Nikola Gruevski

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  • julie
    Senior Member
    • May 2009
    • 3869

    Prolet......why would he call a referendum? for a name change?
    "The moral revolution - the revolution of the mind, heart and soul of an enslaved people, is our greatest task."__________________Gotse Delchev


    • fyrOM
      • Feb 2010
      • 2180

      PM Gruevski: Macedonians' self-consciousness should not be obstacle to Euro-Atlantic integration

      Bitola, 25 July 2010 (MIA) - We Macedonians know who we are and such consciousness should not be seen as an obstacle to the country's integration in Euro-Atlantic institutions. We will present this fact worldwide, because remembering is a way to preserve what you love, what you identify with, what you refuse to lose, and that is our name and identity as a collective legacy of prior generations, said Prime Minister Nikola Gruevski on Sunday.

      In an address at the 30th Pan-Macedonian Border Meeting in Bitola village Trnovo, PM Gruevski stressed no individual or group have the right to decide on the eternal feelings of Macedonians.

      He finds unacceptable certain theses on fear, divisions, segregation or apocalyptic scenarios for the country.

      "This is not the style of the Macedonian, this is not in our code. The Macedonian does not see difficulty in each opportunity, but an opportunity in each difficulty. I accept work instead of criticism, optimism instead of disseminating fear, culture instead of insult, clash of ideas and concepts, sincerity instead of lies, faith in God instead of blasphemy, building instead of stealing, family values instead of drugs and vices. This is the only way for us to become a respected member of the EU and NATO", stressed Gruevski.

      According to him, the Government has secured the visa liberalization and continues with reforms.

      "We are intensively working on judiciary reforms together with our EU partners, we will resume with the fierce and uncompromising fight against crime and corruption, because they undermine the society. There should be no divisions or playing with people's feelings on the road to EU", added Gruevski.

      He said the Government undertook activities for reconstruction and opening of new culture facilities, along with the support to cultural, sports and scientific activities of Macedonians abroad, aimed at strengthening ties with the diaspora.

      The jubilee Pan-Macedonian Border Meeting, held under motto "Eternal Macedonia", was organized by Association of Macedonians from the Aegean Part of Macedonia-Bitola.

      Representatives of Macedonian organizations from Greece, Albania and Bulgaria and president of the coordinating confederation of associations of Macedonians from the Aegean Part of Macedonia, Metodija Tosevski also addressed the event.


      • Risto the Great
        Senior Member
        • Sep 2008
        • 15660

        I can't believe it.
        He didn't say "referendum" once. I hope it stays that way.
        Risto the Great
        "Holding my breath for the revolution."

        Hey, I wrote a bestseller. Check it out:


        • Pelister
          Senior Member
          • Sep 2008
          • 2742

          Originally posted by Prolet View Post
          Jankovska, Did you listen to Jane Mavchev's interview on SBS radio? Nikola Gruevski will never change our name.
          He has already changed it - several times. The only reason it hasn't happened, is that the New Greeks have not been happy with the changes.

          In addition to that, don't think about the event that a name change may or may not happen, think about the 'process' that Gruevski has engaged, and just how damaging that 'process' is for our identity, our history and our culture. I mean, do you actually believe that the Greeks were historically Macedonians, too ? Because that is the assumption made by the Greeks in this 'process' and it is an assumption that Gruevski has defacto given new life to in the international community. I mean, as though Western perceptions of historical Macedonia, and the Macedonians wasn't skewed and distorted enough already, Gruevski has gone and given the Greek lies and the Greek distortions all the international publicity they could ever hope for. Every singe day this process continues to go on, is another day Gruevski fks us over.


          • fyrOM
            • Feb 2010
            • 2180

            Macedonia prepares teams for quick start of EU talks

            Macedonia prepares teams will be fully able to immediately begin negotiations with the EU once exceed the name dispute. To this end he hired about 850 people employed in public administration in different fields learn from the experience of Croatia that is currently under negotiation with the Union, and consult with Slovenia and other countries, said today in Skopje Prime Minister Nikola Gruevski.

            - In some ways these people as the teams are required to prepare a special strategy in terms of negotiations so that perform certain preparations for the moment when we overcome the dispute to be ready for quick start of negotiations. So then do not start from scratch to form teams, then train them, then begin to discuss with other leaders as they passed but they do now and the moment when it comes to getting a start date for negotiations to have ready teams, only to say who will head the negotiating team that the chief negotiator and to go into negotiations, "Gruevski said after commissioning of the local time of the incident-Ljuboten Skopje Montenegro.

            He added that if the point may need to be engaged and certain foreign consultants in the negotiations quickly in order to achieve goals.
            Premeirot Gruevski rejected the allegations as untrue today's realities of NGOs that the government under-invest in areas where the dominant Albanian population. He regards as noted, attitudes of persons who are party-colored, and hide behind a non-governmental organization, in order to deskreditiraat him and the government says and what is legitimate.

            - It is true that invest in places where Albanians live. Here we are today in the village which is the dominant Albanian population. We invest in Tetovo university building 10-11 million, invest in roads, buildings, etc. in sports. So completely denied the fact that we are selectively investing. Rather we are trying to steadily invest everywhere, in all parts of the country because all Macedonian citizens deserve the funds allocated in the budget to see a boon in places where it has some shortcomings, "Gruevski said.

            We will see Mr Prime Minister.


            • fyrOM
              • Feb 2010
              • 2180

              Macedonia must change its name

              Македонија веќе има две имиња, трето не и треба. Државата мора да ја има како приоритет

              Ohrid, August 6, 2010 (MIA) - Macedonia must not change its name to give to Greece. If it did, then Greece will set new requirements and new until you reach your ultimate goal and that is that Macedonia has disappeared from the map, says the first mediator in the Greek-Macedonian name dispute Ambassador Robin O Neill.

              At yesterday's first International Internet TV conference "Macedonia: Our name and identity, our pride and dignity" that broadcast television NTV Ohrid, Macedonia said O Neil increasingly to work at a reception in the EU and NATO.

              - Macedonia has two names, does not need a third. The state must have increased as a priority work of adoption in the EU and NATO. When this is achieved, its name will temporarily lose all its importance and relevance. Must increasingly work on this, the ambassador noted.

              He said Greece does not respect the terms of the Interim Agreement that entitles Macedonia insists on the EU and NATO as the resolution adopted by the 817th

              - I say this because I am convinced that this name is only for temporary use in the near future will cease to be valid. But if Macedonia accept any other name such as Macedonia or the Republic of Vardar-North, Upper or any other of Macedonia, Greece will be more osokolena to continue its demands and blackmail that would be losers-fated Macedonians and Macedonia considers O Neil.

              He recalled his proposal of "Republika Makedonija - Skopje" that was made when the first mediator in the Greek-Macedonian dispute in 1992, as a compromise for conditional acceptance of the UN and for temporary use to finding a final solution. But Greece, stressed rejected.

              Aristotelis Camparis Professor of Athens University of Piraeus, meanwhile, said that "there is a rare opportunity to name dispute be resolved by November this year.

              - There is now a rare opportunity to reach a final solution to the dispute which would have no winners or losers. Given that both countries have governments that ever have been willing to compromise, they can find a solution through the open window of opportunity will close in November, said Camparis.

              Is this an indication to hang in there and better things are to come.


              • Makedonetz
                Senior Member
                • Apr 2010
                • 1080

                Originally posted by OziMak View Post
                Macedonia must change its name

                Македонија веќе има две имиња, трето не и треба. Државата мора да ја има како приоритет

                Ohrid, August 6, 2010 (MIA) - Macedonia must not change its name to give to Greece. If it did, then Greece will set new requirements and new until you reach your ultimate goal and that is that Macedonia has disappeared from the map, says the first mediator in the Greek-Macedonian name dispute Ambassador Robin O Neill.

                At yesterday's first International Internet TV conference "Macedonia: Our name and identity, our pride and dignity" that broadcast television NTV Ohrid, Macedonia said O Neil increasingly to work at a reception in the EU and NATO.

                - Macedonia has two names, does not need a third. The state must have increased as a priority work of adoption in the EU and NATO. When this is achieved, its name will temporarily lose all its importance and relevance. Must increasingly work on this, the ambassador noted.

                He said Greece does not respect the terms of the Interim Agreement that entitles Macedonia insists on the EU and NATO as the resolution adopted by the 817th

                - I say this because I am convinced that this name is only for temporary use in the near future will cease to be valid. But if Macedonia accept any other name such as Macedonia or the Republic of Vardar-North, Upper or any other of Macedonia, Greece will be more osokolena to continue its demands and blackmail that would be losers-fated Macedonians and Macedonia considers O Neil.

                He recalled his proposal of "Republika Makedonija - Skopje" that was made when the first mediator in the Greek-Macedonian dispute in 1992, as a compromise for conditional acceptance of the UN and for temporary use to finding a final solution. But Greece, stressed rejected.

                Aristotelis Camparis Professor of Athens University of Piraeus, meanwhile, said that "there is a rare opportunity to name dispute be resolved by November this year.

                - There is now a rare opportunity to reach a final solution to the dispute which would have no winners or losers. Given that both countries have governments that ever have been willing to compromise, they can find a solution through the open window of opportunity will close in November, said Camparis.

                Is this an indication to hang in there and better things are to come.
                Ozimak we need to hang in there just a little more and let the Eu and Greece show their true colours. Hopefully we just dont get into the EU who cares about them and their club med lies.
                Makedoncite se borat
                za svoite pravdini!

                "The one who works for joining of Macedonia to Bulgaria,Greece or Serbia can consider himself as a good Bulgarian, Greek or Serb, but not a good Macedonian"
                - Goce Delchev


                • Soldier of Macedon
                  Senior Member
                  • Sep 2008
                  • 13675

                  There is now a rare opportunity to reach a final solution to the dispute which would have no winners or losers. Given that both countries have governments that ever have been willing to compromise, they can find a solution through the open window of opportunity will close in November, said Camparis.
                  What "rare" opportunity? Internally, Greece is all over the place and hardly in a position to dictate terms, if there is an opportunity until November, it is one where Greece deals with reality and accepts that the Macedonian state, people and language do exist.
                  In the name of the blood and the sun, the dagger and the gun, Christ protect this soldier, a lion and a Macedonian.


                  • julie
                    Senior Member
                    • May 2009
                    • 3869

                    Aristotelis Camparis Professor of Athens University of Piraeus, can kiss my Macedonian butt, and I will then tell him what the outcome of that solution is, why is the Macedonian media hell bent on even publishing this shit?
                    "The moral revolution - the revolution of the mind, heart and soul of an enslaved people, is our greatest task."__________________Gotse Delchev


                    • George S.
                      Senior Member
                      • Aug 2009
                      • 10116

                      The name negotiations should have ended long time ago>as one commentator put it the macedonian government are still doing it hoping the rest of the world will tell them to stop.I personally feel they will achieve nothing as it's nonsensical to bargain with ones identity.If that's the case then why doesn't greece agree to something?Greece is expecting only macedonia change it's name it has never said it will respect what ever new name it adopts.All the more to pull out of all name negitiations.The latest i heard from gruevski saying that both he & president ivanov will not agree to a name change.
                      So people can stop speculating as no one has committed anything.Anything coming out of greece saying it will be this or that is just BS.

                      Macedonia for the Macedonians ! Freedom or death!
                      Makedonia za Makedoncite ! Sloboda eli Smrt!
                      Last edited by George S.; 08-06-2010, 05:25 PM. Reason: edit
                      "Ido not want an uprising of people that would leave me at the first failure, I want revolution with citizens able to bear all the temptations to a prolonged struggle, what, because of the fierce political conditions, will be our guide or cattle to the slaughterhouse"
                      GOTSE DELCEV


                      • George S.
                        Senior Member
                        • Aug 2009
                        • 10116

                        Why are they negotiating a name of a country.It should be for the citizens to decide.It was decided as " Republic of macedonia".Everyone should get behind it & support it.THe Greeks need to respect our name as it's who we are & not what they want us to be.
                        This is setting a precident that other countries can decide on the fate of others.The fact is 127 countries recognize Macedonia under it's constitutional name that's all that matters.
                        Countries like greece should get off their arses & show some respect.We also need that world support to say enough is enough & we are not putting up with the crap that we don't exist.
                        "Ido not want an uprising of people that would leave me at the first failure, I want revolution with citizens able to bear all the temptations to a prolonged struggle, what, because of the fierce political conditions, will be our guide or cattle to the slaughterhouse"
                        GOTSE DELCEV


                        • Prolet
                          Senior Member
                          • Sep 2009
                          • 5241

                          What rare opportunity? That we have to take out loans to bail out Greece like the rest of the smaller countries are doing?
                          МАКЕДОНЕЦ си кога кавал ќе ти ја распара душата,зурла ќе ти го раскине срцето,кога секое влакно од кожата ќе ти се наежи кога ќе видиш шеснаесеткрако сонце,кога до коска ќе те заболи кога ќе слушнеш ПЈРМ,кога немаш ни за леб,а полн си во душата затоа што ја сакаш МАКЕДОНИЈА. МАКЕДОНИЈА во срце те носиме.


                          • fyrOM
                            • Feb 2010
                            • 2180

                            Sounds like they are getting more desperate. I hope stupid enticements like these do not lead to stupid decisions.

                            ESI president proposes Macedonia's immediate NATO accession, start of EU talks

                            The European Commission has already said Macedonia meets conditions to start Union accession talks. However, it would be unrealistic to expect the EU to put pressure on Greece, since they have not been doing that in the

                            Skopje, 10 August 2010 (MIA) - The European Commission has already said Macedonia meets conditions to start Union accession talks. However, it would be unrealistic to expect the EU to put pressure on Greece, since they have not been doing that in the past 20 years, said Gerald Knaus, president of the European Stability Initiative (ESI) in an interview with Ohrid TV station NTV.

                            On the basis of recent contacts he has had with European officials, but also in Greece, Knaus says efforts are invested in reaching an optimal solution, adding the EU cannot expect Macedonia to make a concession only because of a promise over the start of membership negotiations.

                            "The real challenge for Macedonian politicians now is how to get more benefits for the country without making large concessions, which would not be accepted by way of referendum. A compromise must be reached with Greece for the sake of EU accession, but such compromise must also be sufficiently attractive to the public in Macedonia", he stresses.

                            According to Knaus, Macedonia's four priorities in this period are obtaining an invitation for NATO membership, start of EU accession talks in 2010 without making large concessions regarding the name, a guarantee that the country would not be abused in the later stages of negotiations, as well as finding allies that would assist its swift EU accession.

                            ESI proposes a change to the constitutional name, but its entry into force later.

                            "You would keep the veto right not to implement the change. This means you would join NATO, reach an agreement with Greece over the name and change FYROM, but only FYROM. The changed name, be it Republic of Macedonia-Vardar or other, will not enter into force until voters in Macedonia are sure they have a future within the EU, followed by a decision on the constitutional changes", says Knaus.

                            He adds that in a time of global economic crisis and EU enlargement skepticism, Macedonia would be the first country after Croatia to start negotiations, which would benefit the economy and entry of foreign direct investments.

                            ESI will release a report in the coming days, in which it proposes Macedonia's immediate NATO accession, immediate start of EU accession talks, and eventually, a referendum.

                            YouTube - ‪Stavot na Milenko za imeto‬‎


                            • fyrOM
                              • Feb 2010
                              • 2180

                              In my previous post you can see Milekos view on changing the name.
                              Then look how chummy he appears with Gruevski. I find it hard to believe Gruevski will be the one to change the name. listen to the progress done and planned. It just doesn’t sound like someone who would go against the country.

                              YouTube - ‪Late Night Show 10maj-Milenko Nedelkovski-Nikola Gruevski-1‬‎

                              YouTube - ‪Late Night Show 10maj-Milenko Nedelkovski-Nikola Gruevski-2‬‎

                              YouTube - ‪Late Night Show 10maj-Milenko Nedelkovski-Nikola Gruevski-3‬‎

                              YouTube - ‪Late Night Show 10maj-Milenko Nedelkovski-Nikola Gruevski-4‬‎



                              • Makedonetz
                                Senior Member
                                • Apr 2010
                                • 1080

                                I have faith(so far) the Govt of Macedonia have not changed the name yet hopefully this is a sign EU can go pick up another sucker country to be the aid to Greece's financial troubles.
                                Makedoncite se borat
                                za svoite pravdini!

                                "The one who works for joining of Macedonia to Bulgaria,Greece or Serbia can consider himself as a good Bulgarian, Greek or Serb, but not a good Macedonian"
                                - Goce Delchev

