United Macedonia Diaspora

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  • Risto the Great
    Senior Member
    • Sep 2008
    • 15660

    ZAS, you make a point there.
    Risto the Great
    "Holding my breath for the revolution."

    Hey, I wrote a bestseller. Check it out: www.ren-shen.com


    • ZAS
      • May 2009
      • 178

      Originally posted by Risto the Great View Post
      ZAS, you make a point there.
      Thnx Risto, How have you been?


      • Risto the Great
        Senior Member
        • Sep 2008
        • 15660

        Originally posted by Z Apostolovski's Student View Post
        Thnx Risto, How have you been?
        Overworked and paid adequately ZAS!
        Risto the Great
        "Holding my breath for the revolution."

        Hey, I wrote a bestseller. Check it out: www.ren-shen.com


        • Bratot
          Senior Member
          • Sep 2008
          • 2855

          Originally posted by Rogi View Post
          Most Macedonians are confused or unaware of the facts around this.

          Macedonians in Australia have been exposed to three levels of institutionalised racism, the first two of which are still in force:

          1. The manner in which those who originate from the Republic of Macedonia have their country of birth labelled, namely "FYROM" (former Yugoslav Republic of Macedonia).

          2. The implementation by the Federal Government in 1994 of an inaccurate and offensive nomenclature directive whereby the nationality of the Macedonian people has been renamed to that of "Slav Macedonian" (Ethnicity Directive).

          3. The implementation by the State Government of Victoria of an equally inaccurate and similarly offensive nomenclature directive whereby the language of the Macedonian people was renamed to that of "Macedonian Slavonic" (Language Directive).

          The Macedonian Community (Macedonian Teachers Association and AMHRC) raised a racial discrimination case against the State Government of Victoria, which went as far as the Supreme Court of Victoria, in regards to the Language directive (#3 above), and the Macedonian community won the case. This directive was found to be discriminatory and the court ordered it be removed, as it then was.

          However, the 1994 Federal Government directive which renamed the nationality of the Macedonian people to "Slav Macedonian" is still in effect. This directive has not officially been removed and the term "Slav Macedonian" still remains, officially, as the term used to denote the nationality/ethnicity of the Macedonian people. Australia is the only country in the world to officially use this discriminatory term.

          You may not have heard this term, but I can recall South Australian Premier Mike Rann using the term as late as last year (2008).
          Though that may be the most publicised use of the term, there have been a number of uses of that term from Federal Government institutions.

          The term has not been abandoned, it is the official term as per the existing Government directive, its use may be limited however, because of the backlash from the Macedonian community - nonetheless, it is unacceptable that the Australian Government has an official policy that is discriminatory to the Macedonian community in Australia and is against the Government's very own policies on multiculturalism.

          This has no bearing on relations between Australia and Macedonia, this is purely an issue between the Australian Government and Australian citizens of Macedonian heritage and their right to self-determination.

          I should note also that with the Federal Government's ethnicity directive, other than the ethnic Macedonians from the Republic of Macedonia being denoted as "Slav Macedonians", the ethnic Macedonians from other parts of Macedonia (such as Aegean Macedonia) had their ethnicity officially labelled as "associates of Slav Macedonians". Imagine that.

          Rogi, bi te zamolil istovo da go postiras i OVDE.

          Bidejki mnogu malce se zboruva za ova vo samata Makedonija, a vakvite inicijativi gi razbivaat stereotipite za dijasporata.

          Odnapred ti blagodaram.
          The purpose of the media is not to make you to think that the name must be changed, but to get you into debate - what name would suit us! - Bratot


          • Soldier of Macedon
            Senior Member
            • Sep 2008
            • 13675

            Good idea, ubo so ti tekna.
            In the name of the blood and the sun, the dagger and the gun, Christ protect this soldier, a lion and a Macedonian.


            • Rogi
              Senior Member
              • Sep 2008
              • 2343

              Bratot, blagodaram za toa. Gi postaviv tie dopolnitelni informacii vo taa tema na Kajgana.

              ZAS, not necesserily. Official UMD policy is in line (read:exact) with I what I wrote as the views of UMD Australia and the policy-and-position outline which is due to be released shortly, will once again reiterate that.

              I believe Pelister has taken out of context, or misinterpreted the views of some individuals and using that interpretation as basis to claim it is the official UMD policy or position. Or even if he did not misinterpret them, he has taken what may be their personal views, as the official view of UMD - rather than opposing personal views, as I think he should and could have.

              In either case, the actual UMD policy is clear and absolute, and has been posted numerous times, and will be reiterated when the policy-and-position outlines are put up on the website.

              That is regardless of the actual or misinterpreted views and comments of some individuals within the organisation.


              • Bratot
                Senior Member
                • Sep 2008
                • 2855

                Ke objavam i prevod od texot na www.mn.mk malku da razbranuvame odredeni krugovi.
                The purpose of the media is not to make you to think that the name must be changed, but to get you into debate - what name would suit us! - Bratot


                • ZAS
                  • May 2009
                  • 178

                  Originally posted by Rogi View Post
                  Bratot, blagodaram za toa. Gi postaviv tie dopolnitelni informacii vo taa tema na Kajgana.

                  ZAS, not necesserily. Official UMD policy is in line (read:exact) with I what I wrote as the views of UMD Australia and the policy-and-position outline which is due to be released shortly, will once again reiterate that.

                  I believe Pelister has taken out of context, or misinterpreted the views of some individuals and using that interpretation as basis to claim it is the official UMD policy or position. Or even if he did not misinterpret them, he has taken what may be their personal views, as the official view of UMD - rather than opposing personal views, as I think he should and could have.

                  In either case, the actual UMD policy is clear and absolute, and has been posted numerous times, and will be reiterated when the policy-and-position outlines are put up on the website.

                  That is regardless of the actual or misinterpreted views and comments of some individuals within the organisation.
                  Maybe so Rogi but I still believe that the Washington Head is a LOOSE and DANGEROUS cannon.


                  • Pelister
                    Senior Member
                    • Sep 2008
                    • 2742

                    Originally posted by Z Apostolovski's Student View Post
                    Maybe so Rogi but I still believe that the Washington Head is a LOOSE and DANGEROUS cannon.
                    If all you are talking about is UMD, would agree with that.

                    An organization that publicly suggests a name change, then apparently changes its mind, and then in a private letter believes Nimetz is right when he says that negotiations are the only way AND claims to represent the rest of us - should be treated with alot of skepticism and weariness.

                    Nothing has been taken out of context here. These are FACTS about UMD. Do we need to repost Meto's comments AGAIN ? Or the letter, again ?


                    • Rogi
                      Senior Member
                      • Sep 2008
                      • 2343

                      I suppose that is your opinion (not fact), and you are entitled to it.

                      There's not much I can do about that, nor do I really have the desire to change your opinion of UMD - in fact, sometimes your opposition to UMD is useful in keeping the group in line and on its toes.

                      For facts about UMD, refer to the official announcements, releases and communique's of the UMD and quote them.

                      For personal views and opinions, ask anyone individually and they may tell you. Be sure not to misinterpret them or take comments out of context, or seek clarification in the event that you do so.


                      • ZAS
                        • May 2009
                        • 178

                        Originally posted by Pelister View Post
                        If all you are talking about is UMD, would agree with that.

                        An organization that publicly suggests a name change, then apparently changes its mind, and then in a private letter believes Nimetz is right when he says that negotiations are the only way AND claims to represent the rest of us - should be treated with alot of skepticism and weariness.

                        Nothing has been taken out of context here. These are FACTS about UMD. Do we need to repost Meto's comments AGAIN ? Or the letter, again ?
                        How about reposting your comments on the Macedonian Language, let's see now --------- possible alternatives????


                        • George S.
                          Senior Member
                          • Aug 2009
                          • 10116

                          all we want is pure recognition of who we are.Who gives a damn what the greeks think as we have a right to identify as simply macedonian.Anyone else who keeps saying the slav terminology is not serious about our identity as greece is trying to steal the identity for herself it's not helpful to say we are slav macedonian.You know that sbs still refuses to recognise us as macedonian & uses the fyrom identity.Due to greek government propaganda of which they only recognise the country as skopje & that the people as skopians.A lot of these things are forced on us due to the greek lobby being stronger.As you all know theres heaps of greek descended politicians in australia who give greece their support.
                          Also other factors why australia won't recognize macedonia is in melbourne there is a strong greek vote estimates at 900,000.
                          "Ido not want an uprising of people that would leave me at the first failure, I want revolution with citizens able to bear all the temptations to a prolonged struggle, what, because of the fierce political conditions, will be our guide or cattle to the slaughterhouse"
                          GOTSE DELCEV


                          • Pelister
                            Senior Member
                            • Sep 2008
                            • 2742

                            Originally posted by Rogi View Post
                            I suppose that is your opinion (not fact), and you are entitled to it.

                            There's not much I can do about that, nor do I really have the desire to change your opinion of UMD - in fact, sometimes your opposition to UMD is useful in keeping the group in line and on its toes.

                            For facts about UMD, refer to the official announcements, releases and communique's of the UMD and quote them.

                            For personal views and opinions, ask anyone individually and they may tell you. Be sure not to misinterpret them or take comments out of context, or seek clarification in the event that you do so.
                            Oh, please. Spare me this your opinion is as good as anyone elses.

                            Historical FACT 1:

                            Meto publicly advocated a name change

                            FACT 2:

                            A.Mitreski said negotiation is the ONLY way

                            FACT 3:

                            UMD wanted the negotiations "suspended" because "Greece wasn't serious".

                            UMD finds the position that Greeks can be Macedonians too acceptable (because it is implied), that Greece has a legitimate grievance acceptable (because it is implied), that negotations are the ONLY way forward.

                            It has never rejected or denounced the negotiations, certainly not because the Macedonians have a right to preserve their identity, or that Greece is lying.

                            The only reason why there are so many contradictions in UMD position over the last year, is because it is lying to the Macedonian people about what it is, and what it stands for. It is to reminiscient of MPO in its practices and politics in every way, except the names end in 'ski' this time.

                            A long time ago, I was asked to be a founding member of UMD, but refused once I got an inkling of its politics. Many Macedonians have left because of what it really stands for. Rogi, your apart of the same sham.
                            Last edited by Pelister; 09-20-2009, 07:54 PM.


                            • Rogi
                              Senior Member
                              • Sep 2008
                              • 2343

                              UMD President meets Australin PM Kevin Rudd in New York

                              There wasn't really much announcement of this from UMD, though it was in both the "Today" and "AMW" newspapers. I figured it was worthy of posting...

                              Dear Australian friend,

                              I attended the Foreign Policy Association's World Leadership Forum today in New York City, in conjunction with the UN General Assembly and the Clinton Global Initiative. (Side note: I used to work for FPA and helped organize the WLF 2005.)

                              At the luncheon, Australian PM was honored with the FPA Medal, and Mr. Anthony Pratt, Chairman of Pratt Industries and Visy Industries was honored with the FPA Corporate Social Responsibility Award in front of over 600 people.

                              It was a fantastic event, and PM Rudd's speech was a true representative of the role Australia can play in the challenges facing the world, including climate change and the war in Afghanistan.

                              I had a brief moment with PM Rudd and informed him who I was, and that there is a sizeable Macedonian-Australian community. Attached is a picture I took with PM Rudd.

                              I also had the opportunity to engage in discussion with several representatives of Australian interests in the U.S., which can come in handy with our efforts in Australia.

                              Best regards,

                              Meto Koloski

                              Last edited by Rogi; 10-01-2009, 07:09 PM.


                              • UMDiaspora.org
                                • Oct 2009
                                • 525

                                UMD Announcements

                                For comments, questions, concerns, please contact us at:

                                United Macedonian Diaspora

                                1101 Pennsylvania Avenue, NW, 6th Floor, Washington, D.C. 20004, United States
                                Phone: (202) 756-2244, Fax: (202) 756-7323, E-mail: info@umdiaspora.org

                                PO Box 2153, Hawthorn, Vic. 3122, Australia
                                Phone: 0438 385 466, E-mail: australia@umdiaspora.org

                                3555 St. Clair Avenue East, Toronto, ON, M1K 1L6, Canada
                                Phone: 416-209-0448, E-mail: canada@umdiaspora.org

