Macedonian Human Rights Movement International (MHRMI)

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  • vicsinad
    Senior Member
    • May 2011
    • 2337

    I posted the below to the Macedonian Media Monitor Yahoo group and I don't know if it went through. But it's my response to Bill's and MHRMI statement. I am disappointed and troubled by the press release for two main reasons: 1) focusing too much blame on the US, as well as the tone used to do so; and 2) sidestepping much of the Macedonian peoples' responsibility, as well as the culpability of government officials and institutions, for the current state of affairs.

    The US certainly meddles in Macedonia's and other countries' business.

    But a good exercise in thought would be: Take US out of the picture, where would Macedonia and Macedonians be? Probably in a similar pile of crap as they're in right now. It might look and smell differently, but make no doubt about it: Macedonians have done, and are doing this, to themselves. The US is just taking advantage -- as they do many places -- of the Macedonians' unfair sense of justice; inability to organize; weak, corrupt and hypocritical government officials; and a passive, as well as apathetic and ignorant, majority populace.

    Don't worry, the US political/economic machine does the same thing to its own citizens, who are no smarter or dumber than Macedonia's citizens. They're just better at knowing what they want and organizing how to get it.

    If US or the EU were not in the picture, I'm sure Macedonians would end up attributing responsibility to everyone else but themselves.

    The US has it's share of problems and the biggest being how it conducts itself around the world and the corporate influence in politics and government. I am a staunch believer that the US needs reforms in many aspects of society. Their foreign policy is heartless; federal government officials and corporate heads are one and the same; people are addicted to consumerism; and social-justice issues still need to be addressed. But if Macedonia could even come close to imitating the US on environmental standards or its justice system (since you alluded to both of those), Macedonia would be a pleasant country. The US is plagued with issues, but not more or less than most other countries. We just have a bigger economy and military.

    Yet, to compare the United States and its 330+ million people to the Nazi regime just to justify why Macedonians can't possibly have royally screwed things up on their own is completely unnecessary and alienating. It's over the top. This incomplete picture of the US and her people is not fair and not accurate, and really avoids the heart of the problem by using the US as a scapegoat.

    But I shouldn't be surprised. Going through all of MHRMI's press releases, it seems like you're so worried about human rights issues for the Macedonians, but yet barely is a criticism of Macedonia's ruling institutions or leaders for violating its own citizens' rights to be found in your statements. When not holding Greece and Bulgaria accountable, it's back to blaming the US and the EU.

    This statement has left a bad taste in my mouth for your organization.


    • Momce Makedonce
      • Jul 2012
      • 562

      Originally posted by Gocka View Post
      Macedonians for too long have suffered with an inferiority complex. They seem to give in amid even the slightest pressure, sometimes even under no pressure at all. Macedonians are way to willing to appease, many times at their own expense. I see it not only on the political/international stage but even in everyday life. Macedonians in general seem to always believe in compromise, which seems like a good thing, but not when your are being faced with unfair demands. Very seldom do I see a Macedonian in my everyday life put their foot down and say, "this is what I want and I will take nothing less", no, they always seem to want to make it work somehow. Americans on the other hand or the masters at making demands and not budging. Americans are born and raised to think for themselves and not be ashamed of it. Its a cultural flaw in Macedonians, that everything is negotiable, morals, identity, history.

      I think Macedonians are genuinely ashamed of the way their history has played out, somehow this self loathing manifests itself in an inferiority complex. When is the last time you have seen Macedonians genuinely and in a unified fashion, being proud of themselves and their country? Has anyone noticed we are some of the most pessimistic people on the planet? There is something inherently pessimistic about Macedonians. They have no belief in each other, their country, their politicians, themselves, this all plays a role in deferring to others all the time.

      I think before we see actual change in Macedonia, in politics, and in laws, and democracy, before any of that can change, Macedonians just need something to be proud of. Something as silly as an athlete, or athletic team, some type of victory whether moral or actual. For too long Macedonians have only experienced negativity and at some point they have given up on trying to ever become anything in life, either as an individual or as a nation.

      The average American tells himself and his neighbors that America is the greatest country every in the history of the world, what does the average Macedonian say? I'll tell you what they say, "da ti se pluknam vo drzavata". This is very simplistic observation, but I think very meaningful.
      I think you`re absolutely right Gocka. Macedonians in the Republic and the diaspora suffer from a similar inferiority complex in my opinion.

      I can think of the example here in Australia where we have nightclub type events and igranki organised for younger people. Even though these events are usually always run by Macedonians and majority of the turnout is Macedonian, they are still portrayed to be "Balkan events" and this whole concept of "bringing the Balkan community together". Comparatively pretty much all the other big ethnic groups from that part of the world here in Australia have their own events, focused on their own music, culture and traditions. It seems as though when it comes to Macedonians this is not the case. It`s almost as if they`re too afraid to make it an exclusively Macedonian event and take pride in their own culture and music. Instead they feel obliged to cater and appease the rest.

      There are obviously more important and pressing issues when it comes to Macedonians and the Macedonian identity, but I suppose it showcases the kind of mentality that plagues many of our people.
      "The moral revolution - the revolution of the mind, heart and soul of an enslaved people, is our greatest task." Goce Delcev


      • MHRMI
        • Dec 2009
        • 132

        MHRMI Appeals for Calm, and Common Sense, in the Republic of Macedonia

        MHRMI Appeals for Calm, and Common Sense, in the Republic of Macedonia

        June 22, 2016 - Macedonian Human Rights Movement International

        Македонската верзија е подолу (Macedonian version is below)

        Since declaring independence in 1991, Macedonia has had to endure a countless number of obstacles just to ensure its survival. The Greek embargo, Albanian unrest, the fight for our very name and identity, among many others. But nobody expected a wiretapping scandal to tear our country apart. MHRMI will not get involved or comment on which party did what, and which politicians are more corrupt. A mature democracy (not necessarily a Western democracy) will have peaceful protests, and decide the fate of politicians at election time. Now is the time for each party to focus on what they plan on doing for Macedonia, and avoid American-style attacks on their opponents. See our op-ed “Macedonia, Cut Your American Puppet-Master’s Strings”

        Macedonian citizens must refrain from blind support of a chosen political party, and avoid displaying such an elevated level of partisanship, that they’ll vehemently and sometimes violently, defend the party no matter what it has done. Vote on the issues, and force your politicians to act in your, and your country’s best interests.

        MHRMI has met with every Macedonian government since independence and, in addition to calling for help for Macedonians struggling to achieve their basic human rights in Greece, Bulgaria and Albania, we have demanded action on the one constant problem – outside interference in Macedonia, especially when it comes to the artificially created and nonsensical UN sponsored name negotiations. There is no argument that makes sense in having started, and continuing the so-called name dispute for over two decades. Greece claims that Macedonia’s name “creates confusion with the province of Macedonia”. Then use the term Republic of Macedonia for the country. Case closed. Look at MHRMI’s crucial, and successful, Our Name is Macedonia campaign for how we gain awareness for this issue and defend and advocate for Macedonia’s real name. We want this campaign to end when the name negotiations are ended. Not when our country falls apart because of political games.

        Macedonia, this inferiority complex must end. Be forceful when asserting the truth. It is Greece that is trying to steal Macedonia's name and history, not the other way around. The world knows that Macedonia was partitioned among Greece, Bulgaria, Serbia, and later, Albania. Our name has existed for thousands of years, Greece is a Western creation. Greece has admitted the reason that it created the name dispute, to eradicate Macedonia's existence. And don’t look to the corrupt UN, EU, USA, and NATO for guidance and acceptance. Macedonia is independent for a reason. Run your own country as you see fit. Apply this policy to the ludicrous name dispute as well and remember it when you see the "F.Y.R. Macedonia" entry in Eurovision. Remember it when you watch Macedonian athletes walking in behind the letter “F” in Olympic opening ceremonies. Macedonian athletes, you must refuse to walk in behind any letter except M and show your politicians how to stand up for the country that they claim to represent.

        Macedonia’s lack of action on the name issue has signalled to the world that we are willing to be controlled. And look where it has gotten us. The issue is simple. Macedonians know what’s best for their country, Americans, Germans and French do not. Foreign governments will act in their self-interest first, and generally, exclusively. Macedonians, make your voices heard, peacefully, call for an election and vote. Macedonian political parties take note, end the name negotiations now and gain a tremendous amount of respect amongst the electorate and internationally. And end the threat that a Macedonian politician or political party will be bribed by Greece or the United States in order to change our name. Macedonians, start the Common Sense Revolution.


        Macedonian Human Rights Movement International (MHRMI) has been active on human and national rights issues for Macedonians and other oppressed peoples since 1986. For more information:,,, [email protected], 1-416-850-7125.

        ММДЧП повикува на смиреност и здрав разум во Република Македонија

        22 јуни, 2016

        Од 1991 година и прогласувањето на независност, Македонија мораше да издржи безброј препреки само за да го осигура својот опстанок. Покрај многуте други работи, да се потсетиме и на грчкото ембарго, албанските немири и тешката борба за нашето име и идентитет. Но никој не очекува скандалот со прислушувањето да ја уништи државата. ММДЧП нема да си дозволи да се вклучува во дебати или да коментира која партија што направила и кои политичари биле повеќе корумпирани. Една зрела демократија (не мора да е „западна демократија“) би имала мирни протести и за судбината на политичарите би одлучувала на избори. Сега е моментот кога секоја партија треба да се фокусира на тоа што би можеле да направат за Македонија и да го избегнуваат американскиот стил на напад на своите политички противници. Прочитајте ја нашата колумна: Македонијо, скини ги конците од рацете на американскиот „господар на марионети“.

        Македонските граѓани не смеат да даваат слепа и безрезервна поддршка на партијата на која што се симпатизери и треба да го избегнуваат високото ниво на партизираност проследена со жестоко, а понекогаш и насилно бранење на партијата не водејќи сметка што партијата направила. Со објективен пристап кон проблемите, принудете ги вашите политичари да го прават тоа што е најдобро за вас и за вашата држава.

        ММДЧП оствари средба со секоја влада од осамостојувањето и во прилог на повиците за помош за Македонците кои што се борат да ги обезбедат основните човекови права во Грција, Бугарија и Албанија, истовремено бараа и фокусирање на уште еден константен проблем – мешањето на меѓународната заедница во Македонија. Особено кога станува збор за вештачки создадените и бесмислени преговори за името, под спонзорство на Обединетите Нации. Ниту еден аргумент не оди во прилог на потребата да започнат и да траат повеќе од две децении преговори за некаков т.н. спор за името. Грција тврди дека името на Македонија „создава забуна со провинцијата Македонија во Грција". Па тогаш за државата користете го терминот Република Македонија. Проблемот е решен. Погледнете ја клучната и успешна кампања на ММДЧП, Нашето име е Македонија, со која што ја кренавме свеста за потребата да се брани вистинскот име на Македонија. Би сакале оваа кампања да заврши со прекин на преговорите за името, а не кога државата ќе се распадне заради политички игри.

        Македонија мора да се излечи од комплексот на пониска вредност. Чувствувај се силен кога вистината е на твоја страна. Грција е таа што се обидува да ги украде македонското име и историја, а не обратно. Светот знае дека Македонија беше поделена меѓу Грција, Бугарија и Србија, а подоцна и Албанија. Нашето име постои веќе илјадници години; Грција е ‘западна’ креација. Грција во еден момент и призна дека причината поради која што го создаде проблемот со името, е всушност искоренување на постоењето на Македонија. И не се осврнувај на корумпираните ООН, ЕУ, САД и НАТО чекајќи сугестии и инструкции. Има причина зошто Македонија е независна држава. Води ја својата држава онака како што ти сметаш дека е најдобро за неа. Имај го ова на ум кога водиш ‘смешни’ преговори за името и потсети се кога Македонија на Евровизија ќе биде претставена како "F.Y.R. Macedonia". Потсети се и кога на свечените отворања на олимпијадите ќе ги видиш македонските спортисти како маршираат позади буквата „Ф“. Македонски спортисти, вие сте тие што морате да одбиете чекорење позади било која буква освен „М“ и да им покажете на вашите политичари како треба да ја бранат земјата која што тие ја претставуваат.

        Со отсуство на реакции од страна на Македонија, кога ќе се појави проблем со користење на името, само му даваме сигнали на светот дека ние прифаќаме да бидеме контролирани. И гледате каде сето тоа не’ доведе. Проблемот е едноставен. Македонците се тие што знаат што е најдобро за нивната земја, а не Американците, Германците, или Французите. Другите држави ќе го прават она што е во нивен интерес. Македонци, нека се слушне вашиот глас. На мирен начин, побарајте избори. Политички партии, ставете веднаш крај на преговорите за името и со тоа ќе добиете огромна почит кај електоратот и кај меѓународната заедница. И ставете крај на заканите дека македонските политичари и политички партии ќе бидат подмитени од страна на Грција или САД со цел да го сменат нашето име. Македонци, започнете со Револуција на здрав разум.


        Македонското меѓународно движење за човекови права (ММДЧП) активно работи на полето на човекови и национални права на Македонците и другите обесправени народи од своето основање во 1986 година. За повеќе информации:,,, [email protected], 1-416-850-7125.


        • Tomche Makedonche
          Senior Member
          • Oct 2011
          • 1123

          Originally posted by MHRMI View Post
          Macedonian citizens must refrain from blind support of a chosen political party, and avoid displaying such an elevated level of partisanship, that they’ll vehemently and sometimes violently, defend the party no matter what it has done. Vote on the issues, and force your politicians to act in your, and your country’s best interests.
          Blind Loyalty is equivalent to Complacent Slavery
          Last edited by Tomche Makedonche; 06-22-2016, 09:30 PM.
          “There’s a time when the operation of the machine becomes so odious, makes you so sick at heart, that you can’t take part, you can’t even passively take part, and you’ve got to put your bodies upon the gears and upon the wheels, upon the levers, upon all the apparatus and you’ve got to make it stop, and you’ve got to indicate to the people who run it, to the people who own it, that unless you’re free, the machine will be prevented from working at all” - Mario Savio


          • MHRMI
            • Dec 2009
            • 132

            Despite Complaints, Facebook Allows Anti-Macedonian Hate Speech on Macedonian Pages

            Despite Complaints, Facebook Allows Anti-Macedonian Hate Speech on Macedonian Pages

            June 24, 2016 - Macedonian Human Rights Movement International

            Facebook claims that anti-Macedonian hate speech “does not violate their Community Standards”. What kind of community with no standards does Facebook think we live in? This sounds a lot like the “freedom of speech” excuse for doing nothing about lesser-known examples of racism. Well, freedom of speech (and related excuses) do not include hate. The term “freedom of speech” should not be used in order to avoid being placed “in the middle” of a conflict. Saying that an ethnic group doesn’t exist and supporting various governments’ policies aimed at eradicating this ethnic group does not constitute “conflict”. It is hate speech. Facebook chooses to do nothing about it.

            Macedonians in Albania, Bulgaria, Greece and other Balkan countries face discrimination every day and are struggling to achieve their human rights. Even the name of the Republic of Macedonia is under attack. Macedonian Human Rights Movement International advocates for oppressed Macedonians and demands an end to this discrimination. Visiting our Facebook page, one should not have to see anti-Macedonian messages and relive the hate that these people face every day.

            MHRMI has asked Facebook to allow the removal of these messages and we have reported the people who posted them for violations, but to no avail. We’ve complained. Facebook is unmoved. Do we need to explain exactly how this is hate or compare it to more well-known examples of racism and xenophobia? No. That is not fair to Macedonians or the other ethnic groups that endure racism. Hate is hate. Facebook, change your policy now and issue an apology.

            Macedonians, and other oppressed ethnic groups, make your voices heard. Share this message and contact Facebook. Demand change.


            Macedonian Human Rights Movement International (MHRMI) has been active on human and national rights issues for Macedonians and other oppressed peoples since 1986. For more information:,,, [email protected], 1-416-850-7125.


            • Amphipolis
              • Aug 2014
              • 1328

              I admit I don't know anything about Facebook. So, if someone makes comments on YOUR page, you can't delete them or ban the author?

              Also, can you post an example of hate speech?


              • MHRMI
                • Dec 2009
                • 132

                There's an anti-Macedonian review on our page which is one of the first things that is visible, and Facebook won't allow us to remove it. There are messages from users that say "Macedonia is Greek" and we can't remove those either. Somebody posted a pic of an Albanian ripping up the Macedonian flag. We banned and reported him but he was not reprimanded by Facebook and neither were users who posted other hateful messages. The troubling part is that Facebook says that these do not violate their "Community Standards". Of course, as we said, if these were more well-known examples of racism, we wouldn't be having this discussion.


                • Philosopher
                  Senior Member
                  • Sep 2008
                  • 1003

                  Originally posted by MHRMI View Post
                  There's an anti-Macedonian review on our page which is one of the first things that is visible, and Facebook won't allow us to remove it. There are messages from users that say "Macedonia is Greek" and we can't remove those either. Somebody posted a pic of an Albanian ripping up the Macedonian flag. We banned and reported him but he was not reprimanded by Facebook and neither were users who posted other hateful messages. The troubling part is that Facebook says that these do not violate their "Community Standards". Of course, as we said, if these were more well-known examples of racism, we wouldn't be having this discussion.
                  Facebook is quite selective in determining racism, hate speech, and other forms of free speech, and this is true not only in regard to Macedonia. This is particularly pronounced in the political arena.

                  Saying (writing) all that, I think, ultimately, if it is not a private arena, there is no reason why speech should be restricted, even if you believe it is hate speech or racist in nature.


                  • MHRMI
                    • Dec 2009
                    • 132

                    MHRMI Calls on Macedonian Athletes to Refuse to Walk in Behind Letter “F” for “FYROM”

                    MHRMI Calls on Macedonian Athletes to Refuse to Walk in Behind Letter “F” for “FYROM” at Rio Olympics

                    Macedonian Human Rights Movement International - July 4, 2016

                    The IOC will follow the UN and USA’s directives and continue to violate the most basic of Macedonia’s rights, and that is the right to use our own name. Yet again, Macedonian athletes will be forced to walk in behind the letter “F” for “Former Yugoslav Republic of Macedonia” at the Rio Olympics opening ceremonies. Macedonia, itself, gives in to American scare-tactics and refuses to stand up for its own name.

                    So, Macedonian athletes, it’s up to you. Join the list of athletes who have taken a stand for common decency and human rights, and refuse to walk in behind the letter “F”. You’ve worked so hard to make it to this stage to represent your country, not a made-up one called “FYROM”. Walk in behind the letter M and tell the world that our name is, and has always been, Macedonia.

                    Macedonians, Olympic athletes from all countries, and others concerned about human rights, join MHRMI’s call for Macedonian athletes to refuse to walk in behind the letter “F”. Share our Action Alert on social media and use the contact information below. The Olympic charter claims that "The practice of sport is a human right." So is using your own country’s name. Our Name is Macedonia. Demand that the IOC respects it.

                    Macedonian Human Rights Movement International (MHRMI) is dedicated to pursuing all fundamental human and national rights including the right of freedom of expression and association and to support all democratic principles for all ethnic Macedonians living in Greece, Bulgaria and Albania.

                    Macedonian Olympic Committee
                    [email protected]

                    Log into Facebook to start sharing and connecting with your friends, family, and people you know.

                    International Olympic Committee

                    Log into Facebook to start sharing and connecting with your friends, family, and people you know.

                    Official home of the IOC. Find the latest news and featured stories, information about IOC members plus Olympic principles, values and legacy.

                    United States Olympic Committee

                    Explore the official website of Team USA. Get the latest news, read athlete profiles, see Olympic and Paralympic schedules, results, and more.


                    Macedonian Human Rights Movement International (MHRMI) has been active on human and national rights issues for Macedonians and other oppressed peoples since 1986. For more information:,,, [email protected], 1-416-850-7125.


                    • Amphipolis
                      • Aug 2014
                      • 1328

                      The alphabetical order will be in Portuguese, so it will be "A" for Antiga (I guess).

                      Last edited by Amphipolis; 07-04-2016, 04:36 PM.


                      • Soldier of Macedon
                        Senior Member
                        • Sep 2008
                        • 13675

                        Originally posted by MHRMI View Post
                        MHRMI Calls on Macedonian Athletes to Refuse to Walk in Behind Letter “F” for “FYROM” at Rio Olympics

                        Macedonian Human Rights Movement International - July 4, 2016

                        The IOC will follow the UN and USA’s directives and continue to violate the most basic of Macedonia’s rights, and that is the right to use our own name. Yet again, Macedonian athletes will be forced to walk in behind the letter “F” for “Former Yugoslav Republic of Macedonia” at the Rio Olympics opening ceremonies. Macedonia, itself, gives in to American scare-tactics and refuses to stand up for its own name.

                        So, Macedonian athletes, it’s up to you. Join the list of athletes who have taken a stand for common decency and human rights, and refuse to walk in behind the letter “F”. You’ve worked so hard to make it to this stage to represent your country, not a made-up one called “FYROM”. Walk in behind the letter M and tell the world that our name is, and has always been, Macedonia.

                        Macedonians, Olympic athletes from all countries, and others concerned about human rights, join MHRMI’s call for Macedonian athletes to refuse to walk in behind the letter “F”. Share our Action Alert on social media and use the contact information below. The Olympic charter claims that "The practice of sport is a human right." So is using your own country’s name. Our Name is Macedonia. Demand that the IOC respects it.

                        Macedonian Human Rights Movement International (MHRMI) is dedicated to pursuing all fundamental human and national rights including the right of freedom of expression and association and to support all democratic principles for all ethnic Macedonians living in Greece, Bulgaria and Albania.

                        Macedonian Olympic Committee
                        [email protected]

                        Log into Facebook to start sharing and connecting with your friends, family, and people you know.

                        International Olympic Committee

                        Log into Facebook to start sharing and connecting with your friends, family, and people you know.

                        Official home of the IOC. Find the latest news and featured stories, information about IOC members plus Olympic principles, values and legacy.

                        United States Olympic Committee

                        Log into Facebook to start sharing and connecting with your friends, family, and people you know.

                        Explore the official website of Team USA. Get the latest news, read athlete profiles, see Olympic and Paralympic schedules, results, and more.


                        Macedonian Human Rights Movement International (MHRMI) has been active on human and national rights issues for Macedonians and other oppressed peoples since 1986. For more information:,,, [email protected], 1-416-850-7125.
                        MHRMI, a noble idea, however, even if they do walk behind the letter 'M', the ventilator-propelled banner will still use that Greek-imposed acronym, so ultimately, it's still disgraceful. If we were a country of principles, such treachery would be unacceptable to all of our people. But in our case it seems that certain people expect the nation to support their personal objectives, whilst those same people refuse to support the nation's integrity.
                        In the name of the blood and the sun, the dagger and the gun, Christ protect this soldier, a lion and a Macedonian.


                        • MHRMI
                          • Dec 2009
                          • 132

                          MHRMI Calls for the Removal of all Diplomats Who Refuse to Use Macedonia's Name

                          MHRMI Calls for the Removal of all Diplomats Who Refuse to Use Macedonia's Name

                          Macedonian Human Rights Movement International - July 13, 2016

                          Македонската верзија е подолу (Macedonian version is below)

                          In a leaked phone call, Assistant US Secretary of State for European and Eurasian Affairs, Victoria Nuland, was notoriously caught saying, “Fuck the EU” when referring to the Ukraine crisis in 2014. Ms. Nuland, how should Macedonians react after hearing you refer to your visit to “this country” and “Skopje” and refusing to use the name of our country, Macedonia?

                          Macedonia, demand respect, dignity and common sense. Expel any diplomat or politician who does not use Macedonia’s name. Withdraw from the corrupt UN-sponsored name negotiations. We have the power to end the farcical name dispute. The vast majority of the world, the United States included, has already recognized Macedonia. Why? Because Our Name Is Macedonia.


                          Macedonian Human Rights Movement International (MHRMI) has been active on human and national rights issues for Macedonians and other oppressed peoples since 1986. For more information:,,, [email protected], 1-416-850-7125.

                          ММДЧП бара протерување од државата на сите дипломати кои што одбиваат да го употребуваат уставното име на Македонија

                          Македонското меѓународно движење за човекови права - 13 јули, 2016

                          Во телефонски разговор што протече во јавноста, американскиот Помошник државен секретар за европски и евроазиски прашања, Викторија Нуланд, говорејќи за кризата во Украина во 2014 година, се слуша како скандалозно вели: „Е*ате ЕУ". Г-ѓо Нуланд, како треба да реагираат Македонците кога ќе слушнат дека велите за вашата посета на „оваа земја" и „Скопје" и што одбивате да го употребувате уставното име на нашата земја, Македонија?

                          Македонија бара почит, уважување и здрав разум. Да се отстрани секој дипломат или политичар кој што не го употребува името на Македонија. Да се прекинат преговорите за името што се водат со посредство на корумпираната ООН. Се повлече од корумпираните спонзориран од ОН преговорите за името. Ја имаме моќта да ставиме крај на бесмислениот спор со името. Поголемиот дел од светот, вклучувајќи ги и САД, веќе ја признаа Македонија. Зошто? Затоа што Нашето име е Македонија.


                          Македонското меѓународно движење за човекови права (ММДЧП) активно работи на полето на човекови и национални права на Македонците и другите обесправени народи од своето основање во 1986 година. За повеќе информации:,,, [email protected], 1-416-850-7125.


                          • MHRMI
                            • Dec 2009
                            • 132

                            Demand an apology from the IOC - Macedonia begins with M

                            Who else is sick of watching Macedonia embarrass itself by walking in behind E,B,F or any letter except M at the Olympics? IOC and UN, stop sucking up to Greece. Macedonia, STOP NEGOTIATING YOUR OWN NAME ‪

                            Macedonian celebrities, where are you to stand up for Macedonia? Other ethnic groups do it all the time. Makedonska rabota...

                            Demand an apology from the IOC for disrespecting an entire nation. Use #OurNameIsMacedonia on and


                            • Amphipolis
                              • Aug 2014
                              • 1328

                              Originally posted by Amphipolis View Post
                              The alphabetical order will be in Portuguese, so it will be "A" for Antiga (I guess).

                              So, eventually it was under E?

                              Here's another (unbelievable) relevant story

                              United States broadcaster NBC reportedly made a request to the International Olympic Committee for the Parade of Nations to be conducted in English alphabetical order rather than Portuguese, stating that American TV viewership would be affected if the U.S. team entered in the middle of the parade as "Estados Unidos" in Portuguese instead of near the end of the parade as "United States" in English. The IOC refused NBC's request, as it runs contrary to the Olympic rules stating that nations enter in the alphabetical order of the language of the host country.

                              and one from Greece, from about a week ago.

                              The Greek Olympic Committee is set to take action as the Rio 2016 Olympic website has made a serious blunder listing the Former Yugoslav Republic of Macedonia (FYROM) as “Macedonia” on their official website.

                              This mistake was made even after the International Olympic Committee (IOC) made it clear that the proper listing as recognized by the United Nations is FYROM.

                              None the less, the Brazilian Rio organizing committee went ahead and have used MKD on its website, and also refers to the FYROM as “Macedonia” in several articles about the athletes and different sporting event.

                              The blunder has not gone without notice as the Isidoros Kouvelos, the president of the Greek Olympic Committee has pledged to take action to rectify this error.

                              Greece and the FYROM have long had a naming dispute. The dispute is political regarding the use of the name Macedonia. Greece often cites historical and territorial concerns resulting from the ambiguity between the name the Republic of Macedonia and the FYROM.


                              • sydney
                                • Sep 2008
                                • 390

                                How did you enjoy NBC's coverage of the opening ceremony? I must say the coverage in Australia was excellent.

