Macedonia and Bulgaria: Political Relations

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  • Soldier of Macedon
    Senior Member
    • Sep 2008
    • 13675

    North Macedonia’s Prime Minister Zoran Zaev said he is ready to beg for a solution in Sofia, but is not prepared to sacrifice the Macedonian identity and language, adding that if the dialogue with Bulgaria is successful, talks may be held as early as 23 June. The PM expects an invitation from Bulgaria’s caretaker Prime Minister Stefan Yanev and adherence to European manners. In his view, the Portuguese proposal is a good basis. “What protects us in the dispute with Bulgaria are principles, not just ours, but above all else European principles. They are our strongest argument in this dispute”, Minister of Foreign Affairs Bujar Osmani told TV 24. “We try to argue those principles before Bulgaria and our friends. Justice is just one of the principles, but there are many principles that have protected the European idea for the last 75 years,” said the foreign minister. “In all the waves of EU enlargement, there have been attempts to impose bilateral issues, to slow down the process, but the bloc has always emerged stronger over those obstacles and has always succeeded. It did it based on respect for the principles”, Osmani added.
    Notice the pattern. Zaev has been making constant reference to identity and language, yet the Bulgars have made it clear that they're prepared to accept both being called Macedonian so long as there is some type of formal agreement which (falsely) states that the indigenous identity and language of Macedonia have "Bulgarian roots". This will effectively relegate the Macedonian ethnic identity to a Bulgar regional identity and will also be used to further suppress the Macedonian minority in Bulgaria. Refer back to an October 2020 statement from that cow masquerading as the foreign minister of the Bulgars.

    "Our concerns come from the never-ending claims for a Macedonian minority in Bulgaria. The acknowledgment of Bulgarian roots would put an end to this," Zaharieva told Reuters. If North Macedonia agrees, Zaharieva said Sofia was ready to recognise Macedonian as one of the official languages of its neighbour and acknowledge a Macedonian identity. "We are not disputing their right for self-determination, neither their right to call their language what they like. We are ready to re-confirm the current realities, but they have to acknowledge the historical truth," she said.
    So, either Zaev and the Bulgars are talking past each other (unlikely), or this spectacle is just laying the foundations to rationalise further betrayal. Zaev claimed that the Macedonian identity was "secured" as a result of the treacherous Prespa Agreement, all the while omitting the fact that it deliberately excluded ethnic Macedonians across the border and permanently changed the international perspective on Macedonia's national identity (which is unequivocally linked to the Macedonian ethnic identity). If some type of agreement is struck at the EU summit later this month which aligns with the Bulgar position, he will attempt to mitigate the damage by making the same disingenuous claim. The only remaining question (should this debacle proceed) is how the citizens of Macedonia who have embraced their new northadonian identity will react to being recognised as a sub-group of people that trace their supposed origins to a steppe horde.
    In the name of the blood and the sun, the dagger and the gun, Christ protect this soldier, a lion and a Macedonian.


    • Soldier of Macedon
      Senior Member
      • Sep 2008
      • 13675

      Amidst the political turmoil in Bulgaria, Zaev requested a meeting with the leader of the Bulgarian Socialist Party. Here is how he characterised it.

      And here is how she responded.

      We respect our partnership, but we put the Bulgarian national interest above it. For now, there are no conditions for a change in our position on the Republic of Northern Macedonia. We remain open to dialogue to find a solution to the issue of the accession of the Republic of Northern Macedonia to the EU. This is an opportunity for the region. We held a meeting at the request of the Prime Minister of the Republic of Northern Macedonia Zoran Zaev and the delegation led by him in Bulgaria. We discussed bilateral relations in the context of the accession of the Republic of Northern Macedonia to the European Union. We have expressed the following position:

      We have always supported the accession of the Republic of Northern Macedonia to the European Union. We supported the Treaty of Good Neighborliness, as well as the declaration of the Bulgarian National Assembly. We welcome the dialogue at the highest level, but do not approve of the hate speech that exists in the Republic of Northern Macedonia towards Bulgaria, the discrimination against people who define themselves there with Bulgarian self-consciousness, as well as the distortion of historical facts and historical truth. We fully understand that our expectations as a party are even higher than for other parties, as we and the Social Democratic Union, which rules in the Republic of Northern Macedonia headed by Zoran Zaev, are sister parties and we expect in the common international organizations of socialist and social democratic parties .

      We are partners, we are also friends, we respect this friendship and partnership, but we put Bulgaria and the Bulgarian national interest above it. That is why we have stated that our position remains unchanged. And it is that at this time there are no conditions for giving consent by Bulgaria to start negotiations for membership of the Republic of Northern Macedonia in the European Union. We have stated that we remain open to dialogue at all levels to find a solution to the issue, as our principle position is that the accession of the Republic of Northern Macedonia to the European Union is a guarantee for the region and an opportunity for its development.
      It's ironic how these people talk about the supposed discrimination of "Bulgars in Macedonia" when they keep the Macedonians in Bulgaria under a perpetual state of repression. Even more ironic is that Zaev doesn't even bring them up in discussion as a response. The differences are clear. The Bulgars have a Bulgaria first policy. The northadonian regime has a Macedonia last policy. Who knows what these traitors are cooking up for their upcoming meeting with the EU.
      In the name of the blood and the sun, the dagger and the gun, Christ protect this soldier, a lion and a Macedonian.


      • Carlin
        Senior Member
        • Dec 2011
        • 3332

        Originally posted by Soldier of Macedon View Post
        Amidst the political turmoil in Bulgaria, Zaev requested a meeting with the leader of the Bulgarian Socialist Party. Here is how he characterised it.

        And here is how she responded.


        It's ironic how these people talk about the supposed discrimination of "Bulgars in Macedonia" when they keep the Macedonians in Bulgaria under a perpetual state of repression. Even more ironic is that Zaev doesn't even bring them up in discussion as a response. The differences are clear. The Bulgars have a Bulgaria first policy. The northadonian regime has a Macedonia last policy. Who knows what these traitors are cooking up for their upcoming meeting with the EU.
        Who knows what Zaev is cooking up in Bulgaria today. What is being negotiated/promised?

        Just within the last few hours, the following stories broke.

        Zaev promises to have the Bulgarian community listed in the Constitution

        Заев: Имаме постигнато договор за 5 историски личности и за 3 историски периоди
        Премиерот Зоран Заев смета дека денешната средба со неговиот бугарски колега Стефан Јанев и заедничките напори за воспосвување на атмофвера на доверба ќе биде дополнително охрабрување заедничката комисија да работи уште поефикасно и да се постигне договор за уште историски личности или периоди. Во еден убав амбиент политички, рече, дури и големите прашања лесно се решаваат.

        I thought it was up to the joint Macedonian-Bulgarian commission to decide on this? Does this make their work irrelevant?


        • Soldier of Macedon
          Senior Member
          • Sep 2008
          • 13675

          Originally posted by Carlin View Post
          I thought it was up to the joint Macedonian-Bulgarian commission to decide on this?
          Apparently the interim PM of Bulgaria, with whom Zaev just met, thinks otherwise.

          Решението на прашањето меѓу двете земји е во политичарите. На историчарите не треба да им се остава да бидат предводници во политиката, затоа што политиката е одговорност на владите, вели бугарскиот премиер Стефан Јанев во интервју за МИА. Тој смета дека двете влади треба да седнат и прагматично да разговараат што може да се направи, за да се постигне решение. „Историчарите се луѓе на науката. Според мене, луѓето од науката треба да се занимаваат само со наука, да си ги докажуваат тезите, и се разбира, врз база на факти и докази со неопходната сериозност и одговорност. Но ним не треба да им се остава да бидат предводници во однос на политиката, затоа што политиката е одговорност на владите. Политиката е одговорност на извршната власт, којашто одговара на потребите на граѓаните. Потребите на граѓаните се дефинираат преку гласање на соодветните избори, односно решението на ова прашање е во политичкиот живот и во владите на двете држави”, изјавил Јанев. Според него, исполнувањето на Договорот за добрососедство се одвива бавно, додека Заедничката македонско-бугарска комисија за историски и образовни прашања не постигнала ништо во нејзиното работење. „Да, кажавме дека таа Комисија треба нешто да постигне, но очигледно е дека таа ништо не заврши. Тоа беше јасно уште првата, втората година. Треба да чекаме уште пет години таа комисија да постигне нешто? Според мене, тоа не е реално”, додава Јанев.
          In the name of the blood and the sun, the dagger and the gun, Christ protect this soldier, a lion and a Macedonian.


          • Soldier of Macedon
            Senior Member
            • Sep 2008
            • 13675

            Originally posted by Carlin View Post
            Zaev promises to have the Bulgarian community listed in the Constitution

            Заев: Имаме постигнато договор за 5 историски личности и за 3 историски периоди
            Zaev is doing his best to present his arse-kissing tour in the domicile of the Bulgars in a positive light. Here are some of his statements from the kajgana link cited above (translated):
            - Our two presidents were in the Vatican and bowed before Saints Cyril and Methodius and together we celebrate that, as do Clement and Naum, as did Tsar Samuel.

            - Then, he (Zaev) said, there should be implementation in the textbooks because, as he pointed out, this is how we will teach the young generations what is the historical truth that we have agreed on.

            - I believe that we will have even greater results from the historical-educational commission from the Bulgarian and Macedonian side, said Prime Minister Zaev. He added that history is very important. but because the present and the future are even more important.

            - RS Macedonia must open the Constitution before membership and our position is that all less numerous nations in our country should be registered, including the Bulgarian, the Croatian people is not registered - we have a Croatian community and other communities that we do not have. Our Constitution was created in 1991 and then it was created alongside the Macedonian, Albanian people, Bosniaks and Serbs, Turks, Vlachs and Roma are included and it is called by other peoples, so if we want to be an EU member we must have a European a constitution in which, following the example of one Croatia, for example, we will include other nations, said the Prime Minister at a press conference in Sofia.

            - Today we met with the leaders of two political parties, and requested a meeting with the four largest political parties in accordance with the results of the last elections.

            - "I believe that the problems are not unsolvable and I believe that the interest of both the Republic of Bulgaria and the entire Bulgarian people is the whole region of the Western Balkans, and especially the Republic of Northern Macedonia to continue its path to EU integration," said Prime Minister Zaev, in answer to a reporter's question.

            - We have no problem with opening our historical archives. Today we submitted a declaration from 2006 which was adopted by our Macedonian Parliament, condemnation of the actions from the time from 1945 to 1990 that happened to all citizens of the then communism, including the citizens with Bulgarian determination in the country and we submitted it today. And we have no doubt that every time there were specifics in all countries, as well as in RS Macedonia, said Zaev.

            - He (Vlado Buckovski) is leading the Macedonian delegation at today's meetings with Janev and Bulgarian President Rumen Radev, and the purpose of his working visit to Sofia is to intensify efforts to find solutions to open issues and unblock the Macedonian European integration process. The visit comes a week before the General Affairs Council meeting on 22 June and before the EU Summit on 24 and 25 June.
            Achievements include the common "celebration" of five historical figures from Macedonia, soliciting the support of his fellow SDS thief and traitor to meet with the Bulgar president, meeting with all of the main political parties in Bulgaria to beg for approval and an ambiguous reference to the "entire Bulgarian people". Proposals include changes to the textbooks of Macedonian children so they can be taught Macedonian history from a Bulgar perspective rather than that of their own forefathers who lived the Macedonian experience, more changes to the constitution to include reference to numerically insignificant minorities but mainly to placate a small bunch of irrelevant bulgarophiles who will use this to further their propaganda in Macedonia, and allowing access to the historical archives in Macedonia so the Bulgars can further manipulate Macedonian history. That is how this treacherous rat is "securing" the Macedonian identity. Nothing about changes to the constitution of Bulgaria. Nothing about children's textbooks in Bulgaria. Nothing about the historical archives of Bulgaria. Nothing about the Macedonians in Bulgaria. No reciprocation whatsoever. And even all of that doesn't seem to be enough to satiate the despicable Bulgar politicians. Interesting week coming up.
            In the name of the blood and the sun, the dagger and the gun, Christ protect this soldier, a lion and a Macedonian.


            • Risto the Great
              Senior Member
              • Sep 2008
              • 15660

              But don't worry. They all know they're Macedonians. I keep hearing that old chestnut.

              A pity nobody else knows they're Macedonians.
              Risto the Great
              "Holding my breath for the revolution."

              Hey, I wrote a bestseller. Check it out:


              • Carlin
                Senior Member
                • Dec 2011
                • 3332

                The news out of Bulgaria yesterday was rather confusing. Not sure what to believe anymore -- total chaos. Zaev said there was a "breakthrough" yesterday, and Macedonian media was reporting that a possible "roadmap"/"solution" was tabled which the Bulgarians are supposed to review now. The Macedonian government this morning denied those reports, saying that only "mutual trust and dialogue" was discussed yesterday. Bulgarian outlets are reporting this morning Zaev offered to declare that the Macedonian and the Bulgarian languages are the same.

                Zaev offered to declare that the Macedonian and the Bulgarian languages are the same


                Bulgarian media outlets are reporting that a possible concessions Zoran Zaev is going to make to the Bulgarian side is to declare that the Macedonian language is identical to the Bulgarian. Zaev was in Sofia yesterday, for a desperate, last minute attempt to get Bulgaria to approve the opening of EU accession talks with Macedonia at the European Council next week.

                The guest offered five versions of a compromise that would be included in a political declaration. One of them was a formula for the linguistic dispute that would state that Bulgarians and Macedonians speak a same language, but that it is internationally recognized as two separate languages, “24 Chasa” reported. The paper also reports that a declaration will be made that the two nations are “brotherly”. Bulgaria insists that the Macedonian nation recently emerged from the Bulgarian, under pressure of the Yugoslav authorities, and that the Macedonian language is similarly forcefully derived from the Bulgarian.

                Zaev himself opened the door to adding the Bulgarian ethnic community in Macedonia to the Constitution, which already names the Albanians, Roma, Turks, Vlachs, Serbs and Bosniaks, along with the Macedonians.
                Last edited by Carlin; 06-18-2021, 07:34 AM.


                • Risto the Great
                  Senior Member
                  • Sep 2008
                  • 15660

                  Doesn't Zaev realise that he will be out of office before any EU funding ("DEBT") comes through to Macedonia if it ever gets in? He won't be around to syphon his share of money out of the yet to be hatched scams. What a disgraceful person. Why isn't every Macedonian spitting at him in public?
                  Risto the Great
                  "Holding my breath for the revolution."

                  Hey, I wrote a bestseller. Check it out:


                  • Soldier of Macedon
                    Senior Member
                    • Sep 2008
                    • 13675

                    Partial translation of the article in the link.

                    Bulgarian citizens are against concessions for Macedonia, Zaev appeals for good neighborliness and believes in a solution

                    A huge percentage of Bulgarian citizens do not agree with Sofia making concessions in the dispute with Macedonia, according to the results of a telephone poll by the Gallup polling agency. According to Gallup, as reported by the Bulgarian media, 70% of the respondents are against Bulgaria lifting the veto on Macedonia's accession to the European Union, and almost 20% have the opposite opinion. The others are still hesitant. The poll was conducted on a sample of 890 adult Bulgarian citizens between June 14th and 16th, just days before the Macedonian government delegation visited Sofia.
                    On the one hand, Bulgar politicians complain about the negative sentiment in Macedonia towards Bulgar propaganda, on the other, they foster hatred in their own country against Macedonia. Tell us more about good neighbourly relations you steppe-nostalgic charlatans.
                    In the name of the blood and the sun, the dagger and the gun, Christ protect this soldier, a lion and a Macedonian.


                    • Carlin
                      Senior Member
                      • Dec 2011
                      • 3332

                      While Zaev went to Sofia to (literally) beg, the response in Bulgaria has been intensified nationalist rhetoric.


                      Засилена националистичката реторика во Бугарија

                      „Дејствија против добрососедството и пријателството„. Вака владата ги оцени провокативните пораки и националистичката реторика на бугарскиот европратеник Ангел Џамбаски, како и во официјалниот спот на партијата ВМРО БНД, кој е дел од кампањата за претстојните парламентарни избори во Бугарија. Велат дека, владите на двете земји со последната посета на премиерот Заев во Софија упатиле јасни пораки дека се посветени да градат позитивни односи и доверба, со цел надминување на разликите.


                      Спотот, кој Џамбаски го промовираше на фејсбук, изобилува со скандалозни пораки и снимки од Скопје и од Охрид.


                      Речиси секоја објава на на фејсбук на европратеникот Џамбаски изобилува со навредливи и националистички пораки за Македонија. Тој е познат и по говорот на омраза кон Ромите во Бугарија.

                      Не заостанува многу зад него ниту претседателот на партијата, Каракачанов, кој пак, му префрли на Борисов затоа што зборувал за „два народа“ и „две нации“, иако самиот Заев зборувал за еден народ. Тој го нарече и македонскиот национален тим „репрезентација на другата бугарска држава“.

                      Оваа реторика, што предизборно се очекува и да се засилува, влијае и на јавното мислење. Според неодамнешното истражување на Галуп во Бугарија, 70 отсто од испитаниците се против тоа, да се укине ветото за пристапување на Македонија во Европската унија.

                      Далиборка Демјанска Цветановска


                      • Carlin
                        Senior Member
                        • Dec 2011
                        • 3332

                        It's official, Bulgaria and EU have vetoed Macedonia for the second time.

                        Неповолната вест која треба да ја официјализира и португалското претседателство на прес-конференц...


                        • Soldier of Macedon
                          Senior Member
                          • Sep 2008
                          • 13675

                          Originally posted by Carlin View Post
                          It's official, Bulgaria and EU have vetoed Macedonia for the second time.

                          English translation of article above:
                          Second veto from Bulgaria, Macedonia will wait for a new chance during the Slovenian presidency. Increased diplomatic pressure on Sofia did not work, Bulgaria confirmed the veto, Macedonia will probably wait for a new chance during the Slovenian presidency after July 1. The unfavorable news, which should be made official by the Portuguese presidency at a press conference, was announced by the Bulgarian Foreign Ministry late this afternoon. Quoting Deputy Foreign Minister Rumen Alexandrov in Luxembourg, Sofia said she did not deviate from the Bulgarian parliament's declaration and remained open to dialogue with the upcoming Slovenian presidency. This includes Macedonia explicitly giving up territorial, minority and historical claims to Bulgaria, changing the inscriptions / monuments that instill hatred towards Bulgaria in Macedonia, activating a process of rehabilitation of the victims of Yugoslav communism. Bulgaria insists that the implementation of the Good Neighbor Agreement should be included among the conditions in the future Skopje negotiating framework, the statement said. In a statement to Bulgaria's BTV, Alexandrov said member states understood Sofia's demands. An understanding was shown towards the sensitivity of the Bulgarian side, towards the arguments we expressed and the concern we have. In that sense, the need for Macedonia to make efforts to reach a mutually acceptable solution was shared, said Rumen Alexandrov, Deputy Foreign Minister of Bulgaria. Today's General Affairs Council, according to media reports, was a warning to most ministers that the Bulgarian veto undermined the Union's credibility, with German Foreign Minister Roth reiterating that bilateral issues should not hamper the enlargement process. "The Federal Government Committee believes that Albania and Macedonia have met the conditions and can finally start negotiations and it must be clear that the EU as a whole, supported by 27 member states, is now sending a signal for the implementation of the promises made by the countries," said Michael Roth, German Secretary of State for Europe. Unofficially, the option of separating Macedonia and Albania from the negotiating package and Tirana getting the green light was put on the table, but such a scenario was far from a consensus.
                          First they were pressuring Macedonia to accept the foreign "roots" of its people and language, now the Bulgars have gone for the Greek formula by referring to (imaginary) territorial claims, and changing inscriptions and monuments. It also looks like the persistence of the Macedonian minority in Bulgaria is hitting a nerve. On the one hand, Bulgaria is being pressured to allow their citizens of Macedonian origin to form their own organisations, on the other, it is racing to eliminate that possibility by securing agreement from the treacherous northadonian leadership in Macedonia that no such minority exists in Bulgaria. The "rehabilitation of the victims of Yugoslav communism" will also be a fiasco. It is well known that many Macedonian activists who were against the regime during that period were labelled "bugarashi" as an insult by the Yugoslav authorities, even though such victims identified themselves as Macedonians, not Bulgars. There already exist several examples where former prisoners from that era have provided testimony to that effect. Meanwhile, no mention of the persecution of Macedonians in Communist Bulgaria. Macedonia is literally under a political and cultural siege on multiple fronts. Wake up Macedonians. Stop the pursuit of slavery. Reverse the cultural suicide.
                          In the name of the blood and the sun, the dagger and the gun, Christ protect this soldier, a lion and a Macedonian.


                          • Risto the Great
                            Senior Member
                            • Sep 2008
                            • 15660

                            Surely it is time to tell the EU the game is up.
                            I hate Northadonians!
                            Risto the Great
                            "Holding my breath for the revolution."

                            Hey, I wrote a bestseller. Check it out:


                            • Rogi
                              Senior Member
                              • Sep 2008
                              • 2343

                              Not sure how to get the video clip itself to post it.


                              • Soldier of Macedon
                                Senior Member
                                • Sep 2008
                                • 13675


                                24 June 2021

                                Radev: We cannot say "yes" until Skopje stops stealing Bulgarian history

                                (Translation) Bulgarian President Rumen Radev, before the start of the European Council, boasted to reporters that at the last moment they managed to remove the item for Macedonia from the agenda and said that in the last month and a half Bulgaria was under enormous pressure from European partners at today's Council to allow the start of negotiations with Macedonia. According to Radev, Bulgaria was isolated at the previous Council in May, pointed the finger at it and accused of blocking talks with Macedonia and Albania. He also said that he had many personal meetings and talks with the leaders of the European institutions, with the European Commissioners, as well as with the US Secretary of State. "I believe they realized that the criticism of Bulgaria was unfounded. That we have a clear position to find a solution to this problem and that guarantees and sustainable results are needed in bilateral relations. "It is time to get out of family diplomacy in front of the cameras and focus on pragmatic solutions," Radev said. He added that in the last month and a half, Bulgaria has proved, despite pressure, that it is a responsible member of the EU and will not allow new problems to enter the Union.

                                "Let us not be naive. We managed not only to remove this item from the agenda but also to reject the pressure to commit to start negotiations with the Republic of Northern Macedonia with deadlines. But for now. "The pressure will continue," Radev said. He reiterates that Sofia adheres to the Copenhagen criteria for membership and can not "pass" the discrimination of citizens in Northern Macedonia just because of their determination as Bulgarians, which is contrary to European values ​​and principles. "We will not say 'yes' until we see eradication mechanisms to eradicate the distorted narrative and attitude towards Bulgaria in textbooks, museums, monuments, to the media and state policy. "We can not say 'yes' until we are convinced that our neighbor will not build his identity on the theft of Bulgarian history," Radev said. He said that Bulgaria remains open for quick and fruitful bilateral talks in the interest of the citizens of both countries, adding that "the people of Northern Macedonia are our brothers and we are obliged to help them, as we have always done."
                                Every time Zaev visits his "brothers", his weakness (or opportunism) only emboldens those maggots even further. Keep up the veto. Leave Macedonia be.
                                In the name of the blood and the sun, the dagger and the gun, Christ protect this soldier, a lion and a Macedonian.

