Soros, NGOs and Western/foreign meddling in Macedonia

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  • Makedonska_Kafana
    YouTube - Your Enemy: George Soros

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  • Makedonska_Kafana
    Originally posted by Risto the Great View Post
    Soros is winning.
    Man in the Mirror calling the kettle black. Watch his body language when he knows he's made a huge error ..

    YouTube - Soros Compares President Bush To Nazis
    Last edited by Makedonska_Kafana; 12-11-2010, 07:16 PM.

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  • Ljubanec
    Originally posted by TrueMacedonian View Post
    I want to make something very clear to people like you. George Soros is neither a Zionist nor a practising Jew. He makes it perfectly clear in his books that he doesn't care about Israel like other Jews do.

    Another thing, don't bog down this topic with your narrow minded posts if you have nothing of value to add here.
    I whole heartedly agree. It makes an argument weaker when you are against someone because of there religion and not their actions.

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  • TrueMacedonian
    Originally posted by Bratot View Post
    Soros’ Agenda in Macedonia

    Branko Crvenkovski once described me as a stateless statesman. "States have interests but no principles," he said. "You have principles but no interests." I like that formulation and I try to live up to it. The world is badly in need of stateless statesmen
    . (George Soros).

    Interesting days are passing through Macedonia where journalists are being bought to spread anti-Macedonian rhetoric, where opposition governmental parties are leading street protests demanding new elections immediately, and the EU and NATO rejecting Macedonia's membership until Macedonia changes its name and identity to appease the Greek State. How does George Soros fit into all this? Well he is unquestionably one of the wealthiest men alive who has worldwide influence. But what are his principles if he has no interests? This and the question of how effective is George Soros' clout in Macedonia and the consequences it blows over a country with little more than two million souls are the topic this article aims to confront.

    Despite the barrage of media falsehoods, Macedonian citizens are fully aware that Washington is supporting the terrorists. To diffuse public resentment, several Western "foundations" and "human rights organizations" --including the International Crisis Group (ICG) and Human Rights Watch (HRW) are working closely with local citizens groups in Macedonia. While their formal mandate is in the areas of "confidence building", "governance", "peace-making" and "inter-ethnic reconciliation", in practice, they work hand in glove with NATO. They are an integral part of the military-intelligence ploy. The role of these front organizations is to ensure that public resentment is directed against the Macedonian government and Military rather than against Washington, NATO or the IMF.1)

    The Open Society Institute (OSI) in Skopje, controlled by Wall Street financier George Soros is also playing a central role in manipulating and ultimately weakening the civilian protest movement. 2)
    But take a look at the board members of the NGOs he organises and finances.

    At Human Rights Watch, for example, there is Morton Abramowitz, US assistant secretary of state for intelligence and research from 1985-89, and now a fellow at the interventionist Council on Foreign Relations; ex-ambassador Warren Zimmerman (whose spell in Yugoslavia coincided with the break-up of that country); and Paul Goble, director of communications at the CIA-created Radio Free Europe/Radio Liberty (which Soros also funds). 3)

    One of Soros’ most influential institutions is the International Crisis Group, founded in 1986. ICG is headed by individuals from the very center of political and corporate power. Soros's International Crisis Group boasts such "independent" luminaries as the former national security advisers Zbigniew Brzezinski and Richard Allen, as well as General Wesley Clark, once NATO supreme allied commander for Europe.

    More than a decade after the fall of the Berlin Wall, Soros is the
    uncrowned king of eastern Europe. His Central European University, with campuses in Budapest, Warsaw and Prague and exchange programmes in the US, unashamedly propagates the ethos of neoliberal capitalism and clones the next pro-American generation of political leaders in the region.

    Through OSI and HRW, Soros was a major supporter of the B-92 radio station in Belgrade. Soros funded ‘Otpor’, the organization that received those “suitcases of money” in support of the October 5, 2000 coup that toppled the Yugoslav government. 4)
    Human Rights Watch helped legitimize the subsequent kidnapping and show trial of Slobodan Milosevic in The Hague by saying nothing about his rights.” 5)
    Louise Arbour, who served as judge at that illegal tribunal co-financed by Soros, is presently on the Board of Soros’ International Crisis Group. 6)

    The Open Society/Human Rights Watch gang has been working on Macedonia, calling it part of their “civilizing mission.” 7) Expect that republic to be “saved” to finish the total disintegration of the former Yugoslavia.

    While George Soros finances "peace" and "reconciliation" initatives in Macedonia, he also supports the KLA. Across the border in Kosovo, the Soros sponsored Kosova Foundation for an Open Society (KFOS) is funding the activities of "local governments" controlled by KLA appointees. This assistance was initially channeled through a World Bank "Post Conflict Trust Fund", of which 90 percent of the financing is controlled by George Soros.8)

    George Soros’s grant of $100 million to HRW is the largest grant that he has ever made to a nongovernmental organization . 9)

    “Human Rights Watch is one of the most effective organizations I support,” said Soros, founder and chairman of the Open Society Foundations. “Human rights underpin our greatest aspirations: they’re at the heart of open societies.”

    Soros buying Macedonian journalists

    The daily newspaper "Dnevnik" that was allegedly formed in the cabinet of the Interior Minister Frckovski was assisted with a grant and an interest-free loan by Soros - as recently acknowledged Vladimir Milcin, the Executive Director of the Open Society Institute based in Skopje. 10)

    George Soros is also the main financer of the A1 TV Station since its establishment, which was only further confirmed by one of the Wikileaks cables released recently, revealing the correspondence of the U.S. ambassador in Macedonia – Mrs. Julian Milovanovich.

    C O N F I D E N T I A L
    SECTION 01 OF 07 SKOPJE 000105

    “The ability of defendants in civil lawsuits
    to file interminable, frivolous appeals prevents the
    Macedonian courts from enforcing valid judgments -- for
    example, ordering the owner of Macedonian TV station A-1
    to repay debts owed to the U.S.-based non-profit Media Loan
    Development Fund. “ 11)

    The Media Development Loan Fund is a main channel for Soros funding of media in Eastern Europe. 12,13 & 14)

    The A1 TV is accused for carrying out the most despicable anti-Macedonian agenda for pressing the current Macedonian government to change the name according to the Greek proposal, thus flirting with the Greeks and their supporters.

    These pseudo-journalists are conveying the Greek plan to oppose the existence of an ethnic state of “Macedonians” expressed in their “solution” for the name dispute:

    1. Changing the name of Macedonia
    2. In the UN’s graph for nationality and language to have replaced the ‘Macedonian’ nationality and the ‘Macedonian’ language with a set of all ethnicities and languages in the Republic, i.e. the Albanian.

    This proposition was made by Branko Geroski 15), the chief of Soros’ funded organization “Citizens for European Macedonia”. 16)

    Having a quick look at the points given by the Greek minister Andonis Samaras in his interview for the Greek newspaper “Ekathimerini” 17) we can identify the same solution directed against Macedonia:

    1. “FYROM essentially stopped being a “national cradle of Macedonians” and became a multi-ethnic state with two separate ethnic components.“
    2. “What we question from abroad – the existence of an ethnic state of “Macedonians”“
    3. “For Skopje today, the dilemma is whether it will break up or whether – as some are claiming – it will be transformed into a loose multi-ethnic federation!“

    His conclusion in the interview unveils the real aim:
    “In every case, the “Macedonian idea” will have been defeated once and for all.“

    Though Soros’ Open Society Foundation claims to want to encourage Macedonian multi-ethnicity practically is supporting the Albanian autonomist movement, for the benefit of Greece. This bad intention was expressed by Kim Mehmeti, supposedly an Albanian “poet” that holds a full-time position with the Open Society Foundation of Macedonia who stated that Macedonia cannot work as a national state, it must have a multi-national identity” adding that “we must talk of world citizenship, without fixation on nationality which doesn’t contribute to quality of life.” By whom “the disappearance of states and nationalities is not a new thing, historically speaking.” 18)

    In a broadcasting of a ‘Win-Win’ public debate on ALFA TV station hosted by Olivera Trajkovska, the Executive Director of Open Society Foundation of Macedonia, Mr. Vladimir Milchin, stated that Soros in his letter to the Assembly of Macedonia in 1992 clearly said and demanded a change of the flag of the Republic, the early sun of Vergina(Kutlesh). 19)

    Crucial to understand the mission of Soros in Macedonia is to question:

    What were the reasons that OSFM decided to request changes in the name of Macedonia or modification of the name and not taken a stance to fight to preserve the constitutional name of the State?
    Why financing the campaign to change the name, instead to use all forces (and the money) to pledged inside Macedonia and elsewhere in the world to defend the name of Macedonia?
    Why this Trojan horse called “Citizens for European Macedonia” is in line with Greece and against about 70 per cent of the ordinary citizens of Macedonia?

    These people in all polls, regardless of whom they are conducted, are against changing the name. 20) 21)

    Why these organizations of the Open Society Foundation of Macedonia are on the other side, why are they against the majority in their own country?

    1. See ICG's report on Macedonia at Both HRW and ICG are funded by Wall Street financier George Soros.
    2. See the OSI Macedonia webpage at
    3. George Soros: Imperial Wizard/Double Agent by Heather Coffin
    4. Steven Erlanger, “Kostunica Says Some Backers ‘Unconsciously Work for American Imperial Goals,”‘ New York Times, September 20, 2000; and “Bringing Down a Dictator, Serbia Calling.” PBS,
    5. Milosevic in the Hague, Focus on Human Rights, “In-Depth Report Documents Milosevic Crimes,” April 2001,
    6. Ibid.
    7. “About ICG,” May 2002, Macedonia Crimes Against Civilians: Abuses by Macedonian Forces in Lluboten, August 10-12, 2001
    8. World Bank, Kosova Foundation for an Open Society (KFOS) World Bank, World Bank Launches First Kosovo Project, Washington, November 16, 1999 News Release No. 2000/097/ECA, See also Michel Chossudovsky, Opening Kosovo to Foreign Capital, March 2000, at
    10. Vladimir Milcin replies to the letter of Pande Kolemishevski
    17. A missed opportunity that never was
    18. “Salonika Terminus” by Fred A. Reed, p. 229
    19. Win-Win show with Olivera Trajkovska dated 18.11.2010
    19. Poll: Macedonians choose Name over EU & NATO
    20. Poll: Majority does not support change of the name

    Another great article by the Macedonian Spark team. Thank you for the early christmas present Bratot

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  • Risto the Great
    Soros is winning.

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  • Bratot
    Soros’ Agenda in Macedonia

    Branko Crvenkovski once described me as a stateless statesman. "States have interests but no principles," he said. "You have principles but no interests." I like that formulation and I try to live up to it. The world is badly in need of stateless statesmen
    . (George Soros).

    Interesting days are passing through Macedonia where journalists are being bought to spread anti-Macedonian rhetoric, where opposition governmental parties are leading street protests demanding new elections immediately, and the EU and NATO rejecting Macedonia's membership until Macedonia changes its name and identity to appease the Greek State. How does George Soros fit into all this? Well he is unquestionably one of the wealthiest men alive who has worldwide influence. But what are his principles if he has no interests? This and the question of how effective is George Soros' clout in Macedonia and the consequences it blows over a country with little more than two million souls are the topic this article aims to confront.

    Despite the barrage of media falsehoods, Macedonian citizens are fully aware that Washington is supporting the terrorists. To diffuse public resentment, several Western "foundations" and "human rights organizations" --including the International Crisis Group (ICG) and Human Rights Watch (HRW) are working closely with local citizens groups in Macedonia. While their formal mandate is in the areas of "confidence building", "governance", "peace-making" and "inter-ethnic reconciliation", in practice, they work hand in glove with NATO. They are an integral part of the military-intelligence ploy. The role of these front organizations is to ensure that public resentment is directed against the Macedonian government and Military rather than against Washington, NATO or the IMF.1)

    The Open Society Institute (OSI) in Skopje, controlled by Wall Street financier George Soros is also playing a central role in manipulating and ultimately weakening the civilian protest movement. 2)
    But take a look at the board members of the NGOs he organises and finances.

    At Human Rights Watch, for example, there is Morton Abramowitz, US assistant secretary of state for intelligence and research from 1985-89, and now a fellow at the interventionist Council on Foreign Relations; ex-ambassador Warren Zimmerman (whose spell in Yugoslavia coincided with the break-up of that country); and Paul Goble, director of communications at the CIA-created Radio Free Europe/Radio Liberty (which Soros also funds). 3)

    One of Soros’ most influential institutions is the International Crisis Group, founded in 1986. ICG is headed by individuals from the very center of political and corporate power. Soros's International Crisis Group boasts such "independent" luminaries as the former national security advisers Zbigniew Brzezinski and Richard Allen, as well as General Wesley Clark, once NATO supreme allied commander for Europe.

    More than a decade after the fall of the Berlin Wall, Soros is the
    uncrowned king of eastern Europe. His Central European University, with campuses in Budapest, Warsaw and Prague and exchange programmes in the US, unashamedly propagates the ethos of neoliberal capitalism and clones the next pro-American generation of political leaders in the region.

    Through OSI and HRW, Soros was a major supporter of the B-92 radio station in Belgrade. Soros funded ‘Otpor’, the organization that received those “suitcases of money” in support of the October 5, 2000 coup that toppled the Yugoslav government. 4)
    Human Rights Watch helped legitimize the subsequent kidnapping and show trial of Slobodan Milosevic in The Hague by saying nothing about his rights.” 5)
    Louise Arbour, who served as judge at that illegal tribunal co-financed by Soros, is presently on the Board of Soros’ International Crisis Group. 6)

    The Open Society/Human Rights Watch gang has been working on Macedonia, calling it part of their “civilizing mission.” 7) Expect that republic to be “saved” to finish the total disintegration of the former Yugoslavia.

    While George Soros finances "peace" and "reconciliation" initatives in Macedonia, he also supports the KLA. Across the border in Kosovo, the Soros sponsored Kosova Foundation for an Open Society (KFOS) is funding the activities of "local governments" controlled by KLA appointees. This assistance was initially channeled through a World Bank "Post Conflict Trust Fund", of which 90 percent of the financing is controlled by George Soros.8)

    George Soros’s grant of $100 million to HRW is the largest grant that he has ever made to a nongovernmental organization . 9)

    “Human Rights Watch is one of the most effective organizations I support,” said Soros, founder and chairman of the Open Society Foundations. “Human rights underpin our greatest aspirations: they’re at the heart of open societies.”

    Soros buying Macedonian journalists

    The daily newspaper "Dnevnik" that was allegedly formed in the cabinet of the Interior Minister Frckovski was assisted with a grant and an interest-free loan by Soros - as recently acknowledged Vladimir Milcin, the Executive Director of the Open Society Institute based in Skopje. 10)

    George Soros is also the main financer of the A1 TV Station since its establishment, which was only further confirmed by one of the Wikileaks cables released recently, revealing the correspondence of the U.S. ambassador in Macedonia – Mrs. Julian Milovanovich.

    C O N F I D E N T I A L
    SECTION 01 OF 07 SKOPJE 000105

    “The ability of defendants in civil lawsuits
    to file interminable, frivolous appeals prevents the
    Macedonian courts from enforcing valid judgments -- for
    example, ordering the owner of Macedonian TV station A-1
    to repay debts owed to the U.S.-based non-profit Media Loan
    Development Fund. “ 11)

    The Media Development Loan Fund is a main channel for Soros funding of media in Eastern Europe. 12,13 & 14)

    The A1 TV is accused for carrying out the most despicable anti-Macedonian agenda for pressing the current Macedonian government to change the name according to the Greek proposal, thus flirting with the Greeks and their supporters.

    These pseudo-journalists are conveying the Greek plan to oppose the existence of an ethnic state of “Macedonians” expressed in their “solution” for the name dispute:

    1. Changing the name of Macedonia
    2. In the UN’s graph for nationality and language to have replaced the ‘Macedonian’ nationality and the ‘Macedonian’ language with a set of all ethnicities and languages in the Republic, i.e. the Albanian.

    This proposition was made by Branko Geroski 15), the chief of Soros’ funded organization “Citizens for European Macedonia”. 16)

    Having a quick look at the points given by the Greek minister Andonis Samaras in his interview for the Greek newspaper “Ekathimerini” 17) we can identify the same solution directed against Macedonia:

    1. “FYROM essentially stopped being a “national cradle of Macedonians” and became a multi-ethnic state with two separate ethnic components.“
    2. “What we question from abroad – the existence of an ethnic state of “Macedonians”“
    3. “For Skopje today, the dilemma is whether it will break up or whether – as some are claiming – it will be transformed into a loose multi-ethnic federation!“

    His conclusion in the interview unveils the real aim:
    “In every case, the “Macedonian idea” will have been defeated once and for all.“

    Though Soros’ Open Society Foundation claims to want to encourage Macedonian multi-ethnicity practically is supporting the Albanian autonomist movement, for the benefit of Greece. This bad intention was expressed by Kim Mehmeti, supposedly an Albanian “poet” that holds a full-time position with the Open Society Foundation of Macedonia who stated that Macedonia cannot work as a national state, it must have a multi-national identity” adding that “we must talk of world citizenship, without fixation on nationality which doesn’t contribute to quality of life.” By whom “the disappearance of states and nationalities is not a new thing, historically speaking.” 18)

    In a broadcasting of a ‘Win-Win’ public debate on ALFA TV station hosted by Olivera Trajkovska, the Executive Director of Open Society Foundation of Macedonia, Mr. Vladimir Milchin, stated that Soros in his letter to the Assembly of Macedonia in 1992 clearly said and demanded a change of the flag of the Republic, the early sun of Vergina(Kutlesh). 19)

    Crucial to understand the mission of Soros in Macedonia is to question:

    What were the reasons that OSFM decided to request changes in the name of Macedonia or modification of the name and not taken a stance to fight to preserve the constitutional name of the State?
    Why financing the campaign to change the name, instead to use all forces (and the money) to pledged inside Macedonia and elsewhere in the world to defend the name of Macedonia?
    Why this Trojan horse called “Citizens for European Macedonia” is in line with Greece and against about 70 per cent of the ordinary citizens of Macedonia?

    These people in all polls, regardless of whom they are conducted, are against changing the name. 20) 21)

    Why these organizations of the Open Society Foundation of Macedonia are on the other side, why are they against the majority in their own country?

    1. See ICG's report on Macedonia at Both HRW and ICG are funded by Wall Street financier George Soros.
    2. See the OSI Macedonia webpage at
    3. George Soros: Imperial Wizard/Double Agent by Heather Coffin
    4. Steven Erlanger, “Kostunica Says Some Backers ‘Unconsciously Work for American Imperial Goals,”‘ New York Times, September 20, 2000; and “Bringing Down a Dictator, Serbia Calling.” PBS,
    5. Milosevic in the Hague, Focus on Human Rights, “In-Depth Report Documents Milosevic Crimes,” April 2001,
    6. Ibid.
    7. “About ICG,” May 2002, Macedonia Crimes Against Civilians: Abuses by Macedonian Forces in Lluboten, August 10-12, 2001
    8. World Bank, Kosova Foundation for an Open Society (KFOS) World Bank, World Bank Launches First Kosovo Project, Washington, November 16, 1999 News Release No. 2000/097/ECA, See also Michel Chossudovsky, Opening Kosovo to Foreign Capital, March 2000, at
    10. Vladimir Milcin replies to the letter of Pande Kolemishevski
    17. A missed opportunity that never was
    18. “Salonika Terminus” by Fred A. Reed, p. 229
    19. Win-Win show with Olivera Trajkovska dated 18.11.2010
    19. Poll: Macedonians choose Name over EU & NATO
    20. Poll: Majority does not support change of the name


    Last edited by Bratot; 12-11-2010, 05:11 PM.

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  • Makedonska_Kafana
    We know that Soros bought the original Macedonian flag from Gligorov; however, one thing we don't know is if he also bought the rights to our name? If so, why hasn't Gligorov been charged or worse?

    Since Soros is "Wiki" we're not going to read that kind of information because that would place him front and centre and only selective releases.

    New World Order vs Governments

    Last edited by Makedonska_Kafana; 12-11-2010, 04:37 PM.

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  • George S.
    to those people that think sorros is doing good for macedonia.On the surface it looks like that but when one sees right through everything all he cares about is his money.He is not giving his money away but investing it & there would be strings attached & how many politicians are sold out to george sorros & his ideas for macedonia.It's better to have been poorer than having to live by the dictates of the likes of george sorros.

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  • Makedonska_Kafana
    The sooner Macedonia wakes up and understands this guy is bad news the better OFF they will be. Think of it like this .. Soros has invested lots of money in Macedonia for PERSONAL GAIN and just look how well the average citizens are doing today because of him.

    Last edited by Makedonska_Kafana; 12-10-2010, 10:26 AM.

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  • Bratot
    Subject: George Soros -- proud owner of a banana republicFrom: (Milan Pavlovic)

    Newsgroups: soc.culture.yugoslavia,soc.culture.greek
    Date: 18 Mar 1995 23:15:43 GMT

    Over the past 3 years, many Western policy-makers have contended that the Republic of Skopje is "weak" and "defenseless", and therefore no match for "Greek thugs" who allegedly seek to destabilize it. Well, that's not true, and now there is proof. Skopje has many powerful allies, one of whom is Mr. George Soros, who has invested millions of dollars of his own fortune to demonize Greeks in the Western media.
    The following article is quite long, but very, very informative. It has
    taken me several hours to retype it on the computer, but I think it is well worth it. I encourage Serbs, and especially Greeks, to read it.

    Quoting parts of an article from "The New Yorker", published on
    Jan. 23, 1995. Reprinted without permission, for "fair use" only.
    ================================================== =============================

    The World According to Soros

    By: Connie Bruck


    Nowhere has Soros put more energy and money into bolstering a government
    than in Macedonia. "George is the savior of Macedonia," his friend Morton
    Abramowitz declared
    . And the Macedonian representative in Washington, Ljubica
    Acevska, says of two separate Soros loans of twenty-five million dollars,
    "People have found it difficult to believe. The opposition said, 'A country
    does not help you -- why would an individual help you?' Remember, twenty-five
    million dollars in Macedonia is like billions here. . . . The fact that Soros
    did it helped the government a great deal."

    By betting aggressively on Macedonia, Soros plunged into one of those
    simmering Balkan disputes whose apparent simplicities mask lethal complexities.
    The Macedonia that excited Soros was a province of Yugoslavia once known as
    Vardar Banovina; it was renamed the Republic of Macedonia in 1945 by Marshal
    Its populace was varied, the largest portion being Slavs, whose ancestors
    had arrived in the region nearly a thousand years after the most famous
    Macedonians of all, Phillip II and his son, Alexander the Great. However,
    Tito -- coveting the large Greek region of Macedonia -- encouraged the
    irredentist idea of all Macedonians' sharing a distinct ethnic identity. He
    then supported the Communist-led Democratic Army in the Greek Civil War, a
    brutal conflict that tore the country from 1946 to 1949.

    Greece's fears were reawakened in 1991, when the fragment of Yugoslavia
    declared its independence as the nation of Macedonia; its newly elected
    President, Kiro Gligorov, was one of Tito's Communist bosses, and had helped
    propagate the idea of a separate ethnic identity for Macedonians. Gligorov
    says that his Macedonia has no territorial ambitions, but the Greeks have not
    been comforted. In 1992 and 1993, Gligorov's government issued new school
    textbooks that showed "geographical ethnic boundaries" encompassing the whole
    of Greek Macedonia; the country's flag carries the symbol of the empire of
    Alexander the Great; and a preamble to its 1991 Constitution pledges it to
    protect Macedonians everywhere. The Greeks do not pretend that the Lilliputian
    Macedonia, with its two million people, poses any threat to them at the moment,
    but history has taught them to take a long view. In a scenario that some Greeks
    project, for example, Macedonians might someday attempt a hostile incursion,
    in concert with their fellow-Slavs in Bulgaria, which occupied part of Greece
    during the Second World War.

    This was the situation when Soros arrived in Skopje, the Macedonian capital,
    in September, 1992, during a whirlwind tour through his proliferating
    foundation network. He had come directly from Bulgaria, where a member of the
    board of his foundation in Sofia had given him the prevailing Bulgarian view:
    that there is no such thing as an ethnic Macedonian, and that Macedonia's
    fervent attempts to establish this identity cloaked irredentist aspirations
    bequeathed by Tito. "Soros knew nothing about Macedonia," Acevska said. "When
    he arrived, his head was filled with propaganda from Bulgaria -- he was
    probably sorry that he was here. Then he had a meeting with the Prime Minister,
    whom Soros really likes, and the President had a lunch for him -- and he
    changed his mind."

    That afternoon, Soros held a press conference at which he announced that he
    was committing an additional million dollars to the budget of his foundation
    in Macedonia, and, furthermore -- and this carried as much weight -- he was
    changing its name from the Open Society Foundation of Skopje to the Open
    Society Foundation of Macedonia.

    When I described Soros's overnight conversion to the Macedonian cause to
    someone who used to work for Soros in the financial markets, this person
    asserted that it was "pure Soros." He said, "As a fund manager, you're looking
    at life and then simplifying it in order to find predictive qualities. So he
    gets the 'broker's recommendation' -- that is, the consensus view -- from
    Bulgaria. Then he gets to Macedonia, and, instead of getting corroboration, he
    decides that the reality is totally different. And he thinks, If I HIT the
    reality hard, the illusion will give way. It's his PERFECT market position!"
    This person noted that Soros is always happiest going against the herd:
    "That's when the wind's in your hair."

    He pointed out, however, that in the market "you see if you're right or
    wrong; the market tells you. Now George is in an area where there is no real
    right or wrong; where it's more nuanced. He says, 'If I spend enough, I will
    make it right.' "

    In the good-guy, bad-guy formulation to which Soros is so partial, the
    Greeks became the bad guys. He did not go to Greece to get the Greek view.
    In his few hours with Gligorov, he became persuaded, as he has often insisted
    since, that Macedonia is the only multi-ethnic state left in the Balkans with
    a government devoted to pluralism and democratic principles -- a view contested
    by many ethnic Albanians, Macedonia's largest minority, who charge that
    Gligorov's actions belie his words, and that they are discriminated against in
    schooling, employment, and political representation.

    The executive director of the Soros foundation in Skopje, Vladimir Milcin,
    maintains that he, too, is committed to the principles of an open society. But
    it is difficult to reconcile a dedication to pluralism with the demagogic
    passion that Milcin exhibits on the question of Macedonian ethnic identity.
    He gave me propagandist literature on Macedonia and Greece (including a
    pamphlet of excerpted texts entitled "Modern Greeks Are Not Descended from the
    Ancient Hellenes"). Efforts to resolve the ongoing dispute with Greece have
    included discussions about changing the name of Macedonia to something like
    Vardar Macedonia or Nova Macedonia. But in an interview I had with the Prime
    Minister, Branko Crvenkovski, which Milcin attended, the two men insisted that
    the name is not negotiable. Milcin declared, "If they change the name, I will
    go to the mountains and fight with the guerrillas!"

    Such strong partisanship is not the normal language of foundations. As
    tax-exempt organizations that receive tax-deductible contributions (from
    Soros), the Soros foundations, according to I.R.S. rules, are not supposed to
    engage in most forms of political activity. They may not lend support to a
    particular party or a campaign, for example, and they may not lobby (though
    "lobbying" is rather loosely defined). Soros, as he has done often in his
    financial life, is moving aggressively in a gray area -- in both his personal
    lobbying and the work of his foundations. Soros has made no secret of his
    willingness to lend support to Gligorov, even in the context of an election
    campaign. In November, Gligorov and his coalition won an ample majority (in an
    election that the two main opposition parties have charged was rigged). About
    a month before the election, Soros told me that he would have gone to Macedonia
    to help Gligorov if the election had seemed in doubt. Ljupco Georgievski, the
    right-wing head of the opposition V.M.R.O. (International Macedonian
    Revolutionary Organization) Party, charges that the Soros foundation is
    "a support machine to the government." Virtually all foundation grants, he
    says, go to those associated in some way with the ruling party. Referring to
    a television station, A1, that receives Soros support, Georgievski said, "It is
    truly an alternative in its cultural programming; however, in politics. . . you
    see ministers of the present Macedonian government more often than on state
    TV." Marshall Harris, who was formerly in the State Department and is now the
    executive director of the Action Council for Peace in the Balkans (an
    organization started in 1993 with Soros's funding), told me, "The complaints
    I've heard a lot -- that the [Gligorov] government freezes out all other
    parties, even those in its own coalition, that information about negotiations
    [in the dispute with Greece] is kept under VERY tight control -- are not
    suggestive of a new system."

    Since the fall of 1992, Soros has been lobbying aggressively for United
    States recognition of Macedonia, while Greece has been making the case that
    recognition should not come before Macedonian concessions on its name, its
    flag, and its Constitution. Last February, President Clinton did agree to
    recognize Macedonia under the name of the Former Yugoslav Republic of Macedonia
    -- an attempt not to show prejudice to either side. Greece retaliated with an
    embargo, and Clinton, after meeting with representatives of a Greek-American
    lobby, essentially froze the recognition.

    At this point, one well-placed person in the Clinton Administration told me,
    Soros moved into high gear. "He wrote a sharp letter to the President, raising
    parallels with 1938 and appeasement," this person said. Soros also wrote a
    somewhat more moderate piece for the Op-Ed page of the Times. In public
    appearances, he denounced Greece and the Greek-American lobby. He has lobbied
    Strobe Talbott and others in the State Department and the National Security
    Council. And at the Bretton Woods Conferences in Washington last July, Soros
    worked the corridors assiduously, attempting to persuade members of the
    European Union to help Macedonia. (Greece, which then held the chairmanship
    of the E.U., has vetoed any aid.)

    Nor were all Soros's efforts so overt. The Soros-funded Action Council for
    Peace in the Balkans launced a major effort on Macedonia. In February, 1994,
    it issued a "Macedonia White Paper," highly supportive of Macedonia's position
    vis-a-vis Greece, and this was circulated to the White House, Cabinet offices,
    Congress, and hundreds of media people. Several months later, in May, it
    issued another report, which also supported Macedonia. The report had been
    produced, according to its cover letter, by "a bipartisan, independent

    The Action Council letterhead lists fifty people -- including members of its
    steering committee and its executive director and its program director -- but
    not Soros. (According to Aryeh Neier, Soros wants to "foster the debate"
    rather than "be identified with detailed positions.") Nor, for that matter,
    does it list John Fox, who is the head of Soros's Washington office, and who,
    according to Marshall Harris, "was director of the policy group. . . the
    behind-the-scenes group at the working level of the council," and was involved
    in the preparation of both reports.

    Few would disagree with the high premium Soros has placed on achieving a
    stable Macedonia. For if tensions were to ignite between its Slav majority
    and its large Albanian minority, that conflict might well precipitate a
    wider Balkan war -- one that could involve Albania, Serbia, Bulgaria, Turkey,
    and Greece. And his denunciations of the Greek embargo are no so off the mark,
    either; even many who understand Greece's sensitivity on the Macedonian
    issue acknowledge that Greece, in imposing the embargo, has handled the
    situation in an unjustifiable as well as self-damaging way.

    But the problem with Soros is the extremity of his views -- his tendency to
    beatify one side and demonize the other -- and the way in which that is
    reflected in his activism. If Soros had pursued a more moderate, conventionally
    diplomatic course at the start, listening to both sides, it is just
    conceivable that he -- with his influence and resources -- might have been able
    to mediate a settlement before the issue became so enmeshed in the politics of
    both countries. In the event, however, Soros's intervention -- as self-styled
    deus ex machina -- has done nothing to move the conflict toward resolution; if
    anything, one might argue that his zealousness (and funds) has contributed to
    Macedonia's intractability. According to one person familiar with the
    situation, the Greeks have become somewhat more flexible, while Gligorov --
    after his recent electoral victory -- has stiffened. It bears noting, too,
    that Soros's strength has always been abstraction, while his weakness has been
    judgments about character, motivation, the more nuanced stuff of life -- and,
    for that matter, of politics. As one person with considerable diplomatic
    experience told me, "Gligorov is very smart, but he did spend thirty-five years
    in the Tito government -- and to have survived in that system you have to be
    a tough bastard. We should not have illusions about him. Soros does romanticize

    "Soros sees this situationin black-and-white," this person continued. "But
    in my view, no. In this region, there is no black-and-white, and it is a
    mistake to view it that way."

    To Soros fans like Strobe Talbott; Leslie Gelb, the president of the Council
    on Foreign Relations; and Mark Malloch Brown, the head of public affairs at the
    World Bank, Soros is the trailblazer they hope other businesspeople will
    follow, moving to fill the vacuum left by an overextended and inadequate
    government. But Soros's Macedonian expedition seems to be almost a parable
    about the pitfalls of that idea. Soros, unsurprisingly, is to a considerable
    degree a creature of his experience in the markets: idiosyncratic, intuitive,
    prone to quick judgments often based on scanty information, aggressive,
    manipulative, so self-reliant that he trusts no one's judgment but his own --
    a profile, in sum, hardly suggestive of a diplomat. And, unlike the
    governmental bodies he has long disdained, Soros is a free agent, accountable
    to no one, subject to no checks and balances of countervailing opinion --
    whose power is rooted, in the end, not in a consensus on the wisdom and
    sophistication of his world view but in his money.

    ================================================== =============================

    Milan Pavlovic

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  • Makedonska_Kafana
    Originally posted by George S. View Post
    in regards the wikipaedia does any macedonian trusts the greeks to write their history?
    Wikipaedia is as good as the people who write it.Theres heaps of materilal that is wrong.
    Do you not understand why it's wrong? Soros, funds EVERYTHING that has the word "Wiki" and he is NOT Macedonian friendly - wants to control the country and use people like Crvenkovski as his boy toy. Fuck, he bought the original flag from Gligorov plus plus plus ..

    Last edited by Makedonska_Kafana; 12-05-2010, 05:36 PM.

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  • George S.
    in regards the wikipaedia does any macedonian trusts the greeks to write their history?
    Wikipaedia is as good as the people who write it.Theres heaps of materilal that is wrong.

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  • Bratot
    Not before asking what really motivates him. Soros likes to portray himself as an outsider, an independent-minded Hungarian emigre and philosopher-pundit who stands detached from the US military-industrial complex. But take a look at the board members of the NGOs he organises and finances.
    At Human Rights Watch, for example, there is Morton Abramowitz, US assistant secretary of state for intelligence and research from 1985-89, and now a fellow at the interventionist Council on Foreign Relations; ex-ambassador Warren Zimmerman (whose spell in Yugoslavia coincided with the break-up of that country); and Paul Goble, director of communications at the CIA-created Radio Free Europe/Radio Liberty (which Soros also funds). Soros's International Crisis Group boasts such "independent" luminaries as the former national security advisers Zbigniew Brzezinski and Richard Allen, as well as General Wesley Clark, once Nato supreme allied commander for Europe. The group's vice-chairman is the former congressman Stephen Solarz, once described as "the Israel lobby's chief legislative tactician on Capitol Hill" and a signatory, along with the likes of Richard Perle and Paul Wolfowitz, to a notorious letter to President Clinton in 1998 calling for a "comprehensive political and military strategy for bringing down Saddam and his regime".

    Take a look also at Soros's business partners. At the Carlyle Group, where he has invested more than $100m, they include the former secretary of state James Baker and the erstwhile defence secretary Frank Carlucci, George Bush Sr and, until recently, the estranged relatives of Osama Bin Laden. Carlyle, one of the world's largest private equity funds, makes most of its money from its work as a defence contractor.

    Soros may not, as some have suggested, be a fully paid-up CIA agent. But that his companies and NGOs are closely wrapped up in US expansionism cannot seriously be doubted.

    Soros knows a better way - armed with a few billion dollars, a handful of NGOs and a nod and a wink from the US State Department, it is perfectly possible to topple foreign governments that are bad for business, seize a country's assets, and even to get thanked for your benevolence afterwards. Soros has done it.

    The conventional view, shared by many on the left, is that socialism collapsed in eastern Europe because of its systemic weaknesses and the political elite's failure to build popular support. That may be partly true, but Soros's role was crucial. From 1979, he distributed $3m a year to dissidents including Poland's Solidarity movement, Charter 77 in Czechoslovakia and Andrei Sakharov in the Soviet Union. In 1984, he founded his first Open Society Institute in Hungary and pumped millions of dollars into opposition movements and independent media. Ostensibly aimed at building up a "civil society", these initiatives were designed to weaken the existing political structures and pave the way for eastern Europe's eventual colonisation by global capital. Soros now claims, with characteristic immodesty, that he was responsible for the "Americanisation" of eastern Europe.

    The Yugoslavs remained stubbornly resistant and repeatedly returned Slobodan Milosevic's unreformed Socialist Party to government. Soros was equal to the challenge. From 1991, his Open Society Institute channelled more than $100m to the coffers of the anti-Milosevic opposition, funding political parties, publishing houses and "independent" media such as Radio B92, the plucky little student radio station of western mythology which was in reality bankrolled by one of the world's richest men on behalf of the world's most powerful nation. With Slobo finally toppled in 2000 in a coup d'etat financed, planned and executed in Washington, all that was left was to cart the ex-Yugoslav leader to the Hague tribunal, co-financed by Soros along with those other custodians of human rights Time Warner Corporation and Disney. He faced charges of crimes against humanity, war crimes and genocide, based in the main on the largely anecdotal evidence of (you've guessed it) Human Rights Watch.

    Soros stresses his belief in the "open society" propounded by the philosopher Karl Popper, who taught him at the LSE in the early 1950s. Soros's definition of an "open society" - "an imperfect society that holds itself open to improvement" - sounds reasonable enough; few lovers of genuine liberty would take issue with its central tenet that "the open society is a more sophisticated form of social organisation than a totalitarian one". But Soros's "open societies" don't tend to be all that open in practice.

    Since the fall of Milosevic, Serbia, under the auspices of Soros-backed "reformers", has become less, not more, free. The recently lifted state of emergency saw more than 4,000 people arrested, many of them without charge, political parties threatened with bans, and critical newspapers closed down. It was condemned by the UN Commission on Human Rights and the British Helsinki Group. But there was not a murmur from the Open Society Institute or from Soros himself. In fairness, Soros has been far more critical of his former protege Leonid Kuchma, president of the Ukraine, a country described by the former intelligence officer Mykola Melnychenko as "one big protection racket", and now possibly the most repressive police state in Europe.

    But generally the sad conclusion is that for all his liberal quoting of Popper, Soros deems a society "open" not if it respects human rights and basic freedoms, but if it is "open" for him and his associates to make money. And, indeed, Soros has made money in every country he has helped to prise "open". In Kosovo, for example, he has invested $50m in an attempt to gain control of the Trepca mine complex, where there are vast reserves of gold, silver, lead and other minerals estimated to be worth in the region of $5bn. He thus copied a pattern he has deployed to great effect over the whole of eastern Europe: of advocating "shock therapy" and "economic reform", then swooping in with his associates to buy valuable state assets at knock-down prices.

    More than a decade after the fall of the Berlin Wall, Soros is the uncrowned king of eastern Europe. His Central European University, with campuses in Budapest, Warsaw and Prague and exchange programmes in the US, unashamedly propagates the ethos of neoliberal capitalism and clones the next pro-American generation of political leaders in the region. With his financial stranglehold over political parties, business, educational institutions and the arts, criticism of Soros in mainstream eastern European media is hard to find. Hagiography is not. The Budapest Sun reported in February how he had been made an honorary citizen of Budapest by the mayor, Gabor Demszky. "Few people have done to Budapest what George Soros has," gushed Demszky, saying that the billionaire had contributed to "structural and mental changes in the capital city and Hungary itself". The mayor failed to add that Soros is also a benefactor of Demszky's own party, the Free Democrats, which, governing with "reform" communists, has pursued the classic Soros agenda of privatisation and economic liberalisation - leading to a widening gap between rich and poor.

    A good read!

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  • Makedonska_Kafana
    An appeal from Wikipedia founder Jimmy Wales

    I got a lot of funny looks ten years ago when I started talking to people about Wikipedia.

    Let’s just say some people were skeptical of the notion that volunteers from all across the world could come together to create a remarkable pool of human knowledge – all for the simple purpose of sharing.

    No ads. No agenda. No strings attached.

    A decade after its founding, nearly 400 million people use Wikipedia and its sister sites every month - almost a third of the Internet-connected world.

    It is the 5th most popular website in the world - but Wikipedia isn’t anything like a commercial website. It is a community creation, written by volunteers making one entry at a time. You are part of our community. And I’m writing today to ask you to protect and sustain Wikipedia.

    Together, we can keep it free of charge and free of advertising. We can keep it open – you can use the information in Wikipedia any way you want. We can keep it growing – spreading knowledge everywhere, and inviting participation from everyone.

    Each year at this time, we reach out to ask you and others all across the Wikimedia community to help sustain our joint enterprise with a modest donation of $20, $35, $50 or more.

    If you value Wikipedia as a source of information – and a source of inspiration – I hope you’ll choose to act right now.

    All the best,

    Jimmy Wales

    Founder, Wikipedia

    P.S. Wikipedia is about the power of people like us to do extraordinary things. People like us write Wikipedia, one word at a time. People like us fund it, one donation at a time. It's proof of our collective potential to change the world.

    Wiki ANYTHING is Soros and he has done major damage to Macedonians and therefore should not be a welcome visitor.
    Last edited by Makedonska_Kafana; 12-02-2010, 11:14 PM.

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  • TrueMacedonian

    Glenn Beck: Wikileaks tied to Soros

    Glenn Beck tied WikiLeaks, and its leader, Julian Assange, to George Soros -- whom Beck has repeatedly attacked as sitting at the center of a vast array of secretive organizations determined to fundamentally alter American society and the world -- during his weekly "At Your Beck And Call" segment on Wednesday's "O'Reilly Factor."

    Beck has focused on WikiLeaks -- whose release of classified State Department cables has unearthed scores of revelations about the inner workings of American diplomacy -- during his television show this week, and so O'Reilly asked him what he thought of the scandal. He replied that he sees it as an attempt to create chaos around the world and destabilize governments. Then, he began comparing Assange to Soros.

    Assange, Beck said, "loves to have just all-open society. Sound familiar?" O'Reilly picked up the reference to Soros' Open Society Institute.

    "You think Assange knows George Soros?"

    "I know Assange is being represented by the attorney who does the pro bono work for George Soros' Open Society Insitute," Beck said. He went on to say that the WikiLeaks scandals were part of an effort to create a "perfect storm" of chaos, and compared the organization to Al Qaeda. Both, he said, are trying to take down America by "a thousand cuts."

    O'Reilly asked if Beck believed, "in your heart," that Soros was "in bed with Assange, knows what his operation is, had a hand in it."

    "I don't think he had a hand in it, but I think he absolutely knows what the operation is," Beck said.

    (Watch the video in the link under the article).

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