Macedonia and Bulgaria: Political Relations

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  • Jankovska
    Senior Member
    • Sep 2008
    • 1774

    Originally posted by NikodimMKD View Post
    This is all part of Bulgarian irredentism and their plans for total annexation of the republic of Macedonia.

    I guess it's good to have dreams as long as you are ok that some will never come true.


    • The LION will ROAR
      Senior Member
      • Jan 2009
      • 3231

      So by Bozhidar Dimitrov Estimation....
      And by my Calculations…?
      Excluding all the minorities in Macedonia which leaves 1.4 Million who are repressed by Skopje....? WTF....
      So every single person who say that are Macedonians are repressed by calling themselves Bulgarians…....
      Oh maybe one person is repressing the whole nations..
      Do anyone take this clown seriously..?

      Message to BOZO Dimitrov thanks for your comments..just makes you look like a fool and for the rest of Bulgaria
      The Macedonians originates it, the Bulgarians imitate it and the Greeks exploit it!


      • Risto the Great
        Senior Member
        • Sep 2008
        • 15660

        Anyone get the impression the Bulgarians are feeling a little left out compared to the Greeks lately?
        Risto the Great
        "Holding my breath for the revolution."

        Hey, I wrote a bestseller. Check it out:


        • Dejan
          • Sep 2008
          • 591

          I don't know why the Macedonian media give him the time of day. Sounds like they must be bored over in tatar land
          You want Macedonia? Come and take it from my blood!

          A prosperous, independent and free Macedonia for Macedonians will be the ultimate revenge to our enemies.


          • indigen
            Senior Member
            • May 2009
            • 1558

            SMK: Ni Sveti Spas ne ja lechi bolnata Bugarija!

            12 август 2009 година, Скопје, Македонија

            Last edited by indigen; 10-27-2011, 05:36 PM. Reason: needs to be deleted


            • indigen
              Senior Member
              • May 2009
              • 1558

              Bozhidar Dimitrov: Bulgarians' land of origin was in Altai [Mongolia]

              Bozhidar Dimitrov: Bulgarians' land of origin was in the highland regions of Altai [Mongolia]
              Extract from the book "Bulgaria Illustrated History"
              by Bojidar Dimitrov

              The origin and the homeland of the Bulgarian tribes have been an object of
              both past and present study and research..The scarcity of clear and reliable
              sources could hardly be expected to be made up for.

              There is still one fool-proof fact which is that the Bulgarians' land of
              origin was in the highland regions of Altai in Siberia

              Their language is related to the so-called Turko-Altai group. In other
              words, the Bulgarians belong to the same ethnolingual group as the Huns, the
              Avars, the Pechenegs and the Cumans, i.e., the peoples, parts of which are
              to flow into the Bulgarian nation between the 7th and 14th centuries.
              Extract from the book "Bulgaria Illustrated History" by Bojidar Dimitrov,
              C Maria Nikolova, Translator
              Published by BORIANA Publishing House, Sofia,Bulgaria


              Some Altai links:

              The Altai Mountains of Mongolia, Kazakhstan and Russia

              Altai mountains are mostly in Mongolia, Kazakhstan and Russia, with some parts in North-Western China. The main sub-divisions of these mountains are Altai, Gobi Altai, and Mongol Altai. The highest ranges include the Katyun, and the Northern Chui and the Southern Chui range. The highest peak is Mt. Belukha, at 4506 metres. The northern steppe known as the Chui Steppe is spread between some ridges of lower Altai. The mountains constitute an important Asian watershed and are a source of some major Siberian rivers such as Ob, Irtysh and Yenisei. It might be mentioned here that there is a Chui valley in Kirgizia also, and that river Yenisei is the location of earliest Kyrgyz peoples. (There are several place names in Central Asia which repeat themselves. For example Aksai is a common place name in Tien-Shan, and Aksai-Chin is a portion of India in Kashmir. There is a Kyzyl in Russia, a Kyzyl Orda in the Kazakh steppe and a Kyzyl Kia too.) There are more than 3500 lakes in the Altai mountains, the big ones being Teletskoe and Marka-kol. There are many peaks higher than 4000 metres here. Minor rivers include Katuns, Chuya, Bukhtarma and Biya. There are some large glaciers in the Altai, but not so large as the ones located in the Tien-Shan.

              Last edited by indigen; 08-12-2009, 09:36 PM.


              • indigen
                Senior Member
                • May 2009
                • 1558

                The Turko-Mongol look of REAL BULGARS - Mongoloid!

                Victorious Bulgar warrior with captive, featured on the ewer from the Treasure of Nagy Szent Miklos.[7]


                • indigen
                  Senior Member
                  • May 2009
                  • 1558

                  Jordanes' description of the Huns, Brothers of the Bulgars:

                  Jordanes' description of the Huns, Brothers of the Bulgars:

                  "...a stunted, foul and puny tribe, scarcely human, and having no language
                  save one which bore but slight resemblance to human speech. Such was the
                  descent of the Huns...

                  ...This cruel tribe, as Priscus the historian relates, settled on the
                  farther bank of the Maeotic swamp. They were fond of hunting and had
                  no skill in any other art. After they had grown to a nation, they disturbed
                  the peace of neighboring races by theft and rapine...

                  ...Now in my opinion the evil spirits, from whom the Huns are descended...

                  ...As many as they captured, when they thus entered Scythia for the first
                  time, they sacrificed to Victory. The remainder they conquered and made
                  subject to themselves. (126) Like a whirlwind of nations they swept across
                  the great swamp and at once fell upon the Alpidzuri, Alcildzuri, Itimari,
                  Tuncarsi and Boisci, who bordered on that part of Scythia. The Alani also,
                  who were their equals in battle, but unlike them in civilization, manners
                  and appearance, they exhausted by their incessant attacks and subdued. (127)
                  For by the terror of their features they inspired great fear in those whom
                  perhaps they did not really surpass in war...

                  THEIR FEATURES WERE:

                  "...They made their foes flee in horror because THEIR SWARTHY ASPECT WAS
                  FEARFUL, and they had, if I may call it so, a sort of shapeless lump, not a
                  head, with pin-holes rather than eyes. Their hardihood is evident in their
                  wild appearance, and they are beings who are cruel to their children on the
                  very day they are born. For they cut the cheeks of the males with a sword,
                  so that before they receive the nourishment of milk they must learn to
                  endure wounds. (128) Hence they grow old beardless and their young men are
                  without comeliness, because a face furrowed by the sword spoils by its scars
                  the natural beauty of a beard. They are short in stature, quick in bodily
                  movement, alert horsemen, broad shouldered, ready in the use of bow and
                  arrow, and have firm-set necks which are ever erect in pride. Though they
                  live in the form of men, they have the cruelty of wild beasts...."


                  • Risto the Great
                    Senior Member
                    • Sep 2008
                    • 15660

                    Bozhidar, please explain how these donkey lovers (Bulgarians) learned how to speak Macedonian.
                    Risto the Great
                    "Holding my breath for the revolution."

                    Hey, I wrote a bestseller. Check it out:


                    • indigen
                      Senior Member
                      • May 2009
                      • 1558

                      Kako bugaromanite od BND lovat makedonski dushi

                      Subject: Kako bugaromanite od BND lovat makedonski dushi

                      Slednovo e isprateno na eden bugaromanski forum od eden od mladite aktivisti
                      na BND. Makedoncite treba da im posvetat vnimanie na detalite koi nesvesno
                      se izvedeni na videlo od ovoj bugarski aktivist/agent (The following was posted
                      on a bugaroman forum by one of the BND youth activists and Macedonians
                      should pay attention to the inadvertent details that have been spilled by this fellow):

                      Da kazhime i toa deka na vakvi slichni nachini se pretvoreni i mnozinstvoto
                      makedonski bugaromani i vo vremeto na Egzarhijata vo Makedonija.

                      Sledi raspravijata pomegju bugaromanite:

                      "....More will be applying for Bulgarian citizenship, Boris... (by Slivenski
                      (no login))

                      I know a handsome number of students from Macedonia matriculating at
                      the Bulgarian universities.

                      Young people, still capable of being influenced, if not yet deeply
                      venomed with some Macedonist indoctrination.It seems to me that at
                      least 70% of them are latent Bulgars.

                      All they need is reading books,a proper patriotic environment and a
                      further stay in the country lasting half a decade.

                      You know what I like most about the Macedonian students? The progress
                      Bulgaria is stalking doesn't remain unnoticed by them, Bulgaria makes
                      a huge impression on them, they do realise that the stuff written in
                      their history textbooks is far from the truth, which brings up the
                      simple question WHY? Well,give them time to find the answers. And
                      something else of import-they prefer Bulgaria to Yugoslavia in regard
                      with education holidays, concerts and whatever else you come up with.

                      We need to build up a sternly pro-Bulgarian group from RoMacedonia,
                      they will serve our interests very, very soon.

                      Posted on Dec 11, 2002
                      from IP address"

                      "....Tonko.... (by Slivenets (no login))

                      >>>>Should I also mention that my VMRO-Youth mentors prescribe an
                      attitude towards any Macedonian citizen in Bulgaria similar to that
                      of Boris?<<<<
                      [NB: They have MENTORS TO TRAIN and politicise their activists to
                      come after Macedonians! This is another reason why one sees
                      Tataroman agents prowling through Macedonian forums with great
                      eagerness and dedication over the past decade or more]

                      >>>>Patience, gradual exposure of the propaganda, kindness, but never
                      excessive compliance and needless compromises.<<<<

                      >>>>We're after them, Tonko, and we know how to get them.<<<<

                      Posted on Dec 11, 2002
                      from IP address
                      Last edited by indigen; 01-13-2012, 06:03 PM.


                      • indigen
                        Senior Member
                        • May 2009
                        • 1558

                        Good collection of quotes/articles to feed the Tataromani (In various languages)

                        Specijalno za Radko_096:

                        Misirkov [Forum login ID of a Mak patriot]
                        Radko_096: velis deka bugarite bile tatari a? a od kade ti takva informacija?


                        KLIKNI TUKA DA VIDIS KAKO PRETSEDATELOT NA BUGARIJA PETAR STOJANOV GI PRECEKUVA TATARITE NA "ISTORISKATA SREDBA" NA TOJ, SPOED SITE NIV, IST NAROD: ****** ***** *** ** * Булгары - предки TATAP "Мы - БУЛГАРЫ. Мы - блоковские скифы. Творцы легенд. И сами полумифы." (Н.Беляев, "Казанская тетрадь")

                        BULGARIA - A BRIEF HISTORY ONLINE by Dimiter Markovski (Bulgarian Academy of Sciences - BAN) "...THE PROTO-BULGARIAN ETHNOS...they belonged to the TURKIC ETHNO-LINGUISTIC GROUP and were kindred in tongue to the Huns, Khazars and Avars..." "...Banner of the Proto-Bulgarian troops consisted of horse's tail attached to a spear..." "...The totemistic religion of the Proto-Bulgarians held the horse a sacred animal. The banner of the Proto-Bulgarian troops consisted of a horse's tail attached to a spearhead. During the pagan years of the Bulgarian state the standard of the Bulgarian rulers remained the same..." "...Historical continuity between Bulgars and Tatars...low foreheaded Mongoloid component..." ********** ******** ****** ***** **** *** ** * KOI SE BUGARITE SPORED ISTORICAROT STOYAN CHRISTOWE: "...A couple of centuries before that, in the year 675, to be precise...there arrived in the Balkans, on the northern bank of the Danube, a tribe of fourty thousand ferocious looking barbarians (Bolgari). Their leader was a young man named Asparuch. These savage tribesman, with shaven heads, except for a tuft of hair on the top, lined themselves up on the bank of the great river and watched it flow toward the Black Sea... ...These slanty-eyed, fierce looking Bulgars, who carried the horse-tail all over the time became absorbed by the native population. There is now no trace of their own (Bulgarian) tongue, but they gave their name to the country and people whose culture and language they adopted. For many generations the Bulgarians have been regarded as a Slavic people, but even meets a man or a woman with Asparuch's mongolian features. To induce Khan Asparuch to keep the odious horse tail far from Constantinople, the emperor paid annual tribute to the Bulgar Khan and sent him fair wenches and other costly gifts.... The Emperor knew that the women of these savage Bulgars were coarse and unkept, while the ladies of the Bosphorous had soft, velvet eyes and profiles... ...By the end of the fourteenth century the last vestige of Bulgar independence had disappeared. The Turkish crescent on its field of red was lifted wherever had stood the pole with the horse-tail..."
                        Golemiot britanski filozof i opstestvenik ROGER BACON pisuva vo svoeto kapitalno delo "Opus Magnum" vo 13 vek: "...Further on, beyond Etilia, the Kuman principality borders on the north with Great Bolgaria, where the Bolgars come from, who live between Constantinople, Hungary and Slavonia. Small Bolgaria is in Europe and there they speak in the language of the Bolgars who live in Great Bolgaria, which is in Asia..."


                        • Risto the Great
                          Senior Member
                          • Sep 2008
                          • 15660

                          Indigen, Spolaj Ti.
                          The Bulgarians are lost, they claim Macedonians (now) but forget their Tartaric roots.
                          Risto the Great
                          "Holding my breath for the revolution."

                          Hey, I wrote a bestseller. Check it out:


                          • voden-lerin
                            Junior Member
                            • May 2009
                            • 28

                            B.Dimitrov ke gi pobugarchuval i zatvorenicite od zatvorot>idrizovo>


                            • Soldier of Macedon
                              Senior Member
                              • Sep 2008
                              • 13675

                              Bozhidar Dimitrov is a laughing stock in and out of Bulgaria, nobody really takes him seriously apart from his idiot boyfriend Karakachanov.
                              In the name of the blood and the sun, the dagger and the gun, Christ protect this soldier, a lion and a Macedonian.


                              • Eddie_rebel
                                • Nov 2009
                                • 140

                                Димитров напиша книга со десетте лаги на македонизмот, ама нашата антипропаганда најде дури 18 лаги на бугаризмот :-P

