United Macedonia Diaspora

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  • Vangelovski
    Senior Member
    • Sep 2008
    • 8533

    Originally posted by Mr Brandy View Post
    Tom - many Macedonians in Canada lobbied the government for recognition - in the end it happened - and a number of organizations chose to thank Harper. When you trivialize Harper's recognition as the "bare minimum" then you are taking a shot at all Canadian Macedonians not simply the UMD. So as a Canadian I don't appreciate your comments.
    Harper's recognition of our state name is an OBLIGATION. Its is what he is obligated to do, its not some privelage that he has "bestowed" on us. By "honouring" him for doing what he is obligated to do, UMD (and you) are trivialising Macedonian national sovereignty.

    Granted, many Macedonians had to work hard for this to happen, but that does not make Harper a hero. Perhaps it should have been those Macedonians that were honoured for their tireless work, and not Harper for doing the bare minimum of what he is OBLIGATED to do - respect our natural rights.
    If my people who are called by my name will humble themselves and pray and seek my face and turn from their wicked ways, I will hear from heaven and will forgive their sins and restore their land. 2 Chronicles 7:14

    The Revolution was in the minds and hearts of the people; a change in their religious sentiments, of their duties and obligations...This radical change in the principles, opinions, sentiments, and affections of the people was the real American Revolution. John Adams


    • Makedonska_Kafana
      Senior Member
      • Aug 2010
      • 2642

      The, UMD should kiss the Bitove's ass for letting them get anywhere near the PM. Lets, give credit to those persons responsible - lifetime, PC members and supporters. It's hard for me to even use their name with the UMD, day and night, yet in hindsight I must take some of that blame - I was badly mistaken and expected much better from the UMD - annual wine and cheese party.

      Ditto, for George Markou, Jimmy Daikos and that UMD connection .. WMD 100%, so yes I make mistakes too. For, anyone not sure about the name Markou he's the only person that may try to save the UMD .. no one else will take that gamble. George, is not a stupid guy so if the UMD can't pull their own weight financially he'll walk.

      Any, UMD blind defender care to address the above? If, you do then be good and ready to sign your real name .. da game is over ladies - Macedonian Truth

      Mulroney (Ben)
      Last edited by Makedonska_Kafana; 05-21-2011, 06:50 PM.

      Macedonia for the Macedonians


      • indigen
        Senior Member
        • May 2009
        • 1558

        Originally posted by julie View Post
        Indigen, AMHRC and MHRMI are organisations that are working voluntarily hard for our Macedonian cause and in defence of MHRMI
        I think human rights organisations have limited scope in fighting for the "Macedonian Cause" and should be seen in that light. If that were not the case, they would be using Macedonian national symbols for their logos and publicly calling the "Ramkoven dogovor" an act of treason and capitulation and would cease all collaboration with the Ramkovist traitors implementing it, amongst many other things they would/should do.

        if the Macedonian media such as Sitel are broadcasting incorrect information
        If they were, would you be hosting or advertising that broadcast on your patriotic website to give it legitimacy and wider reach?

        your attack on them is unwarranted and would find it offensive.
        I don't think you should call it an "attack" as I was merely asking some pertinent questions on the given matter of the use of the Ventialtor by Macedonina organisation because the "UMD" was being attacked on the basis that it uses it at its public gatherings/functions.

        neither of these 2 organisations is doing anything but working voluntarily for basic human rights for all of our people, and fighting for our name, such as the stop negotiations campaign, which they have funded themselves, with little or no support from the diaspora.
        The Ramkoven and the IA are also VERY MUCH against the basic human rights of Macedonians everywhere and I want to know what they are doing (or have done so far) to help reverse those anti-Macedonian deconstruction schemes. In YOUR opinion, is propagating the use of the Ventilator, inadvertently or otherwise, helping the Macedonian Cause?
        Last edited by indigen; 05-21-2011, 08:02 PM.


        • Makedonska_Kafana
          Senior Member
          • Aug 2010
          • 2642

          Originally posted by indigen View Post

          I don't think you should call it an "attack" as I was merely asking some pertinent questions on the given matter of the use of the Ventialtor by Macedonina organisation because the "UMD" was being attacked on the basis that it uses it at its public gatherings/functions.
          It's the only flag UMD uses (please governments) and NOT the case with ANY other Macedonian organization in diaspora. Not, even close when it comes to that topic. If, it was a human rights event then you could say it was an issue, it's not and you see both being used.
          Last edited by Makedonska_Kafana; 05-21-2011, 08:08 PM.

          Macedonia for the Macedonians


          • indigen
            Senior Member
            • May 2009
            • 1558

            Originally posted by Makedonska_Kafana View Post
            It's the only flag UMD uses and NOT the case with ANY other Macedonian organization in diaspora.
            The "UMD" logo, though stylised, has more relation to the Macedonian 16-ray sun than the Pan-Slavist Vrtuska of "Dostoinstvo" political party and certainly more indication than the AMHRC or MHRMI logos, IMHO!

            Secondly, Meto Koloski on his FB profile says he speaks "Ancient Macedonian" whilst some of the "esteemed" others have been promoting (or promoted) "Slavism" directly or indirectly. In my estimation, if we must be critical, then we should do it comprehensively or stop praising certain organisations as the templates for the Macedonian Cause.


            • Makedonska_Kafana
              Senior Member
              • Aug 2010
              • 2642

              Originally posted by indigen View Post
              The "UMD" logo, though stylised, has more relation to the Macedonian 16-ray sun than the Pan-Slavist Vrtuska of "Dostoinstvo" political party and certainly more indication than the AMHRC or MHRMI logos, IMHO!

              Secondly, Meto Koloski on his FB profile says he speaks "Ancient Macedonian" whilst some of the "esteemed" others have been promoting (or promoted) "Slavism" directly or indirectly. In my estimation, if we must be critical, then we should do it comprehensively or stop praising certain organisations as the templates for the Macedonian Cause.
              Fala, is ancient Macedonian .. BULLSHIT. Meto, does not speak "Ancient Macedonian" and if he does force him to speak it in June. That, made me spit out my coffee laughing just now .. thanks
              Last edited by Makedonska_Kafana; 05-21-2011, 08:25 PM.

              Macedonia for the Macedonians


              • julie
                Senior Member
                • May 2009
                • 3869

                Originally posted by indigen View Post
                I think human rights organisations have limited scope in fighting for the "Macedonian Cause" and should be seen in that light. If that were not the case, they would be using Macedonian national symbols for their logos and publicly calling the "Ramkoven dogovor" an act of treason and capitulation and would cease all collaboration with the Ramkovist traitors implementing it, amongst many other things they would/should do.

                If they were, would you be hosting or advertising that broadcast on your patriotic website to give it legitimacy and wider reach?

                I don't think you should call it an "attack" as I was merely asking some pertinent questions on the given matter of the use of the Ventialtor by Macedonina organisation because the "UMD" was being attacked on the basis that it uses it at its public gatherings/functions.

                The Ramkoven and the IA are also VERY MUCH against the basic human rights of Macedonians everywhere and I want to know what they are doing (or have done so far) to help reverse those anti-Macedonian deconstruction schemes. In YOUR opinion, is propagating the use of the Ventilator, inadvertently or otherwise, helping the Macedonian Cause?
                I admire your patriotism, and unwavering consistent stance with the Macedonian cause. What I dont and am sure many others are tiring of , is your inability to use tact and diplomacy in educating others that are either ignorant or uneducated in these matters. Indigen, if you ASKED MHRMI you may have received a response forthcoming along the lines they were unaware it was on their website.
                They are not a political organisation, nor do they have the financial means to lobby, am sure their funds are depleted after the mass NO NEGOTIATIONS campaign they jointly held.
                I am appreciative of the hard work these VOLUNTEERS are putting in , with NO financial supporter from other Macedonians in the diaspora.
                If they are providing advertising for SITEL, then good! They are providing the opportunity for all to read the bullshit with those links that should be available easily for the diaspora to read about the brainwashing of our people back home.
                Asking me questions about the ventilator when you know my stance on that is really being childish
                An apology for your outburst to these 2 organisations should be forthcoming, perhaps some tact and diplomacy in asking them a question rather than the manner in which you have done so, should be something that YOU should learn.
                A facilitator, leader , and a teacher in life does not educate ignorant, uneducated or people that are not knowledgeable in the manner you do so.
                We need solidarity amongst us, and turning away people that require education on these matters is not something to be proud of.
                Absolutely, continue your ideologies, but learn some people skills .
                Have YOU offered financial support to these 2 organisations to assist them in what it is YOU want them to do in matters of government?
                AMHRC have had legal battles here with Australia dissing our people, have you assisted them with time, money, or assistance for you to be so critical of what they are doing?
                I want to apologise on your behalf for your rather rude and undiplomatic tact with MHRMI and AMHRC, I appreciate the hard, tireless , thankless work they are doing in support of the Macedonian cause.
                All this Indigen for one missed tiny flag on a website they are probably not even aware of. YOU should have asked them first if they are aware of it! Not everyone is IT literate, and if this is something that was missed, the manner in which you have conducted yourself, is offensive.
                If you were to learn to be a teacher of all, then the support we would have would be phenomenal

                I will not be responding to any more of these posts, seeing you dont know how to stop, you are worse than one of my boys when they were toddlers!
                Last edited by julie; 05-21-2011, 08:26 PM.
                "The moral revolution - the revolution of the mind, heart and soul of an enslaved people, is our greatest task."__________________Gotse Delchev


                • indigen
                  Senior Member
                  • May 2009
                  • 1558

                  Originally posted by Makedonska_Kafana View Post
                  It's the only flag UMD uses (please governments) and NOT the case with ANY other Macedonian organization in diaspora. Not, even close when it comes to that topic. If, it was a human rights event then you could say it was an issue, it's not and you see both being used.
                  The problem is that the "UMD" operates as an "unofficial" lobby group for the MK government in USA but they and their backers also want them to be seen as the "voice" of the Macedonian Diaspora and these two things are INCOMPATIBLE. If one was to operate as a MK government lobby it should be expected that they would use the official state symbols at the given time.


                  • Makedonska_Kafana
                    Senior Member
                    • Aug 2010
                    • 2642

                    Originally posted by indigen View Post
                    The problem is that the "UMD" operates as an "unofficial" lobby group for the MK government in USA but they and their backers also want them to be seen as the "voice" of the Macedonian Diaspora and these two things are INCOMPATIBLE. If one was to operate as a MK government lobby it should be expected that they would use the official state symbols at the given time.
                    I hope you understand your last post is totally opposite to what the UMD has been telling people the past eight years. If, I was Meto I would say thanks but don't be putting us 6 feet into the ground .. aLIVE

                    indigen, you're not wrong - they're for lying.
                    Last edited by Makedonska_Kafana; 05-21-2011, 08:35 PM.

                    Macedonia for the Macedonians


                    • indigen
                      Senior Member
                      • May 2009
                      • 1558

                      Originally posted by Makedonska_Kafana View Post
                      I hope you understand your last post is totally opposite to what the UMD has been telling people the past eight years. If, I was Meto I would say thanks but don't be putting us 6 feet into the ground .. aLIVE
                      Please explain?


                      • Makedonska_Kafana
                        Senior Member
                        • Aug 2010
                        • 2642

                        Originally posted by indigen View Post
                        Please explain?
                        I'm tired but I see you have not been paying full attention about what they claim is their role in diaspora countries.

                        NOT, THE STUFF YOU JUST POSTED. NGO

                        Give us a link?

                        - The problem is that the "UMD" operates as an "unofficial" lobby group for the MK government in USA but they and their backers also want them to be seen as the "voice" of the Macedonian Diaspora

                        What, else can you share with us tonight .. deadly! Masala
                        Last edited by Makedonska_Kafana; 05-21-2011, 08:52 PM.

                        Macedonia for the Macedonians


                        • indigen
                          Senior Member
                          • May 2009
                          • 1558

                          Originally posted by julie View Post
                          I admire your patriotism, and unwavering consistent stance with the Macedonian cause. What I dont and am sure many others are tiring of , is your inability to use tact and diplomacy in educating others that are either ignorant or uneducated in these matters.
                          Julie, I am NOT teacher material and it is too late by now to change that! I raise some issues of concern to me and if the "teachers" floating around here see value in any of that, they can do the teaching.

                          Indigen, if you ASKED MHRMI you may have received a response forthcoming along the lines they were unaware it was on their website.
                          They were aware, JULIE, as it was explained by MHRMI! I would say that you are too naive in thinking they were not.

                          They are not a political organisation, nor do they have the financial means to lobby, am sure their funds are depleted after the mass NO NEGOTIATIONS campaign they jointly held.
                          You would be surprised how political some of their old-time activists are, dear JULIE, but lets not go there.


                          • indigen
                            Senior Member
                            • May 2009
                            • 1558

                            Originally posted by Makedonska_Kafana View Post
                            I'm tired but I see you have not been paying full attention about what they claim is their role in diaspora countries.

                            NOT, THE STUFF YOU JUST POSTED. NGO
                            MKaf, many years ago I dismissed them as a "RAMKOVIST SUPPORT GROUP" and I don't think they are anything but that now. Regardless of their BOGUS CLAIMS, they certainly do NOT (and SHOULD NOT) represent the Macedonian Diaspora!


                            • Makedonska_Kafana
                              Senior Member
                              • Aug 2010
                              • 2642

                              Originally posted by indigen View Post
                              MKaf, many years ago I dismissed them as a "RAMKOVIST SUPPORT GROUP" and I don't think they are anything but that now. Regardless of their BOGUS CLAIMS, they certainly do NOT (and SHOULD NOT) represent the Macedonian Diaspora!
                              Who are you talking about sega .. UMD? I, could not agree anymore. No ONE organization can do that alone and we all know this .. FACT. Do you know anything about the Macedonian umbrella organization MANY years (30+) ago? Great idea but there was one major problem .. MPO, and their need to be pro Bulgars.

                              That, idea could still work (minus mpo) as long as the UMD does not think they can hold the umbrella - fail 100%. An independent board of directors who oversee all.
                              Last edited by Makedonska_Kafana; 05-21-2011, 09:16 PM.

                              Macedonia for the Macedonians


                              • indigen
                                Senior Member
                                • May 2009
                                • 1558

                                Originally posted by Makedonska_Kafana View Post
                                Who are you talking about sega .. UMD? I, could not agree anymore. No ONE organization can do that alone and we all know this .. FACT.
                                Yes, "UMD".

                                Do you know anything about the Macedonian umbrella organization MANY years (30+) ago?
                                I don't want to speculate on anything past 1990, and mainly for Australia, thus please enlighten me (and the readers).

