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  • Carlin
    Senior Member
    • Dec 2011
    • 3332

    Zaev: MPs pressured not to vote for the PPO Law

    SDSM President Zoran Zaev said today that the leadership of VMRO-DPMNE and MPs from this party are pressuring other MPs...

    SDSM President Zoran Zaev said today that the leadership of VMRO-DPMNE and MPs from this party are pressuring other MPs not to vote for the law on public prosecution. He says that when the government forwarded the bill to Parliament he had the support of 80 lawmakers, but since then there have been pressures and threats against lawmakers. Whether the law will secure a two-thirds majority, Zaev said, will be known when the vote takes place.

    VMRO-DPMNE leadership, some of them former MPs, generally suspected or already indicted persons, are pressuring lawmakers. I had the support of 80 MPs and that’s why the law was forwarded. I had their word, but what is happening now is real drama, says Zaev.

    He added that the pressure exerted on lawmakers is ten times greater than the pressure during the constitutional changes.

    Zaev believes that this legal solution should ensure the functioning of the legal state and the rule of law. He emphasized that it had no hidden amnesty, as claimed by the opposition party.


    • Carlin
      Senior Member
      • Dec 2011
      • 3332


      ДУИ ја условува поддршката за законот за ЈО со прекројување на изборната единица 6

      Во Собранието денеска сѐ што се случува е по ходниците, канцелариите и во собраниското бифе. Цел ден се очекува почетокот на пленарна собраниска седница на која треба да се гласа за предлог-измените на законот за јавно обвинителство, но засега претседателот на Собранието не ја закажува седницата. Последна инфоермација од таму е дека ДУИ бара измени во Изборниот законик со прекројување на границите на ИЕ 6.

      Пред распуштање на Собранието на маса наеднаш се стави предлогот на ДУИ за измени и во Изборниот законик со конкретно барање за менување на границите на Изборната единица 6. ДУИ бара за измените во Изборниот законик да се гласа пред измените во законот за ЈО.

      Неофицијално од ДУИ брифираат дека за ова била постигната согласност со СДСМ. Пратениците на ВМРО-ДПМНЕ се во Собранието, не го напуштаат законодавниот дом, но велат дека нема да гласаат за измените во законот за ЈО и бараат предлог законот да биде подготвен од експерти, па дури потоа да дојде на гласање во Собранието.

      Досега на веб страницата на Собранието нема најава за седницата.

      Расправата за законите, според првичните информации, постои можност да заврши денеска, а за нив евентуално да се гласа следните денови. Собранието треба да се распушти најдоцна до недела, со цел да се запазат роковите за одржување на предвремените парламентарни избори, на 12 април.

      Двотретинско мнозинство е потребно за законот за ЈО, кој не е официјален услов за добивање датум за почеток на преговори со ЕУ, но сепак од високите европски претставници се споменува како позитивен сигнал кој би можел да го придвижи процесот. Неофицијално, владејачкото мнозинство веќе има обезбедено двотретинско мнозинство со пратениците на Беса, но сѐ уште се лобира меѓу пратеници од опозициската ВМРО-ДПМНЕ и помеѓу останатите партии кои ги претставуваат Албанците во Собранието.


      • Carlin
        Senior Member
        • Dec 2011
        • 3332

        Apparently the Macedonian parliament is working "overtime" as we speak - it seems they will be debating until the parliament is dissolved on Feb 16. PPO law to be voted on and one or two additional items on the agenda.


        • Carlin
          Senior Member
          • Dec 2011
          • 3332

          During the late night session in the Parliament, the ruling majority adopted changes to the electoral code which were not approved by the opposition, which will give an even greater representation to ethnic Albanian voters.

          Under the request put forward by the DUI party, and accepted by SDSM which is hoping will help them adopt the PPO law, the city of Debar and the rural municipality of Mavrovo – Rostuse are removed from the 6th electoral district and sent to the 5th district. This will further reduce the number of voters in the 6th district, which is largely ethnic Albanian and as such elects the most of the Albanian members of Parliament.

          Also in a late night vote, held way past midnight, the SDSM party removed interim Labour and Welfare Minister Rasela Mizrahi from her position. Mizrahi was removed after she defiantly refused to use the name “North Macedonia” during official events.


          • Liberator of Makedonija
            Senior Member
            • Apr 2014
            • 1597

            Originally posted by Carlin15 View Post
            During the late night session in the Parliament, the ruling majority adopted changes to the electoral code which were not approved by the opposition, which will give an even greater representation to ethnic Albanian voters.

            Under the request put forward by the DUI party, and accepted by SDSM which is hoping will help them adopt the PPO law, the city of Debar and the rural municipality of Mavrovo – Rostuse are removed from the 6th electoral district and sent to the 5th district. This will further reduce the number of voters in the 6th district, which is largely ethnic Albanian and as such elects the most of the Albanian members of Parliament.

            Also in a late night vote, held way past midnight, the SDSM party removed interim Labour and Welfare Minister Rasela Mizrahi from her position. Mizrahi was removed after she defiantly refused to use the name “North Macedonia” during official events.
            The absolute definition of gerrymandering
            I know of two tragic histories in the world- that of Ireland, and that of Macedonia. Both of them have been deprived and tormented.


            • Carlin
              Senior Member
              • Dec 2011
              • 3332

              The ruling majority intends to have another item to what is expected to be the last session of this Parliament – amendments to the defense law that would rename the Army of the Republic of Macedonia into the Army of the Republic of North Macedonia.

              The proposal will be put up for a vote on Sunday, along with the equally controversial PPO law on state prosecutors.



              • Carlin
                Senior Member
                • Dec 2011
                • 3332

                PPO law declared adopted.

                Заев: Имавме чисто гласање, на потег е ЕУ!
                „Имавме чисто гласање со 80 пратеници. Сето тоа се одвиваше пред македонската јавност и секој можеше да...

                „Имавме чисто гласање со 80 пратеници. Сето тоа се одвиваше пред македонската јавност и секој можеше да види дека после процедуралните обраќања пратениците имаа можност да гласаат. Жалам што ВМРО-ДПМНЕ не се одважи и не гласаше за европска иднина.“ – изјави лидерот на СДСМ Зоран Заев на прес-конференција по усвојувањето на Законите за обвинителство и одбрана.

                Порача дека ВМРО-ДПМНЕ се обидува да го спречи носењето на законот за да ги спаси од одговорност нејзините функционери, бидејќи како што рече, со него се гарантира судска разрешница за сите предмети започнати од СЈО.

                „Извршителот Мицкоски направи се за да го спречи носењето на овој закон и да одбрани криминал. Но, не дозволивме да се загрози европската иднина за нашата земја. Тие еден чекар назад, ние три напред.“

                – изјави лидерот на СДСМ.

                Тој ја повика меѓународната заедница да ги препознае заложбите за почеток на преговори, посочувајќи дека иако законот за јавно обвинителство не бил обврска за добивањето датум, државата сепак покажала заложба за реформи.

                „Почитувани лидери на земјите членки на ЕУ ние нашите ветувања ги исполнуваме, време е и ЕУ да ги исполни своите за почеток на преговорите.“

                – порача Заев.

                Исмајловска и Пешевска си разменија навреди: „Стенограмите покажуваат, си гласала за Северна Македонија!“ – „Затни ја устата погана!“

                Жестока кавга се случи меѓу пратеничката Нола Исмајловска-Старова од Независната пратеничка група на ВМРО-ДПМНЕ и пратеничката од ВМРО-ДПМНЕ Жаклина Пешевска на собраниската седница на која се гласаше за Законот за одбрана.

                На седницата процедурална дискусија имаше пратеничката Исмајловка- Старова која рече дека иако се спротивставуваат на името на Армија на Северна Македонија неколку пратеници од ВМРО-ДПМНЕ веќе гласаа за промена на името на Армијата.

                -Закон за служаба за армијата е веќе донесен. И во тој Закон има член со кој се усвојува новото име. За ова решение гласаа и пратениците: Владимир Ѓорчев, Иван Иванов, Дафне Стојановска, Жеклина Пешевска, Павлинче Честојнова и да Никола Мицевски – најброја Исмајловска.

                Откако таа ја заврши дискусијата и спикерот Џафери побара да се гласа, пратеничката на ВМРО-ДПМНЕ Пешевска викаше по Исмајловска

                – Срам да ти е, затни ја устата погана. Никогаш повеќе името да не ми го споменуваш – викаше Пешевска.

                На тоа доби одговор од Исмајловска-Старова.

                – Да си гласала за Северна Македонија, тоа го покажуваат стенограмите – рече Исмајловска.

                Спикерот Џафери чекаше да заврши расправијата меѓу пратеничките пред да продолжи со зборување.

                North Macedonia Passes Prosecution Law in Knife-Edge Vote
                The ruling Social Democrats breathed a sigh of relief on Sunday after parliament – just before it was due to dissolve – narrowly passed the long-awaited law on the prosecution and another on defence - much to the fury of the main opposition VMRO DPMNE party.

                The ruling Social Democrats breathed a sigh of relief on Sunday after parliament – just before it was due to dissolve – narrowly passed the long-awaited law on the prosecution and another on defence - much to the fury of the main opposition VMRO DPMNE party.

                After a year of unsuccessful talks with the opposition and after a week of tense efforts to secure a majority in parliament, the ruling Social Democrats in North Macedonia narrowly shepherded an important law through parliament amid loud objections from the opposition about the regularity of the vote.

                Exactly 80 of the 120 MPs in parliament voted for the law on the prosecution – the minimum needed for its adoption. Six voted against while none abstained.

                Voting proceeded amid high tension in the chamber after the speaker annulled the first vote, in which only 74 MPs supported the bill, saying he had omitted to give the word to two MPs who previously asked to submit procedural remarks.

                The second, successful vote caused an uproar among opposition VMRO DPMNE party MPs. They insisted that the first vote should have been enough and that the second vote was illegitimate and done under pressure from the ruling Social Democrats.

                “Criminals, criminals… shame! That’s the only thing I can say,” VMRO DPMNE MP Nikola Micevski shouted, joined by his opposition colleagues.

                The Social Democrats had pushed strongly for adoption of the law on the prosecution, which the EU and the US also support, hoping it will persuade Brussels to finally set a date for the start of EU accession talks. The EU failed to set an expected date late last autumn, which prompted the Social Democrats to call the early elections on April 12.

                The vote took place at the last minute, just as parliament was about to dissolve on Sunday to pave the way for the early elections.

                Before that happens, MPs also convened to pass a key law on defence, which aligns the country’s legislation with that of NATO, incorporating its collective security principles. Eighty MPs voted for the changes.

                North Macedonia is expected to become a full NATO member once Spain becomes the last country to ratify its accession protocol, which is expected to happen by mid-March.

                The opposition was against this law as well, insisting that the name of the army should not be changed to Army of North Macedonia, in reflection of the historic “name” agreement with Greece that it also opposed.
                Last edited by Carlin; 02-16-2020, 10:18 AM.


                • Risto the Great
                  Senior Member
                  • Sep 2008
                  • 15660

                  Ahhh Macedonia, beautiful one day, gone the next.
                  Risto the Great
                  "Holding my breath for the revolution."

                  Hey, I wrote a bestseller. Check it out:


                  • Liberator of Makedonija
                    Senior Member
                    • Apr 2014
                    • 1597

                    DPNE is just as bad, a vote for them does absolutely nothing to help us.
                    I know of two tragic histories in the world- that of Ireland, and that of Macedonia. Both of them have been deprived and tormented.


                    • Liberator of Makedonija
                      Senior Member
                      • Apr 2014
                      • 1597

                      Development in the court case of the 'Brother Saints Kiril & Metodij Association' from Ser:

                      I know of two tragic histories in the world- that of Ireland, and that of Macedonia. Both of them have been deprived and tormented.


                      • Carlin
                        Senior Member
                        • Dec 2011
                        • 3332

                        More than a dozen flights from Milano have landed in the Macedonian capital. Northern Italy is quickly become quarantined, with more and more cases of the dreaded coronavirus being announced by the Italian Government.

                        Remarkably, northern Italy at the moment is “home” of over 50,000 Macedonians who earn their living there for years. Not to mention the thousands more who frequent Italy on shopping as tourists.

                        Going with the above mentioned facts, the transfer of the flu-like CoronaVirus from Italy to Macedonia is inevitable, if not already done.

                        For weeks, no Government authority has checked on either flights or shipments from infected nations, nor has anyone shown any interest to do so.


                        • Amphipolis
                          • Aug 2014
                          • 1328

                          The virus already landed from Milano to Thessaloniki on Sunday. Ζero patient for Greece is fashion designer A. P. (this is so high-class). On Monday she was in the Town Council and greeted with a kiss many of the councilors. At the moment the Town Hall is closed in order to be decontaminated.

                          Last edited by Amphipolis; 02-26-2020, 02:36 PM.


                          • Gocka
                            Senior Member
                            • Dec 2012
                            • 2306

                            The Balkans are completely under equipped to deal with something like this especially the likes of Macedonia. I worry if there were a larger outbreak how Macedonia's population would fair given that its skewed to the older side and that the country's healthcare system is outdated, underfunded, and understaffed. Lets also not discount how utterly incompetent its administration is, and how stupidly uninformed everyone is. There are already rumors spreading to not eat meat because you can catch the disease through animals. Starving yourself will do wonders for your immune system during an epidemic.


                            • Risto the Great
                              Senior Member
                              • Sep 2008
                              • 15660

                              I think they'll eat more garlic. That oughta do it.
                              Risto the Great
                              "Holding my breath for the revolution."

                              Hey, I wrote a bestseller. Check it out:

