Financial Crisis in Greece

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  • Brian
    • Oct 2011
    • 1130

    It might be fun when it's just Greece (because we don't like Greece) but like predicted the rest of Europe will also be going down.

    Portugal look like it's next.

    Next Up: Portugal

    It looks like Greece will get its debt restructuring, which presumably delays its collapse by a few months. So now the spotlight shifts to the other functionally bankrupt eurozone countries which have no choice but to demand the same deal.

    Portugal, by general consensus, is next in line. It hasnt blatantly lied about its problems the way Greece has. And it hasnt accumulated quite as much debt as Greece, though at 105% of GDP its government is still deep in the danger zone.

    But it doesnt export much and runs truly massive trade deficits. In order to pay down its debt it will need to generate trade surpluses going forward, but without the ability to devalue its currency to make exports cheaper, theres no way to accomplish this.
    Lisbon Protests: More Than 100,000 Rally Against Austerity In Portugal

    LISBON, Feb 11 (Reuters) - More than 100,000 people packed Lisbon's vast Palace Square on Saturday in the largest rally against austerity and economic hardships since the country resorted to an EU/IMF bailout last May, and organisers vowed to step up protests and labour action.

    The mass rally occurred just four days before Portugal's international lenders were due to start the quarterly evaluation of the bailout implementation on Wednesday in the finance ministry building which overlooks the square by the river Tagus. They come amid concerns Portugal may need more bailout funds, if not a debt restructuring like Greece.

    "We take this opportunity here to make our own evaluation on behalf of those who suffer daily," Armenio Carlos, head of the country's largest union, CGTP, told supporters as the crowd chanted: "IMF doesn't call the shots here!"

    "We have to step up the struggle," he said. Carlos promised the next wave of rallies across Portugal as soon as on Feb. 29.

    "The country needs to remove the rope from around its neck," he said, saying that Portugal should try to renegotiate its debt rather than impose more austerity, an argument he has made consistently.

    Rest of article in Link.


    • Brian
      • Oct 2011
      • 1130

      Just milking the EU.

      Moody's adjusts ratings of 9 European sovereigns to capture downside risks

      13 February 2012
      London, 13 February 2012 -- As anticipated in November 2011, Moody's Investors Service has today adjusted the sovereign debt ratings of selected EU countries in order to reflect their susceptibility to the growing financial and macroeconomic risks emanating from the euro area crisis and how these risks exacerbate the affected countries' own specific challenges.

      Moody's actions can be summarised as follows:

      - Austria: outlook on Aaa rating changed to negative

      - France: outlook on Aaa rating changed to negative

      - Italy: downgraded to A3 from A2, negative outlook

      - Malta: downgraded to A3 from A2, negative outlook

      - Portugal: downgraded to Ba3 from Ba2, negative outlook

      - Slovakia: downgraded to A2 from A1, negative outlook

      - Slovenia: downgraded to A2 from A1, negative outlook

      - Spain: downgraded to A3 from A1, negative outlook

      - United Kingdom: outlook on Aaa rating changed to negative

      Please see the individual country specific statements below for more detailed information relating to the rating rationale and the sensitivity analysis for each affected sovereign issuer.

      Rest of article in Link.


      • chentovist
        • Feb 2012
        • 130

        Originally posted by DirtyCodingHabitz View Post
        It would be a suicide mission if they attack greece. The only way they can win is by invading greece while greeks fight each other, or the west helps them.

        If there's interest and profit to be made, then I'm sure the west will be there.
        I'd like to see such a battle take place. Greeks vs Shiptars....nice


        • Valmir
          • Sep 2011
          • 112

          It would be a suicide mission if they attack greece. The only way they can win is by invading greece while greeks fight each other, or the west helps them.
          With all those Economical problems,With all those Albanians that live in the heart of Greece (Athens),With all those Muslims living in Thrace! Im sure it will be prety hard for the Greeks too


          • Valmir
            • Sep 2011
            • 112

            Originally posted by Soldier of Macedon View Post
            Valmir, what will all of the Albanian migrants in Greece do in this 'civil war', join or run?


            • Valmir
              • Sep 2011
              • 112

              Originally posted by Voltron View Post
              You guys have nothing on us. Last time you tried you got your asses handed to you. No Albanian will ever dare to even think about doing something in Greece. They know better.
              Let me tell you that we never tried, it was the Italian army who tried.
              I have some videos here where the Albanian TV goes in Chameria and visits some families and they still speak Albanian but they dont have any schools on the Albanian language there or anything,after the visit 3 Greek Cars were following the Alb Television and spying them and they made sure they left Greece that day.


              • Risto the Great
                Senior Member
                • Sep 2008
                • 15660

                Valmir, same thing happened with Macedonians in Greece. All too common for people who are interested in these things. In Macedonia we have Albanian irredentism & Wahhabi influence going un-noticed. This is the other end of the scale.
                Risto the Great
                "Holding my breath for the revolution."

                Hey, I wrote a bestseller. Check it out:


                • lavce pelagonski
                  Senior Member
                  • Nov 2009
                  • 1993

                  Грција на работ на граѓанска војна!

                  14.02.2012 | 12:47
                  Извор: Точка
                  Прочитано: 4894 пати
                  Испрати на пријател
                  Зголеми го фонтот
                  Намали го фонтот

                  Грција е на работ на граѓанска војна, тврдат аналитичарите по еден ден од најголемите нереди на улиците во кои се повредени 68 полицајци и повеќе од 130 граѓани, а запалени се најмалку 45 згради.

                  Со усвоените пакети за мерки на штедење, кои се услов за добивање на нов кредит од 130 милијарди евра, предвидено е намалување на платите, пензиите и бројот на работни места, оваа година да се заштедат 3,3 милијарди евра, а до 2015 година дури 14 милијарди евра.

                  Вкупниот јавен долг на Грција достигнал 350 милијарди евра.

                  Аналитичарите наведуваат дека грчкиот народ веќе не може да го поднесе намалувањето на примањата и штедењето така што својот револт ќе го изнесе на улиците, што би можело да предизвика хаос.

                  "Граѓаните велат дека не можат да се одрекуваат од разни работи и дека досегашните мерки на штедење го загрозиле нивниот животен стандард.", велат експертите.

                  Инаку пожарникарите вчера наутро сеуште ги гаснеле запалените згради, а специјалните екипи ги расчистувале улиците во центарот на Атина. Меѓу запалените згради се и две историски кина, повеќе десетици продавници и кафулиња во центарот на Атина и сето тоа е демолирано и ограбено.

                  Να ποιοι είναι οι προβοκάτορες (Athens Riots February 12th) - YouTube

                  Greece Riots- Athens burns, police fire tear gas as violence flares up.(POWER TO THE PEOPLE!!) - YouTube

                  Burning Banks - i greci hanno capito che il nemico dell'uomo sono i banchieri internazionali - YouTube
                  Стравот на Атина од овој Македонец одел до таму што го нарекле Страшниот Чакаларов гркоубиец и крвожеден комитаџија.

                  Ако знам дека тука тече една капка грчка крв, јас сега би ја отсекол целата рака и би ја фрлил в море. Васил Чакаларов


                  • Bill77
                    Senior Member
                    • Oct 2009
                    • 4545

                    Originally posted by Valmir View Post
                    Let me tell you that we never tried, it was the Italian army who tried.
                    I have some videos here where the Albanian TV goes in Chameria and visits some families and they still speak Albanian but they dont have any schools on the Albanian language there or anything,after the visit 3 Greek Cars were following the Alb Television and spying them and they made sure they left Greece that day.
                    Now do you see how good you spoilt bastards have it with us Macedonians?

                    You should be kissing our feet.


                    • Brian
                      • Oct 2011
                      • 1130

                      Originally posted by lavce pelagonski View Post
                      Грција на работ на граѓанска војна!
                      Greece to the brink of civil war!

                      If only it would come true!

                      But then the EU police or NATO would jump in to stop things.


                      • Brian
                        • Oct 2011
                        • 1130

                        Originally posted by Bill77 View Post
                        Now do you see how good you spoilt bastards have it with us Macedonians?

                        You should be kissing our feet.
                        No, we should have been doing like the Greeks - mrdna, po glava.
                        Besno kuce nikogas nema da go smiris.


                        • Valmir
                          • Sep 2011
                          • 112

                          Originally posted by Bill77 View Post
                          Now do you see how good you spoilt bastards have it with us Macedonians?

                          You should be kissing our feet.
                          The only reason why Albanians are not resisting is because of their Orthodox religion.But soon things will change.
                          Last edited by Valmir; 02-15-2012, 05:44 AM.


                          • Bill77
                            Senior Member
                            • Oct 2009
                            • 4545

                            Originally posted by Brian View Post
                            No, we should have been doing like the Greeks - mrdna, po glava.
                            Besno kuce nikogas nema da go smiris.
                            a nashite lujge, zbesnati beja? dip kako grko da sme ni taka ne chini.
                            Last edited by Bill77; 02-15-2012, 05:59 AM.


                            • Voltron
                              • Jan 2011
                              • 1362

                              Originally posted by Valmir View Post
                              The only reason why Albanians are not resisting is because of their Orthodox religion.But soon things will change.
                              Too late Valmir, you cannot bring them back from the Darkside my little jedi friend

                              The Albanians that have come here are our next generation Arvanites. They have adopted our faith, baptised and named their kids with Greek, names, speak the language and more or less adopted our way of life. Their children are already fully absorbed and by the time they hit 3rd generation its game over. I dont have a problem with Albanians, I used to though. As far as Im concerned they are welcome in Greece as long as they dont cause any problems. Whatever crime rate we had due to their arrival when we opened our borders in the 90's has pretty much been tamed whereas now we even have Albanians joining our ranks with Xrisi Avgi to chase out the foreign elements ( Pakistani's, Kurds ) from our city centers. Pretty rich how things turn out sometimes.


                              • Bill77
                                Senior Member
                                • Oct 2009
                                • 4545

                                Originally posted by Valmir View Post
                                The only reason why Albanians are not resisting is because of their Orthodox religion.But soon things will change.
                                Be my guest. Historically you guys have more rights in claiming Greece than you have anything to do with Macedonia.

