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  • Gocka
    Senior Member
    • Dec 2012
    • 2306

    To counter the share market volatility you have to have some short hedges in place on undoubtedly poorly performing companies. Because when markets are down, the poorest performing companies always drop in value far beyond the general market and rarely recover with the same vigor as the rest of the market.

    Having said that don't make one of those short hedges on a yuppy liberal obsessed darling like Tesla that trades on pure euphoria and is not rooted to any logic or math. I learned the hard way that cultism can win over reason for much longer than you think. You have to be willing to out last the lunatics which is tiresome.


    • Risto the Great
      Senior Member
      • Sep 2008
      • 15660

      My shares are long term. They have gone fine and have some natural hedges. These short term blips don't bother me.
      Risto the Great
      "Holding my breath for the revolution."

      Hey, I wrote a bestseller. Check it out:


      • Risto the Great
        Senior Member
        • Sep 2008
        • 15660

        Gocka, how can you blame the Russians? Is the world that stupid? The Chinese are much better at this than the Russians! I blame stupidity, first and foremost! That's about it.
        Risto the Great
        "Holding my breath for the revolution."

        Hey, I wrote a bestseller. Check it out:


        • Gocka
          Senior Member
          • Dec 2012
          • 2306

          Originally posted by Risto the Great View Post
          Gocka, how can you blame the Russians? Is the world that stupid? The Chinese are much better at this than the Russians! I blame stupidity, first and foremost! That's about it.
          I don't solely blame the Russians but I do think in relation to the Western world especially the Balkans, most of the propaganda comes from Russian sources. They have studied western culture and I think they have a good understanding of what the pillars of western society are, and where the weaknesses are. If you look at the social media campaigns they wage, you can see a clear understanding of where the scabs are to pick at. They are extremely intelligent and effective actors. I think long ago they realized they may never have the military might to compete, so they fully vested themselves in spy ops.

          I think Chinese culture is very different from western culture, and I don't think Chinese operatives were or are able to embed themselves in Western society as discretely. Also the Russians have been studying western culture from within for at least 70 years, I think the Chinese just have a steeper learning curve, they also have the numbers to actually compete as an economic and military power.

          Lately it seems if you dig deep enough on practically every widespread conspiracy theory and you will eventually find Russian involvement in proliferating it.

          The Chinese use misinformation more for their own purposes to maintain control and calm over their population, kind of like Iran and North Korea. The Russians are much more externally active. Its sinister as all hell but you have to give them credit because it is brilliant and I don't think anyone has come up with a good way to negate it. They undermine your credibility, which is the only thing you have when it comes time to convince someone that you in fact are the one telling the truth.

          I tend to believe that there is no such thing as stupid or smart but more along the lines of levels of self awareness. I'm sure there are countless droves of people who are very good at complex tasks and could easily be considered "smart" by some metric. Where self awareness is something much deeper. So yea, I believe that the vast majority of people in the world are very simplistic and not that self aware. I find the vast majority of people quite vulnerable psychologically, regardless of official educations and qualifications. If you push the right buttons I think you can manipulate most people. That for me is the struggle of forever. What the more capable people in society do with the less capable. Otherwise 99% of people are happy to fall into their instinctual habit of eat, reproduce, and die. Just survive today and do it all over again tomorrow. All the advancements society has ever made from the wheel to the rocket ship has been on the backs of a relative handful of visionaries in society. Most were happy to burn witches at the stake if they didn't drown after being tossed in the river.

          Macedonians will never just wake up and get it. They can get much better then they are now, but they will always need the Delcev's of the world to drag them kicking and screaming the whole way.


          • Spirit
            • May 2015
            • 154

            Originally posted by Gocka View Post

            Its not in our interests for our populace to be so misinformed and frankly just plain dumb. If you are one of those people who is self aware and who does have enough sense to wade through the BS, they you have an obligation to enlighten as many people as you can. We have i believe made the mistake of trying to convince Macedonians to simply just care, or to be "nationalists". What we really should be doing is convincing Macedonians to be free thinkers who are not constantly duped by everything and everyone around them. When they become self aware and understand the world around them, they will chose to fight back all on their own because it will be the only logical and dignified alternative.
            Gocka I tried this with most of my cousins who are in the same generation as me or thereabouts when I went back in 2012. It’s not that they are dumb, quite the opposite in fact, it’s that they are truly apathetic


            • Risto the Great
              Senior Member
              • Sep 2008
              • 15660

              I'm not sure many people, anywhere are actually awake. And what happens when they wake up? They become frustrated about their own limitations.

              Here in South Australia, they asked us if we would accept being a radioactive waste dump. Everyone said no. They ignored that, then asked if a certain location would be acceptable, still no. Now it's a foregone conclusion that it will proceed even though nobody wants it. We literally have the most uranium in the world, won't make a nuclear power plant (we have the most expensive electricity in the world), but are willing to take other nation's radioactive waste.

              Idiots or frustrated ... Maybe both.
              Risto the Great
              "Holding my breath for the revolution."

              Hey, I wrote a bestseller. Check it out:


              • Carlin
                Senior Member
                • Dec 2011
                • 3332

                Migrants trash a Greek Orthodox church on the island of Lesbos:
                The small church of Hagios Georgios (Saint George) near the village of Moria on Lesvos was vandalized by unknown assailants on Monday. Some local people are blaming a group of migrants who live at the nearby camp for the act. They claim that when police prevented a march by hundreds of migrants demanding to be […]


                • Carlin
                  Senior Member
                  • Dec 2011
                  • 3332

                  Two Debar residents have coronavirus, mingled in Skopje, Kumanovo, Gostivar…


                  The two new coronavirus cases are spouses from Debar aged 68 and 62, who arrived from Brescia (northern Italy) on February 27. They had mild symptoms and reported to their doctor (twice) on March 2 but were told they were ok and sent home.

                  Both had traveled extensively around the country and mingled with residents in stores and malls. Visited Skopje, Kumanovo, Gostivar and Tetovo, before finally being told by a doctor from Gostivar to check whether they have the new virus.

                  Today they reported to the hospital in Debar where they tested positive for the virus, said Health Minister Venko Filipce late on Friday.

                  He informed that both patients with coronavirus are in a stable condition.
                  Last edited by Carlin; 03-08-2020, 12:54 AM.


                  • Carlin
                    Senior Member
                    • Dec 2011
                    • 3332

                    And how does VMRO plan to follow through considering the current COVID-19 situation? What are their immediate plans should they win the elections?

                    All of Italy is now on lockdown!

                    The whole country of Italy is now on lockdown, Italy's Prime Minister Giuseppe Conte announced at a news conference on Monday. Serie A, All Italian Sporting Events Suspended Indefinitely.


                    • Risto the Great
                      Senior Member
                      • Sep 2008
                      • 15660

                      Originally posted by Carlin15 View Post
                      And how does VMRO plan to follow through considering the current COVID-19 situation? What are their immediate plans should they win the elections?

                      All of Italy is now on lockdown!
                      Breaking News: Macedonia has been on lockdown since about 1991.
                      Risto the Great
                      "Holding my breath for the revolution."

                      Hey, I wrote a bestseller. Check it out:


                      • Carlin
                        Senior Member
                        • Dec 2011
                        • 3332

                        - US President Donald Trump has announced that all travel from Europe to the United States will be temporarily halted for a period of 30 days, in the most significant measure yet taken to stem the spread of the lethal coronavirus.

                        - The NBA announced that it will suspend the season after Wednesday night’s games until further notice, as it deals with the coronavirus pandemic.

                        - Hollywood actor Tom Hanks said that he and his wife Rita Wilson have both tested positive for coronavirus. The Academy Award-winning actor posted on his Instagram account that he was tested positive while in Australia.


                        • tchaiku
                          • Nov 2016
                          • 786

                          People can get reinfected by the coronavirus.


                          • tchaiku
                            • Nov 2016
                            • 786

                            Japanese person reinfected by the coronavirus.
                            27 Febuary


                            • Carlin
                              Senior Member
                              • Dec 2011
                              • 3332

                              DUI announced it will put 10.000 party activists available to help elderly people during the coronavirus epidemic.

                              The party said that it will deploy its activists across Macedonia, and will set up a phone line where people in need can ask for their help. The move is linked with the party’s electoral campaign, which is largely being suspended, as with other political parties.

                              The plan was announced by Deputy Prime Minister Bujar Osmani, who is a former Healthcare Minister, but he didn’t specify if the activists will receive any kind of training or will be themselves checked for possibly carrying the coronavirus.


                              • Carlin
                                Senior Member
                                • Dec 2011
                                • 3332

                                In cases before the local Greek authorities and before the Greek courts, Macedonian associations in Voden cannot learn the Macedonian language, and in Serres they cannot even register as an indigenous association of local residents.


                                ЗДРУЖЕНИЈА НА МАКЕДОНЦИ ВО ГРЦИЈА

                                „За македонскиот пишуваме мајчин јазик, а сега и како домородци, а не Македонци, не може да регистрираме здружение“

                                Во одделни случаи пред локалните грчки власти и пред грчките судови македонски здруженија во Воден не можат да го изучуваат македонскиот јазик, а во Серес ни да се регистрираат како здружение на домородци, на локални жители.

                                Изминатата недела, на 24 февруари во Апелацискиот суд на Солун почна судењето по жалба на здружението на локалното (домородно) население од Серес „Кирил и Методиј“. Најпрво основниот суд во Долна Џумаја (декември 2017) ја дозволи регистрацијата на ова здружение, по што судот во Серес ја поништи таа регистрација (бр.185/2019). Предметот во моментов е пред Апелацискиот суд во Солун, кој наредната недела треба да донесе одлука.

                                На 24 февруари судот заседаваше само половина час, откако радикалното грчко здружение „Македонски борци“ се спротивстави на називот домородно население

                                Целта на здружението „Кирил и Методиј“ е да ја задржи традицијата и „локалниот“ јазик на нејзините членови, на домородците од регионот. Ова е главната причина за војна со професионалните „патриоти“, велат од здружението.

                                „Почнаа заканите, лагите, клеветите, лажните извештаи, уцените... кои беа насочени против членовите на здружението кои само се охрабрија да почнат правна постапка против националистичките бајки на „Македонските борци“. Судот во Серес, во услови на притисок на полицијата и навредливите коментари за присуството на универзитетски професори кои се осмелија да ги бранат локалците од ова здружение, донесе решение за поништување на регистрацијата. „Македонските борци“ се поддржани и од Адвокатската комора на Серес. За овој преседан солунскиот адвокат Јанис Константину напиша дека се срами од неговата професија затоа што Адвокатската комора на Серес застана во првите редови на страната на обвинителот и дури се обиде да се закани и да го гони својот член Костас Демелис, кој го застапува здружението“, велат членови на здружението „Кирил и Методиј“.

                                На рочиштето во Солун, пред зградата на Апелацискиот суд беа присутни и универзитетски професори и правници кои го поддржуваат здружението.

                                На почетокот на постапката, претседателот на Адвокатската комора на Серес побара да се отстрани новинарот на Дојче веле, бидејќи, како што рече, не му се допаднало тоа што го напишал новинарот за првото судење и затоа што ги повредил неговите лични податоци. За среќа новинарот продолжи да бележи, велат присутни на рочиштето на кое и претставници на Грчката унија за човекови права беа обвинети дека работат за невладина организација на Сорос.

                                „Македонците од здружението „Кирил и Методиј“ не се сами. Македонците од Грција не се сами. Постојат пријатели, браќа, соработници во нашата заедничка борба за подобра Грција што ќе ги почитува сите нејзини деца… Главата горе“, велат од здружението.

                                Пред овој случај, македонското здружение за промоција на мајчиниот јазик „Крсте Мисирков“ од Воден не успеа од локалните власти да добие училишен простор за учење на македонскиот јазик, за организирање на часови за македонскиот јазик (мајчиниот јазик).

