The crowd demanded that gruevski resign for various reasons,For murder and corruption etc.
Soros, NGOs and Western/foreign meddling in Macedonia
"Ido not want an uprising of people that would leave me at the first failure, I want revolution with citizens able to bear all the temptations to a prolonged struggle, what, because of the fierce political conditions, will be our guide or cattle to the slaughterhouse"
The European Union foreign ministers will discuss the tense political situation in Macedonia on Monday, Bulgaria’s foreign minister Daniel Mitov has said. “Europe is acting together,” Bulgarian news outlet BGNES quoted Mitov as saying.
whilst Macedonians in the Republic continue to hate on each other, and hate on their diaspora, the west seeks to step in, again
You see, this is what happens with NATIONALISM - blind one eyed allegiance to a political PARTY and not PATRIOTISM - allegiance to COUNTRY"The moral revolution - the revolution of the mind, heart and soul of an enslaved people, is our greatest task."__________________Gotse Delchev
Croatians,Serbians,Slovenians Mock Soros Media &Traitors SDSM Macedonian Opposition
iceman: There is an article which was let out days before that soros propaganda machine would be claiming that there was 100,000 protesters. Now we know that this is a soros-eu-nato-us-zaev-conspiracy against Macedonia and its sovereignty.
We know that it is foreign bastards who provided these taped conversations to the treacherous dog zaev to destabilize Macedonia and destroy it.(in other words there are foreign spies spying on Macedonia)
Any one with SDSM are traitors and are not looking to support Macedonia and its people.
Ever notice that these EU-NATO-USA-SOROS bastards never call the Albanian terrorists in Macedonia terrorists but "armed groups" ... Sound familiar .. yes thats what happened in 2001 .. Listen to me you SDSM bastards , there is a reason why the EU-NATO-USA-SOROS want Gruevski out and its because they cannot control him like a puppet to change the name-to get rid of the Russian pipleline (which will give huge revenues to Macedonia and its people) and also to create a greater Albania and carve up Macedonia one and for all. Traitor Zaev is ready to be this treacherous puppet.. Mark my words if Gruevski government fall so will Macedonia
Serbians and Croatians apparently have had it with Soros owned media in both countries. Citizens of these two countries used the social networks to attack the propaganda placed by Blic, RTB, Tanjug, B92, Index... who became infamous for reporting on dozens of killed civilians and "battles" in Skopje and Tetovo during the Kumanovo incident. Today, Soros owned media lied that 100,000 protesters gathered to support the opposition in Skopje, which was mocked by everyone in the Balkans.
MINA warned before the protest that Soros owned media had precooked articles weeks ago where they were instructed to present today's protest as numbering 100,000.
Some of the comments across the Balkans are interesting to say the least, with sarcasm taking the lead. It appears every single individuals knows one thing for sure. Macedonia is being destabilized from outside, SDSM and Kosovo terrorists are simply pions used for the destabilization from the inside.
We have translated quite a few comments from social media, the originals are available at the end of the article.
"Gruevski is one terrible dude, Macedonia has the strongest economy in Europe, and that's just terrible!".... "Macedonia's economy is enough to raise the alarm in Washington, Americans don't like countries who do well" ....
"Lets get this right. The Macedonian opposition has tapes of wiretapps that the Macedonian Government has supposedly spied on people. Yet the wiretapped "people" are all Macedonian Government officials?? So isn't it obvious that the CIA/NSA has spied on Macedonian officials and given the tapes to the opposition who then edited them?" asks a Slovenian citizen.
"Macedonian opposition wants to take over the Government, but they don't want elections, is it because they can't win?"
"If Macedonia allows to be played by the Americans, well look at the Ukrainians, they no longer have a country. Just look at them under American control... tragic!" commented another Slovenian citizen.
"The US should really not make it this obvious who is behind the protest" ....
"100,000? I don't see even 15,000 people here" .... "I don't think these people know why they are there, the Government just won their elections overwhelmingly" ...
"Macedonian Zombies?"
"100,000 people? Is it a joke? AFP reported is around 20,000. Looking at the TV, I sincerely doubt it's even 20,000"
"It looks the "opposition" is bothered that IMF predicted highest GDP growth for Macedonia +4.7%, compared to Serbia's -0.5".... "Look out Macedonia, the vultures did the same thing to Serbia, took down the Government by force, look at us now"...
"We have terrible experience with the West, these protests are financed by them"..."20,000? who are you kidding?" It's obvious Foreign Government(s) is behind the failed protest".
These are just some of the comments left in both Serbia, Croatia and Slovenia. Samples of their comments are available below.
Our old friend, billionaire George Soros owns 28 newsportals and TV stations just in the Balkans. Has de facto control of the English speaking propaganda machine, working in tandem with the CIA.
US news giant Fox news has an interesting article of dozens of US journalists at over 30 leading newspapers being on Soros' payroll and publishing propaganda in synchronicity - among which are (ABC News, NY Times, Seattle Times, CBS, NBC, NPR, San Francisco Times, Washington Post ...). When you throw in the CIA involvement into the Western media (US, Australian and British)... you're likely to never get the truth, on any event. //Gorazd VelkovskiLast edited by iceman; 05-18-2015, 08:07 AM.
Interesting, seems like the regular Slovene, Croat and Serb knows whats up.
In macedonia we have an unusual mix that think Gruevski created this false flag attack, the americans have no interest in the region/pipeline, zaev is the savior and better then gruevski, and that albanians are on the side of macedonia because for one sole day in macedonia's 20+ history they march together with macedonians.
What a odd bunch of characters those macedonians are
Originally posted by iceman View PostNow we know that this is a soros-eu-nato-us-zaev-conspiracy against Macedonia and its sovereignty.
We know that it is foreign bastards who provided these taped conversations to the treacherous dog zaev to destabilize Macedonia and destroy it.(in other words there are foreign spies spying on Macedonia)
Any one with SDSM are traitors and are not looking to support Macedonia and its people.
Ever notice that these EU-NATO-USA-SOROS bastards never call the Albanian terrorists in Macedonia terrorists but "armed groups" ... Sound familiar .. yes thats what happened in 2001 .. Listen to me you SDSM bastards , there is a reason why the EU-NATO-USA-SOROS want Gruevski out and its because they cannot control him like a puppet to change the name-to get rid of the Russian pipleline (which will give huge revenues to Macedonia and its people) and also to create a greater Albania and carve up Macedonia one and for all. Traitor Zaev is ready to be this treacherous puppet.. Mark my words if Gruevski government fall so will Macedonia
2. Do you know that that main strategy of every single government since macedonian independence is admission in EU and NATO? Gruevski election program is no exception. Do you need this fact to be drawn to you?
3. Do you know that many Macedonians on this forum actually live in countries part of these bastards EU-NATO-USA-Soros?
4. The only thing these bastard Soros-NATO-USA-EU member states told this sick man gruevski is that he should do something about these recordings like in any democratic state? He is not the only prime minister involved in corruption but he got caught.
5. Do you know that gruevski is negotiation for name change of Macedonia?
6. Finally if he does not want Macedonia of these bastard EU-NATO alliances he should state that publicly in front of the Macedonian public.
Hey Juggling Clown , who let you out of the circus
I’ve been a member since 2008, where were you. . Exactly! now where to be seen on this forum.
You could be a Greek Setter -Albanian Shiptar or affiliated with SDSM deliberately posting propaganda on this forum. The only ones that are with SDSM are the treacherous dogs who have affiliated themselves Soros-EU-Nato-USA to change Macedonia’s name-remove the pipeline going through Macedonia and eventually create a Greater Albania
Read the writing on the wall ... Let the big boys on this forum analyse what the reality is.... Oh is that your mum calling you Ramo to change your dipper.
To debate what ? I don’t debate with juggling clowns when the situation is clearly obvious .. . All I see is a carbon copy of 2001. So sit back and relax
OK big mamma boy. I never mind insults from intellectually inferior people. You are best silenced with facts. I have always been more interested in Macedonian history but the unacceptable situation made me interested in politics, especially in the last year. You can easily check what topics i commented on. And i never had any need to express my political position not until few months ago because i see where Macedonia is going - to total dictatorship. I have posted in topics about Pulevski, Miladinovi, the macedonian dictionary from 16 century, macedonians calling themselves Macedonians in bulgarian sources etc. So your accusations of me being greek or albanian are pure nonsense.
I see who defend. Milenko who doesn't mind name change.
And gruevski and milosovski who also consider name change that will be put on refferendum that you and you alike will be forced by threats to go out and vote for.
sdsm, сдсм, Zaev, Заев, Sekerinska, Shekerinska, Шекеринска, Шеќеринска, bomba, ime, imeto, име, името
Let the facts speak for themselves.
This is the main goal of the Macedonian foreign politics as written in dpmne program (2014-2018).
Надворешната политика на Македонија во идниот период ќе биде посветена на следните приоритети:
» Членство во НАТО;
» Отпочнување на преговорите за членство во Европската унија и зачленување во ЕУ;
And no i can not sit back and relax while dpmne propaganda dogs try to persuade people in this sick man gruevski "honest" intentions. The facts show completely different situation.
note this
Most people on this forum love Macedonia, and everyone has a different perspective and opinion, one thing we dont do is attack each other with personal insults
this is part of it Ramo, the Ohrid Framework Agreement
Ramo, regardless SDMS or VMRO, both of these political parties are not for a sovereign Macedonia
As long as the OFA and IA are being implemented, and strategically at that, Macedonia will continue to lose its sovereign status
Both the EU and Nato, if you havent worked it out yet, are playing strategic games with Macedonia - would have entered regardless of Greece crying over the name. The EU has had ecomomies crumbling, and countries regret being part of this
As long as there are accession talks, to enter into what Macedonians see as a paradise, instead of a hell, there will be career politicians without moral compass eroding he nation
As for the virtues of SDMS give me a break, Cervenkovski signed the Ohrid Framework Agreement, and denying Macedonia its own soverieng status in the process
No one on the forum has been applauding Gruevski, on the contrary, most people here are highly critical of the party, as they are with SDMS
Situation is neither are fit to govern Macedonia
It is not picking the "lesser of 2 evils" its about having transparency , and working on the best intentions for Macedonia, and opening up trade with other countries, and investment for the economy, and employment.
Instead, we have corrupted parties that are selling out , and working on a corrupt process of membership of party equates to employment. This is detrimental to democracy
You want facts. Facts all stated above.
As for SDMS< Zaev taking happy selfies all over the internet on day policeman buried from the Kumanovo attack is really poor form. Immoral actually
The shit storm that is Macedonian politics is a huge problem
As have said, neither party is fit to govern, and quite frankly, as long as the mud slinging between the parties continues, the more west will involve themselves ( and no, I am against any country involving itself with Macedonia, and one of the reasons have been anti EU and NAto entry for Macedonia for a long time )"The moral revolution - the revolution of the mind, heart and soul of an enslaved people, is our greatest task."__________________Gotse Delchev
Originally posted by julie View PostRamo
note this
Most people on this forum love Macedonia, and everyone has a different perspective and opinion, one thing we dont do is attack each other with personal insults
Let me tell you what i mean by the sea of information. The framework agreement is signed not by branko, but by SDSM, DPMNE, and 2 albanian political parties. The leaders of those parties signed the agreement. So there were 4 leaders of political parties, the president and 2 foreign representatives.Last edited by ramo; 05-19-2015, 12:41 PM.
Peace Ramo.
Interim Accord was signed 1995 with the name negotiation fiascoes
My point is this, SDMS and VMRO are both equally complicit in those 2 treasonous agreements ( OFA) in continuance of playing the charade of entering EU and NATO
I want to reiterate, that neither party I see fit to govern Macedonia
Your arguments in regard to gruevski and pointing out what VMRO are prioritising in regard to entry into EU and NATO - just want this for clarity, because am not understanding your point, and as you say, its a sea of information on the internet.
SDMS up until Gruevski govt was elected, had a hand in dealing and negotiating, what at that time, Macedonians thought would be magical for the country into entering EU.
The critique that VMRO need to be stood down due to stalwarts in this ludicrous entry is, that SDMS did not achieve that either
Reason being Ramo, is that EU and NATO have NIL intention of ever allowing Macedonia to become a member
And as time has gone on, people in EU countries regret becoming members
What possible benefit will Macedonia have, if tomorrow, Macedonia was granted membership ?
Look at the criticism from the EU, I posted a video you tube chastising Macedonia for neutralising what was a terrorist attack on its soil, instead, calling for "dialogue" - and further insulting Macedonia by stating "Kumanovo is an ethnic Albanian town ".....last time I looked, Kumanovo had not moved to Tirana.
My point is, Macedonia would be handing what little sovereignty she has for EU membership. And there has been great discussions and debates here, on how Macedonia could have moved forward and away from all this
If Macedonians dont see the Ohrid Framework Agreement and the Interim Accord as an affront and insult, to their soveriegn nation, then, they cannot possible be Macedonian citizens
There is a big difference , and this is something I am going to keep repeating, in Patriotism and Nationalism
Patriotism is love and allegiance to one's country
Nationalism is blind faith in a political party
Rational people stand back and look at what is in the best interests for their country and all of its citizens. Having blind faith in one political party , without having the ability to criticise , or question transparency, is not patriotism - every governing political party needs to be held accountable for where Macedonia finds itself today.
One thing will say that is a huge positive the last few weeks, is regardless for whatever reason, that Macedonian citizens are starting to protest. Protest is good, because it shows passion, and shows they care about where Macedonia is heading
I hope this clears up for you = that , my stance is putting 100 percent faith into one political party is madness, especially considering both parties are tainted"The moral revolution - the revolution of the mind, heart and soul of an enslaved people, is our greatest task."__________________Gotse Delchev
Originally posted by iceman View Posticeman: There is an article which was let out days before that soros propaganda machine would be claiming that there was 100,000 protesters. Now we know that this is a soros-eu-nato-us-zaev-conspiracy against Macedonia and its sovereignty.
We know that it is foreign bastards who provided these taped conversations to the treacherous dog zaev to destabilize Macedonia and destroy it.(in other words there are foreign spies spying on Macedonia)
Any one with SDSM are traitors and are not looking to support Macedonia and its people.
Ever notice that these EU-NATO-USA-SOROS bastards never call the Albanian terrorists in Macedonia terrorists but "armed groups" ... Sound familiar .. yes thats what happened in 2001 .. Listen to me you SDSM bastards , there is a reason why the EU-NATO-USA-SOROS want Gruevski out and its because they cannot control him like a puppet to change the name-to get rid of the Russian pipleline (which will give huge revenues to Macedonia and its people) and also to create a greater Albania and carve up Macedonia one and for all. Traitor Zaev is ready to be this treacherous puppet.. Mark my words if Gruevski government fall so will Macedonia
Serbians and Croatians apparently have had it with Soros owned media in both countries. Citizens of these two countries used the social networks to attack the propaganda placed by Blic, RTB, Tanjug, B92, Index... who became infamous for reporting on dozens of killed civilians and "battles" in Skopje and Tetovo during the Kumanovo incident. Today, Soros owned media lied that 100,000 protesters gathered to support the opposition in Skopje, which was mocked by everyone in the Balkans.
MINA warned before the protest that Soros owned media had precooked articles weeks ago where they were instructed to present today's protest as numbering 100,000.
Some of the comments across the Balkans are interesting to say the least, with sarcasm taking the lead. It appears every single individuals knows one thing for sure. Macedonia is being destabilized from outside, SDSM and Kosovo terrorists are simply pions used for the destabilization from the inside.
We have translated quite a few comments from social media, the originals are available at the end of the article.
"Gruevski is one terrible dude, Macedonia has the strongest economy in Europe, and that's just terrible!".... "Macedonia's economy is enough to raise the alarm in Washington, Americans don't like countries who do well" ....
"Lets get this right. The Macedonian opposition has tapes of wiretapps that the Macedonian Government has supposedly spied on people. Yet the wiretapped "people" are all Macedonian Government officials?? So isn't it obvious that the CIA/NSA has spied on Macedonian officials and given the tapes to the opposition who then edited them?" asks a Slovenian citizen.
"Macedonian opposition wants to take over the Government, but they don't want elections, is it because they can't win?"
"If Macedonia allows to be played by the Americans, well look at the Ukrainians, they no longer have a country. Just look at them under American control... tragic!" commented another Slovenian citizen.
"The US should really not make it this obvious who is behind the protest" ....
"100,000? I don't see even 15,000 people here" .... "I don't think these people know why they are there, the Government just won their elections overwhelmingly" ...
"Macedonian Zombies?"
"100,000 people? Is it a joke? AFP reported is around 20,000. Looking at the TV, I sincerely doubt it's even 20,000"
"It looks the "opposition" is bothered that IMF predicted highest GDP growth for Macedonia +4.7%, compared to Serbia's -0.5".... "Look out Macedonia, the vultures did the same thing to Serbia, took down the Government by force, look at us now"...
"We have terrible experience with the West, these protests are financed by them"..."20,000? who are you kidding?" It's obvious Foreign Government(s) is behind the failed protest".
These are just some of the comments left in both Serbia, Croatia and Slovenia. Samples of their comments are available below.
Our old friend, billionaire George Soros owns 28 newsportals and TV stations just in the Balkans. Has de facto control of the English speaking propaganda machine, working in tandem with the CIA.
US news giant Fox news has an interesting article of dozens of US journalists at over 30 leading newspapers being on Soros' payroll and publishing propaganda in synchronicity - among which are (ABC News, NY Times, Seattle Times, CBS, NBC, NPR, San Francisco Times, Washington Post ...). When you throw in the CIA involvement into the Western media (US, Australian and British)... you're likely to never get the truth, on any event. //Gorazd Velkovski
Almost ironic, that Croatians, Serbs, and Slovenians agree that the media has been biased to the point of vomit against Macedonia, and that Soros has been funding the opposition
Only Macedonians dont and cant see that !"The moral revolution - the revolution of the mind, heart and soul of an enslaved people, is our greatest task."__________________Gotse Delchev
According to you the Diaspora is retarded, and has no right or say in anything that happens in Macedonia, so then what you care if we are ill informed, manipulated, and lost in the sea?
Originally posted by ramo View PostLook julie. I already told you to go and check your eyes on doctor.It is not insult it is just my advice. This is not the first time i am being addressed by you for such thing. This is second time i only respond to insults and you jump against me and pretend you did not see i was the first being insulted. I was supposed to write this on private message because i do not want to be off topic, but i see people here like to disclose private messages. I respect everyone opinion as long as it is not personal and i do not need to be tutored like in primary school. This forum has administrators and if i break any rule for the way i write or for the way i response to personal insults (not attacks) i can easily be banned, warned or censored. If i see that many people do not want the facts i am posting or if many think that i deliberately spread propaganda i would simply stop writing or reduce my posts. Nothing i write here changes the situation in Macedonia and nobody in Macedonia has gain from what i write here, i write simply because i see people have difficulties finding their way of the sea of information placed on internet.
Let me tell you what i mean by the sea of information. The framework agreement is signed not by branko, but by SDSM, DPMNE, and 2 albanian political parties. The leaders of those parties signed the agreement. So there were 4 leaders of political parties, the president and 2 foreign representatives.
Originally posted by Gocka View PostAccording to you the Diaspora is retarded, and has no right or say in anything that happens in Macedonia, so then what you care if we are ill informed, manipulated, and lost in the sea?
I am apparently a hat trick according to our friend
all of lost, stupid, and blind.
Observations which dont matter seeing am diaspora
Pity does not have that critique of political parties in Macedonia, its blind faith and deep love"The moral revolution - the revolution of the mind, heart and soul of an enslaved people, is our greatest task."__________________Gotse Delchev
We in the Diaspora have the luxury of seeing the big picture and can use wonderfully broad brush strokes in matters pertaining to Macedonia.
The devil is in the detail and I feel sorry for Macedonians in the Republic. I think they are victims of their environment. There are injustices all over the world and I think I got pretty lucky being born in my little part of the world.Risto the Great
"Holding my breath for the revolution."
Hey, I wrote a bestseller. Check it out: