United Macedonia Diaspora

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  • Soldier of Macedon
    Senior Member
    • Sep 2008
    • 13675

    Prolet, were you impressed with Meto's continual advocacy of the 'democratic' prefix?
    In the name of the blood and the sun, the dagger and the gun, Christ protect this soldier, a lion and a Macedonian.


    • Vangelovski
      Senior Member
      • Sep 2008
      • 8533

      Prolet, did anyone ask any questions of substance? Did they ask him about the Interim Accord or Framework Agreement?
      If my people who are called by my name will humble themselves and pray and seek my face and turn from their wicked ways, I will hear from heaven and will forgive their sins and restore their land. 2 Chronicles 7:14

      The Revolution was in the minds and hearts of the people; a change in their religious sentiments, of their duties and obligations...This radical change in the principles, opinions, sentiments, and affections of the people was the real American Revolution. John Adams


      • Rogi
        Senior Member
        • Sep 2008
        • 2343

        I couldn't make it, though I had every intention. However, from photos I've seen and from what a few people told me, this is what I'm hearing;

        There were 200 people, all older, except for about 10-15 under 40 years old. Actually it was all the same people that go to every Macedonian gathering or public forum.

        More statements and stories were told than questions asked, everyone knows what I mean, that's pretty standard.. No real questions of substance. Lots of applause. It was very much as per usual for these forums.

        Meto left positive impressions on most people and did a good promotion of UMD. I'm not sure how much that translates into memberships as it was all the same people who always attend Macedonian forums and donate.

        Though most former and still active activists saw it as nothing new, it was everything that's been said a thousand times before. Though they still view it as somewhat good nonetheless, particularly because Meto is young.


        • Soldier of Macedon
          Senior Member
          • Sep 2008
          • 13675

          The comparison between Meto and Delcev is a joke.
          In the name of the blood and the sun, the dagger and the gun, Christ protect this soldier, a lion and a Macedonian.


          • Grotius
            • Dec 2009
            • 136

            A used car salesman is also good at talking in a smooth fashion and telling people what they want to hear, but that doesn't make him Goce Delcev!?! With all due respect to the gentleman that made that comment, I find it absurd on so many levels. Only an infantile mind will see an analogy. With all the dubious positions held by the speaker, it's likely Delcev is rolling in his grave.


            • Serdarot
              • Feb 2010
              • 605

              i will express my opinion about the Delchev comparation...

              The Macedonian is hoping for a new leader, new Voj-voda(c).

              We need new Delchev. After 20 years Republic of Macedonia, and 65 years independant Macedonian State, the humiliations and insults are not stoping.

              So who can throw the first stone @ the uncle?

              I personaly dont see in UMD komitas, not even to speak about Voj-voda.

              The self-proclaimed Board of Directors of the Macedonian Diaspora have before all, ask US, Macedonians, what are our goals.

              If they think they can fight for those goals, and if WE think they are able to do that, they can be called representatives of the Emigration/Diaspora.

              NOT before the Macedonians are asked.
              Никој не е вечен, а каузава не е нова само е адаптирана на новите услови и ќе се пренесува и понатаму.


              • Pelister
                Senior Member
                • Sep 2008
                • 2742

                Originally posted by Prolet View Post
                I came back from the Govor that Metodija A Koloski gave and i must say i was very impressed, there were a few youngsters in their late 20s to mid 30s the rest were older people.

                Metodija gave a very good speech and he gave the chance for many to ask questions some of them asked 3 questions at once and Meto answered them all. One person who is a historian (of Macedonian Decent) called Meto a young Goce Delchev and he was honored to be hearing what Meto was saying

                Meto was welcomed like a superstar, people had their photos taken with him, they gave him gifts,books etc the older generation was very impressed others where skeptical however everybody agreed that we are on the right track. I myself was also impressed and i think we have alot of work to do.

                Again Well Done to Meto and keep up the good work, this is exactly what we need.
                I wish I was given the same opportunity. I asked for a supplementary question, and was told in no uncertain terms that I had my opportunity. The "impression" given of an open, fluid forum and exchange of ideas is a con ! Criticism is not Welcome as discovered at Maknews. I was impressed too by the end of the night, but the sophistry and deflection on the critical issues really said it all. I also noticed that Meto was particularly effective against younger and older Macedonian who have no understanding of the current forces and processes set up against them.
                Last edited by Pelister; 02-17-2010, 09:34 PM.


                • Volk
                  • Sep 2008
                  • 894

                  Did they ask him about the Interim Accord or Framework Agreement?
                  What does that exactly have to do with UMD? They did not create those accords... You treat them as if they where the government of Macedonia... yet you pour more scorn on them then the actual government, which is responsible for each...

                  What exactly do you want them to do about these agreements and accords?? lobby against them? come out publicly against them?

                  Lets get one thing straight right now, the "framework Agreement" is a piece of paper to shut up the albanians for a while, make them go quite for the time being. It does not solve our problem with them, only buys us some time. They will want a greater Albania, the government sees NATO and the EU as an escape they will prevent a war with them.

                  Macedonia is now surrounded by NATO countries, meaning weapon sanctions translate into not 1 bullet entering the country. We dont have stockpiles of weapons (I dont understand why) this is how our arm was twisted in 2001 to capitulate.

                  So instead of kicking and screaming no framework agreement no interim accord, trying to find strategies around the blocks that are holding us back is much more productive and also much harder.
                  Makedonija vo Srce


                  • Pelister
                    Senior Member
                    • Sep 2008
                    • 2742

                    Originally posted by Volk View Post
                    What does that exactly have to do with UMD? They did not create those accords... You treat them as if they where the government of Macedonia... yet you pour more scorn on them then the actual government, which is responsible for each...

                    What exactly do you want them to do about these agreements and accords?? lobby against them? come out publicly against them?

                    Lets get one thing straight right now, the "framework Agreement" is a piece of paper to shut up the albanians for a while, make them go quite for the time being. It does not solve our problem with them, only buys us some time. They will want a greater Albania, the government sees NATO and the EU as an escape they will prevent a war with them.

                    Macedonia is now surrounded by NATO countries, meaning weapon sanctions translate into not 1 bullet entering the country. We dont have stockpiles of weapons (I dont understand why) this is how our arm was twisted in 2001 to capitulate.

                    So instead of kicking and screaming no framework agreement no interim accord, trying to find strategies around the blocks that are holding us back is much more productive and also much harder.
                    I think the issue has been UMD's defence of these anti-Macedonian processes.

                    Most Macedonians are not aware of what the Interim Accord really means for us, or aware of the current negotiation "processes" or the terms being put to us...etc.

                    These are the people UMD preys on and has had good success recruiting. I think its no surprise that in the region I live in the younger Macedonians who are critical of UMD are better informed and better educated.

                    At the meeting I attended, no-one was aware that the President of UMD (Or Meto Koloski) was calling for a name change. Most Macedonians are not aware of this.


                    • osiris
                      Senior Member
                      • Sep 2008
                      • 1969

                      i remember another young hot shot who toured here a decade or soo ago he was feted as a voivoda too, and his name was l georgievski. sadly metos reception by our community is more a reflection of the desperatin and wishfull thinking that exists within some sections of our community, rather than his qualities or the umds contribution to the cause so far.

                      the only interesting things were , its the same old crowd, so umd are not bringing any new blood to our community. and more importantly where do these guys get there money to open offices. macedonian organisations usually struggle for funds wheras umd a newcomer to the cause seem to be flush with money.


                      • Risto the Great
                        Senior Member
                        • Sep 2008
                        • 15660

                        Originally posted by Volk View Post
                        Lets get one thing straight right now, the "framework Agreement" is a piece of paper to shut up the albanians for a while, make them go quite for the time being.
                        A stern bit of advice to Macedonia from the UN would be a "piece of paper" Volk. Anything that amends the constitution of the country at the expense of Macedonians is hardly a piece of paper. It represents an erosion of sovereignty and is fundamentally abhorrent.
                        Risto the Great
                        "Holding my breath for the revolution."

                        Hey, I wrote a bestseller. Check it out: www.ren-shen.com


                        • indigen
                          Senior Member
                          • May 2009
                          • 1558

                          Originally posted by Serdarot View Post
                          i will express my opinion about the Delchev comparation...

                          The Macedonian is hoping for a new leader, new Voj-voda(c).

                          We need new Delchev. After 20 years Republic of Macedonia, and 65 years independant Macedonian State, the humiliations and insults are not stoping.

                          So who can throw the first stone @ the uncle?

                          I personaly dont see in UMD komitas, not even to speak about Voj-voda.

                          The self-proclaimed Board of Directors of the Macedonian Diaspora have before all, ask US, Macedonians, what are our goals.

                          If they think they can fight for those goals, and if WE think they are able to do that, they can be called representatives of the Emigration/Diaspora.

                          NOT before the Macedonians are asked.
                          Александар Митрески

                          Почитуван Претседателе,

                          Вие сте Претседател и сигурно знаете како да ги извршувате своите задачи, мудро да преговарате и да постигнете сe што е во најдобар интерес за Македонија. Искрено, јас се надевам дека вашите намери се такви. Вашите зборови, сепак, понекогаш влеваат сомнеж околу вашиот патриотизам... Го подржувам вашиот мировен план и мислам дека е многу солиден. Сепак, тој план би се остварил само доколку се наоѓавме некаде на Запад, (Америка) и ако Албанците беа народ со барем малку образование и смисла за размислување.

                          Затоа апелирам, оставете го Љубе Бошковски да помогне при чистењето на Македонија. Оставете го да ја одбрани македонската држава од ова зло што ни се случува. Оставете го да им дозволи на Македонците да ја бранат својата држава. Можеби ќе има жртви, но сепак сите ќе знаат дека тие жртви загинале за одбрана на македонската држава, а не од кукавици кои се кријат во грмушки и пукаат по конвои со храна.

                          Претседателе, вашиот план моментално е во застој. Албанците купуваат време, со цел Америка и Европа се повеќе да се вклучат во нашиот проблем. Многу добро знаете каква е судбината на Македонија доколку се случи тоа. Ќе имаме нов Дејтон или Рамбуе, каде што судбината ќе ни ја кројат некои други "умни" глави. Тоа не смее да се дозволи. Вие ќе бидете виновен доколку Македонија биде ставена пред таков чин. Доколку вие сте немоќен да ги издржите притисоците однадвор (странските политичари) - поднесете оставка. Јас не го барам тоа од вас знаејќи дека Македонија ќе падне во поголема криза, но - сепак - во никој случај не смеете да дозволите Македонија да пропадне...

                          Дозволувате Џафери и Имери да си поигруваат со вас и да ви поставуваат услови. Понекогаш вашата присебност и разумното размислување, како и стравот да не ја вовлечете Македонија во војна, се за поздравување. Но мислам дека заборавате дека Македонија е веќе во војна, голем број македонски села се под шиптарска команда и, она што најмногу ме заплашува, вестите велата дека тој број постојано се зголемува...

                          Дозволете им на македонските сили за безбедност да ги вратат под своја контрола окупираните делови на татковината. Дозволете им на Македонците да си го повратат своето достоинство, суверенитетот и гордоста. Дозволете ни повторно да ја имаме Македонија, зошто ние немаме друга држава. Македонија е се што имаме.

                          Александар Митрески

                          Shto mislite na gore napisanoto od sega glavniot trgach na koncite vo Umdovia? Jas mislam togash, kako i denes, zamagleno gi gledal neshtata. :-)


                          • Risto the Great
                            Senior Member
                            • Sep 2008
                            • 15660

                            Originally posted by osiris View Post
                            sadly metos reception by our community is more a reflection of the desperatin and wishfull thinking that exists within some sections of our community, rather than his qualities or the umds contribution to the cause so far.
                            This is the bit. Thinking Macedonians cannot be satiated by the fact that the impression of any work being done is "good enough". Whilst many are so eager to suggest the perceived negativity is a Makedonska Rabota ... I would suggest this is the first time in Macedonia's history that collective groups of like minded individuals are formulating strategies for the Macedonians and the Macedonian Cause from all around the world in such an immediate fashion. This collective thought is being harnessed every day. This is hardly a typical Makedonska Rabota ... it is something very very new and has the most potential to make an impact where nothing has before.
                            Risto the Great
                            "Holding my breath for the revolution."

                            Hey, I wrote a bestseller. Check it out: www.ren-shen.com


                            • Volk
                              • Sep 2008
                              • 894

                              I think the issue has been UMD's defence of these anti-Macedonian processes.
                              This is absolutely false from what I have seen, you are confusing good PR with defending. UMD has stated that Macedonia has done all the IC has put forward, hence deserves to be rewarded. And why shouldn't it? No other country in the world has given its minority the rights Macedonia has and since its done it should be used to our advantage.

                              At the meeting I attended, no-one was aware that the President of UMD (Or Meto Koloski) was calling for a name change. Most Macedonians are not aware of this.
                              I do not agree with you... At the forum Meto stated 5 times UMD does NOT support any name change whatsoever....

                              Anything that amends the constitution of the country at the expense of Macedonians is hardly a piece of paper.
                              I know what it is Risto and its implications, however at the end of the day it is a piece of paper... However I think you've either missed my point or ignored it.
                              Makedonija vo Srce


                              • Pelister
                                Senior Member
                                • Sep 2008
                                • 2742

                                Originally posted by Volk View Post
                                This is absolutely false from what I have seen, you are confusing good PR with defending. UMD has stated that Macedonia has done all the IC has put forward, hence deserves to be rewarded. And why shouldn't it? No other country in the world has given its minority the rights Macedonia has and since its done it should be used to our advantage.
                                UMD statements are CLEAR. They have been produced and reproduced many times. I can't help it if you chose to be ignorant of them or simply don't read them.

                                Originally posted by Volk
                                I do not agree with you... At the forum Meto stated 5 times UMD does NOT support any name change whatsoever....
                                And yet at the Canberra/Queanbeyan meeting, Meto deflected my question by saying that He personally wanted a name change and that it was not the position of UMD. Yet, how do you explain his use of the plural "We..." in the statements. He is referring to UMD.

                                This is ofcourse raising the possibility that what UMD have been saying in press statements over the years, wasn't really the truth, and that he is actually telling the truth now. Meto once said if I ever call for a name change I will resign.

