Nikola Gruevski

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  • George S.
    Senior Member
    • Aug 2009
    • 10116

    Gruevski: Obstructions are our challenge that we must deal with

    Saturday, July 06, 2013 4:49 PM

    Skopje, 6 July 2013(MIA) - Prime Minister Nikola Gruevski in the interview with Netpress, which will be published in two parts, speaks about effects, intention and goal of the road shows. He assessed the last visit to China as successful, underlying that new investments and signing of agreement with Russia for South Stream are expected. He also pointed out that Macedonia will continue to participate in NATO-led mission in Afghanistan and Macedonia’s NATO and EU membership remain a top priority.

    Q. You have just returned from China and in several days you will leave for Hamburg, Germany and from there to Vilnius, Lithuania. Just 10 days ago you were in Vienna at the European People’s Party Summit, and afterwards you visited Estonia and Kaliningrad in Russia. In April you visited several towns in South America. How will you explain so frequent international activity in the past couple of years?

    A. My main goal and wish is to do anything in my power to improve the living conditions in Macedonia. Oftentimes these visits are political and economic and sometime are only economical or only political. Many of them are connected for attracting investors that will open new jobs in Macedonia, establish or boost relations, friendships with countries of the international community.

    Q. A company from Detroit announced to invest in Macedonia. What is the response?

    A. The response is somewhere weaker somewhere better, it depends from many factors. One of the factors is the logistics that we have in a certain country, in terms of preparation of the event, informing the companies and persuading them to come to the event. For example Mike Zafirovski helped us a lot by opening gates and strong recommendation to large companies whose owners and managers are his friends. In India for example besides the promoter and the embassy, Subrata Roy helped us a lot who invited the most influential people at the country’s presentation.

    In Turkey, we have huge political support by PM Erdogan and engagement of the Turkish Economic Chamber. Last year we had presentations in China where key support was the economic chamber and the authorities. Everywhere is different. Somewhere we have 200 or 300 even 400 present companies, but sometime there are 30 or 40 companies. In Detroit we have visited only three plants and one of them already announced its investment in Macedonia. The number of the present companies and quality of the companies are important as well as their selection by those who invited them.

    Q. How do you assess the last visit to China?

    A. The last visit to China was successful and useful. We have met the new Chinese President and the new Prime Minister. The meeting was also attended by Ministry of Trade and Deputy Foreign Minister. At the two meetings after they have heard the conditions for doing business in Macedonia they note that we need stronger promotion for what we are offering to China, before Chinese companies. What we urge is to participate in US$10 billion package given by China to Central and Eastern European countries as well as attracting Chinese companies which plan to build capacities in Europe. We have returned from this friendly country with excellent impression with a hope that the cooperation will be strengthened.

    Q. The issue of not signing the South Stream gas pipeline project with Russia remains to hang in the air. Are there any changes or really the reasons for not signing the agreement are technical?

    A. Finally on Friday the Russian government approved the project and announced the signing. We have very good relations with Russia which is a result of our engagement in this direction. I do not think that there any significant reasons or hidden intentions for the South Stream. Russia is a huge country and some things are moving slowly than expected. The important thing is that everything is finished and the Russian government announced this and scheduled agreement signing soon.

    Q. Do you think that China and Russia are bothered by our intention of becoming NATO and EU member?

    A. They have never mentioned such thing. I think they know the situation and orientation of our region, but our wish is to cooperate with all and to build excellent and friendly relations with them as EU and NATO build such relations with them. Globalisation connects countries regionally as well as an example BRIC countries or NATO member states.

    Q. Do leading countries from NATO and EU oppose to opening of Macedonia's foreign policy to several countries and continents in the past years?

    A. There have never been such remarks or suggestions neither direct nor indirect. We are following EU foreign policy in this direction. We all fight for better future and more quality life to our citizens. There is no cooperation without personal communication, dialogue, inter-state agreements and promotion. As US president and EU leaders visit India, China, Russia, Brazil in an attempt to do something good for their citizens, me and the government are doing the same thing.

    Q. Several countries plan to continue participation in NATO-led mission in Afghanistan after 2014 in form of trainings etc, with decreased number of soldiers and policemen? What is the Macedonia’s plan in this regard?

    A. Firstly I want to emphasise the role of our soldiers in Afghanistan their great job which was highly commended and it is for respect and congratulations. Macedonia will probably stay in Afghanistan after 2014 with decreased number of soldiers aimed at training Afghan security forces.

    Q. In relation to EU and NATO you have said several times that we are facing with injustice. Do you remain committed to the efforts for membership?

    A. The membership in the EU and the NATO besides all injustice towards us, remain our top priority. It is in the interest to Macedonia and the region as well. The obstructions we have are our challenge that we must deal with.

    Q. There are many analysts asking why we want to be admitted into the EU whose future is endangered?

    A. Because it is in country’s interest at the moment. I do not know whether it will be in our interest after 20, 30 or 50 years. It is not only for the structural funds but also for many other benefits that we will have as a small country in such turbulent region. I know that in these times because of many economical, political and security reasons, the membership would help Macedonia.

    Q. What is the goal of the letter you have sent to Samaras?

    A. Everything I wanted to say and said it in the letter. I have no additional comment. I have chosen to be politician who will openly, clearly and unambiguously send messages, without hidden intentions, political game, tricks or bluffs. I say what I mean, regardless of whether someone likes it or not.

    Q. Is there any answer from Samaras?

    A. Not for now. We have to wait.
    "Ido not want an uprising of people that would leave me at the first failure, I want revolution with citizens able to bear all the temptations to a prolonged struggle, what, because of the fierce political conditions, will be our guide or cattle to the slaughterhouse"


    • George S.
      Senior Member
      • Aug 2009
      • 10116

      Samaras to Gruevski: No meeting, EU blocks Macedonia, not Greece

      Samaras to Gruevski: No meeting, EU blocks Macedonia, not Greece

      Thursday, July 18, 2013

      Skopje, 18 July 2013 (MIA) - Greek Prime Minister Antonis Samaras has rejected the proposal of Macedonian counterpart Nikola Gruevski for direct high-level meetings towards intensification of the name talks, reads daily "Dnevnik".

      In the response to the letter Gruevski sent three weeks ago, Samaras says there is no need for a meeting, since Greece is not blocking Macedonia's Euro-integration, but the EU does not allow the country to move forward.

      According to diplomatic sources, the Greek PM says there is no need for meetings or taking pictures. "Dnevnik" reports the response oozes with arrogance, demonstrating Greece's loose attitude with regards to the name row.

      "Taking into account Samaras rejects the idea for bilateral meetings at the highest level, it becomes clear he believes the current format of talks, where Jolevski and Vassilakis do not even meet anymore, is appropriate and sufficient, and there is no need to accelerate the process or hold negotiations through teams towards swift settlement of the problem, as Gruevski proposed, and what Brussels wants. It is obvious that Samaras does not take into account the EC recommendations and the already forgotten 2008 NATO invitation. In his response, the Greek PM says they have helped us sufficiently before and it is up to Macedonia to make a move. The question is how to do this if Samaras does not want to meet with the Macedonian team? The question now is whether Samaras even read the EC recommendations urging the dispute's settlement as part of the good neighborly policy? Or is this a letter where he only covers up Greece's strategic decision to block Macedonia at any price", reads "Dnevnik".

      In the letter Gruevski sent to Samaras last month, he says both countries share excellent economic and interpersonal relations, whereas Macedonia is committed to nurture and enhance those relations, including the realization of joint projects. This requires the overcoming of differences burdening bilateral relations. PM Gruevski says the Republic of Macedonia appreciates Greece's commitment back in 2003 for accession of the entire Balkans in the EU, adding it should not only support the start of EU accession talks but be a partner in those negotiations. The name issue represents an obstacle, with Greece having the power of a EU and NATO member, while Macedonia the power of international law. The row must be overcome, benefiting both countries.
      "Ido not want an uprising of people that would leave me at the first failure, I want revolution with citizens able to bear all the temptations to a prolonged struggle, what, because of the fierce political conditions, will be our guide or cattle to the slaughterhouse"


      • Šarlo
        Junior Member
        • Jul 2013
        • 7

        This is a typical negative situation which if we had smart journalists, who are genuine patriots, we could turn into our favor. Even if we don't get anything concrete from it, at least for the world public we could raise awareness about our Macedonian matters.

        What I mean is for at least one of our Macedonian journalists to keep pressuring that Aivo Orav, or even better Füle or some other EU bureaucrat in Bruxelles about this statement.
        A 24/7 onslaught of the same question or questions which would center on Samaras' statement that it's the EU and not Greece who blocks Macedonia, and to document and reproduce their responses in every and all media. And repeat the same every time the EU starts asking something from us.


        • Risto the Great
          Senior Member
          • Sep 2008
          • 15660

          You seem to have some common sense Šarlo. But it seems that does not exist in Macedonia.
          Risto the Great
          "Holding my breath for the revolution."

          Hey, I wrote a bestseller. Check it out:


          • George S.
            Senior Member
            • Aug 2009
            • 10116

            some kind of eternal (infernal) buckpassing from greece to the eu.It seems to be that way or is it?
            Last edited by George S.; 08-04-2013, 06:51 AM.
            "Ido not want an uprising of people that would leave me at the first failure, I want revolution with citizens able to bear all the temptations to a prolonged struggle, what, because of the fierce political conditions, will be our guide or cattle to the slaughterhouse"
            GOTSE DELCEV


            • lavce pelagonski
              Senior Member
              • Nov 2009
              • 1993

              Груевски му прости на човекот кој во Тирана го гаѓаше со јајца

              - Не беше знак на револт или нешто лично. Напротив, јас ги почитувам заедничката држава и работата на Груевски како премиер, потенцирал Таулант Цапа, човекот кој го гаѓаше Груевски со јајца при посетата на македонска делегација во Тирана, на „прошталната“ средба со Премиерот на Македонија, кому му се извинил за инцидентот, а овој му простил, пренесуваат македонските медиуми.

              Премиерот денеска во кабинетот на Владата остварил кратка средба со Цапа.

              „ Можноста да се сретнам со премиерот за мене е потврда за позитивните политики и определбата за заеднички соживот и меѓусебно почитување, главните двигатели на функционирањето на државата“, изјавил Цапа по средбата.

              За него сепак немало распишана потерница затоа што делото за кое го товареше судот во Тирана а кое се води напад на странски официјален претставник не е сторено на територија на Македонија.

              Разговорот помеѓу Премиерот и Цапа се одвивал во пријателска атмосфера. Груевски на крајот од средбата му посакал успех и среќа во животот.
              Стравот на Атина од овој Македонец одел до таму што го нарекле „Страшниот Чакаларов“ „гркоубиец“ и „крвожеден комитаџија“.

              „Ако знам дека тука тече една капка грчка крв, јас сега би ја отсекол целата рака и би ја фрлил в море.“ Васил Чакаларов


              • iceman
                • Sep 2008
                • 132

                Gruevski calls on usa, germany and france to place pressure on the "greek" settlers


                IntervJu za „FaJnenšl taJms“ Gruevski gi povika SAD, GermaniJa i FranciJa da Ja pritisnat GrciJa Za napredok vo razgovorite za imeto može da bide potrebna intervenciJa na SAD i na vodečkite sili vo Evropa, izJavi Nikola Gruevski, pretsedatelot na Vladata na Republika MakedoniJa vo intervJu za „FaJnenšl taJms“. . Nikola Gruevski Gruevski vo intervJuto veli deka nekakov napredok vo razgovorite bil postignat koga sociJalistot Jorgos Papandreu beše premier vo Atina od 2009 do 2011 godina. „No, otkako vo Juni 2012 godina na vlast doJde konzervativecot Andonis Samaras razgovorite trgnaa vo sprotivna nasoka. Mnogu e pološo od porano. SituaciJata može da se deblokira ako GrciJa se naJde pod pritisok od zemJi kako što se SAD, GermaniJa i FranciJa. No, ako ne bide pritisnata, togaš toa nema da se sluči. Samaras se dviži kon edna od naJradikalnite pozicii što gi prifatila GrciJa vo odnos na rešavanjeto na problemot so imeto... Golemite sili treba da Ja potsetat Atina deka Meǵunarodniot sud na pravdata, iako nema doneseno mislenje za sporot so imeto, vo 2011 godina donese odluka deka GrciJa pogrešila što Ja blokirala aplikaciJata na MakedoniJa za členstvo vo NATO tri godini prethodno. Bi sakal da vidam pritisok što ḱe bide vo nasoka na počituvanje na odlukata na sudot vo Hag. Baram počituvanje na meǵunarodnoto pravo. Inaku, koJa e poentata na sudot i koJa e poentata na meǵunarodnoto pravo“, izJavi Gruevski. ToJ veli deka seto ova Ja paralizira integraciJata na MakedoniJa vo bezbednosnite i ekonomskite strukturi na Evropa. Nie sme kandidat za členstvo vo EU od 2005 godina, no poradi blokadata na GrciJa za vlezot na MakedoniJa vo NATO i vo Evropskata UniJa, oficiJalni pregovori za členstvo nikogaš ne počnale, izJavi Gruevski. Makedonskiot premier odgovori i na prašanjeto za proektot „SkopJe 2014“ i za toa deka možebi i ovoJ proekt predizvikuva problemi vo razgovorite za imeto. „Otkako Ja sozdadovme našata sopstvena zemJa, mislevme deka ḱe bide dobro da ima 20 ili 30 statui na luǵe od našata istoriJa. Našata ideJa nikogaš ne beše da se predizvikaat problemi so Grcite“, reče toJ. Od intervJuto na Gruevski za Si-en-en Za vreme na prestoJot vo London pretsedatelot na makedonskata vlada dade intervJua za nekolku vliJatelni svetski mediumi – Si-en-en (CNN), Si-si-ti-vi (CCTV), Forbs (Forbes) i drugi.
                Interview for " Financial Times "

                Minister urges U.S. , Germany and France pressed Greece to

                Progress in the name may require the intervention of the U.S. and the leading forces in Europe , said Nikola Gruevski , Prime Minister of the Republic of Macedonia in an interview with the "Financial Times " .


                Nikola Gruevski

                Gruevski said in an interview that some progress was made ​​in talks when Socialist Prime Minister George Papandreou in Athens from 2009 to 2011.

                " But when in June 2012 the Conservative government came Antonis Samaras talks went in the opposite direction . It is worse than before . The situation can unblock if Greece came under pressure from countries such as USA , Germany and France . But if it is not pressed , then it will not happen . Samaras move to one of the most radical positions that accepted Greece to resolve the name ... Major powers should remind that Athens International Court of Justice , although not delivered an opinion on the name issue , in 2011 decided that Greece mistaken that blocked Macedonia's application for membership in NATO three years earlier . I'd like to see the pressure that will be aimed at respecting the decision of the court in The Hague . Requires respect for international law . Otherwise , what is the point of the court and that is the point of international law , " said Gruevski .

                He says that this paralyzes Macedonia's integration in security and economic structures of Europe . We are a candidate for EU membership since 2005 , but due to the blockade of Greece's Macedonia's entry into NATO and the European Union , official negotiations never began , said Gruevski .

                Macedonian Prime Minister answered a question about the project " Skopje 2014" and that the project might cause problems in the name .

                " Once we have created our own country , we thought it would be good to have 20 or 30 statues of people in our history . Our idea was never to cause problems with the Greeks , " he said .

                From an interview with the Minister for CNN en

                During his stay in London Gruevski gave interviews to several influential international media - CNN CNN (CNN), I - you - you- you (CCTV), Forbes (Forbes) and others.


                • makedonche
                  Senior Member
                  • Oct 2008
                  • 3242


                  I saw this as well, interesting, about time he called on the influential to use their power for something useful for the world...up to now all they've managed to do is keep the Greeks afloat and let them keep lying and stealing....let them stand on their own 2 feet and we'll see how far they get!
                  On Delchev's sarcophagus you can read the following inscription: "We swear the future generations to bury these sacred bones in the capital of Independent Macedonia. August 1923 Illinden"


                  • George S.
                    Senior Member
                    • Aug 2009
                    • 10116

                    its not easy fighting the greek psyche that Macedonia is greek.They won't even consider the outside at all.
                    "Ido not want an uprising of people that would leave me at the first failure, I want revolution with citizens able to bear all the temptations to a prolonged struggle, what, because of the fierce political conditions, will be our guide or cattle to the slaughterhouse"
                    GOTSE DELCEV


                    • iceman
                      • Sep 2008
                      • 132

                      Gruevski:We want the EU and NATO , but no to selling out our national interests

                      GOOGLE TRANSLATOR USED

                      inister : We want the EU and NATO , but that does not mean you have to sell out national interests ( video )
                      Posted in : Macedonia Author : Phalanx Date : December 14, 2013
                      He pointed out that as a government showed great concern for national interests .

                      For two years we have fulfilled all the conditions for Macedonia to qualify to join NATO , conditions had not been met. In 2009 the European Commission came out and said that Macedonia is ready to start negotiations , unfortunately again for the blockade of our southern neighbor is delayed our entry , Prime Minister Nikola Gruevski tonight's debate in Stip .

                      He pointed out that as a government showed great concern for national interests .

                      I want to join NATO and the EU , but it is extremely important to us as it will solve the issue related to our name , nationality and language . Here we showed serious concern , endured threats blackmail and pressures . Macedonia and now will still be ready to start negotiations , when they are ready and the EU and NATO to accept Macedonia , we are now ready yet . It does not mean you have sold out to our state and national interests , and accept what we have served Athens will be very careful . In the end the people who will make the final decision was decisive Gruevski in his address to the citizens .

                      The Prime Minister referred to the commitment to creating new jobs by opening new factories in Macedonia , which as stressed repeatedly discussions with interested companies and make efforts to convince them to invest .

                      Minister spoke about all the promises they have made to citizens, primarily by increases in pensions , wages , social contributions .

                      In respect of projects relating to Stip , the forum pointed out that by February next year will begin to build a highway from Skopje to Stip that will reduce travel time to 30 minutes and will start construction of a new hospital in Stip .


                      • Soldier of Macedon
                        Senior Member
                        • Sep 2008
                        • 13675

                        When he begs for acceptance into the EU and NATO under the name FYROM, has continued to negotiate Macedonia's identity for the whole time he has been PM, and accepted a name other than the official one in 2008 at Bucharest (only to be ironically rejected by Greece), he IS selling out Macedonia's national interests. If he had a shred of integrity he wouldn't be blabbering on about 'solving the issues' regarding our name, nationality and language. Those aren't issues that need to be solved, nor does he have the right to put them on the negotiating table as if they were chips at a casino.
                        In the name of the blood and the sun, the dagger and the gun, Christ protect this soldier, a lion and a Macedonian.


                        • George S.
                          Senior Member
                          • Aug 2009
                          • 10116

                          its the same thing has already happened with the flag issue .They were bargaining chips at the casino.Gruevski is doing more of the same hoping he won't be found out in time.Had the Macedonian people found out that gruevski is selling them out they would mount a full scale revolt.Under the wheeling & dealing he wants any old way to get into the eu or nato.We found out Macedonia does not need to be in nato or euto aspire to these corrupt organizations.Look at what the toll they wnt loss of name s to enter the eu gor nato.Hardly worth gambling.A lot of countries want to be out of the eu rather than in.
                          "Ido not want an uprising of people that would leave me at the first failure, I want revolution with citizens able to bear all the temptations to a prolonged struggle, what, because of the fierce political conditions, will be our guide or cattle to the slaughterhouse"
                          GOTSE DELCEV


                          • The LION will ROAR
                            Senior Member
                            • Jan 2009
                            • 3231

                            Deutche Welle: The phenomenon called Gruevski

                            He is not George Clooney's double, he doesn't give speeches of the calibar of famous antic orators, he doesn't have the charisma of other politicians, however the Macedonian prime minister continues to have the highest rating of any other politician for the sevent year in a row - reports Deutche Welle.

                            Gruevski, somehow manages to have higher rating than professional athletes, singers etc. Some go as far as that he should be proclaimed a saint. But, aside from any pathetic statements, the country's sociologists are working over time to explain the phenomenon called Gruevski - says Deutche Welle.

                            According to many of Macedonia's PM speeches, he is governed by the latin phrase: Оptimus orator est qui minimis verbis plurimum dicit - meaning, the best speaker is the one who says the most with as little words as possible. Of course, this doesn't mean the Prime Minister would not give a lengthy speech particularly for state holidays, party congress etc. What's the secret to the success of the Macedonian Prime Minister who for sevent year keeps the opposition knocked out?

                            University professor Branislav Sarkanjac who in 2007 was Gruevski's advisor says his secret is simple - he works too much.

                            "He works day and night. His energy and commitment is fascinating. He looks the same in the morning, and at midnight during a late Government session. I don't think there is another politician who would come even close to his work ethic. His communication technique works at all levels. Not a single staff has complained that the prime minister is arrogant or inaccessible. With all he speaks as if they are the most important part of the team, and he doesn't put himself above them. He knows what is going on in every Ministry at all times and is constantly asking for updates from his minister. You will hear him ask "What is the progress on the project we discussed last week". When the prime minister meets with ordinary citizens he is very casual, so they threat him as one of them", says Sarkanjac.

                            Unlike other Macedonian politicians and prime ministers before him, Gruevski sends his daughter to state and not private school, lives in a small apartment and does not use the Prime Minister residence. Macedonian organizations who suggested he should be proclaimed a saint, did so for the miracles he has done: many citizens for the first time in 20 years have gotten a job, other poor families were given a free home, elderly retirees are sent each year on free vacations, students are getting scholarships, farmers are receiving subsidies...

                            Obviously, on micro scale, Gruevski has done enough for political beatification. On macro plan, the promised entry into EU and NATO is already elevated to a miracle status, and according to the Prime Minister it does not solely depend on himself. The third miracle would be when Gruevski would manage to create conditions for the fulfillment of the previous two miracles to depend solely on himself - reports Deutche Welle.
                            The Macedonians originates it, the Bulgarians imitate it and the Greeks exploit it!


                            • Vangelovski
                              Senior Member
                              • Sep 2008
                              • 8533

                              Gruevski Corruption Allegations

                              Gruevski may face corruption charges...then again, probably not.


                              Macedonia Prosecution Still Mulling Charges Against PM

                              The prosecution in Macedonia said it was still deliberating whether to proceed with the corruption charges raised against Prime Minister Nikola Gruevski, accused of taking a bribe to expedite the illegal sale of a bank.

                              Macedonia's opposition Social Democrats, SDSM, have submitted a forensic analysis conducted in Serbia that they say proves that Gruevski's own voice can be heard on a telephone recording in which a man was discussing the sale of the bank.

                              The prosecution in Macedonia says it is still deciding whether to take this new alleged evidence into account, however.

                              "We expect to reach a decision within a few days after which we will inform the public," the prosecution told Balkan Insight on Friday.

                              The prosecution said it was still deliberating over whether to start an investigation against Gruevski, or drop the entire case, which dates back in 2004, as obsolete.

                              Under Macedonian law, a criminal case may be rendered obsolete after ten years if the law does not prescribe more than ten years in jail for the crime in question.

                              In the midst of April's general and presidential elections, the SDSM accused Gruevski of taking a bribe of €1.5 million to expedite the sale of Makedonska Banka to a Serbian businessman, Jovica Stefanovic, aka “Gazda Nini”, ["Boss Nini"], in 2004.

                              Gruevski's VMRO DPMNE party flatly denied the allegations.

                              The opposition produced documents of financial transactions as well as legal papers from Macedonia’s Central Bank that approved the sale of the bank’s shares.

                              It also released a lengthy telephone recording on which the opposition claimed that Gruevski's voice could be heard discussing the illegal sale.

                              Following a lengthy silence from the prosecution, the SDSM on Tuesday submitted the forensic examination of the recording done in Belgrade by an "authorized court expert on the field of information technologies".

                              "The voice matches Gruevski's... We hope that this expertize from a relevant institution will ease the work of the public prosecutor," the SDSM spokesperson, Petre Silegov, said.

                              However, Chief Prosecutor Marko Zvrlevski on Thursday said that the additional voice analysis had been sent to the wrong address.

                              "The expertise, so I was informed, was submitted to the Public Prosecution, not to the prosecution in charge of organized crime that is handling the case,” Zvrlevski was cited as saying. “I expect that my colleagues will soon inform me about their decision on whether to act on the case or not,” he added.

                              Gruevski who has held power since 2006 won the April general election by a landslide, securing four more years as Prime Minister.

                              The opposition disputed the result as fraudulent and has refused to take up seats in parliament, demanding fresh elections carried out by a caretaker government.

                              lengthy telephone recording
                              If my people who are called by my name will humble themselves and pray and seek my face and turn from their wicked ways, I will hear from heaven and will forgive their sins and restore their land. 2 Chronicles 7:14

                              The Revolution was in the minds and hearts of the people; a change in their religious sentiments, of their duties and obligations...This radical change in the principles, opinions, sentiments, and affections of the people was the real American Revolution. John Adams


                              • Redsun
                                • Jul 2013
                                • 409

                                This is good news. I would like to see Gruevski charged, and lose leadership of VRMO.

                                Corruption Allegations, who would consider giving up sovereignty? There is no other, more corrupt then Gruevski.

