Macedonian Human Rights Movement International (MHRMI)

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    • Dec 2009
    • 132

    MHRMI Condemns the Adoption of the Unconstitutional Law on Languages...

    MHRMI Condemns the Adoption of the Unconstitutional Law on Languages, Demands that President Ivanov Oppose It

    Македонската верзија е подолу (Macedonian version is below)

    Macedonian Human Rights Movement International condemns the passing of the Law on Languages in the Macedonian Parliament on 11 January 2018. This law is not only unconstitutional in that it has granted official status to the Albanian language without the necessary two-thirds majority in Parliament, but seriously discriminates against speakers of the hitherto sole official language, Macedonian, and speakers of smaller minority languages such as Turkish, Aromanian, Serbian and Romani. Moreover, it contains punitive provisions which include huge fines for officials and other persons who ostensibly violate it. No such punitive provisions are contained in the law on the use of the Macedonian language. This law is not designed to defend the rights of Albanians in Macedonia, as its backers falsely claim, but to advance a federalist, separatist and extreme nationalist agenda, whose goal is to redefine and eventually divide Macedonia.

    MHRMI condemns the Tirana Platform, which produced the Law on Languages, and its acceptance by gutless Macedonian politicians, given that this platform is the product of negotiations in a foreign capital, Tirana, Albania and seeks to promote the idea that Macedonia should be a bi-national, bi-lingual, federal state in which the ethnic Albanian minority, whose size does not exceed around 12-15% of the population, is designated as a “constituent nation”. The adoption of such a platform has serious implications for the survival of the Macedonian state, as the Tirana Platform specifically calls for the denationalization of Macedonia and a change to our name, identity, flag, anthem and coat of arms.

    The vote of the ruling Social Democratic Union of Macedonia Party (SDSM) for this law in Parliament is nothing more than a shameless capitulation in its quest to remain in power and will further erode Macedonian identity and culture, not only in the Republic of Macedonia, but throughout the Balkans where Macedonian minorities are denied even the most basic of human rights.

    In meetings with the US State Department, Global Affairs Canada, and others, MHRMI questioned whether the same promotion of “bilingualism” would be applied to the Macedonian minority in Greece and the Turkish minority in Bulgaria – at the expense of the Greek and Bulgarian characters of those nations, respectively.

    The acceptance of the Tirana Platform, under the guise of “human rights”, by Western enablers of Albanian extremists is an affront to everything that the United States, European Union and United Nations claim to stand for. Democracy and the rule of law have been trampled on only to grant the small Albanian minority "superhuman rights" at the expense of not only the majority population, but every non-Albanian minority in the country. Stripping self-determination away from the majority Macedonian population - in the Republic of Macedonia, no less - only illustrates the West's anti-Macedonian bias and will lead to the ultimate destruction of an entire country.

    MHRMI calls on the membership of all Macedonian political parties to vehemently oppose the adoption of this law by all available democratic and legal means. We call on President Gjorge Ivanov to use his veto power and not sign it into law given its blatantly unconstitutional nature. We call on the Macedonian people and those Macedonian citizens belonging to smaller minority groups such as the Turks, Roma, Serbs, Vlachs and Bosnians to peacefully employ all legal means at their disposal to prevent the adoption of Albanian as a second official language. And we call on the Macedonian people to employ their right to freedom of expression and unite in defence of Macedonia, gather en masse, and protest this treasonous, unconstitutional and anti-Macedonian act and to demand politicians that will stand up for our country and its most basic of human rights.

    Appropriately, a politician that does stand up for his country, Canada's Trade Minister François-Philippe Champagne, said today in reference to Canada's relations with the United States - "When people see that you're firm, you get respect". This is the same message that MHRMI has been telling Macedonian politicians since independence in 1991. Demand respect for Macedonia and our Macedonian identity, and the world will help us. Join MHRMI's Our Name Is Macedonia campaign and end the racist, degrading, anti-Macedonian name negotiations - which is the overarching issue that is wreaking havoc on all aspects of life in Macedonia and which led to the Law on Languages - and the world will support us. Take advantage of Macedonians who live abroad, who vehemently defend Macedonia and who know how the West thinks - defend yourself and the world will defend you.

    --- Macedonian Human Rights Movement International (MHRMI) has been active on human and national rights issues for Macedonians and other oppressed peoples since 1986. For more information: 1-416-850-7125,,,,,,

    ММДЧП го осудува усвојувањето на неуставниот Закон за јазици и бара реакција од претседателот Иванов

    Македонското меѓународно движење за човекови права го осудува изгласувањето на Законот за јазиците во македонското Собрание од 11 јануари, 2018 година. Овој закон е не само неуставен, затоа што му доделува официјален статус на албанскиот јазик без потребното двотретинско мнозинство во Собранието, туку тој и сериозно ги дискриминира оние коишто го говорат досега единствениот официјален јазик, македонскиот, и оние од другите малцински јазици, како што се турскиот, ароманскиот, српскиот и ромскиот. И згора над се’, тој содржи и казнени одредби кои предвидуваат огромни казни за официјалните и други лица кои би го прекршиле. Слични казнени одредби не се содржат во Законот за употреба на македонскиот јазик. Овој закон не е создаден за да ги одбрани правата на Албанците во Македонија, како што лажно тврдат неговите поддржувачи, туку за да се унапреди една федералистичка, сепаратистичка и екстремно националистичка агенда, чија цел е да ја редефинира, а потоа и да ја подели Македонија.

    ММДЧП ја осудува Тиранската платформа која го создаде Законот за јазиците, и нејзиното прифаќање од страна на бескичмените македонски политичари, со оглед на тоа што овој закон е производ на преговори во главен град на странска држава - Тирана, Албанија - и со оглед на тоа дека тој сака да ја промовира идејата дека Македонија треба да биде бинационална, двојазична, федерална држава во која етничкото албанско малцинство, кое не надминува околу 12-15% од популацијата, се претставува како конститутивен народ. Усвојувањето на ваква платформа има сериозни импликации за опстанокот на македонската држава, бидејќи Тиранската платформа експлицитно повикува на денационализација на Македонија и на промена на нашето име, идентитет, знаме, химна и грб.

    Гласањето на владејачката партија, Социјалдемократскиот Сојуз на Македонија (СДСМ) за овој Закон во Собранието не е ништо друго освен бесрамна капитулација во борба за власт која ќе го дообезличи македонскиот идентитет и култура, не само во Република Македонија, туку и низ Балканот, каде на македонското малцинство му се ускратени дури и најосновните човекови права.

    Во средбите со Стејт Департментот на САД, Глоубал Афеарс Канада и други, ММДЧП прашува дали истото промовирање на „двојазичност“ ќе се примени за македонското малцинство во Грција и турското малцинство во Бугарија, на сметка на грчкиот и бугарскиот карактер на тие две нации.

    Прифаќањето на Тиранската платформа, под превезот на „човекови права“, од страна на западните поддржувачи на албанските екстремисти е навреда на се’ она што тврдат дека го застапуваат САД, Европската Унија и Обединетите Нации. Демократијата и владењето на правото се прегазени само за да му се дозволат на малото албанско малцинство „натчовечки права“ за сметка не само на мнозинското население, туку и на секое не-албанско малцинство во земјата. Бришењето на себе-определбата на мнозинското македонско население - ни помалку ни повеќе, туку во Република Македонија - само ја илустрира анти-македонската пристрасност на Западот, и најпосле ќе доведе до уништување на цела една земја.

    ММДЧП бара членствата на сите македонски политички партии одлучно да се спротистават на усвојувањето на овој закон со сите демократски и правни средства. Го повикуваме претседателот Ѓорге Иванов да го употреби своето право на вето и да не го потпише овој закон заради неговата очигледно неинституционална природа. Го повикуваме македонскиот народ и сите македонски граѓани кои припаѓаат на помалите етнички групи, како што се Турците, Ромите, Србите, Власите и Бошњаците, на мирен начин да ги применат сите правни средства што им се на располагање за да го спречат прогласувањето на албанскиот за втор официјален јазик. И го повикуваме македонскиот народ да го употреби своето право на слободно изразување и да се соедини во одбрана на Македонија, да се собере масовно и да протестира против овој предавнички, неуставен и антимакедонски закон и да побара политичарите да застанат во одбрана на нашата земја, и нашите најосновни човекови права.

    Соодветно на ова, еден политичар кој застанал во одбрана на својата земја, Министерот за трговија на Канада, Франсоа-Филип Шампањ, денес во врска со односите на Канада со САД рече: „Кога луѓето ќе видат дека имате став, ве почитуваат.“ Ова е истата порака што ММДЧП им ја повторува на македонските политичари уште од независноста во 1991. Барајте почит за Македонија и за нашиот македонски идентитет, и светот ќе ни помогне. Придружете се во кампањата на ММДЧП, „Нашето име е Македонија“ и прекинете ги расистичките, деградирачки, антимакедонски преговори за името, кои се клучното прашање кое влијае на сите аспекти од животот во Македонија и кое доведе до Законот за јазиците - и светот ќе не’ поддржи. Искористете ги Македонците кои живеат надвор од Македонија, кои одлучно ја бранат Македонија и кои знаат како размислува Западот. Бранете се себеси, па ќе ве брани и светот.

    --- Македонското меѓународно движење за човекови права (ММДЧП) активно работи на полето на човекови и национални права на Македонците и другите обесправени народи од своето основање во 1986 година. За повеќе информации: 1-416-850-7125,,,,,,


    • MHRMI
      • Dec 2009
      • 132

      European Free Alliance Joins MHRMI's Call to End Anti-Macedonian Name Negotiations!

      European Free Alliance Joins MHRMI's Call to End the Anti-Macedonian Name Negotiations

      Македонската верзија е подолу (Macedonian version is below)

      Macedonian Human Rights Movement International is pleased to announce that the European Free Alliance has joined our call to end the anti-Macedonian name negotiations and has called on support for Macedonia's basic right to self-determination.

      "EFA is the only European political party defending the right to self-determination, a right enshrined in international law. Having the right to decide upon your own future includes as well the right to define and name your own nation. EFA supports the democratic aspirations of Macedonia as a nation and as a state to choose its own name." Günther Dauwen, Director of EFA

      MHRMI sincerely thanks EFA for its tremendous support and calls on other political parties, human rights organizations, institutions such as the United Nations, European Union, and NATO, and individual countries to live up to their obligations under international human rights conventions and support Macedonia's basic human right to self-determination.

      The European Free Alliance, with members in European Parliament, continues to be a strong advocate for the Macedonian minority in Greece and Bulgaria and their quest to achieve human rights. EFA explains:

      "Since 1913, ethnic Macedonians have been subject to ethnic cleansing by the Greek State, the stripping of their land and citizenship, and the prohibition of their language in the public and private sphere. Despite recommendations from various human rights bodies, the Greek government still refuses to recognize the Macedonian language and identity."

      It is precisely this point, admitted by former Greek PM Mitsotakis in 1995, why Greece initiated the nonsensical name dispute, to avoid recognition of its large Macedonian minority and also to deny the vast human rights abuses against it.

      The United Nations, European Court of Human Rights, US State Department, European Commission Against Racism and Intolerance, among others, have concluded that Greece and Bulgaria have repeatedly violated the rights of Macedonians in their respective countries and have called for Greece and Bulgaria to immediately recognize their Macedonian minorities. This includes multiple European Court judgements against them. The next, and only, logical step is for these same international bodies to recognize the Republic of Macedonia and end the anti-Macedonian name negotiations. The UN, EU and USA's current position in aiding Greece to change the Republic of Macedonia's name flies in the face of their judgments above. EFA adds:

      "EFA would like to remind the Greek State and negotiation mediators that self-determination is an international right and that it also implies the right to choose the name of one's country. The situation in general for Macedonians in Greece is unacceptable and in breach of international law!"

      It is not only the name of Macedonia that is inexplicably being negotiated, but it is publicly discussed by all relevant players that negotiations also include the name of the Macedonian people, language and history. This sets human rights back decades, if not centuries, for Macedonia and Macedonians.

      Greece's recent tactic of claiming the name Macedonia as their own does not give them the right to discriminate against the ethnic group that they're trying to eradicate. Cultural misappropriation cannot be rewarded. We expect and demand that the international community, as they have done in the past, come to Macedonia and Macedonians' defence. Macedonia is, and always has been, our name. Macedonian is, and always has been, our ethnic origin and identity. Our Name Is Macedonia. Support it by ending the name negotiations now.

      --- Macedonian Human Rights Movement International (MHRMI) has been active on human and national rights issues for Macedonians and other oppressed peoples since 1986. For more information: 1-416-850-7125,,,,,,

      Европската слободна алијанса се приклучи на повикот на ММДЧП за прекинување на антиимакедонските преговори за името

      Македонското меѓународно движење за човекови права со задоволство објавува дека Европската Слободна Алијанса се приклучи на нашиот повик да се стави крај на антимакедонските преговори за името и повика на поддршка за Македонија за остварување на најосновното право за самоопределување.

      "ЕФА е единствената европска политичка партија која го брани правото на самоопределување, право засновано на меѓународното право. Правото да одлучувате за сопствената иднина истовремено значи и право да ја дефинирате и да ја именувате вашата земја. ЕФА ги поддржува демократските аспирации на Македонија како нација и како држава да си го избере своето име." - Гинтер Даувен, директор на ЕФА.

      ММДЧП искрено и’ се заблагодарува на ЕФА за нејзината огромна поддршка и упатува повик до другите политички партии, до организациите за човекови права, до институциите како што се Обединетите Нации, Европската Унија и НАТО, како и индивидуалните држави да ги исполнат своите обврски според меѓународните конвенции за човекови права и да ги поддржат основните принципи на Македонија во остварувањето на човековото право на самоопределување.

      Европската слободна алијанса, преку нејзините членови во Европскиот парламент, продолжува да биде силен застапник на македонското малцинство во Грција и Бугарија и на нивната борба за остварување на човековите права. ЕФА го вели следново:

      "Од 1913 година, етничките Македонци биле предмет на етничко чистење од страна на грчката држава, одземање на нивната земја и државјанства, како и забрана на употреба на нивниот јазик во јавна и приватна комуникација. И покрај препораките на различни тела за човекови права, грчката влада се’ уште одбива да ги признае македонскиот јазик и идентитет".

      Токму таа е и поентата, поткрепена и со јавно признание од поранешниот грчки премиер Мицотакис во 1995 година, дека Грција го иницираше бесмислениот спор околу името само за да се избегне признавање на неговото големо македонско малцинство и да негираат огромни злоупотреби на човековите права за тоа малцинство.

      Покрај останатите, и Обединетите нации, Европскиот суд за човекови права, американскиот Стејт департмент и Европската комисија против расизам и нетолеранција заклучија дека Грција и Бугарија во континуитет ги прекршуваат правата на Македонците во нивните земји и ги повикуваа Грција и Бугарија веднаш да ги признаат македонските малцинства. Ова барање до нив го има и во повеќе пресуди на Европскиот суд. Следниот и единствен логичен чекор е овие меѓународни тела да ја признаат Република Македонија и да стават крај на антимакедонските преговори за името. Сегашната позиција на ООН, ЕУ и САД е поддршка на Грција во барањето Република да го промени името е во спротивност со горенаведените пресуди. ЕФА додава:

      "ЕФА би сакала да ги потсети грчките државни и преговарачки медијатори дека самоопределувањето е меѓународно засновано право и дека тоа истовремено подразбира и право на избор на име на својата земја. Генерално, положбата на Македонците во Грција е неприфатлива и претставува кршење на меѓународното право!"

      Не е само името на Македонија за коешто нелогично се преговара, туку од страна на сите релевантни фактори отворено се истакнува дека преговорите за името вклучуваат и преговори за името на македонскиот народ, за јазикот и за историјата. Со ова човековите права за Македонија и за Македонците се враќаат назад децении, ако не и векови.

      Тактиката на Грција, со која тврдат дека Македонија е нивна, не им дава право да вршат дискриминација против етничката група којашто се обидуваат да ја искоренат. Културното отуѓување не може да биде наградено. Од тие причини, очекуваме и бараме меѓународната заедница, како што направиле и во минатото, да застанат зад Македонија и во одбрана на Македонците. Македонија е и отсекогаш била нашето име. Македонецот е, и отсекогаш бил, наш етнички идентитет. Нашите угнетувачи не можат да бидат наградени заради угнетување. Нашето име е Македонија. Дадете поддршка со ставање крај на преговорите за името.

      --- Македонското меѓународно движење за човекови права (ММДЧП) активно работи на полето на човекови и национални права на Македонците и другите обесправени народи од своето основање во 1986 година. За повеќе информации: 1-416-850-7125,,,,,,


      • MHRMI
        • Dec 2009
        • 132

        MHRMI Demands Apology from Facebook for Participating in Anti-Macedonian Hate

        MHRMI Demands Apology from Facebook for Participating in Anti-Macedonian Hate

        Македонската верзија е подолу (Macedonian version is below)

        (January 22, 2018) - Instead of ignoring anti-Macedonian hate as per its previous policy, Facebook is now actively engaging in it. Nik Petrovski, a Macedonian from Sydney, Australia, recently created a Facebook frame (see below) at in defence of the constant bombardment by Greeks against our Macedonian ethnicity. Facebook issued a 3-day ban to Mr. Petrovski for "violating community standards". How is it possible that defending one's most basic of human rights, self-determination, goes against Facebook standards?

        See MHRMI's press release of June 24, 2016 in which we call for Facebook to not permit hateful anti-Macedonian posts by Greeks, Bulgarians and Albanians. Facebook's response was that this hatred does "NOT violate community standards".

        Greece began claiming the name Macedonia in 1988 and its former Prime Minister, Constantine Mitsotakis, has even admitted to creating the artificial name dispute as a way to deny the existence of its large Macedonian minority and to cover up the vast human rights abuses against it. Greece's cultural misappropriation of Macedonia cannot be rewarded. It cannot be used as an excuse to persecute an entire ethnic group. The United Nations, European Court of Human Rights, US State Department and countless human rights organizations have all condemned Greece for its systematic persecution of Macedonians and have demanded that Greece immediately recognize its Macedonian minority and provide them the rights that they are guaranteed as per every international human rights convention.

        Macedonian Human Rights Movement International expects and demands an immediate apology and policy change from Facebook. We call on Macedonians worldwide to join us. Contact and publicly call out Facebook and demand immediate action. Use the hashtags #OurNameIsMacedonia, #WeAreMacedonia and tag @mhrmi. Our Name Is Macedonia. Demand respect. All Macedonians are united in its defence. Join the Our Name Is Macedonia campaign and our call to end the anti-Macedonian name negotiations. Defend our right to exist as who we've always been - Macedonians.

        Log into Facebook to start sharing and connecting with your friends, family, and people you know.

        --- Macedonian Human Rights Movement International (MHRMI) has been active on human and national rights issues for Macedonians and other oppressed peoples since 1986. For more information: 1-416-850-7125,,,,,,

        ММДЧП бара извинување од Фејсбук за учество во ширењето на антимакедонска омраза

        Наместо да ја игнорира антимакедонската омраза, следејќи ја досегашната пракса, Фејсбук сега активно се вклучи во неа. Ник Петровски, Македонец од Сиднеј, Австралија, неодамна креираше рамка во одбрана на постојаните напади на Грците врз македонскиот етникум. Фејсбук реагираше со тридневна забрана за г-дин Петровски заради „кршење на нивните стандарди". Како е можно одбраната на едно од најосновните човекови права, самоопределувањето, да е против стандардите на Фејсбук?

        Погледнете го соопштението за јавност на ММДЧП во кое во 2016 година баравме од Фејсбук да не дозволи ширење на антимакедонска омраза од страна на Грци, Бугари и Албанци. Одговорот на Фејсбук беше дека таквата омраза "НЕ ги крши нивните стандарди".

        Грција почна да се бори за името Македонија во 1988 година, признавајќи дека создава вештачки спор за името како начин да не го признае постоењето на неговото големо македонско малцинство и да се прикрие огромните злоупотреби на човековите права против истото. Културното отуѓување не може да биде наградено и не може да се користи како изговор за прогоннување на една цела етничка група. Обединетите Нации, Европскиот Суд за Човекови Права, американскиот Стејт Департмент и уште безброј други организации за човекови права ја осудија Грција за нејзиното систематско прогонување на Македонците и побараа од неа веднаш да го признае своето македонско малцинство и да им ги обезбеди правата што им се гарантирани со секоја меѓународна конвенција за човекови права.

        Од Фејсбук очекуваме итно извинување и промена на нејзината политика. Ги повикуваме Македонците во светот да ни се придружат. Поажлете се до Фејсбук и побарајте неодложна интервенција. Користете ги хаш-таговите #НашетоИмеЕМакедонија, #НиеСмеМакедонија и тагот @mhrmi. Сите Македонци се обединети во својата одбрана. Приклучете се во кампањата на ММДЧП, „Нашето име е Македонија“ и поддржете го нашето барање за прекин на антимакедонските преговори за името. Да го одбраниме нашето право да бидеме она што отсекогаш сме биле – Македонци.

        --- Македонското меѓународно движење за човекови права (ММДЧП) активно работи на полето на човекови и национални права на Македонците и другите обесправени народи од своето основање во 1986 година. За повеќе информации: 1-416-850-7125,,,,,,


        • MHRMI
          • Dec 2009
          • 132

          MHRMI Suing Govts of Macedonia & Greece for Their Part in Changing Macedonia's Name

          MHRMI Suing the Governments of Macedonia and Greece for Their Part in Changing Macedonia's Name

          In defence of Macedonia's name and our Macedonian ethnic origin and identity, Macedonian Human Rights Movement International is initiating lawsuits against Zoran Zaev, Nikola Dimitrov, the government of the Republic of Macedonia, Alexis Tsipras, Nikos Kotzias, the government of the Republic of Greece, and other individuals directly involved with the name negotiations.

          MHRMI is demanding an immediate, court-ordered end to the illegal and unconstitutional name negotiations and is suing for damages from all of the named parties on behalf of Macedonians worldwide for the blatant contravention of all United Nations and international human rights conventions.

          The illegal imposition of new membership conditions placed on Macedonia by the United Nations violates Article 4 of the UN Charter and violates Articles 2 and 15 of the Universal Declaration of Human Rights.

          The negotiation and proposed changing of Macedonia's name, identity, language, history and ethnic origin, have set back human rights successes by Macedonians decades and fly in the face of all basic human rights standards that the named defendants are obligated to uphold.

          The negative emotional impact that Macedonians are suffering having to watch their ethnic identity being negotiated away by the named parties — who are obliged to uphold basic human rights standards — is immeasurable. Watching the frightening, racially-charged protests in Greece, demanding the eradication of Macedonia and our Macedonian ethnicity, has scared many Macedonians into being afraid to publicly declare their Macedonian identity.

          Further, the fact that the named parties are actively participating in the removal of an entire ethnic group's identity is causing severe emotional distress and invokes memories of the severe human rights abuses — based solely on their Macedonian ethnic origin — that these individuals have already endured.

          Therefore, MHRMI has no alternative but to use the courts of law to sue for damages and to seek the immediate end of the UN-sponsored anti-Macedonian name negotiations.

          --- Macedonian Human Rights Movement International (MHRMI) has been active on human and national rights issues for Macedonians and other oppressed peoples since 1986. For more information: 1-416-850-7125,,,,, #OurNameIsMacedonia


          • Vangelovski
            Senior Member
            • Sep 2008
            • 8533

            Which court will you sue them in?
            If my people who are called by my name will humble themselves and pray and seek my face and turn from their wicked ways, I will hear from heaven and will forgive their sins and restore their land. 2 Chronicles 7:14

            The Revolution was in the minds and hearts of the people; a change in their religious sentiments, of their duties and obligations...This radical change in the principles, opinions, sentiments, and affections of the people was the real American Revolution. John Adams


            • mklion
              • Jun 2014
              • 100

              Thank you!!!!


              • MHRMI
                • Dec 2009
                • 132

                MHRMI Meets w/ US Congressional Macedonia Caucus Member - Calls for US to Denounce...

                MHRMI Meets with US Congressional Macedonia Caucus Member - Calls for US to Denounce Anti-Macedonian Name Negotiations

                (Merrillville, Indiana - March 14, 2018) -- Macedonian Human Rights Movement International member, Susie Talevski, met with Member of Congress, Peter Visclosky, of the Congressional Macedonia Caucus, to discuss the crisis surrounding Macedonia's name and the blatant attacks against Macedonia's right to self-determination.

                While Ms. Talevski thanked Mr. Visclosky and the Macedonia Caucus for its support of Macedonia, she pointed out that it is, in fact, US foreign policy that has undermined Macedonia's independence and most basic of human rights by demanding that Macedonia change its name. This irresponsible, and racist, US policy has ultimately led to immense pressure on Macedonia to change the name of its language and history, and Macedonians' ethnic origin and identity. These actions are all blatant violations of the UN Universal Declaration of Human Rights, every international human rights convention and the rule of law and democracy that the United States claims to uphold.

                Further, it is highly irresponsible for the Macedonia Caucus (see their letter to the Secretary of State here) to deflect criticism of the United States' own foreign-interventionist policy by claiming that "Russian meddling" is creating instability in the Balkans. In 2017, several Members of Congress initiated a Congressional investigation into US State Department and US Embassy in Macedonia meddling in Macedonia's recent parliamentary election. Judicial Watch has also launched a lawsuit to this end. Ms. Talevski called for the immediate resolution of the Congressional investigation and full disclosure of its findings.

                Moreover, Ms. Talevski pointed out that one only need to look at public statements by US officials - the calls for Macedonia to change its name to appease our oppressors - to see the full extent that US foreign policy has in undermining the existence of an entire country and ethnic group. She called on the United States to immediately reverse its Macedonia policy and to fully support Macedonia's name by immediately denouncing the anti-Macedonian name negotiations as per the Our Name Is Macedonia campaign. The US has the power to end this nonsensical "dispute" and must do it now.

                --- Macedonian Human Rights Movement International (MHRMI) has been active on human and national rights issues for Macedonians and other oppressed peoples since 1986. For more information: 1-416-850-7125,,,,,, #OurNameIsMacedonia


                • MHRMI
                  • Dec 2009
                  • 132

                  Macedonians in Bulgaria Join MHRMI’s Our Name Is Macedonia Campaign...

                  Macedonians in Bulgaria Have Joined MHRMI’s Our Name Is Macedonia Campaign and are Demanding an Immediate End to the Anti-Macedonian Name Negotiations

                  The latest Our Name Is Macedonia billboards contain a message to Macedonians in the Republic of Macedonia from oppressed Macedonians in Pirin Macedonia saying - “Do not take away our name and identity”.

                  "We are struggling to attain our basic human rights and recognition as who we are – Macedonians. Bulgaria does not recognize our existence and persecutes us based solely on our Macedonian ethnic origin. If the Republic of Macedonia changes its name, it will change the name and identity of Macedonians throughout the whole world. As is the case with the anti-Macedonian “Friendship Agreement”, this step will only assist Bulgaria in attaining its goal of wiping out the existence of Macedonians”, stated Gjorgi Hristov, Editor-in-Chief of the Macedonian newspaper in Bulgaria “Narodna Volja”.

                  "Even if we forget the simple fact that neither Greece nor any one else has any right to demand a change of name for the Republic of Macedonia, the “negotiations” have clearly shown that what Greece really wants is to change the Macedonian identity. Both Greece and Bulgaria, through their highest representatives, have unambiguously stated that Macedonia (if it changes its name) may enter European institutions, but not “Macedonianism”, a concept they use to label Macedonian identity. However, our name and identity cannot be negotiated", stated Ivan Singartiski, Co-Chairman of OMO Ilinden Pirin.

                  Over the past two decades, the United Nations, US State Department, European Court of Human Rights, European Commission Against Racism and Intolerance and Human Rights Watch, among others, have concluded that Greece and Bulgaria have consistently violated the rights of the Macedonians in those countries and have demanded that Greece and Bulgaria immediately recognize their Macedonian minorities.

                  This support occurred because Macedonians in the neighbouring countries, with the assistance of MHRMI, are defending their right to exist and have appealed to the international community to defend their basic human rights, in accordance with all universally accepted and ratified conventions on human rights.

                  Stojan Gerasimov , President of the Association of Repressed Macedonians in Bulgaria, who himself spent five years in jail because of his Macedonian identity has made the following appeal:

                  “Macedonians in the Republic of Macedonia - you have to fight in the same way that we are fighting. End the name negotiations and the world will support you for doing so. Defend yourselves and you will be defended. Our Name Is Macedonia. Demand respect for it and you will get it."

                  See the billboard here:

                  --- Macedonian Human Rights Movement International (MHRMI) has been active on human and national rights issues for Macedonians and other oppressed peoples since 1986. For more information: 1-416-850-7125,,,,,, #OurNameIsMacedonia


                  • Liberator of Makedonija
                    Senior Member
                    • Apr 2014
                    • 1597

                    Great stuff
                    I know of two tragic histories in the world- that of Ireland, and that of Macedonia. Both of them have been deprived and tormented.


                    • Stojacanec
                      • Dec 2009
                      • 809

                      I hope this is loud and clear to Zaev and Co.


                      • Solun
                        • Sep 2012
                        • 166

                        Originally posted by Stojacanec View Post
                        I hope this is loud and clear to Zaev and Co.
                        Joke of the day?


                        • MHRMI
                          • Dec 2009
                          • 132

                          Oxford Professor Joins MHRMI's Call to End the Anti-Macedonian Name Negotiations

                          Oxford Professor Joins MHRMI's Call to End the Anti-Macedonian Name Negotiations

                          Time to End the ‘Name’ Negotiations with Athens
                          by Professor James Pettifer - A personal view

                          In a speech on April 15th, 2018, as reported in the Athens newspaper ‘Kathimerini’, NATO Secretary General Jens Stoltenberg called on Greece and Turkey to improve their relations and also stated that their current difficulties which have led to a military fatality last week are not a matter for NATO. At first sight this is a reasonable point of view, from a distinguished international figure and is a view that should be respected. But it is also bound to raise the issue in people’s minds, ’What is NATO actually for’ when two NATO members in the eastern Mediterranean region may be edging towards a wider conflict, in the view of many observers. It is against this background that the hapless Macedonian and Greek Foreign Ministers are continuing their weary rigmarole of staged meetings, where all that is on the table are a series of name possibilities, most of which have been around for ten years of more, and all of which offend major opinion constituencies in both countries.

                          If tensions were lower in the region, perhaps all this would not matter very much. Diplomats are the talkers of the international world and they need to find something to discuss. But the name issue is not that at the moment. The link to possible NATO membership is presented as a panacea to the Macedonian public, where everyone with detailed knowledge of the situation on the ground sees that this is not the case. The country has been close to NATO for many years. Personally I remember interviewing the late President Kiro Gligorov back in 1994 when the Kosovo crisis was developing and I asked him what his policy would be if it worsened and refugee flows began in a future crisis. He replied that in the end Macedonia would have little option but to cooperate with NATO, and it did so, to the great credit of the people, with huge camps being opened at places like Cegrane to accommodate those fleeing war.

                          In the post-conflict period, the country has also had a good relationship with NATO, particularly by contributing infantry to international coalitions. So NATO has little to complain about in terms of the Macedonian contribution to the war against terrorism and international security. Policies of this kind can surely carry on under any future Macedonian government if that is what the people wish. The intense pressure being applied to the elite in Macedonia to change the name to secure full EU and NATO membership is not only morally bankrupt but also destabilising in terms of regional relationships.

                          The back ground to the NATO and EU pressure is also unpleasant in other ways. The two countries are being treated like adolescents, by the ‘grown ups’ that belong to the EU and NATO when in fact a good deal has been done quietly, bilaterally, to improve relations. People from the Republic of Macedonia travel on vacation to Greece and do business without difficulty, people from Greece are visiting centres like Ohrid and have a pleasant time and are made welcome. There are, however, significant human rights issues relating to the use of the Macedonian language, and cultural politics in northern Greece, and these must be dealt with. Remember that the European Court of Human Rights, European Commission Against Racism and Intolerance, and the United Nations itself, have repeatedly demanded that Greece (and Bulgaria) immediately recognize their large Macedonian minorities - as Macedonians - and end the persecution of them. Basic recognition of an ethnic group's basic human rights is an obvious way to improve relations, not worsen them as Greece and Bulgaria claim.

                          I started to travel and study in Macedonia and the region over thirty years ago, after making my first visit to Skopje in 1968 as an Oxford student to help with post-earthquake reconstruction work. I remember the fallen churches and minarets across the streets lying as piles of rubble as if it was yesterday.

                          Over those many years the governments in Macedonia have a good deal to be proud of, and many recent achievements have been forgotten by the ever-scheming international elite diplomats of the West and their spin doctors. For instance, the government of Gruevski and VMRO-DPMNE navigated the international banking crisis far better than Greece did, with a prudent policy that certainly negatively affected living standards but also brought stability. A strong central government was necessary to do this. That fact has been completely elided from current discussions. There are other injustices. The Berlin pressure to take thousands of economic migrants is particularly unjust given that German policy caused the migration crisis in the first place.

                          How should the ending of the talks be achieved? Macedonian governments hear more than enough from non-Macedonians about what should be done, particularly from international figures whose real loyalties may lie elsewhere. I am reluctant to comment but it seems to me the best way is, as a sovereign and free nation, that the Republic of Macedonia end the name negotiations because there is never a right time to resolve an issue in which one country/ethnic group does not recognize the other's right to exist. This is a point made by Macedonian Human Rights Movement International's Our Name Is Macedonia campaign.

                          Macedonia and Greece, instead, can continue the steady ongoing process of improving relations, on a case by case basis. Also, in my opinion, given the unfortunate background of foreign interference in Macedonia, a central factor in the current crisis, the government should not be slow to declare people persona non grata and remove their diplomatic or other visas if they can be shown to have been acting contrary to the interests of the country. If there are people within the upper reaches of the current government who would also fall into that category, well, that is an issue for the Macedonian people, not foreigners, to decide how to act.

                          Professor James Pettifer is the author of eleven books on the post-Ottoman Balkans and teaches at Oxford University, UK


                          • Soldier of Macedon
                            Senior Member
                            • Sep 2008
                            • 13675

                            Originally posted by MHRMI View Post
                            Oxford Professor Joins MHRMI's Call to End the Anti-Macedonian Name Negotiations

                            Time to End the ‘Name’ Negotiations with Athens
                            by Professor James Pettifer - A personal view

                            In a speech on April 15th, 2018, as reported in the Athens newspaper ‘Kathimerini’, NATO Secretary General Jens Stoltenberg called on Greece and Turkey to improve their relations and also stated that their current difficulties which have led to a military fatality last week are not a matter for NATO. At first sight this is a reasonable point of view, from a distinguished international figure and is a view that should be respected. But it is also bound to raise the issue in people’s minds, ’What is NATO actually for’ when two NATO members in the eastern Mediterranean region may be edging towards a wider conflict, in the view of many observers. It is against this background that the hapless Macedonian and Greek Foreign Ministers are continuing their weary rigmarole of staged meetings, where all that is on the table are a series of name possibilities, most of which have been around for ten years of more, and all of which offend major opinion constituencies in both countries.

                            If tensions were lower in the region, perhaps all this would not matter very much. Diplomats are the talkers of the international world and they need to find something to discuss. But the name issue is not that at the moment. The link to possible NATO membership is presented as a panacea to the Macedonian public, where everyone with detailed knowledge of the situation on the ground sees that this is not the case. The country has been close to NATO for many years. Personally I remember interviewing the late President Kiro Gligorov back in 1994 when the Kosovo crisis was developing and I asked him what his policy would be if it worsened and refugee flows began in a future crisis. He replied that in the end Macedonia would have little option but to cooperate with NATO, and it did so, to the great credit of the people, with huge camps being opened at places like Cegrane to accommodate those fleeing war.

                            In the post-conflict period, the country has also had a good relationship with NATO, particularly by contributing infantry to international coalitions. So NATO has little to complain about in terms of the Macedonian contribution to the war against terrorism and international security. Policies of this kind can surely carry on under any future Macedonian government if that is what the people wish. The intense pressure being applied to the elite in Macedonia to change the name to secure full EU and NATO membership is not only morally bankrupt but also destabilising in terms of regional relationships.

                            The back ground to the NATO and EU pressure is also unpleasant in other ways. The two countries are being treated like adolescents, by the ‘grown ups’ that belong to the EU and NATO when in fact a good deal has been done quietly, bilaterally, to improve relations. People from the Republic of Macedonia travel on vacation to Greece and do business without difficulty, people from Greece are visiting centres like Ohrid and have a pleasant time and are made welcome. There are, however, significant human rights issues relating to the use of the Macedonian language, and cultural politics in northern Greece, and these must be dealt with. Remember that the European Court of Human Rights, European Commission Against Racism and Intolerance, and the United Nations itself, have repeatedly demanded that Greece (and Bulgaria) immediately recognize their large Macedonian minorities - as Macedonians - and end the persecution of them. Basic recognition of an ethnic group's basic human rights is an obvious way to improve relations, not worsen them as Greece and Bulgaria claim.

                            I started to travel and study in Macedonia and the region over thirty years ago, after making my first visit to Skopje in 1968 as an Oxford student to help with post-earthquake reconstruction work. I remember the fallen churches and minarets across the streets lying as piles of rubble as if it was yesterday.

                            Over those many years the governments in Macedonia have a good deal to be proud of, and many recent achievements have been forgotten by the ever-scheming international elite diplomats of the West and their spin doctors. For instance, the government of Gruevski and VMRO-DPMNE navigated the international banking crisis far better than Greece did, with a prudent policy that certainly negatively affected living standards but also brought stability. A strong central government was necessary to do this. That fact has been completely elided from current discussions. There are other injustices. The Berlin pressure to take thousands of economic migrants is particularly unjust given that German policy caused the migration crisis in the first place.

                            How should the ending of the talks be achieved? Macedonian governments hear more than enough from non-Macedonians about what should be done, particularly from international figures whose real loyalties may lie elsewhere. I am reluctant to comment but it seems to me the best way is, as a sovereign and free nation, that the Republic of Macedonia end the name negotiations because there is never a right time to resolve an issue in which one country/ethnic group does not recognize the other's right to exist. This is a point made by Macedonian Human Rights Movement International's Our Name Is Macedonia campaign.

                            Macedonia and Greece, instead, can continue the steady ongoing process of improving relations, on a case by case basis. Also, in my opinion, given the unfortunate background of foreign interference in Macedonia, a central factor in the current crisis, the government should not be slow to declare people persona non grata and remove their diplomatic or other visas if they can be shown to have been acting contrary to the interests of the country. If there are people within the upper reaches of the current government who would also fall into that category, well, that is an issue for the Macedonian people, not foreigners, to decide how to act.

                            Professor James Pettifer is the author of eleven books on the post-Ottoman Balkans and teaches at Oxford University, UK
                            Great article.
                            In the name of the blood and the sun, the dagger and the gun, Christ protect this soldier, a lion and a Macedonian.


                            • MHRMI
                              • Dec 2009
                              • 132

                              MHRMI Launches Campaign for the Immediate Arrest of Zoran Zaev

                              MHRMI Launches Campaign for the Immediate Arrest of Illegitimate Macedonian “Prime Minister” Zoran Zaev

                              Macedonian Human Rights Movement International has launched its latest Our Name Is Macedonia campaign, demanding the immediate arrest of illegitimate, US-installed Macedonian “Prime Minister” Zoran Zaev and others, for violating Macedonia's Constitution, contravening Parliamentary rules, and breaking Macedonian law. All of this in his treasonous attempts at changing the Republic of Macedonia's name to “North Macedonia” and, despite his denials, the identity of all Macedonians – in the Republic of Macedonia, neighbouring countries and throughout the world - to “Northern Macedonian”.

                              Billboards, flyers and posters have gone up ( – and will continue to go up - throughout the Republic of Macedonia until Zaev et al face justice and any name change or negotiation of Macedonia's name has permanently ended.

                              MHRMI calls on all Macedonians to:
                              • join our demand for the immediate arrest of Zoran Zaev and other traitorous government officials;
                              • demand the immediate and unconditional release of all political prisoners incarcerated by Zaev;
                              • support the Boycott Referendum campaign (and to prevent the illegal referendum from occurring);
                              • demand an end to mass Western foreign interference aimed at forcing a name change, such as the "Now or Never" threats by US and EU officials;
                              • demand that the international community respect the Republic of Macedonia's basic right to self-determination and to respect international law and human rights conventions designed to protect it;
                              • demand that the international media stop portraying the cultural genocide of Macedonians as a "victory" and to support Macedonia and Macedonians as they do any other ethnic group.

                              MHRMI specifically calls on President Ivanov, using his power as head of state, to:
                              • order the immediate arrest of Zoran Zaev, Nikola Dimitrov, Talat Xhaferi, and others who have broken the law and committed treason, despite Zaev's signed agreement with President Ivanov "assuring" his defence of Macedonia;
                              • end any discussion on changing Macedonia's name because it is in clear violation of Macedonia's constitution and Macedonian law;
                              • immediately withdraw from the 1995 Interim Accord because, not only is it anti-Macedonian, it is null and void because Greece violated its terms in 2008;
                              • demand that the United Nations immediately stop violating its own rules and accept the Republic of Macedonia under its proper name;
                              • call on other countries to demand an end to the undemocratic and racist name change/negotiations and use their power, including Turkey's veto power in NATO and Russia's veto power in the UN, to preemptively stop any discussion about changing Macedonia's name.

                              Use the hashtags #ArrestZaev, #OurNameIsMacedonia and #Boycott in English and #АпсетеГоЗаев, #НашетоИмеЕМакедонија and #Бојкотирам/#Bojkotiram in Macedonian.

                              Macedonians cannot allow treason, foreign interventionism and illegal acts to prevail. Our Name Is Macedonia. Defend it and the world will defend you.

                              --- Macedonian Human Rights Movement International (MHRMI) has been active on human and national rights issues for Macedonians and other oppressed peoples since 1986. For more information: 1-416-850-7125,,,,,, #OurNameIsMacedonia


                              • Liberator of Makedonija
                                Senior Member
                                • Apr 2014
                                • 1597

                                Wow quite bold but you have my respect none the less
                                I know of two tragic histories in the world- that of Ireland, and that of Macedonia. Both of them have been deprived and tormented.

