day 1 I knew Zaev's term would be a disaster. Unfortunately I was not proven wrong.


      • Carlin
        Senior Member
        • Dec 2011
        • 3332

        Вселенскиот патријарх бара начин за признавање на МПЦ-ќе организира состанок на СПЦ со МПЦ


        Вселенскиот патријарх Вартоломеј, по средбата со премиерот Оливер Спасовски и претседателот на СДСМ Зоран Заев донесе одлука да ги покани Српската православна црква и Македонската православна црква на заедничка средба, во обид да се најде заемно прифатливо решение за најголемото црковно прашање во земјата, се вели во соопштението од кабинетот на Вселенскиот Патријарх.

        Како што веќе информиравме денеска во седиштето на Цариградската патријаршија се одржа средба на Вартоломеј со техничкиот премиер Оливер Спасовски и директорот на Комисијата за односи со верските заедници и религиозни групи, Даријан Сотировски.

        Средбата, како што соопшти владината прес-служба, се остварила како резултат на поканата што вселенскиот патријарх ја упатил до Зоран Заев додека беше премиер на Владата на нашата земја.

        – Средбата во седиштето на Цариградската патријаршија се одржа во пријатна атмосфера и во срдечниот разговор беше изразена надеж дека и оваа година патријархот Вартоломеј, во духот на толеранцијата и разбирањето, ќе продолжи да поттикнува дијалог за изнаоѓање решенија за сите прашања со кои се соочува православниот свет и верниците, се додава во соопштението од владината прес-служба.

        Како што соопшти СДСМ, лидерот на партијата Заев на средбата изразил надеж дека Патријархот Вартоломеј и оваа година, во духот на толеранцијата и разбирањето, ќе продолжи да поттикнува дијалог за наоѓање решенија за сите прашања со кои се соочува православниот свет и сите православни верници ширум светот.

        Премиерот Спасовски и претседателот на СДСМ, Заев, на средбата упатиле покана Патријархот Вартоломеј, кој ужива голема почит и силна поддршка од сите православни верници во нашата држава да ја посети Северна Македонија и да се сретне со верниците од православна вероисповед.

        Инаку, и досега со Вартоломеј средби имале наши државни претставници како Ѓорге Иванов, Владо Бучковски и други наши функционери.

        Верските аналитичари коментираат дека од средбата станува очигледно дека Вселенскиот патријарх Вартоломеј му го простил гафот на Заев со руските пранкери од јули минатата година, кога им рече дека спремен да плати 100 илјади евра за афтокефалност на МПЦ-ОА. Затоа и го поканил.

        -Фактот дека Вартоломеј ја прифатил средбата со Заев е знак дека му го простил гафот со руските пранкери од јули минатата година. Тогаш, за потсетување, Заев во разговорот со лажниот украински претседател Порошенко изрази подготвеност да донира 100.000 евра во контекст на решавањето на македонската црковна автокефалност. Тоа се налепи на руските тврдења дека и автокефалноста на Украинската црква е платена со пари кај Вартоломеј, вели весркиот аналитичар Бранко Ѓорѓевски за весникот ВЕЧЕР. Тој, смета дека приемот покажува оти Вселенскиот патријарх го заборавил тој случај и дека не се дистанцира од Заев.

        -Значи, не му е страв од руските обвинувања за „плаќањето на автокефалности“ а што е мошне добро за наше црковно прашање. Во прилог на ова оди и фактот што Заев е сега примен само како лидер на СДСМ и не е државен функционер, но сепак Вселенскиот патријарх решил и тој да биде дел од делегацијата. Тоа на свој начин охрабрува и праќа порака до црковна Москва но, и Белград, бидејќи Заев е потписник на писмото во кое се бара помош на Цариград во решавањето на нашето црковно прашање, вели Ѓорѓевски во изјава за весникот ВЕЧЕР. Тој приемот го оценува како позитивен момент во процесот на решавање на македонското црковно прашање.

        – Значи, многу охрабрувачка и ветувачка средба по која одлуките и натаму се во рацете на Вселенскиот патријарх. Стравувам само дека заради состојбата во Црна Гора дека Вартоломеј ќе се воздржи од преземање на порадикални потези во овој период, но мошне добро е што се случи средбата, додава аналитичарот за весникот ВЕЧЕР.


        • Carlin
          Senior Member
          • Dec 2011
          • 3332

          Се забрзува ли процесот за конечно признавање на автокефалноста на МПЦ – ОА? И покрај притисоците од руската и српската православна црква, Цариградската патријаршија не се откажува од намерата да го реши ова прашање. Оптимизмот за скоро решавање на проблемот дојде по вчерашната средба на македонската државна делегација со Вселенскиот патријарх Вартоломеј во Истанбул.

          Вселенската патријаршија не се откажува, автокефалноста на МПЦ-ОА во процедура

          Се забрзува ли процесот за конечно признавање на автокефалноста на МПЦ – ОА? И покрај притисоците од руската и српската православна црква, Цариградската патријаршија не се откажува од намерата да го реши ова прашање.

          Оптимизмот за скоро решавање на проблемот дојде по вчерашната средба на македонската државна делегација со Вселенскиот патријарх Вартоломеј во Истанбул.

          “Навистина сме многу задоволни од средбата, охрабрени сме од зборовите дека ова наша заемна комуникација ќе продолжи и понатаму, и дека ќе почне еден динамичен дијалог во рамките на Вселенската патријаршија, се со цел да се надминат проблемите кои ги има Македонската православна црква”, смета Спасовски

          Дека на маса била ставена автокефалноста на МПЦ потврдија и од Цариградската патријаршија. Вселенскиот патријарх, посочил дека ќе ги покани претставници на СПЦ и на МПЦ во Истанбул за понатамошни консултации околу решавањето на црковниот спор. Од Светиот синод се надеваат дека таква средба ќе се случи во најскоро време. Кој се ќе присуствува е работа на тој што ја организира, велат црковните претставници.

          “Се надеваме дека ќе биде во идниот месец или до крајот на март. За СПЦ не знаеме дали ќе бидат поканети, не е наша работа...”, смета владиката Тимотеј.


          • Gocka
            Senior Member
            • Dec 2012
            • 2306

            BIRN Fact-check: Does North Macedonia’s Budget Merit the ‘Human Capital’ Hype?

            The Social Democrat-led government in North Macedonia says it wants to invest in the labour force in order to grow the economy. But experts question the long-term value of simply hiking wages.
            When lawmakers in North Macedonia endorsed the country’s budget for 2020 in late December, the Social Democrat-led government boldly declared that its focus for the year would be investment in ‘human capital’ – that is, increasing the economic value of a worker’s experience and skills.

            “If we don’t continuously invest in human capital, we will not have a workforce prepared for the jobs of the future, we won’t be competitive in the global economy and we won’t be able to maintain economic growth,” Finance Minister Nina Angelovska said at the time.

            The notion that North Macedonia must improve the skills of its workforce in order to boost long-term economic growth is nothing new. But to make it the centrepiece of the annual budget is a first.

            A closer look at the numbers, however, show the government is looking primarily at raising salaries, pensions and social transfers. Structural reforms in education and training – widely seen as the key to developing human capital – are largely absent.

            “An increase in salaries does not mean investing in human capital,” said economics professor Abdulmenaf Bexheti of the South Eastern Europe University in the western town of Tetovo.

            “If we want to invest in human capital then we need to invest extensively and consistently in the education sector, from preschool to higher education.”

            The opposition said the government’s spending plan was little more than a list of “populist” measures to put more money in the pockets of voters ahead a parliamentary election on April 12.

            Biggest budget since independence

            The 2020 budget is the country’s largest in almost three decades of independence, with projected expenditures of 3.9 billion euros, five per cent more than in 2019, and revenues of 3.6 billion, or 5.6 per cent up on last year.

            Most of the outgoings – 2.5 billion euros – are earmarked for salaries, pensions and other social transfers. That’s 162 million euros, or six per cent, more than last year.

            The health sector, which has struggled for years with retaining doctors and nurses due to poor working conditions and low salaries, will see the largest increase: nurses will receive a 10 per cent pay rise, general practitioners 15 per cent and medical professors 20 per cent.

            Specialist doctors can expect to receive up to 25 per cent more money, taking their average pay to more than 1,600 euros net per month, well above the country’s average wage of just over 420 euros.

            Starting this month, pensions will see an average increase of up to 15 euros, with the average pensioner currently receiving a meagre 240 euros per month.

            Teachers will also receive a pay rise of 10 per cent, but higher salaries, said Bexheti, are no substitute for the kind of systemic reforms and major investment required to provide a long-term qualitative improvement of the workforce.

            Higher salaries will boost the local economy only in the short-term, experts argue.

            Education sector worse off

            A closer look at education spending shows that, while the sector will receive 11 million euros more than last year – or 434 million euros – over 60 per cent will be spent on wages including the planned wage increase.

            Actual investment in education will fall from 16 million euros to 13 million, of which 8.4 million will be spent on sports facilities in schools and just 2.8 million on building new schools and renovating old ones.

            Science will also be one million euros worse off compared to 2019 with just 5.6 million euros of government spending. Universities, too, see their slice of the pie falling some four million euros to roughly 100 million.

            Spending on “student’s standard”, meaning on dormitories, as well on primary education will also fall slightly on last year, while high schools will receive slightly more.

            North Macedonia’s deputy prime minister in charge of economy, Koco Angjushev, said on several occasions last year that the government recognised the importance of education and threats posed by an unproductive education sector to the economy’s future development.

            The government therefore unveiled a plan last year for the speedier introduction of so-called dual education, which includes budget help for students in all technical [applied sciences] high-schools to gain paid work experience while still studying.

            The costs of project, however, have yet to be worked out in full and are not part of the 2020 budget.

            The Social Democrat-led government in North Macedonia says it wants to invest in the labour force in order to grow the economy. But experts question the long-term value of simply hiking wages.


            • Gocka
              Senior Member
              • Dec 2012
              • 2306

              Originally posted by Gocka View Post
              BIRN Fact-check: Does North Macedonia’s Budget Merit the ‘Human Capital’ Hype?

              The Social Democrat-led government in North Macedonia says it wants to invest in the labour force in order to grow the economy. But experts question the long-term value of simply hiking wages.
              When lawmakers in North Macedonia endorsed the country’s budget for 2020 in late December, the Social Democrat-led government boldly declared that its focus for the year would be investment in ‘human capital’ – that is, increasing the economic value of a worker’s experience and skills.

              “If we don’t continuously invest in human capital, we will not have a workforce prepared for the jobs of the future, we won’t be competitive in the global economy and we won’t be able to maintain economic growth,” Finance Minister Nina Angelovska said at the time.

              The notion that North Macedonia must improve the skills of its workforce in order to boost long-term economic growth is nothing new. But to make it the centrepiece of the annual budget is a first.

              A closer look at the numbers, however, show the government is looking primarily at raising salaries, pensions and social transfers. Structural reforms in education and training – widely seen as the key to developing human capital – are largely absent.

              “An increase in salaries does not mean investing in human capital,” said economics professor Abdulmenaf Bexheti of the South Eastern Europe University in the western town of Tetovo.

              “If we want to invest in human capital then we need to invest extensively and consistently in the education sector, from preschool to higher education.”

              The opposition said the government’s spending plan was little more than a list of “populist” measures to put more money in the pockets of voters ahead a parliamentary election on April 12.

              Biggest budget since independence

              The 2020 budget is the country’s largest in almost three decades of independence, with projected expenditures of 3.9 billion euros, five per cent more than in 2019, and revenues of 3.6 billion, or 5.6 per cent up on last year.

              Most of the outgoings – 2.5 billion euros – are earmarked for salaries, pensions and other social transfers. That’s 162 million euros, or six per cent, more than last year.

              The health sector, which has struggled for years with retaining doctors and nurses due to poor working conditions and low salaries, will see the largest increase: nurses will receive a 10 per cent pay rise, general practitioners 15 per cent and medical professors 20 per cent.

              Specialist doctors can expect to receive up to 25 per cent more money, taking their average pay to more than 1,600 euros net per month, well above the country’s average wage of just over 420 euros.

              Starting this month, pensions will see an average increase of up to 15 euros, with the average pensioner currently receiving a meagre 240 euros per month.

              Teachers will also receive a pay rise of 10 per cent, but higher salaries, said Bexheti, are no substitute for the kind of systemic reforms and major investment required to provide a long-term qualitative improvement of the workforce.

              Higher salaries will boost the local economy only in the short-term, experts argue.

              Education sector worse off

              A closer look at education spending shows that, while the sector will receive 11 million euros more than last year – or 434 million euros – over 60 per cent will be spent on wages including the planned wage increase.

              Actual investment in education will fall from 16 million euros to 13 million, of which 8.4 million will be spent on sports facilities in schools and just 2.8 million on building new schools and renovating old ones.

              Science will also be one million euros worse off compared to 2019 with just 5.6 million euros of government spending. Universities, too, see their slice of the pie falling some four million euros to roughly 100 million.

              Spending on “student’s standard”, meaning on dormitories, as well on primary education will also fall slightly on last year, while high schools will receive slightly more.

              North Macedonia’s deputy prime minister in charge of economy, Koco Angjushev, said on several occasions last year that the government recognised the importance of education and threats posed by an unproductive education sector to the economy’s future development.

              The government therefore unveiled a plan last year for the speedier introduction of so-called dual education, which includes budget help for students in all technical [applied sciences] high-schools to gain paid work experience while still studying.

              The costs of project, however, have yet to be worked out in full and are not part of the 2020 budget.

              There it is in a nutshell.

              This type of thing has been happening in Macedonia since independence. Money gets thrown around in a short sighted fashion to basically buy votes. Even when they claim they are "investing" in something its always shallow and wasteful. The part about education spending is quite telling.

              Bigger budgets, more waste, a population that is ill educated and ill prepared for the present and the future. If you want to know what Macedonia will be like in 20 years, there it is right there, it will be exactly the same if not worse because the investments and changes that need to be made today in order to improve things in the future are not happening.

              Its painful to say but I'm starting to think Macedonia was better run institutionally when it was part of Yugoslavia.


              • Liberator of Makedonija
                Senior Member
                • Apr 2014
                • 1597

                Ivanov will be attending a community function in Melbourne, Australia this coming February.
                I know of two tragic histories in the world- that of Ireland, and that of Macedonia. Both of them have been deprived and tormented.


                • Liberator of Makedonija
                  Senior Member
                  • Apr 2014
                  • 1597

                  World Chetnik Congress to be held in Serbia this year

                  I know of two tragic histories in the world- that of Ireland, and that of Macedonia. Both of them have been deprived and tormented.


                  • Risto the Great
                    Senior Member
                    • Sep 2008
                    • 15660

                    Originally posted by Liberator of Makedonija View Post
                    Ivanov will be attending a community function in Melbourne, Australia this coming February.
                    Simple questions for him:
                    - Do you think it is fair that you will be remembered as as arguably the most ineffectual leader in Macedonia's modern history?
                    - You stated you were the supreme leader of the Macedonian army. Given the illegality of events precipitating the recent name change, why didn't you use your power?
                    - Were you paid off in order to remain passive during this period of crisis?
                    - What makes you a Macedonian?
                    Risto the Great
                    "Holding my breath for the revolution."

                    Hey, I wrote a bestseller. Check it out:


                    • Risto the Great
                      Senior Member
                      • Sep 2008
                      • 15660

                      So anyway, a little birdie just told me it looks like the former Macedonian church will be recognised soon by Istanbul. Alas, it won't have Macedonia in its name.

                      But we all know it's Macedonian, right??????????
                      Risto the Great
                      "Holding my breath for the revolution."

                      Hey, I wrote a bestseller. Check it out:


                      • Liberator of Makedonija
                        Senior Member
                        • Apr 2014
                        • 1597

                        Originally posted by Risto the Great View Post
                        So anyway, a little birdie just told me it looks like the former Macedonian church will be recognised soon by Istanbul. Alas, it won't have Macedonia in its name.

                        But we all know it's Macedonian, right??????????
                        Read something on this in the Australian paper, but I thought it was in reference to that breakaway faction who alligned with the Serbian church?
                        I know of two tragic histories in the world- that of Ireland, and that of Macedonia. Both of them have been deprived and tormented.


                        • Risto the Great
                          Senior Member
                          • Sep 2008
                          • 15660

                          Originally posted by Liberator of Makedonija View Post
                          Read something on this in the Australian paper, but I thought it was in reference to that breakaway faction who alligned with the Serbian church?
                          Nah, it's the OTHER one that was aligned with the Serbian church.
                          Risto the Great
                          "Holding my breath for the revolution."

                          Hey, I wrote a bestseller. Check it out:


                          • Liberator of Makedonija
                            Senior Member
                            • Apr 2014
                            • 1597

                            Originally posted by Risto the Great View Post
                            Nah, it's the OTHER one that was aligned with the Serbian church.
                            Wait, so I know there's the "Macedonian Orthodox Church - Ohrid Archbishopric" who are with the Serbs, is there another one as well?
                            I know of two tragic histories in the world- that of Ireland, and that of Macedonia. Both of them have been deprived and tormented.


                            • Carlin
                              Senior Member
                              • Dec 2011
                              • 3332

                              Доаѓањето на бугарскиот вицепремиер и министер за одбрана Красимир Каракачанов, кој е лидер на националистичката партија ВМРО-БНД, да промовира книги […]


                              Доаѓањето на бугарскиот вицепремиер и министер за одбрана Красимир Каракачанов, кој е лидер на националистичката парија ВМРО-БНД, да промовира книги за Тодор Александаров и полковник Дранго, ги разбранува духовите во Битола. Пред почетокот на промоцијата за влакно беше избегнат инцидент, а и Сојузот на борци од Битола бараше да не му се дозволи да ја промовира книгата во Битола.

                              „Од сознанијата што ги имаме, тој ќе зборува на тема што не одговара на интересите на македонскиот народ. Ќе зборува дека ние сме бугарски Македонци, што е спротивно на нашите интереси и на сč она што ја гради нашата земја. Ние ја поведовме НОБ, а тие сакаат да прикажат дека доброволно дошле во нашата земја, а не како окупатори. Не сакаат да сфатат дека од 25.000 жртви, 90 проценти се загинати во борба со фашистичка Бугарија. Да не се користи демократијата во други цели, кои се спротивни на нашиот интерес. Нека дојде во Битола, но не да зборува против македонските интереси“, рече Александар Трајковски, претседател на Сојузот на борци од Битола.

                              Каракачанов дојде во Битола да промовира книги на покана на Културниот центар „Иван Михајлов“ од Битола.

                              Додека Каракачанов даваше изјава за новинарите, велејќи дека историјата е јасна кој е Гоце Делчев, битолскиот музичар Славчо Спировски му се приближи и почна да му реплицира на повисок тон дека Делчев се борел за независна Македонија, а не за Бугарија. По, ваквата реакција, дел од луѓето кои беа до Каракачанов го истуркаа на страна.

                              „Ме истукаа како вреќа компири, па влегов во ресторанот од спротива, но добар сум“, ни изјави Спировски.


                              • Carlin
                                Senior Member
                                • Dec 2011
                                • 3332

                                La Verita: Zaev bought Albanian votes through UCK commander


                                Italian newspaper “La Verita” journalist Laris Gaiser continued with the publication of evidence in the 2014 voter bribery case where ex-Prime Minister Zoran Zaev is the first suspect. Zaev, along with his brother Vice and SDSM MP from Strumica Marjan Daskalovski, are accused of criminal association with a goal through offering a bribe to influence on the will of voters and thus influence on the final election result in favor of SDSM.

                                The suspects Zoran Zaev, born 08.10.1974 in Strumica with residence on Mladinska street, Vice Zaev born on … in Strumica with residence on Miladinov Brothers street and Marjan Daskalovski, born on 04.05.1964 in Vasilevo, Strumica with residence on Marshal Tito street, created a criminal group with a goal through offering a bribe to influence on the will of voters and thus influence on the final election result in the 2014 presidential and parliamentary elections in favor of the SDSM political party, reads the indictment that has never been officially filed.

                                This indictment was closed under suspicious circumstances in 2018 by Ruskoska.

                                The Macedonian public in the 2016 parliamentary elections was stunned by the number of votes Zaev won in the districts with Albanian majority such as Aracinovo, Tetovo, Gostivar, but it is obvious that the process of buying Albanian votes started much earlier, in 2014.

                                5,000 Albanian votes bought

                                From what can be seen and heard from the evidence published by the Italian “La Verita”, Zaev bought 5,000 votes from a former UCK commander! In some excerpts of the files there is an alleged telephone conversation between Zahir Beqiri-Chaush, who suggest Zaev to contact former UCK commander Isair Samiu Baci from Tetovo.

                                According to Chaush, the guerilla commander would have the ability to bring 5,000 votes to SDSM. Chaush has direct access to the SDSM chief, as at the time he was considered one of his closest associate in the security field. His influence begins to diminish when during a search in 2016 police found around 30,000 fake documents at his home, including passports, IDs, body armor and weapons.

                                According to what is reported in the files, Beqiri allegedly informed Zaev that Izair Samiu Baci is a person available to help him, and stressed that his presence could enable some Albanian voters to be won over DUI and DPA leaders Ali Ahmeti and Menduh Thaci, who would be intimidated by commander Baci.

                                According to “La Verita”, besides Chaush and Zaev, the incumbent mayor of Centar, Sasa Bogdanovic, better known under the nickname Srpce, was also involved in the operation.

                                Beqiri’s wife at the time was also employed in one of the municipal enterprises for parking management of Centar municipality, where the director was Srpce, and he also had direct communication with Beqiri.

                                There is also a text message in the conversations in which Zoran Zaev sends Bogdanovic the contact of Chaush and he receives further instructions.

                                The UCK commander, “La Verita” writes, participated in the 2001 Albanian uprising in Macedonia, and is considered by the US administration to be one of the most dangerous people in the Balkan region. In fact, in a long time he found himself on the US blacklist, contained in the National Emergency Act, as a dangerous for the stability of the Western Balkans because of his financial or material support to extremist movements.

                                The first part of the scandal reveals firing of people, an unprecedented torture, how Zaevi “won” in Strumica.

