United Macedonia Diaspora

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  • indigen
    Senior Member
    • May 2009
    • 1558

    Originally posted by Vangelovski View Post
    There's at least one Canadian Board Member and a number of stooges (including Maknews). How do we know the Screwdriver is from Canada?
    If one can see the IP address of a given forum user (provided they are not using an anonymizer service to hide behind, which could be a good indicator of a mischievous intent), which the Admins of forums and websites generally have access to, it is very easy to locate the ISP supplying their internet service and thus know the origin of the said user.

    Network Tools to check your Internet properties or your competition's domains.


    • indigen
      Senior Member
      • May 2009
      • 1558

      Originally posted by Vangelovski View Post
      I've been off line for a few days.


      Its more than obvious that you are either Meto himself or an UMD Board Member. Your attempt to turn black into white and white into black with regard to UMD's views is quite pathetic. What makes it really pathetic is that Meto himself acknowledged that he supported a name change during his tour down under, all of which was video taped. Further, he did not distance himself from his views, rather, he attempted to convince us that it was a 'good idea at the time'.

      In all of your creative reinterpretation of Meto and UMD's public statements, you have yet to deal with their support for the Interim Accord and the Framework Agreement - the real issues we're dealing with. The only explanation for UMD's treasonous views are that it either supports them or its a mindless mouthpiece for the Macedonian Government and the US State Department.
      This part I would also put as follows:
      "The only explanation for UMD's treasonous views are that it supports them because it is a mindless mouthpiece for the Macedonian Government and the US State Department."

      As you and others have rightly pointed out on numerous times, the main UmdOvci tactic used in avoiding being held accountable for their treasonous views and positions is to not answer the question/s, post new advertising billboard diversion posts until the thread turns over to a new page and hope no one will notice.


      • indigen
        Senior Member
        • May 2009
        • 1558

        UMD Policy on the Ohrid Framework Agreement

        Originally posted by Homer MakeDonski View Post
        Draw to be put forward
        YouTube - Makedonija 2001 - Bitkata za aracinovo Eve ja vistinata
        Indeed all *Srankovisti hangers-on are traitors to the Macedonian cause.

        Hoping that is UMD state you are pointing is about political demagogy only , and your criticism will have valuable results
        "UMD" [Tuesday, 25 August 2009]:"...Macedonia actually is the only state in the region where ethnic minorities are granted the same status as the majority demographic in the state. The 2001 Framework Agreement ended Macedonia’s civil conflict and stipulated that Macedonia’s state policy towards minorities would be among the most liberal in the region...."

        It is clear the FA is used by "UMD" to promote Macedonia in a "positive" light and thus is an endorsement of it. Furthermore, it is a JUSTIFICATION (legitimization) of the UCK (and their backers) terrorist activities and an exoneration of the TRAITORS, e.g. Boris Trajkovski, Branko Crvenkovski, LjuBcho Georgievski and Co., who signed and enacted into law (via amendments to the Constitution/Ustav) the CAPITUALTIONIST 2001 Framework Agreement.

        Something to refresh the mind of Macedonians about what transpired in 2001.


        • indigen
          Senior Member
          • May 2009
          • 1558

          Makedonska akademija na naukite i umetnostite


          * Predlo`enata konvencija vo Sobranieto na Makedonija e samo po~eten ~ekor za kompleksnoto regulirawe na malcinskoto pra{awe na evropskiot jugoistok
          * Nastojuvaweto na partiite na albanskoto nacionalno malcinstvo za otvorawe univerzitet na albanski jazik vsu{nost voop{to ne e obrazoven problem, tuku izraz na streme`ot za realizacija na proklamiranite opredelbi za re{avawe na “albanskoto nacionalno pra{awe” na Balkanot,
          * Makedonskata akademija na naukite i umetnostite ~uvstvuva potreba da uka`e deka pri re{avaweto na vakvite delikatni pra{awa treba da se ima i po{iroka pretstava za sostojbite na malcinstvata vo svetot

          Отворањето посебно државно високо образование за малцинствата е историска грешка и води во распаѓање на државата

          Kako OBJEKTIVNO i RAZUMNO razmisluvaa UMNICITE od MANU vo 2000-ta godina vo sporedba so deneshnite RAMKOVISTICHKI PRIKAZNI za mali deca.
          Last edited by indigen; 11-08-2010, 04:20 AM.


          • Pelister
            Senior Member
            • Sep 2008
            • 2742

            Isn't anyone concerned that Meto is not answering legitimate questions that go to the heart of our survival?

            I'm not sure people see it any longer, but there is a huge gap between what he posts here and says here, and his other official statements and UMD actions.

            When Meto says 'We are against a name change', you can be sure there are qualifications, and gradations to such a statement. I'm not convinced he is honest, and I am convinced that given all the glaring contradictions in his statements, and Meto's failure to act on his apparent 'turnaround' on key issues, that all we are doing here is giving him an opportunity to deceive people (if he can't be straight, what else would he be doing?)

            I am surprised that someone who has stated he is for a name change, fully behind the negotiations, refuses to reject the Interim Accord in the full knowledge of how anti-Macedonian it in fact is, as well as these apparent 'changes of mind' and glaring contradactions in a new statement - should we be alerted that something is wrong? Doesn't it strongly suggest he is taking every Macedonian for a ride. The duality in his rhetoric to have one 'public face' for Macedonians, and a 'private face' for Western politicians about how we are willing to compromise, should not be forgotten.

            What bothers me now is that MTO continue to provide a platform for this kind of UMD propoganda. Sooner or later Meto is hoping that if he spins it enough in this thread, if he can 'blur' what UMD stand for just enough to create doubt, a Macedonian sooner or later might buy back into it.
            Last edited by Pelister; 11-08-2010, 12:21 AM.


            • Phoenix
              Senior Member
              • Dec 2008
              • 4671

              Originally posted by Pelister View Post

              When Meto says 'We are against a name change', you can be sure there are qualifications, and gradations to such a statement. I'm not convinced he is honest, and I am convinced that given all the glaring contradictions in his statements, and Meto's failure to act on his apparent 'turnaround' on key issues, that all we are doing here is giving him an opportunity to deceive people (if he can't be straight, what else would he be doing?)

              I am surprised that someone who has stated he is for a name change, fully behind the negotiations, refuses to reject the Interim Accord in the full knowledge of how anti-Macedonian it in fact is, as well as these apparent 'changes of mind' and glaring contradactions in a new statement - should we be alerted that something is wrong? Doesn't it strongly suggest he is taking every Macedonian for a ride. The duality in his rhetoric to have one 'public face' for Macedonians, and a 'private face' for Western politicians about how we are willing to compromise, should not be forgotten.
              bingo Pelister...

              Meto is 'honest' but he's not being honest to the Macedonian people, particularly those of us in the diaspora...his 'honesty' as you have rightly put it, is aimed at another audience altogether...one that has nothing to do with the views of the diaspora...


              • Bratot
                Senior Member
                • Sep 2008
                • 2855

                I will use Meto's terminology, the views of UMD are not treasonous views but "DIPLOMATIC".

                The appearance of characteurs like "Screwdrivers" happen always after a realization that UMD are threatened by someone capable of doing critical analysis.

                The last thing UMD's demagogues wants is fair and open discussion of issues - their main goal is to keep opposition points of view from getting a fair hearing.
                The purpose of the media is not to make you to think that the name must be changed, but to get you into debate - what name would suit us! - Bratot


                • Soldier of Macedon
                  Senior Member
                  • Sep 2008
                  • 13675

                  Originally posted by Vangelovski View Post
                  There's at least one Canadian Board Member and a number of stooges (including Maknews). How do we know the Screwdriver is from Canada?
                  Call it an admin's hunch, he is definetly from Canada. The moron thinks if he writes a few words in Cyrillic it will throw off the scent, but the manner and terminology alone is a giveaway. He must be getting his cheap thrills by doing this after being humiliated time and again on that UMD blog known as Maknews, a forum now frquented by a handful of decent Macedonians, some deluded bulgarophile Vlach and a sprinkle of other jesters.
                  In the name of the blood and the sun, the dagger and the gun, Christ protect this soldier, a lion and a Macedonian.


                  • Vangelovski
                    Senior Member
                    • Sep 2008
                    • 8533

                    Perhaps we can return to one of the questions Meto was avoiding - the UMD Visa Card with the sonce on it - what happened to that and will UMD now back down on the Card with Alexander the Great?
                    Last edited by Vangelovski; 11-08-2010, 06:43 AM.
                    If my people who are called by my name will humble themselves and pray and seek my face and turn from their wicked ways, I will hear from heaven and will forgive their sins and restore their land. 2 Chronicles 7:14

                    The Revolution was in the minds and hearts of the people; a change in their religious sentiments, of their duties and obligations...This radical change in the principles, opinions, sentiments, and affections of the people was the real American Revolution. John Adams


                    • Bratot
                      Senior Member
                      • Sep 2008
                      • 2855

                      Originally posted by UMDiaspora.org View Post
                      This is absurd and shows the real intentions of Bulgaria and Bulgarian historians. Can someone inform us where this book will be used as a dictionary in Europe? A letter of complaint should be sent to this institution.
                      Historical Dictionary of the Republic of Macedonia (Scarecrosw Press)

                      What are Macedonian historians doing? Why aren't more Macedonian history books translated into English? So far, only a few are on Amazon from Risto Stefov, Michael Seraphinoff, etc...what are we as a community doing to promote our history more?
                      That's why this must be a call for your organisation, am I right?

                      Why don't you help our history books get translated and internationally promoted, you shouldn't be the one complaining about our community but you should be the first to initiate a proactive stand and to protect our interests!
                      The purpose of the media is not to make you to think that the name must be changed, but to get you into debate - what name would suit us! - Bratot


                      • stravdziger
                        Junior Member
                        • Sep 2010
                        • 48

                        Originally posted by indigen View Post
                        "UMD" [Tuesday, 25 August 2009]:"...Macedonia actually is the only state in the region where ethnic minorities are granted the same status as the majority demographic in the state. The 2001 Framework Agreement ended Macedonia’s civil conflict and stipulated that Macedonia’s state policy towards minorities would be among the most liberal in the region...."

                        It is clear the FA is used by "UMD" to promote Macedonia in a "positive" light and thus is an endorsement of it. Furthermore, it is a JUSTIFICATION (legitimization) of the UCK (and their backers) terrorist activities and an exoneration of the TRAITORS, e.g. Boris Trajkovski, Branko Crvenkovski, LjuBcho Georgievski and Co., who signed and enacted into law (via amendments to the Constitution/Ustav) the CAPITUALTIONIST 2001 Framework Agreement.

                        Something to refresh the mind of Macedonians about what transpired in 2001.

                        Good morning, Gentlemen!

                        Thank you for this clip, Indigen. Aracinovo is clearly one of the watershed moments in modern Macedonian history, which exposed the republic's defense vulnerabilities as well as the corruption which goes all the way to the top. I assure you that the UMD members feel just as livid about it as you do, and we all feel a profound sadness for the victims of these terroristic crimes.

                        Your accusation is that when a UMD leader such as Meto simply states the truth to third-parties about what the Siptars eventually achieved via the Framework Agreement, that it also constitutes an "endorsement" of that agreement. This is absolutely false. The other flimsy interpretation proposed is that UMD seeks to justify the UCK's behavior, or the behavior of Macedonian leaders who clearly failed the Macedonian people in 2001. This is garbage, as well.

                        Our Macedonian diaspora organizations need a renewed focus on influencing their own country's decision-makers in order to support Macedonia. I wish the Australian community would get its act together in this regard, instead of furiously tapping away at their keyboards against against a fellow Macedonian group, and then pretending this counts as "daily activism", and also pretending that this will positively influence the situation and benefit the nation.
                        Last edited by stravdziger; 11-08-2010, 09:38 AM. Reason: typo


                        • stravdziger
                          Junior Member
                          • Sep 2010
                          • 48

                          Originally posted by Bratot View Post
                          I will use Meto's terminology, the views of UMD are not treasonous views but "DIPLOMATIC".

                          The appearance of characteurs like "Screwdrivers" happen always after a realization that UMD are threatened by someone capable of doing critical analysis.

                          The last thing UMD's demagogues wants is fair and open discussion of issues - their main goal is to keep opposition points of view from getting a fair hearing.

                          Hi The Brother,
                          Let's take a look at this word "diplomacy" you despise so much. Tell me, what methods does a nation have at its disposal to influence other nations? Please correct me if I'm wrong, but it seems that the two main methods available would be: a) diplomacy, and b) force. So, when it comes to influencing foreign powers that dwarf Macedonia in terms of power, diplomacy is the only option. That's especially true when the only ones who advocate force are 10,000 km away in lovely and safe Australia.

                          The bottom line is that you don't know who your friends and enemies are, and by sowing dissent, spreading disinformation, and bullying those who challenge their ideas, this small pack of dingoes on this site are unwillingly doing the Greek's work for them.

                          OPEN CHALLENGE: The Screwdriver vs. ?

                          If you, or anyone else on this site, wants a fair and open debate, 1-to-1, on any topic or topics of your choice, I say bring it on.

                          Incidentally, if you want to set up some ground-rules, like for instance, no swearing, no ad hominem, perhaps an alternating referee, I would love that. Set the time, the rules and the place - either here or in another thread. I would look forward to a fair, authentic and sincere debate.


                          • Risto the Great
                            Senior Member
                            • Sep 2008
                            • 15660

                            If "diplomacy" means Macedonia embraces a new name like Democratic Macedonia (as you have very clearly tried to justify here), then feel free to politely fornicate yourself. Is that diplomatic enough?
                            Risto the Great
                            "Holding my breath for the revolution."

                            Hey, I wrote a bestseller. Check it out: www.ren-shen.com


                            • stravdziger
                              Junior Member
                              • Sep 2010
                              • 48

                              Originally posted by Risto the Great View Post
                              If "diplomacy" means Macedonia embraces a new name like Democratic Macedonia (as you have very clearly tried to justify here), then feel free to politely fornicate yourself. Is that diplomatic enough?
                              Ha, no that's not very diplomatic, nor is it an accurate description of what I believe. "Republic of Macedonia" is the country's name, end of story, this is exactly how it should remain. I don't know what part of that you don't understand.

                              It has become a bit of a broken record with you, Hristakis... you decide ahead of time what you think I ought to say, and when my answers don't line up neatly with your prejudices, you twist and turn what I actually did say until it fits nicely into your ideological system.

                              Hidden agenda, perhaps?
                              Last edited by stravdziger; 11-08-2010, 04:08 PM. Reason: typo


                              • Bratot
                                Senior Member
                                • Sep 2008
                                • 2855

                                Originally posted by stravdziger View Post
                                Hi The Brother,
                                Let's take a look at this word "diplomacy" you despise so much. Tell me, what methods does a nation have at its disposal to influence other nations? Please correct me if I'm wrong, but it seems that the two main methods available would be: a) diplomacy, and b) force. So, when it comes to influencing foreign powers that dwarf Macedonia in terms of power, diplomacy is the only option. That's especially true when the only ones who advocate force are 10,000 km away in lovely and safe Australia.
                                The bottom line is that you don't know who your friends and enemies are, and by sowing dissent, spreading disinformation, and bullying those who challenge their ideas, this small pack of dingoes on this site are unwillingly doing the Greek's work for them.

                                OPEN CHALLENGE: The Screwdriver vs. ?

                                If you, or anyone else on this site, wants a fair and open debate, 1-to-1, on any topic or topics of your choice, I say bring it on.

                                Incidentally, if you want to set up some ground-rules, like for instance, no swearing, no ad hominem, perhaps an alternating referee, I would love that. Set the time, the rules and the place - either here or in another thread. I would look forward to a fair, authentic and sincere debate.
                                When the demands of the other side are not even close to reasonably, but open hostility and direct efforts to erode Macedonian nationhood, ignoring ethnical or cultural considerations, then what diplomatic strategy you offer?

                                In order to understand the core of the problem Greeks have with us one must first understand its historical context and attachments and instead of just holding so called "diplomatic" position which imply readiness to find "mutually acceptable solution", should hold one firm position not making any concession to satisfy Greek demands because that will make us cancel our basic human rights.

                                I find it highly immature approach to suggest that anyone here is advocating force.

                                Maybe you should read the legal possibilities or to invest in consulting someone to suggest what mechanisms we could use, as a smaller country, by rationally using the legal advantages and to achieve the right.

                                I will be presenting soon a complete strategy for legal solution of this dispute, think of yourself and UMD invited to help in its international backing, critique and implementation.
                                Last edited by Bratot; 11-08-2010, 04:29 PM.
                                The purpose of the media is not to make you to think that the name must be changed, but to get you into debate - what name would suit us! - Bratot

