Macedonia and Bulgaria: Political Relations

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  • Onur
    Senior Member
    • Apr 2010
    • 2389

    Originally posted by Prolet View Post
    Onur, Could it be that Bulgaria is changing its policy towards Turkey?

    I don't think so Prolet. Bulgar hick called Borisov is just trying to appear good to us cuz they are trying to lower their energy dependency to Russia by getting gas and oil from Azerbaijan and Turkey. He also thinks about other possible economical benefits for his country. Maybe, he thinks that Turkey will never be a member of EU anyway, so it wouldn't hurt them to appear supportive to us.

    Also, after Borisov`s announcement about Turkey`s accession to the EU, his government`s supporters in Bulgarian parliament gone mad. Check these out;

    Bulgarian Nationalists Furious at PM for Backing Turkey EU Bid

    Nationalist party VMRO has been enraged by Prime Minister Borisov's statement that Bulgaria supported Turkey's EU membership that he made at a joint press conference with his Turkish counterpart Erdogan in Sofia.

    VMRO recently collected 330 000 signatures in support of a demand to hold a referendum in Bulgaria on the EU accession of its neighbor Turkey. They have threatened to call up the 330 000 people who signed their referendum petition for nation-wide protests in reaction to the policies of the Bulgarian government on Turkey's EU bid.

    Under Bulgarian legislation, if a referendum demand is backed by 500 000 citizens, a referendum has to be schedule; if it is backed by fewer than 500 000 but more than 200 000, the Parliament is obliged to hold a debate and a vote on whether to schedule a referendum.

    In a statement Monday made in reaction to Borisov's declaration support for Turkey's EU candidacy, in which he also said a referendum on Turkish EU accession will be on the agenda only after Turkey completes its negotiations, the VMRO party protested vigorously and accused the ruling party of violating the laws.

    The three-month period of the submission of the 330 000 signatures within which the Parliament is supposed to vote on whether to hold such a referendum is expiring on October 14, and no respective debate has been scheduled.

    "If this vote does not take place, this will be a brutal and abrupt violation of the law for the direct participation of the citizens in state and local government," the VMRO party said.

    "We are not insisting on holding a referendum on Turkey's EU accession today or this year. We demand that the law is obeyed, and that we know if a referendum will be scheduled or not. We suggest that the Parliament schedule such a referendum for the day after Turkey closes its last chapter from its EU accession negotiations," the nationalists stated.

    They further slammed Borisov for materializing their fears that he and Erdogan will strike a backstage deal.

    According to VMRO, Turkey's EU membership will mean a de facto liquidation of the Third Bulgarian State.

    "Given the lack of efficient obstacles before Turkish capital, the entire Bulgarian economy will end up in Turkish hands. Not to mention the unresolved issues such as the billions that Turkey owes Bulgaria under the Ankara Treaty of 1925 as compensations for the properties of the Bulgarian refugees who fled European Turkey," the nationalists say.
    Unresolved issues??? Turkey owes billions to Bulgaria??? These people are ridiculously stupid. Bulgars invaded the city of Edirne at Balkan war and then we kicked their asses out from eastern Thrace in about 6 months. Apparently , they say that few 100 Bulgars had to leave eastern Thrace along with Bulgar soldiers and now these clowns demand 15+ billion dollars compensation from us. If the properties of ~100 Bulgars costs 15 billion dollars then the properties of million Turks who had to leave Bulgaria at Balkan war and 350.000 more in 1989 should cost trillion dollars. How about we demand compensation from Bulgaria then?

    Bulgaria PM Slammed over Support for Turkey's EU Bid

    Nationalist leader Volen Siderov and all the MPs from his party appeared in parliament dressed up in a T-shirt with an inscription, reading: “Ataka Says No to Turkey's EU Entry”.

    Bulgaria's nationalist Ataka party has condemned the prime minister's vowed support for Turkey's accession to the EU, despite being his staunchest supporter.

    "Not a single prime minister has the right to talk about this issue on behalf of the people", the nationalist leader Volen Siderov said from the rostrum on Wednesday as the MPs debated the first no-confidence motion against the center-right government, headed by Boyko Borisov.

    Volen Siderov, dressed up in a T-shirt saying "No" to Turkey's accession to the European Union slammed Erdogan's visit to Bulgaria as "illegal" and made a pledge to voice openly his criticism when the government makes a faux pas.

    During the visit of Turkish counterpart Recep Tayyip Erdogan to Sofia on Monday, Bulgaria's Prime Minister spoke in favor of Ankara's EU candidacy and showed his irritation over the criticism by France's ambassador in Bulgaria, Etienne de Poncins, who claims Sofia has no clear position on Turkey's EU prospects.

    Borisov also ruled out a possible referendum on Turkey's EU accession, for which Ataka has been demanding.
    Borisov invites Erdogan to Bulgaria and Ataka`s leader says "Erdoğan`s visit to Bulgaria is illegal"!!! WTF is that means?

    And here is a comment of a Bulgarian columnist;
    Turkey, Hands Off Bulgaria's Affairs, Will You?

    If Turkey ever joins the EU, it will most likely one day be its most important power center. On the other hand if it does not, it will be a neighboring power center that the EU will have to deal with carefully.

    In the first case, Bulgaria will very likely be dominated by its powerful neighbor, and in the second – its border with Turkey might turn out to be a new dividing line of civilizational proportions.

    In either way, the answer of the whole "Turkey-in-the-EU-or-not-question" will be a decisive one for Bulgaria's future. Neither of these scenarios should necessarily have negative connotations but all of them must be considered.

    Monday's meeting between Bulgarian Prime Minister Boyko Borisov and Turkish Prime Minister Recep Tayyip Erdogan was intriguing in the sense that the two state leaders demonstrated mutual respect and understanding on all possible issues.

    Of course, in international politics, you often demonstrate one thing while having other goals and intentions. As goes the classical realist dilemma in international relations, despite all niceties Bulgaria has no way of knowing whether Turkey wants to be a benevolent, though more powerful, neighbor, or whether its rise should be a matter of serious concern. Thus, just to be on the safe side Bulgaria had better assume the second scenario, as state actors have been doing in international politics since their inception.

    Monday's demonstration of good will and good neighborliness is all the more interesting given the actions of Bulgarian Prime Minister Boyko Borisov at the Balkan leaders' dinner hosted by Turkey in New York City during the recent UN General Assembly session.

    The dinner allegedly turned out to be organized in a fashion that demonstrated Turkey's economic and political weight. This was further manifested by the way certain leaders of smaller Balkan nations – Macedonia, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Kosovo, Albania – acted at the event literally kowtowing to Turkish President Abdullah Gul.

    Bulgaria's Borisov, on the other hand, appeared to have been annoyed by the fact that the state leaders were "not treated as equals." He did not even rise to welcome the host who came late; he made a hasty speech promising to help all those who sought his help in order to join the EU, then went straight to Gul, told him he had more important business, and left, leaving behind Foreign Minister Nikolay Mladenov.

    The reactions to Borisov's behavior in Bulgaria have ranged from admiration to criticism for failing to appreciate the warm welcome of the host. His demonstration appears to have been unnoticed (deliberately or not) by the press and public in Turkey, though probably not by the Turkish government.

    This is not the first time the former top policeman causes uproar in the Bulgarian-Turkish ties. During his visit to Ankara in early 2010 he literally scolded the Turkish government for supporting the ethnic Turkish Movement for Rights and Freedoms (DPS) of Ahmed Dogan in Bulgaria, and urged it to sever all ties with it. Back then, Turkish PM Ergodan left these comments with no reaction.

    On Monday, Turkish Prime Minister Erdogan said the Chief Mufti issue was a purely Bulgarian affair and Turkey had no intention to meddle – for which he got thanks from Borisov. The mind boggles - how did it ever come into question that the election of the Chief Mufti of the Bulgarian Muslims was not a purely Bulgarian affair?

    The Chief Mufti issue and the state of the Muslim community is just one permanently hot topic in the Bulgarian-Turkish relations. Others include the fate of the ethnic Turkish minority (the two are not one and the same thing), and even the role of the ethnic Turkish party DPS – which – even though it appears to be using its "Turkishness" only in order to garner political and economic gains for its leadership – is seen by many in Bulgaria as Turkey's "fifth column."

    To put it briefly and bluntly, despite all niceties and – probably occasionally sincere – good will and well-wishing – the Bulgarian leadership will most likely find itself forced to seek ways to balance a resurgent Turkey – however small, scarce, and inadequate Bulgarian resources for that might be.

    Whether Bulgaria would have to go down that road will largely depend on Turkey's behavior as an emerging regional hegemon. Is Turkey going to be a benevolent regional superpower, and if so, can it really make its neighbors such as Bulgaria believe that?

    Within the European Union, the security dilemma mentioned above, which is a basic tenet of the realist theory of international relations (i.e. being constantly suspicious of the other state's intentions) is believed to have been eliminated. Yet, the fact that many – including vocal nationalists in Bulgaria – fear dominance even by an "EU Turkey" seems to be indicative enough – of their fears but also of Turkey's image.

    In the book "The Historian" by American author Elizabeth Kostova, a Turkish character (who nonetheless sends greetings to a Bulgarian acquaintance), says that nobody will ever hate the Turks more than the Bulgarians because the former shattered the medieval empire of the latter.

    Intriguing as such generalizations might seem, they are actually far from the truth. It should be known by everybody – especially by the Turks themselves – that while Bulgarians are well-aware of the history of their ancestors in Ottoman Turkey – the regular Bulgarian views the ethnic Turks with great respect. Bulgarians have always respected the Turks for being very hardworking, very diligent, very shrewd, and very welcoming people.

    In Bulgarian folklore – as in the folklore of many other nations – Nasreddin Hodja is a prominent figure. However, unlike the folk tales of other people's, he has a Bulgarian version, Hitar Petar ("the Shrewd Peter"). While Nasreddin Hodja and Hitar Petar often compete in their ingenuity and tricks, more often then not, the two of them come together to fight injustice on part of the authorities – obviously, the Ottoman authorities.

    During my travels, I distinctly remember two cases of stumbling upon Turkish people – one in New York City, and another one in Berlin – who were extremely happy to meet me because I was from Bulgaria. All that is to suggest that on the level of the regular people – at least in Bulgaria (insane fascist maniacs excluded) – there can be no animosity against the Turkish people as such. Bulgaria as a state has got no reason and no desire to be in conflict with Turkey (or any other neighbor for that matter).

    Yet, should Turkey keep marching down the road of the neo-Ottomanist agenda, many nations, including Bulgaria, will start thinking of ways to resist to best of their ability, of which the storming out of their prime minister will be the most innocent one.

    This effect will eventually get through even if Turkey employs a large amount of soft power in order to "soften" the ground; for example, the massive promotion of Turkish soap operas in Bulgaria in the past 2 years (a market previous occupied by hardcore Latin American soaps) is viewed by many as a manifestation of Turkey's lurking ambitions for dominance and influence by using cultural means.

    Bulgaria can probably find some decent ways to try to balance Turkey if it decides that the latter is really starting to meddle in its internal affairs – as many Bulgarians have suspected for the past 20 years. Clearly, Bulgaria has no way of balancing alone Turkey, which is emerging as one of the regional giants of the 21st century. Even today's bankrupt Greece, which is larger, more populous, and more wealthy by Bulgaria, has no way of taking up such a task. But there are other ways to do that – primarily by seeking outside support.

    From 1878 till 1991, with some interruptions, Bulgaria has balanced Turkey with Russian aid and Russian (or Soviet) security guarantees. Today, it might have to resort to seeking to boost the unity of the EU in order to get such foreign help, or to be an even firmer US ally. (Interestingly, a scenario elaborated in the Russian press says that Bulgaria and Romania will replace Turkey as the top US allies in the Balkans, and will seek "regional domination" empowered by their alliance with the Americans.)

    Should such a balancing scenario unravel, God forbid, the Bulgarian-Turkish border might end up being a new frontline in a Huntington-like civilizational divide.

    But at the end of the day, it all boils down to the fact that no matter how large and powerful it becomes, Turkey must be asked politely to please keep its hands off other nation's business. Even though the hopes that Turkey won't seek to transfer its growth into influence and dominance abroad might seem naďve, it is still up to its leadership to really make it clear which way its going to go, and if the good will expressed by popular Turkish leader Erdogan in Sofia is sincere.

    Author: Ivan Dikov
    This guy is really funny According to him, Macedonia, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Kosovo, Albania leaders kowtowing to Turkey. Why and when? Did you ever see or feel Turkey demanding unusual stuff from Macedonia or interfering your country in a bad way? and since when Macedonia, Albania, Bosnia leaders bowing to Turkey? I think this is jealousy at worst. IMHO, they behave like this cuz Bulgars cant tolerate other Balkan nations having good relations with Turkey. They are just envy about this.

    Also it`s rather strange to read that this Bulgar journalist says that Bulgaria cant handle Turkey alone, so they have to get help from EU or US. I think these people will never get away from being vassals to foreign powers. He openly says that Romania and Bulgaria can be new puppets of USA in the region and thats how they can build a barrier against Turkey. This is stupidity at best. While it`s weird that he is asking for his country to be a puppet of USA, it`s also unrealistic plan too.

    for example, the massive promotion of Turkish soap operas in Bulgaria in the past 2 years (a market previous occupied by hardcore Latin American soaps) is viewed by many as a manifestation of Turkey's lurking ambitions for dominance and influence by using cultural means.
    Ohh yes, they better investigate this further cuz we might even use hidden frame technic and put a secret extra frame to the film which sends a message to the subconscious of all Bulgars like "BOW TO THE TURKS, PRAY TO ALLAH" haha

    Why the fck they buy these series and show it on their tv channels then? Turks puts a gun to their heads and force Bulgars to buy these Turkish series?
    Last edited by Onur; 10-06-2010, 02:54 PM.


    • Louis Riel
      • Aug 2010
      • 190

      If those people are VMRO...i am Jesus Christ.

      Turkey is in Europe.....whether those morons like it or not.
      Last edited by Louis Riel; 10-06-2010, 12:14 PM.


      • Onur
        Senior Member
        • Apr 2010
        • 2389

        Originally posted by Louis Riel View Post
        Turkey is in Europe.....whether those morons like it or not.
        No offense, i know you wrote this for good intentions but even tough Turkey is in Europe for ~1000 years and shaped European continent historically but we can never be a part of an empire ruled by western Europeans. We don't have enough common values with them and we are culturally so different from western Europeans. Bulgars can live happily by being their vassals or Greeks can act like they are western Europeans even tough they are easterners as much as Turks BUT Turkey cant do neither of these.
        Last edited by Onur; 10-06-2010, 03:09 PM.


        • Louis Riel
          • Aug 2010
          • 190

          Im not offendedI was making a remark in regards to the shirts those numbskulls are wearing.The last time i looked Turkey was in Europe(at least part of it) and so is Macedonia.....whether they are part of the EU or not...they are still in Europe.The EU can go fuck itself with its holier than thou attitude....thats my opinion.

          Id rather the people in the Balkans and Turkey formed their own alliance/supranational state/whatever(wishful thinking)....that would be a real power that could contend with the West and Russia.I guess the folks would rather scramble for the crumbs though instead of making their own bread.


          • sf.
            • Jan 2010
            • 387

            Western Europe think that Europe ends at the Balkans, including Greece, and at the German eastern border.
            Greece of course believe that Europe ends at her northern and eastern borders.
            Slovenia believes it ends at her border with Croatia, while Croatia believes it to be at the borders with B&H, Serbia and Montenegro.
            For Poland it ends at Ukraine.
            Bulgaria insists that they are the last European nation before the wilderness begins, and on goes the prejudice and hatred that festers beneath the surface of that lovely place known as Europe.
            Integrity without knowledge is weak and useless, and knowledge without integrity is dangerous and dreadful. - Samuel Johnson (1709-1784)


            • Prolet
              Senior Member
              • Sep 2009
              • 5241

              When i see the VMRO letters and the values these numb-sculls represent have nothing to do with VMRO. Its disgusting to read such garbage in 2010 where countries such as Greece and Bulgaria are part of the EU and should be promoting peace and harmony especially with their neighbors. Turkey is a Nato partner of Bulgaria and Greece, their hypocrisy is unbelievable.

              If Cyprus and Malta are in Europe then so is Turkey.

              Onur, I recall Prime Minister Nikola Gruevski visiting Pustec in Albania, where its an ethnically Macedonian city in Albania he told our minority there to be loyal citizens of Albania and at the end he said Long Live Macedonia and Albania (There was not an Albanian Politician present there) where as we have Nato and EU countries such as Greece and Bulgaria promoting hate and showing racism at the lowest level.
              МАКЕДОНЕЦ си кога кавал ќе ти ја распара душата,зурла ќе ти го раскине срцето,кога секое влакно од кожата ќе ти се наежи кога ќе видиш шеснаесеткрако сонце,кога до коска ќе те заболи кога ќе слушнеш ПЈРМ,кога немаш ни за леб,а полн си во душата затоа што ја сакаш МАКЕДОНИЈА. МАКЕДОНИЈА во срце те носиме.


              • Risto the Great
                Senior Member
                • Sep 2008
                • 15660

                Anarchists take on Nazi organizations in Bulgaria

                Anarchists take on Nazi organizations in Bulgaria

                In the following post you will read an articale about situation with nazism in Bulgaria, which was written by collective "Anarcho-resistance" from Sofia.

                Looking back, now in one of Bulgarian prisons there is an Australian antifascist Jock Palfreeman, who was charged with 20 years prison for self-defence. The hearing on his case was delayed from 21 of October to 11 of November. On this week we recieved a letter form Jock, he wrote, that it's important to to keep pressure on Bulgarian authorities in 3 months after the trial (21th of October), because decision will be posted 2-3 months after. We call everyone to support Jock Palfreeman. Write to him and send protest letter to bulgarian authorities.


                There were nazi structures in Bulgaria from long time ago .Already during the communist time especially during the dictatorship of Todor Givkov in 1989 when about 200-300 thousands of Turkish citizens living on the territory of Bulgaria were forced to leave and the rest had to change their names in order to be able to stay.

                Right after the end of the last socialist government a lot of extreme right-wing parties appeared and joined the political scene as an opposition. They have different ideologies and political aims. In terms of publicity some of them have openly right wing extremist members and some are trying to hide their nazi backgrounds. For example the party VMRO founded as a Front for Liberation of Macedonia are nowadays working with neonazis and some of their members are well-known fascists. Still they define themselves as patriots or nationalists

                In the 90s there was another uprising of nazi structures. Another party was founded called BNRP (Bulgarian radical nationalist party )which was more orientated towards the skinhead scene. In this time lot of racist attacks on gypsies, turks and emigrants , many racist graffities on the streets appeared. Right- wing hooligan groups were having fights with punks almost everyday .So for us it became almost normal to meet them on the streets and to have friends beaten up. The majority of this nazi skinheads eventually joined the organized mafia and were not so active in the subculture anymore but still have contacts in the nazi scene.

                From 2005 though there was another uprising of neo-nazi structures connected with the election of the party ATAKA in the government. It was very surprising for a lot of people that they got 8% of voices on the elections because actually in the society there was a quite negative and almost hysterical reaction towards them. On the TV was a lot of critiques against them f.e. about their fascist background. What made them popular though was that there were against the influence of US and NATO and against the construction of NATO military bases in Bulgaria. At this time part of ATAKA were also Bulgarian National Unitiy , which after separated and formed another party. At this moment ATAKA is the party which is closest to the ruling right-wing party GERB and is accepted in the society as completely legitimate. This are the mainstream groups and parties but is far not the end.

                Another big part of the nazi structures are formed from groups and organised gangs that there is less publicity about but that you most often have to deal with on the streets. Blood and Honour, BNS, BNRP, NS(National Resistance )are just some we know about . Blood and Honour more or less consists of older nazi-skinheads from the 90s and some new young ones. Most strong in the town Plovdiv which is like the Meka of nazi structures. There are also a lot of different hooligan football gangs like South Division that are mostly active in street fights ( 14 January 2009). BNRP are mostly old nazis who write nazi propagandistic books , hoping for their coming renaissance.

                Not long after their first appearance the non governmentally organized BNS and his leader Rasate founded second group – NS whose ideology is complete adaptation of the German autonomous nationalists. They wear black clothes on demonstrations (14 January 2009), use leftist paroles (Be free, be social , be national) and have more subcultural outlook or just casual look of a student. They created Alter Media as their independent media in the web and the capital is full of their stencils and stickers. They say they are patriots and not nazis that they are against the government and against capitalism. Recently some members of NS started to get more independence from the leadership of BNS and organized their own demonstrations. Generally there is a lot of decentralization in the right wing scene: a lot of conflicts in-between their leaders, differences in political ideology and strategies. We think that the political situation in Bulgaria is getting similar to that in Italy, as far as most of the right-wing parties like ATAKA and VMRO are included in the government. They have their seats in the Parliament and have influence in a lot of governmental institutions. We know for some contacts between some politicians and some nazi groups involved in street fights and attacks on left activists and people from the minority groups, Some young active nazis often infiltrate in the students movement and even in smaller political groups.

                The Bulgarian society is generally prevailed from anticommunist and nationalist ideology which makes it very easy for any nazi structures to be accepted and even be encouraged. The left party (BSP) is not far different than the right wing as far as many of them have nationalist ,orthodox and anti-islamist ideology too. So the ones that still dare to rise awareness and fight on the streets are less. Mostly anarchists and radical leftist who soon or later become known and are chased threaten and beaten up.

                Anarcho–Resistance Collective, Sofia, Bulgaria
                It appears the VMRO party in Bulgaria is as useful as ever.
                Risto the Great
                "Holding my breath for the revolution."

                Hey, I wrote a bestseller. Check it out:


                • fyrOM
                  • Feb 2010
                  • 2180

                  Originally posted by Risto the Great View Post
                  Looking back, now in one of Bulgarian prisons there is an Australian antifascist Jock Palfreeman, who was charged with 20 years prison for self-defence.
                  Was it really self defence. From what I remember he jumped in on a fight two guys beating up one guy. Knives were pulled when the fight got hard and he hurt one attacker and killed the other. I don’t know all the details.


                  • Bratot
                    Senior Member
                    • Sep 2008
                    • 2855

                    Rear Bulgarian objectivity

                    Проф. Кръстьо Манчев: Баташкото клане е било практически невъзможно. Не е имало турско робство

                    Професор Кръстьо Манчев е роден на 27 септември 1926 година в село Верзар, Царибродско, Западни покрайнини. Завършва история в СУ. Специализирал е в ГДР и СССР. Научен сътрудник в Института по балканистика при БАН. Избягал през 1949 година в България, години наред е работил в Димитровград като бригадир, бил убеден комунист и антититовист. След това учителства в Симеоновград. Там проф. Кръстьо Манчев представи най-новата си книга “Кървавият край на Югославия” миналата седмица. На Балканите величието винаги се е измервало с територии - колкото повече имаш, толкова си по-велик, казва той. Напротив - колкото по-образован, работещ, знаещ и можещ е един народ, колкото по-уредена ти е държавата, тогава си наистина велик.

                    - Одобрявате ли назначения министър на българите в чужбина?

                    - Една политика, която и да е, трябва да приеме съществуващите реалности, не може да е успешна в разрез със съществуващите реалности. Македония е съществуваща реалност. И там, в тая Македония, може да има някой, който иска да е българин. Но мнозинството са македонци, така казват, или поне това е, което аз знам. Тази е реалността и тя трябва да се приеме. Аз лично, ако ме питате, не одобрявам да има министър за българите извън България. Абе, я си представете, че Турция си назначи министър за турците в България. Как ще изглежда това - някой техен министър да се занимава с тях? Така изглежда в Македония Божидар сега.

                    - Той определено ги дразни. Беше обявил награда, ако се намерят сериозни доказателства за съществуването на македонска нация.

                    - За каква македонска нация да се намерят документи? Ами тях ги има! Аз и на него му казах: През 1903 г. има един Кръстьо Мисирков, който е издал книга “За македонските работи”. Ама тя е издадена в София и там се твърди, че българи, сърби такива-онакива няма, ние сме от едно дъно. Има един голям сръбски учен, казва се Стоян Новакович, още в края на XIX век е казал това. Те не са нито сърби, нито българи. Тази теза за македонизма е малко в услуга на Сърбия тогава. Сега тя не е актуална, защото македонизмът е антисръбски. Това ние трябва да схванем доста добре. Той не е просръбски, нито е пробългарски, той си е македонски национализъм. Това е македонизма. И

                    Стоян Новакович е казал още тогава - те не са нито българи, нито сърби, те са си отделно нещо. Ние обаче ще поддържаме това твърдение, защото това ще ги отдели от България и ще помогне Македония да стане част от Сърбия. Аз не виждам никаква друга перспектива освен ние да признаем това и да работим в тая посока, а не обратно.

                    Какъв е този случай сега със Спаска Митрева? Мъж и жена се скарали, развели се, имат дете. Има някакъв съд, който се занимава с това кой прав, кой крив. На българската държава ли е работа да се занимава с това? Да решава техните съдби. И тя е права, защото се е обявила за българка. А защо тя се е обявила за българка? Ами защото знае, че българската държава ще застане зад нея. Така го виждам аз. И се ангажираха на високо ниво… Даже и министър-председателят имаше изявления. И освен това със сигурност знам, че някои хора там искат български паспорти от егоистични съображения, за да дойдат тук в България, защото сме член на ЕС, а не защото чак толкова са българи.

                    - Тяхната политика не е ли малко така инфантилна. Те са най малката нация на Балканския полуостров, а като че ли имат най-много претенции?

                    - Не мога да кажа, че имат най-много претенции. Те са в тежка ситуация. Гърция не ги иска, ние имаме претенции, макар че ги прикриваме, Албания е оттатък - една трета от македонците са албанци. Тя може да няма претенции, но населението е албанско и имаше искане това население да бъде в съюз с албанците и да правят обща държава. Освен това е сиромашка страна. Това е, което аз от разстояние мога да кажа и виждам.

                    - Или в Австралия техен министър имал националистически изказвания, а президентът Първанов каза, че подкрепата ни за Македония няма да бъде безусловна.

                    - Ами, ако така е казал, това не е добре. Какво искаме да правим тогава? Да я капсулираме ли? Тогава тя винаги ще бъде против нас. Аз това не го приемам. Как така може да говори? Не го приемам! Вижте какво, държавната политика се прави също от хората. Те могат да правят и глупости. Но ние никога не сме били гражданско общество, което да заеме позиция. Да каже стоп, тука не сте прави и да ги свали, да смени политиката. Ние винаги сме вървели подир управниците си.

                    - Моделът на ЕС - това ли е бъдещето, както казахте “пъстрото общество”?

                    - То не може да се промени. Ние имаме близо два милиона небългари. Какво да правим с тях, да ги избием ли? Ние трябва да ги интегрираме. Никаква друга политика не е възможна. А какво значи да ги интегрираме? Първо трябва да се започне от образованието, защото те, за да са интегрирани, трябва да са образовани, да могат да работят, да влязат в това общество. Ами като искаме да ги направим като болшинството от народа, ние трябва да им дадем път. Аз да ви питам сега? Имали в България турчин генерал?

                    - Не.

                    - Е, защо? Те са една десета от населението. Защо от Освобождението досега да не се е излъчил един турчин за генерал?

                    - Може би нямат способни…, не знам…

                    - Айде, бе! Аз до известна степен съм специалист и по Австро-Унгария. И съм написал и в книгите за историите на Балканските народи за тая част на Балканите, която е била под тази империя. Отлично знам, че една голяма част от ръководния състав на Австроунгарската армия са били сърби, в това число и от Босна, и от Хърватия.

                    - Вие казахте, че когато империята се разпада, тогава се раждат нациите?

                    - Не, те са се родили преди това, в рамките на империята са се родили нациите, където всяка иска да има държава. И почват да делят наследството. Затова и се разпада Османската империя. Националната тема е, която ги разбива. Те са империи, които господстват едни над други. В Османската империя има дискриминация - мюсюлмани над немюсюлмани. Тия империи затова нямат бъдеще - защото се основават на господство. Защо се разпадна съветската империя - пак по тая причина. Югославия - също. Сърбите, мнозинство от населението, заели командни позиции и искат да ги развият, а пък другите въстават и те се разпадат. Образуват се нови държави и те се пръскат.
                    Не може да се разделя така - тука сме ние, а нататък сте вие. Няма такова нещо. Ето моя царибродски край. Там, където е сторена берлинската граница (по Берлинския конгрес от 1878 г. - б. р.), ги е направила сърби. Преди това никой не е викал: аз сам такъв, аз онакъв. Те са еднакви хора, и езикът им е еднакъв, и вярата им също, обаче границата, пропагандата ги кара след време да са сърби. Отсам границата пък са българи.
                    Снимка: авторът

                    Има едно село там, което и сега съществува, казва се Планиница и берлинската граница е сложена по средата му. Половината в Сърбия - половината в България. И тая част, която е с България, се нарича Българска планиница и сега, а другата се нарича Сръбска планиница. Има анекдот, дали е вярно това не знам, но двама братя, единият останал в българската част, а другият - в сръбската, се скарали в някаква нива и се псували на майка. Единият псувал: Майка ти българска, а другият: Майка ти сръбска. Това са грешките на историята, това са куриозите на историята.

                    И сега има много хора-дилетанти и казват: Ниш е български. Ама може да има десетина хиляда българи, ама това е сто и отгоре хиляден град. Може ли заради това да е български, а тия десетина хиляди са от Западните покрайнини, които живеят и работят, там са намерили работа, препитание. Това са царибродчани, босилградчани.

                    - Вие казахте, че историята все още не е наука. Вече не се ли е изчистила?

                    - Не.

                    - Неотдавна имаше скандал с преоценка на обстоятелствата около Баташкото клане. Там се намесиха пак най-отговорни фактори - президентът. Признак на слабост ли е, когато някой иска да погледне по друг начин историята?

                    - Вижте - национализмът е страхотна въдица, понеже властта се взима и губи чрез тези избори. Трябва да имаш привърженици, които да гласуват за тебе. Ако аз с тия приказки, които тука изприказвах, изляза на изборите, кой ще гласува за мене?

                    - Никой!

                    - Виждате ли, а ако развея патриотарско знаме - всички ще ме подкрепят. Ето това е. Тези хора бяха изкуствоведи, те казваха и показваха, че картината която е създадена за Баташкото клане, е сътворена десетина или дванайсет години след събитието. И това нещо там е инсценирано, направил го е тоя, който е правил картината. Той е довел хора да се инсценира случката. И след това ние сме възприели тази картина като исторически извор, а тя е художествено произведение. Това искаха да ни кажат хората. А се явиха тука политици и имаше заплахи, че ще я убиват тази жена.

                    - Дошли от друго село и са ги избили нали. Барутин ли е бил човекът?

                    - Барутин е селото, а Барутанлията е този, който е избивал. Това са помаци. А освен това събитията са пресъздадени по Макгахан, един американец, който е дошъл тук да описва и просто е преувеличил. Вие това можете да го напишете или не, аз го приказвам ще го кажа и на вас - защо тия батачани са били в църквата? Ами в гората нагоре да бяха побегнали. Задавал ли си е тоя въпрос българинът - защо се крият в църква? Защо четата на поп Харитон се крие в Дряновския манастир? Ами да хванат гората. Това е първият въпрос. Вторият въпрос – изклани били 5000 души на дръвник. Колко време трябва да се извърши това нещо? Пет хиляди души да бъдат заклани, главите им да бъдат махнати, следващия, следващия… Той най-малко една седмица трябва да трае. Това е практически невъзможно. И трети въпрос. Колко е голяма тая църква. Били ли сте там? Колко да е голяма - ами да събере, да събере двеста, триста души, как пет хиляди? Тия въпроси българинът задал ли си е? Ами не ги е задал, защото няма кой да му ги каже, и ако някой като мене му ги зададе, ще отиде в затвора. Или няма да може да разчита на никаква кариера. Аз не искам това, вече съм пенсионер, не ме интересува. Само ако ми вземат пенсията ще ме разсипят. Но не вярвам да стигне дотам. Като заключение сега ще кажа. В османската империя е имало религиозна толерантност. Още 1354 година, когато са взели Цариград султанът е повикал патриарха и му е предоставил патриаршията. Патриархът в Османската империя е имал ранг на везир - министър. Имало и обесени патриарси, но тази институция е съществувала през цялото време.

                    - През турско робство ли?

                    - Не го наричам турско робство. Знаете ли какво е робство? Роб е този, който е собственост на някого, когато нямате собственост. Ако аз съм ваш роб, трябва вие да сте мой собственик. В османската империя такова нещо не е имало.

                    - Хората са имали имоти, нали?

                    - Имали сме богати хора, имали сме училище, имали сме всичко. А Стефан Цанев написа “Българските хроники” и как ги написал, в сума ти страници, какви сме били роби. Роби, та роби! Ама Османската империя е космополитна държава и роби не е имало, като производително население. Никой на никого не е бил собственост.
                    Ние имаме цяла колония в Цариград, в Измир.

                    - Вие не ми отговорихте на въпроса, защо българите в Батак са потърсили закрила в църквата?

                    - Ами заради тая толерантност. В Османската империя не е било допустимо мюсюлманин да влиза в християнска църква. Това е. И Копривщица е имала някакво самоуправление. Там турчин не е можел така свободно да ходи. А има предание, че в Неготин - сръбски град - турчин не е можел да мине през града с подкован кон. Защото тропа и безпокои хората.
                    Снимка: авторът

                    Ние тази империя сме я възприели според пропагандата, която са развили нашите възрожденци. Тогава те са искали да направят държава и затова развиват такава антитурска пропаганда, а ние сме взели това за чиста монета. Трябва да я очистим тази работа сега. И да кажем за Османската империя това, което е. И има френски съчинения на тема Османска империя и от други от световно известни автори.

                    - Всъщност нашите представи за този период са на двеста години?

                    - Преди двеста години, както са ги оформили възрожденците, ние все още стоим на това. Има “История на Балканите” написана от Жорж Кастелан, преведена е на български език. Той горе-долу е разказал какво е тая империя. Имало ли е турско иго, тук не става дума за робство. Ние трябва да си очистим представите за това нещо и може да се попитаме и за това. Ами защо ние 500 години сме били там, като сме толкова ербап? Защо сърбите седемдесет години по-рано от нас въстават? Защо гърците по-рано от нас си правят държава. Защо ние сме последни, или предпоследни преди албанците. Аз в “История на балканските народи”, том I, съм го разгледал тази въпрос и съм му дал някакъв отговор.

                    - Преди известно време се прокрадна една идея учени от всички държави да напишат обща история на балканските народи?

                    - Това е идея. Много добра идея. Обаче национализмът пречи да стане това.

                    - Има ли такъв прецедент в света?

                    - Не съм чул за такъв. Но гледайте, нашата история е написана от национални позиции, ама гръцката и тя е от национални, и сръбската. Те се пресичат една в друга. Това, което е за нас е истина, за сърбите не е. И обратно. Ще кажа конкретен пример - 1916 година ние завоювахме Моравието. Влиза там българска войска, прави се българска администрация, преименуват хората, правят ги българи, училищата правят български, арестуват хора, препращат ги насам-натам, мобилизират сърбите, издава се вестник “Моравски глас”. Има историци, които пишат какви големи българи са тия моравци. А те въстават, има голямо въстание срещу нас и ние трябва да го напишем в учебниците най-сетне. Да знае българският народ какво е било. И това се повтаря 1941, 1942 година пак още веднъж. И сега пак някой ми пише за моравските българи, иска още веднъж да ходим там. Ами не ни ли стига два пъти? Много често в нашата история няма македонци, те са българи, защото през 1941 година ни посрещнали не знам как си. И никой не е написал как през 1944 година са ни изпратили. Ама и това трябва да се напише.

                    - А как са ни изпратили там?

                    - Как, гледали сме като… И с това посрещане. Ами ние 41-а година как посрещаме Хитлер? После 43-а година как плачем за цар Борис - аз съм свидетел на това. После 44-а година как посрещаме руснаците, после 46-а година как посрещаме Тито, 48-а година как го ругаем, после 49-а година как крещим на площадите “Смърт на Трайчо Костов”. Това за какво е доказателство, че хората са манипулирани, че вървят като стадо.

                    Prof. Krusty Manchev: Batak massacre was virtually impossible. There was no Ottoman rule

                    Professor Krusty Manchev was born on September 27, 1926 in the village Verzar, Tsaribrod, Western Suburbs. Graduated in University history. He has specialized in the GDR and the USSR. Research Fellow at the Institute for Balkan Studies, Sofia. He escaped in 1949 in Bulgaria for years has worked as a foreman in Dimitrovgrad, was convinced communist and antititovist. Then a teacher in Simeonovgrad. There Professor Krusty Manchev present their latest book "Bloody end to Yugoslavia last week. Greatness in the Balkans has always been measured in areas - the more you have, so its a great, "he said. On the contrary - the more educated worker knows and can be one people, as covered in your state, then its really great.

                    - Do you approve appointments Minister for Bulgarians living abroad?

                    - A policy either must accept the existing realities may not be successful in conflict with existing realities. Macedonia is an existing reality. And there, in that Macedonia can have someone who wants to be Bulgarian. But the majority are Macedonians, so they say, or at least that's what I know. This is reality and it must be accepted. I personally, if you ask me, do not condone have a Minister for Bulgarians outside Bulgaria. Abe, her imagine that Turkey must appoint a minister of the Turks in Bulgaria. How will it look like - letting a minister to deal with them? So it seems now in Macedonia Bozidar.

                    - It is definitely irritates them. It was declared a reward if found strong evidence for the existence of a Macedonian nation.

                    - For what Macedonian nation to find documents? What we have here! Me and him told him: In 1903, there is a Krusty Missirkov who issued a book "For Macedonian affairs. But it has been in Sofia, where he claims that the Bulgarians, Serbs, such onakiva no, we are one floor. There is a great Serbian scientist says Stoyan Novakovic, at the end of the XIX century have been told this. They are neither Serbs nor Bulgarians. This thesis macedonism slightly in favor of Serbia then. Now it is up to date because it is anti-Serb Macedonism. That we need to grasp very well. He is not pro-Serbian, nor pro-Bulgarian, he is a Macedonian nationalism. This is macedonism.

                    Stojan Novakovic said back then - they are neither Bulgarians nor Serbs, they are a separate thing. However, we will maintain this claim because it will separate them from Bulgaria and Macedonia will help to become part of Serbia. I see no other prospect than we admit it and work in this direction, not back.

                    What is the case now with Spaska Mitreva? Husband and wife quarreled, is divorced, have a child. There is a court which deals with who is right who is wrong. The Bulgarian state there is work to deal with this? To decide their fates. And she is right because it has declared a Bulgarian. And why she has declared a Bulgarian? Well knowing that the Bulgarian state will stand behind it. So I see it. And committed to the highest level ... Even the Prime Minister had statements. And then certainly I know some people there want Bulgarian passports of selfish reasons to come here in Bulgaria because we are a member of the EU, not so much because they are Bulgarians.

                    - Their policy is not it so infantile. They are the smallest nation in the Balkans, and seemed to have the most claims?

                    - I can not say I have the most claims. They are in a difficult situation. Greece wants them, we claim, though they conceal, Albania is beyond - one third of Macedonians Albanians. It may not have claims, but the population is Albanian and had requested that this population be in alliance with the Albanians and make common state. Furthermore, it is Indian country. This is what I do from a distance I can tell and see.

                    - Or Australian Minister had their nationalist rhetoric, and President Parvanov said that our support for Macedonia will not be unconditional.
                    - Well, if so say it is not good. What do we do then? Does it seal? She will always be against us. I do not accept it. How can so to speak? Do not take it! See what government policy is also made by the people. They may do and shit. But we have never been civil society to take a position. To say stop, here you are doing and take them off, to change policy. We always went after their rulers.

                    - The model of the EU - is this the future, said "motley society"?

                    - It can not be changed. We have nearly two million non-Bulgarians. What to do with them, you kill them? We need to integrate them. No other policy is not possible. And what it means to integrate them? First we must start from education because they are to be integrated must be educated, to work, to enter into this society. What we want to make them the majority of the people, we must give them time. I ask you now? Bulgaria Turk had in general?

                    - No.

                    - Well, why? They are one-tenth of the population. Why the Liberation far not delivered an a Turk for General?

                    - Maybe not capable of ... I do not know ...

                    - Come on, man! I am somewhat specialist and Austro-Hungary. And I have written in books about the history of the Balkan peoples of this part of the Balkans, which was under the Empire. Excellent know that a large part of the managerial staff of the Austro-Hungarian army were Serbs, including Bosnia and Croatia.

                    - You said that when the empire disintegrated, then nations are born?

                    - No, they were born before that, within the empire were born Nations where each country wants to have. And begin to divide the inheritance. Therefore, broke the Ottoman Empire. National theme is that the breakdown. They are empires which dominated over each other. In the Ottoman Empire no discrimination - Muslims over non-Muslims. These empires thus have no future - because it is based on domination. Why collapsed Soviet empire - again this cause. Yugoslavia - also. Serbs, a majority of the population occupied command positions and want to develop them, while others rise and they fall apart. Form to new countries and they are sprayed.
                    Can not be broken - here we are, but as you are. There is no such thing. Here's my Tsaribrod end. Where is done Berlin border (at the Berlin Congress of 1878 - B. River), has made them Serbs. Before that no one is crying: I own one, I onakav. They are the same people and their language is identical, and their faith also, however, border, propaganda makes them over time to be Serbs. This side of the border are even Bulgarians.

                    There is a village there, and there is now said to Planinitsa and Berlin border is placed in the middle of it. Half in Serbia - half in Bulgaria. And this part, which is Bulgaria, Bulgarian Planinitsa is called now, and the other is called Srpska Planinitsa. There is an anecdote, whether it is true that I do not know, but two brothers, one remains in the Bulgarian part and the other - in Serbia, fell in some levels and cursing his mother. One curse: Your mother Bulgarian, the other: mother Serbia. These are the mistakes of history are curiosities of history.

                    And now there are many people, dilettantes and say: Nis is Bulgarian. But there may be ten thousand Bulgarians, but it is one hundred thousandth and top city. Could this be because of Bulgarian, but these are ten thousand of the western suburbs who live and work there, found a job livelihood. These are tsaribrodchani, bosilgradchani.

                    - You said that history is still not science. No longer is it cleaned?
                    - No.

                    - Recently there was a scandal involving a reassessment of the circumstances surrounding the Batak massacre. There intervened, the most responsible factors - the president. Sign of weakness it is when someone wants to look in another way the story?

                    - View - Nationalism is a great hook, because the power is taken and lost by these elections. You have to have supporters who to vote for you. If I talk with those who izprikazvah here, out of elections, who will vote for me?

                    - Nobody!

                    - You see, if jingoistic flag waved - all will support me. Here it is, these people were art historians, they said, and showed that the picture that was created for the Batak massacre, was created ten or twelve years after the event. And the thing was staged there, done it he who makes the picture. He led people to be staged accident. And then we have adopted this picture as a historical source, and it's artwork. It wanted to tell us humans. But politicians appeared here and there were threats that it will kill this woman.

                    - Come from another village and killed them right. Barutin you been man?

                    - Barutin a village and Barutanliyata is one who has killed. They are Mohammedans. And furthermore the events are recreated by McGahan, an American who came here to describe and just exaggerated. You, you can write it or not, I would say talk to you - why these citizens of Batak had been in church? Well up in the woods to have fled. Have you been asked this question Bulgarians - why hide in the church? Why the detachment of Pop Hariton lies in Dryanovo Monastery? Well to catch the forest. This is the first question. The second question - were slaughtered in 5000 block. How much time should be done this thing? Five thousand people have been slaughtered, their heads are removed, next, next ... It at least one week should last. It is virtually impossible. And the third question. How big is this church. Were you there? How to be big - what to collect, collect two hundred, three hundred, how five thousand? These questions Bulgarians asked you that? Well do not be put down because no one can tell them to him, and if someone like me, he asked them, would go to jail. Or you can not rely on any career. I do not want this, I am retired, I do not care. Only if my pension will take me heartbroken. But do not believe to get there. In conclusion I will say now. In the Ottoman Empire was religious tolerance. Even in 1354 when they took Constantinople, the sultan has summoned the patriarch and provided him with the Patriarchate. Patriarch in the Ottoman Empire had the rank of Vizier - minister. There were hanged patriarchs, but this institution has existed throughout.

                    - During the Ottoman rule it?

                    - Do not call it Turkish yoke. Do you know what is slavery? Rob is one that is owned by someone when you do not have ownership. If I am your slave, you must be a mine owner. In the Ottoman Empire such a thing was not.

                    - People had a property right?

                    - We had rich people, we had school, we had everything. But he Tzanev wrote "The Bulgarian chronicles and how you wrote in your amount of pages, what we were slaves. Slaves, and slaves! But the Ottoman Empire was a cosmopolitan country and slaves was not as productive population. No one has never been owned.
                    We have a whole colony in Constantinople, in Izmir.

                    - You answered my question why the Bulgarians in Batak have sought protection in the church?

                    - Well, because of this tolerance. In the Ottoman Empire was not acceptable Muslim to enter the Christian church. And that's Koprivshtitsa had any government. There Turk was unable to walk so freely. And there is a tradition that in Negotin - Serb City - Turk could not go through the city with well-trained horse. Because knocking and worried people.

                    We are the Empire taken it as propaganda, which have developed our Renaissance. Then they wanted to make the country and therefore develop such anti-Turkish propaganda, and we took it at face value. You have to cleanse this job now. And about the Ottoman Empire what it is and has French writings on the Ottoman Empire and the other from world famous authors.

                    - In fact, our perceptions of this period were two hundred years?

                    - Two hundred years ago as it formed Revival, we still stand on that. There's "History of the Balkans" written by Georges Castellana, translated in Bulgarian. He pretty much told what this empire. Was there an Ottoman yoke, it's not about slavery. We must cleanse perception of this thing and can ask for it. Well, why 500 years we've been there, so we erbap? Why Serbs seventy years earlier than us rebel? Why the Greeks earlier than us to make state. Why we're last or penultimate before Albanians. I in "History of the Balkan peoples", Volume I, I have examined this question and I gave him an answer.

                    - Some time ago, an idea crept scientists from all countries to write general history of the Balkan peoples?

                    - This is the idea. Very good idea. But nationalism prevent this to happen.

                    - Is there such a precedent in the world?

                    - I have not heard about this. But look, our history is written by national positions, but the Greek and it is national, and Serbian. They intersect one another. What is our true for Serbs is, and vice versa. I will say a concrete example - in 1916 we have conquered Moravieto. Bulgarian troops in there, make Bulgarian Administration, renamed the people, make them Bulgarians, Bulgarian schools do, arrest people, refer them to and fro, mobilized Serbs issued newspaper Moravia voice. " There are historians who write what great Bulgarians are these Moravians. And they rise, there is a large uprising against us and we must write it in the books at last. Bulgarian people to know what it was. And this is repeated 1941, 1942, it once again. And now again someone writes me a Moravian Bulgarians once again like to go there. Well we do not know twice as long? Very often in our history will Macedonians are Bulgarians, because in 1941 we welcomed not know how yet. And no one wrote how in 1944 sent us. But, and this should be written.

                    - And what sent us there?

                    - How are seen as ... And we welcome. Well we are 41 years and how we meet Hitler? Then 43 a year how to cry Boris - I've witnessed this. Then 44 a year how we meet the Russians, then 46 years and how we meet Tito, a 48-year how it rugaem, then 49 years and how the squares yelling "Death to Traicho Kostov. This is what it is proof that people are manipulated, they are walking like sheep.
                    The purpose of the media is not to make you to think that the name must be changed, but to get you into debate - what name would suit us! - Bratot


                    • Bratot
                      Senior Member
                      • Sep 2008
                      • 2855

                      YouTube - Đ*етка обŃективноŃŃ‚ на еден бŃгарŃки иŃторичар
                      The purpose of the media is not to make you to think that the name must be changed, but to get you into debate - what name would suit us! - Bratot


                      • Makedonetz
                        Senior Member
                        • Apr 2010
                        • 1080

                        Greek, Bulgarian FMs comment the name dispute

                        Sofia, 12 December 2010 (MIA) - Greece is willing to settle the name dispute and wants Macedonia to join the European family as soon as possible, but Skopje knows all too well what it needs to do to make it happen, stated Greek Foreign Minister Dimitris Droutsas after Saturday's trilateral meeting in Sofia with his counterparts from Bulgaria and Serbia - Nikolay Mladenov and Vuk Jeremic.

                        Bulgaria's FM Mladenov said his country viewed the name issue as a bilateral dispute, but thought it was high time that a reasonable compromise was found to allow Macedonia to go forward.

                        "Bulgaria has excellent relations with all its neighbours and has shown in the most difficult times in recent years that it is capable of helping all of them, including its neighbour Macedonia, Mladenov said, reiterating that Skopje must meet the three EU integration criteria - harmonising Macedonia's legislation with EU's, regional cooperation and neighbourly ties.

                        Mladenov and Droutsas failed to state precisely whether the trilateral meeting focused on the Euro-integration of Western Balkan countries covered the name row as well.

                        Sofia and Athens, they underscored, back the integration of Western Balkan countries into EU, bearing "the historic accountability" to help the region in joining the Union. ba/fd/11:24

                        WTF........These idiots make a mockery of us and think they are actully doing something good!....Man Serbia, Greece & Bulgaria i feel a Deja 1913 Annexation vue happening
                        Makedoncite se borat
                        za svoite pravdini!

                        "The one who works for joining of Macedonia to Bulgaria,Greece or Serbia can consider himself as a good Bulgarian, Greek or Serb, but not a good Macedonian"
                        - Goce Delchev


                        • Soldier of Macedon
                          Senior Member
                          • Sep 2008
                          • 13675

                          An irrelevant discussion about Macedonia held by clowns that are irrelevant to her future.
                          In the name of the blood and the sun, the dagger and the gun, Christ protect this soldier, a lion and a Macedonian.


                          • Makedonetz
                            Senior Member
                            • Apr 2010
                            • 1080

                            Even more dribble SoM a country on the brink of extinction from being in the EU and a country too broke to even join! HAHA
                            Makedoncite se borat
                            za svoite pravdini!

                            "The one who works for joining of Macedonia to Bulgaria,Greece or Serbia can consider himself as a good Bulgarian, Greek or Serb, but not a good Macedonian"
                            - Goce Delchev


                            • fyrOM
                              • Feb 2010
                              • 2180

                              Originally posted by Makedonetz View Post
                              "the historic accountability"
                              Just love it…coming from a place where there is barely a Greek among them or the newcomers whose native tong could not have been any Slavic language and replaced it with a dialect of Macedonian yet claim it as their own and say there is no Macedonian language.

                              kuti or molci da ti solam pamet


                              • fyrOM
                                • Feb 2010
                                • 2180

                                Originally posted by Makedonetz View Post
                                "the historic accountability"
                                Just love it…coming from a place where there is barely a Greek among them or the newcomers whose native tong could not have been any Slavic language and replaced it with a dialect of Macedonian yet claim it as their own and say there is no Macedonian language.

                                kuti or molci da ti solam pamet

