Macedonia and Bulgaria: Political Relations

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  • DedoAleko
    • Jun 2009
    • 969

    Macedonian-Bulgarian joint celebration of St.Kiril and Metodi

    google translate

    Vlado Kambovski: We accept Bulgarian invitation honoring the Saints Kiril and Methodius

    It takes a joint Bulgarian - Macedonian celebration of the holy Kiril and Methodius because they are not only significant figures for these two countries but also in the Balkans and beyond. So great personalities should celebrate not only when it comes to Macedonia and Bulgaria , but those figures that connect our country and Albania , for example . These are figures from the wider meaning and it should be in the spirit of European integration , said the " Journal " academician Vlado Kambovski , President of the Macedonian Academy of Sciences and Arts .

    Kambovski spoke opposite the first joint celebration of the holy Kiril and Methodius , which will be held on May 11 in Sofia , Bulgaria , where the Macedonian delegation composed of the head of the MOC - OA , Archbishop Stefan, President of the Academy to attend the festivities organized crime the holy brothers . The invitation for a joint celebration in Bulgaria sent the President of the Bulgarian Academy of Sciences , Stephen Vodenicharov . Academics and clerics attended the Divine Liturgy , the Patriarch Neophytus which will serve the church " St. Alexander Nevski " in Sofia .

    Archbishop Stefan , because of unresolved canonical status of the MOC is not invited to sosluzhuva the liturgy , but only you can attend like any other citizen because BOC has canonical communion with the Orthodox Church . Then everyone will move to the Bulgarian Academy of Sciences , which also has a program for the occasion .

    - These are the result of honor with a new spirit and a new stage of integration to which you should strive in the Balkans . We will one day be together in the European Union and therefore have more regional connecting - Kambovski explains .

    He added that such occasions do not need anyone's personality emphasizing that the nation belongs to the people because they respected his work more broadly , many peoples and nations in the world .

    Macedonia and Bulgaria , it is known that every year organize special celebration in Rome , Italy , at the tomb of St. Kiril in honor of the Slavic educators . But state and church delegations celebrations do separately . Macedonian delegation this year will be led by President Ivanov , and MOC will represent the European Metropolitan Pimen .
    - MASA and MOC are institutions that are not part of the state structure . Our joint celebration should be an incentive for states to consider their way of chestvuvavnje - highlight academic Kambovski .

    The idea of ​​a joint Bulgarian - Macedonian Ilinden celebration of other holidays in 2006 was first to promote Buckovski , then as prime minister, together with his Bulgarian counterpart Sergei Stanishev . Buchkovski was convinced that a joint Balkan history can mean a European future .

    - Some mistakenly perceive that the Ilinden if any come together to celebrate , it would grab part of our history . No, on the contrary , it confirmed the independence of the Macedonian people - then declared Buchkovski .

    Then Crvenkovski pleaded against this initiative , although Buchkovski claimed that he and Stanishev will adhere to the idea of the Presidents of the two countries for joint celebration of holidays . Several Macedonian historians then coming out against the idea on the grounds that behind this initiative hide golemobugarskite interests .

    - With regard to significant historical events such as the Ilinden and others, and that in Macedonia and in Bulgaria there are different views , it is historians continue to explore and exchange views . Thus slowly and accounted barriers of ideological and political character and approach to shared honor with - says the president of the Academy , adding that details of the celebration will be announced on Monday .



    • George S.
      Senior Member
      • Aug 2009
      • 10116

      I wouldn't celebrate anything with Bulgarians whils't our brothers in pirin aren't afforded human rights.I don't trust the Bulgarians.Neither should anyone else.The celebrations have serious undertones.
      "Ido not want an uprising of people that would leave me at the first failure, I want revolution with citizens able to bear all the temptations to a prolonged struggle, what, because of the fierce political conditions, will be our guide or cattle to the slaughterhouse"


      • DedoAleko
        • Jun 2009
        • 969

        As starting point, they intend to use the 1999 Declaration for friendship and cooperation, signed by (back then) PMs LjuBco Georgievski and Ivan Kostov.

        Also the newly (re)elected president of RoM G. Ivanov states: " We are ready immediately to sign the declaration from 1999 with Bulgaria". izvor:

        This is an exerpt from the declaration:

        google translate

        " ... 11th Both sides will undertake , encourage and support each other actions that have hostile character .

        Neither side would not allow its territory to be used against the other organizations and groups aimed at committing subversive and separatist activities or actions threatening the peace and security of the other country .

        The two sides have not and will not exhibit territorial claims to each other .

        Macedonia declares that nothing in its Constitution can not and should not be construed to constitute or ever will be the basis for the interference of the Republic of Macedonia in the internal affairs of the Republic of Bulgaria in order to protect the status and rights of persons who are not citizens of the Republic Macedonia .

        Both sides shall take effective measures to prevent nedobro - deliberate propaganda by institutions and agencies will not allow private actions aimed at inciting people to violence , hate or other actions that would harm relations between Macedonia and Bulgaria.
        It was signed in Sofia on 22 February 1999 constitutional languages of both countries and Macedonia , according to the Constitution of the Republic of Macedonia and Bulgaria , according to the Constitution of the Republic of Bulgaria, both texts being equally authentic . "

        Complete text of the Declaration is published by the Macedonian Information Agency ( MIA ) on 02/23/1999 ;

        „...11. Двете страни нема да преземаат, поттикнуваат и поддржуваат една кон друга дејства кои имаат непријателски карактер.
        Ниту една од страните нема да дозволи нејзината територија да биде користена против другата од организации и групи кои имаат за цел извршување субверзивни и сепаратистички дејства или дејства насочени кон загрозување на мирот и безбедноста на другата земја.
        Двете страни немаат и нема да пројавуваат територијални претензии една спрема друга.
        Република Македонија изјавува дека ништо од нејзиниот Устав не може и не треба да се толкува дека претставува или некогаш ќе претставува основа за мешање на Република Македонија во внатрешните работи на Република Бугарија со цел да го заштити статусот и правата на лица кои не се државјани на Република Македонија.
        Двете страни ќе преземаат ефикасни мерки за спречување на недобро-намерната пропаганда од страна на институции и агенции и нема да дозволат активности на приватни лица насочени кон поттикнување на насилство, омраза или други слични дејства кои би наштетиле на односите меѓу Република Македонија и Република Бугарија.
        Декларацијата е потпишана во Софија на 22 февруари 1999 година на уставните јазици на двете земји- македонскиот, согласно Уставот на Република Македонија и бугарски, согласно уставот на Република Бугарија, при што двата текста имаат еднаква важност”.

        Интегралниот текст на Декларацијата е објавен од Македонската информативна агенција (МИА), на 23.02.1999;


        • Vangelovski
          Senior Member
          • Sep 2008
          • 8533

          Idiot Macedonians.
          If my people who are called by my name will humble themselves and pray and seek my face and turn from their wicked ways, I will hear from heaven and will forgive their sins and restore their land. 2 Chronicles 7:14

          The Revolution was in the minds and hearts of the people; a change in their religious sentiments, of their duties and obligations...This radical change in the principles, opinions, sentiments, and affections of the people was the real American Revolution. John Adams


          • Vangelovski
            Senior Member
            • Sep 2008
            • 8533

            Joint Macedonian-Bulgarian Celebrations

            What joke. Joint celebrations of Macedonian historical figures, Stefan was only allowed to attend as a "guest" and all of this supposedly made it a non-political event.


            Bulgaria, Macedonia Tackle Tensions With Religious Celebration

            The Macedonian and Bulgarian academies of sciences and churches held their first joint celebration of Saints Cyril and Methodius in a bid to end decades of non-cooperation.

            The joint celebrations dedicated to the saints widely regarded as the fathers of Slavic literary culture took place on Sunday in Sofia, coming at a time when the two countries' political ties remain strained.

            The head of the Bulgarian academy of science, Stefan Vodenicharov, and his Macedonian counterpart, Vlado Kambovski, laid wreaths at the monument to Cyril and Methodius outside Bulgaria's National Library in Sofia.

            “Science is an independent field and should not be affected by political affairs,” Vodenicharov said.

            Kambovski added that the “negative energy” that exists between the two countries “should be transformed into a constructive force while Macedonia and Bulgaria jointly integrate into the European Union”.

            The two academies made their first official contacts last year after decades of non-cooperation. The two sides agreed to work together on some 40 scientific projects, 30 of which have already begun.

            The next joint event will come at the end of May when the Macedonian academy will organize the Days of the Bulgarian Academy of Sciences in Skopje. A similar event is planned for the Macedonian academics in Sofia in the second half of this year.

            Also present at the celebration in Sofia was the head of the Macedonian Orthodox Church, Archbishop Stefan, who attended a mass celebrated by Patriarch Neofit, the head of the Bulgarian Church in Sofia's Alexander Nevski church.

            Stefan was there only as spectator because the Bulgarian church does not recognize Macedonia's religious institution as independent, taking the side of the Serbian Church.

            The Macedonian church proclaimed independence, or so-called ‘authocephaliy’, in 1967, but the Serbian Church declared this move uncanonical, and was supported in this by the other Orthodox Churches, which is why the Macedonian Church remains unrecognized to this day.

            However, Stefan said his Bulgarian counterparts had done everything to make his attendance at the mass a pleasant one.

            The celebration, which is observed as national holiday in both countries, was the first joint event of its kind. In previous years, both countries’ state and religious delegations held separate observations at St Cyril’s tomb in Rome.

            The development came amid continuing strained political ties between the two neighbours.

            In December 2012, in Brussels, Bulgaria joined Greece in preventing Macedonia from obtaining a start date for EU accession talks.

            While Greece justified its blockade on the grounds of the bilateral dispute over Macedonia's name, Bulgaria said it could not support a country that had failed to nurture neighbourly relations.

            Bulgaria said it objected to what it saw as discriminatory attitudes towards ethnic Bulgarians in Macedonia, accusing Skopje of fomenting an anti-Bulgarian atmosphere.

            Since then both sides have set up political work groups and launched negotiations, expected to result in the signing of a ‘friendship treaty’. Both countries have also pledged to boost economic ties.

            In contrast to Macedonia’s strained ties to Greece, marred by the longstanding dispute over Macedonia’s name, Bulgaria and Macedonia had relatively friendly relations in the past.

            Bulgaria was the first country to recognize Macedonia when it proclaimed independence from Yugoslavia in 1991. Moreover, Sofia, unlike Athens, recognises its neighbour under its constitutional name, the “Republic of Macedonia”.

            On the other hand, Sofia is reluctant to recognise the existence of a Macedonian language, separate from Bulgarian, and many Bulgarian historians still maintain that Macedonians are ethnic Bulgarians.

            Bulgaria also does not recognize the existence of a Macedonian minority in southwest Bulgaria, though Macedonia reluctantly admits that there are people with a Bulgarian identity in Macedonia.
            If my people who are called by my name will humble themselves and pray and seek my face and turn from their wicked ways, I will hear from heaven and will forgive their sins and restore their land. 2 Chronicles 7:14

            The Revolution was in the minds and hearts of the people; a change in their religious sentiments, of their duties and obligations...This radical change in the principles, opinions, sentiments, and affections of the people was the real American Revolution. John Adams


            • julie
              Senior Member
              • May 2009
              • 3869

              Stefan should not have attended, his attendance as a "guest" made it on the contrary a political event. His presence as such shows he acquiesces.
              "The moral revolution - the revolution of the mind, heart and soul of an enslaved people, is our greatest task."__________________Gotse Delchev


              • George S.
                Senior Member
                • Aug 2009
                • 10116

                its a trick to get Macedonia involved in the eventiual demise.The Bulgarians are very smart they are trying to trick Macedonia that they are celebrating something when the Bulgarians consider it as Bulgarian.Very sneaky if you ask me.Only poor deluded fools fall for this one.
                "Ido not want an uprising of people that would leave me at the first failure, I want revolution with citizens able to bear all the temptations to a prolonged struggle, what, because of the fierce political conditions, will be our guide or cattle to the slaughterhouse"
                GOTSE DELCEV


                • Tomche Makedonche
                  Senior Member
                  • Oct 2011
                  • 1123


                  Macedonian Journalist Boasts of 'Destroying Bulgarian Monument

                  A Macedonian journalist has vandalized a Bulgarian memorial plaque by smashing it into pieces it with a hammer, sparking outrage among some Bulgarian politicians, media, and historians.

                  The development seems to have occurred in the early afternoon of Thursday, September 22 - the day Buglaria celebrates its independence.

                  The man claims the plaque was placed "illegally" on the summit, unlike the ones commemorating the participation of Greek and Serbian troops and an older one of Bulgaria approved by the Macedonian government.

                  His words cannot be independently verified, as some Macedonian and Bulgarian media claimed earlier that the plaque had been removed prior to the arrival of a Serbian delegation that had arrived a few days earlier to pay homage to the Serbian troops who perished on the summit.

                  Kaimakchalan, a peak serving as a border between Greece and Macedonia, is known for a historic battle between Bulgarian and Serbian troops in the First World War in which some 8500 Bulgarian and Serbian soldiers are estimated to have died.

                  Bulgarian troops lost, but some historians in the country have described the battle as an act of unconditional bravery. A memorial plaque was put up earlier this year by a group of soldiers on their own initiative, purportedly without Macedonia's approval. Skopje had not undertaken any official reaction about the monument before the moment of destruction.

                  Two days before the incident, an homage to the fallen soldiers was held on Kaimakchalan, with Chief of Defense Gen Konstanin Popov and a parliamentary delegation attending.

                  Milenko Nedelkovski, 59, has posted several pictures on Facebook showing his actions.

                  One of them reads:

                  "Kaimakchalan, today September 22, 2016, between 13:00 and 14:30. Mission successfully accomplished. The concrete plaque unlawfully placed by a group of Bulgarian criminals has been completely destroyed and turned into dust."

                  Another post, dated a day later (September 23), says that "the legally and long ago placed Bulgarian monument/obelisk stays with its flowers and wreaths (in the background [of the photo]. There is also a Greek (on the Greek side) and a Serbian monument, legally approved and placed."

                  In another Facebook post, he has offered the tool used to destroy the plaque "for sale" by putting on a picture of it a price tag, the price itself being in the Bulgaria, currency, the lev (BGN). Offensive comments about Bulgarians, whom he refers to as "Tatars", follow suit, opening the floodgates of angry comments and threats from Bulgarian social media users.

                  Nedelkovski is known as a staunch supporter of VMRO-DPMNE party, which has dominated Macedonian politics since the mid-2000s, and of its leader and former Prime Minister Nikola Gruevski.

                  He is also known for acts of hate speech on numerous issues, having triggered warnings from an OSCE mission (in March 2015) and from the Helskini Committee-run anti-hate speech platform which urged criminal proceedings against him in April of this year for his comments on other journalists, civic activitsts, or minority groups.

                  In 2008, he was sentenced to two years of imprisonment for issuing fake US visas to 22 Macedonian nationals. However, the ruling was later changed to a suspended sentence.
                  Infomax, a supposedly pro-government news website, has hailed him [MK] as a "patriot" who acts "not [just] on the keyboard".

                  In Bulgaria, the opposition Bulgarian Socialist Party (BSP) has raised its indignation.

                  It has submitted to Parliament a question to Bulgarian Foreign Minister Daniel Mitov, asking whether Bulgarian authorities will react to the development.

                  The BSP has lashed out at Nedelkovski for his "rude and unworthy" actions.

                  The Patriotic Front's presidential candidate, Krasimir Karachanov, has sent a letter to the Macedonian head of state calling on him to condemn the "insult to perished soldiers".
                  “There’s a time when the operation of the machine becomes so odious, makes you so sick at heart, that you can’t take part, you can’t even passively take part, and you’ve got to put your bodies upon the gears and upon the wheels, upon the levers, upon all the apparatus and you’ve got to make it stop, and you’ve got to indicate to the people who run it, to the people who own it, that unless you’re free, the machine will be prevented from working at all” - Mario Savio


                  • Tomche Makedonche
                    Senior Member
                    • Oct 2011
                    • 1123

                    War Memorial's Demolition in Macedonia Outrages Bulgaria

                    Bulgarian politicians and experts have reacted with indignation after a Macedonian journalist smashed a memorial to their wartime dead to smithereens.

                    Outraged Bulgarians have accused Macedonia's former prime minister of sponsoring the destruction of a mountain-top memorial to Bulgarian soldiers who there died in World War I.

                    “We are witnessing a trend in which [Macedonia’s former prime minister and leader of its ruling VMRO DPMNE party] Nikola Gruevski is using provocations against Bulgaria to present himself as the sole defender of Macedonian identity,” Andrey Kovachev, Bulgarian MEP and member of Bulgaria’s ruling GERB party, told Focus radio on Monday.

                    He warned that this would “not help Macedonian citizens in their faster integration into the EU and NATO”, accusing Macedonia’s politicians of inciting hatred against its neighbours.

                    Kovachev spoke following the destruction by a Macedonian journalist of a monument on the Macedonian peak of Kaymakchalan.

                    The memorial plaque was put up earlier in 2016 in honour of the thousands of Bulgarian soldiers who died there in a historic battle during the First World War.

                    The plaque was smashed to pieces with a hammer by a controversial Macedonian talk-show host, Milenko Nedelkovski, famous for his support of the country’s embattled ruling VMRO-DPMNE party.

                    Milenkovski posted pictures and videos of himself destroying the monument on his Facebook page on September 22, Bulgaria’s Independence Day, claiming it was put there by “a group of Bulgarian criminals”.

                    The plaque was put up few months earlier on the initiative of Bulgarian soldiers.

                    Asked by the Bulgarian government to disassociate itself from Nedelkovski’s act, the Macedonian Foreign Ministry on Sunday published its official position in which it declared the erection of the monument an illegal act.

                    “We expect our Bulgarian friends to respect the internationally recognized procedures for erecting memorials,” it said.

                    Earlier on Saturday, Bulgaria’s Prime Minister, Boyko Borissov, also demanded a reaction from the Macedonian authorities, warning that if they do not take measures against such acts, “they will not receive any help [from Bulgaria] when they expect it the most.

                    “Is this what the Bulgarians deserve for treating them like brothers ... Does this help our friendship, or the integration of Macedonia in the EU? Tomorrow we will have to vote for it, won’t we?”, Borissov said, hinting that Macedonia may lose Bulgaria’s support for its admittedly already stalled EU accession bid.

                    Politicians, diplomats and other public figures joined in expressions of public outrage over the demolition of the monument.

                    Bozhidar Dimitrov, director of Bulgaria’s National Museum of History, vowed that the institution would restore the war memorial, together with three others in Macedonia.

                    He told BIRN on Monday that he would seek support from the Bulgarian Foreign Ministry so that all official procedures are respected.

                    “This is one of many provocations done with the protection of the [Macedonian] government”, he said, calling the act “inhumane”.

                    Vladimir Yonchev, a Bulgarian journalist who visited the site after the memorial was destroyed, told BIRN that he hoped the incident does not lead to a spiral of hate between Bulgaria and Macedonia.

                    “On both sides we are quite short-tempered. But this is not what people want. What Bulgarians, Macedonians, Serbians need to do is to show some respect for the deceased,” he said.

                    The peak on the border between Greece and Macedonia was the site of a major battle in World War between Serbian and Bulgarian forces.

                    Serbia obtained the whole of the territory of the present-day Republic of Macedonia as a result of the Balkan Wars of 1912-13 - but Sofia claimed most of the territory should have gone to Bulgaria and occupied it after the outbreak of World War I in 1914.
                    “There’s a time when the operation of the machine becomes so odious, makes you so sick at heart, that you can’t take part, you can’t even passively take part, and you’ve got to put your bodies upon the gears and upon the wheels, upon the levers, upon all the apparatus and you’ve got to make it stop, and you’ve got to indicate to the people who run it, to the people who own it, that unless you’re free, the machine will be prevented from working at all” - Mario Savio


                    • Tomche Makedonche
                      Senior Member
                      • Oct 2011
                      • 1123

                      Bulgaria's top immigrant hunter threatens Nedelkovski over Kajmakcalan

                      "Bulgaria Today" reports its famous immigrant hunter Dinko Velev has threatened to hunt down top Macedonian journalist Milenko Nedelkovski and break his car with a hammer, the same way Nedelkovski disposed of the illegal monument erected by Bulgarian soldiers on top of mountain Kajmakcalan, on Macedonian territory.

                      To remind our readers, nearly a week ago, about 6 Bulgarian soldiers dressed in civilian clothing crossed onto Macedonian territory from Greece and placed a monument-like platform dedicated to Bulgarian soldiers killed on the mountain in 1916. Once the soldiers crossed on Macedonian territory, they changed into military fatigue and took selfies standing next to the monument. Instead of punishment by official Sofia and apologizing for their act of stupidity and the obvious provocation, Bulgaria's Defense Minister congratulated his clothe-changing tourists on their "bravery".

                      There was no official condemnation from Macedonia, the Government being in an election-mode (and a bit spineless) did not issue any sort of communique condemning the provocation from Sofia.

                      Nedelkovski who was already ultra popular in the country as it is, decided to take matters in his own hands (literally), drove to the top of Kajmakcalan with his crew and with a massive hammer demolished the illegal Bulgarian 'monument'.

                      To quote Nedelkovski: What I can't understand, is why did they not put their so called monument 5 meters to the left, in Greece, why did they have to cross into Macedonia? If our Government won't do anything, I will, not to earn some points, I am not running for president, I did it so I and the rest of the Macedonians feel good, besides, we won't allow this type of nonsense.

                      We couldn't have said it better.

                      Returning to Dinko Velev, a Bulgarian criminal who has spent time in jail and is most recently known for hunting illegal migrants with a rifle (which drew condemnation from the EU), Bulgaria Today reports he will go in Macedonia, visit Nedelkovski's house, break his vehicle with a hammer and film the entire thing.

                      Yes, Good luck with that!

                      The paper also reports that Nedelkovski 'act of vandalism' will be very costly for Macedonia, as now official Sofia will not back Macedonia EU integration - as irony would have it, such a move by Sofia will be seen more as a favor by most Macedonians, not as an obstruction! //Gorazd Velkovski
                      “There’s a time when the operation of the machine becomes so odious, makes you so sick at heart, that you can’t take part, you can’t even passively take part, and you’ve got to put your bodies upon the gears and upon the wheels, upon the levers, upon all the apparatus and you’ve got to make it stop, and you’ve got to indicate to the people who run it, to the people who own it, that unless you’re free, the machine will be prevented from working at all” - Mario Savio


                      • vicsinad
                        Senior Member
                        • May 2011
                        • 2337

                        Originally posted by Tomche Makedonche View Post

                        Bulgaria's top immigrant hunter threatens Nedelkovski over Kajmakcalan

                        "Bulgaria Today" reports its famous immigrant hunter Dinko Velev has threatened to hunt down top Macedonian journalist Milenko Nedelkovski and break his car with a hammer, the same way Nedelkovski disposed of the illegal monument erected by Bulgarian soldiers on top of mountain Kajmakcalan, on Macedonian territory.

                        To remind our readers, nearly a week ago, about 6 Bulgarian soldiers dressed in civilian clothing crossed onto Macedonian territory from Greece and placed a monument-like platform dedicated to Bulgarian soldiers killed on the mountain in 1916. Once the soldiers crossed on Macedonian territory, they changed into military fatigue and took selfies standing next to the monument. Instead of punishment by official Sofia and apologizing for their act of stupidity and the obvious provocation, Bulgaria's Defense Minister congratulated his clothe-changing tourists on their "bravery".

                        There was no official condemnation from Macedonia, the Government being in an election-mode (and a bit spineless) did not issue any sort of communique condemning the provocation from Sofia.

                        Nedelkovski who was already ultra popular in the country as it is, decided to take matters in his own hands (literally), drove to the top of Kajmakcalan with his crew and with a massive hammer demolished the illegal Bulgarian 'monument'.

                        To quote Nedelkovski: What I can't understand, is why did they not put their so called monument 5 meters to the left, in Greece, why did they have to cross into Macedonia? If our Government won't do anything, I will, not to earn some points, I am not running for president, I did it so I and the rest of the Macedonians feel good, besides, we won't allow this type of nonsense.

                        We couldn't have said it better.

                        Returning to Dinko Velev, a Bulgarian criminal who has spent time in jail and is most recently known for hunting illegal migrants with a rifle (which drew condemnation from the EU), Bulgaria Today reports he will go in Macedonia, visit Nedelkovski's house, break his vehicle with a hammer and film the entire thing.
                        Perhaps he could have just removed the monument without destroying it. Then again, Macedonians have been too soft for too long when it comes to these matters.


                        • Odi Zvezdo
                          Junior Member
                          • Apr 2016
                          • 63

                          Originally posted by vicsinad View Post
                          Perhaps he could have just removed the monument without destroying it. Then again, Macedonians have been too soft for too long when it comes to these matters.
                          You think Vic??? If this was an Albanian monument in Western Macedonia would he have done it??


                          • vicsinad
                            Senior Member
                            • May 2011
                            • 2337

                            Originally posted by Odi Zvezdo View Post
                            If this was an Albanian monument in Western Macedonia would he have done it??
                            He hasn't so far.


                            • Tomche Makedonche
                              Senior Member
                              • Oct 2011
                              • 1123

                              Bulgarian migrant hunter Dinko Valev arrested at Macedonian border

                              The synonym for Bulgaria, Dinko Valev who put Macedonia's eastern neighbor on the map after he was shown on BBC 'hunting' illegal migrants with a rifle, recently entered into a conflict with Macedonian journalist Milenko Nedelkovski who with his crew demolished and removed an illegally erected Bulgarian monument on Macedonian territory.

                              Dinko Valev had a similar monument as the one that was removed by Nedelkovski in the trunk of his vehicle when he was stopped by Macedonian customs official.

                              Shortly after he was stopped, MINA finds the Bulgarian national started filming Macedonian customs officials after which he was arrested.
                              “There’s a time when the operation of the machine becomes so odious, makes you so sick at heart, that you can’t take part, you can’t even passively take part, and you’ve got to put your bodies upon the gears and upon the wheels, upon the levers, upon all the apparatus and you’ve got to make it stop, and you’ve got to indicate to the people who run it, to the people who own it, that unless you’re free, the machine will be prevented from working at all” - Mario Savio


                              • DraganOfStip
                                Senior Member
                                • Aug 2011
                                • 1253

                                Originally posted by Odi Zvezdo View Post
                                If this was an Albanian monument in Western Macedonia would he have done it??
                                Plenty of those not only in western Macedonia but also in the Skopje & Kumanovo area commemorating and celebrating not only Albanian national symbols but also terrorists of the 2001 conflict.
                                I guess it is easy to destroy a monument when the one who erected it isn't in your back yard.
                                Nonetheless, I commend Milenko for this action.
                                ”A people that elect corrupt politicians, imposters, thieves and traitors are not victims... but accomplices”
                                ― George Orwell

