Financial Crisis in Greece

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  • Napoleon
    Junior Member
    • Dec 2008
    • 98

    Yes sory for going of topic before. But we still would have a problem in Greece's pets the French. Evan if Greece vote is taken away, i am certain France will still suport Greece, and veto on there behalf. What we can do instead, is loby the Germans to recognise our name on a bilateral level and not at EU level.
    Right Bill, thats what I think...if Germany recognises Macedonia unilateraly, the majority of EU members states will simply follow them, irrespective of what France does. In that case, I can't see France going against the wishes of the rest of the EU just to appease their little pet Greece.


    • fyrOM
      • Feb 2010
      • 2180

      maybe a little off the topic but tightening the noose around greece is fun and the link

      Barvikha, Russia — Reuters Published on Tuesday, Feb. 16, 2010 6:36AM EST Last updated on Tuesday, Feb. 16, 2010 7:21PM EST

      Russian President Dmitry Medvedev on Tuesday said he had told Greek Prime Minister George Papandreou to turn to the International Monetary Fund and the World Bank for help.

      “I have just met with the Greek Prime Minister and I recommended that he turns to the IMF and the World Bank in order to solve the problems of the Greek state,” Mr. Medvedev said at the start of a meeting with World Bank President Robert Zoellick.

      Mr. Zoellick replied: “You never know who is going to ask for help.”


      • osiris
        Senior Member
        • Sep 2008
        • 1969

        imagine the recriminations that are going on behind the scenes in greichenland right now, its your fault re malaka, no re its your fault pousti, how can this be happening we are greeks we invented lying and scheming, who is to blame, i know its those skopyeans.


        • Risto the Great
          Senior Member
          • Sep 2008
          • 15660

          Originally posted by OziMak View Post
          Russian President Dmitry Medvedev on Tuesday said he had told Greek Prime Minister George Papandreou to turn to the International Monetary Fund and the World Bank for help.
          He is actually saying the EU is useless.
          Risto the Great
          "Holding my breath for the revolution."

          Hey, I wrote a bestseller. Check it out:


          • Daskalot
            Senior Member
            • Sep 2008
            • 4345

            It is our duty to inform Macedonian media of this opportunity. We should also contact the Macedonian ambassador in Germany.
            Macedonian Truth Organisation


            • Jankovska
              Senior Member
              • Sep 2008
              • 1774

              Originally posted by Bill77 View Post
              Yes sory for going of topic before. But we still would have a problem in Greece's pets the French. Evan if Greece vote is taken away, i am certain France will still suport Greece, and veto on there behalf. What we can do instead, is loby the Germans to recognise our name on a bilateral level and not at EU level.
              True but we all know very well that the French will not do anything against th Germans and British. So maybe lobby with Germany and Britain?


              • Jankovska
                Senior Member
                • Sep 2008
                • 1774

                Originally posted by Risto the Great View Post
                He is actually saying the EU is useless.
                I dont' think in this case the EU is useless. Quite opposite really, the only fair thing they are doing. The heavy taxed people of the EU don't want to pay for the people who drink ozuo all day and work 12-1pm.


                • Philosopher
                  Senior Member
                  • Sep 2008
                  • 1003

                  Greece is Ready to Explode

                  Greece is Ready to Explode

                  February 16, 2010

                  by Alex Zachus in Athens

                  Greece is a boiling pot ready to explode. Things are going to turn ugly and soon as society here is fed up with illegal immigration and the deconstruction of our founding values. And I dont mean the "orange" riots of December 2008. I mean real riots... Here is how we got to this crisis:
                  After the military dictarorship ended in 1974, the Greek political scene has been dominated by two families (Papandreou and Caramanlis). The Papandreou clan has been the oldest political clan in Greece starting its involvement with public life at around 1923 in the royal court of Greece

                  This clan was established by George Papandreou senior. He rose to political monolithism after the extermination of the WW2 leadership of Greece under Ioannis Metaxas and Alexander Koryzis. After the mysterious deaths of these leaders, he was handpicked by the allies to represent the sovereign Greek government in Cairo.

                  He was married to Sophia Mineiko a Polish-Jew whose father built fortification walls for Turks during the liberation of Northern Greece in the 1910s. Information about the family is scarce, even on the internet. To cut a long story short, after WW2 George Papandreou senior reigned in the public life from 1945 until 1967.

                  His son Andreas Papandreou reigned from 1981 until his death in 1996. A dual American Greek citizen, Trotskyist at the age of early 20s, to the point he left Greece under Metaxas in 1938, to then persue a career as a lecturer and proffesor in the Harvard University(!!)

                  He married Margaret Chant in 1951 (she gave birth in Minnesota to the current prime minister and is a controvercial personality involved in dubious ngo projects and excerts great inluence on George Papandreou). He returned to Greece in 1959 where he served in several important positions (chief advisor to his father, deputy prime minister) after rennouncing his American citizenship.

                  Andreas Papandreou Jr. ruled from 1981-1989 and 1993-1996. In these goverments, the current prime minister, Georgios, served as Minister of education and he was able to start the de-christianization process which now is in full blown motion. As foreign minister, he planted the seeds of the defeatism in Greek foreign policy.


                  Papandreou's was involved in a huge scandal and cover up in the States (apart from the ones in Greece), that rocked the Greek-american community.This involved a Greek bank (Ktimatiki Bank),which lured Greek-americans with high interest returns, and evasion of the IRS.

                  However the whole scheme scheme went wrong, as the FBI infiltrated the gameplay, and this resulted to a lot of people losing their savings and serving many years in prison.The money trail back to the "pink villa" where Papandreou lived with his mistress who later became his second wife, in a posh suburb of Athens. (The scheme was in the region of 700 million dollars in the 1980s.)

                  Despite the overwelming evidence (all the money ended up in the Papandreous family coffers), no one was charged for the scheme apart from some small fish trying to make 15% on their petty cash stash.

                  One would think that because of a Chavez-like anti American rhetoric on which he was elected, the Americans would use this opportunity to put him in prison. Even the MI6 was puzzled at the time. Even CNN, when broadcasting this newstory, cut the sattelite link to Greece (satelite was brand new then here) in order for the story to get burried.

                  Papandreou died in 1996 and was suceeded in a internal party coup in which a crypto jew (Costas Simitis whose father was minister of the guerilla communist government with high royal connections) took the leadership of the party and ruled Greece until 2004. By cooking stats and data, Simitis managed to get us in the Eurozone and pillage all Greeks savings through a stock market swindle.

                  WHATS GOING ON NOW

                  While all the political parties in Greece have a share to the current situation, the Papandreou clan did the biggest damage. With the import of immorality, nepotism and dubious loylties and dependacies, this family has been the caretaker of the imperial grand plan of destroying the Greek people values, religion and ideals.

                  All this with the destruction of education and the criminalisation of the treasures of Greek orthodox religion, literature, and philosophy as well as patriotism. Even referring to tyhis destruction is enough for someone to be labelled as a fascist by all pollitically correct media whores. To give the final push, Papandreou wants to legalize all Asian and African Muslim hordes that have invaded our country with the financing of the Turkish mafia and extremist Saudis. "Progressives" refer to them as war refugees.

                  Usually the refugees are women, children and aged people, not males 20-30 y.o.I believe Papandreou is on a mission to destroy Europe along with Greece. He will achieve that firstly by economic means. This man has given bad publicity to the Euro, has managed to sink the Greek economy and also create problems for the Eurozone (not that immoral and greedy Europeans don't deserve it) .

                  Also with his Soros, Rockerfeller funded NGO-driven policy on immigration, he is preparing troubles for Europe as well. He promised the sky to the Greek people, only to tell them that due to the economy, we are going to lose part of our sovereignity. Sovereignity is lost only through war.

                  The alibi he has is the odious debt and his clan's policies that have never benefited our country.


                  • Risto the Great
                    Senior Member
                    • Sep 2008
                    • 15660

                    Wow, a bit of a stretch. This guy is suggesting it is the USA out to destroy Europe. Hmmm. I would think the USA is probably happy about it, but could never have imagined something as juicy as this.

                    I didn't realise all the Jewish connections in the Papandreou family. Interesting.
                    Risto the Great
                    "Holding my breath for the revolution."

                    Hey, I wrote a bestseller. Check it out:


                    • Risto the Great
                      Senior Member
                      • Sep 2008
                      • 15660

                      Greece told to make more spending cuts

                      BBC, News, BBC News, news online, world, uk, international, foreign, british, online, service

                      Greece has been warned by European finance ministers that it must make further cuts to spending and public sector wages or face more sanctions.

                      A joint statement from the 16 eurozone nations it said Greece needed to get its debt under control and calm "irrational" financial markets.

                      Last week, the European Union vowed to help Greece if needed.

                      But the idea of bailing out a euro nation has been badly received, prompting a harsher stance.

                      Rising pressure

                      Greece's woes have sent the value of the euro down to a nine-month low recently.

                      Now the country has been told that further measures will be imposed if its debt reduction plans are not on target by 16 March.

                      Ministers and bank officials from the eurozone met in Brussels on Tuesday.

                      Germany's deputy finance minister, Joerg Asmussen, said Greece should follow the actions of Ireland and Latvia - both of which are making major cuts to spending and wages.

                      "We made it clear the ball is in Greece's court," he said. "Additional measures by Greece are needed".

                      Austrian Finance Minister Josef Proell said: "The pressure on Greece to consider further measures has clearly increased."

                      'Greek problem'

                      Earlier, Jean-Claude Juncker, chairman of the 16 nations that share the single currency and also Luxembourg's prime minister, told German radio that Greece must understand that other eurozone members were not prepared to pay for its mistakes.

                      Greece's debt crisis is "first and foremost a Greek problem and an internal Greek problem," Mr Juncker said.

                      "The financial markets are completely wrong if they think they can destroy Greece," he added.

                      Europe's leaders pledged to help Greece last week - without spelling out exactly what they were willing to do.

                      On Monday, French Finance Minister Christine Lagarde told reporters: "We won't abandon Greece. It's clear that we are all in this together."

                      Greece is trying to reduce its public deficit from 12.7% - more than four times the level that single currency rules allow.

                      It has pledged to reduce this to 8.7% during 2010 under an austerity plan that involves major cuts in public spending.

                      But those plans are hugely unpopular with the Greek public and strikes have already been scheduled.

                      Greek bank shares fell again on Tuesday on the continuing concerns.

                      The country's main stock index is down 14.6% so far this year.

                      On Monday, Greece's Finance Minister, George Papaconstantinou, said that he wanted the other eurozone nations to release details of their planned bail-out for his country to ease market fears that the country could default on its debts.

                      But Mr Juncker said it would be "unwise" to publicly detail "the measures we are putting in place".

                      Mr Papaconstantinou has said repeatedly that his country is not asking for financial help from Brussels.
                      Given that Juncker said Greece's debt crisis is "first and foremost a Greek problem and an internal Greek problem". Surely these internal issues mean Greece cannot be given a bailout pursuant to the Treaty. I do not understand the inconsistency of these laws.
                      Risto the Great
                      "Holding my breath for the revolution."

                      Hey, I wrote a bestseller. Check it out:


                      • Pelister
                        Senior Member
                        • Sep 2008
                        • 2742

                        The things he says in this article are out there. A decade ago anyone reading this would have thought that this guy was a loonie. Today things are different.

                        I think this is just another chance to point the finger at one man - when new Greeks need to realize the problem they are experiencing are structural.

                        The whole State needs a complete make-over, beginning with the complete breakdown of modern Greek myths, and an end to the mythmaking institutions and structures of that garbage country.


                        • sydney
                          • Sep 2008
                          • 390

                          a typical greek opinion piece riddled with the same xenophobic, racist rubbish. even with the suggested political and economic turmoil, it's the 'non-greek' elements that are to blame, and according to the author, this would include the outsiders that have married into the papandreou family.


                          • sydney
                            • Sep 2008
                            • 390

                            Originally posted by Risto the Great View Post
                            Given that Juncker said Greece's debt crisis is "first and foremost a Greek problem and an internal Greek problem". Surely these internal issues mean Greece cannot be given a bailout pursuant to the Treaty. I do not understand the inconsistency of these laws.
                            and people (i.e. macedonians) still blindly pursue the EU. people continue to live in hope of a better future as there appears to be no clear governance from the top in MKD. very frustrating.


                            • Bill77
                              Senior Member
                              • Oct 2009
                              • 4545

                              Originally posted by sydney View Post
                              and people (i.e. macedonians) still blindly pursue the EU. people continue to live in hope of a better future as there appears to be no clear governance from the top in MKD. very frustrating.
                              I bet our people have no idea what is happening next door. They cary this false impresion of the EU in there heads and don't know better.


                              • Pelister
                                Senior Member
                                • Sep 2008
                                • 2742

                                Originally posted by Risto the Great View Post
                                If we take away the name of the country "Greece" ... I feel sorry for any country that signs up to the EU and then suffers the following fate:

                                How badly does any country want to give up its sovereignty?
                                This had never occured to me. Its an excellent point.

                                Greece has skrewed itself, but I think it also shows what membership to the E.U could mean. Handing over jurisdiction of all revenue gathering processes to a foriegn power.

