Originally posted by vicsinad
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Thanks, that helps. I'm just curious about the need or reasoning to add the title now.
From the following article
I'm simply trying to ascertain the significance of the MOC needing to add another title. I can't take them always in good faith at what they do, so I'm curious as to how the rest of the Orthodox world will perceive or react to this. Perhaps not at all. Also wondering if this is the basis for the MOC to make another move in the future.
From the following article
Македонската православна црква во иднина ќе ја носи титулата како канонска наследничка на Охридската Архиепископија, но и титулата на Јустинијана Прима. Архиепископскиот црковно-народен собор на денешното заседание ја додаде Јустинијана Прима во името на МПЦ и во титулата на Архиепископот г.г. Стефан, кој во иднина ќе се ословува како Митрополит Скопски и Архиепископ Охридски и […]
I'm simply trying to ascertain the significance of the MOC needing to add another title. I can't take them always in good faith at what they do, so I'm curious as to how the rest of the Orthodox world will perceive or react to this. Perhaps not at all. Also wondering if this is the basis for the MOC to make another move in the future.
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