Macedonia and Bulgaria: Political Relations

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  • Big Bad Sven
    Senior Member
    • Jan 2009
    • 1528

    Sorry for the articles coming for a bulgarian site, but i felt that this should be posted.

    I think its great that these "hooligans" attacked the bulgarian PM, Goce Delcev was a macedonian heroe, he would be turning in his grave knowing that the enemy (bulgarians) were worshiping him as a hero.


    • Soldier of Macedon
      Senior Member
      • Sep 2008
      • 13675

      They come to Macedonia and disrespect the memory of Delcev and his Macedonian descendants by proclaiming them as 'Bulgars', and wonder why people react the way they do. Meanwhile, no mention about the way some filthy maggots in the Macedonian part of modern Bulgaria have behaved when Macedonians have tried to visit the grave of Sandanski. It will never end with these morons. They do not respect us and our identity.

      Too bad those same "hooligans" haven't spent the same energy trying to mobilise more Macedonians to demonstrate against the treachery of their own government. Maybe they are merely DPNE supporters like the stupid article says.
      In the name of the blood and the sun, the dagger and the gun, Christ protect this soldier, a lion and a Macedonian.


      • Risto the Great
        Senior Member
        • Sep 2008
        • 15660

        What a nasty article.

        Originally posted by peasant journal
        Delchev's remains were transferred to the authorities of the communist Yugoslav republic of Macedonia in the late 1940s by the authorities of communist Bulgaria, which, following the Comintern policies imposed by the Soviet Union, briefly accepted the invention of a distinct Macedonian identity.
        Sure the Bulgarians have always been Russian lapdogs and I am sure they knew very well who the Macedonians were in Bulgaria, but lets not forget what Delcev said:
        The one who works for joining of Macedonia to Bulgaria, Greece, or Serbia, can consider himself as a good Bulgarian, Greek, or Serb, but not as a good Macedonian
        Risto the Great
        "Holding my breath for the revolution."

        Hey, I wrote a bestseller. Check it out:


        • ProMKD
          • Oct 2011
          • 367

          Excellent, too bad it wasn't more of a spectacle!!!! Disrespect our hero, on our land, what more do you expect? Bastards!!

          Support tourism to Macedonia!


          • makedonche
            Senior Member
            • Oct 2008
            • 3242

            Pricks got off lightly if you ask me!
            On Delchev's sarcophagus you can read the following inscription: "We swear the future generations to bury these sacred bones in the capital of Independent Macedonia. August 1923 Illinden"


            • George S.
              Senior Member
              • Aug 2009
              • 10116

              Bulgarian PM Slams 'Brotherly' Macedonia over Ambassador Scandal

              Bulgarian PM Slams 'Brotherly' Macedonia over Ambassador Scandal

              Diplomacy | May 5, 2012, Saturday|

              Friday Petkov and a Bulgarian delegation were not admitted to Delchev's grave and were allegedly assaulted by a group of nationalist Macedonian "hooligans," with no one being hurt.

              Bulgaria's President Rosen Plevneliev and Foreign Affairs Minister Nikolay Mladenov have reacted sharply, denouncing the incident as disgraceful and harming for bilateral relations.

              Pleveneliev even hinted that Bulgaria might consider blocking Macedonia's bid for EU membership, should Macedonian authorities fail to take up measures to improve sentiments regarding Bulgaria.

              "Bulgaria will work for the EU accession of Macedonia but only if Macedonia acts in accordance with this support," said the Bulgarian President.

              "Macedonia probably does not realize how important it is to join the EU and that it needs the support of its EU-member neighbors," said PM Borisov Saturday.

              However, he stated that although Bulgaria is taking serious note of the incident, it has no plans to impede Macedonia's integration to the EU.

              "We are neighbors and brotherly peoples. Macedonia must join the EU. If we obstruct that, that would be a wrong towards history," said Borisov.

              "What happened is not helpful for them, neither does them honor. But we will not retaliate impulsively," added he.

              PM Borisov also revealed that Macedonian ambassador to Sofia Blagoj Handziski has been summoned to Bulgaria's Ministry of Foreign Affairs to be presented with the Bulgarian government's official position of protest against the incident.
              "Ido not want an uprising of people that would leave me at the first failure, I want revolution with citizens able to bear all the temptations to a prolonged struggle, what, because of the fierce political conditions, will be our guide or cattle to the slaughterhouse"
              GOTSE DELCEV


              • chentovist
                • Feb 2012
                • 130

                Bulgaria - a second veto for Macedonia's EU/NATO membership

                Utrinski Vesnik: Bulgaria is preparing a red card for Macedonia
                25 June 2012 | 20:16 | FOCUS News Agency

                On Friday in Sofia was held an expert hearing on Where is the Republic of Macedonia Going To, Macedonian Utrinski Vesnik daily writes today, referring to FOCUS News Agency . The publication points out that the forum was organized after the statements of Bulgarian Prime Minister Boyko Borisov that Bulgaria is against the name Northern Macedonia.
                "Let’s show Macedonia a yellow card and put conditions for EU membership. This is the message that came out of the round table in Sofia,” Utrinksi Vesnik writes. "When you steal history, it is almost the same as stealing territory," Dr. Lyubomir Ivanov, President of the Manfred Wörner Foundation said. National identity is not only situated in the territorial space but in time, Dr. Ivanov said. He suggested the Bulgarian national interest to be protected as Bulgaria put two specific conditions before the membership of Macedonia in the EU. First - textbooks in Macedonian schools to explicitly state the nationality of the Bulgarian Tsar Samuil, of Gotse Delchev, of all prominent persons in our common history, who identified themselves as Bulgarians.
                The second condition, according to Dr. Ivanov, should be - to stop discrimination against the Bulgarians in Macedonia from the Macedonian Constitution.
                These two conditions, according to Ivanov should become Bulgarian red lines until they have not been met there to be Bulgarian veto on the opening of negotiations for EU membership, saying that without these conditions, the Republic of Macedonia does not fulfill the criteria for good neighborly relations.
                "They must cease to wash the brains of younger generations through falsification of history. This leads to a historical diagnosis - to be Macedonian in nationality. They are divided. Every morning they wake up and say to themselves in the mirror - I am Macedonian. I hate Bulgaria," Academician Georgi Markov said.
                Tito created a nation under the Comintern prescription on anti-Bulgarian basis, Academician Markov said.
                "They should not throw EUR 80 million when they have 30% unemployment and the country hardly breathes. Only one monument should be erected – of Marshall Tito. He is the father of the Macedonian nation," Markov said. According to him, Macedonia needs to change the history books.
                "Tsar Samuil, Cyril and Methodius, Gotse Delchev, Miladinovtsi brothers, Saint Paisius of Hilendar - these are Macedonian Bulgarians. They are identified as Bulgarians, and if someone in Skopje today defines himself as Macedonian is his own problem," Markov said.
                Deputy Chairman of Bulgarian Parliament Georgi Pirinski proposed to initiate a joint session of parliamentary committees on European Affairs and Foreign Policy of both countries to address the question of relations between Bulgaria and Macedonia.
                BNT correspondent for many years in Skopje Kosta Filipov, in his turn, argues that in Macedonia there is media darkness in respect of matters relating to Bulgaria and that the recommendations of the European Parliament to respect the Bulgarians and Bulgarian history are not known in Macedonia. However, it is necessary to help Macedonia overcome their problems so that both peoples to move forward. According to some participants if they allow Macedonia to join the EU it will become three times more bold and brutal than now. Leader of VMRO-BND Krasimir Karakachanov believes that it is useless to speak on the topic if the Bulgarian political elite do not define a few very simple things.
                We have to answer the question do we have interest in Macedonia to be debulgarized (i.e. to become depopulated by Bulgarians) Albanizied and Serbianized (i.e. inhabited by Albanians and Serbians). Do we have interest after 40 years our neighbor at our border to be Albanian population? Albanians have a very clear strategy, speak very clearly with no illusions for one people, one country - Great Albania," Karakachanov said.
                "If you open the website of the Foreign Ministry, will see the themes of Myanmar, Syria and all sorts of other nonsense that at least we are interested in, but you will not see any problem with the Bulgarian, who was crushed in Macedonia. We do conferences and talking crap, "he said.
                "Bulgaria, which first recognized the Republic of Macedonia, is treated no better than Greece, and in some cases even worse," MEP Evgeni Kirilov said. "Our brothers live next to us [Bulgaria]. We all ask the question “Where is the Republic of Macedonia going to” all our citizens ask that question. We must answer many questions. Not only related to the past, and to give a basis to create in view of our behavior, in view of the future of relations with Macedonia," Kirilov said.
                "The bitter conclusion is that Skopje does not understand well-meaning words. Well, let’s not be like the Greeks as giving them a red card, but it is high time to bring out a yellow card to warn them that this behavior is not European," Academician Georgi Markov said. According to Academician Markov - Macedonians can rely on support from Bulgaria for their EU membership, but this support should not be unconditional, because this support is being abused.
                "12 years ago an Ambassador Georgi Spasov, who entered in my director's office and shook his finger and told me: Professor, I am Macedonian. I have the right to self-determination. The I said - well, you have the right to self-determination as a Macedonian, but it does mean that your grandfather was not Bulgarian. This historical diagnosis splits them and so they go to extremes to convince themselves that they have a new national identity and only went in antiquity and built such monuments for EUR 80 million and Arc de Triomphe. But the history there became a great policy," academician Markov said.
                The publication states that some participants were more moderate.


                • Coolski
                  • Sep 2008
                  • 747

                  Europe knows who the biggest thieves are. The ones that siphoned and dispersed 100s of millions of euros after 2 weeks of membership in the toothless tiger organisation. After 30 years of Greek theft the Eurodreamers have realised that Greece was just a more sophisticated thief than Bulgaria.

                  In the interests of this ridiculous thing they refer to as "european solidarity" they're going to be held ransom by these stupid ugly stepsisters that Macedonia calls neighbours: Greece and her sidekick Bulgaria. Not surprised. Disappointed but not surprised.
                  Last edited by Coolski; 06-25-2012, 08:44 PM.
                  - Секој чоек и нација има можност да успеат колку шо си дозволуваат. Нема изговор.
                  - Every human and nation has the ability to be as great or as weak as they allow themselves to be. No excuses.


                  • chentovist
                    • Feb 2012
                    • 130

                    Originally posted by Coolski View Post
                    Europe knows who the biggest thieves are. The ones that siphoned and dispersed 100s of millions of euros after 2 weeks of membership in the toothless tiger organisation. After 30 years of Greek theft the Eurodreamers have realised that Greece was just a more sophisticated thief than Bulgaria.

                    In the interests of this ridiculous thing they refer to as "european solidarity" they're going to be held ransom by these stupid ugly stepsisters that Macedonia calls neighbours: Greece and her sidekick Bulgaria. Not surprised. Disappointed but not surprised.
                    I think we can add Albania to the list aswell, when it comes to NATO. You can bet that even if Macedonia resolves it's differences with Greece and Bulgaria (highly unlikely), then Albania will enter the fray with it's own demands regarding the Albanians in Macedonia. At the moment, the Bulgars and Shiptars are allowing Greece to keep us out of the EU and NATO.
                    This is why Macedonia needs to explore other options than the EU and NATO.


                    • Coolski
                      • Sep 2008
                      • 747

                      I think you're right about that. Albania and Bulgaria have sat back and let Greece use its spoilt brat status to whine about us. Now that Greece is loosing power it seems that Bulgaria is making its voice heard.
                      - Секој чоек и нација има можност да успеат колку шо си дозволуваат. Нема изговор.
                      - Every human and nation has the ability to be as great or as weak as they allow themselves to be. No excuses.


                      • George S.
                        Senior Member
                        • Aug 2009
                        • 10116

                        Bulgaria Shelves Plans to Join Ailing Euro Bloc

                        Bulgaria Shelves Plans to Join Ailing Euro Bloc

                        By Joe Parkinson

                        SOFIA, Bulgaria—Bulgaria, the European Union's poorest member state and a rare fiscal bright spot for the bloc, has indefinitely frozen long-held plans to adopt the common currency, marking the latest fiscally prudent country to cool its enthusiasm for the embattled currency.

                        Speaking in interviews in Sofia, Prime Minister Boyko Borisov and Finance Minister Simeon Djankov said that the decision to shelve plans to join the currency area, a longtime strategic aim of successive governments in the former communist state, came in response to deteriorating economic conditions and rising uncertainty over the prospects of the bloc, alongside a decisive shift of public opinion in Bulgaria, which is entering its third year of an austerity program.

                        "The momentum has shifted in our thinking and among the public.…Right now, I don't see any benefits of entering the euro zone, only costs," Mr. Djankov said. "The public rightly wants to know who would we have to bail out when we join? It's too risky for us and it's also not certain what the rules are and what are they likely to be in one year or two," he added.

                        Follow every article, blog post, video and tweet on the debt crisis from our reporters across Europe.

                        Europe's debt crisis has caused other fiscally prudent European nations to back away from adopting the currency. Lithuania's prime minister, Andrius Kubilius, last week said his country would join the common currency only when "Europe was ready," signaling that his government's previous enthusiasm has tempered. That followed a statement from Latvian Prime Minister Valdis Dombrovskis that his government would decide on a euro-adoption timetable in the spring of 2013, contrasting with a previous pledge to join in 2014.

                        Bulgaria has won plaudits for successfully reducing its budget deficit to 2.1% of gross domestic product in 2011 by slashing wages and pensions. The economy is stabilized by a currency board that pegs its currency, the lev, to the euro and forces the government to hew to tight policy. After three years of fiscal rigor, Sofia now satisfies all criteria to enter the European exchange-rate mechanism, the final stage before adopting the euro.

                        But Mr. Borisov said concerns had been heightened by growing disputes between European policy makers, some of whom back Germany's call to give priority to fiscal discipline over growth, while others want a more expansionary policy.

                        "I'm certain that we will definitely see a deepening divide in Europe now because many governments are not prepared to stomach the difficult decisions they have to take. It's like a spoilt child who doesn't want to go to the dentist to fix his bad teeth, even though the operation is needed," he said. "This moment is critical for the euro zone and for the EU," he added.

                        Bulgaria's timetable for euro adoption has shifted as Europe's financial crisis has ebbed and flowed. In January 2010, Mr. Borisov said Sofia would formally apply to join the exchange rate mechanism, setting it on course to adopt the currency in 2013. That timetable was pushed back as Europe's malaise deepened, but Finance Minister Djankov had been saying until this summer that Bulgaria remained committed to joining the currency bloc.

                        Mr. Djankov said Bulgaria's economy should still expand by around 1.5% this year, but he warned that the euro zone could face up to five years with "zero growth" if national leaders continue to mull policy responses to the crisis instead of fully backing Germany's call to continue strict fiscal consolidation.

                        On the periphery of the euro zone, but overwhelmingly dependent on the bloc's larger economies for growth, Bulgaria has thus far managed to weather the euro crisis. The economy last year grew by a modest 1.7%; the European Bank for Reconstruction and Development expects that to slow to 1.2% this year. Unemployment has risen to more than 12%, but that is around half the levels in Greece and Spain, while Russian investment in the Black Sea resorts is rising rapidly.

                        In July, when investor sentiment toward the euro zone was less negative, Sofia tapped capital markets, with an oversubscribed five-year €950 million ($1.2 billion) Eurobond.

                        But Bulgaria's exposure to the deteriorating health of the euro zone has been compounded in recent months by mounting problems of other economies on its borders.

                        Neighboring Romania has plunged into political crisis as the government has repeatedly tried to impeach President Traian Basescu on charges of graft. Serbia and Macedonia are reliant on international bailout funding, while Turkey's economy, which grew 9% last year, has slowed sharply, abruptly curtailing a bilateral trade boom.

                        "Bulgaria should successfully balance its budget this year. But everywhere else we look there's economic problems. That still affects us no matter how much hard work we do," Mr. Djankov said.

                        The combined effect means Bulgaria's ruling party, which appeared to defy political gravity by maintaining popularity amid spending cuts, is facing growing pressure.

                        Opinion polls show that Mr. Borisov's GERB party remains the most popular party, but public support has declined significantly in recent months after austerity measures and a lack of significant results in fighting crime and graft. Analysts say that will make it very difficult for Mr. Borisov to form a single-party government at national elections due next year.

                        The ruling party has already survived four parliamentary no-confidence votes since it took power in 2009, with opposition lawmakers failing to topple Mr. Borisov over charges that he failed to reform the inefficient judiciary and combat organized crime and corruption that has stirred concern in Brussels.

                        Write to Joe Parkinson at
                        "Ido not want an uprising of people that would leave me at the first failure, I want revolution with citizens able to bear all the temptations to a prolonged struggle, what, because of the fierce political conditions, will be our guide or cattle to the slaughterhouse"
                        GOTSE DELCEV


                        • VMRO
                          Senior Member
                          • Sep 2008
                          • 1462

                          Anti Macedonian Rosen Plevneliev is Macedonian?

                          Rosen Asenov Plevneliev (Bulgarian: Росен Асенов Плевнелиев; born 14 May 1964) has been President of Bulgaria since January 2012. He was Minister of Regional Development and Public Works from July 2009 to September 2011 as part of the cabinet of Boyko Borisov.[1] In October 2011, Plevneliev was elected as President in a second round of voting; he was inaugurated on 18 January 2012.[2]

                          Rosen Plevneliev was born in Gotse Delchev. He is descended from Bulgarian refugees from southern Macedonia who resettled from today's village of Petrousa in the municipality of Petrotsani in Drama regional unit, Greek Macedonia, in 1913.
                          Verata vo Mislite, VMRO vo dushata, Makedonia vo Srceto.

                          Vnatreshna Makedonska Revolucionerna Organizacija.


                          • George S.
                            Senior Member
                            • Aug 2009
                            • 10116

                            Why bother to call him a maceddonian when he is so anti macedoniam.He seems to be happier being buldarian.
                            What has he done for the macedonians?
                            "Ido not want an uprising of people that would leave me at the first failure, I want revolution with citizens able to bear all the temptations to a prolonged struggle, what, because of the fierce political conditions, will be our guide or cattle to the slaughterhouse"
                            GOTSE DELCEV


                            • VMRO
                              Senior Member
                              • Sep 2008
                              • 1462

                              Originally posted by George S. View Post
                              Why bother to call him a maceddonian when he is so anti macedoniam.He seems to be happier being buldarian.
                              What has he done for the macedonians?
                              You cannot change your background but you can pretend you are something else just as Plevneliev has done.

                              Majority of the refugees from Drama went to Bulgaria, it's sad that the Bulgarianization was successful in so many Macedonians.
                              Verata vo Mislite, VMRO vo dushata, Makedonia vo Srceto.

                              Vnatreshna Makedonska Revolucionerna Organizacija.


                              • Macedonian_Nationalist
                                • Jul 2012
                                • 407

                                He's brainwashed like all the other offspring of the egejski begalci in Bulgaria.

