Financial Crisis in Greece

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  • Soldier of Macedon
    Senior Member
    • Sep 2008
    • 13675

    Originally posted by Sportster
    recently your 2 organizations requested people's help to acumulated documented evidence of the Macedonian genocide. The attempt attracted half a dozen posts that mainly presented Bulgarian versions of Greek atrocities from the balkan wars. After 12 days of non-postings the whole thread was deleted. Apparently they wanted that so they can put together some kind of exbition...but nothing came up.
    Who? What? When? Where?
    Do you have such stuf, excluding the youtube videoclip of RMK that used scenes from the movie Platoon to show greek napalms been droped on macedonian villages made of vietkong huts.
    I will assume you're an ingorant fool, so I will forgive yet another stupid lie at the expense of the Macedonians. After you read the below, you'll no longer be ignorant, so if you say the same, you're simply a fool.

    According to The Greek Civil War: Essays on a Conflict of Exceptionalism and Silences by Philip. Carabott, Thanasis D. Sfikas,the Greek General Staff "refused to recognise the communists as Greeks..demanding more napalm bombs to throw at them,while its request for anaesthetic or asphyxiating gases and chemical warfare materials was cut short by the Americans........."pg.94

    “In early June two American Air Force officers and four enlisted men from the Military Advisory and Planning Group prepared to train the Greeks in [napalm] use. By the middle of the month the Americans made arrangements for moving the napalm equipment and crews from Eleusis Airfield to Kozani. Van Fleet agreed with Matheny that it was time to seek the American aid mission’s approval for napalm attacks. Orders went out for over 5,000 pounds of napalm from the United States and 200 drop tanks from Germany which could hold 75 gallons of liquid each. On June 20, ten Spitfires launched their first napalm raid on targets chosen by the army.” — Howard Jones, “A New Kind of War”- America’s Global Strategy and the Truman Doctrine in Greece (Oxford: Oxford Univ. Press, 1997), 293.
    With the below:
    Macedonians of your beliefs suffered an unjustifiable prosecution from the Greek state. Very similer to Greeks in Bulgaria.....
    Macedonians of 'my' beliefs? All Macedonians are aware of what the Greeks have done, and the suffering of Greeks in Bulgaria doesn't come close to that of Macedonians in the Macedonian part of Greece. Greeks are recognised in Bulgaria, Macedonians aren't in Greece. Don't dare try and dilute the historical truth about Macedonians.
    In the name of the blood and the sun, the dagger and the gun, Christ protect this soldier, a lion and a Macedonian.


    • Stojacanec
      • Dec 2009
      • 809


      It is well documented that the Turks allowed ppl to continue their own language, culture and belief. This was achieved by churches and schools etc. They were also allowed to commit attrocities as well unfortunately. This is all well documented.

      Greeks are set to deny Macedonians of their language, belief and culture. They have also committed attrocities. They have stepped up the anti from 1913 when they gained pocession of Macedonian land. This is also well documented.

      It seems quite funny that you afford yourself the descriptor being a Greek "full stop" when it is clear that many Greeks (if not most) have recieved their new identy in the last 200 years. This is too well documented.

      However you like to compartmentalise the Macedonians.

      I am not sure what you are trying to add to this forum other than the same old rhetoric from fascist greeks.


      • Sportster
        • May 2010
        • 97

        Originally posted by Soldier of Macedon View Post
        Who? What? When? Where?

        I will assume you're an ingorant fool, so I will forgive yet another stupid lie at the expense of the Macedonians. After you read the below, you'll no longer be ignorant, so if you say the same, you're simply a fool.

        With the below:

        Macedonians of 'my' beliefs? All Macedonians are aware of what the Greeks have done, and the suffering of Greeks in Bulgaria doesn't come close to that of Macedonians in the Macedonian part of Greece. Greeks are recognised in Bulgaria, Macedonians aren't in Greece.
        OK, maybe I should take the time and explain my self better...
        This is the link to where UMD had asked as their own writting for ..
        "UMD is looking for sources where the Macedonian Genocide from 1800s to the Greek Civil War is documented. Also, any pictures, videos, etc... would be greatly appreciated. Thank you in advance."

        unfortunately you will not find any of the 6 posts there because they were deleted..but cutting the long story short no one could come up with nothing, if you want me I can probaly dig up some of their posts as copy-pasted in greek forums for a lough.

        Greeks are recognised in Bulgaria because they proclaim been Greeks, have clubs, organizations, institutions etc...when the Macedonians of your beliefs in Greece to the same come blame me. In the mean time we make sure even the 2000 of them are allowed (as they should by default) to have their own political party with multiple branches, newspaper (lol you knew I will get the credit for it) and anything else they they simply have to pump up their numbers!

        napalms..bad luck if some of you sided with communists that were napalmed by american bombs and british planes, same as bad luck for the ones sided with the nazi that got defeated...exept of course these ones that used to live in vietkong huts and where bombed by supersonic planes in 1945, video copyrights belong to the Macedonian RMK

        lets take a step pack about you cut the crap and I do the same. deal??


        • Sportster
          • May 2010
          • 97

          Originally posted by Stojacanec View Post

          It is well documented that the Turks allowed ppl to continue their own language, culture and belief. This was achieved by churches and schools etc. They were also allowed to commit attrocities as well unfortunately. This is all well documented.

          Greeks are set to deny Macedonians of their language, belief and culture. They have also committed attrocities. They have stepped up the anti from 1913 when they gained pocession of Macedonian land. This is also well documented.

          It seems quite funny that you afford yourself the descriptor being a Greek "full stop" when it is clear that many Greeks (if not most) have recieved their new identy in the last 200 years. This is too well documented.

          However you like to compartmentalise the Macedonians.

          I am not sure what you are trying to add to this forum other than the same old rhetoric from fascist greeks.
          A very honest post. The first half is truthfull the second is driven by hatred. Let me say that atleast we did it 200 years before you, call it luck call it made by Otto, we did. If you had done the same you could claim that we "took your land" unfortunately you did not and we simply made sure Macedonia was not given to the Bulgarians or the Serbs. Now you want to go ahead the give me scenarios thats fine but let me simply tell you and you know that it is true...if you had ended up on the Bulgarian side chances are you would have been a lot more easily ascimuilated by them then us.

          But all this is in the past, lets talk present if you like.


          • Soldier of Macedon
            Senior Member
            • Sep 2008
            • 13675

            Originally posted by Sportster
            OK, maybe I should take the time and explain my self better...
            This is the link to where UMD had asked as their own writting for ..
            "UMD is looking for sources where the Macedonian Genocide from 1800s to the Greek Civil War is documented. Also, any pictures, videos, etc... would be greatly appreciated. Thank you in advance."

            unfortunately you will not find any of the 6 posts there because they were deleted..but cutting the long story short no one could come up with nothing, if you want me I can probaly dig up some of their posts as copy-pasted in greek forums for a lough.
            Thanks for letting us know how you came to your conclusion, but what is said over there is irrelevant here, get used to it, the MTO has nothing to do with Maknews, RMK or his goats, they are a separate Macedonian website. Again, use the search function on our forum and educate yourself, quick.
            when the Macedonians of your beliefs
            That is the second time you have said that. And it will be your last.
            napalms..bad luck if some of you sided with communists
            Bad luck? Hhmm, you're pretty much gone mate, I will see if there is further consistency of idiocy is some of your subsequent posts, if so, you're gone.
            In the name of the blood and the sun, the dagger and the gun, Christ protect this soldier, a lion and a Macedonian.


            • Sportster
              • May 2010
              • 97

              Originally posted by Soldier of Macedon View Post
              Thanks for letting us know how you came to your conclusion, but what is said over there is irrelevant here, get used to it, the MTO has nothing to do with Maknews, RMK or his goats, they are a separate Macedonian website. Again, use the search function on our forum and educate yourself, quick.

              That is the second time you have said that. And it will be your last.

              Bad luck? Hhmm, you're pretty much gone mate, I will see if there is further consistency of idiocy is some of your subsequent posts, if so, you're gone.
              Dont threaten me, you want to ban me go ahead and do it, threats are for the weak. Why is it offencive when I use the "your beliefs", do you deny that there are other Macedonians like you that dont share the same ideals? If so why cant you find more then a handfull of supporters in Greece, why cant you unite the Albanians, the Bulgarifils and the Serbomans. Be nice!!


              • Bill77
                Senior Member
                • Oct 2009
                • 4545

                Originally posted by Sportster View Post
                Dont threaten me, you want to ban me go ahead and do it, threats are for the weak. Why is it offencive when I use the "your beliefs", do you deny that there are other Macedonians like you that dont share the same ideals? If so why cant you find more then a handfull of supporters in Greece, why cant you unite the Albanians, the Bulgarifils and the Serbomans. Be nice!!
                You sound silly so i will explain why you are soon to be baned.

                You are sick to sugest that its "bad luck" that Macedonians (which including women and children) were napalmed.

                So was it bad luck a pegnant lady was burnt alive in Greece? because it was bad luck, does this excuse those idiots that threw that petrol bomb in the bank because it was "bad luck".


                • Sportster
                  • May 2010
                  • 97

                  Originally posted by Bill77 View Post
                  You sound silly so i will explain why you are soon to be baned.

                  You are sick to sugest that its "bad luck" that Macedonians (which including women and children) were napalmed.

                  So was it bad luck a pegnant lady was burnt alive in Greece? because it was bad luck, does this excuse those idiots that threw that petrol bomb in the bank because it was "bad luck".
                  Show me one record, one name, one person, one photograph, one specific record of a woman, or a child napalmed to death in Macedonia by Greek doings and I promise I will never post here again.
                  You are a cheap shot bringing up the death of a preagnant woman in Athens in lines to highlight your lies..thats low. Do you bother posting here the pictures of the flowers left outside that bank from people like me? more then in Diana's death. No because you are a cheap impresionist. Go ahead ban me!


                  • Bill77
                    Senior Member
                    • Oct 2009
                    • 4545

                    Originally posted by Sportster View Post
                    Show me one record, one name, one person, one photograph, one specific record of a woman, or a child napalmed to death in Macedonia by Greek doings and I promise I will never post here again.
                    You are a cheap shot bringing up the death of a preagnant woman in Athens in lines to highlight your lies..thats low. Do you bother posting here the pictures of the flowers left outside that bank from people like me? more then in Diana's death. No because you are a cheap impresionist. Go ahead ban me!
                    You are a pathetic human being. You bring up the poor girl in Turkey that was buried alive and used it to insult Onur. You call it stif shit, that the Macedonians including women and childen were napalmed. I ask for an opinion on this recent tragedy in Geece to further see you mentality, you act humane all of a sudden. You are twisted.


                    • johnMKD
                      • Apr 2010
                      • 364

                      The death of the girl in Turkey does not indicate the entire culture and behaviour of a country. This could have happened anywhere. The death of the pregnant woman in Greece is disgraceful for those that committed it, but congratulations for those that were placing the flowers outside the bank. I wish I was also there to do it as well.

                      Turks are neither hanging from trees, Sporster, nor living in caves. Furthermore, Greece is no longer what ancient Greece used to be. Greeks are proud only for the past (to which there is no direct connection) and not about their present. Is it now a democratic country? What an irony for the "founders" of democracy...

                      However, this is a forum regarding Macedonia and not a personal conflict between Sporster and Onur regarding Greece and Turkey.
                      Macedonian and proud!


                      • Sportster
                        • May 2010
                        • 97

                        Originally posted by Bill77 View Post
                        You are a pathetic human being. You bring up the poor girl in Turkey that was buried alive and used it to insult Onur. You call it stif shit, that the Macedonians including women and childen were napalmed. I ask for an opinion on this recent tragedy in Geece to further see you mentality, you act humane all of a sudden. You are twisted.
                        good point about my use of an unfortunate event in Turkey, however its a difference to be killed by ur own father and by anarchists.
                        My mentality is here for you to me a fact as I requested and then judge me.
                        you can bring up all the excuses you can think but the fact is one...naplmed women and children=total and utter bullshit from your behalf...go on prove me wrong!!!


                        • Sportster
                          • May 2010
                          • 97

                          Originally posted by johnMKD View Post
                          The death of the girl in Turkey does not indicate the entire culture and behaviour of a country. This could have happened anywhere. The death of the pregnant woman in Greece is disgraceful for those that committed it, but congratulations for those that were placing the flowers outside the bank. I wish I was also there to do it as well.

                          Turks are neither hanging from trees, Sporster, nor living in caves. Furthermore, Greece is no longer what ancient Greece used to be. Greeks are proud only for the past (to which there is no direct connection) and not about their present. Is it now a democratic country? What an irony for the "founders" of democracy...

                          However, this is a forum regarding Macedonia and not a personal conflict between Sporster and Onur regarding Greece and Turkey.
                          Point taken and rightfully so, end of my debate with the Turk, I wish him good luck and apologise to any offence in the Macedonian forums.


                          • Risto the Great
                            Senior Member
                            • Sep 2008
                            • 15660

                            Originally posted by Sportster View Post
                            Show me one record, one name, one person, one photograph, one specific record of a woman, or a child napalmed to death in Macedonia by Greek doings and I promise I will never post here again.
                            You are correct. It was the Americans who did it. The real question is why they did it and the answer is that the Greeks were losing.
                            Risto the Great
                            "Holding my breath for the revolution."

                            Hey, I wrote a bestseller. Check it out:


                            • Sportster
                              • May 2010
                              • 97

                              Originally posted by Risto the Great View Post
                              You are correct. It was the Americans who did it. The real question is why they did it and the answer is that the Greeks were losing.
                              I wasent asking about who did it we all know that, we also know why they did it, why their allies had to do as they wanted etc etc. What Im asking is a simple name, a simple location, a simple record, a photograph, a newspaper clip with specifics...anything apsolutely anything that can prove that a woman, a child, a civilian, a vilage a house was napalmed and burned. please Im in need to learn, maybe you are right and the Greek state has hidden this from me. I have heard the napalm story I simply need to see some proof that it was used against civilians and more specificaly something that substanciate the story you tell that "Macedonian villages, and people were napalmed by the Greek army" I mean tha is serious accusasions please tellme.


                              • julie
                                Senior Member
                                • May 2009
                                • 3869

                                there is a you tube clip on the aegean Macedonians, a very sad one on this forum, I posted it so have a look for it - you will see the planes flying over with their yankee /grease shit flying over innocent villages and destroying them.

                                I am getting very tired of your shit Sporster and am wondering why you are still on here
                                I cant take my baba out of her grave, nor would she show you, nor m y uncle would show you were they drove nails through him as a small 13 year old babe.

                                How the fuck dare you to even go there to ask for proof, you are insultiing my intelligence and you are insulting to the women that were raped and tortured by your loving lot

                                I suggest you take a hike now, because you are a piece of scum shit - if you had a sisiter/mother/daughter that was raped would you have her photographed

                                Fuk off
                                "The moral revolution - the revolution of the mind, heart and soul of an enslaved people, is our greatest task."__________________Gotse Delchev

