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  • Risto the Great
    Senior Member
    • Sep 2008
    • 15660

    If I was the likes of Soros, I would be saying "I give you the government and the entire nation, and you guys just remain being drug dealers FFS"
    Risto the Great
    "Holding my breath for the revolution."

    Hey, I wrote a bestseller. Check it out:


    • Vangelovski
      Senior Member
      • Sep 2008
      • 8533

      Originally posted by Risto the Great View Post
      If I was the likes of Soros, I would be saying "I give you the government and the entire nation, and you guys just remain being drug dealers FFS"
      Isn't that the whole point of having control of government in the Balkans - legalizing your mafia activities?
      If my people who are called by my name will humble themselves and pray and seek my face and turn from their wicked ways, I will hear from heaven and will forgive their sins and restore their land. 2 Chronicles 7:14

      The Revolution was in the minds and hearts of the people; a change in their religious sentiments, of their duties and obligations...This radical change in the principles, opinions, sentiments, and affections of the people was the real American Revolution. John Adams


      • Risto the Great
        Senior Member
        • Sep 2008
        • 15660

        Originally posted by Vangelovski View Post
        Isn't that the whole point of having control of government in the Balkans - legalizing your mafia activities?
        I would contend it is the point of all governments nowadays.
        Risto the Great
        "Holding my breath for the revolution."

        Hey, I wrote a bestseller. Check it out:


        • Carlin
          Senior Member
          • Dec 2011
          • 3332

          SDSM party members falsely claimed they are Albanians to slide in the public sector jobs quota


          A shocking case of abuse of preferential ethnic hiring rules is reported in the agriculture inspection service, where ethnic Macedonian or Vlach supporters of the ruling SDSM party submitted applications in which they claim they are ethnic Albanians in order to get the job.

          Media outlets published the names of the newly hired agriculture inspectors and the clearly Macedonian or Vlach names such as Bogdan Stojanovski and Sterja Gogol are named as Albanians. According to the 2001 Ohrid treaty and the subsequent constitutional amendments, the public administration must reflect the ethnic make-up of the country and this leads to preferential hiring of minorities, mainly Albanians.

          One of the Macedonians who claimed he is an Albanian to be hired in the public service is Jane Trajkov, head of the SDSM party branch in Negotino. Gogol, who is apparently Vlach, was an SDSM activist during the 2015 Colored Revolution, which also indicates that the hiring process, and the violations of the preferential hiring rules was encouraged and coordinated by the SDSM party.


          • Carlin
            Senior Member
            • Dec 2011
            • 3332

            Зеколи: Бигорски манастир до 1945 бил дел од Албанската православна црква


            На денот кога манастирот Свети Јован Бигорски слави 1.000 години од постоењето поранешниот амбасадор, Арсим Зеколи вели дека манастирот до крајот на Втората светска војна бил под јурисдикција на Албанската прабославна црква.

            Убави писанија за Манастирот Св. Јован Бигорски (Manastiri Shen Mbiguri), кој преживеа 1.000 години и „случајно изгоре” во 2009, посебно библиотеката и архивата со историски записи. Она што недостасува во овие писанија е фактот што до 1945 бил дел од Албанската православна прква, пишува Зеколи.


            • Carlin
              Senior Member
              • Dec 2011
              • 3332

              Macedonia rattled by quake

              An earthquake measuring 5 on the Richter scale was reported at 4:54 am on Wednesday in the Tetovo-Gostivar region, 50 kilometers southwest from Skopje.

              The epicenter was in the village of Leunovo, near Mavrovo, at a depth of 8.5 km.


              • Carlin
                Senior Member
                • Dec 2011
                • 3332

                Macedonia arrests 8 suspected of terrorism

                Police have linked the individuals to the "Islamic State" terror group. In November, an Austrian-born man of Macedonian-Albanian descent carried out an attack in Vienna, killing four and wounding several others.

                Police have linked the individuals to the "Islamic State" terror group. In November, an Austrian-born man of Macedonian-Albanian descent carried out an attack in Vienna, killing four and wounding several others.

                Police in North Macedonia have detained eight men on suspicion of planning terrorist attacks in the name of the "Islamic State" (IS), the Interior Ministry said Monday.

                In addition, officers seized a large weapons cache as part of an operation that saw the men, aged between 21 and 31, arrested late on Sunday.

                One of the suspects had a previous conviction for being involved in IS activities.

                The eight were arrested in Skopje and Kumanovo after a monthslong investigation, the ministry said in a statement. If found guilty they face up to 10 years in prison.

                The group has been accused of "creating a terrorist organization, based on the ideological matrix of the terrorist organization ISIS, for committing murders and destroying public buildings," police said.

                Austria seeks cooperation

                North Macedonian law enforcers uncovered a supposed IS cell in September. The eight suspects arrested on Sunday are alleged to have links to that group.

                On November 2, an Austrian-born man of Macedonian-Albanian descent went on a shooting spree in Vienna, killing four and wounding more than 20 others, before being shot dead by police officers.

                In the wake of the attack, Austria asked North Macedonia to cooperate in future investigations, as the killer held both Austrian and North Macedonian passports.


                • Carlin
                  Senior Member
                  • Dec 2011
                  • 3332

                  Muhamed Zekiri is using a fake university degree?

                  Georgi Ilievski, an Education Ministry inspector who made a name for himself by investigating fake credentials claimed by powerful members...


                  • Carlin
                    Senior Member
                    • Dec 2011
                    • 3332

                    Macedonian 8th grader denied award after winning High School Ed competition


                    Damjan Davkov, an eight grade student from Stip, was denied an award after he defeated the competition from high schoolers and won the first place at a competition organized by the Education Ministry.

                    Instead of being rewarded for his success, Davkov received a note from Education Minister Mila Carovska informing him that he is not eligible to receive the cash prize that was promised for the competition, since he is an elementary school student and the competition was meant to be won by a high school student.

                    This caused outrage on social media today, with numerous citizens congratulating Davkov and demanding that the Ministry rewards the winner, adding it’s not his fault that he is smarter than the high school students.

                    And so, in this crazy, crazy land that we call Macedonia… a misguided ethnic albanian kid who sang songs about UCK terrorists was given a Governmental grant of 5,000 EUR, but a Macedonian math wizard couldn’t get 150 EUR.


                    • Carlin
                      Senior Member
                      • Dec 2011
                      • 3332

                      Drive-by shooting in Aracinovo near Skopje, no injuries

                      A mafia style shoot-out was reported in the village of Aracinovo yesterday evening. Two local men in their 30-ies were...

                      A mafia style shoot-out was reported in the village of Aracinovo yesterday evening. Two local men in their 30-ies were sitting in a yard of a home, when two attackers drove by in their car. The attackers opened fire, and the two men fired back.

                      There are no injuries. Vehicles of the attackers and of one of the attacked men were damaged with bullet-holes.

                      Aracinovo is notorious as the center of drug and other criminal activities in Macedonia and in the region.

                      DUI and BESA officials got into a fight in the Tetovo hospital

                      Rival administrators in the Tetovo hospital, appointed by the DUI and BESA parties, started a fight on Wednesday over the...

                      Rival administrators in the Tetovo hospital, appointed by the DUI and BESA parties, started a fight on Wednesday over the use of a car owned by the hospital.

                      BESA had its official Artan Etemi appointed as financial manager of the hospital, which is dominated by DUI appointees. The position was created for Etemi after the BESA party joined the Government through a coalition with SDSM and demanded its share of high and mid level positions. Etemi demanded that he is given the right to use an official car, but the head of logistics, identified by the police as Nagip S., from the DUI party, refused to do so. Nagip insisted that the car Etemi had his eye on is already used by the DUI appointed head of accounting.

                      The dispute over the car escalated on Wednesday when Etemi and Nagip came to blows. The fight spooked a group of medical students, who fled the hospital screaming, eyewitnesses said. The hospital issued a statement blaming Etemi for the fight. Etemi claims that he was attacked. According to the hospital’s DUI officials, Etemi called for reinforcements and attacked Nagip and a colleague of his after work.


                      • Carlin
                        Senior Member
                        • Dec 2011
                        • 3332

                        Popova Sapka renamed.

                        ELEM uses the Albanian name for the Popova Sapka ski resort in a tourism promotional video

                        The management of the ELEM energy company, which owns the Popova Sapka ski resort, produced promotional material for it under the name Kodra e Diellit (sun mountain) – the name local Albanians use for the resort.

                        Popova Sapka is near Tetovo, in a majority Albanian part of the country. Historically known as Popova Sapka, local Albanian politicians have tried to expand the use of the Albanian name, and as of recently, ELEM appointed an ethnic Albanian as head of its tourism division.

                        The material uses both Popova Sapka and Kodra e Diellit at the top of the video, and uses only the Albanian name in the English language subtitles.

                        The Zaev Government, which is dependent on ethnic Albanian voters and parties to stay afloat, has recently promoted the idea of selling the underdeveloped resort, possibly in a package deal with the Kosovo resort Brezovica.


                        • Carlin
                          Senior Member
                          • Dec 2011
                          • 3332

                          Mijalkov “missing” while awaiting Court verdict

                          Mijalkov was ordered into house arrest by the court yesterday, as he awaits a sentencing in the major wiretapping case later this week, but the police was unable to find him and give him the house arrest order.

                          A Europe wide warrant was issued for Mijalkov today. This is a new major embarrassment for the Zaev regime, especially as it comes at a time when questions are being raised about Zaev’s political and massive business deals with Mijalkov.

                          It was Mijalkov in cooperation with Zaev who entered the homes of 8 DPNE MPs to pressure them into voting for the name change. As Sekerinska would say “this is the first escape by Mijalkov since we’re members of NATO”.


                          • Carlin
                            Senior Member
                            • Dec 2011
                            • 3332

                            Арачиново не плаќа ни денар, а доби 500.000 евра од Владата, делумно плаќаат Тетово, Гостивар, Липково… а рекордери во плаќање се М. Брод, Ѓорче Петров и Велес

                            ДАНОК НА ИМОТ: Арачиново не плаќа ни денар, а доби 500.000 евра од Владата, делумно плаќаат Тетово, Гостивар, Липково… а рекордери во плаќање се М. Брод, Ѓорче Петров и Велес

                            Општина Арачиново, која лани од Владата доби половина милион едвра неповратна помош, е единствената општина во Македонија која воопшто не наплаќа данок на имот.

                            Ова го покажа истражувањето на невладината организацијата Центар за граѓански комуникации за наплата на данок на имот за 2017, 2018 и 2019 година, а образложението од Општина Арачиново е дека немаат база на податоци на даночни обврзници, ниту даночно одделение. Во декември лани, Владата на Општина Арачиново и додели 500.000 евра неповратна помош.

                            -Владата денеска донесе одлука за одобрување на средства од Буџетот на РС Македонија за 2020 година во висина од 30.000.000 денари на Општина Арачиново, како еднократна неповратна финансиска поддршка, за справување со потешкотиите во тековното работење настанати поради ковид-19 кризата, соопшти Владата во декември лани.

                            Покрај Арачиново, најслаба наплата на данок на имот, според процентот на наплата за овие три години, има во општините: Тетово (55%), Липково (51%), Врапчиште (46%), Желино (42%), Гостивар (40%), Центар Жупа (36%), Долнени (34%), Студеничани (32%) и Маврово и Ростуше (27%).

                            Најдобар процент на наплата на овој данок имаат општините: Македонски Брод (97%), Ѓорче Петров (97%), Велес (97%), Зрновци (96%), Чешиново-Облешево (96%), Македонска Каменица (96%), Илинден (96%), Кавадарци (95%) и Аеродром (95%).

                            Според вредноста на наплатениот данок на имот, најдобра наплата има Општина Центар, која просечно наплаќала по 2,3 милиони евра годишно. Над милион евра годишно наплаќале уште: Карпош (2,07), Аеродром (1,37), Кисела Вода (1,33), Гази Баба (1,23), Охрид (1,05), Битола (1,02). Во дури 36 општини овие приходи се помали од 50.000 евра.

                            Десетте градски скопски општини заедно, прибираат просечно годишно по 10 милиони евра. Ова значи дека половина од вкупниот данок на имот во земјава се прибира во Скопје. Скопските општини ги делат приходите од данокот на имот со Градот Скопје, согласно донесените одлуки за утврдување на стапките на даноците на имот.


                            • Carlin
                              Senior Member
                              • Dec 2011
                              • 3332

                              Top Albanian Islamist was given a Macedonian passport in 2018

                              Kosovo Albanian Islamist Fitim Dema was given a Macedonian passport in 2018, revealed today VMRO-DPMNE official Antonio Milososki. For days...


                              • Carlin
                                Senior Member
                                • Dec 2011
                                • 3332

                                Prime Minister Zoran Zaev will meet with the leaders of the Albanian opposition parties Ziadin Sela and Afrim Gashi tomorrow. Zaev’s intent is to get them to remove their filibuster veto on a number of legislative proposals.

                                Sela and Gashi demand that a law that will grant citizenship to what they claim are tens of thousands of disenfranchised ethnic Albanians living in Macedonia is adopted in the Parliament. Their initial demand was to allow people to claim citizenship simply by producing several witnesses who would testify that the person lived in Macedonia prior to 1991. In response, VMRO-DPMNE submitted hundreds of amendments to the proposal, blocking it in Parliament, and Sela and Gashi announced they will block any other piece of legislation until their demand is approved.

                                Telma TV reports that Zaev, Sela and Gashi will discuss other proposals, removing the idea of using witnesses for people who demand Macedonian citizenship. It’s believed that there are already many dual, triple or quadruple ethnic Albanian citizens between Macedonia, Albania, Kosovo and Serbia, and VMRO-DPMNE is likely to oppose any bill that would add to this situation, especially if it violates EU citizenship norms.

                                Prime Minister Zoran Zaev will meet with the leaders of the Albanian opposition parties Ziadin Sela and Afrim Gashi tomorrow....

