United Macedonia Diaspora

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  • UMDiaspora.org
    • Oct 2009
    • 525

    $5,000 Needed to Screen A Name is A Name in Washington, D.C.

    UMD would like to hold a public screening of the new documentary A Name is A Name in Washington, D.C. in the beginning of 2010 (January or February). In order to hold such an event, it will cost UMD $5,000.00, this will include rental for a theatre, catering for a pre- or post-screening reception, and minimal marketing of the film (printed invitations and flyers). This is for one screening only. It would be great to have a two-night public screening one week apart so word of mouth can spread. But our goal is to raise $5,000.00 in order to hold this screening.

    As you know the Greek-American community and the Greek diplomatic community in Washington, D.C. has been in uproar trying to not allow the screening of A Name is A Name or anywhere else for that matter. They put so much pressure that the Icelandic Ambassador canceled a private screening at his home, which several members of Congress were planning to attend.

    Are we going to allow them to deny our right of freedom of speech in the United States, and other places? NO!

    Help us raise $5,000 for a public screening of A Name is A Name. Donate TODAY by visiting http://www.acteva.com/booking.cfm?bevaID=137419 Write in the amount under DONATE field and then at the bottom put in the note section "A Name is A Name." UMD will ensure the money you donate goes towards this project. If you can help fundraise in your community please e-mail us at info@umdiaspora.org or call us at (202) 756-2244.

    To view the trailer of A Name is A Name, click here http://www.anameisaname.com/
    For comments, questions, concerns, please contact us at:

    United Macedonian Diaspora

    1101 Pennsylvania Avenue, NW, 6th Floor, Washington, D.C. 20004, United States
    Phone: (202) 756-2244, Fax: (202) 756-7323, E-mail: info@umdiaspora.org

    PO Box 2153, Hawthorn, Vic. 3122, Australia
    Phone: 0438 385 466, E-mail: australia@umdiaspora.org

    3555 St. Clair Avenue East, Toronto, ON, M1K 1L6, Canada
    Phone: 416-209-0448, E-mail: canada@umdiaspora.org


    • UMDiaspora.org
      • Oct 2009
      • 525

      UMD Dismayed at CoE Committee of Ministers Resolution to Override ECHR Judgement

      The United Macedonian Diaspora (UMD) expressed dismay over a December 1, 2009 resolution passed by the Council of Europe’s Committee of Ministers regarding the registration of the political party of the ethnic Macedonian national minority in Bulgaria, OMO Ilinden PIRIN. The resolution encourages OMO Ilinden PIRIN to go through the Bulgarian legal system again and re-register the party under the new Bulgarian law for political parties. This resolution contradicts the October 20, 2005 judgment of the European Court of Human Rights (United Macedonian Organization Ilinden – PIRIN and others against Bulgaria), in which the Court held, unanimously, that there had been a violation of Article 11 (freedom of assembly and association) of the European Convention on Human Rights. To date, Bulgaria has not implemented the ECHR judgment to allow the registration of OMO Ilinden PIRIN as a political party.

      Read full press release at http://www.UMDiaspora.org
      For comments, questions, concerns, please contact us at:

      United Macedonian Diaspora

      1101 Pennsylvania Avenue, NW, 6th Floor, Washington, D.C. 20004, United States
      Phone: (202) 756-2244, Fax: (202) 756-7323, E-mail: info@umdiaspora.org

      PO Box 2153, Hawthorn, Vic. 3122, Australia
      Phone: 0438 385 466, E-mail: australia@umdiaspora.org

      3555 St. Clair Avenue East, Toronto, ON, M1K 1L6, Canada
      Phone: 416-209-0448, E-mail: canada@umdiaspora.org


      • Soldier of Macedon
        Senior Member
        • Sep 2008
        • 13675

        Absolutely pathetic, these western European hyprocritical racists!

        Macedonia has no friends, no sponsors, no support. It is just us. We are not even in the EU and are forced to make so many changes to our systems, so many concessions, etc, and these racist animals in Bulgaria and Greece, who are EU members, do not have to comply with EU rulings, and when they don't for long enough, the ruling changes to suit them.

        Macedonians, never forget the words of Krste Misirkov, Bulgaria is one of Macedonia's greatest demons. Never forget.
        In the name of the blood and the sun, the dagger and the gun, Christ protect this soldier, a lion and a Macedonian.


        • makedonche
          Senior Member
          • Oct 2008
          • 3242

          Does the Council of Europe have the authority to overrule the European Court of Human Rights?
          On Delchev's sarcophagus you can read the following inscription: "We swear the future generations to bury these sacred bones in the capital of Independent Macedonia. August 1923 Illinden"


          • TrueMacedonian
            • Jan 2009
            • 3823

            This is ridiculous. The Macedonians in Pirin have every right to be who they rightful are. Macedonians! SoM is right about Western Europe. They are hypocritical racists.


            • UMDiaspora.org
              • Oct 2009
              • 525

              According to Article 46 of the European Convention on Human Rights, the Committee of Ministers of the Council of Europe has the right to supervise the execution of the ECHR judgments. Let's hope we can make some changes when Macedonia takes over the Chairmanship of the Council of Europe Committee of Ministers on May 11, 2010 to November 2010. Turkey takes over on November 2010 to May 2011. The Committee of Ministers is by majority voting, not concensus.

              Article 46 - Binding force and execution of judgments

              1 The High Contracting Parties undertake to abide by the final judgment of the Court in any case to which they are parties.

              2 The final judgment of the Court shall be transmitted to the Committee of Ministers, which shall supervise its execution.
              For comments, questions, concerns, please contact us at:

              United Macedonian Diaspora

              1101 Pennsylvania Avenue, NW, 6th Floor, Washington, D.C. 20004, United States
              Phone: (202) 756-2244, Fax: (202) 756-7323, E-mail: info@umdiaspora.org

              PO Box 2153, Hawthorn, Vic. 3122, Australia
              Phone: 0438 385 466, E-mail: australia@umdiaspora.org

              3555 St. Clair Avenue East, Toronto, ON, M1K 1L6, Canada
              Phone: 416-209-0448, E-mail: canada@umdiaspora.org


              • TrueMacedonian
                • Jan 2009
                • 3823

                The Committee of Ministers is by majority voting, not concensus.
                This makes it even more incredulous of these Western Europeans to toy with the human rights of a bunch of people who are forced to call themselves "Ethnic Bulgarians". BS!


                • makedonche
                  Senior Member
                  • Oct 2008
                  • 3242

                  So you have the Comittee of Ministers as the authority in supervising the execution of the decision, prepared to do nothing! This is astounding - are there any precedents for the execution of rulings/decisions, relating to this type of human rights abuse, that we can refer to in order to compel these clowns to take the appropriate action instead of failing to deliver the appropriate discipline necessary.
                  On Delchev's sarcophagus you can read the following inscription: "We swear the future generations to bury these sacred bones in the capital of Independent Macedonia. August 1923 Illinden"


                  • Pelister
                    Senior Member
                    • Sep 2008
                    • 2742


                    The E.U is a club that cloaks its racism and intolerance in humanist rhetoric. As an Institution - we need to understand that it has all the characteristics of a typical club.

                    Hence the power of individual members, its exclusivity and decision making powers to include or exclude.

                    The U.N on the other hand, is aligned more closely along the principles of democracy, equal representation and equal power among the nations of the world.

                    The Macedonians are barking up the wrong tree if they think that the E.U club should be our goal. The apologists at UMD who support the negotiations are not helping the matter by encouraging our membership aspirations toward the E.U, rather than directing that wasted energy to overturning FYROM at the U.N. (which can be done legally through its own institutions).

                    Two different organizations.


                    • makedonche
                      Senior Member
                      • Oct 2008
                      • 3242

                      It's becomming more & more obvious the EU is a waste of time, given the sacrifices and vetoing we face there, and the legal challenge through the UN would be more usefull to bring the racists to be held accountable - trouble is that the legal path is very slow and expensive1
                      On Delchev's sarcophagus you can read the following inscription: "We swear the future generations to bury these sacred bones in the capital of Independent Macedonia. August 1923 Illinden"


                      • Pelister
                        Senior Member
                        • Sep 2008
                        • 2742

                        Originally posted by makedonche View Post
                        It's becomming more & more obvious the EU is a waste of time, given the sacrifices and vetoing we face there, and the legal challenge through the UN would be more usefull to bring the racists to be held accountable - trouble is that the legal path is very slow and expensive1
                        U.N is a different institution to the E.U. I would say it is more egalitarian, and add to that that the Macedonians have the legal and political advantage at the U.N, one, because U.N articles forbid the U.N from admitting a country by a name that is not its constitutional name, and two, because there already exists a case (in Portugal) where this has happened at the U.N. Portugal WON. My point is that all of this negotiating our identity for E.U membership on the presumption that we are blocked or will from the E.U, is a wild, reckless chase for nothing substantial. Why would we be negotiating our identity to have FYROM overturned at the U.N ? We can legally overturn FYROM at the U.N. without exposing ourselves so stupidly. If the ICJ rule in our favor (and they will), MOST members of the U.N (apart from those Greece can influence) will vote in good consciounce to have us admitted by our constitutional name. Remember there are no VETO powers at the U.N and every nation has an equal vote.
                        Last edited by Pelister; 12-03-2009, 02:41 AM.


                        • Bij
                          • Oct 2009
                          • 905

                          cant you guys put it on one of your credit cards?


                          • UMDiaspora.org
                            • Oct 2009
                            • 525

                            Vote for the new singer Australian-based Marija Neskovski

                            Marija Neskovski, Australian singer of Macedonian heritage, has come out with a new song, which has made it top 5 in the charts in Australia!!!

                            She needs our support, votes, and comments to bring her to #1. Marija earns a point for every posted comment.

                            Here is where you can leave your comments about her song: http://blog.promotion-us.com/marija-...oulseekerz-mix

                            Her website is http://www.marijaneskovski.com
                            Last edited by UMDiaspora.org; 12-04-2009, 09:40 AM.
                            For comments, questions, concerns, please contact us at:

                            United Macedonian Diaspora

                            1101 Pennsylvania Avenue, NW, 6th Floor, Washington, D.C. 20004, United States
                            Phone: (202) 756-2244, Fax: (202) 756-7323, E-mail: info@umdiaspora.org

                            PO Box 2153, Hawthorn, Vic. 3122, Australia
                            Phone: 0438 385 466, E-mail: australia@umdiaspora.org

                            3555 St. Clair Avenue East, Toronto, ON, M1K 1L6, Canada
                            Phone: 416-209-0448, E-mail: canada@umdiaspora.org


                            • Bij
                              • Oct 2009
                              • 905

                              which top 5 charts in australia?

                              i ask because i cant find where to vote for it. its nowhere. ive never heard of it before either


                              • George S.
                                Senior Member
                                • Aug 2009
                                • 10116

                                i can't vote i've just lost my internet connection.
                                "Ido not want an uprising of people that would leave me at the first failure, I want revolution with citizens able to bear all the temptations to a prolonged struggle, what, because of the fierce political conditions, will be our guide or cattle to the slaughterhouse"
                                GOTSE DELCEV

