Greek money for ethnic cleansing

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  • Homer MakeDonski
    • Jan 2010
    • 103

    I sow it bro

    A good one ..
    Waiting to see forward Turkish remorseful behavior over theirs honesty

    When and IF things started to happen
    you wont be alone bro..
    thats for sure


    • Onur
      Senior Member
      • Apr 2010
      • 2389

      It looks like the Greek Cypriot journalists started to see that the permanent partition is the only way to resolve the so-called "Cyprus problem". Turkey knew that already and we declared this at 1974. Now it looks like the Greek Cypriots started to accept this after 36 years;

      Christofias unforgivable crimes make partition the only solution

      SOME TIME ago I wrote that President Christofias’ bizarre handling of the Cyprus problem had led him into a labyrinth from which it is impossible to find a way out.

      He illustrated the point at Tuesday’s national council meeting at which he complained that the positions submitted by Dervis Eroglu at the talks were “worse than the Annan plan’s”. His belated admission confirms the lamentable failure of his policy. If he had not killed off the Annan plan, Eroglu would not have been able to submit proposals that were ‘worse’.

      It takes fathomless audacity to claim, on the one hand, that the Annan plan is dead and, on the other, using it as measure of the proposals made in the latest talks. As it is dead and buried, Eroglu is entitled to submit whatever proposals he feels like at the talks. Unless of course we meant that it is dead for us, but alive for the Turkish Cypriots.

      Back in 2004, this column had argued that the UN settlement plan was a unique opportunity and that nothing similar would ever again be offered to us. Those who opposed the plan, however, insisted that with the help of the European Union, Cyprus would have secured a much better deal.

      The six years that passed since then, have shown how correct we ‘yes-voters’ were and how much damage was done by the assortment of political pygmies – a prominent figure among them was Christofias. Today, both he and his party concede that the whole world, with the EU at the forefront, considers us responsible for the permanence of the problem and that north will before long be given ‘Taiwan status’ – a warning the column was making all along.

      Someone should therefore inform the president that if Eroglu is now tabling proposals that were worse than those of the Annan plan, the man who made it possible was Christofias. There are three reasons to back this: first, he ensured the election of Tassos Papadopoulos at the most unsuitable time; second, he led AKEL into rejecting the Annan plan; third, when he became president, instead of trying to neutralise the negative consequences of the above-mentioned political crimes, he committed a third – insisting on the talks starting from scratch.

      This was his biggest blunder. Rather than seek a settlement, using the Annan plan as the basis, he entered the dark labyrinth of re-negotiating the Cyprus problem from the beginning at a time when Mehmet Ali Talat had only two years left in power. And his motives were very dubious. On the one hand, he was not in a hurry to sign a deal because he wanted to enjoy his time as president, while on the other he did not want to lose the support of DIKO and EDEK for the sake of a settlement. How else would he have secured another term?

      This is the plain truth. Christofias should not be expressing big surprise today over Eroglu’s proposals. He should instead look at how the problem can be resolved in the only way, unfortunately, left open to us – partition. Only complete fools can now hope for even the Annan plan to re-appear.

      The only choice we have left, thanks to Christofias’ unforgivable political crimes, is, unfortunately, to agree on partition. It is probably the only way out of the labyrinth for him, and it would also satisfy Garoyian, Omirou, Lyssarides and the rest of the Turk-hunters.

      By Loucas Charalambous
      Published on August 8, 2010

      Back in 2004, this column had argued that the UN settlement plan was a unique opportunity and that nothing similar would ever again be offered to us. Those who opposed the plan, however, insisted that with the help of the European Union, Cyprus would have secured a much better deal.

      The journalist just confesses the truth here but this wasn't the decision taken by only the Greek Cypriot politicians. The EU officials told them to refuse the plan by giving them promise to be a member in EU as an only representatives of whole Cyprus. I explained this b4 in this message;

      Originally posted by Onur View Post
      Unfortunately i don't think any form of reunification is possible anymore. The last chance for it was the Annan plan of the UN. You know over %70 of Turkish Cypriots voted "YES" for the island`s unification and accepted the UN`s plan at 2004 but %75 of Greek Cypriots voted "NO" because UN plan was giving equal rights to both Greeks and the Turks in the island.

      I know that the idea of "Enosis" never disappeared in the island. Greeks are still dreaming about it with the EU`s support. Therefore, they never accept anything besides current situation as long as EU supports them. It was the EU already who blew up the years of negotiations in the UN. Maybe Greek Cypriots was going to vote "YES" for the united Cyprus as well but few weeks b4 the referendum, EU officials sent a message to the Cyprus that they will gladly accept Cyprus as an EU member even if they vote "NO" in the referendum but they also said that Turkey will never be a member unless she recognizes Greek only Cyprus(the double-standarts of EU for the 1000th time). So, Greek Cypriots changed their minds about it and voted "NO".

      So, i hope Greece will be ready to accept the situation too since it would be so ugly to see 100s of Greek fascists in the streets or any other bombing incidents to the Turkish consulates.

      Full recognition of Turkish state in Cyprus by UN or Turkey`s annexation. The decision is up to the Greeks.
      Last edited by Onur; 08-13-2010, 06:34 PM.


      • Onur
        Senior Member
        • Apr 2010
        • 2389

        While i browse the website of Greek Cypriot newspaper, i saw this on the front page;

        Missing remains exhumed in Strovolos

        HUMAN remains found in one of the three wells excavated in the Parissinos area of Strovolos are believed to be those of Turkish Cypriots who went missing during the 1963-64 intercommunal strife.

        Excavations have been underway in the Nicosia area since last week, by members of the tripartite Committee for Missing Persons (CMP).

        The spokesman for the Greek Cypriot side, Elias Georgiades, said yesterday the human remains were found in the first well, which was also full of water and mud.

        “Excavations continue,” he added. “The procedure is extremely difficult, as we not only have to keep emptying the water from the well, but we also have to transport the mud to a special area, so it can be passed through special sieves.”

        The remains are counted, recorded and photographed on the spot, before being placed in specially encoded containers and transported to the anthropological workshop that has been set up especially at the UN-controlled airport in Nicosia. There they will be analysed by archaeologists and identified.

        “Samples will be sent for DNA testing and the DNA will then be compared to the DNA samples that were provided by Turkish Cypriot relatives to determine their identities,” said Georgiades.

        He pointed out that the time it would take to identify the remains would depend on their condition.

        Georgiades concluded that the UN and Turkish Cypriot side were continually being updated on the unfolding events.

        Officially some 500 Turkish Cypriots are listed as missing persons.

        By Jacqueline Agathocleous
        Published on August 13, 2010

        This is a further proof for the absurdity of current so-called peace negotiations between Turkish and Greek communities of Cyprus. Most of current Greek Cypriot politicians was already active members of EOKA terrorist movement. So, one of them might even be the killers of these innocent Turkish Cypriots.

        The report says that these human remains in the mass grave are from 1963. This was the year when EOKA terrorists didn't even start their mass massacres in the island. At 1963, they were forcing Turkish Cypriots to live in small ghettos by throwing them out from their own properties. They were hunting down around ~500 Turks per year and throwing their bodies in an unused wells like this case. Greek government was offering few 1000 dollars to the turkish Cypriots to immigrate out from Cyprus.

        So, they only had two choice;
        Stay in Cyprus, live in ghettos and accept to be hunted down like animals or migrate out to Australia, Turkey or England.

        Turkish operation of 1974 was even so late. If Turkish army would go there in 1960s, we could save the lives of those people and even the lives of Greek leftists too since EOKA fascists was hunting down Greek leftists too.
        Last edited by Onur; 08-13-2010, 06:59 PM.


        • George S.
          Senior Member
          • Aug 2009
          • 10116

          Onur what is the lasting solution to cyprus.I think it has to be one where the mainland does not meddle in the affairs of cyprus.A solution that would help both sides in terms of acceptance & recognition.
          "Ido not want an uprising of people that would leave me at the first failure, I want revolution with citizens able to bear all the temptations to a prolonged struggle, what, because of the fierce political conditions, will be our guide or cattle to the slaughterhouse"
          GOTSE DELCEV

