United Macedonia Diaspora

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  • Makedonska_Kafana
    Senior Member
    • Aug 2010
    • 2642

    Originally posted by UMDiaspora.org View Post

    UMD will not allow a name change and has called for an end to UN talks to find a new name for the country calling on the UN to recognize Macedonia as Republic of Macedonia.

    Where have you EVER called for an END (forever) of the UN ethnic cleansing talks and walk away?

    Macedonia for the Macedonians


    • UMDiaspora.org
      • Oct 2009
      • 525

      End of talks

      Originally posted by Makedonska_Kafana View Post

      Where have you EVER called for an END (forever) of the UN ethnic cleansing talks and walk away?
      MK - see the following link: http://umdiaspora.org/content/view/488/1/

      The text in particular is as follows:

      RESOLVED, that UMD, reiterates its unwavering support for retention of the one and only constitutional and rightful name of the Republic of Macedonia, rejects all attempts to change or impose any other name upon the Republic of Macedonia and the Macedonian people, and calls upon the Macedonian government to cease the ongoing UN negotiations and to submit a resolution before the UN General Assembly and Security Council to be re-admitted to the UN under its one and only constitutional and rightful name of the Republic of Macedonia;
      For comments, questions, concerns, please contact us at:

      United Macedonian Diaspora

      1101 Pennsylvania Avenue, NW, 6th Floor, Washington, D.C. 20004, United States
      Phone: (202) 756-2244, Fax: (202) 756-7323, E-mail: info@umdiaspora.org

      PO Box 2153, Hawthorn, Vic. 3122, Australia
      Phone: 0438 385 466, E-mail: australia@umdiaspora.org

      3555 St. Clair Avenue East, Toronto, ON, M1K 1L6, Canada
      Phone: 416-209-0448, E-mail: canada@umdiaspora.org


      • Makedonska_Kafana
        Senior Member
        • Aug 2010
        • 2642

        Originally posted by UMDiaspora.org View Post
        MK - see the following link: http://umdiaspora.org/content/view/488/1/

        The text in particular is as follows:

        RESOLVED, that UMD, reiterates its unwavering support for retention of the one and only constitutional and rightful name of the Republic of Macedonia, rejects all attempts to change or impose any other name upon the Republic of Macedonia and the Macedonian people, and calls upon the Macedonian government to cease the ongoing UN negotiations and to submit a resolution before the UN General Assembly and Security Council to be re-admitted to the UN under its one and only constitutional and rightful name of the Republic of Macedonia;
        When was the last time you spoke to anyone at the UN offices? The last time you formally met with Matthew Nimitz a member of MHRMI was with you. What changed after that meeting?

        Macedonia for the Macedonians


        • UMDiaspora.org
          • Oct 2009
          • 525


          Originally posted by Makedonska_Kafana View Post
          When was the last time you spoke to anyone at the UN offices? The last time you formally met with Matthew Nimitz a member of MHRMI was with you. What changed after that meeting?
          The last time UMD communicated with anyone at the UN was last week.

          The last time UMD met with Ambassador Nimetz was in February 2009. See: http://umdiaspora.org/content/view/393/51/

          The last time UMD met with Ambassador Nimetz together with MHRMI was in November 2007. See: http://umdiaspora.org/content/view/278/51/
          For comments, questions, concerns, please contact us at:

          United Macedonian Diaspora

          1101 Pennsylvania Avenue, NW, 6th Floor, Washington, D.C. 20004, United States
          Phone: (202) 756-2244, Fax: (202) 756-7323, E-mail: info@umdiaspora.org

          PO Box 2153, Hawthorn, Vic. 3122, Australia
          Phone: 0438 385 466, E-mail: australia@umdiaspora.org

          3555 St. Clair Avenue East, Toronto, ON, M1K 1L6, Canada
          Phone: 416-209-0448, E-mail: canada@umdiaspora.org


          • Vangelovski
            Senior Member
            • Sep 2008
            • 8533


            By not voicing opposition to the contents of this letter, which call on NATO to accept Macedonia by the FYROM terminology and call on Macedonia to continue negotiations, you are in fact "jeopardizing" Macedonia's name for the sake of membership.
            If my people who are called by my name will humble themselves and pray and seek my face and turn from their wicked ways, I will hear from heaven and will forgive their sins and restore their land. 2 Chronicles 7:14

            The Revolution was in the minds and hearts of the people; a change in their religious sentiments, of their duties and obligations...This radical change in the principles, opinions, sentiments, and affections of the people was the real American Revolution. John Adams


            • Makedonska_Kafana
              Senior Member
              • Aug 2010
              • 2642

              Originally posted by Vangelovski View Post
              you are in fact "jeopardizing" Macedonia's name for the sake of membership.
              Macedonia will NEVER be accepted into NATO, UN or EU under the name Republic of Macedonia and ANY group that thinks they will doesn't deserve to be supported after what we've seen (racists) the past 20 years.


              Macedonia for the Macedonians


              • Pelister
                Senior Member
                • Sep 2008
                • 2742

                Originally posted by UMDiaspora.org View Post
                MK - see the following link: http://umdiaspora.org/content/view/488/1/

                The text in particular is as follows:

                RESOLVED, that UMD, reiterates its unwavering support for retention of the one and only constitutional and rightful name of the Republic of Macedonia, rejects all attempts to change or impose any other name upon the Republic of Macedonia and the Macedonian people, and calls upon the Macedonian government to cease the ongoing UN negotiations and to submit a resolution before the UN General Assembly and Security Council to be re-admitted to the UN under its one and only constitutional and rightful name of the Republic of Macedonia;

                Why then, would You Meto accept our admission to NATO under the shameful acronym, FYROM?


                • Rogi
                  Senior Member
                  • Sep 2008
                  • 2343

                  UMDiaspora.org, you've made more of a fuss about the use of an upper-case or lower-case letter 't' than you have about the actual interim name. If it matters so much to you that the interim name is used properly, please complain to the UN for listing Macedonia as 'The former Yugoslav Republic of Macedonia' on its' website (http://www.un.org/en/members/#t).

                  However, let's get back to the point of my questions to UMDiaspora.org

                  Here is what UMDiaspora.org said:
                  The letter does not say FYROM once...Macedonia NEVER STARTED THEIR MEMBERSHIP ACTION PLAN AS FYROM!

                  FYROM is repulsive! And no Macedonian should ever even say the acronym!
                  I see some very strong language here against the acronym 'FYROM'.

                  However, Macedonia entered into the Membership Action Plan as "the former Yugoslav Republic of Macedonia". The acronym is based on that name, much like the United States of America is commonly referred to as the USA.

                  By arguing against the use of the acronym itself, whilst not arguing against the term from which the acronym is derived, is indeed a case of not seeing the forest for the tree's.

                  By arguing so staunchly against the use of the acronym, in a manner that asks for the full interim name to be used, you are in fact lobbying (we can get to the definition of this term later if you like, since you touched on it) FOR the interim name, which is doing a great disservice to the greater Macedonian goal of getting rid of that interim name.


                  • Rogi
                    Senior Member
                    • Sep 2008
                    • 2343

                    This is a quote from UMDiaspora.org over at Maknews and the same post exists here also. Here is the link to the post: http://www.maknews.com/forum/post274...e04d1f86012f14
                    Consider joining the largest & fastest growing Macedonian membership advocacy organization

                    This is a quote from the UMD Website, on the formation of the Macedonian friendship group in Congress, available here: http://umdiaspora.org/content/view/230/106/
                    За успешно остварување на целта да се формира група во Конгресот која ќе расправа и лобира за македонските интереси

                    Now let's look at some definitions:

                    "Lobbying (also Lobby) is a form of advocacy with the intention of influencing decisions made by legislators and officials in the government by individuals, other legislators, constituents, or Advocacy groups."

                    "lobbyist - someone who is employed to persuade legislators to vote for legislation that favors the lobbyist's employer"

                    "Communication with elected officials or their staff, which expresses a position on a pending piece of legislation."

                    "lobbyist - A person, usually acting as an agent for an organized group, who seeks to bring about the passage or defeat of legislative bills or to influence their content."

                    "lobbyist - An individual who seeks to influence the outcome of legislation or administrative decisions."

                    Does UMD not do any of the above? If not, then what does UMD do exactly? Besides boat cruises and conferences, of course.

                    Every single NGO is a lobby group, whether it's to lobby for legislation, for policy, or for funding. You might want to avoid using the term because of your 'charitable' status, but don't try to correct the rest for calling a spade a spade.

                    Unless it is the reverse - you advocate the interests of certain bodies, institutions or Governments, to the Macedonian people?
                    Last edited by Rogi; 10-05-2010, 09:18 PM.


                    • Vangelovski
                      Senior Member
                      • Sep 2008
                      • 8533

                      Originally posted by Rogi View Post
                      Unless it is the reverse - you advocate the interests of certain bodies, institutions or Governments, to the Macedonian people?
                      I think we have a bingo!
                      If my people who are called by my name will humble themselves and pray and seek my face and turn from their wicked ways, I will hear from heaven and will forgive their sins and restore their land. 2 Chronicles 7:14

                      The Revolution was in the minds and hearts of the people; a change in their religious sentiments, of their duties and obligations...This radical change in the principles, opinions, sentiments, and affections of the people was the real American Revolution. John Adams


                      • Mikail
                        Senior Member
                        • Sep 2008
                        • 1338

                        Yes we do, but let's not hold our breath waiting for a response from the UMD Online Team.

                        They would prefer to argue the use of a "t" over a "T" than have some meaningful discussion.
                        Last edited by Mikail; 10-06-2010, 12:16 AM.
                        From the village of P’pezhani, Tashko Popov, Dimitar Popov-Skenderov and Todor Trpenov were beaten and sentenced to 12 years prison. Pavle Mevchev and Atanas Popov from Vrbeni and Boreshnica joined them in early 1927, they were soon after transferred to Kozhani and executed. As they were leaving Lerin they were heard to shout "With our death, Macedonia will not be lost. Our blood will run, but other Macedonians will rise from it"


                        • Makedonska_Kafana
                          Senior Member
                          • Aug 2010
                          • 2642

                          Originally posted by Rogi View Post

                          Does UMD not do any of the above? If not, then what does UMD do exactly? Besides boat cruises and conferences, of course.
                          Originally posted by UMDiaspora.org

                          UMD has entered to win two $1,000 prize give-aways for charities. We need 200 people to join our UMD BloomSpot Circle Boston and Washington, D.C. by Thursday, October 7, 2010. Please join today and help us win $2,000 from BloomSpot! It is free to join and all you need is your e-mail.
                          Lacking direction and priorities the past 5 years. Game shows next?

                          Macedonia for the Macedonians


                          • Piperka
                            Junior Member
                            • Feb 2010
                            • 33

                            Originally posted by UMDiaspora.org View Post
                            Rogi, thank you for your questions/comments.

                            Allow us to first clarify that UMD does not lobby. UMD is a charitable educational advocacy organization.
                            Did they mean to say, "UMD does not lobby anymore." When did they stop lobbying? According to their 2008 tax returns, they engaged in lobbying that year. Their lobbying efforts were the bare minimum allowed to maintain 501(c)(3) status, but still considered to be lobbying.


                            • Vangelovski
                              Senior Member
                              • Sep 2008
                              • 8533

                              Originally posted by Piperka View Post
                              Did they mean to say, "UMD does not lobby anymore." When did they stop lobbying? According to their 2008 tax returns, they engaged in lobbying that year. Their lobbying efforts were the bare minimum allowed to maintain 501(c)(3) status, but still considered to be lobbying.

                              Honesty, transperancy, accountability...these are some principles that UMD may want to think about before they pretend to work for the cause. After centuries of oppression, these three principles form a core part of the cause that all Macedonians should be working towards. They are a fundamental component of a free and democratic society - the type of society that Macedonians should have already built by now. Yet our "leading" organisation is still grappling with these basic principles.
                              Last edited by Vangelovski; 10-06-2010, 06:56 PM.
                              If my people who are called by my name will humble themselves and pray and seek my face and turn from their wicked ways, I will hear from heaven and will forgive their sins and restore their land. 2 Chronicles 7:14

                              The Revolution was in the minds and hearts of the people; a change in their religious sentiments, of their duties and obligations...This radical change in the principles, opinions, sentiments, and affections of the people was the real American Revolution. John Adams


                              • Mikail
                                Senior Member
                                • Sep 2008
                                • 1338

                                Well done Piperka

                                Expose of more UMD lies!
                                From the village of P’pezhani, Tashko Popov, Dimitar Popov-Skenderov and Todor Trpenov were beaten and sentenced to 12 years prison. Pavle Mevchev and Atanas Popov from Vrbeni and Boreshnica joined them in early 1927, they were soon after transferred to Kozhani and executed. As they were leaving Lerin they were heard to shout "With our death, Macedonia will not be lost. Our blood will run, but other Macedonians will rise from it"

