Gjorgje Ivanov

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  • Stojacanec
    • Dec 2009
    • 809

    Originally posted by Voltron View Post
    You make it sound like I am the head of foreign policy. PKK ? You stuck in time ? That was over 20 years ago. Please man, Turkey has an active embargo against Armenia a poor landlocked country for decades and you come off preaching to me.

    Do you look like a Turk Onur ? Or do you look like one of those Turks from soap operas. If its the latter than I dont know what your disagreeing with.

    What is there to discuss Stojacanec. We both lost wars and we both had our indigenous populations disrupted, espescially us Greeks. At least you have a 6 figure population in Greece.
    Do we in Turkey ? What is it with these questions of yours as if your oblivious to the most simplistic answers. This is like the hundredth time you asked me something so obvious.
    I know we have all lost wars; the whole world is relatively in the same boat. You may treat the population swaps as water of a ducks back but I have issues with that, as you know.

    I won’t bore you with too much more detail but you people like to label us as former Yugoslavs centred around political events that occurred in the region in the past 100 years. So off the back of that why don’t you call yourselves former Turks because that is where most came from?

    Consequently I am being treated as a foreigner in my native country by the new refugees of yesteryear.

    I am labelled as something other than what I am wherever possible but many Greeks – re Macedonian issues - try to link to a mythical Hellenic past to substantiate their right to being a Greek today in Aegean Macedonia.


    • Voltron
      • Jan 2011
      • 1362

      Originally posted by Stojacanec View Post
      I know we have all lost wars; the whole world is relatively in the same boat. You may treat the population swaps as water of a ducks back but I have issues with that, as you know.

      I won’t bore you with too much more detail but you people like to label us as former Yugoslavs centred around political events that occurred in the region in the past 100 years. So off the back of that why don’t you call yourselves former Turks because that is where most came from?

      Consequently I am being treated as a foreigner in my native country by the new refugees of yesteryear.

      I am labelled as something other than what I am wherever possible but many Greeks – re Macedonian issues - try to link to a mythical Hellenic past to substantiate their right to being a Greek today in Aegean Macedonia.

      We do, we have termss like "mikra asiates" from Asia Minor. Its not like some type of insult by any means. You have the hang up with the Christian Turk slogan as if we care. You shouldnt worry about what we call you and you cant ignore the political events in the last 100 years either. Comparing your loss to ours is not even close. There simply is no comprison.
      Last edited by Voltron; 04-10-2012, 08:31 AM.


      • TojSum
        Junior Member
        • Feb 2012
        • 54

        Originally posted by Voltron View Post
        Comparing your loss to ours is not even close. There simply is no comprison.
        Hallelujah!!! This is the first thing with which I agree with you. There can’t be comparison between our losses and yours because you DIDN’T LOSSE ANYTHING, actually, Greece is the only country in the last 100 years in Europe who gain new territories, LOTS OF TERRITORIES.


        • George S.
          Senior Member
          • Aug 2009
          • 10116

          thats right they are forgetting how they stole our lands so stupid that they can't even admit it.
          "Ido not want an uprising of people that would leave me at the first failure, I want revolution with citizens able to bear all the temptations to a prolonged struggle, what, because of the fierce political conditions, will be our guide or cattle to the slaughterhouse"
          GOTSE DELCEV


          • Stojacanec
            • Dec 2009
            • 809

            Voltron, I think you are a little deluded because it is your country that has forced us at the UN to call ourselves former Yugoslavia...... so it’s not just that we "shouldn't worry about what you call us" bs.

            Your country has an agenda especially after 91 to interfere in our affairs. That has been achieved at the UN, EU and Nato level just to name a few.

            You use skopjans, former Yugoslavs at every official level in Greece; schools, churches, politicians and media. They are derogatory terms no matter how blasé you feel about that.

            Just go up to a black person and say; “forget about the fact that we call you Niggers, you shouldn't worry about that", and come back and tell me what response you get.

            Sticking with events within the last 100 years, I think most of the inhabitants of Aegean Macedonia deserve an official label of "like Asians" or whatever your phrase translates to because the events are significant enough to warrant that.

            You like to refer yourselves as the true Macedonians speaking the greek language...and due to recent events that is wrong.


            • Voltron
              • Jan 2011
              • 1362

              Why dont you look to prior to 91 to see how things were.
              We didt come out of the blue and become like this. This was a result of very bad politics on both sides. Espescially us in the former years, but now its different.
              Again, I would of handled this whole situation differently.
              Last edited by Voltron; 04-11-2012, 08:20 AM.


              • TojSum
                Junior Member
                • Feb 2012
                • 54

                Originally posted by Voltron View Post
                Why dont you look to prior to 91 to see how things were.
                We didt come out of the blue and become like this. This was a result of very bad politics on both sides. Espescially us in the former years, but now its different.
                Again, I would of handled this whole situation differently.
                What is different now please tell me

                And i realy want to hear how you would handled this whole situation


                • Risto the Great
                  Senior Member
                  • Sep 2008
                  • 15660

                  Originally posted by Voltron View Post
                  Why dont you look to prior to 91 to see how things were.
                  Yeah, I lived it. Back then Macedonia "did not exist". Stop it with your historical revisionism. You can pretend there were all sorts of Macedonian things going on in Greece before 91 but many of us remember far too much.
                  Risto the Great
                  "Holding my breath for the revolution."

                  Hey, I wrote a bestseller. Check it out: www.ren-shen.com


                  • Zarni
                    • May 2011
                    • 672

                    So did all of us cut the crap Voltron

                    Look at a few of the pontian immigrant groups in Australia and the registration dates of their various Community Organisations bearing our Macedonian name all after 1999 for the first time in History


                    • Stojacanec
                      • Dec 2009
                      • 809

                      I lived it too prior to 91. Even under Yugoslavia we called ourselves Macedonian not Yugoslavian. There were differences between Macedonians, Serbians and Croations etc. We all knew that "before 91!" Each respective group knew that.

                      Yugoslavia was a recent experiment. Fish and Chip shops lasted longer than the Yugoslavia concept.

                      Those were political events and experiments that occured but each ethnic group knew what they were individually.
                      Last edited by Stojacanec; 04-12-2012, 01:58 AM.


                      • Phoenix
                        Senior Member
                        • Dec 2008
                        • 4671

                        Originally posted by Zarni View Post
                        So did all of us cut the crap Voltron

                        Look at a few of the pontian immigrant groups in Australia and the registration dates of their various Community Organisations bearing our Macedonian name all after 1999 for the first time in History
                        Voltron is the typical 'greek' idiot that most of that brainwashing is aimed at.
                        These fuckwits are quick to point the finger at the Macedonians but their own story is one of pitiful irony.
                        Voltrons own Asia Minor history is overflowing with dynamic revisionism.
                        When Voltrons refugee family were resettled in Europe, most of them had no knowledge of the greek language, their customs were predominantly Turkish and they were hardly welcomed into the 'greek' brethren of the time.

                        Its funny how this pathetic excuse for humanity sat in the same 'hellinization' schools that the Macedonians were forced to attend, neither group having anything to do with the 'greekness' that the new regime fabricated...Its pathetically sad that this same group, this reengineered rabble now has the nerve to question the identity of the Macedonian people.


                        • Onur
                          Senior Member
                          • Apr 2010
                          • 2389

                          Originally posted by Phoenix View Post
                          These fuckwits are quick to point the finger at the Macedonians but their own story is one of pitiful irony.
                          Voltrons own Asia Minor history is overflowing with dynamic revisionism.
                          When Voltrons refugee family were resettled in Europe, most of them had no knowledge of the greek language, their customs were predominantly Turkish and they were hardly welcomed into the 'greek' brethren of the time.

                          Its funny how this pathetic excuse for humanity sat in the same 'hellinization' schools that the Macedonians were forced to attend, neither group having anything to do with the 'greekness' that the new regime fabricated
                          This is the biggest reason of rapid hellenization in Greece. They sent a message to the people like "If you remain as Tourkosporo or filthy Vulgaro, you will never be accepted into the Greek society. Let go of your former identities and habits and become hellenes".

                          This policy was so harsh, they even managed to erase their own dialects in the process, like Pontic Greek.


                          • Voltron
                            • Jan 2011
                            • 1362

                            Originally posted by Phoenix View Post
                            Voltron is the typical 'greek' idiot that most of that brainwashing is aimed at.
                            These fuckwits are quick to point the finger at the Macedonians but their own story is one of pitiful irony.
                            Voltrons own Asia Minor history is overflowing with dynamic revisionism.
                            When Voltrons refugee family were resettled in Europe, most of them had no knowledge of the greek language, their customs were predominantly Turkish and they were hardly welcomed into the 'greek' brethren of the time.

                            Its funny how this pathetic excuse for humanity sat in the same 'hellinization' schools that the Macedonians were forced to attend, neither group having anything to do with the 'greekness' that the new regime fabricated...Its pathetically sad that this same group, this reengineered rabble now has the nerve to question the identity of the Macedonian people.
                            Phoenix, dont know where to start man. First off, my family was from Constantinople. They knew Turkish but Greek was and is the main language being spoken even to this day. The 3000 more or less Greeks that still live in Istanbul know Greek and were out of reach of the so called hellinization process to impact them. The Turkish speakers you refer to were the ones from central Turkey mostly Karamanlides. Greeks from Istanbul were more or less from wealthy families and highly educated whereas the Greeks in the mainland were rural based and not as privileged.

                            Onur, Ataturk did the same when he standardised the Turkish language throughout the country and turned his back on the Ottoman alphabet, customs, language and identity. Give it a rest


                            • Stojacanec
                              • Dec 2009
                              • 809

                              The settlers today of Aegean Macedonia are the revisionists protesting a Hellenic Macedonia. However these are the same people that camped out along the sides of the roads living in makeshift tents until the Europeans can provide the new housing estates for them to move into.

                              I don't care if they claim a Hellenic past but they have nothing to do with a Macedonian past.


                              • George S.
                                Senior Member
                                • Aug 2009
                                • 10116

                                Иванов ќе се сретне со албанскиот претсе&#1076

                                ретседателот на Република Албанија, Бамир Топи, од денеска ќе престојува во дводневна официјална посета на Република Македонија.

                                Тој денес ќе оствари средба со македонскиот претседател Ѓорѓе Иванов.

                                Тема на разговорите ќе бидат билатералната соработка и евроатланските интеграции на двете земји.

                                Топи најверојатно ќе има средби и со премиерот Никола Груевски, претседателот на Собранието, Трајко Вељаноски, како и лидерите на СДСМ, ДУИ и ДПА, Бранко Црвенковски, Али Ахмети и Мендух Тачи.
                                "Ido not want an uprising of people that would leave me at the first failure, I want revolution with citizens able to bear all the temptations to a prolonged struggle, what, because of the fierce political conditions, will be our guide or cattle to the slaughterhouse"
                                GOTSE DELCEV

