Gjorgje Ivanov

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  • Bratot
    Senior Member
    • Sep 2008
    • 2855

    Интернет-газета РБК, деловые новости, деловая пресса, новости мирового бизнес, новости отечественного бизнеса, бизнес новости, анализ экономики России, анализ мировой экономики, экономическое развитие России, крупнейшие компании мира, банки и финансы, потребительский рынок
    The purpose of the media is not to make you to think that the name must be changed, but to get you into debate - what name would suit us! - Bratot


    • The LION will ROAR
      Senior Member
      • Jan 2009
      • 3231

      Ivanov: Macedonian Diaspora very important for the country

      Ivanov: Macedonian Diaspora very important for the country
      The Republic of Macedonia is proud of its Diaspora. American, Canadian and Australian-Macedonians, as well as the Macedonians living throughout Europe are the most important link between their old country and their new homeland, President Gjorge Ivanov said addressing the first UMD Global Conference.

      In his speech, which was read Saturday at the conference in his absence, Ivanov said that Macedonia today is a shining example of an open and multicultural society. It has courageously faced the challenges of the Balkan past, creating its own functional model, which unites its citizens and ensures a common and prosperous future.

      - The Republic of Macedonia has a clear strategic agenda. We strive to see Macedonia as a member of NATO and of the European Union, a country that is strong and respected, with proud, prosperous and happy citizens. In attaining these goals the Republic of Macedonia continues to persevere resolutely on the path to Euro-Atlantic integration, and to pursue a responsible domestic and foreign policy, he said.

      - Our country is faced with a large challenge. Its goal of Euro-Atlantic integration is challenged by an irrational problem imposed by a single member state of NATO and the EU. We are encouraged by the support of the USA, Canada and many other nations in discussions on overcoming this problem that continue under the auspices of the United Nations. I am personally grateful to the Macedonian Diaspora, and through organizations such as the United Macedonian Diaspora, for being Ambassadors for their homeland, Macedonia, he said.

      Therefore, the Macedonian people call upon you, dear friends to continue and intensify your efforts for spreading truth and fighting for a more just world. A world in which all people will have the right to freely express their name, identity, language and culture, wherever they live.

      - The USA is a strategic ally of the Republic of Macedonia. Our partnership has deep roots, and generations of leaders in politics, civil society, the arts, the armed services, both men and women, have made an invaluable contribution towards this. Many of these people are here in Washington today. I would especially like to thank Senator Richard Lugar, Congresswoman Candice Miller, Congressman Harry Mitchell, Congressman Bill Pascrell, Congressman Earl Pomeroy, Congressman Mark Souder, Major General Michael Dubie, Ambassador Philip Reeker and the many other men and women for their hard work in bringing our two nations closer together in the aim to achieve victory for the ideals we share, President Gjorge Ivanov said addressing the first UMD Global Conference in Washington
      The Macedonians originates it, the Bulgarians imitate it and the Greeks exploit it!


      • Jankovska
        Senior Member
        • Sep 2008
        • 1774

        Blah blah blah and blah, this is all he said


        • Dimko-piperkata
          Senior Member
          • Sep 2008
          • 1876

          c´mon give him a chance...if he could he would say like it is without blandish the situation, but he is now president and cant say what he´s thinking.

          gjorgje is our guy
          1) Macedonians belong to the "older" Mediterranean substratum...
          2) Macedonians are not related with geographically close Greeks, who do not belong to the "older" Mediterranenan substratum...


          • Venom
            • Sep 2008
            • 445

            It's ok. I still don't see the fearless rhetoric I was hoping for now that SDSM is out of the picture.
            S m r t - i l i - S l o b o d a


            • Soldier of Macedon
              Senior Member
              • Sep 2008
              • 13675

              Multi-cultural this, multi-cultural that, no problem, but why is this guy, at the top of the Macedonian political world, afraid to say Macedonian nation-state this, Macedonian culture that, etc?

              What kind of truth does he want us in the Diaspora to spread? The same truth that he is spreading in Macedonia, about a 'reasonable' compromise that he is not willing to elaborate on?
              In the name of the blood and the sun, the dagger and the gun, Christ protect this soldier, a lion and a Macedonian.


              • Dimko-piperkata
                Senior Member
                • Sep 2008
                • 1876

                Ivanov interviews for German paper "Der Spiegel"

                If a solution to the name dispute with Greece was so simple, we would have found it by now, says Macedonian President Gjorge Ivanov in an interview with Germany's Der Spiegel online edition.

                - The solution must not violate the honour and sentiment of one's self-determination. Over 120 countries have recognised the name Macedonia. Greece wants us to give up our name and to be called northern, upper or Slavic Macedonians. In Macedonia there are ongoing debates with all political parties on the possibility of a referendum, because the citizens would have to agree with the decision, notes Ivanov answering a question how long the dispute could last and whether there is a name acceptable for Macedonia.

                When asked whether he is optimistic on prompt solution to the differences with Greece over the name, Ivanov says that "it takes two to tango".

                - It is not Macedonia, but Greece seeking confirmation for its authenticity in ancient times. We have invested a great amount of resources to meet the NATO standards, the required reforms have been implemented, foreign investments are expected. And then in April 2008 came a surprise from Bucharest that triggered frustration and dissatisfaction in Macedonia,Ivanov tells Der Spiegel.

                Considering the influence of the global economic crisis in Macedonia, President Ivanov says foreign investments have dropped as well as the demand of certain Macedonian export products.

                - We will deal the crisis pragmatically. Macedonian citizens have lengthy experiences with crises. We have healthy food, water and sunshine. There are citizens working abroad and when they come home, they change the awareness of citizens by showing them how capitalism works. The crisis opens chances for fresh ideas, stressed President Ivanov.

                In an interview with Der Spiegel, the Macedonian President expresses his hopes that the European Union enlargement towards the Balkans will bring permanent peace in the region. - However, the process of setting new enlargement conditions must stop, he adds.

                President Ivanov states that after talking with European Union foreign policy chief Javier Solana his is optimistic that Macedonia in 2009 will get a date for launch of EU membership negotiations, adding that most Macedonians are determined to join NATO and EU.
                1) Macedonians belong to the "older" Mediterranean substratum...
                2) Macedonians are not related with geographically close Greeks, who do not belong to the "older" Mediterranenan substratum...


                • Risto the Great
                  Senior Member
                  • Sep 2008
                  • 15660

                  It is not Macedonia, but Greece seeking confirmation for its authenticity in ancient times. We have invested a great amount of resources to meet the NATO standards, the required reforms have been implemented, foreign investments are expected. And then in April 2008 came a surprise from Bucharest that triggered frustration and dissatisfaction in Macedonia,Ivanov tells Der Spiegel.
                  Sssshhhh, Macedonians ... don't give away the big secret that the argument that will win is the one focused on modern nation sovereignty. And that Macedonia is light years ahead in this regard. In fact, Greece has no chance.

                  Ivanov, stop rubbing their faces in the tired Greek arguments and their attempts to confirm the Greek authenticity in ancient times.

                  ... Actually ... keep up the good work.
                  Risto the Great
                  "Holding my breath for the revolution."

                  Hey, I wrote a bestseller. Check it out: www.ren-shen.com


                  • Risto the Great
                    Senior Member
                    • Sep 2008
                    • 15660

                    PM Gruevski: We are neither Slavs, nor Ancients, we are Macedonians

                    Here, let me rub a little salt into your olive:
                    Speaking to reporters, Prime Minister Nikola Gruevski on Saturday refused to speculate about the outcome of the forthcoming meeting between UN mediator in the Macedonia-Greece name dispute, Matthew Nimetz and countries' representatives Zoran Jolevski and Adamantios Vassilakis, scheduled on June 22 in Geneva.

                    - I wouldn't like to speculate on what might happen. I'm the last person in this country to speculate especially in public. Therefore, I suggest patience to see what Nimetz will discuss with Macedonia and Greece's name negotiators. This is a top state and national issue and any kind of speculation would be ungrateful and possibly even harmful, stated Gruevski.

                    He confirmed Jolevski would take off to Geneva with instructions from the top state officials, failing to give further details.

                    Asked to comment a thesis presented by archaeologist Pasko Kuzman, who said that Macedonia could lose the name unless it was proven that Macedonians were direct descendants of ancient Macedonians, Gruevski stated: "We are Macedonians; we are neither ancient, nor Slavic, we have our own state with a Constitution, nation and name".

                    He said that historical debates were unnecessary, stressing that Greece was constantly imposing historical topics in name talks with Nimetz.

                    - Greece's negotiator mainly talks about history, whereas Macedonia tries to present real legal, political and other arguments. I personally believe that the subject shouldn't be discussed, the PM said.
                    Risto the Great
                    "Holding my breath for the revolution."

                    Hey, I wrote a bestseller. Check it out: www.ren-shen.com


                    • Pelister
                      Senior Member
                      • Sep 2008
                      • 2742

                      I would disagree with that.

                      I believe that it is our historical and cultural right to be Macedonians that is being threatened.

                      We need to assert that right.

                      There is only ONE Macedonian ethnic group.

                      The Macedonian government believes that there can more than one Macedonian ethnic group, more than one Macedonian nationality. This is the problem.

                      There is only one, historically.

                      How can we defend our soveriegnty on the one hand, while the government undermines our historical and cultural identity, by playing this game that Greeks can be Macedonians too??

                      These Macedonian politicians have no right to undermine our ethnic history and heritage, by accepting the historical lie that there can be more than one Macedonian.


                      • Risto the Great
                        Senior Member
                        • Sep 2008
                        • 15660

                        Greek Carrots in the Macedonian Salad?

                        Sam Vaknin, Ph.D. - 7/3/2009
                        Greece is putting together a package of economic incentives to be included in any compromise regarding the name issue with the Republic of Macedonia (for an overview of this convoluted conflict, see note below). The measures are intended to restore Greece's tattered relationship with the United States by casting Macedonia as the intransigent, radical, and irrational party when the Macedonian leadership rejects the offer (as the Greeks fully expect them to do).

                        The Greeks have been aided and abetted in this task by pro-Greek US Senators and Congressmen, who have acquired a reputation this past year as tireless signatories on anti-Macedonian petitions and Greek lobby sponsored House Resolutions. Elements in the State Department have also been involved - albeit unofficially - in compiling this economic program.

                        The Plan is conditioned on Macedonia's acceptance of the constitutional name "Republic of North Macedonia" (or a variant thereof) and on a withdrawal of its lawsuit in the International Court of Justice. The package is still being finalized. Right now, it consists of these elements:

                        (i) Greece will financially and politically support Macedonia's involvement in various, specified transportation projects (the infamous "corridors");

                        (ii) Greece will extend oil pipelines into Macedonian territory;

                        (iii) Greece will provide Macedonia with capital (in the form of low-interest loans) to match European Union regional and other pre-accession funds and pressure Brussels to speed up the release of such allocations;

                        (iv) Greece will guarantee the energy needs of Macedonia and will allow it to withdraw crude oil and liquid gas from Greece's own reserves in case of emergency;

                        (v) Greece will sign with Macedonia an emergency standby electricity supply (grid) facility;

                        (vi) Greece will establish a "North Macedonia Investment Fund" with between 100 and 140 million euros. These moneys will be invested as matching funds in joint Greek-Macedonian projects in tourism; agricultural biotechnology; the financial sector; crime fighting; healthcare; and higher education. The Fund will also provide Greek exporters and investors with country risk and political risk insurance as well as export guarantees and subsidies.

                        (vii) Greece will gradually liberalize its visa regime with Macedonia; provide 10,000 work permits annually to skilled Macedonian workers; facilitate student and cultural exchanges; and provide student visas on a mass scale.

                        It is not clear at this stage who will deliver these proposals to the government of Macedonia: Matthew Nimetz, the hapless and less than successful UN negotiator whose credibility is strained with both parties; the State Department in the form of an "American Initiative", which will then be "graciously accepted" by Greece; or Dora Bakoyannis in her forthcoming visit to Skopje.

                        Macedonia has hitherto been literally invisible on the Obama's Administration's list of priorities. But this is fast changing. Obama and Clinton still regard the Balkans as essentially a European problem. But, as they tackle the Middle-East head-on, the last thing they need is a "second front" with restive minorities in Bosnia-Herzegovina, or Macedonia. Additionally, countries like Macedonia and Israel are now bound to pay the price for having been staunch supporters of Republican administrations in general, and George Bush in particular.

                        The Obama Administration will shortly appoint a Balkans Envoy, a person well-known and little-liked in Macedonia for his coarse interference in its internal affairs. His job will be twofold: to calm passions down in Bosnia, if necessary through well-timed and much-publicized arrests and to force both Macedonia and Greece to accept the above-mentioned five-points plan. The USA will not take "no" for an answer and will set a strict timetable for the resolution of the name issue and a NATO invitation by yearend.

                        Macedonia doesn't stand a chance of resisting such an onslaught. It will be forced into a humiliating retreat. Prime Minister Gruevski can use the country's new President, Gjorge Ivanov, as a scapegoat and "blame" him for any painful compromises Macedonia may be forced to make. But this gimmick won't work: Macedonians widely (and wrongly) perceive Ivanov to be Gruevski's puppet.

                        Gruevski will go to a referendum on any compromise struck with Greece. It would be an unwise move, though: If the citizenry rejects the suggested deal, Gruevski will be faced with two stark alternatives: (1) To be the Prime Minister of a disintegrating country (as the Albanians will surely seek to secede from Macedonia or to federalize it, one way or the other); or (2) To lose his job altogether (as the Americans will surely seek to change the regime and depose him, as they have done in 2001-2 when it actively and successfully sought to unseat Ljupco Georgievski).

                        Following the country's ill-advised early elections in June, 2008, the right-wing VMRO-DPMNE was coerced by the international community (read: the EU and the USA) into joining forces with DUI, the political incarnation of erstwhile Albanian insurgents in the northwest of Macedonia, hitherto an anathema as far as Gruevski was concerned.

                        Hopping to bed with DUI will likely restrain the government's freedom of action. Every concession to Greece will be portrayed by jingoistic nationalists in Macedonia as capitulation and the consequence of blackmail by the Albanian parties. To the great consternation of the Macedonians, Albania, Macedonia's neighbor, has been invited to join NATO and its economy is growing even in the face of the global crisis. The restive Albanians of Macedonia would like to accede to the Alliance as soon as practicable and at all costs. Understandably, they are less attached to the country's constitutional name than the non-Albanian (Macedonian) majority.

                        Note: The "Name Issue" between Greece and Macedonia

                        The "name issue" involves a protracted dispute over the last 17 years between the two Balkan polities over Macedonia's right to use its constitutional name, "The Republic of Macedonia". The Greeks claim that Macedonia is a region in Greece and that, therefore, the country Macedonia has no right to monopolize the name and its derivatives ("Macedonian").

                        The Greeks feel that Macedonians have designs on the part of Greece that borders the tiny, landlocked country and that the use of Macedonia's constitutional name internationally will only serve to enhance irredentist and secessionist tendencies, thus adversely affecting the entire region's stability.

                        Macedonia retorts that it has publicly renounced any claims to any territory of any of its neighbors. Greece is Macedonia's second largest foreign investor. The disparities in size, military power and geopolitical and economic prowess between the two countries make Greek "fears" appear to be ridiculous. Macedonians have a right to decide how they are to be called, say exasperated Macedonian officials.

                        The Greek demands are without precedent either in history or in international law. Many countries bear variants of the same name (Yemen, Korea, Germany until 1990, Russia and Byelorussia, Mongolia). Others share their name with a region in another country (Brittany in France and Great Britain across the channel, for instance).

                        In the alliance's Bucharest Summit, in April 2008, Macedonia was not invited to join NATO. Macedonia was rejected because it would not succumb to Greek intransigence: Greece insisted that Macedonia should change its constitutional name to cater to Greek domestic political sensitivities.
                        Dangerous times with empty promises.
                        If Macedonia is sold out for so little, it deserves anything and everything it suffers thereafter.
                        Risto the Great
                        "Holding my breath for the revolution."

                        Hey, I wrote a bestseller. Check it out: www.ren-shen.com


                        • Rogi
                          Senior Member
                          • Sep 2008
                          • 2343

                          The Obama Administration will shortly appoint a Balkans Envoy, a person well-known and little-liked in Macedonia for his coarse interference in its internal affairs. His job will be twofold: to calm passions down in Bosnia, if necessary through well-timed and much-publicized arrests and to force both Macedonia and Greece to accept the above-mentioned five-points plan. The USA will not take "no" for an answer and will set a strict timetable for the resolution of the name issue and a NATO invitation by yearend.

                          Here's what Daniel Sever (Director of Balkan Initiative at the US Institute for Peace) said very recently. If he's not the US Envoy for Balkans, he will likely be the closest person to the appointed envoy:

                          I will call the citizens of Macedonia by their name, and that is Macedonians, Daniel Server, director of Balkan Initiative at the Institute for Peace, told Voice of America's Macedonian news. "Any solution that could be agreed by both sides is a fair solution. As I have said, it is not important to me what is written on a piece of paper in the UN. I will simply call Macedonians - Macedonians as long as they want me to stop calling them by this name," Server said while commenting the proposal "Northern Macedonia".

                          YouTube - Daniel Server: Ke gi narekuvam graganite na Makedonija kako sto sakaat da se narekuvaat - Makedonci

                          Some saw this as a positive statement. As someone who looks at these things from a cynical perspective, I saw it as down-playing what a name-change means, and making a name change seem more 'acceptable' by suggesting it wont change anything (i.e. he will still call us Macedonians). Just my take on it.


                          • Soldier of Macedon
                            Senior Member
                            • Sep 2008
                            • 13675

                            I noticed that too.

                            But hey, if the U.S was forcibly renamed to the "United States of Degenerate and Rejected Englishmen who now use a Latin Name" (USDRELN), I would still call them Americans, until they want me to stop calling them that.
                            In the name of the blood and the sun, the dagger and the gun, Christ protect this soldier, a lion and a Macedonian.


                            • Risto the Great
                              Senior Member
                              • Sep 2008
                              • 15660

                              This is a disaster in the making. The threat is very real and the time to act is right now.
                              Risto the Great
                              "Holding my breath for the revolution."

                              Hey, I wrote a bestseller. Check it out: www.ren-shen.com


                              • Sovius
                                • Apr 2009
                                • 241

                                What exactly can be done?

                                Could an independent hearing conducted parallel to the nation of Macedonia’s ICJ case in some other court be implemented and expanded upon by the Macedonian Diaspora to include the occupation and partition of Macedonia and the Macedonian Genocide under the pretext of international recognition of these atrocities? Clearly, the Treaty of Bucharest was never valid to begin with, because Macedonians were never given the opportunity to vote on the partition of Macedonia by Bulgaria, Serbia and Greece. The ethnic cleansing campaigns that were carried out against Macedonians remain unanswered crimes against humanity. If mass ignorance of the facts involved has been able to carry the Republic of Hellas as far as it has during this phase of the process of partition (assimilation), what could people of Macedonian descent achieve by simply enlightening the world of what they have had to endure for more than a century? Politicians aren’t afraid to make bad decisions, but, typically, they’re scared to death of making decisions that make them look bad. Direct routes through corporate and state controlled media haven’t seemed to make much headway. There’s the pressure and power of common knowledge that I believe has yet to truly enter into the “Dispute”.

