United Macedonia Diaspora

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  • TajnataKniga
    • Dec 2009
    • 196


    Originally posted by Grotius View Post
    I have been a financial member of the AMHRC for several years.

    At the time of the capitulation to the Framework Agreement, the AMHRC wrote directly to every single Macedonian parliamentarian demanding they immediately denounce and withdraw from such an appalling imposition.

    As for the so-called Interim Accord, the AMHRC has on numerous occasions made public statements calling for the immediate end to the ‘so-called name talks’. The AMHRC has never to my knowledge supported the so-called Accord. Moreover, unlike others, they have never advocated or even contemplated name changes.

    T-K, now that you have brought up the AMHRC’s response to Prof. Miller, I would encourage you (and others) to read it its entirety and in context. I don’t see any other organisation capable of producing such a clinical response to a Greek sycophant like Miller.
    grotius, excellent post. i agree 100% the AMHRC response to miller was SUPER! but read between the lines why i wrote what i did. to make a point that all organisations have used verbiage from the 'interim accord' to prove the point that grease has violated it numerous times.

    when has UMD advocated a name change? i didnt see that quote. i only saw meto making a statement that he may accept 'democratic' to end the fyrom.

    the framework, im glad to hear that someone who existed in 2001 was doing something...do you have a copy of the letter? did AMHRC get any responses? macedonians should hold those mps responsible for voting for the framework agreement.


    • TajnataKniga
      • Dec 2009
      • 196

      there you go

      Originally posted by Soldier of Macedon View Post
      He has read them Jankovska, I gave him the link and summary of the ZMR interview, he saw no compromise in Meto's suggestion of acceptance for (1) 'democratic' in the UN, a (2) bilateral name for Greece, and the (3) constitutional name for everything else.

      Perhaps the UMD can start carrying 3 name-plates to all of their meetings, in case they have to switch when a delegate from the UN or Greece walks in the door.

      Read the thread regarding the Greek lobby in the US which this individual created, he applauds his new identity as a 'democratic Macedonian'.
      there you go putting words in peoples mouths. i dont blame meto for not wanting to get involved on this forum. with such shear bs.


      • TajnataKniga
        • Dec 2009
        • 196


        Originally posted by Bill77 View Post
        well not everyone here are from Australia. And i am sure he is aware that his name is being thrown around in here, so mabe he should have defended himself personaly and make his stance on the whole issue clearly.
        poor guy, his ears must be red all the time.


        • Bill77
          Senior Member
          • Oct 2009
          • 4545

          Originally posted by TajnataKniga View Post
          poor guy, his ears must be red all the time.
          well i am sure he has a tough job. But its only a sugestion i made.


          • Prolet
            Senior Member
            • Sep 2009
            • 5241

            I dont understand why you can't stick to one train of thought...you know exactly where I stand on this UMD thing because you were there on that first thread on Maknews agreeing with what I was saying and now you're chopping and changing...
            Phoenix, Who says i dont agree with you? I still do, however that was because the UMD responses where very weak and i let the UMD know about it and i was critical of them which is normal however i simply cant start hating the UMD for it, like i mentioned earlier we need to look at the big picture and you are right we need to be fierce in our responses we cant be looked as piss weak can we?? The AMHRC writes brilliant responses and the UMD should be taking an example from them.
            МАКЕДОНЕЦ си кога кавал ќе ти ја распара душата,зурла ќе ти го раскине срцето,кога секое влакно од кожата ќе ти се наежи кога ќе видиш шеснаесеткрако сонце,кога до коска ќе те заболи кога ќе слушнеш ПЈРМ,кога немаш ни за леб,а полн си во душата затоа што ја сакаш МАКЕДОНИЈА. МАКЕДОНИЈА во срце те носиме.


            • Jankovska
              Senior Member
              • Sep 2008
              • 1774

              Omg this is neverending. It is very simple, why are we all making it so complicated. No organisation or a person should ever come out and publicly agree that we need a name change, the gov are doing it and I lost faith in them , I don't want to loose faith in a lot of us. I know for myself, no matter what someone says I wouldn't say we need to chat about options regarding my name. No way will that ever happen. I am Macedonian, ethnic and I stick to that. If anyone thinks they have the right to change that for me, or negotiate my name, my right than gadno se zaebale. My name is my right and no one on any side has the right to think about changing it, even talking about it. It's very simple. UMD have done a lot for Macedonia, let's not concentrate only on the bad things. They have done alot for the country, working for our cause and taking the name Macedonia far. But they should stay away from the name talks for the time being or at least making statements regarding the solution. They should concentrate on doing the good job, pushing for countires to recognise Macedonia, to visit Macedonia, to invest in Macedonia. Leave the solution alone. There isn't one. Everyone back away from solution talks, there isn't a solution to this problem. We are Macedonians and the Greeks will never be happy. Simple

              Prolet, yes I have noticed it too, you have something to do with the Croats, somehow they get mentioned again. I will ask you one thing, do you want us to be invloved in the same shit the Croats and Serbs were and should we suffer? It's very easy to want and think war as a solution from Australia or the UK, very hard when you should grab a gun and start killing people. We should never use those countries as an example, we are better than that.


              • Jankovska
                Senior Member
                • Sep 2008
                • 1774

                If Meto has made statement and the presedent of UMD he can only reply as the president of UMD and he shouldn't have to do it on a public forum. Email him. I know I will as soon as I get a moment so I can find out more about the statement made.


                • Soldier of Macedon
                  Senior Member
                  • Sep 2008
                  • 13675

                  Prolet, I would've responded to your earlier post, ama za dzabe, badiala glaata si ja cukas po dzido with these Bosnian Croat and Croatian Serb comparisons, and it would probably take another 10 posts of explaining to get through to you, sort of like your Macedonian Monarchy episodes some months ago.
                  Originally posted by TajnataKniga
                  when has UMD advocated a name change? i didnt see that quote. i only saw meto making a statement that he may accept 'democratic' to end the fyrom.
                  You forgot the other part of the clip where Meto also agrees to find a bilateral solution with Greece, effectively meaning 3 names? Of course not, samo sakas pak po opaska da trcas.
                  In the name of the blood and the sun, the dagger and the gun, Christ protect this soldier, a lion and a Macedonian.


                  • Soldier of Macedon
                    Senior Member
                    • Sep 2008
                    • 13675

                    Why shouldn't he do it on a public forum? Should he only tell a few Macedonians so they can Chinese-whisper it out to the rest of the ignorant souls?

                    Please read post #21.

                    Jankovska, you have noticed these UMD issues for a while now, was I ever involved in any of them in the past? Did I not try and remain as objective and non-involved as possible? Samata si znaish, I am not one of the main characters in this issue, at least not until very recently. I have no prior history with the UMD or Meto like some others have, I have never been one of the people to be continually on their backs, so I have no 'personal' or other agendas against this group.

                    My distaste for the UMD began with Meto's denial of the obvious statements he made. A coeko ne e gotov nitu da si priznai greskite, kako mozi napred da pojdime ko toa so e zad nas ne e dokazano i priznato?
                    In the name of the blood and the sun, the dagger and the gun, Christ protect this soldier, a lion and a Macedonian.


                    • Jankovska
                      Senior Member
                      • Sep 2008
                      • 1774

                      Originally posted by Soldier of Macedon View Post
                      Why shouldn't he do it on a public forum? Should he only tell a few Macedonians so they can Chinese-whisper it out to the rest of the ignorant souls?

                      Please read post #21.

                      Jankovska, you have noticed these UMD issues for a while now, was I ever involved in any of them in the past? Did I not try and remain as objective and non-involved as possible? Samata si znaish, I am not one of the main characters in this issue, at least not until very recently. I have no prior history with the UMD or Meto like some others have, I have never been one of the people to be continually on their backs, so I have no 'personal' or other agendas against this group.

                      My distaste for the UMD began with Meto's denial of the obvious statements he made. A coeko ne e gotov nitu da si priznai greskite, kako mozi napred da pojdime ko toa so e zad nas ne e dokazano i priznato?

                      Fair enough and I too want to know why this statements were made and honestly it worries me a lot. I have been cursing the gov at every opportunity I can find for still talking about solution, it worries me to see that such a suggestion has come from the Diaspora.
                      I do however think that the UMD is an organisation and should be approached as one. It be great if they would like to respond here but if not they have contact details, let's all demand to find out what the hell is going on?


                      • Risto the Great
                        Senior Member
                        • Sep 2008
                        • 15660

                        Mob mentality against the UMD

                        I believe the recent events portraying Australian Macedonians as the redneck hillbilly type of Macedonians who should not be involved in policy making helped build this mob mentality.

                        I agree that many UMD broadcasts are probably being taken out of context nowadays.

                        Originally posted by Phoenix View Post
                        Rogi, i think the problem with the UMD and its core group of internet supporters is this perception that there's an 'agenda' against UMD or as you've described... "a growing mob mentality against UMD", unfortunately its a situation that has been building since Maknews attacked the Australian Macedonian diaspora...Now its a case of the Aussie diaspora fighting back...
                        I disagree that the questioning process started from any Maknews attacks on the Australian Macedonian Diaspora.

                        Some questions had been raised by me over 1 year ago here:

                        and this one 7 months ago:

                        To date, Meto simply has not reconciled his public statements with that of UMD policy. How could any normal person NOT develop sinister connotations when this line of questioning has persisted for at least over 1 year?
                        Risto the Great
                        "Holding my breath for the revolution."

                        Hey, I wrote a bestseller. Check it out: www.ren-shen.com


                        • TajnataKniga
                          • Dec 2009
                          • 196

                          another UMD and meto thread? arent there enough on MTO?


                          • Risto the Great
                            Senior Member
                            • Sep 2008
                            • 15660

                            There definitely is. It will be the last.
                            Risto the Great
                            "Holding my breath for the revolution."

                            Hey, I wrote a bestseller. Check it out: www.ren-shen.com


                            • Buktop
                              • Oct 2009
                              • 934

                              Originally posted by Vangelovski View Post
                              Relevant constitutional articles? I think that statement says it all.

                              Buktop, I'm not going to waste my time on you again - read and understand what I've posted. Until you do that and come up with a sensible response, I've got better things to do. If it helps you, where I have written "government", replace it with "parliament".

                              P.S. Your an American history "expert" - maybe you should look at what the founding fathers thought about unlimited state power and how that goes with YOUR theory of consent.

                              You answer
                              I, however, disagree. In my view, a republican government consists of those persons to whom certain powers held by the citizens in common are delegated, to act as agents for those citizens, exercising only such powers as are delegated to them, and according to their instructions. That delegation and those instructions constitute the constitution, which may be written or unwritten.

                              A delegation of powers is not a transfer or assignment, and may be reclaimed at any time that the citizens, in their judgement, find that their agents are not acting in accordance with their wishes.

                              The authority of an agent or official exists only for as long and to the extent that he exercises his legitimate powers properly, and he automatically ceases to be an agent or official if he exceeds his authority.
                              I did not ask for your opinion, I asked for straight forward answers, why are you avoiding these simple questions?

                              Again, read and understand my posts, I left before UMD bylaws were finalised and adopted. A few days ago you were arguing that UMD had too little members who were far too geographically spread out to hold elections. Now that your master has contradicted you, you've changed your tune.
                              So you left before the bylaws were finalized and you are here claiming to know something about the internal workings of UMD? You claim to know more than everyone here about the "secret agenda" of UMD and you don't even know the bylaws?

                              I said in my personal opinion the UMD member base are geographically spread out and elections would be difficult unless done electronically or by mail. If UMD has figured out how to conduct the elections then by all means I am for them.
                              "I'm happy to answer any question and I don't hide from that"

                              Never once say you walk upon your final way
                              though skies of steel obscure the blue of day.
                              Our long awaited hour will draw near
                              and our footsteps will thunder - We are Here!


                              • Buktop
                                • Oct 2009
                                • 934

                                Originally posted by Phoenix View Post
                                Rogi, i think the problem with the UMD and its core group of internet supporters is this perception that there's an 'agenda' against UMD or as you've described... "a growing mob mentality against UMD", unfortunately its a situation that has been building since Maknews attacked the Australian Macedonian diaspora...Now its a case of the Aussie diaspora fighting back...

                                Maknews was warned and UMD was warned to distance themselves from Lubi's personal issues with Australian Macedonians but neither bothered to listen, sadly perhaps another sign of their joint arrogance and contempt.

                                The most disappointing thing about this issue is the failure of UMD and some of their most vocal supporters understanding the real issues at play, that perhaps UMD aren't the greatest organization of its type in the World, perhaps UMD can do things a shitload better and perhaps UMD is somewhat out of touch with the true feelings of the diaspora but sadly the worst thing is that UMD don't see any of this, the only thing UMD is seeing are shadowy figures and hearing mysterious voices that they've packaged as an "agenda"...
                                Phoenix, since that spat with Maknews you have alleged that UMD are American lap dogs and Bulgarian Spies. It is hard to take those kind of statements as "constructive criticism" considering they are nothing but an attempt at discrediting the UMD.

                                Look at how many topics have popped up about UMD Phoenix, that ALONE should tell you that there is some sort of agenda going on. Look at WHO is starting all the threads. You can't tell me there is no mob bashing going on.

                                We already had one business man here claim he withdrew monetary support from the film festival in Aus because he though UMD was involved... GET REAL

                                You know, I don't always agree with Maknews, but he was dead on about you Phoenix, for all your talk of being "constructive" you haven't done much other than making stupid anti-UMD remarks that you can't even corroborate.
                                "I'm happy to answer any question and I don't hide from that"

                                Never once say you walk upon your final way
                                though skies of steel obscure the blue of day.
                                Our long awaited hour will draw near
                                and our footsteps will thunder - We are Here!

