South Australian Premier Mike Rann, an enemy to Macedonians

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  • Vangelovski
    Senior Member
    • Sep 2008
    • 8533

    Originally posted by Prolet View Post
    Spolaj Ti Vangelovski

    Tell me a bit more about the Macedonian Community in Canberra and Quenbeyan. I mentioned the two churches Sveti Ilija and Sveti Kliment Ohridski, what is the community like there and do the communities of Canberra and Quenbeyan work together and help eachother out??

    There are two churches, however, we consider ourselves one community. The majority of Macedonians in the region live in Queanbeyan. There is a bit of a history as to why there are two churches, but it isn’t something that has divided the community for over 15 years. The two Church committees generally work together on issues that require it, but also respect each others independence.

    The majority of the people who frequent the Canberra Church are also involved in community issues in Queanbeyan.
    If my people who are called by my name will humble themselves and pray and seek my face and turn from their wicked ways, I will hear from heaven and will forgive their sins and restore their land. 2 Chronicles 7:14

    The Revolution was in the minds and hearts of the people; a change in their religious sentiments, of their duties and obligations...This radical change in the principles, opinions, sentiments, and affections of the people was the real American Revolution. John Adams


    • Bill77
      Senior Member
      • Oct 2009
      • 4545

      The power of social media

      The differences between what is public and what is private space are becoming more blurred as social media invokes its power. Any comments made public or private, anonymous or not could quite possibly end up on Facebook, Twitter and YouTube as our need for instantaneous communication is fuelled.

      Just look at the hot water South Australian Premier Mike Rann has got himself into over remarks he made at the Dimitria Greek Festival in November last year. Mr Rann has sparked international debate for his comments made about Macedonian President Gjorge Ivanov for ‘stirring up trouble’ in a dangerous manner and trying to steal Greek history and culture.

      While possibly said ‘off-the-cuff’ or even as a way to attract Greek voters in the upcoming election, I can almost guarantee that Mr Rann didn’t expect the comments to make headlines around the world. Facebook groups detailing the issue and publishing a video of Mr Rann’s comments have attracted fans in droves over the last few days as the discussion is fierce and passionate. This is where the immediate global community takes over and the power of social media strikes. So much so that Washington-based Macedonian Diaspora President Metodija Koloski felt it necessary to discuss the issue with Multicultural Affairs Minister Michael Atkinson here in Adelaide just a few days ago.

      The power of the online social media community is vastly underestimated as exemplified in the state government’s recent attempts to censor political comment. After an absolute uproar, Mr Atkinson, Mr Rann and other politicians who initially supported the new legislation where forced to back track as they tried to distance themselves from the issue.

      Yes we should be allowed freedom of speech without fear of online publishing and distribution but the whole point of the matter, is that we should be honest in any dealings of speech, whether verbal or published, online or not. How many people have been caught out ‘chucking a sickie’ because their boss saw pictures of them on Facebook living it up and partying when they were apparently oh so sick to come into work? If Mr Rann truly supports the comments he made in front of the Greek community, and believes he is making a valid argument (inciting hatred aside), he will stand by them in front of the Macedonian and wider community. Mr Rann would then have no fear of retribution.

      Our politicians seem to forget that social media is not something to be feared. It is an online tool and community, where when used to its advantages, connects people in ways that 5,6,7 years ago were considered science-fiction.

      Just take a look at the online activity surrounding the recent hurricane in Haiti. According to the Chronicle of Philanthropy, donations have exceeded $470 million in the US alone, thanks to the Red Cross texting campaign and Twitter tracking services communicating what was being donated as well as new information as it arrived. (Read more about this campaign here). This generosity of spirit was personified through social media.

      Social media does not infringe the rights of people, it exposes truths.

      I would sugest go to the link and cast your vote on the bottom of the artical and rate it.
      Last edited by Bill77; 02-09-2010, 12:39 AM.


      • MP_MK
        • Aug 2009
        • 332

        Thank you Bill77


        • MP_MK
          • Aug 2009
          • 332

          Originally posted by Warrior View Post
          He is taking the piss out of you, after making a dick out of yourself.....why dont you quit whilst you are down and embarassed!!! They are other ways to promote yourself if you have some capabilities instead of hijacking an important issue for the community for a sole purpose of self promotion....Disgrace....Na lagite dolgi ne im se nozete!!!! They get caught out very quickly...In terms of organising a rally and you being involved, i can assure not too many people would like to walk with you to the pub, let alone be seen in public as a community leader...what planet do you live on????

          Are you ok?

          I was sincerely congratulating SOM on setting a trap and making me fall for it. It doesn't happen very often, but I had been awake for 36 hours.

          In regards to self promotion, you couldn't be further from the truth.


          • Bill77
            Senior Member
            • Oct 2009
            • 4545

            Quote: "If Mr Rann truly supports the comments he made in front of the Greek community, and believes he is making a valid argument (inciting hatred aside), he will stand by them in front of the Macedonian and wider community. Mr Rann would then have no fear of retribution".

            He will never do it. znaj deka kje go izedimi so zabi and he is also aware that his argument is not valid and he knows nothing about the situation or Macedonian History.


            • Vangelovski
              Senior Member
              • Sep 2008
              • 8533

              Originally posted by MP_MK View Post
              Are you ok?

              I was sincerely congratulating SOM on setting a trap and making me fall for it. It doesn't happen very often, but I had been awake for 36 hours.

              In regards to self promotion, you couldn't be further from the truth.
              Danger Man,

              You haven’t had a “win” on this forum yet. You still haven’t answered anything, including the following:

              Who are THE leaders of the Australian Macedonian community that you claim supported an interview with Meto on national television?

              Why did you wait until Meto arrived in Australia to show the Rann video to AHMRC? Was it because you wanted Meto to gain some “credibility” be been the first to announce it?

              One more - who exactly do you represent?
              Last edited by Vangelovski; 02-09-2010, 12:52 AM.
              If my people who are called by my name will humble themselves and pray and seek my face and turn from their wicked ways, I will hear from heaven and will forgive their sins and restore their land. 2 Chronicles 7:14

              The Revolution was in the minds and hearts of the people; a change in their religious sentiments, of their duties and obligations...This radical change in the principles, opinions, sentiments, and affections of the people was the real American Revolution. John Adams


              • MP_MK
                • Aug 2009
                • 332

                Originally posted by MP_MK View Post

                Are you under control upstairs?

                I do not answer to you. Keep your tongue still.

                For a 50+ year old man, you are acting like a teenager. I know you are from the Adelaide community and happy to meet you at any point today to discuss ways you can help. Otherwise stop being destructive to the cause and take lead from someone 20 years your minor.

                Are you finished now?

                PS: Don:

                If you were in the circle of individuals uniting on this matter and were emailed the initial initiative I proposed, you would have seen some of the global contacts that were contacted, further reinforcing that I care very little for local Australian "titles" within the Macedonian community and do not require, neither will I seek a title.

                Have I answered your question now?

                When this is over with, I am going to start on knocking down the dead wood.

                Answer one question: Why are you being so destructive? If you're feeling left out, then I have a tonne of work you can do!!



                • Prolet
                  Senior Member
                  • Sep 2009
                  • 5241

                  Vangelovski, Why were these two churches? Are you aware that there is a Bitolsko Drushtvo in Canberra??

                  At one point the Mayor of Quenbeyan was going to be a Macedonian, im sure you know that.
                  МАКЕДОНЕЦ си кога кавал ќе ти ја распара душата,зурла ќе ти го раскине срцето,кога секое влакно од кожата ќе ти се наежи кога ќе видиш шеснаесеткрако сонце,кога до коска ќе те заболи кога ќе слушнеш ПЈРМ,кога немаш ни за леб,а полн си во душата затоа што ја сакаш МАКЕДОНИЈА. МАКЕДОНИЈА во срце те носиме.


                  • MP_MK
                    • Aug 2009
                    • 332

                    Originally posted by Vangelovski View Post
                    Danger Man,

                    You haven’t had a “win” on this forum yet. You still haven’t answered anything, including the following:

                    Who are THE leaders of the Australian Macedonian community that you claim supported an interview with Meto on national television?

                    Why did you wait until Meto arrived in Australia to show the Rann video to AHMRC? Was it because you wanted Meto to gain some “credibility” be been the first to announce it?

                    One more - who exactly do you represent?


                    Who said anything about a "win"? I was congratulating SOM on a win.

                    It was not me who waited for Meto's arrival, this video was circulated amongst officials over a month ago, nothing was done about it.


                    • Soldier of Macedon
                      Senior Member
                      • Sep 2008
                      • 13675

                      Come now MP, you have self-promoted your ideas here from the minute you signed up, don't be so modest now. You basically indicated to everybody that any independent action could "fuck it up", yet the whole time you have been trying to run some cloak and dagger show independent of everybody until you see fit to notify them. Give me a break. Your excuses for not airing this information about the racist Rann until recently were invalid and poor. You say that it would have been overshadowed by the situation where he cheated on his wife, I say it would have contributed to the pressure on him at the time, and would have helped us in drawing the real picture of this racist and immoral maggot to the Australian public.

                      Yet, you and your 'officials' wait for Meto to come to Australia. The whole thing stinks.
                      In the name of the blood and the sun, the dagger and the gun, Christ protect this soldier, a lion and a Macedonian.


                      • Soldier of Macedon
                        Senior Member
                        • Sep 2008
                        • 13675

                        Who are THE leaders of the Australian Macedonian community that you claim supported an interview with Meto on national television?

                        You made the satement. Now, answer the question. I know you can't in any case, because you have lied about this and now you are struggling to worm your way out, you probably weren't expecting free-thinking Macedonians to challenge you on this. Next time, wise up, or save your lies for the ovci you seem to think will follow your lead.
                        In the name of the blood and the sun, the dagger and the gun, Christ protect this soldier, a lion and a Macedonian.


                        • Risto the Great
                          Senior Member
                          • Sep 2008
                          • 15660

                          Originally posted by MP_MK View Post
                          PS: Don:

                          If you were in the circle of individuals uniting on this matter and were emailed the initial initiative I proposed, you would have seen some of the global contacts that were contacted, further reinforcing that I care very little for local Australian "titles" within the Macedonian community and do not require, neither will I seek a title.

                          Have I answered your question now?

                          When this is over with, I am going to start on knocking down the dead wood.

                          Answer one question: Why are you being so destructive? If you're feeling left out, then I have a tonne of work you can do!!

                          MP_MK, Makedonche has done more work for the local community than you can appreciate. Whilst you may feel that you know, I am positive you don't. One of the reasons you would not choose to work at that level within a community is because of the quantum of work that must be done in serving them.

                          If he was in leadership right now, I would have been much more confident of how matters were being handled by the local community.
                          Risto the Great
                          "Holding my breath for the revolution."

                          Hey, I wrote a bestseller. Check it out:


                          • Vangelovski
                            Senior Member
                            • Sep 2008
                            • 8533

                            Originally posted by MP_MK View Post

                            Who said anything about a "win"? I was congratulating SOM on a win.

                            It was not me who waited for Meto's arrival, this video was circulated amongst officials over a month ago, nothing was done about it.

                            Which "officials"? Noone that I have spoken to in NSW or VIC were aware of it until a couple of days ago.
                            If my people who are called by my name will humble themselves and pray and seek my face and turn from their wicked ways, I will hear from heaven and will forgive their sins and restore their land. 2 Chronicles 7:14

                            The Revolution was in the minds and hearts of the people; a change in their religious sentiments, of their duties and obligations...This radical change in the principles, opinions, sentiments, and affections of the people was the real American Revolution. John Adams


                            • MP_MK
                              • Aug 2009
                              • 332

                              Originally posted by Soldier of Macedon View Post
                              Come now MP, you have self-promoted your ideas here from the minute you signed up, don't be so modest now. You basically indicated to everybody that any independent action could "fuck it up", yet the whole time you have been trying to run some cloak and dagger show independent of everybody until you see fit to notify them. Give me a break. Your excuses for not airing this information about the racist Rann until recently were invalid and poor. You say that it would have been overshadowed by the situation where he cheated on his wife, I say it would have contributed to the pressure on him at the time, and would have helped us in drawing the real picture of this racist and immoral maggot to the Australian public.

                              Yet, you and your 'officials' wait for Meto to come to Australia. The whole thing stinks.

                              All of the above is BS.

                              RTG was chimed in to an email between 'some' of the unified group working on this, this morning. RTG, as a responsible person, you would speak out and confirm this.


                              • Vangelovski
                                Senior Member
                                • Sep 2008
                                • 8533

                                Originally posted by Prolet View Post
                                Vangelovski, Why were these two churches? Are you aware that there is a Bitolsko Drushtvo in Canberra??

                                At one point the Mayor of Quenbeyan was going to be a Macedonian, im sure you know that.
                                Prolet, the reason there are two Churches is because a long time ago there were some serious divisions within the community, however, they have been overcome.

                                There was never any chance of that Macedonian becoming mayor. We do have a Macedonian elected to council at the moment though.
                                If my people who are called by my name will humble themselves and pray and seek my face and turn from their wicked ways, I will hear from heaven and will forgive their sins and restore their land. 2 Chronicles 7:14

                                The Revolution was in the minds and hearts of the people; a change in their religious sentiments, of their duties and obligations...This radical change in the principles, opinions, sentiments, and affections of the people was the real American Revolution. John Adams

