Macedonian Human Rights Movement International (MHRMI)

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    • Dec 2009
    • 132

    MHRMI and AMHRC Increase Funding for Macedonian Newspapers in Bulgaria and Greece

    MHRMI and AMHRC Increase Funding for Macedonian Newspapers in Bulgaria and Greece

    April 9, 2015

    Macedonian Human Rights Movement International and the Australian Macedonian Human Rights Committee are pleased to announce that we have increased funding for the Macedonian minority newspapers, Narodna Volja, in Pirin Macedonia and Nova Zora in Aegean Macedonia, along with the publication and distribution of historic and current Macedonian publications. Bulgaria and Greece, to this day, continue their policies of suppressing any expression of Macedonian identity. With this step, MHRMI and AMHRC are ensuring that our true history will be reflected and that Macedonian culture and written traditions will endure throughout the regions in which Macedonians live.

    "Without the help of MHRMI and AMHRC, the Macedonian minorities in the Balkans would have no access to publications in our mother tongue. We call on Macedonians worldwide to support these invaluable organizations and truly make a difference for Macedonian human rights", said Stojko Stojkov, co-president of OMO Ilinden PIRIN.

    Our time is now. Get involved. Volunteer. Donate. Join the MHRMI Dollar a Day Fund or the AMHRC Macedonian Minorities Support Fund today.


    Macedonian Human Rights Movement International (MHRMI) has been active on human and national rights issues for Macedonians and other oppressed peoples since 1986. For more information:,,,, +1 416-850-7125.

    Established in 1984 the Australian Macedonian Human Rights Committee (AMHRC) is a non governmental organisation that advocates before governments, international institutions and broader communities about combating discrimination and promoting basic human rights. Our aspiration is to ensure that Macedonian communities and other excluded groups throughout the world are recognised, respected and afforded equitable treatment. For more information please visit, email or via +61 3 9329 8960.


    • MHRMI
      • Dec 2009
      • 132

      MHRMI and AMHRC Increase Funding for Macedonian Human Rights Projects in Albania

      MHRMI and AMHRC Increase Funding for Macedonian Human Rights Projects in Albania

      April 28, 2015

      Macedonian Human Rights Movement International and the Australian Macedonian Human Rights Committee are pleased to announce that we have, once again, increased funding for the MHRMI/AMHRC sponsored Macedonian-language schools throughout Albania and the Macedonian-language TV station in Korca, Albania. The Albanian government denies the Macedonian minority access to the media and has issued death threats to the Macedonian teachers and students who attend our private language schools. Despite this, Macedonians are not intimidated and demand has grown tremendously.

      George Atanasoski, longtime supporter of Macedonian human rights initiatives and president of the Macedonian Alliance said, "I have worked with MHRMI and AMHRC on funding crucial human rights projects for oppressed Macedonians in Albania, Bulgaria and Greece for over two decades. I'm calling on Macedonians throughout the world to join the Dollar a Day Fund today and lend their support. Many Macedonian individuals, businesses and organizations have already stepped up and are contributing a dollar a day, $10/day, and even greater than $100/day. Our time is now. Support Macedonian human rights."

      Our time is now. Get involved. Volunteer. Donate. Join the MHRMI Dollar a Day Fund or the AMHRC Macedonian Minorities Support Fund today.


      Macedonian Human Rights Movement International (MHRMI) has been active on human and national rights issues for Macedonians and other oppressed peoples since 1986. For more information:,,,, +1 416-850-7125.

      Established in 1984 the Australian Macedonian Human Rights Committee (AMHRC) is a non governmental organisation that advocates before governments, international institutions and broader communities about combating discrimination and promoting basic human rights. Our aspiration is to ensure that Macedonian communities and other excluded groups throughout the world are recognised, respected and afforded equitable treatment. For more information please visit, email or via +61 3 9329 8960.


      • MHRMI
        • Dec 2009
        • 132

        Macedonian minority newspaper "Prespa" revived in Albania due to MHRMI/AMHRC funding

        Macedonian minority newspaper "Prespa" revived in Albania due to funding from MHRMI and AMHRC

        September 10, 2015

        Macedonian Human Rights Movement International and the Australian Macedonian Human Rights Committee are pleased to announce that the newspaper "Prespa", voice of the Union of Macedonians in Albania, has resumed publication due to our funding commitment. We will ensure that it not only survives, but thrives, and it is able to continue to reach Macedonians struggling to achieve human rights in Albania.

        "We are extremely grateful for the help of MHRMI and AMHRC. The new issue of the newspaper has already been distributed throughout Albania, everywhere where Macedonians live. We believe that the example of MHRMI and AMHRC will be followed by other Macedonian organizations all over the world. Our gratitude will be expressed on the first page of the next issue of the newspaper", said Eftim Mitrevski, editor of Prespa.

        To donate to the newspaper or any other of our other crucial Macedonian human rights projects, please join the MHRMI Human Rights Fund or AMHRC Macedonian Minorities Support Fund today. Our time is now. Get involved. Volunteer. Donate.


        Macedonian Human Rights Movement International (MHRMI) has been active on human and national rights issues for Macedonians and other oppressed peoples since 1986. For more information:,,,, 1-416-850-7125.

        Established in 1984 the Australian Macedonian Human Rights Committee (AMHRC) is a non governmental organisation that advocates before governments, international institutions and broader communities about combating discrimination and promoting basic human rights. Our aspiration is to ensure that Macedonian communities and other excluded groups throughout the world are recognised, respected and afforded equitable treatment. For more information please visit, email or via +61 3 9329 8960.


        • MHRMI
          • Dec 2009
          • 132

          Canada Can, and Must, End the Macedonia/Greece Name Dispute

          Canada Can, and Must, End the Macedonia/Greece Name Dispute

          It just takes one Western country to stand up for common sense and denounce the nonsensical name negotiations between Macedonia and Greece as an attack on human rights and a country's basic right to self-determination. The Greek-manufactured dispute based on its blatant xenophobia would instantly be over. Now which country will it be? For that matter, an international human rights organization would carry a lot of weight too. Amnesty International and Human Rights Watch, you've had twenty-plus years, what are you waiting for?

          Let's take the current Canadian election campaign. Macedonian-Canadians, like many other ethnic groups, are being wooed by all political parties and, in exchange for votes and countless hours of volunteering time helping local candidates, are being promised something that will surely not be delivered once the campaign is over. Well, let's try something different this campaign. Deliver in advance. Political parties would show that they could actually be trusted, and they would win over a lot of dedicated supporters.

          Consider the debacle that is the Macedonia and Greece name dispute. Canada joined the majority of the world in 2007 by recognizing the Republic of Macedonia using its proper name, and, in doing so, secured the Macedonian-Canadian vote. Stephen Harper remembers well the hero's welcome that he received when attending a Macedonian-Canadian event in Toronto in 2009. Many were still loyal to the Conservatives for this reason alone. However, since then, the Conservatives haven't taken the next logical step and denounced the ludicrous name negotiations. But not only has Conservative Party inaction on this issue concerned Macedonian-Canadians, their transparent attempt at trying to regain the Greek-Canadian vote has made the situation worse. For example, before Costas Menegakis became a Conservative MP, he had organized an anti-Conservative/anti-Macedonian rally after recognition of the Republic of Macedonia. Mr. Menegakis claimed that no Greek-Canadian would ever vote Conservative. Apparently, Conservatives saw this as a green light to woo him, and he's now running in his second election as a Conservative. The Liberal Party though, took it to the extreme and pandered to the Greek-Canadian community by denouncing recognition of Macedonia at that time and allowing their MP, Jim Karygiannis, to make public racist comments against Macedonian-Canadians on several occasions. Mr. Karygiannis was even caught on video praising a lecture which glorified Greece's bombing of Macedonian civilians during Greece's Civil War. Maybe their stance has changed, or gotten worse. Well, Liberal Party, which is it? So far, the NDP and Green Party have remained silent. Not a great foreign policy strategy.

          Greece initiated the name dispute in order to block recognition of the newly independent Republic of Macedonia in 1991 and as an excuse to keep denying the existence and persecution of its large Macedonian minority. It claims that Macedonia is trying to usurp an "historically Greek" name, but until 1988, Greece's well-documented policy was that Macedonia never existed. After annexing half of Macedonia's territory in 1913 it tried to eradicate its very existence, a policy which continues today. According to the first UN mediator for the name dispute, Robin O’Neil, "Macedonia must not and will not change its name in order to appease Greece. If Macedonia succumbs to pressures and changes its name, such events will only give more firepower to Greece until it reaches its final goal - Macedonia to vanish from the map." It is, in fact, Greece that is trying to usurp Macedonia's name.

          Considering this, one might, rightfully so, wonder why Macedonia is negotiating its own name. The short answer is that it fears the wrath of the United States, which has threatened that if Macedonia withdraws from the name negotiations, the U.S. would pull economic and military support and claims that a civil war would erupt with Macedonia's Albanian minority. Ironic, considering that the United States recognized Macedonia in 2004. A new low for the United States' foreign policy hypocrisy.

          This is where Canada, and all four major political parties, come in. They can show the rest of the world that we still stand up for traditional Canadian values and human rights. Canada has a chance to end this ridiculous debate, and it should take it.

          Bill Nicholov, President
          Macedonian Human Rights Movement International


          Macedonian Human Rights Movement International (MHRMI) has been active on human and national rights issues for Macedonians and other oppressed peoples since 1986. For more information:,,,, 1-416-850-7125.


          • MHRMI
            • Dec 2009
            • 132

            Demand an apology from Toronto Star for anti-Macedonian article. See MHRMI's response

            MHRMI Responds to Toronto Star's Pro-Greek Revisionist History

            * We call on Macedonians to demand an apology from the Toronto Star and author Cody Punter
            @TorontoStar - @bordersnbetween -

            * Retweet/share MHRMI's letter @mhrmi - -

            Re: Macedonia’s building program aims to make Skopje an attractive tourist destination

            In Cody Punter's January 26, 2016 article, he states that "Skopje, Macedonia, has been transformed into a majestic Hellenistic Disneyland in recent years, thanks to a neo-classical building program".

            Is Mr. Punter not aware of the serious issues between Macedonia and Greece that have dominated the region since 1991? The infamous, nonsensical name dispute, initiated by Greece in its attempts to eradicate Macedonia's existence would not be celebrated by the Republic of Macedonia by erecting statues of non-existent "Greek" heroes. This was either a deliberate attempt by Mr. Punter at reviving a pro-Greek view of history or complete ignorance of an issue that he has no business writing about.

            Instead of perpetuating a romanticized version of Greek history, Mr. Punter should discuss how Macedonia is celebrating its rich history and culture, which has endured despite Greece's past and present attempts to wipe it off the map. Greece's superiority complex, aided in part by the West, has resulted in severe repression of Macedonians and other minorities in Greece. Thankfully, in recent years, the dangerous myth of Greek ethnic continuity has been exposed, and it is rare to find such an inaccurate view of history. After apologizing for this travesty of an article, Mr. Punter and the Toronto Star would do well in exposing the truth about Greece.

            Bill Nicholov, President
            Macedonian Human Rights Movement International


            Macedonian Human Rights Movement International (MHRMI) has been active on human and national rights issues for Macedonians and other oppressed peoples since 1986. For more information:,,,, 1-416-850-7125.


            • MHRMI
              • Dec 2009
              • 132

              Macedonian Minority Newspaper in Bulgaria Thanks MHRMI and AMHRC for Crucial Support

              Macedonian Minority Newspaper in Bulgaria Thanks MHRMI and AMHRC for Crucial Support

              March 9, 2016

              "Your regular financial assistance gives us the momentum and strength to continue, with dignity, our just struggle for the Macedonian national cause. We recognize that if it weren't for your huge patriotic support, our newspaper would cease to be published. You are the saviors of the newspaper and we are very grateful for this patriotic act," proudly declared Gjorgi Hristov, editor of Narodna Volja.

              Macedonian Human Rights Movement International and the Australian Macedonian Human Rights Committee are grateful for all the Macedonians who stand up, in the face of oppression, to Bulgaria, Greece, Albania and other Balkan countries, and proudly proclaim their Macedonian heritage. As MHRMI and AMHRC tell them - it is our duty to help you.

              MHRMI and AMHRC are calling on Macedonians worldwide to join us and help achieve human rights for oppressed Macedonians. We are all proud when we attend a Macedonian event and hear a patriotic song. We passionately defend ourselves when someone questions our ethnicity or origin. We demand that our country be called Macedonia and not "FYROM".

              MHRMI and AMHRC want Macedonians to take this pride to the next level. Connect with us on social media and help spread our message demanding human rights. Get involved. Volunteer. Donate. MHRMI and AMHRC fund all human rights projects for oppressed Macedonians in the Balkans. Contribute to the project of your choice by joining the MHRMI Human Rights Fund or AMHRC Macedonian Minorities Support Fund. Our time is now.


              Macedonian Human Rights Movement International (MHRMI) has been active on human and national rights issues for Macedonians and other oppressed peoples since 1986. For more information:,,,, 1-416-850-7125.

              Established in 1984 the Australian Macedonian Human Rights Committee (AMHRC) is a non governmental organisation that advocates before governments, international institutions and broader communities about combating discrimination and promoting basic human rights. Our aspiration is to ensure that Macedonian communities and other excluded groups throughout the world are recognised, respected and afforded equitable treatment. For more information please visit, email or via +61 3 9329 8960.


              • vicsinad
                Senior Member
                • May 2011
                • 2337


                • MHRMI
                  • Dec 2009
                  • 132

                  Apply London Mayor's Anti-EU,US Arguments to Macedonia Name Dispute, It Would Be Over

                  Apply London Mayor's Anti-EU, US Arguments to Macedonia Name Dispute and It Would Be Over

                  March 27, 2016 - Macedonian Human Rights Movement International
                  Re: Boris Johnson: Americans would never accept EU restrictions - so why should we? In anticipation of Barack Obama's upcoming visit to the United Kingdom, in which he will implore the UK to stay in the European Union, London mayor, Boris Johnson, said that '...coming from Uncle Sam, it is a piece of outrageous and exorbitant hypocrisy.' True.

                  Re: Boris Johnson: Americans would never accept EU restrictions – so why should we?

                  In anticipation of Barack Obama's upcoming visit to the United Kingdom, in which he will implore the UK to stay in the European Union, London mayor, Boris Johnson, said that "...coming from Uncle Sam, it is a piece of outrageous and exorbitant hypocrisy." True. No nation has the right to tell another how to run its internal affairs.

                  The perfectly glib sarcasm by Johnson continues, "The British people will be told to be good to themselves, to do the right thing. We will be informed by our most important ally that it is in our interests to stay in the EU, no matter how flawed we may feel that organisation to be. Never mind the loss of sovereignty; never mind the expense and the bureaucracy and the uncontrolled immigration."

                  The "loss of sovereignty". Johnson hits the nail on the head. Apply any of his arguments to the US and EU demanding that Macedonia change its name to appease Greece. Just ask fellow Brit Robin O'Neil, the first UN mediator for the Macedonia-Greece name dispute, "Macedonia must not and will not change its name in order to appease Greece. If Macedonia succumbs to pressures and changes its name, such events will only give more firepower to Greece until it reaches its final goal - Macedonia to vanish from the map."

                  As Boris Johnson says, "There is no country in the world that defends its own sovereignty with such hysterical vigilance as the United States of America." So why is it acceptable for the US to threaten Macedonia's sovereignty by demanding a name change? Back to Johnson's hypocrisy point. The US, much like the UK and the vast majority of the world, have already recognized Macedonia using its proper name. Yet, one can only explain the United States' actions as foolishly believing that it knows best, and that it has the right to interfere in foreign affairs as it sees fit.

                  The Macedonia name issue comes down to common sense. No nation has the right to name another. Macedonia's name has always been Macedonia. Greece denied its very existence until 1988 and, as admitted by former Greek PM Constantine Mitsotakis, initiated the name dispute as an excuse to keep denying the existence, and persecution, of its large Macedonian minority. The West partitioned Macedonia in 1913 among Greece, Bulgaria and Serbia (a portion later went to Albania) and Macedonians have endured over 100 years of various governments trying to eradicate or forcibly assimilate them.

                  A part of Macedonia declared independence in 1991, and now the West, led by the US, as usual, and epitomized by the farcical UN-sponsored name negotiations, is demanding that Macedonia "compromise" on its own name. In the "interim" (over two decades), the UN refers to Macedonia as "FYROM" (Former Yugoslav Republic of Macedonia). How fun it must be for Macedonian athletes to walk in Olympic opening ceremonies behind the letter "F". How would it go over if the US was called "FBCOA" (Former British Colony of America). They would declare war before accepting any negotiation of its name and invade a country that has nothing to do with it.

                  One would imagine that if any of Boris Johnson's points were applied to Macedonia's situation, we wouldn't be in this mess today. Let's see if the UK can teach its American younger brother some good judgement and denounce the Macedonia name negotiations as an attack on human rights and common sense.

                  Bill Nicholov, President
                  Macedonian Human Rights Movement International


                  Macedonian Human Rights Movement International (MHRMI) has been active on human and national rights issues for Macedonians and other oppressed peoples since 1986. For more information:,,,, 1-416-850-7125.


                  • janesill
                    Junior Member
                    • Mar 2016
                    • 3

                    And I believe up to this point, no apologies has been done on Mr. Punter's part for writing such an insensitive article.


                    • makedonche
                      Senior Member
                      • Oct 2008
                      • 3242

                      More idiotic and uninformed than insensitive!
                      On Delchev's sarcophagus you can read the following inscription: "We swear the future generations to bury these sacred bones in the capital of Independent Macedonia. August 1923 Illinden"


                      • MHRMI
                        • Dec 2009
                        • 132

                        Macedonia, Cut Your American Puppet Master's Strings‏

                        Macedonia, Cut Your American Puppet Master's Strings‏

                        Bill Nicholov, President
                        Macedonian Human Rights Movement International

                        The world is the United States’ puppet. But how has the US become the puppet master? Because we allow it. One of the US’ playthings for the past 25 years has been Macedonia, which plays along because it fears that it has no choice, just like many other countries in the world do. So the US gives them treats once in a while like an obedient dog. But if the dog disobeys, beware the supposed consequences. But Macedonia, you do have a choice. Stop listening to the very country that literally knows nothing about foreign policy, human rights or common sense. There will be no consequences for defying the United States. There will only be consequences if you continue to obey it.

                        Look at the Colourful Revolution. While Macedonians have every right to protest as they see fit about what’s best for their own country, the fact that the United States has its tentacles all over it is undeniable. This is what the US does. The EU chimes in too, like a tweet from the German Foreign Ministry saying that it “applauds the delay in elections in the Former Yugoslav Republic of Macedonia”. Former Nazi Dictatorship of Germany, shut up until you can refer to our country by its proper name.

                        Macedonians need to start another revolution – the Common Sense Revolution. Tell the West to get out of Macedonia. And Macedonia, get the hell out of the name negotiations. Which Macedonian political party will grow a spine and announce, now, that it will end the nonsensical name negotiations and put Matthew Nimetz, the career diplomat, out of a job? Mr. Nimetz, would you negotiate your own name? Would the United States? Your predecessor, Robin O’Neil, had the decency to denounce the name negotiations for what they are, in his words, a way for Greece “to wipe Macedonia off the map”. Former Greek PM Mitsotakis even publicly admitted it.

                        Despite having recognized Macedonia using its proper name, as has almost almost every country in the world, the US insists that Macedonia change its name to appease Greece. The dramatic propaganda switch by Greece from denying Macedonia’s existence, then claiming the land as their own, is evidence enough that Greece has a painfully obvious ulterior motive. But the United States, in its infinite wisdom, dragged most EU countries with it and threatened that Macedonia will never enter NATO or the EU unless it changes its name. America the Beautiful has also threatened that a civil war would erupt with Macedonia’s Albanian minority if a name “compromise” (sellout) isn’t reached. Is the United States admitting that it would stoke civil war to achieve its misguided foreign policy objectives? Wouldn’t be the first time.

                        Yes, the name that the US wants to change is the very name that has existed for thousands of years and that the vast majority of the world has recognized. God bless America. But to indulge Greece’s ridiculous argument that Macedonia’s name “creates confusion with the province of Macedonia in Greece”, the “Republic” at the beginning removes any such debate. So Greece, suggesting “Republic of Northern Macedonia” and “Republic of Slavic Macedonia” serves no purpose but for your country to inflict another blow to common sense and human rights, while the world turns a blind eye. Macedonian politicians, do not be shy about pointing out that Greece annexed part of Macedonia’s territory in 1913. The world knows Macedonia’s geographic boundaries, that Macedonia was partitioned among Serbia, Bulgaria, and Greece (with a part later given to Albania like a Christmas present) and that Alexander the Great (not “Warrior on a horse”) was Macedonian. Being afraid to point out the truth, as per the United States’ instructions, only gives weight to Greece’s nonsensical arguments that Macedonia is trying to “steal Greek history”. If only Greece had a real history to be stolen and not just a Western-created myth.

                        Believe it or not, Macedonia was actually mentioned by a commentator during a Euro Cup broadcast but, of course, being European, he referred to the “Former Yugoslav Republic of Macedonia”. I guess he figured that maybe the so-called “Province of Macedonia” that Greece annexed in 1913 would be competing in international competition. I can’t wait for Ontario or North Dakota to start their qualifying rounds for the World Cup! For the sake of common sense, most broadcasters do refer to Macedonia simply as, Macedonia. But if European institutions want to keep playing Greece’s racist game, just call the country Republic of Macedonia. Which also brings us to the spectacle of watching poor Macedonian athletes walking in the Olympic opening ceremonies behind the letter “F” and holding a sellout, bastardized version of the Macedonian flag. Macedonian athletes, stand up for yourselves and your country since your politicians won’t, and refuse to walk in behind any letter except “M”.

                        It’s ironic that the United States is allowed to dictate to foreign countries how it should conduct its affairs, but it cannot even run its own country. The Flint water crisis, the lack of response to Hurricane Katrina, the refusal to deal with gun violence regardless of which party is in power, hanging chads for the love of God…I could go on. Just watch CNN to see what qualifies as newsworthy and ask yourself, do you want this country telling yours what to do? CNN breaking news…the United States is not the “best country in the world” as American politicians espouse. This proclamation sounds too much like Nazi Germany and modern-day Greece, which recently elected 21 members of a neo-Nazi party to parliament. The first country to do so since, well, you guessed it.

                        Take a lesson from Canada and many other countries in the world which are proud, but simply proclaim that our respective countries are “great”. Be proud of who you are and where you’re from, but not at the expense of others. American democracy is not the greatest thing since “sliced bread”, and the simple fact that the US has elections (between two parties, wow, how democratic) and is constantly in an election cycle does not give it the right to “spread American values” (interventionism/imperialism) throughout the world.

                        The superiority complex by the United States bears a striking resemblance to that of Greece, which teaches its schoolchildren that their land is the “cradle of civilization”, “birthplace of democracy” and, most dangerously, ethnically pure. They can’t even admit that so-called “Greek coffee” and baklava are actually Turkish. Dare I say it, there’s no such thing as “Greek yogurt” either, but what a wonderful example of marketing. Maybe these similarities in their belief of cultural superiority explain why the United States and the West invented Greece in 1830 and romanticize its “glorious” (non-existent) past at the expense of Macedonians and any other minorities in its path. However, could it really be that the roots of racism run so deep in Western culture, that they don’t want to acknowledge that our beginnings are in Africa? The entire idea of Greece, past and present, is a myth.

                        The United States acts unilaterally, shoots down, literally, any advice directed at it, and claims that it is the world’s moral authority. Yet, it expects other countries to do its bidding. Worse still, the US gets its way. That can end now. Macedonia, the world is watching.


                        Macedonian Human Rights Movement International (MHRMI) has been active on human and national rights issues for Macedonians and other oppressed peoples since 1986. For more information:,,,, 1-416-850-7125.


                        • Spirit
                          • May 2015
                          • 154

                          Well said MHRMI


                          • Gocka
                            Senior Member
                            • Dec 2012
                            • 2306

                            Macedonians for too long have suffered with an inferiority complex. They seem to give in amid even the slightest pressure, sometimes even under no pressure at all. Macedonians are way to willing to appease, many times at their own expense. I see it not only on the political/international stage but even in everyday life. Macedonians in general seem to always believe in compromise, which seems like a good thing, but not when your are being faced with unfair demands. Very seldom do I see a Macedonian in my everyday life put their foot down and say, "this is what I want and I will take nothing less", no, they always seem to want to make it work somehow. Americans on the other hand or the masters at making demands and not budging. Americans are born and raised to think for themselves and not be ashamed of it. Its a cultural flaw in Macedonians, that everything is negotiable, morals, identity, history.

                            I think Macedonians are genuinely ashamed of the way their history has played out, somehow this self loathing manifests itself in an inferiority complex. When is the last time you have seen Macedonians genuinely and in a unified fashion, being proud of themselves and their country? Has anyone noticed we are some of the most pessimistic people on the planet? There is something inherently pessimistic about Macedonians. They have no belief in each other, their country, their politicians, themselves, this all plays a role in deferring to others all the time.

                            I think before we see actual change in Macedonia, in politics, and in laws, and democracy, before any of that can change, Macedonians just need something to be proud of. Something as silly as an athlete, or athletic team, some type of victory whether moral or actual. For too long Macedonians have only experienced negativity and at some point they have given up on trying to ever become anything in life, either as an individual or as a nation.

                            The average American tells himself and his neighbors that America is the greatest country every in the history of the world, what does the average Macedonian say? I'll tell you what they say, "da ti se pluknam vo drzavata". This is very simplistic observation, but I think very meaningful.


                            • Philosopher
                              Senior Member
                              • Sep 2008
                              • 1003

                              Originally posted by MHRMI View Post
                              Macedonia, Cut Your American Puppet Master's Strings‏

                              Bill Nicholov, President
                              Macedonian Human Rights Movement International

                              The world is the United States’ puppet. But how has the US become the puppet master? Because we allow it. One of the US’ playthings for the past 25 years has been Macedonia, which plays along because it fears that it has no choice, just like many other countries in the world do. So the US gives them treats once in a while like an obedient dog. But if the dog disobeys, beware the supposed consequences. But Macedonia, you do have a choice. Stop listening to the very country that literally knows nothing about foreign policy, human rights or common sense. There will be no consequences for defying the United States. There will only be consequences if you continue to obey it.

                              Look at the Colourful Revolution. While Macedonians have every right to protest as they see fit about what’s best for their own country, the fact that the United States has its tentacles all over it is undeniable. This is what the US does. The EU chimes in too, like a tweet from the German Foreign Ministry saying that it “applauds the delay in elections in the Former Yugoslav Republic of Macedonia”. Former Nazi Dictatorship of Germany, shut up until you can refer to our country by its proper name.

                              Macedonians need to start another revolution – the Common Sense Revolution. Tell the West to get out of Macedonia. And Macedonia, get the hell out of the name negotiations. Which Macedonian political party will grow a spine and announce, now, that it will end the nonsensical name negotiations and put Matthew Nimetz, the career diplomat, out of a job? Mr. Nimetz, would you negotiate your own name? Would the United States? Your predecessor, Robin O’Neil, had the decency to denounce the name negotiations for what they are, in his words, a way for Greece “to wipe Macedonia off the map”. Former Greek PM Mitsotakis even publicly admitted it.

                              Despite having recognized Macedonia using its proper name, as has almost almost every country in the world, the US insists that Macedonia change its name to appease Greece. The dramatic propaganda switch by Greece from denying Macedonia’s existence, then claiming the land as their own, is evidence enough that Greece has a painfully obvious ulterior motive. But the United States, in its infinite wisdom, dragged most EU countries with it and threatened that Macedonia will never enter NATO or the EU unless it changes its name. America the Beautiful has also threatened that a civil war would erupt with Macedonia’s Albanian minority if a name “compromise” (sellout) isn’t reached. Is the United States admitting that it would stoke civil war to achieve its misguided foreign policy objectives? Wouldn’t be the first time.

                              Yes, the name that the US wants to change is the very name that has existed for thousands of years and that the vast majority of the world has recognized. God bless America. But to indulge Greece’s ridiculous argument that Macedonia’s name “creates confusion with the province of Macedonia in Greece”, the “Republic” at the beginning removes any such debate. So Greece, suggesting “Republic of Northern Macedonia” and “Republic of Slavic Macedonia” serves no purpose but for your country to inflict another blow to common sense and human rights, while the world turns a blind eye. Macedonian politicians, do not be shy about pointing out that Greece annexed part of Macedonia’s territory in 1913. The world knows Macedonia’s geographic boundaries, that Macedonia was partitioned among Serbia, Bulgaria, and Greece (with a part later given to Albania like a Christmas present) and that Alexander the Great (not “Warrior on a horse”) was Macedonian. Being afraid to point out the truth, as per the United States’ instructions, only gives weight to Greece’s nonsensical arguments that Macedonia is trying to “steal Greek history”. If only Greece had a real history to be stolen and not just a Western-created myth.

                              Believe it or not, Macedonia was actually mentioned by a commentator during a Euro Cup broadcast but, of course, being European, he referred to the “Former Yugoslav Republic of Macedonia”. I guess he figured that maybe the so-called “Province of Macedonia” that Greece annexed in 1913 would be competing in international competition. I can’t wait for Ontario or North Dakota to start their qualifying rounds for the World Cup! For the sake of common sense, most broadcasters do refer to Macedonia simply as, Macedonia. But if European institutions want to keep playing Greece’s racist game, just call the country Republic of Macedonia. Which also brings us to the spectacle of watching poor Macedonian athletes walking in the Olympic opening ceremonies behind the letter “F” and holding a sellout, bastardized version of the Macedonian flag. Macedonian athletes, stand up for yourselves and your country since your politicians won’t, and refuse to walk in behind any letter except “M”.

                              It’s ironic that the United States is allowed to dictate to foreign countries how it should conduct its affairs, but it cannot even run its own country. The Flint water crisis, the lack of response to Hurricane Katrina, the refusal to deal with gun violence regardless of which party is in power, hanging chads for the love of God…I could go on. Just watch CNN to see what qualifies as newsworthy and ask yourself, do you want this country telling yours what to do? CNN breaking news…the United States is not the “best country in the world” as American politicians espouse. This proclamation sounds too much like Nazi Germany and modern-day Greece, which recently elected 21 members of a neo-Nazi party to parliament. The first country to do so since, well, you guessed it.

                              Take a lesson from Canada and many other countries in the world which are proud, but simply proclaim that our respective countries are “great”. Be proud of who you are and where you’re from, but not at the expense of others. American democracy is not the greatest thing since “sliced bread”, and the simple fact that the US has elections (between two parties, wow, how democratic) and is constantly in an election cycle does not give it the right to “spread American values” (interventionism/imperialism) throughout the world.

                              The superiority complex by the United States bears a striking resemblance to that of Greece, which teaches its schoolchildren that their land is the “cradle of civilization”, “birthplace of democracy” and, most dangerously, ethnically pure. They can’t even admit that so-called “Greek coffee” and baklava are actually Turkish. Dare I say it, there’s no such thing as “Greek yogurt” either, but what a wonderful example of marketing. Maybe these similarities in their belief of cultural superiority explain why the United States and the West invented Greece in 1830 and romanticize its “glorious” (non-existent) past at the expense of Macedonians and any other minorities in its path. However, could it really be that the roots of racism run so deep in Western culture, that they don’t want to acknowledge that our beginnings are in Africa? The entire idea of Greece, past and present, is a myth.

                              The United States acts unilaterally, shoots down, literally, any advice directed at it, and claims that it is the world’s moral authority. Yet, it expects other countries to do its bidding. Worse still, the US gets its way. That can end now. Macedonia, the world is watching.


                              Macedonian Human Rights Movement International (MHRMI) has been active on human and national rights issues for Macedonians and other oppressed peoples since 1986. For more information:,,,, 1-416-850-7125.
                              The United States is simply intolerable. And Macedonians need to develop a backbone and self-confidence.

                              @ Spirit

                              Well said indeed.


                              • Spirit
                                • May 2015
                                • 154

                                Originally posted by Gocka View Post
                                Macedonians for too long have suffered with an inferiority complex. They seem to give in amid even the slightest pressure, sometimes even under no pressure at all. Macedonians are way to willing to appease, many times at their own expense. I see it not only on the political/international stage but even in everyday life. Macedonians in general seem to always believe in compromise, which seems like a good thing, but not when your are being faced with unfair demands. Very seldom do I see a Macedonian in my everyday life put their foot down and say, "this is what I want and I will take nothing less", no, they always seem to want to make it work somehow. Americans on the other hand or the masters at making demands and not budging. Americans are born and raised to think for themselves and not be ashamed of it. Its a cultural flaw in Macedonians, that everything is negotiable, morals, identity, history.

                                I think Macedonians are genuinely ashamed of the way their history has played out, somehow this self loathing manifests itself in an inferiority complex. When is the last time you have seen Macedonians genuinely and in a unified fashion, being proud of themselves and their country? Has anyone noticed we are some of the most pessimistic people on the planet? There is something inherently pessimistic about Macedonians. They have no belief in each other, their country, their politicians, themselves, this all plays a role in deferring to others all the time.

                                I think before we see actual change in Macedonia, in politics, and in laws, and democracy, before any of that can change, Macedonians just need something to be proud of. Something as silly as an athlete, or athletic team, some type of victory whether moral or actual. For too long Macedonians have only experienced negativity and at some point they have given up on trying to ever become anything in life, either as an individual or as a nation.

                                The average American tells himself and his neighbors that America is the greatest country every in the history of the world, what does the average Macedonian say? I'll tell you what they say, "da ti se pluknam vo drzavata". This is very simplistic observation, but I think very meaningful.
                                I agree Gocka
                                Our psyche has been wired this way through the way our history has played out. We are a pessimistic people due to the fact of many factors in our history, 500 years of Ottoman occupation, a hope at the turn of the last century for independence only for it to be crushed when Macedonia was divided up, and the issues and trials the Republic has gone through since independence in 1991.
                                I saw a lot of this when I went back in 2012 - from members of my family. To highlight our indifference and pessimism I'll cite an example. I am very conscious about the environment and do not litter, I'm a smoker and I will hold onto the cigarette butts until I can find a place to dispose of them thoughtfully. My first cousins on my father's side initially laughed and made fun of me as we would walk through the korzo in Bitola and I would hold onto the butts until I could find a trash can to dispose of them but eventually I earned their respect in this matter as I highlighted that you should be proud of the land you live in. However one day I spent the day traveling through Western Macedonia (going through Jovan Bigorski, Mavrovo etc) with my first cousin from my mother's side and her family. We stopped alongside the road as she had to change my 2 year old nephew's nappy. Once she had changed his nappy she just dumped it on the side of the road where others had dumped garbage. I highlighted to her that she could have just kept the dirty nappy wrapped up in a plastic bag and in the trunk of the car and that she could dispose of it thoughtfully once we got back home to her place in Bitola. Her attitude - no it will stink the car out, look everyone else just dumps garbage on the side of the road and what difference would her dumping the nappy thoughtfully make. I just shook my head and stated that Macedonia is such a beautiful pristine country and that one simple act of being thoughtful and taking pride of where you live could make a change but with her attitude it's a metaphor for how most people in the Republic are. She countered that what difference would it make as she is only one person and also that everyone else Is throwing rubbish on the side of the road so I countered that maybe, maybe that she could be a better person than that and lead by example, that one person can make a difference, most people would probably have the same attitude as her but maybe one person would take in the message and become more thoughtful and so forth but this just went over her head and kept stating what difference could one person make and that everyone else throwing the rubbish on the side of the road that made it ok. I stated she does not have to be asp sheep and follow what everyone else did and I cited that Gandhi managed to get independence for India from Britain with a thought and leading by example without one single drop of blood so yes one person can make a difference.
                                Literally her dumping garbage on the side of the road is a metaphor for the most of the attitude of the people "Што разлика може да направи еден Човек"
                                Macedonians should step up, be proud of who we are, take pride in our culture and heritage and take control of their destiny and "Be the change that you want to see"
                                Last edited by Spirit; 06-16-2016, 06:04 AM.

