Soros, NGOs and Western/foreign meddling in Macedonia

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  • George S.
    I'm not surprised as the cia is behind everything evil.

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  • Makedonska_Kafana
    Originally posted by Onur View Post
    AFAIK, His primal interests are Balkans and ex-USSR countries(mostly Turkic ones with energy sources). Some people also suspected from Soros about Kyrgyzstan havoc of few months ago.

    He also had an office in Istanbul for few years too but there was non-stop protestations to his NGOs here and after few years, he had to close down his office here and then he left Turkey but ofc we cant be sure if he really shut down all his investments here or not since i am sure he has close friends/spies in every country. I remember that his NGO named "open society institude" constantly published reports about the Kurds here.
    your information is solid, keep searching

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  • Onur
    Originally posted by makedonin View Post
    Soros is paying the half Balkan NGO's as far as I know. They are all his stooges, thats much is true.
    AFAIK, His primal interests are Balkans and ex-USSR countries(mostly Turkic ones with energy sources). Some people also suspected from Soros about Kyrgyzstan havoc of few months ago.

    He also had an office in Istanbul for few years too but there was non-stop protestations to his NGOs here and after few years, he had to close down his office here and then he left Turkey but ofc we cant be sure if he really shut down all his investments here or not since i am sure he has close friends/spies in every country. I remember that his NGO named "open society institude" constantly published reports about the Kurds here.
    Last edited by Onur; 11-23-2010, 01:52 PM.

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  • makedonin
    Soros is paying the half Balkan NGO's as far as I know. They are all his stooges, thats much is true.

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  • Makedonska_Kafana
    Originally posted by Onur View Post
    Probably he is working for CIA. At least thats what i think.
    He had no choice in that matter - informant

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  • Onur
    Originally posted by George S. View Post
    Has anyone found oui why he is doing the things he has,for what gain.
    Probably he is working for CIA. At least thats what i think.

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  • George S.
    Has anyone found oui why he is doing the things he has,for what gain.

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  • Bratot
    3. Џорџ Сорос не ѝ ставил на располагање на ФИООМ 812 илјади евра од Ургентниот фонд, како што тврдите вие. Џорџ Сорос создаде Ургентен фонд во износ од 100 милиони американски долари за 19 земји во кои спаѓа и Македонија.

    А1 is financed by SOROS since it's begging
    А1 Македонија е член на Групацијата А1 Телеком Австрија, водечки провајдер за комуникациски и дигитални решенија во Централна и Источна Европа.

    Соросоидите фатени во незаконско единство на печатени и електронски медиуми

    Соросоидите со повеќе пари, и посилни и од владата!

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  • Bratot
    Originally posted by TrueMacedonian View Post
    We would need some help finding out. But anything is possible. I think we need to make everyone aware of how powerful Soros and his influence is.
    I think the questionary of this "Institute" which is on DPMNE side is going In Line with the mentioned effort of SOROS:

    Македонците ПРОТИВ промена на името, Албанците ЗА

    This is indication of SOROS invlovment in structures of DPMNE's goverment.

    Upon the conclusion of the speech, a clearly inspired John Bitove Sr. quickly huddled up with other members in the audience and reinforced the President’s message. It was time for the Diaspora to answer the call and play its part in building a more prosperous Macedonia. Huddled up in that group were: Mike Zafirovski, Mitre Kutanovski, President Crvenkovski, and John Bitove Jr.
    The desire to help was unquestioned, but the challenge was developing an organization and infrastructure that would be able to harness the resources in the Diaspora and deliver that passion and commitment to Macedonia and Macedonians. A review was conducted on how other Diaspora communities have organized themselves to deliver that support, particular attention was given to the Irish, Estonian and Armenian communities.
    We used the success stories from those communities to build a solid foundation and with the help of other individuals Venko Gligorov, Susan Niczowski, Ljupco Naumovski, Ljuben Mitreski and Deyan Kostovski, Macedonia 2025 was born. The core objectives of the organization are: to help promote several key Macedonian industries, to help educate and inspire entrepreneurship, to help ensure an open and transparent democracy and to provide the Diaspora with an opportunity for business networking. All of these objectives help answer President Kennedy and Crevenkovski’s question “Ask not what Macedonia can do for you, ask what you can do for Macedonia?”
    Crvenkovski and Gligorov took the deal with SOROS and members of SDSM founded the SOROS institution in Macedonia, as I already pointed out getting 7+ milions $ a year for their "projects".

    Venko Gligorov's Eurobalkan institute is also sponsored by Soros

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  • George S.
    i wonder how much euros he's given to macedonia??

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  • Risto the Great
    Originally posted by kykypajko View Post
    heheh jokes on you.....what you don't understand is that people in stari kraj laugh at nashi who act like you do

    има и скопско и прелепско и битолско има се убаво тука хајнекен и турборг има и све

    тате и јас ќе давам $10 долари


    леле бре сега ќе те викам Блажо дека исто ко него не можиш да следиш македонски и најголем патриот си правиш од тугина. госпо да чуе колкави македонски има на интернет, спремани веднаш да се дераат ко абдули
    kykypajko, any idea where the money went?

    Originally posted by kykypajko
    what you don't understand is that people in stari kraj laugh at nashi who act like you do
    Do they laugh at themselves for voting for the Ohrid Agreement? What a bunch of jokers.

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  • Makedonska_Kafana
    UMD puts the Honeymooners to shame!

    YouTube - Norton Captain Video video

    Border Police
    Last edited by Makedonska_Kafana; 11-23-2010, 01:10 AM.

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  • kykypajko
    Originally posted by Makedonska_Kafana View Post


    YouTube - K-15, MyMacedonia!
    heheh jokes on you.....what you don't understand is that people in stari kraj laugh at nashi who act like you do

    има и скопско и прелепско и битолско има се убаво тука хајнекен и турборг има и све

    тате и јас ќе давам $10 долари


    леле бре сега ќе те викам Блажо дека исто ко него не можиш да следиш македонски и најголем патриот си правиш од тугина. госпо да чуе колкави македонски има на интернет, спремани веднаш да се дераат ко абдули

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  • TrueMacedonian
    Originally posted by Bratot View Post
    Од институтот Тодор Александров информираат дека анкетата била спровведена кон крајот на месец Септември, а во истата биле опфатени 1004 испитаници. Анкета била на барање на институтот, а спроведена од агенцијата Брима Галуп

    51% од граганите, кои одговориле на анкетата на институтот Тодор Александров нема да подржат име кое би било заеднички предлог на сите македонски политички ...

    БРИМА е основана 1992 година како прва независна истражувачка агенција во Р Македонија, joint venture (партнерски односи) со GALLUP INTERNATIONAL .

    Is there some connection?
    We would need some help finding out. But anything is possible. I think we need to make everyone aware of how powerful Soros and his influence is.

    Pelister said;

    The push to build up public opinion for the break up of parts of Macedonia into a greater Albania, is being led by none other than Soros, although he wouldn't be the only one. What is interesting is that this organisation, and other anti-Macedonian organisations use terms such as 'multi-ethnic' and 'diversity' and even 'equality' as a mask for what are secessionist motives, and objectives.
    Prescisely. And we should keep an eye on another group which is in it to make a quick buck off of Macedonia -

    The Origins of Macedonia 2025

    We all remember this famous quote, it was on January 20th, 1961, “Ask not what your country can do for you; ask what you can do for your country” President Kennedy’s inauguration speech instilled in Americans a renewed sense of civic duty. Years later, this quote was repeated by another President hoping to garner a similar reaction.
    It was the spring of 2005 and it was President Crvenkovski who invoked that celebrated quote during a speech in front of the Macedonian community in Toronto. President Crvenkovski drew numerous comparisons with the Irish Diaspora and their involvement in turning around Ireland’s economy, with the potential and resources that exist in the Macedonian Diaspora.
    Upon the conclusion of the speech, a clearly inspired John Bitove Sr. quickly huddled up with other members in the audience and reinforced the President’s message. It was time for the Diaspora to answer the call and play its part in building a more prosperous Macedonia. Huddled up in that group were: Mike Zafirovski, Mitre Kutanovski, President Crvenkovski, and John Bitove Jr.
    The desire to help was unquestioned, but the challenge was developing an organization and infrastructure that would be able to harness the resources in the Diaspora and deliver that passion and commitment to Macedonia and Macedonians. A review was conducted on how other Diaspora communities have organized themselves to deliver that support, particular attention was given to the Irish, Estonian and Armenian communities.
    We used the success stories from those communities to build a solid foundation and with the help of other individuals Venko Gligorov, Susan Niczowski, Ljupco Naumovski, Ljuben Mitreski and Deyan Kostovski, Macedonia 2025 was born. The core objectives of the organization are: to help promote several key Macedonian industries, to help educate and inspire entrepreneurship, to help ensure an open and transparent democracy and to provide the Diaspora with an opportunity for business networking. All of these objectives help answer President Kennedy and Crevenkovski’s question “Ask not what Macedonia can do for you, ask what you can do for Macedonia?”

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  • George S.
    good point bbs well put.For the same reasons i don't have a high regard for him that he would sell his own mother for euros.If we are a fraction smart we would not even contemplate changing our name let alone negotiating with the enemy.

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