Greek PM warns his countrymen that a Bulgarian fate awaits them

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  • indigen
    Senior Member
    • May 2009
    • 1558

    Greek PM warns his countrymen that a Bulgarian fate awaits them

    Greek PM warns his countrymen that a Bulgarian fate awaits them if they do not tighten their belts to avert the current economic crisis.

    Google translation:

    Greek Prime Minister warned his countrymen that if they will get a tight belt level in Bulgaria
    March 30th, 2010

    greece Greek prime minister, warned his countrymen that if they disagree with the government's anti-crisis measures fate awaiting them in Bulgaria:
    "Really - he said - you want to receive Bulgarian wages, where vobshte have not heard of Easter and Christmas bonuses, but what remains of the 14th salary? Really, he turned to retirees - you want to receive pensions from 50 to 100 euros instead of the current 6-700?

    Did you want to pay full price of medicines, and not, as yet only 25%? Did you want to live in lunar dump, because just like that of Bulgaria, with its holes and junk scattered everywhere, from claiming a higher intelligence Bulgarians? Did you want your children to smoke, drink and take drugs under the watchful eye of police? what you want? I know that we have always been more civilized nation than our northern neighbors and always managed to pull together in difficult times. So now I am convinced that at this difficult time will stand side by side will prezhalim thirty percent of the allowances they receive, and after a few years, we again ranked among the countries with the best standard of living, while the Bulgarians, will remain the situation in which they are now. Because our nation was built on the foundations of Orthodox Christian faith and virtues, and the Bulgarians are scientists atheists, changing every four years, political beliefs, but find there salvation? Let stegnem and not allow, our youth leave the country as the Bulgarians and their leaving will see that after 50 years, we still are here, and the Bulgarians will be worn only legends. I really laughed when I realized that the government in Bulgaria fear his people that would come to our situation, if not taken! So our level, they can only dream it. Too bad for the Bulgarians, that leave them so easily manipulated in order to rob them freely, but it's their problem. Let us to solve our own, do they be comforted that we have not come. "
    Which is scary, "Greek crisis" or "Bulgarian stability?

    Гръцкият премиер предупреди своите сънародници, че ако не са съгласни с антикризисните мерки на правителството ги чака съдбата на България: „Нима – каза той – вие искате да получавате български зап…

    Папандреу:што е пострашно-„грчката криза’ или „бугарската стабилност“

    Гејскиот премиер ги заплашува своите сонародници, доколку не го стегнат ременот ќе до достигнат нивото на Бугарија.

    Доколку гејците не се согласни со антикризните мерки ги чека судбината на Бугарија:
    Тие(бугарите)им рекол Папандреу- вие сакате да добивате бугарски плати, каде воопшто немаат слушнато за Велигденски и Божиќни премии,а камоли за 14 -та плата??


  • fyrOM
    • Feb 2010
    • 2180

    I have always felt the Greek crisis is not that bad but hoped it was. The Russian and their pipeline aren’t helping any. One more reason Greece will never give up Greek Macedonia even if they ever were.

