Financial Crisis in Greece

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  • George S.
    Senior Member
    • Aug 2009
    • 10116

    well said rtg the hellarses are trully fucked this time.l
    "Ido not want an uprising of people that would leave me at the first failure, I want revolution with citizens able to bear all the temptations to a prolonged struggle, what, because of the fierce political conditions, will be our guide or cattle to the slaughterhouse"


    • Akzion
      • Nov 2010
      • 93

      Phoenix, Risto the Great, George S.,
      The data I provided, comparing to the ones of post#8, show that Greece and Bulgaria have proportionally a similar budget for Ministries of Foreign Affairs, Serbia and Albania have 25-30% increased one, Macedonia has more than double and Montenegro has a triple one!
      It seems you don't like numbers, facts and data. You prefer insults and fuzzy metaphors (I would comment them if I could get what you're saying).


      • George S.
        Senior Member
        • Aug 2009
        • 10116

        My understanding is simple ,greece is in debt to the tune of 200 billion euros & has defaulted.If they keep going like that they could expect to get chucked out.
        "Ido not want an uprising of people that would leave me at the first failure, I want revolution with citizens able to bear all the temptations to a prolonged struggle, what, because of the fierce political conditions, will be our guide or cattle to the slaughterhouse"


        • Akzion
          • Nov 2010
          • 93

          The revised (according to Eurostat) value of Greek public depth is 299 billion Euros (or 124% of GDP) for 2009, but we haven’t defaulted yet. Officially we don’t have plans for a strategic default or exit from Euro.
          Eurozone also does not have way or intention to oust Greece or dissolve yet. Though, if you ask me, I would agree with you and I would like to see Greece returning to drachma within a careful 5-10 years process.


          • Onur
            Senior Member
            • Apr 2010
            • 2389

            Originally posted by Akzion View Post
            The revised (according to Eurostat) value of Greek public depth is 299 billion Euros (or 124% of GDP) for 2009, but we haven’t defaulted yet. Officially we don’t have plans for a strategic default or exit from Euro.
            Eurozone also does not have way or intention to oust Greece or dissolve yet. Though, if you ask me, I would agree with you and I would like to see Greece returning to drachma within a careful 5-10 years process.
            Soon the numbers for 2010 will be announced and the public debt value of Greece for 2010 will be much higher than 124%. Actually Greece has gone bankrupt months ago but problem is you are using same currency with the rest of europe and the announcement of your default would also mean an announcement of total failure of Euro project which would eventually cause the end of European Union. Thats why big powers of EU keeps you alive because you are kinda connected to each other by using same currency.

            But all these depends on the leadership of Eurocrats in big powers of EU. If ruling parties changes in Germany and in few others in next elections, they can turn of the money tap completely and then i have no idea what can happen in Greece, maybe a revolution?? because you are completely dependent on Germany, France and IMF`s will atm. Greece is on the edge of a cliff for a year. British already wanna dump you out and next German election will effect Greece`s destiny.
            Last edited by Onur; 01-03-2011, 12:01 PM.


            • fyrOM
              • Feb 2010
              • 2180

              Originally posted by Onur View Post
              Soon the numbers for 2010 will be announced and the public debt value of Greece for 2010 will be much higher than 124%.

              But all these depends on the leadership of Eurocrats in big powers of EU. If ruling parties changes in Germany and in few others in next elections, they can turn of the money tap completely and then i have no idea what can happen in Greece, maybe a revolution?? because you are completely dependent on Germany, France and IMF`s will atm. Greece is on the edge of a cliff for a year. British already wanna dump you out and next German election will effect Greece`s destiny.
              Onur your words to Gods ear. They have shown themselves for the evil liars they are and that they will stop at nothing until Macedonia is completely destroyed…then maybe God will stop them.


              • makedonche
                Senior Member
                • Oct 2008
                • 3242

                Originally posted by OziMak View Post
                Onur your words to Gods ear. They have shown themselves for the evil liars they are and that they will stop at nothing until Macedonia is completely destroyed…then maybe God will stop them.
                I'm always in favour of helping God with his work!
                On Delchev's sarcophagus you can read the following inscription: "We swear the future generations to bury these sacred bones in the capital of Independent Macedonia. August 1923 Illinden"


                • Akzion
                  • Nov 2010
                  • 93

                  Originally posted by Onur View Post
                  Actually Greece has gone bankrupt months ago but problem is you are using same currency with the rest of europe and the announcement of your default would also mean an announcement of total failure of Euro project which would eventually cause the end of European Union. Thats why big powers of EU keeps you alive because you are kinda connected to each other by using same currency.
                  Well, default/ bankruptcy are (by definition) a public announcement of such, so I guess your definition is different (which is that?). A total failure of Euro (e.g. abandonment of common currency and dissolution of Euro zone) would be a major failure and step-back of European Union, not its' end. Actually, EU is involved with IMF in loaning Greece, because Greece (and Ireland now) is a peculiarity (because of common EU currency). Still, the loans have rather high interest rates (>5%). What were the IMF interest rates in Turkish financial crisis of 2000?

                  Originally posted by Onur View Post
                  If ruling parties changes in Germany and in few others in next elections, they can turn of the money tap completely and then i have no idea what can happen in Greece, maybe a revolution?? because you are completely dependent on Germany, France and IMF`s will atm. Greece is on the edge of a cliff for a year. British already wanna dump you out and next German election will effect Greece`s destiny.
                  What sort of revolution are you dreaming Onur? If loans stop (e.g. because Greece fails to keep the terms defined by the Memorandum) Greece will... indeed default. The British... are not in Euro zone. What are you talking about?
                  You are too optimist (given my Point-of-View). I mostly think that Great Powers will utilise this crisis to further strengthen a Central European Economic Government.


                  • Onur
                    Senior Member
                    • Apr 2010
                    • 2389

                    A total failure of Euro (e.g. abandonment of common currency and dissolution of Euro zone) would be a major failure and step-back of European Union, not its' end.
                    Every analysts including the politicians like Merkel and Sarkozy says that the failure of Euro eventually brings the end of EU.

                    Actually, EU is involved with IMF in loaning Greece, because Greece (and Ireland now) is a peculiarity (because of common EU currency). Still, the loans have rather high interest rates (>5%). What were the IMF interest rates in Turkish financial crisis of 2000?
                    Even tough Eurocrats hates to be involved with IMF controlled by USA, they had to cuz they didn't wanna be the sole financier of Greece but share the burden with IMF.

                    Interest rates for loans are based on the credit rate values announced by 2-3 firms in the world. These firms are totally under control of big powers along with few Jewish billionaires. All their credit ratings are set according to their financial needs but not by realities. For example, Greece`s credit rating has been raised to AA+ from much lower value in a day when you entered Eurozone. Also Greece still had AA+ ratings just few weeks b4 the announcement of Papandreu about Greek financial crisis and then it immediately dropped low when things became known to the public. It was same for Ireland too. So, most of these credit ratings are fake and represent an illusion according to the needs of few barons of the world finance. China knows this and they recently announced that they will totally ignore credit ratings of western firms and they will create new credit rating institutions of their own.

                    What sort of revolution are you dreaming Onur? If loans stop (e.g. because Greece fails to keep the terms defined by the Memorandum) Greece will... indeed default. The British... are not in Euro zone. What are you talking about?
                    I am not dreaming myself, this is what all analysts says in the world media. If IMF and EU stops funding Greece, there can be some kind of revolution or civil crisis in there. Remember, Greece took 120 billion EU from them and thats how your government can pay the monthly salaries of people atm. 120 billion is insane amount of money for a relatively small country as Greece with a total of 300 billion GDP.

                    Also I never prefer see Greece in chaos cuz whenever there was a chaos in Greece you always direct your hate towards your own people and your neighbors. We all know what happened in Greek civil war and 1970s Junta regime. I`ve never wanna see another Junta regime in Greece cuz the last one in 1970s was about to bring your own doom by attacking Cyprus and tried to annex it for Greece by killing all the Turks in there. If same happens in Greece again, then next time you wouldn't be that lucky as in 1974.

                    It doesn't matter if British is in Eurozone or not since they are one of the biggest financial contributors in EU and whenever someone in EU gone in crises, the amount of money they have to pay increases and thats something they don't want.

                    You are too optimist (given my Point-of-View). I mostly think that Great Powers will utilise this crisis to further strengthen a Central European Economic Government.
                    That might be the case, i am not sure but it wouldnt be surprise if Eurocrats uses Greek crisis as an excuse to further strengthen their aim of Central government which was repeatedly refused by most of EU states b4.
                    Last edited by Onur; 01-04-2011, 08:16 AM.


                    • Serdarot
                      • Feb 2010
                      • 605

                      i am kind of scared when i think "greece" + revolution... (worried about the Macedonians and other non-"greeks" there)

                      they dont know what revolution is, they will simply make civil unrests, couse they DO NOT WANT to pay their depts back.

                      few generations of "greeks" , or citizens of the "Demokratia Eliniki" are totaly screwed, completely "brainwashed", stucked in their "all is greek" false supermacy...

                      I´ve read tragic statements of some greek polititians and oficials, like:

                      "greece has given to the world so many things, so the world could show some respect and pay a little for that" (not exactly quote, it was said by some greek politician, feel free to search for the exactly quote)

                      the point is, they didn´t wanted credits, they wanted money just like that, couse they are "greeks"

                      Никој не е вечен, а каузава не е нова само е адаптирана на новите услови и ќе се пренесува и понатаму.


                      • Dimko-piperkata
                        Senior Member
                        • Sep 2008
                        • 1876

                        Greek government now wants to sue yet another war reparations from Germany

                        tralatetd by google from german

                        The bankrupt government in Athens is serious: When the Federal Government, the 110-billion-euro bailout guarantees, Germany wants the government but now the coming weeks on reparations for World War sue.

                        The federal government had paid compensation to the Greeks in 1960. This should - according to the contracts - all claims are settled. This, however, interested in the socialist Pasok party of Prime Minister Giorgos Papandreou any more.

                        The Day of German Unity 2010 German Bank CEO Josef Ackermann will pay tribute to the Greek Prime Minister Papandreou has kept. The Greeks then received the Quadria Prize awarded.
                        Papandreou said Ackermann was a model of "truth." If Ackermann has ever meant seriously, then the head of Deutsche Bank will probably have to rethink now. For Papandreou, who is also chairman of the Socialist International, the German taxpayers will now ask for hard cash. According to the Athens News Agency ANA Papandreou will demand in the coming weeks before the UN tribunal in The Hague reparations from Germany for the new episodes of the Nazi occupation in World War II. And although in the billions. In a first step, now turned Greece into a policy against Germany before the International Court of Justice (ICJ) in The Hague, where for compensation payments to descendants of Nazi victims in the millions is it.

                        Papandreou has secured the agreement with the step portions of the population. The Greek opposition was already excited in the spring of 2010 to demand compensation from Germany for new suffering and destruction wrought by the Wehrmacht soldiers as occupiers in the Second World War in order to restore the money the ruined Greek public finances. Prime Minister Papandreou said at the time public, Greece such claims "in the foreseeable future will not" submit. But that was before the EU rescue. The aid package for Greece is 110 billion euros. It will initially run for three years and includes bilateral lending euro-zone countries of 80 billion euros and 30 billion € of the International Monetary Fund (IMF). The German share in the three years may be about 22.4 billion, of which
                        8.4 billion euros in the first year (2010).

                        The anger against the Germans in Greece is great. Media repeatedly call for a boycott of German products. The Germans resented that the federal government has attached conditions to the payments and wants to see from the Athens government savings, for example, have dismissal.
                        the child rebells against their "parents"...well done

                        hopefully the greeks are going to sue them really...the germans point of view on the nameissue will change rapidly i think
                        1) Macedonians belong to the "older" Mediterranean substratum...
                        2) Macedonians are not related with geographically close Greeks, who do not belong to the "older" Mediterranenan substratum...


                        • Serdarot
                          • Feb 2010
                          • 605


                          they realy made it

                          some idiot (greek politician) mentioned something like this last year, but i tought they are not so stupid.

                          now i see i was wrong

                          they are realy so stupid

                          i also hope they will sue Germany, from several reasons
                          Никој не е вечен, а каузава не е нова само е адаптирана на новите услови и ќе се пренесува и понатаму.


                          • Onur
                            Senior Member
                            • Apr 2010
                            • 2389

                            Originally posted by Dimko-piperkata View Post
                            the child rebells against their "parents"...well done
                            This child is both spoiled and ungrateful too.

                            Thats idiocy at best. Are these Greeks idiots? They don't have a clue what can happen to them if they manage to piss off German taxpayers?

                            Btw, Bulgarians wants 20 billion(not million) dollars from Turkey as a compensation for supposedly some leftover property of Bulgars in Thrace at 1913. Probably some tents and stuff, dunno. So, why Greeks shouldn't do the same? right? If bulgars are asking for 20 billion for tents, then they can ask for 100 billion!!!
                            Last edited by Onur; 01-13-2011, 09:00 PM.


                            • Soldier of Macedon
                              Senior Member
                              • Sep 2008
                              • 13675

                              I don't know whether to laugh or.....laugh. This is ridiculous.
                              In the name of the blood and the sun, the dagger and the gun, Christ protect this soldier, a lion and a Macedonian.


                              • Risto the Great
                                Senior Member
                                • Sep 2008
                                • 15660

                                The anger against the Germans in Greece is great. Media repeatedly call for a boycott of German products. The Germans resented that the federal government has attached conditions to the payments and wants to see from the Athens government savings, for example, have dismissal.
                                Be careful Greece. Don't bite the hand that feeds you.
                                Risto the Great
                                "Holding my breath for the revolution."

                                Hey, I wrote a bestseller. Check it out:

