Macedonia and Bulgaria: Political Relations

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  • maco2envy
    • Jan 2015
    • 288

    The Macedonians should take the Bulgars to the Hague court. These are simply breaches of human rights.


    • Risto the Great
      Senior Member
      • Sep 2008
      • 15660

      Could the nation devolve even further?
      I think so.
      Risto the Great
      "Holding my breath for the revolution."

      Hey, I wrote a bestseller. Check it out:


      • Carlin
        Senior Member
        • Dec 2011
        • 3332

        Фокусот на Администрацијата на Трамп на решавање економски прашања на Балканот и замижувањето кон политичките, придонесе за влошување на односите меѓу некои земји уште од времето на војните пред две децении, објави синоќа Форин полиси. Во анализата насловена „Како Трамп го изгуби Балканот“, од Едвард Џозеф, професор по менаџмент на…

        Форин полиси: Непростлив е молкот на САД околу заканите на Бугарија кон С. Македонија

        Фокусот на Администрацијата на Трамп на решавање економски прашања на Балканот и замижувањето кон политичките, придонесе за влошување на односите меѓу некои земји уште од времето на војните пред две децении, објави синоќа Форин полиси.

        Во анализата насловена „Како Трамп го изгуби Балканот“, од Едвард Џозеф, професор по менаџмент на конфликти во универзитетот „Џон Хопкинс“ во Вашингтон, се истакнува случајот со можната блокада на ЕУ интеграциите на Северна Македонија од страна на Бугарија „поради идентитетски прашања“.

        Администрацијата на претседателот Доналд Трамп се фокусира само на економски а покажува презир кон политичките прашања, стои во анализата.


        • Soldier of Macedon
          Senior Member
          • Sep 2008
          • 13675

          This is an article from about a week ago.

          Bulgaria threatens to veto North Macedonia’s EU talks

          Sofia says it wants language and history disputes resolved but Skopje warns EU success could turn to failure. Bulgaria said it will veto the formal launch of EU accession talks with North Macedonia unless its concerns about language and history are taken into account, diplomats said after a meeting of EU ambassadors on Wednesday. One diplomat who took part in the meeting said the Bulgarian representative gave “a very long and emotional speech” on the topic. The ambassadors were having their first discussion on the framework for negotiations with Albania and North Macedonia that was put forward by the European Commission last summer. Once the member states have backed the framework, the presidency of the Council of the EU, currently held by Germany, will present the so-called “agreed General EU Position” to the two countries hoping to join the bloc, marking the formal start of accession negotiations. It was expected that the EU’s support for the negotiating framework would be signed off at a ministerial meeting of the General Affairs Council on November 10 — but Sofia could derail those plans. Opening talks with the two Balkan countries has already been difficult as North Macedonia and Greece first had to resolve a near 30-year-long dispute over the former’s name. An agreement between the two was ratified last year, paving the way for Skopje’s NATO accession. Another obstacle appeared when France led a group of capitals pushing for a change in the way countries join the bloc. At a meeting of EU leaders last October, France blocked approval of the opening of the accession talks with both countries. Approval was granted in March after a compromise was found that included revamping the accession process. The discussion among ambassadors on Wednesday was mainly about this new methodology, with some member states having doubts about how negotiations could be suspended, two diplomats said. In recent weeks, Bulgaria distributed documents to the other member states to explain its position. In one of the documents, seen by POLITICO, Sofia stressed that Bulgaria cannot “accept that the still ongoing nation-building process in the Republic of North Macedonia be conducted through the revision of our common history, the denial of our common ethnic and linguistic roots or the unfounded claims for the existence of a ‘Macedonian minority’ in Bulgaria.” The two countries signed an accord in August 2017 to resolve these problems “but the implementation of the Treaty has been stagnant,” said Sofia. Nikola Dimitrov, North Macedonia’s deputy prime minister for European integration, said his country is committed to implementing the friendship agreement with Sofia. He noted Bulgaria had played a positive role in putting EU enlargement back on the bloc’s agenda but said that success would be at risk if a solution is not found to the impasse. “It is simply not right for the Macedonian language to be an obstacle to our European future if the EU is a community of values that celebrates diversity,” Dimitrov told POLITICO. Diplomats said that Wednesday’s session was just a first discussion and there’s still a chance to avoid the process being derailed, with more talks planned. “There’s still room for diplomacy,” said one of the diplomats involved in the discussion, pointing to preparatory meetings for the next summit as part the so-called Berlin process, that will bring together leaders from the Western Balkans and the EU, to be held in Sofia on November 10, the same day as the General Affairs Council.
          And this from today.

          Политико: Софија да признае македонски јазик и идентитет, Скопје - бугарски темели на јазикот и идентитетот

          Бриселски Политико утринава, повикувајќи се на дипломатски извор, кусо објави дека на вчерашниот состанок на амбасадорите на ЕУ во Брисел наводно бил постигнат некаков, како што се нарекува „бугарски компромис“, којшто ќе овозможи да почне првата Меѓувладина конференција меѓу ЕУ и Македонија. И дека Бугарија се согласила на тој „компромис“. „Што има во договорот? ‘Бугарија ќе го признае македонскиот како еден од официјалните јазици и ќе го признае македонскиот идентитет. За возврат, Северна Македонија ќе треба да ја признае ‘историската вистина’, како што е дефинирана од Софија, и да признае дека има бугарски темели врз кои е создаден каков било македонски идентитет и официјален јазик“, пишува Политико. На Твитер за ова се огласи и Карл Билт. „Добрите вести се дека ЕУ дипломатите го деблокирале почетокот на пристапните преговори со Македонија. Како и секогаш, во регионот имало комплексни историски прашања за решавање, овојпат со Бугарија“, напиша Билт.

          I haven't seen a Politico article which states the highlighted part yet, but if there is any truth to it or the statement by that eurocrat, these maggots have already sealed the deal with the horde to the east, who would still be speaking a Turkic language akin to Chuvash were it not for teachers from Macedonia. The irony.
          In the name of the blood and the sun, the dagger and the gun, Christ protect this soldier, a lion and a Macedonian.


          • maco2envy
            • Jan 2015
            • 288

            seems that Politico took down the article.


            • Soldier of Macedon
              Senior Member
              • Sep 2008
              • 13675

              Originally posted by maco2envy View Post
              seems that Politico took down the article.
              Perhaps, but the same text is quoted by the clowns below.

              Bulgaria would recognize Macedonian as one of the official languages of the country and acknowledge Macedonian identity, if North Macedonia acknowledges the "Historical truth", as defined by Sofia, and admit there are Bulgarian foundations upon which any Macedonian identity, and the official language, have been created. The Bulgarian compromise came at the sitting of the Permanent Representatives Committee (Coreper) in Brussels, the online edition of Politico announced referring to a senior diplomat.
              The only other recent Politico articles on Bulgaria are how they're endlessly bitching about Macedonia or the rampant corruption in their country, which only serves to highlight how utterly pathetic these northadonians must be to bend to the will of that fat Bulgar and his corrupt clique. Not to mention the hypocrisy of the EU.

              MEPs on Thursday adopted a critical resolution on Bulgaria’s rule-of-law failings that targets Boyko Borissov, the country’s prime minister, and raises concerns about EU funds fueling high-level corruption in the Balkan country. Three hundred and fifty eight MEPs voted in favor of a text that denounced the “significant deterioration” of the “rule of law, democracy and fundamental rights” in Bulgaria and singled out Borissov’s GERB party over “concerns that tax-payers money is used for the enrichment of circles associated with the ruling party.”
              Given Carl Bildt's excitement at the "good news that EU diplomats have unblocked the start of accession talks", not sure why Politico would bother taking the article down. Maybe they want to give Zaev and the northadonians some time to formulate a new lie and convince whatever is left of the Macedonians that this recent bout of treachery will "safeguard" their language and identity (so long as they dishonour their grandparents and all generations that came before them).
              In the name of the blood and the sun, the dagger and the gun, Christ protect this soldier, a lion and a Macedonian.


              • Soldier of Macedon
                Senior Member
                • Sep 2008
                • 13675

                This article appears to contradict Bildt and the alleged Politico article.

                October 30, 2020

                SOFIA (Reuters) - Bulgaria has threatened to block North Macedonia's path towards European Union membership and said it should recognise that both its national identity and language have Bulgarian roots, its foreign minister said on Friday. Ekaretina Zaharieva said Bulgaria, which focused its first period as the EU's rotating presidency in 2018 on the swift accession of western Balkan nations to the 27-member bloc, could veto the formal launch of accession talks with North Macedonia next month unless the two sides can resolve the issue. This poses yet another challenge for Skopje, which agreed to add "North" to its name to resolve a decades-old standoff with Greece and clear its path to entry into both the EU and NATO. The renamed North Macedonia joined NATO earlier this year. Bulgaria is losing patience over what it sees as North Macedonia's reluctance to implement a friendship treaty the two countries signed in 2017. As a way out, it is proposing backing the formal start of accession talks if Skopje acknowledges that its identity and language have Bulgarian foundations, thereby ending any claims that there is a distinct "Macedonian" minority in Bulgaria. "Our concerns come from the never-ending claims for a Macedonian minority in Bulgaria. The acknowledgment of Bulgarian roots would put an end to this," Zaharieva told Reuters. If North Macedonia agrees, Zaharieva said Sofia was ready to recognise Macedonian as one of the official languages of its neighbour and acknowledge a Macedonian identity. "We are not disputing their right for self-determination, neither their right to call their language what they like. We are ready to re-confirm the current realities, but they have to acknowledge the historical truth," she said. Sofia takes the view that the idea of a Macedonian nation and language were engineered in the former Yugoslavia in the late 1940s and that prior to the 1920s most people in the region considered themselves Bulgarians. The two countries have held talks in the past two weeks to try to resolve their differences ahead of a Nov. 10 EU meeting on the issue, but with little success. On Thursday, North Macedonia's Prime Minister Zoran Zaev said he hoped the two countries would find a solution, but he said that the identity and language of the country were not up for debate.
                It is also telling that Bulgaria and Greece share much of the same motivation for their despicable attitude towards Macedonia.

                North Macedonia’s Foreign Minister Bujar Osmani said on Monday that Bulgaria has been raising objections to the use of the shortened version of the country’s full name, the Republic of North Macedonia, in EU documents. But Osmani said that is willing to clarify and possibly add an annex to its 2017 friendship treaty with Bulgaria to sort the issue out and to guarantee that the use of the shortened name ‘North Macedonia’ does not imply claims on Bulgaria’s territory.
                In the name of the blood and the sun, the dagger and the gun, Christ protect this soldier, a lion and a Macedonian.


                • Carlin
                  Senior Member
                  • Dec 2011
                  • 3332

                  Ekaterina Zaharieva with an arrogant and aggressive attack against Macedonians:
                  Macedonians must acknowledge the BULGARIAN ROOTS of Macedonian language and identity.

                  Gerald Knaus and Florian Bieber call out Zaharieva/Bulgaria.

                  Гералд Кнаус од Европската иницијатива за стабилност, реагираше на Твитер на вчерашната изјава на министерката за…

                  Бугарската министерка за надворешни работи, Екатерина Захариева во интервју за „Ројтерс„ пак порача дека ако Македонија не признае дека македонскиот јазик и идентитет имаат бугарски корени, следува вето за старт на преговорите за членство во Европската Унија. ПОВРЗАНИ ВЕСТИ Македонија да признае дека македонскиот јазик и идентитет имаат бугарски корени,...

                  „Не ми е јасно што е проблемот помеѓу македонскиот и бугарскиот јазик?!? Точно е дека и…

                  Last edited by Carlin; 11-01-2020, 07:46 AM.


                  • Soldier of Macedon
                    Senior Member
                    • Sep 2008
                    • 13675

                    Originally posted by Carlin15 View Post
                    Ekaterina Zaharieva with an arrogant and aggressive attack against Macedonians...........Gerald Knaus and Florian Bieber call out Zaharieva/Bulgaria.
                    That Zaharieva is a discriminative Bulgar cow is no secret. But Gerald Knaus is no different, he just knows how to wrap his condescension in quasi-aristocratic pomp. Just look at his statements:
                    When I lived in Bulgaria in 1994/1995 this view of ["Macedonian"] history was omnipresent in ["Bulgarian"] books & official papers. Yet then, leaders in Sofia did not let this interfere (too much) with a constructive Balkan policy.
                    In 1994/1995, Bulgaria didn't interfere "too much" because it had no leverage. It was just another poor and corrupt Balkan country. This is the same reason why Macedonians didn't bother obtaining Bulgar citizenship at the time. A few years later, the Bulgars sold their arses to NATO and closed their airspace to Russia. A few years after that, their masters rewarded them with EU membership and despite still being a poor and corrupt Balkan country, they were now part of the "crew" and empowered to convert their stupid ramblings into equally idiotic actions. Even a peanut would realise this, but apparently, Gerald Knaus is baffled. Notice also that he uses the northadonian flag instead of the adjective for 'Macedonian', because the only adjective he could use in that sentence post-name change is "North Macedonian", which is a clear indication that the national identity of the country and people has been tampered with. Which leads to a subsequent statement.
                    ["Greece"] and ["Macedonia"] agreed on a compromise name. But none would have been possible requiring a change in [“Macedonian”] identity.
                    Again, he substitutes the adjective with the flag - even when referring to the Macedonian identity, despite the flag being a symbol of "North Macedonia" and not the Macedonian people. So, yes, the identity was changed. But this clown denies it even as he mixes up the flag of the state with the ethnic group or as he writes "Macedonian identity" in one statement then uses the flag for the rest. As far as nomenclature is concerned, the Macedonians are the titular people of the Macedonian state and as such their ethnic identity should be inseparable from their national identity. Anyway, if this is the Gerald Knaus that is 'calling out' Bulgaria:

                    Gerald Knaus December 13, 2012

                    What is needed now is a serious and imaginative solution to the name dispute before the commission reports “in the spring”; a solution that allows both Athens and Skopje to unlock the current destructive stalemate in a manner that both governments can defend before their domestic constituencies.

                    In 1999, Knaus co-founded the European Stability Initiative, a liberalist think tank, in Sarajevo. He received funding from organizations linked to American billionaire George Soros. Since 2015, Knaus has been an outspoken supporter of the migration policies of German Chancellor Angela Merkel.
                    Then he is more concerned with the EU expanding its slave-base than justice for Macedonia. Both he and the cow are two sides of the same rotten coin.
                    In the name of the blood and the sun, the dagger and the gun, Christ protect this soldier, a lion and a Macedonian.


                    • Amphipolis
                      • Aug 2014
                      • 1328

                      Actually (if one reads post #559) Gerald Knaus who is both a third-party and a nobody is supporting you, while remaining sensible and distant.

                      He also suggests that Prespa Agreement did not require a change in the Macedonian identity, which is only partly true. (He probably missed some sides of the agreement).


                      • Soldier of Macedon
                        Senior Member
                        • Sep 2008
                        • 13675

                        He didn't miss anything. He knows the Macedonian identity was impacted by that 'agreement' (which he and the EU support). Saying otherwise is patronising and only insults the intelligence of self-respecting Macedonians, which is what he is doing. Aside from being a "nobody" who is funded by Soros and supports mass migration into Europe, he is also typical of other northern European hypocrites who have normalised the disgraceful behaviour of Macedonia's enemies over the years. Now he decides to shield the carcass of Macedonia from another predator because it might spoil the EU's plans of adding another slave to its harem. Fuck him.
                        In the name of the blood and the sun, the dagger and the gun, Christ protect this soldier, a lion and a Macedonian.


                        • Carlin
                          Senior Member
                          • Dec 2011
                          • 3332

                          I have a question, perhaps it should be a separate thread?

                          The Prespa Agreement/Referendum question stipulated both NATO and EU entry (or process to entry) in exchange for name change.

                          Does Prespa now become difficult or impossible to legally implement based on EU Veto by Bulgaria? Further, is Prespa legally dead?

                          This ridiculous situation has led to Karakachanov claiming today that Macedonian is some sort of Balkan "Esperanto", in his latest hateful tirade.
                          Last edited by Carlin; 11-02-2020, 11:04 AM.


                          • Soldier of Macedon
                            Senior Member
                            • Sep 2008
                            • 13675

                            Originally posted by Carlin15 View Post
                            Does Prespa now become difficult or impossible to legally implement based on EU Veto by Bulgaria? Further, is Prespa legally dead?
                            Since when has legality mattered to the enemies of Macedonia? The referendum was unsuccessful yet they still used it as a justification to vote for an illegal name change in parliament. They're all committed to the perpetual erosion of Macedonian sovereignty so long as the promise of EU slavery remains as the prize. On that they will not waver. Even if Bulgaria continues to play these games for another 30 years, the only thing that may change is further concessions from the northadonians.
                            This ridiculous situation has led to Karakachanov claiming today that Macedonian is some sort of Balkan "Esperanto", in his latest hateful tirade.
                            A fat Vlach with no ancestral connection to Macedonia being given a platform to spread lies about the Macedonian language because of northadonian cowardice. The idiocy writes itself.
                            In the name of the blood and the sun, the dagger and the gun, Christ protect this soldier, a lion and a Macedonian.


                            • Spirit
                              • May 2015
                              • 154

                              The northadonians have gotten what they deserve


                              • Soldier of Macedon
                                Senior Member
                                • Sep 2008
                                • 13675

                                Originally posted by Spirit View Post

                                The northadonians have gotten what they deserve
                                Article below:
                                Bulgarian Foreign Minister Ekaterina Zaharieva was the first to speak out after the hastily arranged meeting in Berlin with German diplomats and her counterparts from Macedonia, Bujar Osmani and Nikola Dimitrov. In a statement quoted by the BGNES news agency, Zaharieva said that there was some progress, Bulgaria is still not ready to approve the opening of EU accession talks with Macedonia. We are still not in a position to approve the negotiating framework for Macedonia. We have good will but we can’t make compromises that will continue to lead toward anti-Bulgarian campaigns. That is the position of the Bulgarian Government, Zaharieva said. Osmani and Dimitrov are still silent after the meeting. They were hoping that German social-democratic diplomats close to the Macedonian Government, such as Michael Roth, will be able to pressure Bulgaria into backing down from its veto threat.
                                They weren't able to achieve their aims quick enough with that "commission" of scholars, so they're cutting through the red tape and taking a more direct route with politics instead. Note that the Bulgar cow still appears somewhat optimistic, so this is probably just a minor setback. Besides, the cow is negotiating with an albanophone northadonian and a bulgarophile northadonian. Were it up to them individually, the matter would already be concluded. Perhaps the delay is because they still fear some form of backlash, so they want to ensure they come up with the right 'formula' before selling it to the sheep back in Macedonia. Then they can enable Zaev to do what he did with the Prespa "agreement" and tell people the colour red is really blue.
                                In the name of the blood and the sun, the dagger and the gun, Christ protect this soldier, a lion and a Macedonian.

