United Macedonia Diaspora

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  • George S.
    Senior Member
    • Aug 2009
    • 10116

    wine & dine at someone elses cost.
    "Ido not want an uprising of people that would leave me at the first failure, I want revolution with citizens able to bear all the temptations to a prolonged struggle, what, because of the fierce political conditions, will be our guide or cattle to the slaughterhouse"


    • Risto the Great
      Senior Member
      • Sep 2008
      • 15660

      They hardly make any money after paying rent & Meto's salary I would imagine. Their biggest supporter seems to be a Turkish Diaspora organisation. Other Turkish Diaspora organisations have had dubious links with USA government in the past, this may well be the same but we cannot be sure. The agenda of UMD has never been clear.
      Risto the Great
      "Holding my breath for the revolution."

      Hey, I wrote a bestseller. Check it out: www.ren-shen.com


      • United MKD
        • Jul 2011
        • 547

        From Perth for CHOGM:


        • Sputnik
          Junior Member
          • Oct 2011
          • 50

          UMD Urges EU Leaders to Support Macedonia
          Tuesday, 01 November 2011
          November 1, 2011 – Washington, D.C. – The United Macedonian Diaspora (UMD) urged today all twenty-seven European Union (EU) members’ Heads of State to support the Republic of Macedonia’s EU aspirations. Macedonia has been an EU candidate since 2005.
          In the letter to all EU leaders from UMD Board Chairman Stojan Nikolov and UMD President Metodija A. Koloski, UMD called on the EU leaders to follow the recommendations by the European Commission, for the last three years, and grant Macedonia its well-deserved start for accession talks at the upcoming December Council meeting..........
          May i ask why all the urge for Macedonia EU membership?

          Why would you want Macedonia to become totally controlled by a totalitarian regime?

          Why would you want Macedonia's sovereignty completely taken away?

          Are you aware of the Nazi roots of the Brussels EU by any chance?
          Last edited by Sputnik; 11-01-2011, 07:18 AM.


          • Risto the Great
            Senior Member
            • Sep 2008
            • 15660

            You should ask a guy called Currency Trader about this. He had been abducted by the EU in his childhood and probed inappropriately during experiments. I think he liked it.

            But the UMD on the other hand (or perhaps the exact same hand) like the EU because they believe it is good for Macedonia. I am not convinced the Diaspora thinks it is good for Macedonia .... but the UMD does not represent the Diaspora.
            Risto the Great
            "Holding my breath for the revolution."

            Hey, I wrote a bestseller. Check it out: www.ren-shen.com


            • George S.
              Senior Member
              • Aug 2009
              • 10116

              ct is famous for not answering your questions RTG because they go to the heart of the matter. Doesn't that sound like the umd avoiding important questions?Ct thinks we should blindly go & join the union & all our dreams will be realised.But in reality we see a lot of countries losing sovereignity,big debts etc is it really worth it i don't think so when you have to change your name first.
              Last edited by George S.; 11-01-2011, 03:54 PM. Reason: ed
              "Ido not want an uprising of people that would leave me at the first failure, I want revolution with citizens able to bear all the temptations to a prolonged struggle, what, because of the fierce political conditions, will be our guide or cattle to the slaughterhouse"
              GOTSE DELCEV


              • Vangelovski
                Senior Member
                • Sep 2008
                • 8533

                In recent months, UMD has made some statements that many of us would agree with, at least on the surface. Some have even suggested that they may be reaching a turning point where UMD may be heading towards a position where it will begin to contribute positively to the Macedonian cause. But I think that this analysis is incorrect and does not take into account UMD’s consistency in one key area – self-promotion and the fear of public backlash. UMD’s unelected Board has become quite skilled at promoting itself, and in particular, its unelected President.

                Two key messages have been delivered by UMD recently. One is that it now supposedly claims to want an end to name negotiations. The other is that it supposedly laments the privileges that were granted to Albanian extremists in 2001. But is the UMD genuine in relation to either of these two matters, or is it just a case of responding to public pressure without really committing to the fundamental views of Macedonians in the diaspora and the freedom of Macedonians in the homeland?

                In the past UMD has supported a name change (Republic of Macedonia (Skopje)) and has even provided possible solutions (Democratic Republic of Macedonia). UMD has even supported the FYROM terminology claiming that tens of thousands of Macedonians would have starved to death hadn’t it been accepted!?! UMD has also publically supported the name negotiations. What has changed now? Other than claiming to no longer do so, nothing much.

                Like the saying goes, the devil is in the detail. In this case, its a matter of what UMD has failed to do, and that is to publically reject the Interim Accord with Greece and call for it to be declared ‘null and void’. Claiming to oppose a name change and the name negotiations without rejecting the Interim Accord and subtlety supporting its full implementation is nothing more than an exercise in cheap politicking and self-gratification. Its the Interim Accord that enslaves Macedonia to Greece. What is the Interim Accord? Most of us should be fully across this treasonous agreement if we are worth our salt as Macedonians. But here is a brief outline:

                a) Macedonia agrees to negotiate its name (Article 5);

                b) Macedonia agrees to renounce all claims to its ethnic/historic territory and agrees NOT to pursue the rights of Macedonians not only in Greece but in ANY OTHER STATE (Article 6);

                c) Macedonia agrees to renounce the Sonce as its national symbol AND any other symbols that Greece considers to be part of its historic or cultural heritage (Article 7); and

                d) Macedonia agrees to only enter international organisations under FYROM (Article 11).

                UMD has consistently refused to publically reject this agreement with Greece – an agreement that destroys Macedonian freedom and was agreed to by the then illegitimate Gligorov/Crvenkovski Government (which rigged the elections in order to take power). In fact, UMD has consistently supported this Accord by implementing it within their own organisation through the use of the Greek imposed ventilator among other activities. How is it that UMD now supposedly claims it does not support the name negotiations and a name change after providing their own name change suggestions, supporting name change suggestions from Mathew Nimitz and refusing to reject the Interim Accord?

                The second point relating to UMD’s supposed disagreement with the privileges granted to Albanian extremists is similar. Recently, UMD made vague comments to the effect that the power given to Albanians after the 2001 conflict was bad for Macedonia. Yet at the same time, UMD consistently refuses to reject the Framework Agreement that provides the Albanians with these privileges! While the majority of Macedonian organisations have called for the Framework Agreement to be replaced by a system based on individual human rights and international best practice, UMD continues to subtly support the Framework Agreement by claiming it has provided peace and multi-ethnic tolerance and has in the past even openly supported numerous Albanian claims.

                These recent statements by the UMD are nothing more than cheap political stunts whose purpose is to win credibility and support among the Macedonian diaspora. Do not be fooled by cheap talk that isn’t backed up by principled action. Any call for an end to negotiations should be backed up by a call to declare the Interim Accord ‘null and void’. Any call for Macedonian freedom and rights within Macedonia should be backed up by a call to replace the Framework Agreement with a system founded on individual human rights and international best practice.
                If my people who are called by my name will humble themselves and pray and seek my face and turn from their wicked ways, I will hear from heaven and will forgive their sins and restore their land. 2 Chronicles 7:14

                The Revolution was in the minds and hearts of the people; a change in their religious sentiments, of their duties and obligations...This radical change in the principles, opinions, sentiments, and affections of the people was the real American Revolution. John Adams


                • makedonche
                  Senior Member
                  • Oct 2008
                  • 3242

                  Amen to that!
                  On Delchev's sarcophagus you can read the following inscription: "We swear the future generations to bury these sacred bones in the capital of Independent Macedonia. August 1923 Illinden"


                  • Pelister
                    Senior Member
                    • Sep 2008
                    • 2742

                    UMD and Interim Accord


                    Your assesment of UMD policy is spot on, I think. In these dangerous times, it is not what UMD appear to stand for that concerns me rather what they do not stand for.

                    It is their 'silences' on the critical things endangering the Macedonian Republic:

                    1. Interim Accord
                    2. Negotiations
                    3. Talking up 'integration' into the E.U

                    I know that the rhetoric has changed, but the 'cracks' really begin to show as you say in the detail.

                    Originally posted by Details of Interim Accord by Tom
                    Like the saying goes, the devil is in the detail. In this case, its a matter of what UMD has failed to do, and that is to publically reject the Interim Accord with Greece and call for it to be declared ‘null and void’. Claiming to oppose a name change and the name negotiations without rejecting the Interim Accord and subtlety supporting its full implementation is nothing more than an exercise in cheap politicking and self-gratification. Its the Interim Accord that enslaves Macedonia to Greece. What is the Interim Accord? Most of us should be fully across this treasonous agreement if we are worth our salt as Macedonians. But here is a brief outline:

                    a) Macedonia agrees to negotiate its name (Article 5);

                    b) Macedonia agrees to renounce all claims to its ethnic/historic territory and agrees NOT to pursue the rights of Macedonians not only in Greece but in ANY OTHER STATE (Article 6);

                    c) Macedonia agrees to renounce the Sonce as its national symbol AND any other symbols that Greece considers to be part of its historic or cultural heritage (Article 7); and

                    d) Macedonia agrees to only enter international organisations under FYROM (Article 11).


                    • Mr Brandy
                      • May 2010
                      • 144

                      Metodija A. Koloski & Mark Branov: Time to let Macedonia play with the big boys

                      National Post Nov 28, 2011 – 1:56 PM ET

                      By Metodija A. Koloski and Mark Branov

                      Rarely has a country’s standing in the community of nations collapsed as quickly as that of Greece. For months now, the nation has been on the cusp of defaulting on its massive debt, thereby threatening not only the global economy, but also the very structure of the European Union.

                      And yet, Greece always seems to have plenty of money on hand to wage its obsessive propaganda war against the independent republic of Macedonia, which sits on Greece’s northern border.

                      As always, Balkan problems are rooted in history. More than a century ago, the Macedonians fought to free themselves from the Ottomans, at the Ilinden Uprising. A decade later, world powers succeeded in using the proxy armies of Bulgaria, Greece and Serbia to push the Ottomans out of Macedonia, and eventually Europe. But those three kingdoms then went to war against one another, while the indigenous Macedonians were pushed aside.

                      In 1913, the Treaty of Bucharest crippled the prospect of an independent Macedonian state. A large part of Macedonian territory was annexed to Greece; another large part went to the King of Serbia; and a smaller part to the Bulgarians.

                      Since then, the Greek state has been paranoid about losing its northern territory to a unified Macedonian entity. This fear led to, among other things, systematic killing of Macedonians in northern Greece. Through three major wars, countless Macedonians were killed or forced from their homes by the Greek state. This “Hellenization” policy ultimately failed, and a restless Macedonian minority continues to struggle under Greek rule to this day.

                      Until the mid-1980s, the word “Macedonia” itself was taboo in Greece. But, when it became obvious that Yugoslavia — into which part of Macedonia had been absorbed when that country was formed — would disintegrate in the twilight of the Cold War, Athens decided to switch tactics by co-opting the Macedonian “brand.”

                      By the late ‘80s, Greek officials had started renaming everything in northern Greece, to give it an artificial Greco-Macedonian façade. Airports, universities and roads were renamed as “Macedonian,” and new Alexander of Macedon statues were erected for the first time. To this day, Greece demands that the term Macedonia be used, by itself, only in reference to the region of northern Greece upon which it has fastened this geographical label.

                      In 1991, the real Macedonia declared independence peacefully — one of the first pieces of the former Yugoslavia that went its own way. This angered Serbia’s Slobodan Milosevic and Greece’s Constantinos Mitsotakis, who even considered a military invasion. Greece blocked Macedonia’s UN membership and imposed a devastating three year trade embargo, which left Macedonia with 70% unemployment. But Milosevic eventually became preoccupied by wars in Bosnia and Croatia, so the invasion never came.

                      In response to Greek objections to Macedonia’s alleged appropriation of “Hellenic” symbols, Macedonia modified its national flag, and eventually was admitted to the UN under the ridiculous temporary term “the Former Yugoslav Republic of Macedonia” (“FYR Macedonia”). Such compromises were embedded in an agreement called the Interim Accord (IA), which led to the diplomatic stalemate that persists to this day. The IA forces Macedonia to continue “negotiations” with Greece ad infinitum, even though the Macedonians (rightly) have no intention of backing off from their name or identity. Meanwhile, the Greeks continue to make life as difficult as possible for Macedonia in international fora. In 2008, for instance, Athens vetoed Macedonia’s NATO membership.

                      Canada has taken a different approach, however. In 2007, Canada officially dropped the use of “FYR” before the word Macedonia, and fully recognized Macedonia as what it is — Macedonia, full stop. In 2009, National Defence Minister Peter MacKay suggested a “consensus minus one” formula for new membership, to free NATO from obstructionist Greek tactics.

                      The NATO Summit in Chicago next May represents a historic chance to lift any doubt over Macedonia’s future security. Macedonia has met all the requirements for NATO membership. Indeed, it is the fourth largest contributor per capita to the ISAF mission in Afghanistan, despite not even being a NATO member yet.

                      It is a moral imperative for Canada to truly stand up to the bankrupt Greeks next May, to support Macedonia’s identity as a prospective NATO member, and to preserve peace and security in the Balkans.

                      National Post

                      Metodija A. Koloski is the president of the United Macedonian Diaspora (UMD) — a leading international non-governmental and non-profit organization advocating for the interests and needs of Macedonians and Macedonian communities worldwide. Mark Branov is the editor of UMD Voice magazine.


                      • Vangelovski
                        Senior Member
                        • Sep 2008
                        • 8533

                        Another article by Meto that looks ok on the surface but fails to answer some crucial questions. Macedonia applied for NATO membership under the name FYROM. Seeing as Meto does not suggest this application be modified, it appears he is happy for Macedonia to be admitted to NATO as FYROM. In fact, he has openly stated that Macedonia should join under the name it applied (FYROM) some time ago in this very thread. When questioned about it, he tried to lie and say that Macedonia did not apply for membership under the name FYROM, which is ridiculous and the relevant documentation was provided here. As usual, Meto disappeared with his tail between his legs.
                        If my people who are called by my name will humble themselves and pray and seek my face and turn from their wicked ways, I will hear from heaven and will forgive their sins and restore their land. 2 Chronicles 7:14

                        The Revolution was in the minds and hearts of the people; a change in their religious sentiments, of their duties and obligations...This radical change in the principles, opinions, sentiments, and affections of the people was the real American Revolution. John Adams


                        • makedonche
                          Senior Member
                          • Oct 2008
                          • 3242

                          What a great idea this is, let's wait until next May nest year until someone stands up forMacedonia.
                          Here's my suggestion: forget about anyone else standing up for Macedonia, how about Macedonia and all Macedonians stand up for themselves and stop waiting for some saviour to come along. The sooner Macedonia and Macedonians realise that depending on external forces to do our job for us is the same as depending on a drug dealer for your next fix - you will always be dependent on them - not independent! Pay more attention to Goce delchev's words and read closely the words in my signature!
                          On Delchev's sarcophagus you can read the following inscription: "We swear the future generations to bury these sacred bones in the capital of Independent Macedonia. August 1923 Illinden"


                          • Risto the Great
                            Senior Member
                            • Sep 2008
                            • 15660

                            Thanks Mr Brandyov
                            Risto the Great
                            "Holding my breath for the revolution."

                            Hey, I wrote a bestseller. Check it out: www.ren-shen.com


                            • Risto the Great
                              Senior Member
                              • Sep 2008
                              • 15660

                              Originally posted by Mr Brandyov
                              In response to Greek objections to Macedonia’s alleged appropriation of “Hellenic” symbols, Macedonia modified its national flag, and eventually was admitted to the UN under the ridiculous temporary term “the Former Yugoslav Republic of Macedonia” (“FYR Macedonia”). Such compromises were embedded in an agreement called the Interim Accord (IA), which led to the diplomatic stalemate that persists to this day. The IA forces Macedonia to continue “negotiations” with Greece ad infinitum, even though the Macedonians (rightly) have no intention of backing off from their name or identity. Meanwhile, the Greeks continue to make life as difficult as possible for Macedonia in international fora. In 2008, for instance, Athens vetoed Macedonia’s NATO membership.
                              What a wishy washy overview of the agreement & stalemate.
                              Just come out and spell it out son. It was rubbish and devastating for Macedonia & needs to be stated clearly.
                              Risto the Great
                              "Holding my breath for the revolution."

                              Hey, I wrote a bestseller. Check it out: www.ren-shen.com


                              • George S.
                                Senior Member
                                • Aug 2009
                                • 10116

                                one thing's for sure you can't trust the umd with your life ,even if it depended on it.They are two bit lying,kniving no good so called representatives of the diaspora.If there is a buck in it they'll be in on it.As for meto he has proven to be unworthy of the title to represent anyone that is called macedonian.He has proven over & over to be ananti macedonian & not for the macedonian cause.
                                Last edited by George S.; 11-28-2011, 08:33 PM. Reason: edit
                                "Ido not want an uprising of people that would leave me at the first failure, I want revolution with citizens able to bear all the temptations to a prolonged struggle, what, because of the fierce political conditions, will be our guide or cattle to the slaughterhouse"
                                GOTSE DELCEV

